Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jan 1932, p. 10

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» 243 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27, 1932 Response " on.-----Farmers who are ke use of single men, | nnpt afford to pay during the winter e responding to the d Cross plan whereby young fn are placed on farms during 'winter for their board, lodg- js and pocket money. Enquiries 'being received every week this plan at the Red Cross munity 1. - em ------ Dog Derb, ne -Police dogs, collies, ps, spaniels and one Bos- bull terrier, with their juv- ~ masters made up the en- és in Perth's unique annual jorting event, the Boys' Dog by, sponsored by L. P. James, h.. Phillip Campbell, with police dog, Pompeii, won. first completing the four-mile purse in 243, minutes. Ray- ond Young, time 2614 min- , came second, and Elmer g, time 28 minutes, third. Fractured Skull Finch.--W. J, Young, manager the Graham creamery plant , suffered a fracture of the ull and other head injuries and badly scalded while work- at a blowing apparatus for lscharging waste in the cream- y on Friday. He is in the Corn- Ml Hospital, and his condition considered critical, t Their Jobs : Kingston.--Major Alan Stroud of the local Employment Bureau notified that nine nien who d been selected at Napanee for hway construction work near 3 rbot Lake quit their job after 'being engaged less than a week. It is stated that the men left their fork hecause they were dissatis- id with the wages. Auto Accident Peterboro.--Lawrence Bristow, Peterboro, was instantly kill- and Herbert Bigelow, 48, of, 'Dethany, seriously injured in an tomobile accident on thie Pet- highway late turday night. Driven by Bige- Ow, the car reeled over into a _ ditch -about four miles west of his city. Bigelow sustained con- cussion of the brain, a broken a arbone ang several fractured 8. Catching Salmon Kingston.--Enoch Godwin, one of the best-known local followers ONTARIO of * Isaac Walton, holds the rec- ord for both the latest and the earliest fishing of the season. While fishing at Loughboro Lake on Sunday, he' hooked on an eight-pound salmon. There is mo ice on Loborough Lake and Mr. Godwin caught the on while trowling in sixty feet of water. Badminton Tournament Kingston.--Kingston badmin- ton players carrieq off the bulk of the prizes in the tournament held at the Badmiuton Club of Kingston on Friday and Saturday, taking all events except the con- solation men's singles' and doubles. In the primary events 'Miss C. Mitchell won the ladies' singles, and then combined with Mrs. Penhale to take the ladies' dopbles. In the men's singles two of the younger members fought to the finals, where Doug Grant defeated Jim Davis, The men's doubles saw another "repeater", when Doug Grant and Jim Davis won out. In the mixed doubles the winners were Miss N, Harty and Jim Davis, the latter estab- lishing an enviable record in finning two finals and being in the final in another event. Presbytery Meeting Kingston.--Notices have been sent out for the next meeting of the Kingston Presbytery of the United Church to he helg in Princess Street United Church on Tuesday, February 9. It is ex- pected that session of the Settle- ment Committee of the Bay of Quinte conference will he held about February 16 and in view of this it is desirable that pastors or official boards having com- munications to make to this com- mittee should be prepared to do so either through the Presbytery or the Pastoral Relations Com- mittee. Men For Highway Kingston.--Saturday afternoon at two o'clock Major W. Alan Stroud received a telegram from headquarters of the Employment Service at Toronto stating that ten men were wanted from South Frontenac to go to work in Camp No. 3 for the Ville Highway Con- struction Company at Sharbot Lake, Hold Yacht Races Kingston. -- The Kingston Yacht Club held its first dinghy race of 1932 on Saturday, thus openivy the 'season somewhat earlier than usual. While the drizzle was unpleasant, mild weather and a moderate off-shore breeze gave almost 1deal condi: tions of wind and sea. . Cottages Robbed Gananoque.-- A number of summer cottages in this vicinity are reportéq to have been broken into, ransacked and a lot of vap- dalism done hy the guilty party or parties. <1 a pig wanted to build himself | ~ honee, how would he set about 'it?--He'd tie a knot in his tail, wud cal it "a pig's tie" (pigsty). Ethel: "Uncle, they say there are more marriages of blondes than brunettes. Why is it, I won- der?" = Bachelor Uncle: "H'm! Naira? the light-headed omes EO first" iain wemesbenak Produce Prices on the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return- ed, fresh extras, 18 to 19c; fresh firsts, 15 to 16c; seconds, 12c. 'Butter -- No. 1 Ontario Crea- mery, 20 to 203c; No. 2, 19 to 19%e. Churning Cream -- Special, 21 to 22¢; No. 1, 20 to 21¢; No. 2, 17 to 18c. Cheese -- No. 1 large, colored, paraffined and government grad- ed, 10ic. Alive Dressed Chickens, over 5 lbs. ° ea, 12 512 Over 4% to 5 Ibs. OR. i vs avin HE 11 Under 4% 1bs. ea. 10 14 Fatted hens, over § ADB. sivas va 14 14 Over 4 to 5 lbs. ea. 12 11 Over 33 to 4 Ibs. Of, i: vy ce + 10 Over 3 to 3% Ibs. OR av arise vs 08 Young turkeys, over 10 Ihe, i cin Under 10 1bs, ea. . .. Old hens and toms . Young geese .s Ducklings, over 5 1bs. Over 4 to 5 1bs. ea.. 12 Old roosers, Ibs. .. veiled Guinea fowl, over 2 , 1.) AER RPE RD | mbar Toronto dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: SHE Eggs -- Fresh extras, in car- tone, 28¢: fresh extras, loose, 27c; firsts, 23c; seconds, 18c. Butter -- No. 1 creamery prints, 24c¢c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 22c, Cheese -- New, large, 11%c; twins, 12¢; triplets, 12}c; new stiltons, 143c;. Old, large, 18¢; twins, 183c; triplets 18ic; stil- tone, 20%¢. : Poultry -- Chickens, b to 6 ibs, 26c Ib.; 4 to 5 lbs, 22¢; 3 to 4 1bs., 21c; under 2% 1bs., 28c. Hens, over § 1bs., 20 to 23c; 4 over to § 1bs., 22¢. Ducklings, 22 to 2bc. Geese, 15 to 18¢c. Turkeys, 23 to 26c. WHOLESALE PROVISIONS Wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to lo- cal retail dealers: Pork hams, 12 to 13¢c; shoulders, 11c; butts, 11%; loins, 14%c. Cured meats--Long, clear bacons, 60 to 70 1bs., 19¢; 70 to 90 1bs., 17¢; 90 to 110 Ibs. 16¢c; lightweight rolls, 18c; heavyweight rolls, 17¢c, Lard--Pure tierces, 9%c; tubs, 10c; pails, 10%c; prints, 10 to 10- Vac Special pastry" shortening -- Tierces, 15¢: tubs, 15%c; pails, 16c. FARMERS' MARKEY The following are quotations, re- tail in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto: Produce: -- Eggs, extras, doz. ..,.. Do,, firsts, doz. ...... Do., ptillet extras .... Butter, dairy, Ib. Do., creamery, th, ,.. 0. Fruits and Vegetables: -- Apples, bus. 1. Bananas, doz. Cranberries, qt, cecevsas Grapes, 2 Ibs, Oranges, doz. ...... ban Lemons, doz. ....c.uss . Pineapples, each ...... Tangerines, doz. ....... Beans, green, qt. ..... . Brocoli, bunch Brussells sprouts, qt. .. Celery, head Chicory, head ...... oe Cucumbers, eaéh .. Cress, 3 bunches Cabbage, doz. ......... Green peppers, 3 doz. .. Eggplant, each Herbs, bunch ...... Lettuce, head ... Mushrooms, 1, ,.. Potatoes, basket . Onions, basket . Parsnips, bag .. Radishes, 3 bunche Rhubarb, 2 bunches Strawberries, pt Squash, each . Tomatoes, 1b. 0.25 OO 0000090000000990099500000~ S000 RSRNSARGESSHSECURLSLRELNTIRRE Suni 1 Experience Utmost Pleasure Without ny Any Regrets You have only to smoke ROXY for a day : torecognize atonce thathereisacigarette --pure, mild, smooth--with every qua- lity a cigarette must have to give you -~ tes ged morning. pleasure without any regrets, Prove to yourself why thousands and thousands of s po wi! smoking men and women, OXY--all that's in cigarettes rolled into one. | Try ROXY for a day--then you will . join the crowd of happy ROXY smokers. 20 for 23¢ -- 12 for 13¢ COMMUNITY 'SHOPPING DAYS Siberry's ommunity Week Bargains Great Bargains are offered throughout the store for these three days. Every item specially reduced to make shopping doubly profitable for our many customers. Shop early for best choice. GREA HALF PRICE Men's Underwear, $1.19 Stanfield's Red Label and pure wool rib Shirts and Drawers, Sizes in the lot 34 to % $1.19 3% Price a tl $1.00 Underwear for 69c¢ Fleece lined Shirts and Drawers. Heavy weight. In Blue Mot- tled color, Sizes 34 to 44. 69¢ Sale Price -- ia HALF PRICE Men's $2.00 Gloves 89¢ Finest grade Cape Skin or English Mocha Gloves in Tan, Grey or Brown Shades. All asmly lined. Sizes 7% to 10, Sale Price .... 89¢ $1.00 Work Shirts for 69c¢ Big "B"" Brand Work Shirts. Dark Blue or Blue Chambri. Collar attached style. Sizes 14 to 17. Fully guar. sme price 09¢ T BARGAINS IN MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS ; $25.00 SUITS FOR $15.00 45 only real high grade Suits. Odd sizes and broten ranges of fancy worsteds and tweeds. Neat pat- terns including greys, browns and fancy mixtures. All perfectly tai) ored and properly finished. Sizes in the lot 34 to 44. Sale Price, $15.00 $35.00 2 PANT SUITS, $20.00 100 Suits, all our regular stock specially reduced for these three days. Pure wool navy blues, Ox- ford greys, fancy browns. in stripes are all included. Make it a point to buy a suit this week end, as these are the best values we've ever offer- ed. All styles, all sizes, with two pants. Sale Price, $20.00 MEN'S OVERCOATS HALF PRICE Avery Overcoat in stock reduced to 14 Price. Blues, Greys, Browns, etc., in all the popular styles and best quality materials. All sizes still in stock. Reduced to clear at $9.95 $12.95 3% PRICE MEN'S SHIRTS $1.00 Genuine "Gordon" Broadcloth Shirts. New stripes and fancy patterns. All guatanteed fast color. Finished with two separate eol- lars or collar at- tached style. Sizes 14 to 17. $1.00 Broken odd sizes Fine 14 to 17. early for these. Sale CO ov. $1.50 and $2.00 SHIRTS FOR 69c and of real High Grade Shirts. Broadcloth, colors, Separate col- lar or collars at- tached styles. Sizes Come .69¢ $14.95 $16.95 34 PRICE Men's Caps . 79¢ New styles and pop- ular colors in best quality Caps. Rich. ly silk lined, All sizes. 719¢ Sale Price 1% PRICE Men's Hats $1.59 Genuine Wool Felt Hats. Newest colors in Snap Brim, Welt or Roll edge styles. All silk lined. Sizes 69% to 73%. rice $1.59 Price Great Values in Boys' Furnishings [| $1.50 Combinations Boys' $1 Caps. All sizes, all colors. Sale Price 49¢ Boys' $1.25 Fleece-lined Combinations. Medium weight elastic rib Combinations. But toned or Hatchway Sizes 69¢ 24 to 32. Sale Price Boys' 75¢ All Wool Golf Hose, all sizes. Price 48c Boys' $1.50 Penman Combinations. Sale Price style. Oream shade. Sale Trico. 38C i lt 55¢c and 75c Socks All sizes. Boys' 39c Leather Mitts. All sizes. Sale Price 25¢ Boys' 75¢ Leather Mitts. All sizes. Sale Price 39¢ Boys' 75¢ Leatherette Helmets. All Sizes. for 35¢ Best grade silk and wool Socks. Fancy Cashmeres and Pure Wool Rib. Various 25¢ Sale Price Boys' $2.50 Long Trousers, blue or All sizes. Sale Price colors, All sizes Sale Price 35¢ 3 Pair $1.00 tweeds. $1.49 Boys' $1.95 Tweed Bloomers, all sizes. Price $1 Boys' $2.50 Corduroy, blue or tweed breeches. $1.00 Silk Ties for 35¢ New patterns in fine $1.49 All sizes. Sale Price Boys' $5.00 Leather Windbreakers, all sizes. Sale Price silk materials. Rich colors in all the latest dasigns. Great variety. $3.29 lt oP 9S Great Values in Men's Furnishings Men's $1.50 black Overalls, all sizes. Sale Men's $2.00 National Overalls, all sizes ..... $1.49 Men's $2.50 Big B Coveralls, Khaki All sizes. Sale Price rie . 35¢ Price 8 for $1.00 HALF PRICE Sweater Coats or Blue. $1.98 $1.59 Men's $1.25 Big B Gray Flannel Shirts, all sizes, Sale Price ..... 4 300 all wool Sweater . Heavy Jumbo Knit or Medium » hed with Men's 50c Braces, all styles. Sale Price ..... Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Mufflers, reefer aici r and 2 poce kets . Fancy Combination 'colors or plain shades. All sizes. Price ..... $1.98 Sale Price MEN'S TROUSERS GREATLY REDUCED 'Great values are offered in all grades of Men's Trousers. every pair. Reduced to the following prices. 98c $1.29 $1.49 $1.88 $2.88 IBERRY'S Buy now and save on 27 KING STREET EAST OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. TELEPHONE 1110.

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