"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 193] PAGE SEVEN If it's to be Bought or Sold - Times Classified Ads will dv i is CONANT & ANNIE BARRISTERS solicitors, Notaries Public. Etc "onveyancing and general practice u Law, Office 7% Simcoe Street. South, "Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. "onant, B.A. LLB.; A. F. Annis, 3A, LL.B N_LE*N. SINCLAIR, KC. BANK i Commerce Building, - OSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A, BAR- ister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Con- evancer, Money to loan, ffice 4% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 43, Residence phone R837 SRIERSON, CREIGHTON & "raser. Batrister, Ete. Bank of Commerce Bldg, TS = OUIS S HYMAN, BARRISTER, Lolicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's store. Money to loan, 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone 07. Resi- lence 3473\W. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- 'isters, Solicitors, Ete. 24% Simcoe 3t. N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514, Monev to loan. ma RANKS EBES, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public. Convey- meer. Money to Joan, Third floor yew Alger Building, opposite Post fice. Phone 29 cp STJ HENNICK, B.A. BARRIS or, 121% Simeoe'/St. South. Tele- phone 3038--7565. (23 sept tO), Medical DIB, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten: tion given to X-ray work and Flectrotheopy. Office, Disnev Block Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to ) pm. Residence 421 King Street Fast. Phone 2416, Hem DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- zeon, Aeccoucher. Office and resi- dence King St. East, corner Vic Phone 94. toria St, Oshawa. al A == Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, FT. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Strect West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug store each Saturdav from 1 it 4 pm. for consultation and treatment of diseases of car, nose ane throat only. Appointnients may be made at drug store, Phone : Undertaking {7UKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. Fast. Ambulance Residence 542 Simeve Street North, Phone 2101 and 210W. awn : OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F. Armstrong Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W, a Celina Architects STENHOUSE,, GENERA itectural work, con 00 a Building, Phone 149. Residence phone 9097. Auctioneer LW, JS PHONE 716], J. SULLEY. Rr, 346 Simcoe St. S.. Osh- awa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and fmplesmests Your atronage solicite kt EINER WILBUR, LICENSED Auctioneer, furniture, farm stock, implements a specialty, Terms ne 1648 r 24, moderate. Pho! (39 dec ©) GCC. Watch Repairi fA VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at #114 King Street West, Your rat- fonage is solicited. 3 Battery Service ATTERIES CHA RG ED 75 with rental $1.00. Repaired and Tee built, Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St.. Phone 960. Hemstitching fIEMSTITCHING, 7 CENTS ON embroidery work, alteratiops, dressmaking, etc. The Dell Shop, 4614 Simcoe 8. Phone os fly 81) Transportation er --T--C CATTAGE AND STORAGE, Cah 85 Bond West, Special ists in furniture moving Storage warehouse and moving van equip Phone 82. FS RROWDALE. CARTAGE nfenctor. Local apd 'rag dls tence gauilng, loads insured. 609 Carnegle Ave, Phone 161 8. -- ET TL ---- Private Hospital -- Rest Home S1 ET Te I S18 SUNNYNOOK, WHITBY, REG tered Nurse in charge. Confine ments, and all patients requiring care and rest, Two dollars dally up. Inspection invited (29 dec ¢) Dancing Lessons STUDIO OF DANCE ART . BAL let, toe, tap, acrobatic. Classes for babies, children, adults. Pro- fessional -talent supplied, Phone 795. 2014 King Street West. (18 dec C) Palmist ONSULT MADAME ' Palmist, on matters of import- ance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 26361. s private. . Busines y (20 dec ¢) --e re RADIO SERVICE REPAIRS done on all models, Work guar- antekd. Prices reasonable. Tubes tested free in your home, Bat- teries recharged. Phone 2806W. Cértitied radiotriclam » (21 dec c) i Agents Wanted ABL Ni. TOR N hundeed store route; this coun- ty; 'experienca / nunecgsary; no selling; @istribute and collect. let seventy dollars week- + Shamas Mfg. Company, New 0to, - : ; t, 133, 139, 145, 161) | Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work, Gas .xtraction. Nurse in at- tendance. Phone 959 House 1312, a aed Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St West, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 re- put.ble Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe St. North, Your insurance wants at- tended to and vour interests pro- tected : i SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CoM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Phops 1834. /lex. 3. Ross, 8. F. Everson. (15 oct tf) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR, Permanent wave special $4.00, $7.50, $10.00. "Naturelle Method." Miss Elsie Dyer, Montreal, operator, No, 3 marcel specialist, Marcel S0c Finger Wave 75¢c. Expert operators in all lines of hairdressinz. 86 Simcoe St. North, Phone 2968, (8 auu 1f) HAIRDRESSING Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $100. - Marcel S50c. Facials, scalp treatments and manicures. Coffee Shuppe entrance, Phone appoint: ments 1973. GENOSHA Parlors, Betty (15 may 1 mo.) CORENE ~ JOHNSON, HAIR- dressing, 92 Church St, Marcel ling 36¢c and finger waving S0c hone 2188J. (14 dec ©) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR- dressing and Beauty Zulture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg, Oshawsa, Onv- tario. (23 nov tf) BESSIE BURTON BEAUTY shoppe, formerly "La Parisienne' Marcel 50c, Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00, 533 Simcoe Street South, (over Anderson's). Phone 71. (24 dec c) LILLIAN McLEAN, PHONE 2105 marcel 35¢ at your home or 735 Albert St (28 dec ¢) Articles For Sale FRANK McQUAID, COAL, COKE, dry body wood, hard, soft, mixed slabs, Phone 24231, 155 Annis St. (2 jan c) TWO THOUSAND PEARRELS apples, price $1 barrel and up, Spies, Mcintosh, Talnan Sweets, Baldwins, Starks, Snows, Joun Pallock, pne mile north of Whit- by Post Office, Lindsay High way. {19 dec c) FIRST CLASS DRY CORD wood. 90% maple, $12.00 per cord, delivered, G50c extra for stove length, J. H. Lawson, phone 723-2. (10 dec ¢) GOOD DRY BODY MAPLE wood $3.50 single cord delivered, Cheaper grades, also cartage any- where anytime. Call 3109J. 79 John St, (17 dec c) fTARD AND SOFT WOOD, FIVE to eight dollars per cord at bush. (Delivery extra), North east of Courtice Corners, Fence posts, radio poles and timbers. Apply F. Foley, phone 717, Bowmanville or Mike's Place, phone 622, Osh- awa, (18 dec c¢) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 31427, (21 dec ¢) FOR SALE--BODY HARDWOOD Beech and Maple. $3 single cord. R. Christy, 281 Elm Grove Ave. Phone 1979W. (25 dec ¢) HANDSOME 3 PIECE PARLOR suite, exposed walnut frame, mauve reversible cushions, all new condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Cost $300, sacrifice $85 cash, Phone 271. (131e) FOR SALE-- LADY'S COAT, like new, cheap, size 20, Phone 1948W, (131c) WHY NOT GIVE THEM AN UN: derwood portable typewriter for Christmas, Demonstration on re- guest. Box 4 Times. (138b) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE' in attendance, warm r ms, terms reasonable, 80 Brock' St. W. Phone 3293, (30 dec c) Wanted to Buy 1 PAID FOR aw furs. Phooe 81 Whitby or drop me a line. | Stein. (21 dec ¢) WANTED TO BUY--ADVERTIS- er, a private party, will pay cash for a house with good garden. Give full particulars in letter ad- dressed Box 3 Times. (1330) WANTED TO BUY---ONE STYLE A Eliminator. Balkite preferred for radio sets. Phone 2143M, (133a) Music Lessons : REGINALD G, GEEN, ORGAN: ist, choirmaster, Simcoe United Chirch. Examiner, Toronto Con- servatory of Music, Plano, organ. slnging, Phone 3128. Residence 766M. (28 dec ¢) WARTON FE. ROSS, A.T.C.M. G all kinds of voice production and singing. | Phone Ne. 6 Stadiotouts Plana nN (3 cx LESMAY NG house or wholesale trade experi- ence for Oshawa district. Liberal commission to energetic salesman. References required, State = ex- perience and etc., in first letter, Our salesmen know of this ad- vertisement, Apply Box 692 " andar UL For Rent FOR RENT--APARTMENTS, IF yon are looking for an apart ment we fovite you to inspect the Victoria and Simcoe Manor. They are thoroughly modern, also very cleanly ond the rent. are low Managed by Bradley Bros. (18 dec ¢) BEAUTIFULLY ~~ FURNISHED nine toom home, Masson Street. Oil neating, three bathrooms, low rental. Will lease for six months or longer. Telephone 3396. ' (131e) HOUSES FOR RENT, $7 to $25. Apply R. Vickery, 198 King East Pbone 258. (122¢) FOR RENT-<HOUSE, MODERN conveniences. Rent reasonable, Apply 356 Gibbons St. Phone 2611J. (133%¢c) FURNISHED HEATED APART- ment, Conveniences, Close to (ien- eral Motors and High School. Rate reasonable. Phone 2470J. ig (123a) BED SITTING ROOM TO RENT near Motors Office. Breakfast and supper if desired, Apply 1910J. (133¢) FOR THREE LARGE ROOMS rent with garage. Apply 311 Division St,, or phone 1587TW, (133e¢) 4 rooms, low rentals. Phone Dis- ney 1550 or Supt, 2347W, (13311) For Exchange EXCHANGE--S65 ACRES, WITH stock, crop and implements, near Oshawa, Will exchange. Horton & French, Times Bldg. (131¢) Dressmaking DRESSMAKING AND REMOD- elling done, Moderate prices. Mrs, Nichols, 194 C'arke St. Phone 91J, (131¢) Lost and Foun LOST--PLATD SCARF, IN OR near Martin Theatre, Wednesday, Dec, 1. Valuea as keepsake, Re- ward, Phone 2973J, Ss (132¢) STRAYED--A BEAGLE HOUND. Finder return to 205 Buena Vista. Reward. (133b) Pets and Livestock Phone Warren, (131¢) price reasonable, 1304. Chas, breds, Brooklin Raglan, Cleaning and Pressing FRENCH DRY CLEANING, pressing and repairing. Goods called for. Phone 523. Norman Lambert, 66 Bagot St. (7 dec ¢) Work Wanted YOUNG IRISHWAN, 25, FIRS class farm hand will gi/e his ser- vices for room and hoard. Reply to Box 689 Times, (1281) Barber Shop GUS DANK'S BARBER SHOP, 180 Celina St., corner of Ash, All bhalrcuts 15c, on Saturdays 20c. Wednegday close at 1 p.m. (10 dec c) Motor Cars GOOD CLOSED. CAI, WHERE player piano would be accepted as part payment, Balance in cash, Phone 271, (130c) Auction Sale FURNITURE SALE WILL SELL by public auction in Hampton, formerly the late Chas. Stone- house property, on Saturday, Dec. 12th, the contents of a six room- ed house, Sale at one o'clock. No reserve, Terms cash, Elmer Wil- bur, Auctioneer, (18141334) hardwood floors and | Rates For Classified Ads First insertion= 1% ¢énts Minimum charge for one in. sertion 30c. Each subsequent consecu. tive insertion 1c per word, Three consecutive (mser- tions for the price of two first fnsertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions @0c. ox number (0c additional. b } or Haosi Cands, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each addifional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ax Department Furs Repaired URS REPAIRED, REMODEL led and llued, 40 years' experi- ence, fur trimmings by the yard, collars and cuffs. Fur coats $26 up, Littuer, $6 Simcoe North. 28 oct 1 mo) FUR AND FUR COATS RE- paired, remodelled and relined. Also scientifically cleaned by ex- pert furrier, Also fur supplies, 119 Huron Crescent, hone 632M, (7 jan c) FFUTt COATS MADE TO ORDER, Furs repaired, remodelled at moderate prices. Mrs, G. Hicks, 142 Prince 8t. Phone 2373) or J. H. Wilson, Melrose H229, Toronto, (7 jan c) Coal Blowers AT LAST A COAL BLOWTIX gystem that positively burns coal seréenings that can be purchased from $2 to $5 per ton. The saving will pay for the outlit in a short time. Phone 1214 and arrange to see this new device fn opera- tion, We also sell motors, blow. ers, controls, ete, Acme Coal Blowers, 161 King St. W., Osh- ava. 5 (10 nov-1 mo) Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, TAR. paulins, repairs, etc, Phone 2104, George Reld, 66 Bond W. J. J. Turner & Sons, Representative. (25 dec c) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--GOOK," GENERAL. Must be experienced, Apply be- tween seven and nine p.m, Mrs, H, P. Schell, Simeoe St, North, (133¢) ane oi TO SHOW MUSSOLINI DRAMA IN GERMANY Weimar, Germany. --*( ampo di Maggio," a drama by Denito Muse solini, Italy's Fascist premier, which deals with the period of Napoleon's fife between his flight from Elba and the battle of Waterloo, will have its first production in Germany in this city, stronghold of German fas- cism. "The Hundred Days," is the Ger- man title for the drama. Rome and Budapest have already scen the Duce's dramatic effort, Later it will be staged in London and Paris. And stilf the best way to get out of a financial hole is by rctrench- ment. ~ Arkansas Gazette, Public Notice Synposis of proposed by-law and copy of two questions rub- mitted to the qualified electors by the Council of the City of Oshawa, The purpose of the by-law is to reduce the number of Aldermen for the City of Oshawa from fif- teen to ten, being two for each Ward, Question, "Are you in favor having the Aldermen f the City of Oshawa elected by a general vote," Question, of the continuance. Saving Time." TAKE NOTICE THAT the above is a true sypposis of a propoged by-law, and a true copy of two questions being submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Oshawa, The votes of the Electors of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa shall be taken upon the sald proposed by-law and upon the said questions a. the same time, and at the same places as | the annual election for the Muni- cipal Council and the Deputy Re- turning Officer appointed to hold the said Election shall take the vote, On the 21st day of December, A.D. 1921, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the head of the Council of the sald Corporation or some member of sald Council ap- pointed for that purpose by res- olution shall attend at the City Clerk's Office in the said Munici- pality for the purpose of ap- pointing, and, if requested so to do, shall appoint by writing sign- ed by him, two persons to attend at the final summiog up of the votes by the Clerk, and one per- son to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons | interested in and voting in the affirmative on sald by-law and questions, and a like number on behalf of the persons interested | in and voting in the negative the said by-law and questions. On the 5th day of January, D, 1932, at the hour of twel o'clock noon at the City Clerk's Office in the sald Municipality the Clerk of the sald, Municipal- ity shall attend and sum up the votes given in and negative on the and questions. F. E. "Are you in favor of Daylight on | A | ve { id by-law, | | { HARE, City Clerk. (133-129-145) EIGHT PRODUCTIONS | END BROADWAY RUNS New York, N.Y.--Light leading plays ended their Broadway last Saturday and the beginning of (* the in-between holidays period find theatrical circles here at a low ebb It is a traditionally dull period. any way and a number of plays of les importance are also being wit} drawn Among the prominent productior which ended their runs is the ver- sion of "Hamlet" preparcd by Nor- | man Bel Geddes and presented at the Broadhurst theatre with Ray- mond Massey, Toronto-born actor. in the title role. The play, of which much was expected and which aroused the crities to a high pitch, opened on November 5 after a brief | preparatory engagement in Phila- delphia, § SPANISH NUNS FIND HAVEN IN GERMANY | | | Piullendorf, Baden, Germany. if Forced to leave Spain following the overthrow of the monarchy in that country, Spanish benedictine nuns of the Eternal Adoration, have found a new home in Grossechoe- nach, near here. the affirmative E TIME TABLE WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES Week Day Schedule (Effective on and after Sept. 27, 1931) (Standa rd Time) Leave Bowmanville Oshaws 6.20 am. 7.05 am, 7.20 a.m, 8.05 a.m, 8.15a.m. B50am, 10.0 a.m, 10.30 am, 1L35 am, 12.10 p.m, *LISgem, 1.45 p.m, 245pm. "3.15pm, 440 pm, 5.15 pm, "5.40pm, 6.15 215 p.m, 10.45 a.m, 12.25 p.m, 2.00pm, 3.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 10.30 p.m. 15 pam, 7.454 9.35 pom. 10.00 p.m, HWYpm 120am Times marked * are Whitby Hospital Golng Cast Leave Leave Arrive Bow- Whitby Oshawa manville 6.3% a.m, 7.208.m 7.30 a.m 8.15am, 8.30 a.m, { Of 910 aan 9.55 a.m. 10.45 a.n 11,30 .m, 12,90 p.m, 2.15 p.m. Of 4.40 p.m 5.40 p.m 6.40 p.m, 8.15 p.m. Of 9.35 p.m, 11.30 p.m, wid m. through busses to Leave Hospital 5 a.m, 11.00 a.m, Lv, 12.05 pan, 1.Y p.m, fy 8.15 p.m. Ar, 8.30 p.m, Lv. 9.05 p.m, 11.00 p.m. 10.30 p.m, 10.45 p.m, | SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE | Going West Leave Arrive Whitby .m, Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 9.00 a.m, 2.30 a.m, 11.00 a,m. 1 2.00 p.m. Yi p.m, 10.00 p.m, | | 1 | | } ! 0 pom. | 10.30 p.m, Going | Leave | Oshawa 10 Leave Whitby Bowmanville 10.00 a.m, 10.4 15 ar | nl. I. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 { Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street | Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers GRAY COACH LINES (Effective, Nov, 22, 1931) (Eastern Standard Time) Phone 2825 LEAVE. OSHAWA LEAVE TORO! PM, AM. 2.30 26.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 P.M. 12.30 1.30 5.30 ho.50 10.30 dinze s--Daily except Sunday. b--Saturday, Sun- | day and Holidays only, d--Sunday only, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective, Nov, 22nd EASTBOUND wa, 8.55 a.m Except Sunday. 9.42 am. Dail 1.44 pm; Except Sunday . Daly, 1. Dail 1245 am Daily, WESTBOUND » Oshawa, 4.45 a.m. Dail | 1m Daily | Effective Nov. 22, (Standard Time) i Eastbound 9.25 a.m, Daily 2.40 Trenton 1. 4.18 p.m. Daily 12.05 a.m, Dai) 1.05 a m, Daily, x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only-- Flag. { 1931 | | CANADIAN PACIVIC RAILWAYS | | | { | al Daily, ex. Sun, Westbound A a.m, Dail 71am, Daily 3.12 pa 7.32 p.m, Daily, Daily and West only--flag. Daily except Sunda m&34 p.m m Toronto HONOR FOR BURKE ) Burke, | nationally-known Ottawa marksman and medical student at Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, has been elected | president of the Alma Mater Society | of Queen's, one of the highest hon- | ors granted an undergraduate Ottawa. --1 Desmond | { | ent | Demand ZIG-ZAG The Leading Jeweller NEW INVENTION CUTS FARM COST Edmonton, Alta--J. Silies, of Clover Dar, Alta, has invented what he describes as a barge and a sweep which eliminates the need of binder twine, a great expense to the far- mer during harvest, and which may be made by the farmer himself, thus preventing the necessity of expend- ing money on machinery, The barge is a huge box on wheels, While the grain is being cut'it can be attached to a binder or header, The grain runs into the box, in the bottom of which is a large trap door which releases the grain when the receptacle becomes full, The grain is dropped on the floor in minature stacks and the sweep, operated by a team of horses, lifts each small stack and carries it to the separator when threshing commences, Surgeons in Philadelphia took part of a dentist's drill ont of a man's lung. Those who have felt a dentist's drill will deduce that the nerve, which was being worked on when the part was lost, was comparatively near the surface Detroit News, SAVE MONEY | with ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS 120 Leaf Book - 5c| | The original automatic book. One | leaf at a time. No waste, 120 leaves 5c refuse imitations ., EU iN L Ij i K | WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves P'hone 2653. & Celina St, | Felt Bros. Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | Diamonds | | Bassett's | On Oshawa's Main Corner SL Heated Car Storage In Fireproof Building to' April 15th, Price $25.00 Cash Ontario Motor Sales Ltd 86 King St. East 1926 Pontiac Coach 1929 Ford Coach in beautiful condition rt ROSS, AMES AND GART AT SHORE 1 King St. West. Phone 1100 $ REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY 5%. J. BROWN If your watch 18 not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh¢ awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, 5. Phone 189°} P1g ol 0 BOYS CORDUROY J BREACHES, double seat and double ort 31.39 Dominion Clothing Co., 68 King St. W. Phone 214% aw (ON rm RW ht oy ROYAL YORK P ee 28€ At all Superi Stores ange Pekoe (SSO SIR ER EE EATON GROCETERIA £4 It Pags To Shop 4d Here Always ja Try Our ROYAL YORK Bread Flour 98 lb. bag, $2.40 49 1b, bag, $1.25 Made from selected Western Hard Wheat and every bag guaranteed. Hogg & Ltyle, Ltd. Phone 203 | Sans Styles Perrin 2 | FRENCH KID GLOVES' $2.35 to $3.00 LAMBLE'S DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 1" Simcoe St, S. We Deliye it TILLIE THE TOILER By Russ. Westoves MAY | GET OFF AN MOU OR SO, MR, SIMPRINS ALL RIGHT, HELLO, TILLIE Tew. MAC, TO URRY AND CBT WELL TILLIE OKAY SAck. \ MANE Oost OM cov GEE, 17'S SWELL TO SEE vow AGAIN Now ABOUT ANO THER Have CUP oF COFFEE' TACK 4 THING (MPOR. LDNT, THOUGHT SOME ~ AND FIND : . ) HELLO, MAC | il { =usST WAVE A MINUTE . CD RINE You UR ouUT HOw Yow WERE GETTING & CONTINDED | #2. Lehane I @ Z BRINGING UP FATHER i NOW TO GO HOME AN EAT Ji Hl THE CORNED BEEF AN! CABBAGE THAT I'VE GOT tity ( WN HIDDEN IN ME ROOM AN LOCKED JIGGS! ] THE 8\4 \DEA? SPENDING HER VACATION WITH US=1 GAVE HER YOUR ROOM= SHES ASLEEP NOW- Ou CAN SLEEP By. Geo. Mecl \ OM: HOW AM | GONNA GIT THAT CORNED BEEF'AN CABBAGE OUT OF THAT ROOM? IN THE ATTIC I F~ WY ME! OH MY! LITT 2