Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1931 Women's Interests in the Home cad the Ccmmunit Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hopkins and litle daughters, Geraldine and Eliene, 263 Mary Street, left to- day to spend Christmas with Mrs. Hopkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ww. J. Kehoe, Read, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Timmins, Harmony, will have as their Christmas guests, Mrs. W, C. Gar- diner and Miss Alede Gardiner of Kingston, Ontaro. . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. O'Neill left vesterday for Port Hope where they will spend Christmas with Mrs. O'Neill's mother, Mrs. O. Brown. They will also visit rela- tives in Lindsay during the holi- day season. "w Ad Mrs. D. J. Mackinnon of Tor- onto is the guest of her son, Mr, Ross Mackinnon and Mrs. Mac- kinnon, Masson Street. % Mr. and Mrs. K. 8. Mackinnon and three children of Toronto will spend Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mackinnon, Masson St. %® - * Miss Marguerite Dickie was the recipient of a gift of valuable books from Christ Church men's Auxiliary, as a token of their appreciation and recognition of her work as an active member of the Society in the past few years. Regret was expressed by the secretary of th organization Mrs, W. G. Corbin at the fact that Miss Dickie will soon be depart- ing from Oshawa, to take up her work as a missionary. - Mr. and Mrs, Harry Nobes, of Harmony, are leaving this after- nocn for Kingston, where they will spend the Christmas vaca- tion with Mr. Nobe's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason of Harmony, are to be the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lester Caughey and Mr. Caughey, of Cobourg, for, Christmas. "Mr. W. A. Goodwin and Miss ed in town today to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross, King Street East. % LJ - Mr. George Hood, of Oshawa, will spend the Christmas holidays with this mother, Mrs. M. M. Hood, of Lansing, Ontario. LJ = LJ Misses Anna & Bethea Cardiff, Simcoe St. S., is spending the Christmas holidays at their home in Renfrew. = - Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnstom, of Toronto, is spending Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs, W. L Wannamaker, Louisa St. *- - Mr. and Mrs. E. Deeley and gon, Dudley, Cubert St., is spend- ing the Christmas holiday and week-end, with friends in Hawk- stone. Salted Almonds Cream of Tomato Stuffed Native Turkey French Peas Mashed Steamed Potatoes Christmas Plum Pudding Apple Pie Vanilla Ice Cream Assorted Cakes Coffee : : : : : : Fn 11 AM. TO9PM. Fruit Cocktail Sweet Pickles Boiled Sea Salmon allemande Caper Sauce Beef Tenderloin pique a la Francaise Chicken and Mushroom Patties Printaneire Roast Young Goose Prime Rib of Beef en Denie Glace Vegetables Club Salad Hot Mince Pie Mixed Nuts and Raisins Tea Milk Co We are preparing a special menu for New Year's dinner--You are invited. : a A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE pit © 0 AR GS GG (Sh CCRC] GRAND CAFE UPSTAIRS--14!; KING ST. E : ! oe Queen Olives Consommeoe Renaissanco Cranberry Saucc Apple Sauce Cream Cauliflower Baked Sweet Potatoes Hard and Wine Sauce Pineapple Cream Pie Cream Cheese May Goodwin, of Lindsay arriv- BHUDED RESIDE | Greetings It is our wish that Christmas mark: the beginning of every happiness for you and your dear ones. May the day be a delightful one. J. S. Kyle FOP OSS OID FSR OIF LISF UREN ISS LISS II E00 RE 2 Miss Hester Vokes, of Hamil- tor, is spending the Christmas holiday season at her home un Albert Street. * "© * Mr, and Mrs, M. W. Sutton, of Oshawa will be the guests of relatives in Stirling, Ontario on Christmas Day. - L RA The members of Holy Trinity Young People's Club gave a par- ty last evening with games, con- tests suitable for the Christmas season. These were followed by dancing and a supper that was served shortly before midnight. - LJ * Mr. Charles Anderson and fam- ily of Toronto are to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G Robertson, Christie Street, on Christmas Day. » de - Miss Helen Robertson of Co- bourg, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. &. Robertson, Christie Street. = " * Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Jackson, Movrtreal, are arriving this even- ing to be guests of Mr. Jackson's sister, Miss Grace Jackson, of this city. * * LJ Mr. Spuart 'Hall, Division Street, is spending the holtday at the home of his parents in Clinton, Ontario. » > » Miss Mary Davy, Brock Street, leaves today for Bath, Ontario, where she will be the guest of her parents for Christmas, - LJ * Mr. Lawson Richards, of Galt, Ontario, is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rich- arde, Athol Street East, for the holiday. » LJ Mr, J. Hartland Callaghan, of Montreal, will spend Christmas Day and the following week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Callaghan, Masson Street, TIDINGS + PWOWOWS d i The Great World calls that youth may heed And from dependence thus be . freed. --O0ld Mother Nature. Soon or late to all the little people of the Great Meadows and the Green Forest comes the call of the Great World. Most of them hear it and heed it without real- izing what it is or what it means. With no intention of doing so they wander away from home and parents and do pot come back. The Great World has called' them and they are answering it but do not know it. It was just this way with Unc' Billy Possum's big family. You remember that in the spring he had to give up his comfortable home in a hollow tree to Mrs. Possum and their twel" e children: There hadn't been room for Unc' Billy too. All summer Mrs, Pos- sum had kept the family together and had worn herself to skin and bones feeding those growing youngsters and keeping watch over them, Now, however, they were big enough to hunt their own food, and the Great World was beginning to call to them, They didn't all hear and ans- wer that call at the same time. Goodness, no. The first one to heed it wasn't even missed when he failed to return. There were 80 many of them that ol' Mrs. Possum didn't count noses and so she didn't notice that this one did not return with the rest of them to sleep the day away in their now crowded home. Two mornings later another was migs- ing, and the next night two more wandered away. Then Mrs. Pos- sum took notice. She counted noses and found only eight. "Something done happen to these missing children," she wor- ried. Une' Billy shook his head. He had that very night run across the trail of two of them. "Don' yo' worry," said he. They-all have just gone out to make a place fo' like they-all are big enouch to be looking out fo' themselves and not depending on we-uns to look out fo' them, Ah reckon Yo' have- n't had one M'l minute to vo'self since those 1i'l rascals were ho'n." Ol' Mrs. Possum admited that this was true and that she was about worn out. "Yo' look it," de- clared Une' Billy, who himself was fat and sleek. "Yo £ho'ly do look po'ly and Ah reckon the soon- er ye' get rid of family cares the ee a a ae Th Christmas Greetings Among our assets we like fo count the only one that money cannot buy--your good will. Each year wo realize more fully that our friendships are what make life worth living and sum can grow up unles it grow up, and feeding watcliing over it all the letting it grow up no matter big it gets. Yo' done ra proud of those young but it is time now fo' to have a rest and enous put some flesh on yo' bones, "Think," said Ol' Mrs "of all the dangers the | one to tell them what to to do." She sighed dolcfully, declared Une' Billy. "Ne yo' what to do and if y it is high time they themselves in the Great World and Ah reckon the rest will be going befo' long. learning." That very missing, And so it went Runty was left, and even really out in the Gre: only he had chosen to] same part of the Gres that hig father and mot He didn't live with the saw them often. And so one by one and two by two the young Possum ent out into the Great World and most of them Unc' I saw no more. Yet if th known they were not eye; after a day or two. It wa to. be free of worry an day ano truth be it is when children heed the ca | of the Great Worle eed it they must if they are going to | make places for themse]ve And wh'o would have it otherwige? (Copyright, 1931, T. W. Burgess) The next story: First Looks to me Christmas," WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING SMART JACKET TYPE CUTS ITS BODICE Along Fitted Basque Liles By ANNETTE A slim moulded silhouette adds an unusually smart jacket. It is in the fashionable brick red shade sheer woolen with wide matching suede belt. The upper part of the dress and jacket are brown woblen. It is the most simple model to make, and its small cost will gur- prise you. It's a dress that will meet all day oceasions smartly. Since wool- SE on a new import- ance this season, it may be worn through an entire day, excepting for strictly formal affairs. Style No. 8056 may he had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 Price of BOOK 15 nis, Price of PATTER 20 cens in stamps or coin (coin is eferred)., Wrap coin carefully Address orders to: Pattern Edi. tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. London, Ont., has 11,690 mo- tor cars and after reading that we decided not to buy any stock in the London Street I Stratford Beacon-lehald. ay,---- OER DES CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS Wo extend our best wishes for A MERRY CHRIST- MAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. EY ) The Grocmeateria 174 Ritson Rd, S. Phone 3235 RMR OES Ae hest Colds Rub well over throat and chest viens OVER 21 MILLION JARS USED YEARL ERR hd "=. g wr 2re FF UII USI RRR $ Ld better fo' all hands. No 1i'l Pos- a fine big fam'ly and Ah cert'nly am Possums | em to make their own way and fo' you 1 food to Possum, or dar- lings will have to face with no ao or not "Foolishness. All foc hness," | told | | 19-year-old | star, is in hospital following in- | | Juries received ip a practice on | been Billy and M P mm | : iy a 1 | knocked to the ice, He received | |a head wound and was knocked ndiiion Ss | OREUET IDES URES DDE DLR ip CHRISTMAS GREETINGS missed | i sonscious 5 a relje | UBCONSC fous, His care, LN TO ALL OUR ¥| JAZ ~-- 2D Ere SENN S------------------------. < LN we therefore like to feel that there is a spirit of friendship un- derlying our business relations with our customers, And so at this Holiday Sea- son, we extend to you not as a customer, but as a friend----our Best Wishes for a Merry Christ, mas and a Prosperous New Year. Sincerely yours, D STORE WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TrRatResRenraesRen een - | Hockeyist Hurt Cornwall.--Lloyd MeDonald, local junior hockey | Monday night when he collided | with another player and was | lierald. Ontario in 1930 bought over Mr. Frank 39 million gallons of gas, dnd! iv town with his parents, Mr. ani | the sad part of it is that it's all | Mrs, H. Boyce, Oshawa Blvd, fol used.--Stratford DBeacon- | ' the Holiday, not serious, Nomination Meetings Winchester, Nomination meetings will be held in the four townships of Dundas county on selection of reeves and council- | lors to represent the township | da, Mountain and Winchester. | Should an election be necessary, a vote will be held on Monday, January 4, 1932, Kingston.---George F. Herger, Monday, Décember 28, for the | i councils of Willlamsburg, Matil- | {3 To our patrons in Oshawa and District, and to all citizens, (4 nay we express our sincere wishes for a joyful Christmas ¥: and a New Year of Prosperity, Christmas Dinner $1.00 | Bf 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. WALDORF CAFE PHONE 1331 y |B © BI BB BS BS BB placed under arrest on a charge of failing to give an account for goods purchased from fhe Cald- well Linen Mills Limited of Iro- suois, has been granted bail of five hundred dollars. C.GCLT. THE CHRISTMAS TREE "We think it meet Oour Lord to greet, As the wise men did of old, With the spiceries Of incense trees And hearts like hoarded gold; IDEESCRED ® suggest Wishing my patrons a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Genosha Hairdressing Parlor GENOSHA HOTEL An so we shake The snowy flake From cedar and myrtle fair-- And the boughs that nod On the hills of God, We raise to His glory there." Yes! The Christmas tree is to . be the centre of our vesper ser- vice on Thursday night in Sim- coe St. United Church. It is to be aflame with candles and sym- bolic of | "The Light of The World,66 the Christ-child born nineteen hundred years ago. There will be carols and there will be silences. All who would like to get away from the noise are welcome at. the C.G.I.T. Ves- per service--8 p.m, in Simcoe St. United Church, on Thursday ev- Will the girls be there School ening. at 7.30 in the Sunday 100m in uniform, | Misses Lou Stevens and Bessie McKechnie, of this city, are at the home of the former's parents | at Enniskillen for Christmas. PRREIRRO ROIS INNES INNES RE « : a ; and bustle of Christmas business : Greetings, folks, And & : a : oe EE ie REC E RE ES REE ERY SIRJVVNR OWE enough Christmas joy to last throughout the year. May health and happiness attend. Choice Christmas Dinner 75¢ Commercial Hotel SS BS BN BESS BIS Joyce, Hamilton, i Compliments --of the-- ~ Season yo the days to come, mav vou en- MBO Our Nast Cordial DEE ® GREETINGS if our wishes come true, you and your family will have tlie fiov a full measure health, and accom- _ plishment. 4 BUI S CO. LTD. E | cidentally, you will save money and 40 inches bust. It is quite formal , for after- noons in deep blue crepe with the upper part of the bodice in sheer metal lame. Remove your jacket and you're ready for dinner or Sunday nights, ' Size 16 requires 2 3-8 yards 39-inch dark material with 1 3-4 yards 39-inch light material. Our Winter Fashion Magazine contains styles for childres, the miss, a most attractive selection for adults including slenderizing effects for stouts, and & variety of Christmas suggestions. And in- by choosing your frock from our Pattern models, * As another Christmas day rolls 'round we think' back on our many years of pleasant business assoclations with you, and send of holidays, the most prosperous of you our greetings. remeron meg May sincere, . fre friendliest he as certain as our wishes are THE REXALL STORES * Jury & Lovell : } 1 scasonal your happiness AUFERO FIE LEER OER LISSA : : years. PrP F. T. Lamble

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