Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jan 1932, p. 9

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x THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1932 - id -- fied Ads will Times Classi A GA. ter, Solicitor, Notary PuPlic. Con- © Money to loaw. Office Ww! . } CREIGHT er. Barrister. Ete 'Bak of REER & MPF sters. Solicitors, Ete. 24% Simcoe Hy N a 3160. Residence 3514 : "BA, BARRIS ter. 12% Simeoe St. South. Tele phone 3038--5865. (*3 'sept tH) ---- Medical PR B. J. HAZLEWOOD, I'HY- sician and Swi geon, h special atten) en to = X= lle Office. Disney Block Phone ne Office open 9 am. to 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. - Phone 2416. i DR McKAY, PHYSICIAN. SOF on, Reccucher. ence 'King St. toria_St hawa. ka East, corner Phone 94 & 4 Biot Sire Pi r Street ; ) at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug store each Saturdav from 1 ¢ll 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose an. throat only. Appointments may bs made at drug store. Phone 97. Undertaking KE BURIAL CO. 67 KI ST Fast Ambulance Residence 542 Simcue Street North. Phone 2101 and 210W. TO WF SHAWA BU Son, Proprietors rmsirong ! po and Ambulance Service a and night. Phone Celina (46) {ary will be Architects N Ee GEN RAL itectural work. Secon oor Re Bank Building. Phone 1 Residence phone 16). 'W. Is SULPEY a Simcoe St. S. Osh- io On. a attention wiven : household . furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage gilivited © Watch Repairing Flv Sica iital Ai ti, JAERI F VON GUNTEN. EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King St.ret West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. by Battery Service SATTERTES CHARGED 75 i ired and re: ith feo pin delivered Prompt service, Stan. Bligdon. 'Mill St., Phone 960 HON T 1 CE brojdery work, alterations, gressmaking, ¢, The Dell Shop. Phone 1656, 26% Simeoe Sam 810 . Local snd ag dis uling, loads ins 60y Ave: Phone 1618. ot one (20 fan er Palmist, 2 matte iy 93 foils st. 'Business private. M. YR DDA, SCIENTI [Cc Prime, Home to the public now 'st 224 St. Julien St. (120) . ehoirmaster, Jimcoe Unite! Church. Plano, organ, singing one 3128. Residence hig v = Slates and Br FATES AND BOO bt; 1.50 up. Your old ohncs taka in exchange Open enings. 12 Richmond St, Bast vy. ABE JERE) EW 6, at ] rs, | will sell on ton, 4 1 8 months' If it's to be Bo tendance. Phone REVS, BAR. |. fice and resi-{ Office an eae 20 | ten . dollars per "| tric range and oa $3. Cok ! ma, $3. ' J Phone s0e5. "oo | Chas. Wales, t bankable paper, 7 per cent, will | D PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to % ay jas .xtract urse - work. Gas .xtrction bese FY Insurance DAVIS Ah b SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St West, Oshawa. The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa 30 re put.ble Fire Compani . Ww ~ PLACING U a ote ms. Ee ran il - bs to and veur in ls pro- tected TE Bam 'pany of . . Cilambers. Phone 1534, Lex. 8. 'Ross, S. F. erson. a v: © (15 eet tf) peciar $1.50 Permanent wave 4 A (wave. tor $4.00, 10 days only 'Naturelle Method. Marcel 50c Finger wave 7bc Expert opera U tors only, 86 Simcoe St. North 968. Open evenings. id : : J (27) tl dan race Va all kinds of [e] A Parlors, Betty Be Ce Our permanent eauty Culture. u . waye a specialty. $5.00. $7.50 and $1000. Finger wave and shampoo $100. Marcel' S0c. Facials. scaly treatments and manicures Coffee For Rent -- T. Simeoe Manor and Victoria Apta.. completely modern, and very cleanly, It will be a pleasure to have you inspect them. Open throughout the day ang evening Bradley Bros, local mgrs, (8 feb ¢) CASA --THREE LAR rooms and bath. All modern. Suit- able for bachelor ladies' apart- ments. Beatties, 161 King Eat. c) APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, Low rentals. Disney, phone 1550. (14t10) . J ON $8 for first month, Free water ang garage. Phone 1865. -(16¢) FOR RENT--11 ROOMED TOUR- ist home, Kingston Road. Close to Oshawa. Possession arranged. Further information, Box 206 Times. (16c) FOR RENT ----- 8 ROOMED house, finished attic, hardwood floors throughout, newly decor- ated. wired for electtic #tove. Phone 2344J. (17-19) Awnings ; pauline, repairs, etc. Phone 2104 George Reid, 66 Bond W. J. J Turner & Sons, Representative. (25 jan c) Shuppe gSatanen, . Phone bp gins 1975. 15 may 1 mo.) ORENE OHNSON, e dresser, 92 Church St, Marcel . ling 35¢ ané firger wang 50c. P 8J. "lone 213 LE aid P 'S H . dressing and Beauty "uiture No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Pbone 38, Osh- awa, Ontario. . (23 nov. tf CTLITAN McLEAN, PHOND 21 marcel 35¢ at your home or 785 Albert St. (28 jan ¢) MR. PBRRY, EXPERT ON Crogquignole Permanent Wavse will be at Mrs. Blair's Parler, 76 McMillan Drive from Jan. 18 to Feb. 2. For appointments call 3369. (131) = IIS Articles For Sale FOR SALE--DRY BODY WOOD. $3 % cord, Mixed wood, $2.70 3% cord. A. Wall. Phone 2628F (8 feb o) " . Poultry ULTRY WANTED -- A kinds of poultry alive, highest prices paid. Phone 81, Whitby. Special price for sooq fat hens. fg Et (12 feb ¢) Rest Home j OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE in gttendance, warm home, terms reasonable, 80 Brock St. W Phone 3293. (30 Jan ¢) Lost and Found LOST -- BLACK A. LEATHER purse containing mother's locket. Keepsake. Lost vicinity Simcoe. King. Reward, Notify Jean Ruth Cake Shoppe, Simcoe South. (15¢) ught or So Rates For Classified Ads First insertion--~ 16 cents per Minimum charge for one in. sertion 80c. Each eubsequent comsecn- tive Imsertion 1c per word. Three consecutive (inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). : Minimum charge for three insertions 60c, Bos nun.her 10¢ additional fonal or Baus! Cards, $2.50 per montb for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month "for each additional word Phone 35 * Ask for Classified Aid Department NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE LEGISLATIVE . ASSEMBLY NOTICE is nerehy given that the Cor- poration of the Township of East Whitby will apply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at jts nekt ses sion for An Act authorizing the Townshi to adopt and carry into effect such mea sures of economy and control over, and reduction in" expenditures as the council may deem, necessary; to adopt yearly es timates aud levy such, tax fater 5 may be: necessary "16 balance its budgets; to levy tax rates to provide against uncol lected taxes; to. impose special penalties ior don.payment of taxes; 10 take special pro- seedings by way of forfeiture or' other wise for non-payment of taxes upon vacant lands; to g@fford and give security to lend: ers of moftey; to provide for current deficits. Dated this 14th day of January, 1932, CONANT & ANNIS, Darristers & Solicitors, Oshawa, Gntari % Solicitors herein for the applicant 11, 17, 23, 9, 35, 41 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE--7 ROOM BRICK house. Cheap. 132 Brock St. E. (1b6¢) FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE, dry body wood, hard. soft, mixed slabs, Phone 2423W. 115 Annis St. (2 feb c» WEST END WOOD YARD, THE best for the money. Dry hard- wood, % cord $3 Dry softwood. 14 cord $2.50. Satisfaction guar- anteed, Ben Corson, phone 1941M. 147 Nassau Bt. (11 feb ©) DRY BODY WOOD, $3 A LOAD. Claude McQuaid, 64 Albert St. Phone 1079J. (2 feb c) PRY BODY HARDWOOD, Beach and Maple. Stove length. $3 3% cord. Robert "Christy. Phone 1979W. (42 feb c) HARD r 0 sale. Call W. "H. Thompson, 507 King West. 742J.% (15 feb c) FOR SALE -- GOOD USED Heintzman piano in perfect con- dition, $100. Terms $10 cash and month. John Meagher, 92 Simcoe North, HE Cc 1019J. FOR BA 9 TP " complete with Wet A and B Bat- teries, Valley Charger and Speak- er. Apply. 204 Division St. , (1Be) GENTS OR SALE. Apply 623 Hortop Ave. : (16¢) FOR BALE--MCCLARY |BLEC- uebec heater. Both in good condition and very reasonable. 611 Smpeyile Ave. © FOR BALE -- DOUBLE BED mattress. Good ds new. Apply 64 William St, BE, (17b) eal PHONE 3350) OSHAWA HALIO Service for radio repairs, Fully equipped to give reliable service. on 30 feb oc) 0 10 repaired. Our methdos are ski! ful and our prices Free Inspect! Certified radfotriciin. (22 jan ¢) 10 VICE O. all m Bu te arts for sale, . Tubes tested. Phone 3186M, (6 tebe) rate. Teu years: poe ne de Ti (y ot radios. Work fully | Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- COOK GENERAL for small adult family. > ust be good plain cook. Apply Mrs. Jos- eph King, Whitby. (16e) WANTED ~-- EXPERIENCED maid for genefal housework. Must be good cook and fond of children. Box 209 Times.. (179) For Sale or Rent FOR SALN OR RBENT--SMALL house, cheap, Phone. 3203M. (16¢c) COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY OF ONTARIO The first meeting of the Coun- ¢il of the Corporation of the County of Ontario for the year 1932 will be 'held pursuant Lo statute in the Council Chamber in the Court House in the Town of Whitby on Tuesday, the 26th day of January, 1932, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. All accounts to be laid before the Council should be forwarded to the Clerk; properly certified, at least three days before the meeting of the Council. DATED at Whitby, this 16th day of January, 1032, R. D. RUDDY, County Clerk. (17a) Wanted to Buy UY = SHGOND hand sealer, jars and refrigera- tors. Best price paid. Apply 17 Prince or phone 1751. (16c) Parliamentary Notice Tuesday, the twenty-third day of February next, will be the last day for presen.ng Petitions for Private ue , the first day of March next, 14% the last day for intro- ducing Private Bills. Tuesday, the Ixguty-second day of March next, will be the last day for geseiving Reports of Committees 1 of Private Bills, ALEX. C. LEWIS, Boh o the Lenislarive Assembly 'oronto, January , hy i Ae 2034 CHEESE IS A WINTER FOOD The Milk Utilization Service of the Dominion Dairy and Cold Storage Branch has prepared the following item with respect to the value of chetse as a winter food; "Cheese 'is an 'all-year- round' food but it is used in lar- ger amounts during the winter months when the. body requires extra heat, which must be obtain- ed from the food jconsumed." "Cheese is a valuable protein, an important source of calcium, and, because of the high fat con- tent, it is a splendid energy-pro- ducer. In cooking this food, a low temperature and a short length of time should be used in order to avoid toughening the protein." Pile Sufferers Can You Answer These Questions? Do you know why external remedies do not give quick and permanent relief? Why cutting does not remove the cause? Do you know the Piles is internal? That there is congestion of blood in the lower bowel--the veins flabby, the parts almost dead? Do you know that there is a harmless internal remedy for itching, bleeding or protruding piles discovered by Dr. Leon- |.hardt and known as HEM-ROID that is guaranteed? HEM-ROID banishes piles by removing the cause. It stimulates the circulation in the lower bowel--drives out~the thick im- pure blood, heals, and restores the affected parts, Dr, Leonhardt's HEM-ROID has an almost unbelievable rec ord of success right in this city. So why waste time on external remedies or worry about an op- eration when Jury & Lovell in- vites every Pile sufferer to trv iEM-ROID with guarantee of money-back if it does not end their Piles no matter bpw stub born the case? PREMIER TO MISS OPENING SESSION | Tardieu Heads French Geneva Delegation; Fin- land's Stand Announced London, Jan. 21.--Prime Minister MacDonald will net attend the opening session of the Disarma- ment Conference at Geneva, starting February 2, it is announced. He probably will be present the second |» eek. cause of Tardieu Named Head Paris, Jan, 21.--Minister of War Andre Tardieu has been named to | head the French delegation to the World Disarmament Conference at Geneva, bi Joseph Paul-Boncour will be vice- presidént of the delegation which will include Minister of Navy Char- les Dumont, Minister of Air ey ues Dusmenil, Jean Fabry, Paul eynaud, and C. J. Gignoux. Ex- perts who will accompany the dele- gates will be named later. Finland's Sténd Helsingfors, Finland, Jan. 21. Premier Sunila said Finland's re- presentatives at the World Disarm- ament Conference at Geneva will act entirely in accord with the de- mand of 1.076 Labor centres and 233 general citizens' meetings, that they do their utmost to secure a positive resuit and an agreement leading to complete disarmament, Oswald (writing a lettep to his friend) :«'"Dear Bab, you | kuow 1 love Louise, but her fa- ther objects to our marriage, and it she can't be mine, I'll surely have to commit suicide. What do you advise?" His friend answered--" Curr bolic acid, old man." NORTH AMERICAN LIFE COMPANY HAS GOOD YEAR Increases Shown in Busi- ness, Income and Pay- ments to Policy' Holders North American Life in a prelim- inary statement issyed covering the operations of the Company's Fifty- First Year reports a successful year of business. New assurance issued reached a total of $29,747,243. 'Lhe increase in paid for business over that of the previous year was 15 per cent. Old policyholders in the company played an important part in this success, adding to their ex- isting insurances in the Company by purchasing no less than 33 per cent of the new. business that was applied for. The assurance in force |- has npW reached a total of $197,- 898.571, The assets of the Company amount to $46,855,113. The invest- ments are. composed of high grade securities that guarantee to "the policyholders safety and remuner- ative returns, They are diversified as follows: ! 79 per cent. in Government and Municipal Bonds; 29 per cent. in First Mortgages; 17 per cent. in policy Loans; 13 per cent. in Cor- poration Bonds; "5 per cent. in Bank, "Loan, Trust Companies' and Consumers' Gas Stocks; 4) per cent, in Preferred stocks; 2 per cent, in real cstate, cash in bank, etc.; ¥2 of 1 per 'cent in common stocks, Payments to policyholders during the vear reached the high figure of $4,930,871 being an increase of 17 per cent. over the total of 1930. Of this amount $1,314,218 was paid to them in dividends, representing a substantially larger total than that paid during the prevjous year. No less than 674.991 or 74. 5 per cent of the whole was paid to living polieyholders, which attests to the value of life assurance, not merely at death but during the life time of the policyholder. The policy reserves maintained on a strong and conservative basis amount #6 $37,016,688. The surplus funds are in excess of $7,000,000, Assets represent 118 per cent. of lia- bil'ties. The interest earned on invested funds was at the excellent rate of 5.92 per cent, In March of 1931 the North American Life became a purely mutual life insurance com- pany, owned and controlled by its nolicyholders--one in which all pro- fits and benefits accrue to them. This action no doubt has contribut- ed to the excellent results attained during the past year, Insurance of every kind, Auto. mobile, Fire and Casualty, see J. H. R. LURE the Insurance man represent ing strong, safe companies. Phopes 871 or 087W. Regent Theatre Bldg. BEATTIE'S COUGH BALSAM the Safe and Sure Remedy. Handled by all Live Dealers | TIMETABLE WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES Wess Day Schedule (ESative_on_ and alter Sept 2; M31) (Standard Thue Arrive Hospital | 1240 p.m. 6.45 p.m WXpm busses to 8.00 p.m. > 00 poo. 10.15 p.m. 10pm 12008m 12158m. Times marked * are through Whitby Hospital, , East Leave Arrive Bow Oshaws manville |, 6.50 a.m 7.20 am 815am [4] 9.55 a.m. "11.30 am 1260 p.m 2p m Zi p.m, (¥) '15pm. Of 9.35 p.m 13pm Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshaws 7.00 pu, 9.30 3.m. no0am 1.308m. 2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 4.00 p.m, 4.3 p.m. 6.30 p.m, 8.00 p.m. 10.30 p.m. Goin J Leave Oshawa 10.15 a.m 12.15 p.m, 3.00 p.m, 5.00 p.m. 5.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m, 215 p.m. 8% p.m. 1045pm. 11.00 p.m. .m, T. A. GARTON. PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 { Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Special Busses For All Occlsions Rates and Careful Drivers GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov, 22, 1931) ( Standard Time) LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO | AM. P.M, AM, Mm ab.45 2.30 27.30 3% 8.30 «20 9.30 5.50 10.30 621 11.30 L759 P.M. 8.30 12.30 b9.30 1.30 10.30 dinzo .30 £30 4.30 10.30 11.30 P.M. 12.30 1.30 2% un v--Daily except Sunday. b--Seturdsy, Sun. day and-Holldays only. d--Sunday enly. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ({ rvice Effective, January 10, 1932, EASTBOUND Lv. Oshawa, 8.55 a.m Except Sunday. 9.42 a.m Daily. 1.44 p.m Except Sunday. 10.22 p.m. Daily. 12.32 a.m. Daily. 1.01. a.m, Daily . D Ly' Oshawa, 4.45 a.m. Daily. 5.55 a.m. Daily. x6.30 a.m. Daily, irs p.m. Dally. % 48 p.m. Except Sunday. ¥ 7.20 p.m. Except Sunday xStops to let off Jassengers from Mon. treal and only, » CANADIAN PACIIIC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22. 1981 (Standa. 4 Time) Eastbound 9.25 a.m. Daily 2.40 Trenton local Daily, ex. Sun, x4.18 pan. Daily. 12.05 a.m, Daily, 1.058 m. Daily x For Ottawa, Montreal and Eatt cnly-- Flag. Wes 5.56 ».™, Daily. 7.13 a.m. Daily, 8.12 p.m. Daily. 7.32 p.m. Daily, ®mi5 p.m, Daily, om Toronto snd West only--flag, except Sunday. do it $22.50 to measure ... 7 KING SBT. EAST Scotland Woolen Ta SAM ROTISH, Manager wl JURY & LOVELL'S orTiCAL 'PARLORS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 DRURG Chevrolet Heavy Duty Truck with dual wheels. 1930 model. Stake or dump body price $650. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 806 King St, East For Sale 1928 ESSEX COUPE, - °, Ross, Ames & Garfshore HUDSON----ESSEX 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 REPAIRING WATCHES OVE SPECIALTY D. J. BROWN it your wateh is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tel! the correct tims. THE JEWELER : Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 5. "hone 189 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Established 18868; ,.« © 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH : ROYAL YORK BREAD FLOUR Satisfaction Guaranteed * Hogg & Lytle, Lad: Phone 203 ud Diamonds PHONE 176. NEXT NIE POST OFFID | Specialt Mgn's One e Overshoes. Purl 39 DOMINION CLOTHING 68 King St. West HOMP . PHONE 22 4 WE DELIVERS I! 17 Simcoe St, 8. TILLIE THE TOILER GO ON, BOB RING UP TILLIE AND TELL HER you wene MSTA EN ABOUT ME, SAVING 'WAS THROUSH WITH HER « [TBUT, MAC you OID Soy THAT Vv \'M NOY going To TALK To HIM. HE SAID MAC DIDN'T WANY To Talle To ME WHEN | RANG WIM IRE th ' MIHATIS "THAY 7 TILLIE'S Gone ou WITH REX CARLTON? . For Rent or , JUST T PLA YOU A all = cons v erries, 'house, Shows 5 ah, Wily (1 all notes from date | pol ~GALE-- sows, two. pringe ha looking for Tor i NC PR / 3 oi 0, Ne \ on be Tg vg Kingston * T'S NO USE: | CANT MAKE OUT Ll Mv INCOME TAX AT HOME AN THE lil' INTERRUPTIONS AT THE OFFICE | ARE IMPOSSIBLE: I'v} od! GT AN 1 SAW YOUR SIGN IN REGARD TO MAKIN OUT INCOME TAXES: KIN YOU DO MINE RIGHT AWAY ? WANNA GIT \T OFF ME MIND | CANFeY AM ONE OF THE BEST IN THIS COUNTRY: I'M | JUBT A MINUTE: MUST ANSWER THE 'PHONE: HELLO! OW, il YES DEARD Jy HAVE A CLIENT HERE BUT MY - DEAR! BE OH, ALL RIGHT». mT 3) VEY Mii -. PAGENINE i. i a

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