Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Dec 1931, p. 5

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2 : THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1931 PACE F IVE If it's to be Bought or Sold - Times Classified Ads will dv it | Legal CONANT & ANNI: BARRISTERS Solicitors Nutaties Public Exc C ) practice in Law it Tg? South 7% Suncoe Street Ushawa D Conant. BA 'LB LL.B Phone 4 : AF Annis BANK S of Commerce Buildin, JOSEPH P MANGAN B.A. BAR rister. Solicitor Notarv Putlic Con Money to loan. Office 14% King St East Oshawa Phone Residence phone 837 dg hetle CREIGHTON Fraser Baridies Etc Bank 4 Commerce B LOUIS S LP N. BARRISTER Solicitor a, Over " Store Money 10 loan De Wands Street North Phone 67 Kesi dence MPHREYS BAR risters Solicitors, Ete 24% Sim oe St N Phone 3160 Residence 3514 Money to loan FRANK S EBBES RARRISTER Solicitor Notarv Public, Convev ancer * Money to loan Third fluor new Alver Building opposite Post Office. Phone 8 J ENNICK. BA ter 12% Simcoe St South Lib phone 3028-565 (*3 sept tf Medical HAZLEWNOD [I'HY sician and Surgeon special .rten tion given to X ray work and Electrothcopv Office. Dispev Block Phone Office open' am to 9 pm Residence 421 King Street East Phone 2416 DR McKAY PHYSICIAN SUR geon Accoucher Office and rest dence King St Fast corner Vie toria St. Oshawa Phone 04 Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F T BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West. Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug store each Saturday from | til 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear. nose an. throat only Appointment« mav bz made at drug store Phone Undertaking CURE BURIAT CO 67 KING ST East: Ambulance Residence 542 Simei Street North Phene 2101 DR B |] Dental RS J PHI Lirs OVER BAS -ett's Special attention to X ra work Gas _xtriction. Nuts: in at tendance Phone 959 House 1312 Insurance DAVIS AN D SON. INSURANCE 9 King St West, Oshawa The old N Fire Agency m Oshawa 30 re 'ni*_ble Fire Companies WHEN PLACING INSURANCF onsult R N Johns 80 Simcoe St North Your insurance wants at 'ended to and veur .nterests oro tected Ir A «any of Canada. Dominion Bank Chambers Phone 1534 Zlex toss. 8S F_Everson 'Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR Mermanent wave special $7.5¢ wave for $4.00. 10 dss only Naturelle Method. Marcel! {Oc Finger wave 75c, Expert opera tors only. 86 Simcoe St. North Phone 2968. Open eveninss. (2 aug tf SENOSHA HAIRDRFSSING Parlors, Bettv. Ward and Grace Mai-hall experts in all kinds »f Beauty Culture Our permanent wave a specialty $500 $750 and $10.00 Finger wave and shamoor F100 Marce! 50c Facials scal treatments and manicures Coffe: Shiuppe entrance Phone apprint ments 1973 (15 vet tf (15 may 1 mo» .ORENE JOHNSON, HAIR dresser, 92 Church St. Marce: 'ing 35c+and firger wa.ing 50¢ hone 2188) (14 jan c BRANCH HAP Juiture Csha ya, PEMBER"S dressing and Beauty 9 Bradley Bldg. taro. (23 nov & CILLTIAN McLEAN, PHONE 210, marcel 35¢ at your home or 734 Albert St. (28 dec 'YELLOW BIRD" HAIRDRESS ng Shoppe. Marcel 35c. Halr cut 15¢. Mrs. H. Dafoe, 137 Ritson ld. 8S, Phone 1255F. (8 jan ¢ SINGER WAVE b0c. MARCEL 35¢. Trim 25c. Miss Robbins, 8! 'ntario St. Phone 1115W. + (16 jan ¢ and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL CO M F Armstrrg & Son Propriet..r Funeral and Ambulance Service Am and nicht Phone 10R2W 87 Celina (415) Architects C. STENHOUSE GENERAI Architectural work Second floor Royal Bank Building Phone 1496 Residence phone Auctioneer PHONE 716) W 1 _ SULLEY ¥HO 'oneer 346 Simcoe St S Osh awa, Ont Special attention wiven to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements Your patronage solicited R WILBUR. L SED Auctioneer. furniture, farm stock implements a specialty Terms moderate Phone 1648 r 24 (29 dec ¢! Watch Repalring Vi U EXPERT Swiss watchmaker. ub, shop at 41% King St. et West. Your pat onage is sohcited Articles Fer Sale "OR SALE--DRY BODY WnNOD 83° % cord. Mixed wood. $2.7» 14 cord, A. Wall, Phone 2628F (8 jan 'ec FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE, dry body wood, hard soft, mizen slabs. Phone 24.3W. 115 Annis St. «2 jan c+ WEST END WOOD YARD, THE best for the money. Dry hard wood, % cord $3, Dry softwood % cord $2.50. Satisfaction guar anteed, Ben Corson, phone 1941M. 147 Nasssu St. (11 jan ¢ RINDLING WOOD, % CORD, 37. mixed $2.50, dry body maple $3 Coke and Coal, 79 John Bt. Cal 31094. (18 jan c¢) SEWI machine, ' kitchen cabinet, table and chair, 75 ft. hose and »ther articles. Must be sold. 649 Hor- 0p Ave, (150¢) Radios Repaired Battery Service BATTERIFS (CHARGED 75¢ with rental $100 Repaired and re built. Called for and ' delivered Prompt service Stan Bligdon 20 Mill St Phone 960 Hemstitching AEMSTITCHING, 7 CENTS OM embroidery work, alterations dressmaking, ete. The Dell Shop. Simcoe S Phone 1656 38% Bim 05 fly 81» all makes of radios. Work fuily guaranteed, Tubes 3aled free Jational Radlo Service 3186M. (8 jan ¢) "HONE 3350) OSHAWA RATIO Service for radio repairs. Fully 2qyuipped to give reliable service ches, Wales, (10 jan c! JARLS RADIO--REPAIRS ON all sets, batteries charged, short wave parts, Cheapest prices Phone 1200W. 115 Alice Street. (11 jan ¢) Transportation CASTAGF AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond West Special ists in furniture moving Storage warehouse and moving van equip ment Phone contractor Local anc ag dis _twnee wauling- .oads ins red 80% Carnet le fe Ave hone 167% "Private Hospital -- Rest Home S§UTNYNONK, WHITBY REGI® tered Nurse in tharge Confine ments. and all patients requirins care and rest Two dollars dally up [Inspection invited : (29 dec ¢* +0UK RADIO sCIENTIFICALLY repaired. Our methdos are ski) ul and our prices moderate, Ten sears specializing in repair work. "ree inspection, Call 2806W. Certified radiotrician, {2 jan ¢) Motor Cars STORAGE FUK ¥KEW MORE cars or trucks, We also special ize in automobile metal bump ing, body repair work, painting. washing and furpiture refnish ing. Merritt's, King' West. (16 jam c JOOD USED SEDAN CAR FOR sale. Will accept part payment. Cheap Toryguick sale. 656 Chris- Palmist CONSULT WADAME BROWN Palmist, on matters ot import ance 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F Business private. & fn (20 jan e» tie Bt. (149¢) pot rain AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR pauling, repairs, etc Phone 2104 George Reid, 66 Bond W. J. J. Turner & Sons, Representative. 126 dee © Fo: Rent \{PARTMENTS, MODE®N 3 AND 4 rooms, low rentals. Phone Dis ney 1550 or Supt, 2347TW. : ( D light housekeeping. Every con- venience. Heat, light and water. "hone 3338W. (2% jan c¢ A BRIGHT THREE ROOM apartmént with bath, Very mod- ern. Electric stove and refrigera- tion. Casa Loma Apartmonts. King St. Bast. (150¢) Sr erase. Help Wanted--Female EXPERIENCE GIRL. FOR GEN aral housework. Full or part time Middle aged woman preferred irs. Crozier, 138 Simcoe South. (149¢' + FOR eral housework, Apply 363 Rich- mond St. E, 150a) WANTED AT ONCE-- ww DDLE aged woman for light housework. 336 Division St. (150a° I SLY EX perienced sewing machine opera- tor on sweater coat pockets, Ap- ply to Schoflelq Woollen Co. Male Help Wanted TWO NEAT APPEARING MEN for special work. Good money permanent position. Age about 30. Apply tonight or Tuesday 10-12 or 2-5, Room 24 Alger Bldg. (150a Lost and Found COST- ON SUNDAY, -ILVER SXPERT RADIO SERVICE ON | hr i get with stones, between St. and King East. Finder 54 Bruce St. (150¢) ARNS FARMFRS Premier S. F. Tolmie of Bri.ish Columbia Not Keen on Politics Vancouver, B.C.--Farmers should stay out of business if they really want to enjoy liie, Premier S. F. volmie, himself a veteran farmer, told a gathering of technical agri- culturists' here a few days ago. "Running the country isn't nearly sO interesting as running a farm," said the Premier, "and the reward in genuine satisfaction and content- ment are far greater to the farmer who can watch his stock and his fields prosper than to the adminis- trator or politician whose happiness is always dependent on the whim of the public. Premier Tolmie, however, was speaking in semi-serious vein and he admits that he sometimes gets a "kick" out of politics, Not that he wouldnt probably get a greater "kick" out of life on the farm. Addressing a party meeting in Nanaimo recently lie said, "If you ever want to choose another leader I'll be only too glad to stand aside and return to the bulls where 1 be- ong." Dr. Tolmie ways that politics has taken 30 pounds from his weight, although he still tips the scales at pounds. He attributes hie weight to the "bad times" suffered by farmers when he was a mere boy on his father's farm in Saanich, Vancouver Island, "Markets were so bad days," he socalled 0 a smile, "that everythin raised that couldn't be sold ry to be eaten on the farm. So, of eourse, I had to eat a very great deal to keep the surplus down." in those ' An even greater mystery than who won the war fs what were the winnings. {150b) { AGAINST BSI ESS, Rates For Classified | Ads ¥irst insertion-- 3136 cents word. per stinimum rharge for one In. sertion She. Hach subsequent comsecu tive insertion fc per word. ree consecutive inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word) linlmum charge for three insertions 60¢. tos aun.ber 10¢ additional P--y 2 mad rof Cards. $2.50 per month for 20 words or less 10 cents a word per month for each additional word Phone 35 Ask for Classified Aid Department "WIVVERS FROM ASTRA? ARE HEEN FOR OLYMPIC At Least Six Stars Trying for Places on Team Sydney, NSW. -- Swimming i apidly becoming the most popula: f sports for women in Australia. n NSW. new clubs are ben; ormed in city and country. The NSW. Women's Amateur Swim- ning Association intends to press ome the claims of its members for nclusion. in the 1932 Australian lympic representative team. There are at least six stars pos ssing claims for inclusion mn the Jympuc team. Bonnie Mealing is the Australian athlete holding a worlds' record; Jean Cocks on last cason's form has reached as good a tandard as any other swimmer or athlete; Lurline Hook, a wonderful diver, is an expert in this sphere; Clara Dennis at breast-stroke is rapidly approaching world class; and - Molly Mitchell this season should develop into . sprinter equal to those of any other A team of Australian pi con- sisting of fean Cocks, Molly Mit- chell, Vera Pawley and Dulcie Raine, would almost certainly gain second place in the 400 metres teams relay event. Mrs. W, Chambers, honorary sec- retary of the N.S.W. Women's Am- ateur Swimming = Association, says that the coming season is going to be the busiest and most successful she has, experienced during her 21 years' association with the sport. Vera Pawley, ex-Australian 100 yards champion, accompanied the popular women's secretary to Mus- wellbrook, and after regular train- mg was able just before leaving to record 332-5 sec. for the 50 metres, the fastest time ever put up by an Australian girl Man~ (to his aged mother, speal:- 'ng of his wife)-I do wish I could eep Mary from exaggerating so! Shrewd Old Lady--Get her to talk about her own age." Sorority Frosh---"He is all the world to me. What would you ad- vise me to do?" Been There--"See a little more of the world, my dear?" NATURE GIVING AIDTO SHIPPING Icebergs + Stayed in North 'During 1931 Season of Navigation Washington, D.C. -- Nature gave full cooperation to the Canadian and United States coast guard ser- vices this year in combatting the hazard of icebergs in trans-Atlan- tic travel. In the 1931 season, for the first time in 18 years, the icebergs con- fined their travels to the region north of the Grand Banks off New- foundland. ¢ This was made known in the an- nual report of the Coast Guard which began patroling the ice fields soon after the Titanic sank in 1912 from a collision with a mountain of ice. The report, submitted to the United States congress by Rear Ad- miral F. C. Billard, coast guard commandant, also said his men saved 5,627 persons from peril in the fiscal year ending last June 30. NEW SAWN] TO SUPPLY BRITAIN M:king Lumber Supplies to Meet With Exacting Fequi:ements Duncan, B.C.--A large sawmill in the Cowichan district has been com- pletely remodelled during the last month or so that it. will be able to saw lumber according to the exact- 'ng requirements of the United ing dom market. The changes comprise chiefly the istallation of what is known as Swedish gang saw equipment which 'nables a much closer cut to the limensions specified by British buy- ers. In past years the British Columbia 'umber industry has regarded valual\'e outlet for its larger tim- bers, but little attempt has been made to cut the smaller size stock because of the fact that the dimen- sions specified are different from those of the countries which in the past have constituted the most im- portant markets. Now that many of the normal markets are d pressed, ang there has been a tendency on the part of British buyers to give preference to Empire lumber, the operators of the Cowichan mill feel that it will be profitable to cater more definitely to the requirements of the British trade, and installation of the gang saw rig, similar to that in use in Scandinavian countries, was decided upon. Scandinavian mills using similar equipment have been for many years the chief contributors to the ou Country lumber market. Shaw's Logic Stumped By Soviet Horse Race London. -- His hosts apparently put one over on George Bernard Shaw when he visited Russia last Summer, He is still trying to fig: ure out why the Soviets had a horse-racé to celebrate his birth day while he was there. "When I learned to my horror that they had a horse-race to cele brate my 75th birthday, I enquired if, as they had eliminated competi- tion, altogether, there would be only one horse," he said. "That is perfectly logical, but they could not eo it." "On the subject of horse-racing it is probable that if you scratch a Russian you will find an Eng- lishman," he added. the |; United Kingdom as a convenient and |. » OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE WHITBY. HMAWA, SOW Wees De: (Effective on and Ag ved 1, Sept a, wn) 8.50 a.m 10.3. am Qi0pm 1.45 p.m 3.15 p.m 515 p.m 6.15 p.m 74pm L00pm 10.0C pom 1015p m HPpm 1200am 1215am Times marked * are through busses tc Whitby Hospital 10.00 a.m 11.35 am Lisp i50m 6.45 p.m 10.30 p.m yr Arrive Bow @anville 7.20 am 8i5am (81.] 1.30 p.: o 245p.m A: 300p.m tv 4.10pm. 5.05 p.m iSpm. 4.45pm S45p.m 6.05 p.m 7.3% p.m 7.45pm 8'3p.m Ar 8pm Lv 9.05 p. " 10.30 045 p.m Ho SUNDAY 'AND HOLIDAY "SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 2.00 a.m 2.30 a.m 3.45am. nam 11.3 am 14am 2.00 p.m 2.30 p.m 245pm LU p.m 4.30 p.m +00 p.m 73 p.m 0.00 p.m "15pm 4.45 p.m. 6.45 p.m, 8.15 p.m 4.30 p.m 8.00 p.m 1030p m Going Leave Oshaws 10.15 a.m 12215pm 3.00 p.m 50 p.m 700 p.m Leave Whitby Wwlam 1200 p.m 245 p.m 5pm 545 p.m 15pm 8pm 045 p.m 1100pm T. A. GARTON. PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Ushawa Waiting Room 10 Prince Street Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers GRAY COACH LINES (Effoctive, Nov. 22, 1931) (Easte:n Standard Time) Phone 2825 LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM. fM 7.30 8.30 030 10.30 11.39 P.M. 12.30 Bowmanville 1045am 2.30 FOUI WATER IS MADE VERY PURE | Bacteria Completely Taken | From Water of River in China Victoria, B.C.--Therec are more bacteria in the water of the Whang- poo River in China than anywhere else, but by the time this water | passes through the waterworks and | becomes available for human con- sumption 1n Shanghai it grades high er than London's water supply, ac- cording to C. D. Pearson, chief en gincer and manager of the Shang- | "ai Waterworks system, who passed | through here recently from China on his way to New York and Lon- don. i Mr. Pearson is the man who is | responsible for the purity of Shang- | hai's water supply, which meets the | requirements of 1,250,000 people. He | has seen the capacitv of the water | works rise from 7,000,000 gallons aj day to 62,000,000 gallons, as at the { aresent time. The plant was op- | ened by Li Hungchang in 1883. | The bacterial content of the | Whanenoo's turbid stream is re- | 1] moved by chlorine treatment and af | ter 1t passes through the filtration | nrocesses, similar to those in use on | | the Mississinni and Missouri Rivers, | 't is ready for drinking. | The Shanechai waterworks system | 's operated with British capital. | H | | 1 | Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Establishea 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | OMPSQ)\ psc | DRUG STORER S| PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 1" Simeoe St. 8S. «Daily except Sunday. b--8 day, Sun. day and Holidays i d--Sunday only CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS | Train Service Effective, Nov. 22nd } EASTBOUND | 8.55 am Except Sunday. | 3.42 am Daily 1.44 pm Except Sunday 10.2 pm Daily 12.35 a.m Daily, 12.35 an. Daily. WESTBOUND $45 am Daily. 5.50 a.m Daiy. 6.2 a.m Daily 4.06 pom Daily. 6.4% p.m Except Sunday. 7 m Except Sunday. 7:20 bn. CANADIAN PAC IC RAILWAYS Effective Nov. 22, 1931 (Standard Time) Eastbound Lv. Oshawa, Lv. Oshawa, 1.25 a.m. Daily 40 Trenton Local Dally, ex. Sun, Af pom Daily. L05 a.m Daily, 1.05 a m. Daily For Ottawa. Montreal and East only-- 8 Westbound $.56 a.m Daily 713am Daily 112 p.m Daily. 72pm Daly, except Sunday, m8.54 p.m. Daily. Fl m Toronto and West only~flag. We Deliver BEATTIE'S COUGH SYRUP 35¢ (Guaranteed) for sale by F, W. THOMPSON A. R. BELFRY JOHNSTON DRUG CO. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE G-Roomed Drick-Veneer Dwell. ing, finished Attic and Sun. room, garage. Dearbourne Ave. Apply J. H. R. Luke, Phones 871---887W, SPECIAL! Clean Carbon, recondition Valves and motor tune up Chev. 4 cylinder ......88.98 Chev. 6 cylinder ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 86 King St, E, Phone 900 nhowmseyr SB, Ps onan onf. Sf 1--1931 Chey, Sport Sedan 1--1028 Chev. Sedan, free wheeling Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 REPAIRING Wa TChEsS OUR SPECIALTY . J. BROWN It your watch {8 not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time THE JEWELER Ofticial Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 5. hone 180 BOYS CORDUROY BREACHES, double seat and double knee. $1.39 Special Dominion Clothing Ce., i8 King 8&t WW "hone 2141 WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finzer Waves Phone 2653. 7 Celina St. ROYAL YOR Te ma) pound 28 At o superior Stores ange Tekoe Girls' All Wool Fancy PULLOVERS at BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS Figures just re.eased by the federal Dalry and Cold Storage Branch show that since 1868 a total of 7,485,936,219 pounds of cheese have been made in Cana- da, havin~ a ™"nlsgale evaluation of $1,014,845,688. POTATOES 90 Ib. bag, 50c HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED PHONE 203 | EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always Diamonds Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner TILLIE THE TOILER By Russ. Westc HELLO, MAC +) THE 'PHONE * ve EVER SINCE THE RADIO TO LISTENED OVER TRIED Avil [VS ™re. BEEN WORRIED hq THAT FIGHT You Were we How ARE you -7 DAY VESTERDAY To GET You On| | Ny JUSS JONES 1 MAC TO BE HE ANY MINUTE MACDOUGALL TO BHOW THIS OENTLE MAN BUY waar UNTIL You SEE Hiv - WELL, \F You, HELLO "His," a Fu W'S THAT FIGHT] aol | [WGINALD G GEWN ORGAN {s'. choirmaster 'imcoe Unite Church. Plano, organ, singing Phone 3128. fesidence, 2s doc prod ction. an voice ui a Phone Ne [} Studia: Co. # SKATES AND BOOTS. NEW AND slightly used. $1.50 up. Your old skates taken in exchange Open evenings. 12 Richmond St, Bast. (22 di a Work Wan: ed ATA YOUNG wane hou ckeeping position in § ble home whers boy 3 ig 8 months, is not objected Phone 1906M or 377 Pyrk Rd. 8. ; (150b) OREN | Furs Repaired . FURS REPAIRED, REMODEL ed and lined 40 years expert ance, fur trimmings by the yard. 'ollars and cuffs Fu coats $25 ap Littner, 86 Simcoe North (28 oct l-mo) FOUR AND FUR COATS RE | paired, remodelled and relined \lso scientifically cleaved by ex pert furrier. Also fu . supplies '19 Huron Crescent. Phane 632M (7 jan c) i S 1 rs repaired, remodelled at moderate prices. Mrs. G. Hicks 143 Pri ce St. Phone 2378) or J. 8." Wilsog, Mrs 5229 Toronto. = . "47 jan rte pr "Rest Home a] RAT HOME, NURFF nu attendance; warm i ms, terms reasonable. 80 Urock St. W Phone 8293, ; (30 dec ¢) | BRINGING UP FATHER i b. GOLLY! THIS CLUBS S50 QUIET- TERRIBLE AN' ITS 90 NOISY his HOME « A BOILER FACTORY 'S SOOTHIN' COMPARED TO IT- 1931. King Features Sri? dos Great Brltain i i rove. a -- AH- MR: NGES YOU LOOK LONESOME * You SEEM TO HAVE. NOTHING BUT TIME ON YOUR A YOU SHOULD PUT IN YOUR TIME READING- WHY DONT YOu GON THE LIBRARY ANDO READ A Book? THATS NOT A BAD IDEA, EVEN F IT DOES COME FROM LL GO HOME a READ: 1 MIGHT DIE IN THE LIBRARY AN NEVER BE FOUND NO ONE EVER GOES IN THERE WY Ne ind

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