Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jan 1932, p. 5

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| vy | | | { | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1932 PAGE FIVE 1 Women's Interests in the Home and the Co:s:munity Socia' and Personal Readers are invited to sub mit « social and personal items for publication in this column indly eend or phone them to Fhe Times office. Phone 85 or after office hours to Miss Lois Mundy Phone 312. Group two of Northminster Liited Church met at the home of Mrs. W. Jones, 369 Mary Street on Tuesday afternoon. Plans for the performance of the piay, "What Happened to Bet- ty" by the Young People's So- ciety of Simcoe street United Church, were completed, an play will be presented on*Febru- ary the tenth. At the conclusion >f the business meeting, Mrs. Jones was assisted in serving tea by Mrs. BE. Leavens. Miss Kathleen Conlin, Athol Street, is the guest of Miss Anna Williamson, of Toronto, r * - Edgar Miller, entertained the club at their The Mr ard Mrs. Horton Avenue, "Nite Hawk" euchr rome on Tuesday evening. ladies' first prize was won by Mrs. H. Andrews, and the se~- ond by Mrs. J. Darling. Mr. RK. Perry and Mr. R. Perry won the gentlemen's prizes, . L Mrs. Irving Robertson, of Tor- ontc. who was in town yesterday to organize a branch of the Moth- ercraft Society, was the guest of Mrs. Gordon Conant at luncheon. Other guests of Mrs. Conant who were invited to meet Mrs. Rob- errson represented different wo- men's organizations in the city. They were: Mrs. R. 8. Mcl.augh- lin-of the Home and School Coun- cil: Mrs, Gordon Ratcliffe, of the Girl Guides: Mrs. G. W. Garuer, of the Social Service-coramittee of the Won con's Welfare League; Mrs. H. B. James, of the sor "ervice committee 22 the Oshawa General Hospital; Mrs, H. H. Rans. social service worker for the Hospital; Miss MacWilliams, superintendent of the Oshawa Hospital and Miss B. Harris, of the Public' Health Department. Mss M. I. Sivers, secretary to Mrs Robertson, was also a guest at the luncheon given by Mrs. Conant. WOMEN'S MEETINGS DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND Tuesday evening the Daugh- ters of England met in the S.0.E. Hall withthe new Worthy Matron, re Fitches in the chair. Sister Glov- er was elected the Cpnvenor of the kitchen com 9 in place of Sister Newman. Many plans uehler | ros. Ltd. Mothercraft Society to be Formed in Oshawa Mrs. Irving Robertson Who Heads Toronto Society Tells Oshawa Women Virtues of Mothercraft It was decided at a meeting of' representatives of every women's organization of the city, held yesterday afternoon in | Rotary Hall to orgapiZe in Oshawa, a branch of thd Canadian Mother- craft Society. \ Mrs. Irving Rob- ertson, who hedds the Toronto Branch and who is a former member of the Mothercraft So- ciety of New Zealand, spoke to the Women of Oshawa and laid hefore them facts concerning the society and the wonderful work it has done in lowering the in- fant mortality rate, since its e~inning in Toronto. Mrs. Rob- ertson gave statistics to prove that the Mothercraft Society is well worthy of a place along with other social service organi- 'ations. In New Zealand the death ~ate has, through the efforts of the Mothercraft been lowered from seventy-one per cent, to sixty-one per cent. It has been very active in South Africa and Palestine. The Mothercraft centres are apen to all mothers anq pros- nective mothers of every walk of 'fe. Trained nurses who have "urthered their knowledre of nursing by taking the Mother- ~raft courses are employed to ~ive instruction in prenatal and nostnatal care. Difficult and un- usual cases are dealt with, with very little expense to the mother, if ghe is not in a position to pay. Thus giving he children a proper ~nd healthy start in the world. "I wou'a like to see the omen of Ontario have such a *'ne record of health in them- alves and their chil"ren that "oy will be an examnle for the ~thrr women of the Dominion," ~'4 Mrs. Ro"ertgon, The Canadian Mothereraft So- 'ety i8 not yet a year old. It 'rq started in Toronto last "*~r~h, but the number of moth- =~ that have been helped and the ~umber of children that have Feen brou~ht successfullv into the world by the Mothercraft nurses fs amazin~. Mrs. Robertson told a number of stories that have form- ed a romantic background for the voung Canadian Society. The Mothercraft started in 1918 in Enrland with the young war brides that were leaving the country to go to New Zealand. It met with so great success that were discussed for the good of the lodge. One of these was to form a club for future outings, and Sister Gutsole was appointed in charge of it. A party for tne Daughters of England and their fricnds will be held next Tues- day evening at the home of Sister Hoitens, 22 Bruce Street. The members are requested to bring some lunch and a small of groceries to the after euchres - that will start in weeks' time. MARK EMPIRE DAY lodge two London, Jan, 27. -- Women in | all parts of the British Empire 12 King E. Phone 1147 L. 22¢ ». 8¢ CORNED BEEF Ib. 18¢ JEWEL Shortening 2 lb. 19c CHOPS Ib. 15¢ PORK LIVER Bb. OC Boneless Rolled VEAL Loin or Rib LAMB CHOPS Brisket BOILING BEEF Cooked | are to be asked to agree that on | Erupire Day thik year and on fu- ture Empire Days they shall use at their tables only food products of their own and other parts of the Empire. The appeal is being made by the women's committee formed by the Fellowship of the British Fmplire Exhibition under the cheirmanship of Mrs. Amery, wife of the Hon. L. C."M, S. Amery, former Conservative secretary of state for the Dominions. Mrs. Anery is a native uv. Whitby, On- tairio and a sister of Lord Green- wood. it is urged that women of the Empire should give first pre- ference to the products of their own farms, gardens and factories anc then preference to the pro- ducts of other parts of the Em- pire. 4 The committee includes wo- men having special links with the various great Empire organiza- tions, and with almost every part of the overseas Empire. It is declared a favorable reply has al- ready been received from Govern- | ment House, at Ottawa, indicat- ing that the Countess of Bess- borough, wife of Canada's Gov- | B. C. Colpus, parcel | the New Zealand women of today sponsor the largest Mothercraft Society in the world, The fee to become a member of the Society is $2.00, but that does not mean that every mother who wans advise and care of the Mothercraft must pay that amount, If she is. not in a posi- tion to do so, she is helped all the same. The Society will work along with the Public Health Department, the Oshawa General Hospital and the Welfare Society, and the Home and School Coun- ell. Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, who as nresident of the Home and School Council presided over the meet- ing yesterday afternoon said when it was decided by a vote of the women present, te organize in Oshawa. "I believe we are enter- ing on a work that will be of un- told value." Mrs. Gordon Conant who is rreatly in favor of seeing: Mothercraft in Oshawa said: "I think it is the very necessary 'ink in the chain to join up the Publje Health, the Home and School Council, the Oshawa Hos- nital and the different Welfare Societies." Miss B, Harris of the Public Health Department, ex- pressed herself as being very an- xious for Mothercraft in Oshawa, stating that the Public Health Department could do only a lit tle throueh fits clinics in helning mothers and expectant mothers. fneakine for the entire Public Health Department, Miss Harris sald, "I would like to see the Mothercraft established, especial ly for the prenatal care and in- struction it would give to meth- ers, . Mra. W. G, Garner, of the So- ~jal. Service Committee of the Nshawa Women's Welfare T.ea ue andorsed Motherrraft with the anproval of the whole League. Mrs. H. B. James of the Hospital Auxiliary Social Service depart- As \, 3 ment expressed herself ag being | hiehly in favor of the organiza- | tion. Miss E. MacWilliams, ~ndent of the Oshawa General | Hospital, sald "There is a great n~ed of Mothereraft in Oshawa." There is no trouble while the mother ard Faby are in the hos- ital but there is no one to care for them after they leave and in many cases the child contracts ome fatal disease. With Mother- | craft in the city to watch these | new ba'ies such tragedies would be checked, Miss MacWilliams promised to mention 'the Mother- craft at the next meeting of the Hospital Alumnae. Mrs. Gordon Ratcliffe, spoke on behalf of the future mothers of the city, the Girl Guides, Mrs. Oshawa's woman member of the Board of Educa- tion said "If we can do anything to check the infant death rate we should do it." Mrs. Frank superin- | contains Robson, of the Catholic Women's League was also in favor of Mothercraft, | Miss Myrtle Chappell a grad- | uate of the Oszhawa General Hos- | pital was introduced at the | meeting yesterday as the nurse | who will go to the training | school in Toronto to become one | of the Mothercraft nurses. | What New York | is Wearing CHARMING LITLE MODEL THAT J) LITE I Puffed Up oo By o ~ puff Wet Dn® 49° ot oh Oe" The hodice shows A ence for basque effect, nd isn't the | s Sleeves for the | youthful Again debutante, women types. | | { Sth BURSG}:SS BEDTIHE STOKE By Thornton W. Burgess OLD MAN COYOTE FEELS DIFFERENTLY A well filled 'stomach blues And paints the hues. ends the world in rosy --O0ld Man Coyote. isn Little Joe Otter enjoys fishing al- most as much as he does sliding. He enjoys it so much that some- times I fear he forgets that enough is enough and catches more fish than he can eat, He waen't really hungry now as he fished in the open pool below a certain fall of the Laughing Brook below the dam of Paddy the Beaver deep in the Green Forest, He was fishing for sheer love of the sport, he caught were not wasted. ing them as fast at Little Joe dropped them on the jce. Old man Coyote was 80 hungry that he was | greedy and swallowed some of the smaller fish whole. "I don't said Old Man Coyote admiringly. "No, sir, I don't see how you do it." Little Joe chuckled. "Come down under water and then you arrangement gives lovely the figure. smart height to A deep blue shade crepe silk | made the original. It is very gay ind smart scheme' beneath 'the fur wrap, Vivid-red crepe is equal- ly attractive. Then axain, you may be plan- iing on adding one more sheer velvet to your wardrobe. You won't make any mistake by choos- ing black or wine-red. Style No. 864 is designed in izes 12, 14, and 38 inches bust. quires 3 fal. Size 16 re- Winter Fashion Magazine styles for children, miss, a most attractive for adults including slenderizin~ effects for stouts. And ineidental- ly, you will save money b) ing vour frock from our Pg models. Our Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- red). Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, The Flavor of Your Tooking is Won«~ derfully Improved May we show you how to put new flavor in your old favorite dishes? This little book "New Magic in the Kitchen" is filled with recipes for the most delightful things to cat-- puddings, cakes, salads, ice cream 180 tested recipes in all. Try this recipe for Cream Rice Pudding 1] cup rice 2{ cup Eagle Brand : cups water 2 eggs teaspoon salt 4 cop raising Wash rice thoroughly and cook in double boiler with water and salt until rics is tender and the water absorbed. Add condensed milk, beaten eggs and raisins, and continue cooking for fifteen minutes. Serve hot or cold. Clip this coupon today. Your copy of "Now Magic" will be mailed Eo lutely free. The Borden Co., Limited But the fish | No, | indeed! Old man Coyote was eat- | see how you"do it," 16, 18, 20 years, 36 | } 3-4 yards 30-inch mater- | the | selection | Pattern | | will see," said he. "That is where you are mis- taken," replied Old Man Coyote. If 1 should go under water 1 wouldn't see a thing. I would be too husy trying to get back to the surface to sce anything. Dod you swim with your eyes open?" Little Joe stared at Old Man Coyote, and the look on his face was funny. "Say," he drawled, "how do you suppose I caught those fish if I didn't see them, and how could I have sean them if ¥ hadn't my eyes open?" "But isn't it dark down there? It looks black to me," protested Oia Man Coyote, "That is because you are out here in the light," replied Little Joe, "There is all the light 1 ueed down there, How do you like those fifsh?" "How do I like fish?" ed Old Man Coyote. ed." ingly. He knew that it is hunger that gives the finest flavor to food, and that Old Man Coyote haa been starving. "That is | tood," sajd Little Joe. "I'm go- ing after another now and prob- ably it will be the last for those | fish are so scared that most of | them have gone into hiding where I cannot find them. If there is | one in sight T will get him." "Can you swim faster than they can," asked Old Man Coy- ote, ' "Of course," replied Little Joe. "If I couldn't I wouldn't catch many." . "Then you are some swimmer!" adaciared Old Man Coyote admir- ingly. "Oh, T get along," replied Lit- tle Joe modestly and slipped in- | to the water. He was gone a | icng time, so long that Old Man Coyote began to wonder {f some- he climbed out on the ice with ! the largest trout he had yet caught, As he had done with snme of the others, he took a bite right out the back of the head, his favorite part, then tossed the fish to Old Man Coyote.. "I am song back to slide some more," tald he, and without giving Old Map Coyote a chance to thank him, was off, headed for his | slipper slide. Old Man Coyote fish, licked his lips, yawned, stretched, looked in the direc- tion Little Joe had disappeared, znd then turned to trot home. | Somehow the whole Great World | had changed. It no longer seem- ed a hard and cruel place. He liked the snow. He liked sough- finished his { ing of the pines as Brother North | | Wind swept through their tops. | He liked the nip of Jack Frost. He forgot that these were hard times. He felt strong and full of vigor. There was nothing he wanted just now hut a nap, and that he would have as soon as he got home, 'And it was all because at last he had a full stomach, } "Tl am glad I didn't try to catch Little Joe Otter as I had | planned to do," he muttered. He | had reason to bo glad, more than one reason, | (Copyright, 1 | Burgess) BAHAMA TOMATOES ~ FINDING FAVOR | WITH HOUSEWIVES Large Quantiiies From : | West Indies Shipped to Several Cities Montreal, Jan. 28.--Although the | shipment of Bahama tomatoes to | € anada in quantity began only last year, it is expected that before the present season is finished well oyer | 100,000 crate. will have been absorb- led 1+ the Canadian market. One exclaim- | "They are | the finest food I ever have tast- | Little Joe grinned understand- | thing had happened to him. Then | his head suddenly appeared, and | For only 50 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers STEWS GRAVIES SAVOURY OMELET 1 Oxo Cube 1 oz. Butter 2 eggs Chopped Parsley Beat up the eggs with « little parsley and seasoning. Melt butter with Oxo in a pan stir in the eggs. Every housewife should have this handy, useful spoon in her kitchen. It's just the thing for mixing stews, gravies, jellies, jams and pickles. Save all your Oxo Cube Red Wrappers and send them, with your name and address. to Oxo Limited, 1910 St. Antoine St., Montreal, Que. There are so many ways of serving Oxo Cubes that they are indispensable in modern cooking: They put the beef in left-overs, stews and hashes : 5 3 add nourishment and flavour to clear soups s 3 : supply that extra goodness which every family needs. This offer applies to. residents of Canada on expires April 30, 1932 13 ye Aluminum poon (BRITISH MADE) Keep stirring until nearly sei ter tont and turn over and cook the other side, { | 5 dl ly and _- WW ago, Metropolitan United Church | ary areas of Canada. Rev, E, F\ | Jaw with first-hand knowledge Metropoii- | of conditions in southern Saskate made a stromg gesture of friend- ship with all the needier migsion- Church came to the tan pastorate in July from Moose | chewan, J A GENUINE OPTICAL SALE CONDUCTED BY THE OLD ESTABLISHED Elliott Optical House Ltd. ® Two Expert Skilled Optomet" in Attendance ot Going on Sat., Jan. 30, 10 a.m. to 8 pm. |, Our Guarantee of Sat. isfaction goes with each | Patron. Consult confidence. us with Cut this ad. out for the proper address Our Word Is Our Bond 4.45 Sold by many for over Ten Dollars. When sold by us they fit your eyes properly, When we refer you for medical exaima- tion, follow our advice. Our Extraordinary Special Value for One Day Only Our Shell Frames and. Gold-Filled Trimmings, very stylish and dur- able. Complete with SpHerical Peris-copic lenses. Expert Eye Examination included. Expert i tp Our Goods Are Reliable and Stylish $7.45 Sold by many for $10.00 Complete with and lenses. Strengths. Meniscus Quality 'and Spherical frames optometrists in Ntendaneo. Special prescription lenses at modorete prices, | Telephone) for appointment 10 a.m, to 8 pm, money back guarantee w 17C ROAST bis George St., Totonto Gentlemen: Please sood me a FREE | of your mew Cook ernor-General, is giving her ap- proval to the project. Some confusion may arise as if the largest single shipments to reach Canada this season camc in by the Canadian National freighter "Cathcart" and reached Montreal in Mealeg OTTAGE ROLLS i, 121/2¢ : Fresh ; n-10¢ SIDE PORK x f to the actual date of Empire Day. 2 ik Np Magic in the In Great Britain May 24, which is the anniversary of Queen Vic- torja's birth, is officially celebrat- ed as Empire Day: In Canada, however, Empire Day is general- 1y observed on May 23 with May 24 established a statutory holiday as Victoria Day. MNVINCIBLE The newest, gayest novelties for making party desserts. Four packages and a mould in carton. Price 25 cents. YOU pay no more for the jolly. WE give you the mould. iC JELLY. POWDERS open V-neck becoming? s+ Note how prettily the skirt is cut with panels at the center- front aud sthe- centersback. This olds Checked ointment Just rub - Eon VICKS Thin Children NEED Scott's Emulsion! special Canadian National Railways refrimerator cars. It consisted of 9.000 crates, most of which were for the Montreal and Winnipeg mar- kets.- The "Lady Rodney," arriving in Halifax, also carried a heavy con- signment, believed to be in the neighborhood of 11,000 crates. This year's crop, although later than last, is of excellent quality and the method of packing has been improved. The price is lower than that which has to be charged for United States, Cuban and Mexican omatoes owing to the preferential treatment accorded - West Indian produce under the Canada-West Indies trade agreement. Most of the fruit is absorbed in Montreal and other Quebec points, although this season Toronto and other On- tario cities are taking a larger pro- portion than ever before, the toma- toes having found great favor with the Ontario houswives because of their fine coloring and flavor. Con- s'derable quantities are also being hipped successfully as far as Win. 'peg and other western cities. {| Victoria, B.C., Jan, 28. -- Giv~ ing $7,000 for 1931 for Mission ory and Maintenance Fund in- stead of the $6,000 of one year WHAT SERIOUS EYE "DEFECTS CAN DEVELOP Read What Our Dist'eguished Patrons Think of Our Service TESTIMONIALS, NOTICE--We have Hundreds of these Testimonials. Consult our "Agencies with Confidence of the Most Skilled Service. # ...I can recommend any persons who are in need of glasses to seek their services," W. A. Cameron, B.A,, M.D,, CM., Ex-Mayor of Arnprior, #. ...I can heartily recommend Mr. Elliott as an exceedingly capable optician to anyone requiring his services."--W. A. Hall, B.A, M.D, OM.,, M.P. (House of Commons, Ot. tawa.) a ...It gives me pleasure to state that I have had several pairs of glasses from ycu and have found them very satisfactory."s E. A, Canada Exhibition, - THIS SALE 18 GOING ON TELEPHONE FOR PHONE 78 APPOINTMENTS CONSULTATIONS 10 AM. TO 8 P.M, South, ONLY AT OPP. P.O. OSHAWA "+... Tho pair I got from you in Glace Bay suited me so well and improved my sight so much that I was anxious to know if you had my eorraction in case I should break or lose' this pajr."----Senator Dr. Wm. MeKay, "+ «+. This is to certify that I obtained a paitr; of spectacles from your house and find them so entirely satisfactory that I take pleasure in recommending you to all comers who are looking for the best McMillan, M.P. (Dominion House, of srevices,"~--Thos. Huron Seri) Karn's Drug Store

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