Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Nov 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1931 If it's to be Bought or Sold- - Times Classified Ads will do it Legal CONANT & ANNIE BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Conveyancing and general practice in Law.., Office 7% Simetoe Street, South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, BA, LLB.; A. F. Annis, B.A, LLB, WiE N.S AIR, K.C.,, BANK of Commerce Building. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A, BAR- vister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. ce 145% King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445, Residence phone R37, GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barrister, Ete. Bank of Commerce Bldg, LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solic'tor, Notary, Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North, Phone 67. Resi- dence 3473W, GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Etc, 24% Simcoe St. N, Phone 3160, Residence 3514, Money to loan. i FRANK S, EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary * Publi¢, Convey- ancer. Money fo loan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Ofice, Phone 2996. 8. J. HENNICK, B. ter. 12% Simcoe St. phone 3038--563. ... BA South, Tele (*3 sept tf) Medical pi, B, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten: ton given to X-ray work and Flectrotheopy. Office, Disney Block Phone 2050, Office open 9 am. to 0 pm. Residence 421 King Street Fast. Phone 2416. DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Atsougher, le King St. torin. St. Oshawa, Phone 94. =x Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist et ee --------p---------- DR. ¥. T. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug store each Saturday from 1 till '4 pm. for consultation and tréatment of diseases of ear, nose anc throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects CC STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work, Second floor vk) Bank Building. Phene 149%. Residence phone Auctioneer PHONE 716), W. J. SULLEY, i 46 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa, Ont. Special attention miven ta household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage oficited , ELMER ILBUR, Auctioneer, furnityre, farm stock, implements a specialty, Terms . one 1648 r 24, moderate Ph 30 mov 8) Watch Repairing FF, A. VON G TEN. EER Swi tchmaker, repair shop Ie King Street West, Your pat- tonage is solicited, East, corner Vie Office and resi- | $ Dental DR. S.J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in at- tendance, Phone 959, House 1312, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST, st. Ambulance Residence 542 Simcue Street North. Phone 210] and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night, Phone 1082W, Celina, (4tf) ~ A i w we DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 re- putuble Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R, N Johns, 80 Simcoe St. North, Your insurance wants at- tended to and your intertsts pro- tected SUN LIFE ASBURANCE COM- pany of Canada, Dominion Bank Chambers, Phone 1834, Zlex. 8. Ross, 8. F, Everson, (15 oct tf) MURDOCH'S BROADCASTING General Insurance Service--Fire protection on houses and con tents, commercial risks, m.: or car lability, damages paid, your ealary paid while iil or injured, plate glass, ete, All Ce. fan Ine surance, Phone 2380, (2 dec c) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR. Permanent wave special $4.00, $7.50, 10,00. "Naturelle Method," Miss Flsie Dyer, Montreal, operator, No, 3 marcel specialist. Marcel 50c. Finger Wave 75¢. l.xpert operators in all lines of hairdressing, 86 Simcoe St. North, Phone 2968, (8 aug tf) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture, Our permanent wave a specialty, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $100. Marcel 50c, Facials, scalp treatments and manicures, Coffee Shoppe entrance, Phone appoint: ments 1973, 5 may 1 mo.) [TLTAAN _ McLEAN, PHONE 2105, marcel 35e at your home or 735 Albert St. (28 nov ¢) FINGER WAVE b60c, MARCEL 38¢c, Trim 25c. Miss Robbins, 81 Ontario St. Phone 1115W. (nov 22 ¢) MCNERNEY BEAUTY FAR: lour, Phyllis BE. McNerney, Prop,, formerly of Lucille Hairdressing. All lines of beauty cr !turs work done. For appointment phone 815. (26 nov ¢) MARCEL 3bc AT YOUR HOME or 127 Ritson Road South For appointment phone Margaret Hutchinson 19562W, (3 dec ¢) Articles For Sale 75 ERIES CHARGED BATTER, $1.00. Repaired and re- built, Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 960. hh Hemstitching isd fIBMSTITCHING, 1 CENTS OF embroidery work, alterations, dressmaking, ete. The Dell Shop, p 8. Phone 1656, 461 Simcoe (5 fis 31) RADIO --BERVICH --REPAIRS done on ll models Work guar anteed, prices reasonable, tubes tested free in your home, oatter- fes recharged. Phone 2806W. Certitied radiotrician, s (19 nov c) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, guaranteed service on all radios and power pacts, aerials erected, tubes tested. Prices reasonable. Js. Phope 3350J. Charley Wa {7 Nov.-c) Money to Loan ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE; CARS re-financed; payments reduced; additional cash given. Terms reasonable. Motor loans and die count. Suite 2, 143 King St, B., Oshawa, upstairs. Phope 2790. Open evenings. (6 no" ¢) almist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, 'Palmist, on matters of import ance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Business private ' (1% nov ¢) "Caulking GAULKING AND =~ CHIMNEY 'flashing done. Reasonable, Esti- 'mates given free. Apply A. Hag erman. Phone 1280J. (20 nov ¢) "Transportation CARTAGFE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 8 Bond West, Special ists in furniture moving. Storage warehouse and moving van equip* ment, one 82. Ww, B 8 contractor. Local and 'rag dis. tance hauling, loads instred. 609 Carnegle Ave. Phone 1618. CHAS. F. FLEMING, CARTAGE of all kinds, Prices right, plus ficocuanbis service. 116 Summer. Phone 797. (24 nov ¢)' 3 TY A Awnings AWNINGS, TENTS. FLAGS, _ tarpaulin, repairs, ete, ' Phone 2104, Georae Reid, 66 Bond W. J. Turner & Son, Representa. Hive. : (24 nov. ¢) Real Estate For TOR SALE--ONE TACRE," SIX roomed louse, Good terms to hristian family. Box 658 Times. x Am, aha tt Bi FOR SALE -- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam, $1.50 per truck load delivered, Phone Essery Bros, 3142) (18 nov, c) FOR RENT GLADSTONE apartments, modern, 3 roomed with three pieced path, coatinu- ous hot water, gas stove, private cellar, hot water heating, laun- dry, convenienees, immediate possession. Kent $25 or $27.60 furnished, ' Phone "104%. No children allowed, (22 nov ¢) APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR unfurnished in Llewellyn, George, 7 | Amvlene and Edward Apartments, New low rentals, Phone 1550 or 2347W, Oshawa Buildings Limited, (25 sept, tf) SEVEN ROOMED BRICK house, newly decorated, hard- wood floors, fire place. Apply 9! Kitson Road N. (23 nov ¢) APARTMENT IN Furnished, Ap- ply Box 640 Times, (102tf) 27 FURNISHED ROOMS AD- Joining, very bright, warm, cen- tral, quiet home, Ladies, business men or married couple (house- keeping). Phone 48. BACHELOR business section, (106¢) BRICK Garage. Simeoe Pedlars, TO RENT--10 ROOM house. All conveniences, 25 dollars per month, Street South, opposite Apply 304 Celina Street, (106h) FOR RENT --COTTAGE, 1 MILE east from King and Simcoe Sts. $8 per month, Phone 2473W, (106ec) STORE FOR RENT WITH LIV- ing accommodation, newly dec- orated, corner Summer and Court Sts. Apply 117 Stacey Ave. Phone 610J. (106¢) FOR RENT--SIX ROOMED brick house, near Separate School, Conveniences, Apply 76 Colborne St. West, FOR RENT--MODERN® SIX roomed house, all conveniences, hardwood floors throughout, Ap- ply L. Bone, 109 Ontario 5st, Phone 984J, (106¢) STUCCO HOUSE 65 ROOMS, hath, back kitchen, warm, bright, central, clean, garage, garden, fixtures, gas. Phone 474, (105¢c) §IX~ ROOMS £OLID- BRICK house, North Simcoe Street, Tile bathroom, Hardwood floors throughout, Will eXchange for vacant Toronto property or wll take automobile ag par. payment, Box 661 Times, « (1070) FOR ~~ RENT---FIX ROOMED house, all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, bullt fireplace, side entrance, electric stove, garage, real comfortable home &t reasonable rate, Phone 407), (10%¢) FOR RENT--TIOUSE, "NO, 215 Kendal Ave. Apply 36 Division St, (107¢) FOR RENT -- RESIDENTIAL property No. 201 Ritson South, Oshawa. All conveniences {'ossession November 1st, 103) For particulars apply to Conan! & Annis, Barristers, &ec., T% fmeoe St, 8., Oshaw , Ontario (ante) FOR SALE-DRY BODY WOOD $300 4 cord, Mixed wood $27: Y% cord. A, Wall, Phone 2628F. (5 Nov. ¢) DRY BODYWOOD $3.50 4 CORD Hard, sort, mixed slabs. Frank Mc- Quaid. Phone 2423 W, (2 dee ¢) "CR SALE -- PHILCO TRICKLE chargers and B eliminators, dy namic and magnetic speakers, tubes and accessories, Bargain vices. Charles Wales, puone 350), (7 Nov.c) FOR BALE-- NO, 1 BODY hardwood. $13 ¢ d. $1.50 single cord, Phone Hartford 2195J. (16 nov Y D A wood $3. Call Thompson, 507 King West. Phone 742J. (9 nov ¢) 8 N Beech and Manle, $13 cord. $3.50 single cord, Also cartage, Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert St. Phone 1079J. (21 nov ¢) OR 8. - coon coat, splendid condition, algo coat lining of No.1 muskrat skins. Prices reasorab' 119 Huron Crescent, (105¢) R I 00, Hardwood, % cord $3. B. Corson, 147 Nassau St. Phone 1941M, '(3 dec ©) apples, price $1 barrel and up, Spies, MoIntosh, Talman Sweets, Baldwins, Starke, Snows, John Pallock, one mile north of Whit- by Post Office, Lindsay High- way. (19 dec ¢) Fok SALE--CHEAP, CABINET phonograph, almost new, automa- tic stop, records. Also solid oak office desk. Phone 903J., (108¢c) MANURE FOR SALE. $2 A load delivered, Phone 2675W. (106¢) D A THES bought and sold. 148 Simcoe South, Will pay highest price. Coon coat for sale, size 40. (106b) 8 po CI ASS - nishing including 9 tube radio, Grand plano, chesterfield suite, etc. Phone after 5. SR1F. R D hand stove. Cheap. Apply 32 Jones Ave, North Oshawa, TT Auction Sale THERE WILL BE OFFERED for sale by public auction on Sat- urday, Nov, 7th, 1931, 1.30 p.m, at 89 King St. W., Oshawa, a quantity of furniture and jewel- lery, also a number of trucks. Any person wishing to put any. thing In this sale phone 7186, Terms cash, W, J. Sulley, Auc- tionear, (106¢) HOME, rental, hon (106b) Wanted to Rent WANTED--2 OR 3 UNFUR nished rooms, hetween Ritson and Centre, south of King, Reason able rent, Phone 1180J. OR RENT -MODERN 'lose to Collesiate,' Low Immediate possession, 2807. (107e) Lost and Found LOST--A BOSTON BULL PUP, flve months old, st:ayed from 112 Brock St. E. Tuesday after. noon. Anyone found holding this dog after this date will be pros- ecuted, (106¢) Motor Cars FOR BALE -- 1927 CHEV. Coach, What offers? Newly over- hauled., 25 Westmoreland Ave, (106c) CHEV, OOUPH 1924 MODEL, Motor in first class shape, Good paint and tires, Cheap. Apply 23 Athol W. Phone 2523W. (107a) Wendi RR I RT RR Pets and Livestock FOR SALE-- BARRED ~~ ROCK Pullets, 4% 'months old, 80c a plece, D, A. O'Donnell, Thorn ton's Corner, (1078) Room and Board 307 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, room and board, Home privileges, Phone 2372M, (106b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO ladies or two gentlemen, 127 Rit. son Rd. 8. Phone 1952W, (106c) Music Lessons TEGINALD G. GEEN, ORGAN- ist, cholrmaster, Simcoe United Church. Examiner, Toronto Con- servatory of Music, Plano, organ, singing, Phone 2128, Residence 765M, (28 nov ¢) MAKION E, ROSS, A.T.C.M. voice production and singing. Phone No, 6 Studio Johns Plano Co, (3 dec ¢) MUSIC LESSONS GIVEN ON Hawalian Guitar, Spanish Guitar, Tenor Banjo, Violin, Ukulele at Harris Music Store. Phone 1490, 11 Simcoe St, 8. (3 dec e Furs Repaired FUR COATS REMODELLED RE 119 Huron Crescent 632M, rier, phone (106e) | in eup- | boards, newly decorated, electric | | (27 nov ¢) FUR COATS MADE TO ORDER Furs repaired, . remodelled at inoderate prices, Mrs, OG, Hicke, 143 Prince St, Phone 2873J or J. H, Wileon, Melrose 5229, Toron- Lo, FURS REPATRED," REMODEL. led and lined, 40 years' experi: nce, fur trimmings by the yard, collars and cuffs, Fur coats $20 up, Littner, 86 Simcoe North, (28 oct 1.mo Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY -- CASH register In exchange for used car Apply Cox Motor Sales, 10 Bond Ww. (108h) St, Female Help Wante UIRL FOR GENERAL OFFICE work, Must be able to type and tile, Apply In own hand writing to Box 659 Times, (106b) WANTED AT ONCE--GIRL OR Road | woman as mother's help, Apply | 238 Division St, (107h) Barber Shop US DANK'S DARBER SHOP. 180 Celina St, corner of Ash All haircuts 105e, on Saturdays 200, Wednesday closes at 1 p.m (1038) pm Fr RT RT. Wood For Sale DRY 'BODY WOOD, $3.25 % Jord, Apply 71A Simcoe North Phone 3124, (21 nov ¢) NE ---------- Work Wanted IARRIED LADY WITH GIRL & vears old wishes position as housekeeper, Country or city. Wages reasonable for winter. Ap- ply Mrs, Cragg, 304 Celina Street, (106b) Rest Home OSHAWA REST HOME, NURSE in attendance, warm » ms, terms reasonable. 80 Droek St, W. Phone 3293, (30 nov ec) Rates For Classified Ads First insertion~ 14 cents per word. Minimom charge for one in. sertion 80¢. Each subsequent consecu- tive (insertion 12 per word. consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three . cents a word). Minimom charge for three in ns 60c. Box number 10¢ additional. Professional or llusiness Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Aid Department Nursing PRACTIOAL NURBE MATER nity, general unursing, doctor's reference, assists with house- work, Moderate rates, Mrs, Noble. Phone 23033J. (4 dec ¢) lined and cleaned by expert fur: or | (2 dee ¢) | J Mo eg + er Fl &i - re Private Hospital -- Rest Home | SUNNANOOK, WHITBY, REGIS | tered Nurse in charge, Confine- | ments, and all patients requiring care and rest, Two dollars daily | up, Inspection invited. ! (29 dec c) ! Farm For Rent FOR RENT--FARM AT HARM: tny, conveniently located with | estimated «nod soll and hulldings, [Posses: lon this tall or next spring. Im- | adiate possession to plough. Ap | iv to Conant & Ann's, Barristers vc, Oshawa, Ontario, #nl citors | 'or the owners, (Fri t1,) | | ° * ainful Piles | Go Quick--No Cutting--No Salves It takes only one hottle of Dr. | | eonhardt's prescription---HEM- | ROID «= to end itching, bleeding, nrotruding piles, This internal rem- | ed acts owickly even in old, stub- | born cases, HEM-ROID succeeds | hecause jt heals and restores the af- fected parts and removes blood con. gestion in the lower bowel w= the cause of piles. Only an internal medicine can do this, that's why salves and cutting fail Jury & Lovell Ltd. says HEM-ROID Tab. lots must end your Pile misery or money back. toarding house, and when he ar- rived at the new one the land- lady showed him to his room, "There you are, sir," she said, proudly, "that's your room." "Looks comfortable," sald MacPherson, "Yes," went on the woman, "most people admit I've made them comfortable here, I've ul- ways had a gift for doing that." "Ir that so?" asked Macpher. son, doubtfully., "Weel, yo need- na' expect one frae me." Why Is a postage-stamp a most unfortunate thing? -- Though it sticks to its duties to the very let- ter, it géts its head punched, its Jace disfigured, and a good liek- ng. HUNGARY REDUCES DIPLOMATIC STAFF Radical Economies Are Announced--Legations To Be Closed Budapest.--Radical economies in Hungary's diplomatic service were announced recently, The legations at Berne and Stock- holm are to be closed, In the fut- ure Madrid and Brussels each will have a charge d'affaires instead of a higher diplomatic officer. Hungarian diplomats no longer will follow the rulers of the coun- tries to which they are accredited to summer resorts and the grants to the Foreign Office and to various legations are being greatly reduced, Hungary's interests in Switzerland will be taken care of from Vienna and the Scandinavian countries will come under the representative at The Hague. Serious Condition . Budapest.--Unable to meet the interest on its short-term obliga~ tions, the Hungarian Government prepared to institute a moratorium, The serious condition of the na- tion's finance was disclosed to the Parliamentary Finance Committee by the Government's expert Johann Teleszky, whose reports showed that Hungary is unable to continue further the payment of interest on her sinking fund short-term credits. Teleszky explained to the com- mittee that it would be impossible tor Hungary to proceed without additional credits, and that it would further be impossible to obtain such credits without marketing the na- {tions agricultural products and ap- plying the proceeds to the short- term obligations, "Our creditors must this fact," he said, "and 1 suggest a gencral conference at which we can all co-operate to aid agricul ture." Hungary's short-term debts are at approximately 1,000,- 000,000 pengoe, with a yearly sere vice charge of 300,000 pengoe. At par, the debts amount, in American whey ta $174,900,000, A news agency close to the Gov- ronment made the following signis | icant comment: "We dread the word moratorium 'though it has been used through- mt the world by the press in the past few weeks. If Hungary is the first European country to take this step, we must point out that Latin. Auterican countries already have taken similar action. The report of (he Finance Commitee of the Lea- gue of Nations showed that sooner or later--unfortunately probably sooner---Hungary would be forced to choose this as a last resort," AGED BELLIGERENTS PROLONG QUARREL Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, -- Forty vears azo lack Northy and George (Punch) Jones met in a fisticuff fight, to the finish, After nearly three hours Jones was blinded and unable to continue. A few months later they met again and neither won, Now the dispute has broken out acain and they are planning to set- tle it with the gloves, once and for all. Thev feel their lives wouldn't be complete with this unfinished husiness hanging on. It's unlikely the'll meet. however, despite the challenge, Both are nearly 70 years old, M MARITAL TWISTERS Oslo, Norway.~A 40-year-old wo- man here, a great-grandmother, was married to a painter, 23 years old, She had a daughter by a pre- vious marriage. This daughter, now 33, has become a grandmother, Her daughter, 17, married the father of the 23-vear-old painter, Everybody is trying to figure out the relationships. Nebody has the answer, SAYS PREACHERS WOULD LIKE TO GO TO FIRST CHURCHES Toronto.~~*"There arc many preachers who wish it were pos sible to visit again the church where they preached thelr first sermone, says Dr. Peter Bryce in the Star. "They think they might preach better now, at least thelr messages would be different. Congregations are very tolerant with youthful preachers, I think of a little church in Bay of Islands In the west coast of Newfoundland, and remember wiht bumility =a sermon, which I, a young probationer, unmar- ried, prepared and preached on the 'Upbringing of Children,' In my student days at Victoria col- lege, 1 recall that a fellow stu- dent spent 40 minutes one Sun- day afternoon fn a country church near Toronto discoursing | on the Anti-Pauline authorship | of the Epistle to the Hebrews, "There is a lack of formality in the country chureh, and there is the spirit of friendliness. There were two bables in my congrega- tion on a recent Sunday, each a few weeks old, and one of them entered into competition with the preacher." COZL COAL Phone 103 'W.J.SARG Yerd--80 Bloor St. Orders Promptly Delivered E. Heated Car Storage . In Fireproof Building € April 15th. Price $25.00 Cash Ontario Motor Sales Lid. 86 King Bt. Easy bi A, Pros C.YOUNG | KATY 03 ne ) +5 Felt Bros. The Leading Jewellef Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH," I have some good h to vent, Furnished or unfur- nished in good localities, Apply © J. H. R, LUKE, Regent Theatre Block Phones 687TW--871 recognize 1 We Carry Full Range Children's MIDDIES AND SKIRTS 2 to 18 years LAMBLE'S Boys' All Wool Wind- { breakers. Each .............. Dominion Clothing Co., 68 King 8t. W P'hone 2141 J S$ PRUGC STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY? | 04 We Deliver Simcoe St. S, ROYAL YORK Tea wn Lorn 2 t all Superior Stores ange Pekoe EATON GROCETERIA It Pags To Shop Here Always 1926 Pontiac Coach 1929 Ford Coach in beautiful condition ROSS, AMES AND GARP- SHORE ' King St. West. "hone 1160+ J bs i roa 'h On Oshawa's Main Corner REPAIRING Wi I1CLES OUR SPECIALTY ). J. BROWN. If your watch is not giving' } satisfaction we can repmif' and make it tell the correct time, dg. THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector Canadian National and O awa Rallroads 20 Simcoe St. 8, Phone § -- WATSON'S Fs | BEAUTY PARLOR} Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves v Phone 2653. 5 Celina-8i a Tr Try Our New Bread Flour - | 98 lb. Bag $2.25 | 49 lb. Bag 1.20 . We guarantee every bag HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Hie) " ry Phone 203 . . TILLIE THE TOILER or -------------- MAES SOME I MUST GET INVITATION TO MY PARTY OFF TO TILLI'E BEMORE SHE OTHER DID You &ET "THAT LETTER TILE T MAILED \'T Oo your HOUSE LARY NO, | \& L POSTMAN ARRIVED « WHY, WAS T SO IMPORTANT > BRINGING UP FATHER WHO 19 1 T!? THE POLICE? WHAT DO THEY WANT? TS THE POLICE CAPTAIN: HE WANTS TO SEE ME ABOUT THE ROBBERY \ BY GouwyY! Ss WITH YOU « NOW WSTEN! IF You DON'T COME BACK an' STEAL THE MLS\C, LL SER THAT THE LAW TAKES ITS COURSE \ wo RNR a [CS MOVE vivir

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