Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1931, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1931 - Christmas Services in the City Churches a st Andrew's United Church Cor. of Pruce St. and Simcoe St., 8. REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister Mr. George Henley, Musical Director SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th. 11 am~*THE WELCOME GUEST." Special Christmas Music from Handel's "Messiah". ~ Chorus--"And the Glory of the Lord." ' Recit.--"Behold a Virgin shall Conceive." Chotys=.%0 Tho That Fetes, '* soloist, Mrs. J. Reid " "And the Angel said unto Them," "And suddenly there was with the Angel." Soloist, Mrs. Grant Berry. Chorus.--*Glory to God." Hallelujah." Chorus.~*' 7 8 pm~SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 pm-THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE GIFT SERVICE. with approapriate Ulluminations. The Story of the First Christmas Tree will be told by the Pastor, and several of the Children and Young People will take part in the service. "0 Come, Let us Adore Him." Jd Church REV. CHAS. E, CRAGG, M.A, B.D., MINISTER MR. LEONARD RICHER, L.R.AM., Musical Director 11 AM. | "The Starinthe East' Regular Choir assisted by Junior Choir and Orchestra. 2.30 P.M. Special White Gift Service 6.45 P.M, Song Service 7PM I 'No Room in the Inn' Special Service of Christmas Music, with special emphasis on Christmas Carols STRANGERS AND VISITORS MADE WELCOME. es SS Ss Ck "Come Let Us Worship." Rev. Geo. C. R. McQuade, Minister Mrs. Roy F. Bennett, Organist and Choir Leader. SUNDAY, DECEMBER TWENTIETH m~~A WHITE GIFT SERVICE. coe Yang i will assemble at 10.45 and proceed Sun. 'Hono tses « rr A church, "oY urch in a body) mth special importanc 3 lo the children of the Beg THOSE HOLY VOICES? snd Primary Departments. 'ends of Christ" I The members of the Sunday Es | 'he Behool occupied the central part of the church while a large con- ed 4 de (Coty egation filled the remainder of be' e space in the church auditor- MRS, Ra L.C.M. PRESENT, Bt. E. Harston, Rev. J. 8. I. Wilson and B. J. Gay, superinten- dert of the Sunday School, were in the pulpit at the beginning of the service but both ministers re- tired, leaving Mr. Gay to conduct the children's program, which took the place of the usual morn- ing sermon. Choruses, "Away in a Man- geri" and "Gentle Shepherd," were sung by the little children of the Beginners and Primary De- partments. Little Miss Marjorie Warne, of the Cradle Roll depart- ' men spoke the welcome speech, "Christmas Smiles"; a recitation was ven by Miss Frances Pal- Library--Schol OF SGU. Donation Made to ¢ i News Notes of City Churches Knox Presbyterian The minister Rev, D.» Munro will preach at both services on Sunday. Grace Lutheran Church The services in the church will be conducted by Rev. A. C. Hahn at the regular hours. Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness The pastor, G. Hall, will speak at Both services in the church on oe ye Northminster | Yaited_ Christmas services will be ducted by the minister at North minster at 11 am, and 7 p.m. 'The service will be of a similar nature at North Oshawa at 3 pm. Christian Science Church The subject at the service on Sunday morning will be "Is the Universe, including Man, evolved by Atomic Force"? Christ Church Anglican Mr. William Tyrrell, of Toronto, chairman of the Laymens Commit- tee of the Diocese will speak at the morning service at 11 am, Rev. R. B. Patterson will deliver a Christ- mas message at the evening service. Centre Street United The morning service will take the form of'a White Gift Service with the Sunday School attending in a body, At the evening service Rev. Mr. McQuade will preach on the subject "Hark What Mean Those Holy Voices." Albert Street United Rev. S. C. Moore will deliver Christmas messages at both ser- vices. At the morning service he will take as his subject "Heaven's Christmas Tree." At the evening service he will preach on the text "White Gifts for the King." First Baptist Church The services in First Baptist Church on Sunday will be of a Christmas nature. At the morning service the pastor wil preach on the subject, "The Message of Christ- mas", The subject at the evening service will de "The Prince of Peace." Rev. T. F. Best, of Whitby, will speak at Lh Men's Brother hood at'2.15 p.m, United Special Christmas music will be presented at the morning and even- ing services in Cedardale United Church on Sunday. At the morn- ing service Rev. A. E. Thornley will preach on the subject "The Coming of the Christ Child." at the evening service he will speak on the subject Reception of the Christ St. Andrew's United Rev, F. J. Maxwell will condudt special Christmas services on Sun- day. His subject at the niorning service will be "The Welcome Guest". The choir will render sel. ections from Handel's "Messiali", The minister will tell the story of the first Christmas Tree at the eve- ning service. It will be a beautiful White Gift service with several or the children and young people tak- ing part, Holy Trinity Anglican The »vening service at Holy Trin- ity Anglican Church will be featur- "ed by the singing of a number of Christmas + Carols "with Master t'rank Hooper, Master J. Smart, Master Jack Burns and Mr. G. Lowers as the soloists, On Christ- mas Day the dedication of altar vestments will take place. King Street United Rev. C. E. Cragg will preach on the subject "The Star in the East" at the morning service on Sunday. CAPT. T. F. BEST Whe will address the Men's Bro- | therhood of First Baptist | Church, Oshawa, Sunday after. | noon at 2. 15, | The Church Everywhere | The Methodist Episcopal | Church in the United States (North) has taken seriously the deficit in its missionary funds. At a meeting of the Board of For- elgn Missions in Philadelpnia, a shortage of $483,000 was an- nounced. It was seen that if the payment of such a sum were made the first charge on the re- ceipts of next year, there would practically be a wrecking of the PRE 36, 36 36 06 36 TC TG 2 RY work built up during the past century. At once men volunted)- ed to sacrifice part of their eal- | aries, a cut of 10 per cent being | volunteered by officials and mem- | A re- | duction in the salaries of mis- | bers of their office staffs, sionaries was proposed and also in the number Yo be maintained abroad. It was arranged that the present shortage in the funds be met by a payment each year unti} 1938, when it is hoped the ecoromic situation will be back to normal. The subject was view- ed from another standpoint, pamely an inquiry whether we cause of the falling off in the givings is due to lack of interest or the prevailing depression in business. Nine of their number have joined in a Fellowship of Prayer and Meditation, and oth- ers were anxious to make a sim- {lar covenant, » + LJ The biennial meeting ot tne Christian Unity League has just ocen held in Cleveland. Its first gathering was four years ago, when the members assembled in the First Presbyterian Churen, Baliimore. Two years ago a seu- satlon occurred when Bishop Manning refused to permit Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, a distin- sulshed Presbyterian minister, to dispense the Communion in St. George's Cathedral, New York. On this occasion at Cleveland the meeting was held in the Presby- terian Church of the Covenant, apd ministers from ten leading dencminations, Bishop Warren L. Rogers, of the Episcopal Church being among them, took part in the Lord's Supper. Dr. John R. Mott was one of the speakers. The League holds that it is unchristian for denomina- tions to refuse membership to any in good standing of the other charches, or not to welcome them to Communion or exchange pul- pits. Each member of the L gue subscribes to the 'Pac Reconciliation." of -- WWW WINN Simcoe Street United Church' "The House of Friendship" --- - J Minister Assistant Rev. E. HABSTON, LL.B., Rev. J. 8. L. WILSON, B.A., B.D, Reginald G. Geen, L.T.C.M., Organist and Choir Master. 11 a.m.~"White Gift Service" 7 p-m.~*GOOD TIDINGS" Organ Prelude--*'Angels o'er Bethlchem's flelds"---Wolf- Ferrari ANTHEMS "Jt Came Upon the Midnight Clear" --Stainer--Soloist: George Fleming, "Like Silver Lamps"--Barnby-- (with chime accompani- ment). Soloist: Wilfred Skoog. "See Amid the Winter's Snow" --West--Soloist: Mrs, Alger SOLOS "Why Do the Bells at Christmas Ring?" Martin Shaws Marion Ross. (With chime accompaniment) "The Infant Jesus." --Pletro Yon--Mrs. Hare and women's voices with chime accompaniment. ORGAN SOLOS Gavotte Louis 18th. Vantasia on old Christmas carols--Faulkes Hymn to Joy--Beethoven. The Minister will preach. Christmas Carol singing at both services Postlud ie 136, do, Jc do 2 ofc OF Cfo do dC 2 hi do do dada do 46 JS JS JG J dU 2 | HOLY TRINITY CHURCH | ANGLICAN Corner of Court and Barrie Sts. REV. 8. O. JARRETT, Incumbent, 30 Fairbanks St. 8 a.m.~Holy Communion. 11 a.m~MATINS 3 pm~Sunday School. 7 pm~Shortened Evemsong and C: CAROLS BY CHOIR Selected from Hart's Christmas Carols, Softly The Night is Sleeping. 2. List Our Merry Carol . Solo--"Nazareth'--Gounod. 4. Come, Ye Rural Sb 1 ds. . "Good King Wenceslas, ' Solos, Masi: Towers. . Organ--*'In a Monastery Garden"---Ketelbey. . "Ring Out, O Bells," . "A Child This Day is Born." . Solo "Thy Will Be Done," Wolcott, Master Frank Hooper. 10. "Glory In The Highest." 11. "The First Nowell." All others, otherwise not mentioned, by = Soloists: Master Frank Hooper, Master J Burns, Mr, G. Towers. CHRISTMAS DAY 8 AM.~Holy Communion, 10 A.M.--~Chor#'/ Eucharist. Christmas Setting and Anfhems appropriate to scason Dedication of Al estments and fellowship. rols. Mr. Jack Burns. J. Smart, Mr, G. "it choir. Smart, Mr, Jack | | CHRIST CHURCH ; (ANGLICAN) . Corner Hillcroft and Mary Sts. REVy R. B, PATTERSON, M.A. Incumbent RA 5 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT § 8 am.~--HOLY COMMUNION # 10 a.m.~--BIBLE CLASS | 11 a.m.~MORNING PRAYER. i | sigrenfhry Mr. Wm. Tyrrell, of Toronto, Chairman of Dio- 4 cesan in Laymen's Committee. al 2.30 p.m.~SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 pm.~EVENING PRAYER Christmas Message by the Incumbent Mon. 7.80 p.m.~Sunday School Christmas Tree. All invited, CHRISTMAS DAY 8 AM.--Holly Communion. : mer; & pageant, "Frankincense," in which thirteen of the younger 'members of the Sunday Schoo! sppeared preceded the actual giv- ing of the White Gifts. These | children included: Adele Boulet, Madeline Joynt, Jean Nolan, El- lle Cowie, Thelma Halleran, Ray Hennesey, Doreen Curtis, Billle Johnston, Drew Jacobi, Jack £leep, Helen. Bowden, Rhea New- some, Betty Henley. , zou ot Beginning a Slate de hei to the front sent a representative e of the church to state what that I class was doing in 'the 'way of helping or making merry 'thig: Christmas for. some un- ed people in the name Christ and to deposit the little white cradle that "the 'first Christmas The' yh fl R Chtiatmas of the firs Bi on page §) GliThe regular choir will be assisted 10.80 A.M.~--Holly Communion by the Incumbent. Won by Mary by the junior choir and orchestra The morning service will be the Gift Service. ¢n" will be the subject of Rev. Owing to an unfortunate « ite in the composing room, the ait V.1. scholarship in English, donat- ed by Mrs. Willjam F. McAdie was imperfectly reported in Satur- day's edition of The Times. It should have read: $25.00 to the student attaining the highest standing in Middle School English was won by Mary Glass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Glass. 'Mrs. McAdie, who, with her sis- ter, Miss F. E. Hislop, has long been interested in the progress of 'education in Oshawa, also donated a very beautiful piece of Italian sculpture to the Library of the Cbhllegiate and Vocational Insti- tute, the announcement of the donation being made at last Fri- day's Commencement Exercises. " 'season nearly over." The last roes of awtymn } ~ Toronto Globe Editorial 'on Oshawa Mayoralty The Toronto dbe, in in ts. of edi- golomns throne to to ag A pd ng made locally to per- EK: Sinclai A 'be a yrs = 'the HONOR R attem a of ro parn to amp by "Sinclair as Mayor a '1o32 i more than a striking tribute to anding public wan. Itis a ¢ of municipal ern- elation to the welfare of | sion. ple. | tor | the 2 Or the | GP to his regular responsi- bi the "provincia er of the ition Sotawat, good another matter. It would undoubt- edly necessitate additional personal sacrifice on the part of the vetéran Ontario figure. "The Qovelopments in Oshawa f | will be watched with keen interest throughout the Province. Mr, Sin- clair's long service in the political Qe lite of the Province has won him a Wein of friends--iriends both in and out of all parties. The recent election of Mr. inclaiv as Bencher of the Un da Law Society indicates the esteem in which Mr. Sinclair is held in his own profes Hh Oshawa i obi Mr. Sinclair ayoralty, f Re Name. Te of course, a of a n- cial pL or in 'that time, and. Be probability of subsequent duties glesuwbase. that is | Mini "No Room in dress at the evening ser- metwening service will be a membeént, Christmas carols. pressed delivered by Clajted LABOR BEAT: IN STZ Melbourne, Australia, Dec. "It is a Eo Fad Minister iy 4 Scullin, follo the victory of the United Aust y in the general election A The Labor Government, in nce October, 1929, was decisi efeated. Prime Minister Sc retained his seat for Jarra, Vi this Ca ed to gain re-ele but the yajority of Ministers fai The United Australia p coalition with the Countr can command a majority o one in the new House of sentatives, © The party st will be: United party . Independent ....... Total ..oeane. Australia's __ pros) ster is Hon. - Lyons, r of oseph | a A party since its formation less a year ago. In the last el Mr. Janna. was elected as a ite. and he was prominent. i think vou ich train is me good-bye already." ought to find out yours? You've kiss for six wrong trai know.", n didn" ed it out mean fo--but he squeez- f me." VDAY, DECEMBER 20th Christmas Services 11 am. 'The Message ¢ Christma gs" oD 2.15 pam. 1EN'S BROTHERHOOD ddrossed by Capt. T. F. Best : to P 8.00 p.m. Sunday School 7.00 p.m. "The Prince of Peace" 7.30 p.m., Tuesday, CHRISTMAS PAGEANT AND WHITE GIFT SERVICE || Are Cordially Tuvited. | i a FR A Albert St. United Church | REV. 8, C. MOORE, B.A, B.D. CHRISTMAS MUSIC AND MESSAGES 11 am.--"HEAVEN'S CHRISTMAS TREE" 2.80 p.m.~-Sunday School and Bible Classes 6.530.~CHRISTMAS CAROLS "WHITE GIFTS FOR THE KING." 7 pm~~A Christmas Beautitude. . Special Christmas anthems at both services EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS AA ---------- Three Year Sentence Pembroke.-- August Schernetskie, »|of Hagarty Township, who was found guilty in County Court here on Tuesday last of the thert of $i,- 000 from Thomas Coulis, of Simp- son's Pit, in August last, afpesred beore His Honor Judge J. T. Mul- cahy and was sentenced to three years in Kingston Penitenti B. Johnson, K.C., was ive prosecutor, and T. J. Galligan ap- peared for the accused. Pleaded Guilty K' gston anther E. Cornell, ar- rested in Kingston ten days ago, at the request of the Peterboro police, on a charge of forgery, came before the ' Magistrate at Peterboro and was remanded till Monday for sen- tence. The accused pleaded that the three forged cheques he had e our during November on a Peterboro merchant were all writ. ten while he was intoxicated. The prisoner asked for the clemency of the court. Report from the police at Peterboro shows that he has had the cheque-writing urge on previous occasions. in Flames Su." hs Fails.--Pupils of Aberdeen public school here started Christmas holidays in advance after they had made a hurried exit from their class rooms a fire threatened destruc- tion of the building. Starting in the attic, the flames were eating their way 'through upper class rooms before the fire was discovered. With ut any signs of panic, the 150 pupils were marched out of the building and the firemen confined the flames to the upper floor. Firemen's Ball Kingston. -- The seventh annual ball of the Provincial Federation of Ontario Fire Fighters, Branch No. 14, Kingston, was held on Wednes- day night in Ontario Hall and was attended by a very large crowd. As is usual with the annual dances held under the auspices of this or- ganization, the affair was most de- lightfully arranged and those pres- ent enjoyed the program immensely. May Have Acclamation Picton. -- Mayor George Welch will be a candidate for the mayoral- ty again this year, he announced at the final meeting of the Town Council last year Mayor Welch de- feated C. J. Clapp, an ex-mayor. There is little talk of new candi- dates for anv of the offices and it is quite likely that there will be an acclapration for mayor, reeve, dep- uty reeve and councillors. | Concealed Weapons Kingstcr.«~Luke Lavine of Mont- rez} 'was arrested at Gananoque on Tuesday eevning, charged with car- rying concealéd weapons. Lavine was picked up by the Gananoque police when his car skidded off the road, + He appeared for hearing on Wednesday and was remanded for six days. Dies at Age of 101 Ottaaw.--The grand old lady of the Ottawa Valley, Mrs. Marshall Brooks, who celebrated her 101st birthday anniversary on July 19, died at the home of her son on Wednesday afternoon. She had been ill for two months. She was born at Chelsea, a short distance from the Capital. Very Much Alive Lindsay.--Edward J. Owen is still very much alive, although he was reported killed in a motor car acei- dent on the road between Sackville, N.B.. and Amherst, N.S. recently, An unidentified man was killed and in his pocket was found a notebook bearing Owen's name. Owen could not account for the motebook, but stated he had left some personal possessions in a Fredericton home while travelling in the Maritimes, Celebrated 100th Birthday Brockviile, -- When Mrs Zilpha Richardson, of Lansdowne celebrat- ed her 100th birthday this week, she was presented with a ering plant and a letter of congratulation from the 1 of the t hip of Front of Leeds and Born at Yonge Mills, she is a life- long resident of Leeds County. Her husband, James Richardson, a na- tive of Edinburgh, Scotland, died 40 years ago. Wedding Anniversary Camden East.--On Monday even- ing Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart of this village entertained over fifty guests, it being the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniver: he tables were tastefully decorated with gold leafed holly and yellow chrysanthemums, When Years Linger She -- "Which do you think are the most interesting years of a wo- may 's life?" e--"The first two or three years do he is 21." A Real Program Son--""What would you advise me to go into, Dad?" Papa--"First, 1'd go into the base- ment and carry out all the ashes Next, I'd go into the garage and clean -the car. By that time you can go into dinner." The question of the hour is whe- ther the thirty-power Kellogg pact can break the two-power impact. -- Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. IT WON'T BE LONG NOW ! | Can you realize it? Just FOUR MORE DAYS to do | your last minute Christmas | | shopping! But don't you | worry, instead, pay a visit to the Rexall Store and the array of beautiful things on display will immediately solve all probems of sugges- tion for every member of the family. | $1.25 Hawkeye Cameras | Sd asnnsavesseennes DBE $1.00 Williams Shavin Sets | $7.50 Rolls Razors .. | $7.50 Waterman Desk | $1.00 Correspondence Cards .c.coeecscens 69¢c Shop with pleasure at THE REXALL STORES | Jury & Lovell J King E. Simcoe S.. | Phone 28 Phone 68 odd iik dbo Eleven Picked Choristers BR SUL THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Under the direction of Mr, A. Lazar ARE FREE TO ACCEPT INVITATIONS To Render a Number-ot Same Holiness Church Oshawa Pentecostal Simcoe Street North and Brock Street 'REV. DUNCAN MUNRO. . 84 Brock St. W., Phone 2534 811 Celina Street Pastor, G. Hall 10 a.m.~Sunday School. The Pastor, Tue. 8 Poot -- trl, 8 pam-- Services at 11 a.m. and' 7 pm. G. Hall, will speak at both servicee. Prayer Meeting. TR Se -- Bible Etudy Everyone Welcome The butler of the Culbertsons in New York is ticles on the great bridge writing a 'series of ary mat there. We think of inviting janitor to compose a series of cop righ ter articles on how to. run, Rewshaver. + -- Brockville Recor UKRAINIAN CHRISTMAS CAROLS At the Homes of Citizens, Clubs, Etc. during the Christmas season. Proceeds to assist in the discharge of the Church debt. For Engagements, Particulars--'Phone 85 during the day, or 1278J, 7 to 9 P.M. | SIMI ISH BIN E HITS REESE ERE ERI IOE ERE Make Them Happy By A Gift of Fuel PREMIUM BY-PRODUCT COKE D & H CONE- CLEANED ANTHRACITE Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines ¥ DIXON COAL f | EDI%ON Coal C0. 5

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