"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1931 PAGE F NE Women s Interests in the Home sa the Community: i personal items fowpablication in this column. send or phone thm to The Times oflice. Pone 85 or after office hors to Miss Lois Mondy. Sone 812. Mrs. F. Pimer of Athol street, opened 'her Ome yesterday after- noon 'for aga for the members of , Chs. Doubt's group of Simcoe Str¢t Ladies' Aid So- ciety, MrsAlex Fisher and Miss Madeline J/nt, contributed mn- siral numbg while tea was sery- ed, / - . LJ Mr. andMrs. McGarvié! Sim- coe "StreetNorth entertained at kridge It evening. Their guests inqded: Mr. and Mrs. RoWb, of asgow, Scotland, who are livingin Oshawa this win- ter, Mr. ad Mrs, 'H. Begg, Mr. and Mrs McGartney and Mrs, Rcid. * - Amongthe guests registered at the Gnosha Hotel are: Col. J. T. O./agnon, Westmount; Dr. K. Camyon, Montreal; Messrs. E. Hany, Ottawa; T. S. Hub- bari, awa; R. Wilson, Toron- tu; D. olpe, Montreal and A. C. JPennipton, Toronto. » Ld J . MrgJ. Gibson and sons Oliver and Rrold were in Toronto on Tuesdy. * ¥ Mis C. Grant, of Oxford street was recent guest of friends in Torgto. Ld * 1s. J. Walker, of 193 Simcoe Stret South, spent Tuesday of tht week in Toronto. * Ld » ¥. and Mrs. Alvin Good and sonames, Mr. and Mrs, Fred An- nonand two children, Delbert an®obert, of Pickering and Mr. andMrs. William Brado, of Osh- awawere guests of Mr. and Mrs. WW. . Smith, of Courtice on Sun- day f last week, » Ld . Sne of the members of the LL. © B. Lodge No, 55, paid a visito Vietoria Coronation Lodge Lod» No. 1, Toronto, on Tues- day, or the purpose of seeing the 1) and scarlet degrees con- fel on a large class of candi- (ateéby the District of York De- gredtafl, JH ©iWilfred and Lady Grenfell whoare in Toronto this week, will )e entertained at the On- tagicLadies' College, Whitby at lagceon on Saturday. A num-~ beg £ the college girls wiil at- temdhe lecture to he given by Sir ied Grenfell on Friday even- fng n St. Anérew's. Church in this ity. in yp of the jolliest affairs of the eason forthe Daughters of Tnglnd was tle hard time party heldon Tuesdy evening at the hom¢ of Mri Herb. Simmons, 520 Masson (treet. All the euess were incostumes that be- spake nothing but hard times, and the lauglpg was renewed cyvgry time a ny group of guests ¢ admitte Mrs. Newman, 18s Ball and Mrs. George Mad- were awajed the prizes for ir costumei, For the games contests frs. Clough, Mrs. Hérten and [iss Devenish re- celyed prizes md Mrs. A. Bald- the luck number prize. In ing suppeMrs. Simmons was jeted hy MJ); Lowe, Mrs. Hay- , Mrs. Hoen, Mrs. Atkinson, Miss Denish, Mrs, Lowe NT Cold =N = NVA = Coug Scott's Emulsion extended an invitation to every- one present, to her home on De- cember the first when another so- cial evening wil take place. * LJ Mrs, H. H. Howe, was elected W: rthy Matron of the Queen Mary Lodge Number 97, of the L.0.B.A, at the annual election of officers which was conducted last evening by Mrs. Radway, Past Mistress, assisted by the sis- ters of Vimy Ridge Lodge, Whit- Cc. by and Sister McKnight, D.M., of Victory Lodge, Oshawa. Other officers elected were: D.M., Sister Boughton; Chaplain, Sister Thompson; Rect, Sect., Sister Crawford; Fin. Sect., Sister Phil- ips; Treasurer, Sister Simpson; 1st Lecture, Sister Wragg; 2nd Lecture, Sister Bennett; Dec. Cerm., Sister Beamer; Outer (3uard, Bro. Blair; Inner Guard, Sister Kerr; Convenors of Com- mittees, Sister Jackson, Sister Cowle, Sister Bilton, Sister Ma- gil. Sister Lott; Cuardian, Bro. 'Thompson; Trustees, Sister Duet- ta, Sister Wood, Sister White; Auditors, Sister Morgan, Sister Goodell, Sister Barrett; "Pianist, Sister Moore. . . The home of Mrs. W. E. Davis on Simcoe Street North, was iovely for the tea given under the auspices of Mrs. Lorne James' group of Simcoe Street United Church Ladies' Ald Society. Vases of mums were in the draw- fg room and a basket of them decorated the tea table set in the dining room, 'where Mrs. D. M. Tod, poured tea, The tea as- sistants were Mrs. W. A. Glass, Mrs, I. E. Argue, Mrs. J. V. Hill and Mrs. E. Bradley. During the eiternoon delightful musical uumbers were rendered Miss Marion Ross sang two French songs. "Les Berceaux"' and "La Bonne Chanson," Mrs. C. M. Mundy sang "The - Faltering Duck," and Mrs. Leo Gray ren- dered a pleasing Irish song. ABILITY IN HOME COLOR PLANNING W. W. Park Responsible for Many Smart Homes * When a citizen is in need of pap- ering or painting services for the home, he or she will do well to consult with W. W. Park. This firm has interior decorators, of un- usually high standards and has gained a reputation both from an artistic standpoint as well as prac- tical. The employees arc altogeth- er experienced in Paint and wall paper lines. In color harmony and appropriate designs their taste is unsurpassed, Consultations and es- timates are cheerfully given, W. W. Park's stock of popular brands of = guaranteed grades of paints, oils, varnishes and stains is most complete, so that one may select just the material needed for the job. This brand of Joint has a lasting finish not found in many paints, Exterior, commonly known as house paint, flat, screen and porch paint all have the same stand- ard quality and durability. The varnish is composed of all ingredi- ents necessary to make it an easy working, brillant, durable, hard drying varnish. This firm carries a heavy and varied assortment of wallpaper. Qualities to suit ecvéry purpose, which they are enabled to sell at a much lower figure through buying large quantities. There one will find a wide range of quality of pap- er, from a few cents a roll to sever~ al dollars, thereby suiting every station in life, Year after year this firm is sought by /the same old satisfied patrons, who know them to be painstaking and dependable. One can be assured that the work will be done in the most approved man- ner with the best of materials. Much commendations is given them for the satisfaction and workman- ship they give. Do you know their price range on wallpaper? 00 cash prize given daily for neatest correct answers to questions in these articles, Call the above firm to assist you. Seven in today's 3 issue, Without his compass needle the mariner could not thread his way across the sea. Jen Ruth. Cake Shoppe -- ANNOUNCES THE -- oping of their Cake Shoppe | s SIMCOE STREET 8. | | py Ho Saurday, Nov. bh J . . 21st at 9 a.m. Waewill offer to the Citizens of Oshawa and surrounding district a full line of high quality home made (akes, Pies, Past. ies, Homa: -=ze Bread '* Thdngredients of our Baked Goods are the finest obtain: ' JAE, sul yourself. | Canadian Girls in Training | "En Avant" Who lined up in full force at Northminster Church last Sunday evening to support the Young Peo- ple's Service? That was the new- ly organized "En Avant" group of GIT. girls under the leadership of Miss Kelly. What does our name mean? Just watch us "Go Ahead" and you won't meed a Frenchman to tell you what the name means. Already, although the group is only "three meetings old" we have elected officers and are well 'started on "crotched" tams for the welfare society, We simply have to "Go Ahead" with Beatrice Perry as President, Filene Burke, vice-pres- ident, Amy Harding, Treasurer, and Muriel Kelly as Secretary, "Joys" The girls of St. George's Church who travel the road of CG.LT, along the pathway marked "Joy are planning to avail themselves of the possible C.G.LT. insignia--Pins, crests, maple leaves, etc. Nor have they forgotten that a copy of the "Girls Own Book" is a happy pos- session for any Canadian Girl in Training. The remainder of their Tuesday meeting was spent in mak- ing the invitations which will sum- mon you to the Christmas meeting of the Girls' Council. This part of the program was under the di- rection of Miss Van Luven, Golden Links The Golden Links of the Church of All Nations last meeting learn- ed how to make silhouettes ith which to adorn the walls of their own bedrooms, Northminster Miss Johnson's group of Simcoe St. and Grace Battle's group of Northminster are in the midst of making scrap. books. What for? Watch for next week's column, Maybe they will tell us. idelity The Fidelity C. rh I1..T. of St Andrew's had an enjoyable evening on Tuesday at the home of their leader, Miss Haines. They wish to announce their rummage sale at the church on Saturday morning. Come out and give the girls your supvort, Akita The Akita group of St. Andrew's Church under the leadership of Phylis Clements held their weekly meeting Tuesday evening, After the business they had an enjoyable game of basketball with Gladys Mec- Comb as referee, Hurrah for the skating party next Tuesday. Let's RO. TUXIS 14! COR Albion Rangers The Albion Trail Rangers held their weekly meeting in the Church with the attendance of 21 boys. Some new members were initiated after which the Mentor took charge of the worship ser- vice. Business was then taken over by the Chief Ranger, A half hour was spent of fixing broken toys to be given to the children of needy families, Pioneer Boys The King Street Pioneer Tuxis Boys met on Friday evening at 7.30. The meeting was in the form of an initiation although there were npt many of the boys present, The ceremony was very impressive and went over with a bang! After the meeting the Pioneer Tuxis Square from King St. Church motored to Cedardale United Church, where they initi- ated tHe members of a newly formed Tuxis Square. The new Square certainly seem to be a real live bunch, and have chosen as their mame "The Set On Service Square" and we be- lieve if they keep on as they have started they will certainly live, up to this name, Nine of the .nembers were Initiated, after which the 8.0.8, group provided their visitors with a splendid banquet, Mr. Wilson, the Superintendent of Cedardale S.8. is at present leading this Square, and is teach- ing the boys how té become real Tuxis workers, The officers for BOYS TRAIL RANGERS 8 NER the group are as follows: Prae- tor, Wibert McKinstry; §ub .Prae- tor, Leonard Clapp; Scriptor, Frank Sherwood; Cashe, Mervin Jenkins. The Art of Knot Tieing Norman Demeza of North Bay is a past master in the art of knot tieing, He recently took charge of an interest group to in- struct North Trail Rangers along these lines, It is a very in- tructive and interesting subject for hove and makes a very useful nroject for groups. The boys of this Baptist Church frequently enjoy movie reels. The last one they had was one showing the fruit production and jam making in Australia, also a sheep ranch- ine picture of Western Australia showing what people are doing on the other side of the world. Albert Street Rangers A meeting of the Albert Street Trail Rangers wag held last ny 1 Tuesday evening with the attend- ance of 15 boys. The first half hour wag taken up with games, after which the Chief Rancer took charge of the opening ceremony. Rev. 8. C. Moore lead in a dis- cussion "Ways and Means of Mak- jng Life More Worth While." It was also decided to start on the first ald badge at the next meet- ing with Norm Williams fn charre, A meeting of the Oshawa Boys' Thursday evening at 7.30 in Simcoe St. United Church. All members are asked to be present. A H. AND §. COUNCIL T0 UNDERTAKE MOTHERCRAFT Council Hears Address by Rev. S. C. Jarrett Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin of the Home and School Council, pre- sided at the meeting held last ovening in the Collegiate and Vo- cational Institute board room, The most important business of the evening was in connection with the Canadian Mothercraft Society. Mrs. McLaughlin askéd the endorsation of the society by the members of the council. This was readily and enthusiastically given, The alms and objects of this vociety are to maintain an orga- nization for the development of 'nfant health and the reduction of infant mortality. To collect and distribute funds fog such a purpose. To award diplomas and confer distinctive degignations upon women who have completed courses in Mothercraft of which this, corporation approves, Arrangements are being made to have Mrs. Irving E. Robertson, president of the society, come to Oshawa early in Dccemher to ad- dress all organizations and asso- ciations interested and it is hop- little talk. © The nounced that an invitation had Leer received from St. George's A.Y.P,A, to join them at their meeting on Monday evening of next week. This invitation was :ccepted, Other items of more weighty importance were discuss- ed and the evening was brought tn a close after an hour of dan- president an- Work Board has been called for] of this opportune time to buy. Just "Seventeen" frcm the "'Seventy" items that are -- in this Sale Read every item--it will only take five minutes of your time. We urge you to take full advantage THIRTY WOMEN ING TO BE LUCKY Colored Krinkle BEDSPREADS Only one to a customer. 72 x 90 inches; colors with rose, blue, green, gold. top notch value at $1.75.. For, each ARE GO- Size cream helio or A quality we consider a FANCY BORDERED WHITE BATH TOWELS A mighty good time to choose these for moderately priced Xmas Gifts. They are in a good size 18 x 36 inches. Pure white with borders. in faboly color- 5 S100 On sale Ft PURE LINEN ' EXTRA LARGE IBEX BLANKETS No 'madam, not a dollar but One dollar for one They are the blankets made, Size inches, which is fully longer their 12/4 sizc with pink or blue border, blanket whipped singly. Regular $2.49 pair. Each 2 x a pair, blanket, finest flannelette 2 6 inches White Each LUNCH CLOTHS Size 52 x 52 inches, Did you ever remember, buying a pure linen cloth for S0¢c. You must admit the value is exceptional. Attrac- tive borders in green and gold. Buy these also with Xmas Tn 2-318 mind. HORROCKSES 10 YARDS OF FINE Saxony Flannelette 27 inches wide--white only. less than For any quantity a 10 yard length, SOFT This flannelette is cut up into 10 vd. lengths ready for quick sclling 10 { vi yards the price is 12%c a yard, it will certainly pay you to buy White Flannelette If you want a flannelette that will give lasting wear, you can't | make any mistake in buying a | length of this, The width is 30 iiches, and the regular price is wikis 5 ys, Yon $1.00 PRINCESS SLIPS In Habutai and Celanese Satin 36 INCH STRIPED Pyjama Flannelette Regular 25¢ yard. On sale .. 67% §1,00 Regular $2.50, $295 and $3.50 values. Strap and built up shoulder styles. Clearing simply because the lengths are a little shorter than the new stock. Col- ors Black, sand, navy $1 00 . and white, "For . MEN'S BROWN CAPESKIN LINED GLOVES Made from beautifully soft plia- ble skins with well sewn seams. Warm fleeced lined. An excell- ent glove for street wear, Sizes 7% to 10%. Wor, pale «i..oovivnss. 1.00 MISSES' SILKNIT NON-RUN PANTIES 10 dozen prettily trimmed panties in small and medium sizes only. Balance of a previous special of- fering at a higher price. Most colors are in 4 for $1.00 the selection, THIS QUALITY 4 PLY SCOTCH Fingering Wool Experienced knitters tell us that its as good as anyone could wish for. Colors are black, white, grey, brown, camcl, navy and cardinal, It is absolutely the best we ever sold for, Ib. PUREST PRIME JAPARA KAPOK Just a couple of years back and this same quality 'was selling at about 75¢ per Ib. For cushions and baby pillows. There is no filling to compare with it. 4 Ib. packets $1.00 for WOMEN'S LINED CAPESKIN GLOVES For the woman, who wants a warm glove for motoring or for street wear, this is an exception- al opportunity to buy. Brown only, z oe Saswe S100 Sweaters, Pullovers and Coats Most of them in ali wool quali- tics. Some for boys and some ior girls with a few also in wo- men's sizes, 2 for $1 00 Clearing at 8 ONLY LITTLE GIRLS FUR TRIMMED WINTER COATS Sizes 142 to 3 ycars. ored, all wool cloths. up to $8.95. For, each .... ps. 4us0, Plain col= Regular 1.00 CURITY CHEESE CLOTH 36 incaes. A popular quality for dusters and . polishers. 4 rr §1,00 (5 yd. packages) INFANTS WOOL JACKETS White with pink or sky. As pret- ty little loose knit jackets 'as you'll find anywhere at half as much more. 2 for $1 00 at Weddi:gs BEECROFT--NORTON A quiet wedding took place at high noun on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. C, Nor- ton, 84 Gromley, Avenue, Tor- onto, when thelr only daughter, Illeanor Chambers, was united in marriage to Mr, Julian Balfour Beecroft, son of Mr, and Mrs, ¥. L. Beecroft of "The Grange," Whitby. Rev. D. Trevor Davies officiated at the ceremony at which only members of the im- mediate families were present. Mr. and Mrs, Beecroft have taken » Youse in Brooklin for the win- ter, ed no time will be lost in getting this work under way in Oshawa. Concluding Ad business, Cap- tain Jarrett the meeting an interesting por enlightening out- liné of the work of the Juven- ile Court. Young People's Worcury Hosiary looks the parton all Todo occa. + sions because of its "quality". It wears remarkably well. Ask fo see the latest shades in Mercury Hosiery when buying and don't be put off by the offer of "something just as good", vn ltisn'h WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING Here's a delightfully smart model that is carried out in tweed-like woolen in Spanish tile coloring. It affects suit styling, so modish. The collar is' plain brown woolen, ihe bindings are also brown, The belt is brown leather. It has so much dash. It's a splendid tyPe Yor office or clleg wear, ' Style-No. 815 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36 requires i | |3%4 yards of 39-inch material with 34 yard of 39-inch contrasting, 5% yards of binding and 1-2 yard of 1%-inch ribbon. ye Jersey is a favorite this season and adapts itself perfectly to this model. It miy also be made of canton- faille crepe silk. Our Winter Fashion Magazine contains styles for children, the miss, a most attractive selection far adults including slenderizing effects for stouts, and a variety of Xmas suggestions, And incidentally, you will save money by choosing your "rocks from our Patein models, "AGLOW with FRIENDLINESS! «+ « succinctly expresses the atmosphere Hotel Fort Shelby has created and 'maintained through its vigorous and une tiring devotion to the guests' welfare and comfort. 4 The major percentage of Hotel Fort Shelby patronage embraces people who stop there every time they visit Detroit. They are genwinely oppreciative of Fort Shelby's ability to ad- minister to their needs courteous courteously and efficiently. § Hotel Fort Shelby's location in the heart of Detroit's shopping, * theatre, financial, insurance and wholesale districts is a happy one; no other large hotel is so near the principal railway terminals, airports and steamship piers. 900 units veel equipped with servidor and private bath accom- modations. Rooms as low os $3.00 per doy . . . suites $10.00 and vpwards. "Motorists are reli d of their on at the door without service charge. Write for free road map, and your copy of "Aglow with Friendliness," our unique and fascinating magazine. ~<Tort Shelby 'AGLOW Ji FRIENDLINESS" e. )? BRADWELL, Manager. RETROIT,