Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jan 1932, p. 7

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ne Gi / oJ 4 SECRET ======by Joan Sutherland---- it : g : Ee 5 i 5 : 3 i i f £ £3 1 AL HHT g i Ee hy; and, in addition, she nad this time a very real anxiety to ac- count: for her mood. : no means a rich off the Place des Ternes, with two excellent , one of whom walt- led upon ta, and this evening as Greta came in, her maid, Ernestine, came out of the bedroom to meet her. "Oh, Madame," she said, excited~ ly; "there are such lovely flowers come for you. They are sent from onsieyr : Staire--oh, so lovely--for to wear to-night and roses for drawing-room--orchids for you to-night, Madame--orchids for Ma- dame's shoulder--oh, so perfect!" And for a moment Greta's languor left her, "They are beautiful," she said. "They're my flowers, aren't they, Ernestine, mysterious, beautiful?" i Ernestine nodded. She hau a Frenchwoman's admiration for | ty coupled with brains, which | Madame certainly had. She ad- mired the way she man her life, al- h she cordially defested her en stil, Ma 1Atip Eharasts adame's it aires to do with athe, ter one more look at the flow- Greta went on into her bedroom, ed the door, and without even} ) her frocks, dropped full on the bed, staring at the op- posite wall, i "Why ip the world had she been such a fool? What had possesse to behave as she had done thai was no possibility of blaiaing fiyone else. D'Arblaye's invitation the gambling club had been most he need not have accepted; partly out of curiosity, partly out om, partly out of a wild Sant she might make money, hope eighty thousand francs in three ir jould pay it. u p would cripple hopelessly the rest of the half. A Alice had helped her often & applied to once more, and to ask el In denly made PLACES i is 3% Ee ; Greta. made a little movement. "Oh I'm not tived at all, Ronnie, and my head will be better, Of course, I want to go; you don't suppose I want to stay here alone, do you? It's deadly enough in this flat all day." impatient I suppose it is," he said quietly; "I'm sorry, Greta, Anyhow, youll be going to M2 Touquet next week with Lady Alice, and then on, I suppose to Vernet?" Greta drew her cloak around her shoulders, 'Oh, I suppose 50," she said; "ex- isting on far too few clothes, and not looking half so smart as the other women, 'That's the sort of thing one expects tS #o, Oh, well,™ it can't be helped. Don't look like that, Ronnie, it doesn't matter." When they arrived at Lady Alice's Greta her 1 with her cloak in the hall, and wers intg her mother's room looking radiant. The dinner was & great success. "in w new frock of white snd | silver, was seated, between Feodor and' old, 'Duc 'Arzes, father, $ was, like herself, In great spirits." She was amusing' rather daring, full of life, and Greta, every now and watched her enviously. Luckly ttle devil, Tonk What a life she would have, and (wa Claremont (Continued from page 2) son, Max, who brought her, re- turned home on Monday, + Mrs, Mitchell, of Toronto, who iad been nursing Mrs, Taylor for several weeks, returned home a few days ago and has beep re placed by Mrs, Harris, of Whit- by. Tyrone News (Mrs, W. H. Taylor, Correspon- dent) Tyrone, Jan, 19, -- The Wom- en's Institute and Ladies' Ald met at the home of Mrs, Thomas Richard on Wednesday, January 13. 'After the usiness session the following programme was en- joyed: Mrs, Russel Wright gave a splendid paper on "Eating for Beauty and Efficiepey"; .voeal duet by Misses Lola Richards and Alice Thompson; reading by Miss Verna McCoy. It was decided to have a hot supper and concert on Feb 19th, Particulars later. Iaunch was served by Mrs. Ron- ald Scott's group and a social hour was spent by all, The Women's Missionary So- ciety met in the 8, 8. room on Thursday, Jan, Tth, Mrs. A, W.' Clemens the president, presided. After the usual business 'discus- sion, the following programme was given by Mrs, Arthur Annis's group, Devotional leaflet by Mrs. N. J. Woodley; voeal golo, "My Task," was well rendered by Mrs. Lorne Phare, The 3rd chap- ter of the study book, "Hard Times," was very ably given. by Mrs, A. W. Clemens and a read- ing on the New Year by Mrs, L. Hooper, Young People's - League wus '| held as usual on Thursday even- ing After the opening hymn Rev, Mr, Wootton led in prayer. .Théd Missionary vice-president, Miss Alice Thompson then. took churge and the following pro- gramme was given: Bible read- ing, Luke 10:25-37 was read in unison, Bible study was taken by Miss Irens Cameron; a hymn was then sung; an excellent topic was given by Mr. Harold Mack- lin on "Opening a Highway For Life." Piano duet by Misses Helen Trjmm and Velma Bradley. Read- ing by Mr. Tom Phillips, Piano solo by Miss Laura Davey; solo by Mrs. Jas. Dudley; recitation by Mr. Ed. Barlow; reading by Jackie Trimm. Meeting closed with a hymn and the League ben- ediction, 4 The following are the newly clected officers for the Young People's League for 1832: Pres., Mrs. Theodore Down; vice-presi- dent, Mr. Will Phillips; 1st vice pres,, Miss Lola Richards; 2nd 'vice-pres., Miss Alice Thompson; 8rd vice-pres., Gordon Bren, 4th Xicespres., oy Lorna Hooper;. secrétary, Miss Edna Cémeron; tregsurer, Mr. Clinton Bigelow; press correspondent, Miss Velma Bradle, ¥. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. Sidney Hoar, teacher of the Helping Hand Class of Tyrone Sunday what an aftractive man she was: {&School at which time the officers marrying. Something Toni said made every- body laugh, and Greta looked sharp- ly at Feodor. What did he think about his bride-to-be's smart re- mark, she wondered? But Feodo: was watching her with a logk in hif eves that she, with all her experience of men, had never yet seen in any man's eyes for herself. An expres- sion _at once of intense passion anc se Fiidetnetiny fost that sud- Creta ly envipus of all Jon's wei nd Jouth 4nd ' good luck, bu something ' something infinitely more. to be desired-- ald's heart did she hold the pisce that Toni would hold in Feodor'. Later there was talk of the move Le Touquet, bid in a pretty English woman, who was Tors Tortie, started k e tioning D'Arblaye's adi oe Greta's Tace To- in quite calm. dig "Oh, 1 know him very well," she you her arched brows.' "Why, a n Aren' you d looked at his wife and "Greta knows : eto. he 3 . | was put i Columbus Ne of that class were elécted. Pre- sident, Adelaide Annis; assistant pres., Irene Cameron; secretary, Nina Hodgson; assistant sec. Helen Trimm; missionary treas- urer, Alice Thompson; class trea- surer, Annie Gardiner. After the buciness was completed lunch was served by the hostgss and & social time was enjoyed by all. Mr. Wm. hHambly, Boys' Train- ing Sehool, visited his sister, Mrs. Laura Virtue over the week-end. Mes. Harold Skinner and Mas- ter Lloyd are spending & few days with friends at. Newcastle, Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Simon McCoy and also to Mr, H. H. McRoberts, Oshawa, in the death of their brother, Mr. John Henry McRoberts, Toronto, and also 'to his aged mother, Mrs, Hugh McRoberts, who resides with Mr, H. H, McRoberts, at Oshawa, = 4 Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Phair are. occupying rooms at the parsonage since the fire which burned their store and house, Mr, James All dread whose house Was partly burned at the same time are re- siding with their .son Mr, Cecil Alldread. Mr. Leslie Brooks is busy fixing their house again. On Friday evening a play on by the Black stock Young People, under: the auspices of the 1.0.1. The play, which was put on was much enjoyed by u [ance was enjoyed. Music was stipplied by Blackstock: Orches- tra, Mr: Robert Simms je Mr. Gilde { Bowmanville, were eo callers for THO square dances. Cajotetia dunch was served, TI wing to the bad weather and d"ppery roads the attendance at pahipren was not as large as usual. Rev. A. M. 'Wootton preached an oxvel vl rmon, It looks ag if spring is not far way now | Pussy illowa are Sut Els CR A oe] . ol n---- (Mrs, Colreupondant) 3 a Sok 20.~~The regu- lar meeting of t Y.P.8, wa held' Wednesday ning, ; ib: the president, 8. W s ug. The program was under fon of M, Dearborn, assists McCulloch, lad. n Ofriilsto 'While Max- well | oudly number, After the play, a | 1 the | ports for the year's work show- ed progress.in every department. Those ntfs "Abe. Sun School Convention on Tuesday,' 19th, at Myrtle, were Wm, Dyer, Mary Dyer, 8, Webber, Jean Mc- Culloch, Gladys Ross .and Dr, Cooper, Enniskillen News Enniskillen, Jan. '12--The annual meeting of the adult Bible class was held on Thursday evening when the officers for 1932 were clected, Mrs, J™A. Werry presiding, the meeting opened with hymn 230 af- ter which prayer was led by Mr, W. Moore. The minutes of last meeting were read by Mr. W, Stainton' and approved, aise report of treasurer; there followed some business. Speeches were made by Mrs. J. A. ig Mr. W. Moore, Mr. J. A. Werry and Rev, J. M, Whyte who spoke on how to know and study the Bible, he also ex- plained some old books in which he takes great pride in possessing, A large Bible over 300 years old which is in good "condition, also the Psalms with notes as they used in olden times, and some books were shown of Wesley's time, others 272 years old, which is certainly a rare collection, The following officers were 'elect- ed by ballot: President, Mrs. J. A. Werry ;. vice-president, Mr, F, Or- chard: secretary, Mr. Wm. Stain- ton; assistant secretary, Mr, John Orchard; treasurer, Mrs. H. Stev- ens; missionary treasurer, Mrs, Wm, Ashton; teacher, Mr. Wm. Moore, Then followed a social time when games and contests were conducted 'by Mrs. T. McGill and Mrs. T. Slemon, when refreshments were served which brought to a close an cnjoyable evening. The C.G.LT, meeting on Satur- day opened with "the Pgesident, Miss Vera Shackleton in charge. he o-ening verses were read, Then the members responded to the roll call by New Year's resolutions. After the minutes and business, the scripture lesson was read by Miss Verna Pethick, After a hymn Marion Griffon conducted the fol- lowing: Gladys Page gave her group prayer and recited some bible verses. A violin solo Was nicely played by Miss Elva Orchard. A reading b* Ruth Stevenson, .a solo by Miss Annie Oke. Mrs. Stinson, of Blackstock, then gave a very in- teresting talk on the fdur-square girl, Miss Vera Shackleton then favored with a piano solo, The meeting closed with taps, Qur teacher of the Adult Bible Class, Mr. W. Moore was presented with a new Hymnary with his name engraved in appreciation of his ser« vices as teacher the past year. Miss Clara Brown is stav..g with Mrs. Wotten Burketon, who is ill, Miss Myrtle Brunt is home ill with quinsy, Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Rahm and familv. Mr, and Mrs. R. Rahm, of Oshawa, Miss Annie Oke and Mr, Fred Trewin visited Mr, and Mrs. J. Shackleton Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Stainton vise ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Haydon, Sundav. Mrs. Levi Brunt and Mrs E Page visited Mr, A, Shorts, Cours tice, recently, Mr, and 'Mrs, L. Graham, Miss Meretta Graham, Blackstock, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Strong, Mr. Gordon and Esther Strong, Mr. Will Chap- man, Purple Hill, and Mr, D, Free- born at Mrs; N. Freeborn's, On Saturday three silver foxes of Mr. O. L. Byers got out of their pens. A merty chase started with several young men, some coming in 'tendance was good and aif the re-| THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1932 | News of Nearby Places _ was again started on Monday with hounds but without success. Hope they will be caught by someone as there is a .feward to bring them Mr. ative M E. "Fl i ited , an rs, E. Flory visited! a, and Mrs, J. Shackleton Tues- Ye | WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL The newly-elected Reeve and Councillors of the Township of Whitby met at Brooklin on Jan. 11- in. conformity with the Sta- tutes of the Provincé of Ontario. Rev, P. L. Jull was pres®t and Devotional Services were held. The Reeve and Councillors took their declaration of office and made thelr inaugural addresses after which they started the business of the year. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and on motion were adopted, Moved by W. F. Weir, seconded by W. J. Cook, that the Council: go into com- mittee of the whole 1o strike the standing committees, 1932. The Council'went into commit- tee of the whole, Mr. J. H. Jones in the chair, Moved by My. Cook, seconded by Mr, Mackey that the Standing Committees of last year be re- appointed again for year 1932, Carried, ? The Comnitiees ac as follows: ¥inance -- Weir, Jones and Kemp. Roads & Bridges, the whole council. Purchasing --Cook, Kemp and Weir, Sheep and dogs---Cook, Kemp and Jones, Indigent -- Jones, Cook and Kemp. \Community Field--Jones Land Weir, Salaries and Allowances --- Kemp, Weir and Cook, Township Hall---Jones, Cook and Weir. Printing and Stationery--Kemp, Cook and Jones. Community Hall --Myrtle--Cook and Jones. claim. for $5.00 for one dog kill- ed found worrying sheep. The following correspondence was read from Mr. Horace Brit- ton, secretary of the Ontario Municipal Association, asking the Township of Whithy to en- roll as a member, of sald associa- tion. » Mr, 8. L. Squires, secretary treasurer, Ontario Good Roads Association notifying the Coun- ci] that the sald assoclation wil! hold its annual meeting on Wed- nesday and Thursday, February 24th and 26th, in Convocation Hall of the Toronto University, and asked the council to appoipt delegates also for the annual membership fee of $5.00. Messrs, Alex 8. Leith & Co, Toronto, tendering an application us auditors of the books and ac- counts of the Township for the year 1931. London Guarantee & Accident Co., Ltd., Toronto, enclosing re- newal receipt in connection with Bond No. 3-004345° for 8, R. Rodd, treasurer, and account for premium of $8.00. Robt. Muir, chief engineer of Municipal Roads, re Township Road Superintendents. Moved by J. H. Jones, second- ed by L. R. Kemp, that this coun~ cil do and hereby authorize the clerk be instructed to write the parties who owe for the use of the Brooklin fire engine and ask that payment for use of same be made at once, Carried. Moved by L. R. Kemp, second- ed by W. F, Weir, that Thos, Hall, collector of taxes, is hereby allowed one 'month's extension of time in.which to return the roll. Carried, Moved by J. H, Jones, second- ed by Ls R. Kemp, that they do and hereby authorize the reeve and clerk to sign the petition for the Statutory Grants of Highway Department, Carried. sight .of them when they again dis» ABprared in the bush, The hunt fore | OC, TV elifh in the bathroom, lied RL «oo goost Vi {J . emo Old Dutch 1 © Please find onclased .. conta and. label . {+1 Old Dukeh Holders, Colors: IVORY 0 0 a be Koa & ; ® Cleans house Quicker For quicker housecleaning call in Old Dutch Cleanser Clean Jou paint va s and woodwork with O, D.C, It is perfect unequal s snow-white lain I K th BL UL ALL LE In the kitchen, Old Dutch is ideal for the sink. Removes grease and stains from the stove. Keeps refrigerator clean and wholesome. Scours and polishes utensils and cutlery. : more and more Canadian housewives © adopt ! I Oh Durcaoat ma Sandia houtsilvas are adaph cleans quigker. . . doesn'tscratch. . . is kind to their hands : therefore costs less fo use. The only Cleanser you need in your home. MADE IN CANADA For particulars of the Diamond Ring Contest Lien to the a eer pend rdck hind ovr the Cola IY SOAP WORKS, Dept 35 , 84 Macaulay Ave. Toronto, Onk. ols for Several by-laws were given their three readings and pasced, your hardwood floors, clean for modern, colored as well . Color CLL IIITI TIL LI ELT TTY foreachholder which send me Q wna authorizing the reeve and treas- urer to borrow money from the Canadian Bank of Commerce for the current expenditures of the township, to appoint assessor, 'auditors and othér 'township 'of- ficers. ' rk Moved by W. PF. Weir, second- ed by W, J. Cok, that the reevo with: thé treasurer be and are hereby authorized to issue their cheques in favor of the several persons whose names appear on Voucher. No, 1, Roads & Bridges, ss and serves the purpose of devel- oping popular appreciation for the Canadian-grown onion. Nat- ure] advantages of soil and cli» mate pectilifar to a compérauvely small district in Ontario and British Columbia produce an onion which has exceptional qualities in the three principal varieties, the Yellow Globe, the Red Danvers, and the new mild- flavoured variety, the Spanish Canadian, Three times a day, in eyery good way, eat your share Tr to livestock trading for ® a prepared by the Markets i» gence Service of the Live Stock Branch, show 600,950" head of cattle, 374,924 calves, 2,234,295 hogs, and 817,- 084 sheep were. disposed of un< der inspected slaughterings, An increase in the movement of cat- tle from Western to Eastern Cdn- ada is reported, the 1931 total" being 113,832 as compared with 77,062 for 1930; the figures with respect to calves show 1931 total | PAGEAGE NINE Mr. Herbert North presented a | Capadian Onion Week, January 24 to 80, 1932..--Dept. of Agri- cuiture, Ottawa, total 3,477; whil® | t of hogs . totalled 319,803, a heep 38,388. "The volume of s cattle shipped fo country points i8 reported as 113,606 head for 1931, and 108,~ 834 for 1930, 5,206; 19 numbering: from 1 to 9, inclusive the move amount of accounts $49.21, also payment of general accounts sheet No, 1 numbering from 1 to 13 inclusive amount of accounts $131.68. Carried. Moved by I. R, Kemp, that this council does now adjourn to meet again on the 2nd day of February, at the hour of one o'- clock p.m, ; --H, W. McBrien, Clerk. CANADIAN ONION WEEK Next week has been officially designated Canadian Onion Week you are officially and formally apthorized to eat onions in any and every way you like and to try them in all the new ways you can find, for the individual who is enthusiastically patriotic will make his practical patriotism to the cause of Canadian growers known by eating Canadian- grown onions. This Is the second annual Canadian Onion Week, SOME FINAL FIGURES 2 IN LIVESTOCK TRADE tl VRIL The final figures with respect when you feel tired | PREVENTS THAT SINKING FEELING * n T - n=l Out-of-the-Ordinary Food Service Doubtless it is the strong desire fo avoid the ordinary that prompts so many Ontario women to single out the A & P Food Stores for their table needs. The moment you step inside the door you realize you are not in an ordinary store. Everything is so clean and orderly . fixtures so modern and gleaming, endless displays of appetite-appealing foods. Every famous advertised brand appears to be present . . . row after row of Canada's finest foods greet your eye . . and all 'ONE OF ONTARIO"S FINEST PRODUCTS AT A REAL SAVING at out-of-the-ordinary savings. PROPERLY AGED AND CURED Mild and Mellow NEW 2 lbs. 25¢ Are you an A & P butter customer? If mot . . . try a pound this week-end. One taste will tell you it's butter of the better sort. OUR OWN SILVERBROOK BRAND -- FINEST QUALITY CREAMERY BUTTER -22.} thEaneny. 2 Ibs. 47 / AUNT JEMIMA---FOR THOSE CRISP MORNING BREAKFASTS PANCAKE FLOUR | BUCK 1 2 i 29- 4 SYRUP:-295:31 SALMON 2:19 19: Manyflowers:-4-1 20-07 PKG. a ; | | LIBBY'S OR KING OF HAWAII-FANCY CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2-~ A & P BAKERY SPECIAL DELICIOUS MARSHMALLOW-COCOANUR © +) ¢ 1 LAYER CAKE 23: FRUITS and VEGETABLES A Complete Line of Imported" and Native + Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Is Carried in All ~MEATS~ EXTRAORDINARY LOW. PRICES ON FiNmed qUAtITY | | 3H

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