Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1931 PAGE SEVEN ., If it's to be Bought or Sold - Times Classified Ads will du it CONANT & ANNI: BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public. Etc Conveyancing and ueneral practice in Law. Office i Simcoe Street Oshawa. edd GD Conant, BA B.: A. F. Annis B. Ww Ad A . SINCLAIR, KC. BANK of A Building. JO! P MANGAN B.A. BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Pu*lic. Con veyancer. Money to lua. Office 14% King St East. Oshawa Phone | yy 445, "Residence phone GRIERS REIGHT Fraser. Barrister, Etc. Bank of N Solicitor, Notary Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan 16 Simcoe Street North. Phone 67. Resi: dence 3473W fn + Sol itors, Et 5% Sinn ® rister igitors, Ete. Sime St i Phone 3160 Residence 3514 Money to loan i RISTER A S S., RA R Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey ancér Monev to loan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone bo . J. . B.A. S ter. 12% Simcoe St. South. Tele hone 3038--565 : yisene ("3 sept tf» Medical BR BJ HAZLEWOOD, PHY sician and SurzZeon. special atten tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy Office. Disnev Block Phone Office open 9 am to 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East Phone 2416 DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence King St. East, corner Vie toria St, Oshawa. Phone 94 Ear, Nose, Throat iali BR FT BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury Lovell's Drug store each Saturday from | til 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear. nose an. . throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Undertaking {UKE BURIAL CO, 67 KIN Ambulance Residence 542 a Street North. Phone 2101 d 210W. an v OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M Armstrorg & Son, Proprietor: Funeral and Ambulance Service dav and night. Phone he Celina Architects ~ STENHOUSE, ERA Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 tenflahiee Phone 959 Deytal OR S.J PHILLIPS. OVER BAS B ~ett's. Special attention to X-rav work. Gas .xtraction Nurse nd se DAVIS AM D SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St West, Oshawa. The ojd- est Fire Agency in (Oshawa. 30 re put ble Fire Ci nies. WHEN PLACING INSU RANCE consult R. N Johns, 80 Simcoe St North, Your insurance wants at- tended to and vour interests pro tected 4 ; SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM Commerce Bld; pany of Canada, Dominion Bank LOUIS S HVMAN. BARRISTER | Chambers. Phone 1834. Zlex. & Ross, 8. F. Everson. (15 oct tl) TOO B Permanent wave special $7.50 wave for $4.00. 10 days only Naturelle Method. Marcel 60¢c. Finger wave 76¢, Expert opera tors only. 86 Simeoe St. North. Phone 2968. Open evenings. (2 aug tf' GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall. experts in all kinds >f Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty, $500. $7.50 and $1000 Finger wave and shampoo $100 Marcel! 50c. Facials. scalp treatments and manicures. Coffer Shiuppe entrance. Phone appoint ments 1973 (15 ma 1 mo.) LOR N! A 1 dresser, 92 Church St, Marcel ing 35c and finger wa.ing 50c 'hone 2188). : (14 jan ©) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR. dressing and Beauty "uilure No 9 Bradley Bldg., Oshawa, On tario. (23 nov ti» BESS BURTON BEAUTY shoppe, formerly "La Parisienne" Marcel 50c, Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00. 5% Simcoe Street South, (aver Anderson's). Phone . (24 dec ec LILLTAN McLBAN, PHONE 2105 marcel 36c at your home or 735 Albert St. (28 dee c) "YELLOW BIRD" HAIRDRESS: ing Shoppe. Marcel 35¢. Hain cut 16¢c. Mrs. H. Dafoe, 137 Ritgon Rd. 8S, Phone 1255F. (8 jan ©) FINGER WAVE Boe. MARCEL 35¢. Trim 25¢. Miss Robbins, 81 Ontario St. Phone 11157. (15 jan c) MT KAY, MARCEL 3b¢. 467 AL- bert St. Special rate for schoo! girls 25c. Phone 3356. (142¢) Residence \phone 909] Auctioneer -- Articles For Sale PHONE 716) W 1 _SULLEY ig 346 Simcoe St. S. Osh awa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and. implements. Your atronage solicited R BUR, Auctioneer, turniture, farm stock implements a specialty, Terme * e 1648 vr 24. moderate. Phon 3b dec 8) Watch Repairing FA VON GUNTEN, EXPERT iss \watchmaker, repair shop at 2 Kink a West. Your pat- rouage is solicited "77 Battery Service : ARGED 7c itn rental $100 Repaired and re i Called fo d_ delivered Dut ot pou: 1d J Bligdon, 20 Mill St.. Phone 960 Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, 7 CENTS ON embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, ete. The Dell shop. S. Phone 1656. 261% Simcoe (5 ils 81) Transportation "TAGE AND STORAGE. Eman 85 Bond West. Special ists in furniture moving. Storage warehouse and moving van equip" nent. Phone 82. ; teuctor. Local and 1g dis eee wauling, :oads ins red 609 erie Ave. Phone 1018. 4 Hospital -- Rest' : Home' : RK, WHITBY. REGIS Nurse in harge. Confine and all patients requirioe care and rest Ivo Sonar daily : tio v Wh mspecticn (29 dec ©! Lessons STUBT0 OF OF DANCE ARTS, BAL let, toe, tap, acrobatic. Classés for bables, children, adults. Pro fessional talent supplied, Phone | 795. 20% King Street West. ; (18 dec ¢) : Palmist ADA A ist, on matters of ympert ry ry' Louisa St. Phone 2636F 'Business private. : Bye! p (20 dec ©) . Lost and Found ae pu win T0 SILK nge purse with $10 bill. Alma "of Simcoe N. Reward. Finder Simcoe N. t 68 Alma St. ave at 68 AMR i vee) DEG "ORGAN | . choirmaster imcoe Unite urch. Plano, organ, singing. one 8128. Residence 166M. hg i (28 dec ¢: singing. Johns Plane e Ne. 6 Studio rE RAS dene) Ween FOR SALE--DRY BODY WOOD. $3 % cord, Mixed wood, $2.7b % cord. A. Wall. Phone 2628F. (8 jan ¢ FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE, dry body wood, hard. soft, mixed slabs. Phone 24.3W. 115 Aunis St. (2 jan e) TWO THOUSAND LAhREL apples, price $1 bairel and up Spies, Mcintosh, Talman Sweets. Baldwins, Starks, Snowe, found Pallock, one mile north of Whit )y Post Office, Lindsay High way. (19 dec cy -- . A . cinders, stone, bla¢ck loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros, 31427, Su (21 dec ¢) FOR SALE--BODY HARDWOOD Beech and Maple. $3 s'ngle cord. R. Christy, 281 Elm Grove Ave: Phone 1979W. (25 dec o) ST D YARD, TH best for the money. Dry hard. wood," 34 cord $3, Dry softwood, 3% cord $2.50. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Ben Corson, phone 1941M. 147 Nassau St. -(11 jan ¢) FOR SALE-- SIDWAY BABY carriage, coffee color body, ¢ream wheels, rubber tires, storm shield, first class condition. Also iron age seeder with cultivator attach. ments, Apply 21 Elgin East, (143¢) " Cc " > eral dresses, 14, 16 years. 331 Centre St. (143¢) I} diamond ring, halt a karat, bar- gain. Gold antique gate pattern bracelet, Apply Room 5, Com- mercial Hotel after 2 p.m. |, (143¢) FINE, - lan pendant, * very fashionable. Also lady's 3 stone diamond ring and other articles for sale. Room 5 Commercial Hotel after 2 p.m (143¢c) mixed $2.50, dry b Coke and Coal, 1 31097. y maple 33. John St, Call '(18 jan ¢) ers wanted at'once. Box 26 his, 43¢c FANCY Li IDGE AND vanity sets, guest towels, -- pleces And a large assortment of handkerchiefs all edged with hand made Oriental lace and sold | vely reasonable at the Plertette | Dress Shoppe, 153 Simos St. 8. (140-144) best eating or cooking Russets, Tolman Sweets, 45¢ bushel. Spies or Snows 65c bushel. Christmas trees, balsam fi 6 o 8 ft, all 40c delivered.' Phos 1533 Room and Board TAUY ~ ROOMBER = WANTED. Close to Collegiate ahd Hosp'tal. Phone 1200J or 110 Alice after- noons or 7 to 8 evenings, TEACH BLS Shey (1430) FE .cleanly ond (Hea) For Rent FOR RENT--APARTMENTS, IF you are looking for ap apart mebt we invite you to inspect the Vietoria and Simcoe Manor. They are thoroughly modern, also very rent. are low Managed by Bradley Bros. (18 dec ©) APARTMENTS, MODEWN, 3 AND 4 rooms, low rentals. Phone Dis- ney 1550 or Supt, 2347W. . (1330) 0 ] UR- nished for light housekeaping. eléctricity, gas, hot water, priv- ate ertrance and conveniences. Véry central, Rates low. 96 Céntre St. (142¢) 0. ---- house, All conveniences, fixtures, electric stove. 340 Simcoe South, 4 roomed flat. Water paid. Apply 185 Oshawa Blvd. Phone spéem. (142¢c: tage. All conveniences. Apply 49 Arlington Ave., or 40 Colborne . W. (142¢) ASON- able, warm and clean. Apply 151 College Ave. Phone 3231W, 0 RENT-- TWO OR THREE unfurnished or partly furnished rooms, light, heat, water. Girls or young couple. 331 Centre St, . (143¢) 25 DOLLARS TAKES A GOOD six roomed house, newly decor- ated throughout, north end. Close to Simcoe St. Immediate posses sion, E. P, Doncaster, 109 Ritson Rd. N.. (143¢c) A BRIGHT THREE ROOM apartment with bath Very mod- ern. Electric stove und refrigera- tion, Casa Loma Apartments, King St. East. (143¢c) POR RunNT--MOUERN 5 ROOM- ed bungalow, $20. Immediate possession, Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave, (143¢) JARAGE AND THHEE UNFUR- nished rooms, heated with all convenlences. - $15 per month. Apply 278 Haig St. (143¢) cut weNT--3 NICELY FUR nished rooms on grouua floor. Phone 711M. (143¢) I'0 RENT--8 ROOMED HOUSE an large lot at a low figure ov shott term lease, Situated in best residential section of city King St. E. Apply Box 25 Tims, (1430) Help Wanted--Male THE MAN WE WANT IS BE- tween 30 and 45 years of age. He has not yet found the line of business he hopes to make his life's work. He has a good educa- tion and above all js a man of character, stability, ambition and energy to carry through. Such a man will make a favourable im: pression at the first interview and to such a man the position will have such atltractiuns as to make him put forth hig best ef- torts. To get it, the applicant must give complete information about himself in a letter asking for an Interview. Applieations will be held confidential. Give address and telephone number. Box 21 Times, (142¢) 2 MEN WITH BUSINESS ABIL- ity willing to start at about $25 weekly, Excellent future, Per- manent position. Apply Monday 10 to 12 or 2 to 5. 24 Alger Bldg. (144a) "Real Estate For Sale ONE ACRE WITH SIX ROOMED house in town. For sale cheap or rent. Box 22 Times. (143b) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NORSE in attefdance, warm 1 ms, terms reasonable. 80 Brock St. W Phone 3293, (30 dec c) - Rates For Classified Ads per Minimum charge fOr one in. sertion 80c. Each subsequent comsecn- tive insertion 1c per Three consecutive (inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents as word). Minimam charge for three insertinns 60c. Blox nun.ber 10c additional Professional) or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less. 10 cents a word per month for each additional word Phone 35 Ask for Classified Aid Department Motor Cars STORAGE FOR Few MORE cars or trucks, We also special ize in automobile metal bump .ng, body repair work, painting, washing and furniture refnish- ing. Merritt's, King West. (16 jan c) Coal Blowers AT LAST A COAL BLOWT 1% system that positively burns coas screenings that can be purchased from $3 to $5 per ton, Tho saving will pay for the outlit in a shor! time. Phone 1214 and arrange to see this pew device in opera fon. We also sell motors, blow ers, controls etc. Acme Coa: Blowers, 161 King St. W., Osh ava. (10 nov-1 mo) . . Radios Repaired TADIO SERVICE REPAIRER done on all models, Work guar ipteed. Prices reasonable. Tubes tested free In your home. Bat terfes recharged. Phone 2806W Certified radiotricias. (2) dec ¢) EXPERT RADIO SERVICE ON all makes of radios. Work fuily guaranteed, Tubes a ted-free National Radio Service 3186M, (8 jan ¢) PHONE"33500 OSHAWA RATIO Service for radio repairs. Fully equipped to give reliable service. Chas. Wales, (10 jan c) EARLS RADIO--REPAIRS ON all aets, batteries charged, short wave parts, Cheapest prices Phone 1200W. 115 Alice Street. (11 jun c) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR paulins, repairs, ete. Phone 2104. George Reid, 66 Bond W, J. J. Turner & Sons, Representative. . (25 dec ©) Wanted to Buy HIGHEST PRICE, PAID TOR all kinds of raw furs. Phone 81 Whithy or drop me a line. | Stein. WANTED -- GOOD AIREDALE dog, male, not over 2 years. Must be good with children. Box 19 Times. (141-144) ER II TI A ae ye Pets and Livestock FOR SALE--35 BARRED ROCK pullets, 60% laying. Phone 742) . (142¢) (21 dee ¢): THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the estate of Clarence Sam- uel Mason, (C. S, Mason Shoppe), Authorized Assignor, Notice is hereby given that Clarence Samuel Mason of the 'own of Bowmanville, in the Province of Ontario, eArrying ou vusiness ps "C. 8. Mason Shoppe" m the Town of Bowmanville, Un- tarjo, did on the 16th day of vecember, A.D, 1931, make an authorized assispment of all his property for the bepefit of his creaitors, and that Geo, J. Sherry, ©8q., Official Receiver, has ap- pointed us to be Custodian of the estate of the devtor until the first meeting of creditors, Notice is further given that (he first meeting of créditors of che above estate will be held in he office of the Official Receiver, court House, Peterborough, on iuesday, the 29th day of Décem- ver, A.D, 1031, at 2.30 o'clock mn the afternoon. To entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be wdged with us before the meet- ng 1s held. Proxies to be used at the meet ing must be lodged with us prior Jhereto. And further take notice that at such. meeting the' creditors will glect the permanent Trustee, And further take notice that if you have any claim agalost the uwebtor for which you are entitles «0 rank, proot of such claim must ve filed with us or with the 'Irus- eo when appointed; otherwie the proceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among Jue parties entitled thereto with- sit regard to your claim, Dated at Toronto, this 16th Jay of December, A.D,, 1931. yi CANADIAN CREDIT MEN'S JRUST ASSOCIATION LIMITED, 137 Wellington Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Custodian.' (1442) ICE SUPPLY AND STORAGE OF ICE FOR SALE FOR JOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL USE The Public Health Act of On- tario imposes responsibility for Jroiection of jce supplies in a sunicipality upon the Local woard of Healtn of that Municl- Jality:e-- "No ice shall be cut from any Lake, River, Stream, other water for the purpoeo of neing sold, or used for domesti¢ purposes, unless a permit there (or has been first ovtained from the Local Board, and no person shall sell or deliver or dispose of in any way any ice for domes tic purposes without first obtain. ing a permit therefor from the Local Board, and the Local Board may refuse a permit, or revoke any granted by it, when in their Judgment the use of any ice, cut or sold, or to be cut or sold for domestic purposes, under the same, is, or would be detrimen. tal to the Public Health." (Sec- tion 101 (2), Public Health Act, Ontario), 1927. Take warning and secure your permits now to be fully prepared for this Winter's cutting of your ico supply. T. W, G. McKAY, M.D, Medical Officer of Health. (Executive Officér of the Local Doard of Health). (144a-149a) BILLS GALORE (Stratford Beacon-Herald) The House of Representatives at Washington has 5,000 bills before it. Thank goodness the end of the end of the month has never yet played us such a trick. Cheer up! Paris reports that short skirts are coming back again, --~Toronto Telegram, Pond, or: QUITE DEFINITELY (London Sunday Pictorial) "Would my husband like a knit- ted pullover or cigars for Christ- mas?" wonders 2 young wife. No, | BUY NOW (Detroit News) Ten vears hence, when you say: farther in those Buy "A dollar went days," you'll mean thesc days. now. Have to Have It Lawyer--Why do you wish a vorce? Client -- Why, I'm thinking marrying again, Lon, May Be Dad~*That's a short wearing." Daughter--"Well it will be long before I get another one." te det Dead Absent-minded barber (after the shave)--Hair dved, sir? Customer (very bald-headed) Yes, it died about five years ago. tpt Statisticians inform us that one American in five knows how drive a car, but don't explain why she prefers the back seat.--Everett Herald The parish priest who wrote 2 25,000 verses at least was considerate enough not to send it to his local newsnaper for publica- no*m of tion.--Hamilton Spectator. ress vou're pr BAS RUP 35¢ (Guaranteed) for sale by ¥. W. THOMPSON A. R. BELF1Y JOHNSTON DRUG CO. SPECIAL! ol Clean Carbon, recondition Chev. 4 cylinder Chev. 6 cylinder .. 4 ONTARIO MOTOR SAL 86 King st, E. Phone 900 di- of JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D --- Eyesight Specialist Phone 38215 11931 Chev, Sport Sedan 1--1028 Chev. Sedan, free wheeling 4 Ross, Ames & Gartshore 135 King st. W. "lone 1160. to 6-Roomed Brick-Veneer Dwell ing, finished Attic and Sun room, garage. Ave. Phones 871--087W, BARGAIN FOR QUICK BALE Dearbourne Apply J. H. R. Luke, HUDSON--~ESSEX 4 . REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY . J. BROWN Auction Sale SUITS. Made WAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC tions to sell by public auction the stock and fixturé of the Fash- 'on Shoppe Ladies' Wear at 84 Jieoe St. 8., Oshawa, consistin" nt 90 dresses, 12 ladies' suits, 29 100 ladles' velvet and straw hats, 40 pieces of lin- ladies' coats, gerie,, 17 pairs ladies' gloves, pairs silk hose, 11 ladies' scarfs, large ward- robes. This will be sold in block 2 ladies' blouses, 2 sale Monday Dec, 21, 1931, ten o'clock in the Terms cash. W. J. tioneer. forenoon Sulley, Auc- (143b) to measure .. 7 KING 8T EAST Scotland Woolen Tailors BAM ROTISH, Manager $22.50 If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tel! the correct time. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Rallroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. hone 189 60 Grand New Year's Eve FROLIC Professional Entertainment Genosha Hotel Tickets Now n Sale at BOYS' CORDUROY BREACHES, double seat and double knee, $1 39 v Fe Special Dominion Clothing Co., Furs Repaired FURS REPAIRED, led and lined *ollars and cuffs np Littper, 88 Simcoe North (28 oct 1l-mo) COATS RE- and relined Also scientifically cleaned by ex supplies 119 Huron Crescent. Phone 632M | FUR AND FUR neired, remodelled pert furrier. Also fu (7 jan FUR COATS MADE TO ORDER remodelled Mrs. G. Phone 2373) Melrose (7 jan Firs repaired, moderate prices, 143 Prince St. J. H. Willson, Toronto, REMODEL 40 years exper! ence, fur trimmings by the vard For coats $25 Hicks. 5229. c) at or PERPLEXED as to what to give him? c) Felt Bros. | The Leading Jeweller | Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH i 5 ns KIMONAS | a i) | in all tho beautiful shades | il | | ! That's easy! Make it a Patri- clan writing set-- something that any discriminat- ing man will ap- preciate. Six beautiful col ors. Pen $10. Pen and pencil in gift case $15. Come in and J# Hl over our beav i Waterman's{ il | Se AKERY 1 | XARTAINED Ne Dinner Held on PRUOC STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY 1 Simcoe St, 8. We Deliver urday Evening, Great Success r. D. M. Tod entertained the aberg of his staff and business nds on Saturday evening in Yight's parlors. The event, an inual ome, is looked forward to STEP INS oF YM TUST ABOUT READY TO TAKE THE GAUZE MM ith pleasant anticipation, and hose who were present on Sat- arday evening declared it to be 18S SOMES ---- You ARE NOW ABoUuTr TO SEE | A wore OF ART h .Aloys Austr on less tl IAIst electity td as a Labi) nent. in )| GOT QUT OF GOIN "TO THE RECEPTION AT JONESS WITH MAGGIE: || | PRETENDED 1 WOUZ SICK 2 An, Yo M4 iw HERE SHE COMES. SHE LOOKS AS \F SHE WUZ A LOSER -- AT BRIDGE- LL BOW imi n, TT i i London, Ont, blindly and alone bank that enveloped his air plane and baffled his attempts to make a safe landing, r of Toronto, air-mail pilot, travelled nearly. 300 miles across Ontario and back again, twice pass- ing over forced to abandon lea HPS TO SAFETY Unable to Land in Fog, Pilot Takes to Parachute Dec. 21--Flyin through Ag Edward C. Burton Western London, before he was his plane and with his parachute Saturday t, earching for a glimpse of a land- ing field cloaked his shi Burton where landed, east shore of Lake Erie to % ten miles east of Dunnville, and then jumped, not altogether sure je was not falling into Lake Erie. . Left to itself, the plane speeded thead and fell parshes, a mile from where the ilot landed. ut the mail was unharmed, save Jor het damage done when a flare ed, « 4 e first act of Burton who Canadian itary Lociytid aa ployee of Torontc touch with his wife, who'h left the hospital that day after pre- = senting him with his first son, + through the haze that and hid the nd, travelled from troit, he was scheduled to have along: the Herthern into /McCallum's It. was a total loss, was to, get in just the 'best ever held 'both in the fine turkey dinner and program which followed. Mr, Tod acted as chairman calling first on Mayor Marks who was given a rousing welcome. Mr, Marks warmly ex- pressed his appreciation of the kindly friendship of Mr, Tod, which had extended over a per- fod of thirty years. Tod's Baker- ise, he said, was an example of the kind of industry most valued in Oshawa, employing as it did a number of fine workmen at an honest wage for the entire year. 48 King 8t. WW Phone 2141 WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves Phone 2033. f ® Celina St. § + the puplic response was There foregone conclusion. I -as no guarantee that buying sen- timent would be as good as it turn- + | ed out ta be. The messages about the new car went out to the public in a hundred daily newspapers and through a widespread dcaler organization. Early this week came the m in reply, and they are still com- ing. "Twelve thousand people at key points saw the car" is wording of a wire from the Mon- treal zone where scores of orders were taken on the first day of the showing. "Dealers delivered dis- play models off sales floor," reads a message from another zone. Apart from sales and sales pros tional introduction for the Chevro- let, and car officials say that sales room attendance for the opening troduced. "Many orders were booked," sald William C. Herring, general sales manager, General Motors of Can- ada, Limited, "and indications point to heavier booking as time' goes all tell us that the car got a won- derful reception there and that the dealers and salesmen are radiating optimism over future business f pects. The story of the Chevrolet's introduction is the 'best news) we have had for a long time." oF Something, Tike" thie Beppe omething like this hap when the McLaughlin-Bulck for 1982 was introduced on No » 14. McLaughlin-Buick, with "wizard control" and other vancements, was apparently what was needed to touch the fi agination of the buying public, the renewed optimism in the The guests from out of town (Continued on page 3) department dates back to the (Continued on page 3) Toronto, Dec. 21.--Ontario civil servants, by resolution, and as a contribution to the state in a period of necessary retrench- ment, have volunteered a gift of somewhat more than $500,000 to the province. Their salaries, that is to say the salary schedules of the Civil Service Commission, re- main untouched. The civil servants' contribution will be spread over the next ten 'months, when their pay automati- cally returns to schedule without further deduction, For the ten months equal amounts will be de- ducted, at their request, from the pay cheques. ) Needs of Province Told \ Passing of the resolution fol- Civil Servants Volunteer = ---- dom 1 so ahead without fear : new tax imposts were frank witllsed; ; id e civil servants volun ; submit to 'deductions ens ng from 2 per cent. on $1,000. aries to 24 per cent. on the maxi mum departmental stipend. this, they follow a resolution ' cently forwarded by the staff the Liquor Control Board to Henry, Drayton. It was understa that this branch had planned contribution in a similar way to unemployment relief, but felt ally that the best way to contri bute to restoration of business ac. tivity and to the staking up the sack is employment, was to donate the money diractly to lowed consultation with the mine isters, and addresses by the Act- ing-Premjer and Hon, William Finlayson last Friday evening, at which the needs of the province and the desire of the government to assure private enterprise free provincial treasury, Credits Civil Servants This was the explanation last night by Hon. W. H. P who as acting prime minister ing the: absence of Hon. Henry, received the resolu on. Wires from Western Canada Helt Pound gsm. 4 " pects, it was regarded as a senss- was the best since the six was in- #1 A TIT ITER tren

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