Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1931" . PAGE 'Women's Interests in the Home and the Community 1 M. McIntyre Hood leaves to- night to make a week's tour of Northern Ontario, taking part in Remembrance functions of vari- ous branches of the Canadian Le- gion. During his absence he will visit Sudbury, Blind River, Sault Ste, Marie, Hearst, Kapuskasing, Cochrane and North Bay, where he will speak at public gatherings and Legion functions. Ld Miss Gladys Jones of Jarvis, Ontario, is the guest of Mrs. J. H. Beaton, 55 Connaught Street, A » Misses Grace and Hilda Win- pell, of Toronto, formerly of this city, were among the guests at the Oshawa Yacht Club dance last evening. » \d LJ] Mr, Douglas Maundrell, a student at the Universi' of To- ronto, is spending the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Maundrell, Athol Street, . LJ Ld Mr. and Mrs, Barton Babcock, and Mr. apd Mrs, J, Babcock motored to Woodstock on Thurs- day to attend the reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Parnell Alyea when they received for the first time since their recent mar- riage. LJ LJ » Mrs, F. W. Cowan will open the annual sale of work at Holy Trinity Church on Friday, No- vember the thirteenth, LJ . » Mr, and Mrs. A, Crawford Kenny, Mrs, H, J. Sanderson and Miss Irene Atchison, all of To- ronto, were guests on Thursday of Mr, and Mrs, A, C. Cameron, Brock Street, Ld Ld * Mr, and Mrs, Willis Tait en- tertained at a dinner party last evening taking their guests on after to the Oshawa Yacht Club , dance, LJ LJ] Ll Mrs. C. Holland entertained at a party for Mr. and Mrs, Claude Bilton and Mr. and Mrs. William McGee last evening, it being the occasion of both couples' wedding anniversary, Forty guests were present for dancing and games after which supper was served and several gifts presented to the guests of honor. Young People's Societies Last Wednesday evening the members 6f the Holy Trinity Young People's Club took part in a mock trial. Rev. S. C. Jarrett acted ag the judge, The prosecut- ing counsel was G. W, Jackson, the defense was Miss Jean Martin, Messrs, Fitches and C. H. Dowton acted as chief of police and coron- er and the witnesses were Misses Claire Hayton, Lillian Jackson, Flo Fitches, Oliver Finkes, and Mr, R. Nicholson, Mr. H. Come- lius was the accused. Due to the splendid efforts of the defense counsel the accused wag pronounc- ed 'not guilty." Members of the club will attend the meeting at the Collegiate on Remembrance Day. ! a ils E » PR i CONSTIPATION CONQUERED e NR PAPILLAUD PILL ww C PATION is of SE worst Be og It gradually poisonsand weakens 216 ystems and srings on 1ARY The Dr. Papillaud Pill, a paration which after 3 De hang of the Focus of 0 Medicine of Paris, France, ia Mediaing of Oa Tuispil will afford immediate without causing aay Gis tressor nausea whatever in the as it is so prepared Shots dion bed and acts only s. necessary. directions implicitly. Ash your druggist for free'sample PRICE: Large size 70 cents Handy size 25 cents DR. PAPILLAUD LABORATORIES LTD. 32 FrontSt. W., TORONTO, Ont. YAGHT CLUB DANGE 1S HUGE SUCCESS Masonic Temple Is Scene of Gala Event Decorated with rigging, white sails and pennants the auditorium of the Masonic Temple took on 8 very sporty appearance last even- ing for the first annual dance of the Oshawa Yacht Club. To the swaying rythm of the orchestra youth and beauty danced, club members conspicious by their appearance in the traditional yachting costume, of blue blazers and white flannels, On the stage where the orchestra was station- ed was one of the cluh's best dinghys which brought a breath of the fresh sea air that cast its spell over the merry throng of dancers. From wires strung just beneath the ceiling hung the club pennants of green with their white letters of O.Y.C, Dance pro- grammes bore the club crest and the entire decoration scheme was cleverly carried out in keeping with the popular old sport of yachting, During the intermission when supper was served the guests were entertained by professional dancers, Mr, George Fleming sang a solo accompanied by Mr. R. G. Geen, Club members who were pres- ent were: Messrs, Jack Cornwall, Douglas Conant, Lionel Hinds, William Lick, Harold Copeland, Murray Copeland, E. P, Burns, Willlam Hart, C., E. Rehder, Bowmanville, Cyril Schofield, Donald Black, E, Drinkle, Eldon Stacey, Glenn W. Mundy, Ralph Schofield, John Pugh, William Vidler, A. V. Hoar and W, H. Barnhart, WOMEN'S MEETINGS UNITED CHURCH W.M.S, KING ST. Mrs. C. E. Cragg presided at the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of King Street United Church which met on Thursday after- noon and which was attended by a large representation of mem- bers. Prayer was offered by Mrs. D. Cook. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Plans were laid for the thankoffering ser- vice that is to be held on No- vember the eighteenth at which Mrs, Rae of the Dominion Board will be the speaker and the Sunday evening service which all the members together with the Canadian Girls in Training, the Circle and the Y.W, girls will at- tend in a body. The nominating committee submitted the following report for officers for the coming year: Hon, President, Mrs, Smith; President, Mrs. C. E. Cragg; 1st Vice President, Mrs, D:. Cook; 2nd Vice President, Mrs, H, Mur- ray; Recording Secretary, Mrs, L. Ferguson; Treasurer, Mrs. Tiers; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. Barker; Strangers' Sec- retary, Mrs, W, Armour; Mis- sionary Monthly, Mrs. R. Bird; Associate Helpers, Mrs. Wood; Literature Secretary, Mrs. J. Brooks; Supt. Mission Band, Mrs. E, Trew; Supt. Baby Band, Mrs. E. Wadsworth; Press Reporter, Mrs. Thrasher; Secretary Chris- tian Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. A. Glover; Supply Secre- | 'ary, Mrs, Ripley. CENTRE ST. WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION At the regular monthly busi- ness meeting of the Women's As- sociation of Centre St. United Church the president, Mrs, John- ston, presided. After the singing of two hymns and the scripture lesson read in uniso), the pastor, Rev. Mr. McQuade, offered pray- er, Reports were heard from the Secretary Treasurer and Flower Committee. Eleven calls were re- jorted for the month, The main business of the meet- ing was to play for the annual bazaar to be held on Thursday, Nov, 19. A reception committee and "tea room committee were |appointed and other places com- pleted. When the business was con- cluded Rev. Mr, McQuade ad- dressed the Association, outlining work he had in view for the com- ing year, in which the' ladies could render valuable assistance. An enjoyable lunch was served by the members of Mrs. Ogden"s group, Harry wanted a dog, and had many arguments with his mother on the subject. He was sent to the grocer's and was gone so long that his mother became anxious. Stepping to the window, sne saw Harry down the street, man- fully pulling at a rope, the other end of which was tied around the neck of a small 'dog. The pup was resisting every step of the way Presently Harry entered the room. "Mother," he cried, "won't you let me keep the little dog? It followed me home." ' Miss Dowis: "I am starting a school to teach young ladies to be good wives. Do you think you'd care to send your daughter?" Anxious Mother: "Do you guar- antee to get them--ah--situations afterwards?" By Thornton MRS. PETER MEETS MOLLY In softest' eyes and sweetest smile Alas, there oft is hidden guile. --Old Mother Nature. Little Mrs, Peter Rabbit left Old Jed Thumper, the gray old Rabbit who was her father, sitting in his favorite retreat chewing on nothing at all and started out to visit some of the familiar places of the days when the Old Pastire was her home. In one after another she found signs that some one had been there recently, Somehow she re- sented the fact that any one else should have used these places. Tt was a silly feeling and she knew it, but she couldn't help it. At last as she started to enter a familiar old bramble-tangle a warn- ing thump stopped her, She hesi- tated a moment and then thumped a reply. It was a gentle thump, a friendly thump. It brought an equally friendly thump in reply and almo:t at once a pretty young rab- bit appeared. It was Molly; whom Peter had fancied himself in love with. For a full minute the two looked at each other. Then they touched noses, which is the Rabbit method of friendly greeting, "Do you live here?" inquired Mrs. Peter, and tried not to be jealous as she saw how pretty she was and what soft eyes she had "Not just here, but I live in the O!{ Pasture," replied Molly politely. "I guess you are a stranger here?" Little: Mrs. Peter nodded. "I am now," said she, a wee bit sadly, "but once 1 wasn't. 1 born here." "I haven't lived here replied Molly, 'but 1 like nice place." "Don't you get quired Mrs. Peter Molly chuckled. confessed, "but I don't have a friend who comes to every night." Little Mrs. Peter's heart gave a| funny little jump, but she gave. no | sign. "That's ' nice," said she. *I used to have a friend come to sce me every night when I lived here." Molly chuckled again, "He thinks he is in love with me," said she Again the heart of little Mrs Peter gave a funny little jump. "Well, isn't he?" she inquired as casually as she could. "I don't know," confessed Molly "Are you in love with him then?' asked Mrs. Peter, and held her breath for the reply. Once more Molly chuckled, "Me in love with him!" she exclaimed. * should say not! You wouldn't have asked that question 'if you ever had seen him, Why he is old enough to be my grandfather, Really, my dear, -vou should see him. Such a was very long" it. It 1s a lonesome?" i artfully. I used to," any more. Ce 1M good opinion of himsclf as he has! Such airs as he puts on! To sce Just rub on ICKS VaroRus CHILD need CASTORIA WILL DO ITI i When your child needs regulat- ing. remember this: the organs of babies and children are deli- cate. Little bowels must be gently urged -- never forced. That's why Castoria is used by 80 many doctors and mothers, It is specially made for children's ailments; contains no harsh, barmful drugs, no narcotics. You can safely give it to young infants for colic pains. Yet it is an equally effective regulator for older children. The next time your, child has a little cold or fever, or a digestive upset, give him the help of Castoria, the children's own remedy. Genuine Castoria always has the name: Ze CASTORIA ol bl § FOR REGULATING? W. Burgess and hear him you would t&nk he was the most important Rabbit all the Great World, He is just a silly old fellow and 1 have great fun with him." Little Mrs, Peter had it on the tip of her tongue to say indignantly that he wasn't a silly old fellow and he was the most important Rabbit in all the Great World, but wisely checked it. Instead she managed a chuckle herself. "You must find him véry amusing," said she. "I do," replied Molly promptly. "You should hear him boast. He certainly is old enough to know bet- ter. And I let him think that I be- lieve it all. Why, my dear, he isn't afraid of Reddy Fox or Old Man Coyote or Hooty the Owl or Srad- ow. the Weasel. Can you imagine any Rabbit not being afraid of those dreadiul people?" Mrs. Peter shook her head, "No, said she "I am afraid I can't." "He says he isn't afraid of them because he is too smart for them,' Molly babbled on, "Last night he started out to show me about. Just as if I didn't already know all about the Old Pasture! He thought he was leading me, but he wasn't. | managed to lead him around to the home of Reddy Fox and he didn't realize it until we got there. You sce | knew that Reddy and Mrs, Reddy had gone off on a long hunt. My dear. | wish vou could have secn him when he discovered where we were! Why he was afraid or his own shadow! I haven't enjoyed my- self so much for a long time. He really is a nice old fellow, but silly. As for me being in love with him, I should say notl. You see I am n love with some one else." "Oh!" said little Mrs. Peter : blankly. (Copyright, 1931, by T. W. Burgess) The next story: 'Molly Tells Her Girl Guide News 3rd Oshawa Guides Miss Smith was a visitor at the meeting of 3rd Oshawa company again this week and she told a delightful story to the girls, Miss Moyge took games and the girls loved the one where they had to pass the penny around to set which patrol could do it the fast est. 2 Marjorie Bates was not present at the meeting because she paid a visit to the Sea Rangers that | same evening, In all probability 3rd company will bag losing Mar- jorie, She seems to like the Ran- gers. "There will be no meeting of the company next week as the regu- lar night falls on Day. Girl Guide News Ten Guiders from Oshawa at- ended the Eastern Ontarlo Gui- ders' conference at Belleville last week and report a fine day. Oshawa Guides welcomg Mrs, Goodfellow of Whitby into the family, She is the new commis- sioner in the neighboring town, and was enrolled at the Belle- ville conference by the Provin- cial Commissioner. Oshawa is supplying help for other cities, for we notice by the papers that Mrs. E. C. Hodgines, who was camp convenor for Osh- awa Guides until she moved to Kingston, hag just been appointed Commissioner for the city of Kingston. The Leaders held a meeting on Friday night and organized a Leaders' Assoclation, They are planning to meet regularly and discuss things of interest to all the companies. They also mention- ed a winter week-end camp in the near future, Br-r-r! Sth Oshawa Brownies There are only two vacancies left in the Pack! Miss Spencer took all the games in the Fairy Forest last week and told the story. The sewing was dropped for one week, Mrs. Whitelaw - has taught all the Brownies how to hem, and soon each little girl will have her own tie to make. Mrg, Eric Shortt, the Owl, took. charge of a single came, and showed The Three Dukes how to get on their prane- ing steeds and ride away, Next week a beautiful surprise is in store, Brown 5th Oshawa Guide A fairy godmother and godfa- ther have appeareq for the 6th Company ! Mr, and Mrs. Ross MacKinnon will present the ties to the com- pany, and of course they will be the MacKinnon tartan, Won't Fifth look smart and scotch? Mr, MacKinnon says he will wear his kilt on that occasion, so the Guides may see how grand a Scotchman can look. Last week was a Hallowe'en party, and so many pretty fancy dresses appeared that it was hard to choose the winners. Clara Schubert in her native Hungarian costume was chosen firet, and Florence Kennedy as a "real boy' came second. The two lieutenants, Miss Ruth Mutton and Miss Dorothy Spires, 'made the hot chocolate and with sandwiches and cake a fing party was had. Miss Barrbwclough was sorry it rained so she could not take the Guides on their tramp, but she promises one soon, Three patrols have been chosen to start with, and temporary lead- ers made: Medea Maidman, May Swallow and Grace [ackson. The patrols have been named the Goldfinches, the Scarlet Tana. gers and the Bluebirds. 4th Oshawa Guides We were glad to have Miss Lane enrolled as a lieutenant to the 4th company at our last meet- ing, Any Guide who would like to | get her Nature for her second class badge may try her test on Nov, 11 or Nov. 18, The Guides have the opportunity of being taught the Morse code for two more nights and then the test will be the next three proceedings on Wednesday nights. Miss Werry taught the Guides a new gong, "De Boatman." As usual there wasn't a dull moment when the Second Osh- C Rouses appetite by its appearance, then sat- isfies it by its flavour anada Breac Its appetizing appearance, delicious flavour and di- gestibility will appeal to all members of the family. awa Guides met last Tuesday. After drill instruction, includ steps, General Tests were given, Barbara Morphy passed in Guide Laws, Isobel Macdonald passed in Morse, and Agnes McClelland passed in Knot Making. On Saturday, November 21st, round irst Class Tests will Particulars regarding given later, Church be held on Sunday, Christ Church, where will meet at 10.40 a No meeting will be held next the Guides will all be welcome to go to Christ Church on Wednesday, Novem- ber 11th, to the Mission where lantern views will be hown at in the even- ng, all be taken, this will be parade will the Sth at the Guides m. Tuesday, but o'clock SEA RANGERS Notice to Sea Rangers-- there will be no meeting on Wed- nesday the eleventh f Novem- ber, The next meeting 11 be the following week. The regular Sea Rangers nesday evening new member t the meeting of the was held on Wed- There were two meeting, and one from Third. They were just visiting the Sea Rangers but they decided to join them as soon as possible. They are Annie An- derson and Margery Dates. The Rangers spent most their time trying tests for their Sea Ranger chart stars, Sea of Remembrance | Painful Backache Quickly Relieved | ing, some intcresting mew dance | Service | one Guide from Second Company | G the I WARNING | There is no substitute for Ovaltine, It is made by an exclusive process from fresh eggs, rich creamy milk and ripe barley malt. Physicians throughout the world recom- mend it as a perfect food. lhe Vital Concern of Every Mot REAT care should be exercised to make sure that children do not outgrow their strength; that they grow normally and regularly, body, mind, and muscle developing at the same rate, Growing children need more nourishment than ordinary food supplies. Give your kiddies Ovaltine. It is delicious and supplies in concentrated, correctly balanced and easily digested form, all nourishing elements essential for healthy growth. Children enjoy Ovaltine between. meals as well as at them. This wonderful food of Nature makes their glass of milk more palatable; more nourishing and much more digestible. Ovaltine builds sturdy bodies, sound nerves and alert minds. OVALTINE TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE Puilds-up Brain, Nowe and Bedy Sold at all good stores, in 50c, 75¢c, $1.25 and special $4.50 family size tins; also served at soda fountains, A. WANDER LIMITED, London, England, and Peterborough, Canada sog w Miss Robertson was not able to he present, go Betty Hobbs and Dora Sweet assisted the Skipper with the work. Next meeting Miss Robertson will test the crew on their abil- ity to send and receive messages n Semaphore signalling. As soon 3 this test has been passed the irla will learn Morse signalling. "My back was awfully sore," writes Mr. Clifford Whittom, Paspebiac West, P.Q. "I took three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they gave | me great relief. If I ever need | Kidney Pills again I will certainly | use Dodd's. I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all my friends and they now say that they are the best Kidney medicine." Dodd's Kidney Pills have restored sound health to thousands of troubled men and women. Give them a trial at once. They can be obtained at all dealers. Dodd's Kidney Pills I The De Luxe BEAUTY SHOPPE Branch of the W. T. | Pember Stores Ltd., of | Toronto. fi . Permanent Waving, Fin- | ger Waving, Marcelling, Treatments for the Hair that remove the cause of the hair turning grey and falling out. Hair tinting that will restore the hair to its natural colour by penetrating the hair shaft and replaces the pigment and papilla. i | Make your appointments | with the assurance that | you will have the very best of satisfaction at rea- sonable prices. ~The De Luxe ! BEAUTY SHOPPE I Bradley Block | Oshaw Ontario esata saves needless pain for thousands of people by relieving head . aches and the monthly pans of | women and breaking up a cold overnight. : | WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING \ THE FROCK WHICH FOLLOWS OUR CURVES { Is Important Since Paris Is Back | to Figures { By ANNETTE Its startling simplicity gives this new. formal afternoon 'or Sunday night dress, undreamed of chic. Isn't the little basque bodice, gained through the more fitted line, fective? And don't you think the ap sleeves are cute idea edged with ace? The neck too, is so generally becoming in deep open V with lace inset, It breathes romance of the Em- pire period, in wine-red transparent velvet with white face. It's adorable too in black, dark green or sapphire blue velvet, Crepe marocain, crepe satin and lace are ideally suited to this slim- ming model, Style No. 668 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36 requires 34 yards of 39-inch material with 134 yards of lace. Our Winter Fashion Magazine contains styles. for children, the miss, a most attractive selection for adults including slenderizing effects for stouts; and a variety of Xmas suggestions. And incidentally, you will 'save money by choosing your RUPTURED? Free Demonstration At the Genosha Hotel, on Wednesday, Nov, 11th, By Mr. A. E. MITCHELL Hours, 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. It costs you absolutely nothing to receive a free ten-day test supply of the herbal muscle-tonic "Plapao", and to examine and have demon- strated to you privately--a scien- tific self-treatment, which so many others attest under oath rid them of their rupture and saved them from the knife, FREE--~PLAPAO--FREE Stuart's Plapao-Pads are patent- ably different from the truss, being mechanico-chemico applicators made self-adhesive purposely to keep the muscle tonic called "Pla- pao" continuously applied to the af- fected parts, and to minimize dang- er of slipping and painful friction. Fabric soft as velvet--easy to apply --inexpc .sive. During 25 years thousands have successfully treated themselves at home--without hind- rance from work. Awarded Gold Medal, Rome; Grand Prix, Paris and Honorable Mention, San Fran- cisco, Process of recovery is natur- al, so no subsequent use for any kind of support, BE SURE TO CALL! Do not fail to call on Mr. Mit chell, as you may not have another opportunity for some time. Remember the time and place, If not able to call, write for FREE TRIAL PLAPAO. Address Plapao Co, 998 Stuart Bldg, St. Louis. Ma frocks from our Pattern models, Wrap coin carefully, Price of BOOK 15 cents. Address orders to: The Patties Price of PATTERN 20 cents in| Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, Osh stamps or coin (coin is preferred).! awa, Will clean and press lady's dress, gown, suit or long coat or gent's suit or overcoat. J SHERRIN'S DYE WORKS Whitby Phone 468. Oshawa Phone 760 We make a small extra charge for pleating ERE tr "ART EXHIBIT of noted Canadian Artists --] GENOSHA HOTEL under auspices of Lyceum Women's Art Association Every afternoon and evening next week except Thursday, Opening day, Nov. 9th for members only Local Artists will also exhibit - THE agonizing aches from neuralgia can be quieted in the same way you would end a headache. Take some Aspirin tablets. Take enough to bring complete relief. Aspirin can't hurt anybody. Men and womén bent with rheumatism will find the same wonderful comfort in these tablets. They aren't just for headaches or colds! Read the proven directions covering a dozen other uses; neuritis, sciatica, lumbago; muscular pains. Cold, damp days which penetrate to the very bones have lost their terror for those who carry Aspirin tablets with them! All drug Sores, in the familiar little 0X:

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