Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1931, p. 2

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| THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1931 A News of Nearby Places | JBER MEETING OF MYRTLEWM.3. Oct. 23. -- The Octo- meeting of the Women's issionary Soclety was held at "the home of Mrs. Thos. R. Price, on Thursday afternoon, with a splendid attendance, The presi- Gent, Mrs, Roy Thompson, presid- ed and after the opening exer- cises, a splendid programme of voeal and instrumental numbers _ were given. After considerable "business was transacted, the tickets that were sold for the quilt were well mixed and a draw was taken, when Jack HeDuff's meme happened to be the ane drawn, consequently he was the ind of the quiit and the la- dies feel very pleased that this young Brooklin gentleman will now have a start at "hrunking." A tempting lunch was then serv- ed by the hostess and the gath- ' gring broke up, the proceeds from the quilt and offering amounting to twenty-four dollars. Mrs. Boswell, of Sarnia, has been holidaying at Mrs, James Dickson's. re. George Davidson and Mrs. Tom Stanton who have been yisiting the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Hoar, and other relatives here, returned to their home in Aurora, 111, on Thursday, ECHO MISSIONARY CONFERENCE HELD Oshawa Presbytery Body Held Interesting Meeting in Hampton Church (Miss L. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, October 23--1he Lkcho Missionary Conference of the Great Missionary Congress held in Mas- sey Hall, Toronto, October 1st and d. Oshawa Presbytery was held the church.on Tuesday evening, «and was fairly well attended by i those from the surrounding towns, : and villages, Following Re devo- * tional exercises, led by Rev, H. C. * Wolfraim, Courtice, 'Rev. J.- Arthur © Steed; M.A. gave a very. stirring . J and _ inspirational address on the a he has been engaged in in a His. address. was an unus- a al. and was a wonderful revcla- He "of the need of missionary work . dn: that country, - His pleasant both in speech and the song sang in African as well as 4 ish, was listened to with 1huch dnterest. Rev, I. F. Armstrong, jty United Church, Bowman. , was the second speaker of the ning, and in Aetinning his. ad- ss on "The Chaliehge Extraor- fen said that he thought if the ting closed following Mr. Steed's ss, he thought the meeting oud | have accomplished its pur- ip In speaking on his 5 et, ¢ said, that an extraordinary e fant be pot forth to cope with he i" extraordinary conditions of the. day, 3 and u untit we make an extraordinary bh t, to- think of others instead of ~ ' ourselves, will things right them- i vA i atlves. Brotherhood, seemingly was e key note of his forceful short 2 ress. " The subject, "Our Resources and God's Availability," was capably Pi Spar by Rev. A. §. Kerr, M.A., aig United Church, Bowman- vill 9 i Mr. Ross Stirke, Bowmanville, chairman of the evening said in his few closing remarks that the fact was beconung stronger to him ev- ery day, that a fuller practice of the BE orisan Life was necessary. Sev. hymns were 'sung throughout 'the, meeting, a fitting hymn being fncd in closing. 1 Mr, and Mrs, F. Preece, Miss ose Preece and Doreen Taggart, r. and Mrs, Elroy Creeper ana ghtor Barbara, Toronto; Mrs. Auld, and Miss Lillian Auld, Hon Willan Mr. Henry Burton, d Miss Edna Burton, Brooklin, rs. Davis, Seaforth, Nr. and Mrs, ch, Mrs. C, Reeve, Jimmy Ruth, Port Hope, were recent 'at the home of Chas, Ker e. + Miss Winnie Cryderman, Toronto Visited her home on Sunday, - Helen Knox, assisted in the musical part of the program at En- iskillen Young People's Society on 'ednesday night with a vocal solo, Junior Farmers and Junior itute will hold a meeting in the pal house on Tuesday, October at 8 pm. ca Namber attended the fow! per at Eldad on Wednesday eve- and Fen & a shlendid time, and Horn 'were businesy ie E Toronto on Tr. and Mrs. Theophilus Salter, onto, visited relatives in tie vil- ge on Monday. 'Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kerslaye, ave a few days with Toronto re C. W. Souch and Mrs. W, orn jre spending a few days M Mr, pr and Mrs, J. Lane ots of Mr. and Sirs Sis 301, Lane is a brother rs and Mrs. N. Winterburn, of 'with were i ane Wanterburn, d . an er, Ruby, Mrs, W. Cunning- Ja Sin r is under the dot BE ply Howl with hy are bee in a " preparing for old inter, nevertheless, by get- nnly of wood and coal in. Horn was a visitor in the | Church on Tuesday evening, Oct. INSTITUTE MET AT CLARENONT Arrangements Made to As- 'Plowing Match Claremont, . Oct, 23.--~The regylar monthly meeting of the Women's Institute held at the home of Mrs. T. Bacon on Wed- nesday afternoon, was well at- tended. The programme Was shorter than usual as a good deal of time was taken up with busi- ness, and in making arrange- ments for the banquet to be served in the Community Hall in connection with the South On- tario Plowing Mateh to be held here on October 28th, A very fine paper emtitled "The Démoc- racy of Higher Things', was read by Miss 8. E. Evans, The Baptist Choir was in Goodwood on Sunday last assist- ing with the Anniversary Services of the Goodwood United Church. A number from this vicinity also attended the Supper and Old Tyme Concert held on Monday evening in connection with the anniversary. Dr. Ira Freel, of Stouffville, well known bere, has been honor- ed by the Medical Association by being elected Counsellor for the Counties of Ontario, Peel, Sim- coe and York. While engaged in picking ap- ples on his farm on Monday last, Frank Cooper had the misfortune to fall some fifteen feet when the limb on which he was stand- ing broke, Fortunately Mr, Cooper was not seriously injured but received bruises and a severe shaking up that confined him to bed for a few days. As neither Goodwood nor Claremont football enthusiasts are satisfied to take second place, one with the other, it has been decided to play home and home games to settle the prowess of the players. The first of the games will be played at Good- wood on Faturday, October 24th, and the second and fioal at Claremont on Saturday, October 31st, A purse of $50 has been | arranged 'for the winning team. Those interested in withensink | a royal battle between football teams should get in on this home | and home series. Vur" oldest resident, Mrs. T. | Gibbons recently celebrated her eighty-gixith birthday at the home ot her daughter, Mrs, Worthy, of ydrampton, we hope she may en- joy many more birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. W, McKay, of Oakville and Mrs. Walter Ben- nett, of Markham, visited with Mrs. 8. Bennett on Monday last. Mr, and Mrs. Bacon and daugh- ter, of Zephyr, were guests of the and family on Sunday. Rev. H. R. Stevens attended the Baptist Convention in Peter- boro this week, Mr, and Mrs. ronto, E£, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, rooto, Wm. week, Mr. Wm, Grabam who has been confined to bed for severa) weeks owing to {ll health, is now slowly improvieg. The Misses Bell, of Oro, are with Mrs. D. B. Taylor, who is suffering from a fractured hip. Mr, and Mrs. R. P. Frank, of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs, Sims, of Toronto, were week-end guests with Mrs. H. Thomson, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Russell and little daughter, Toronto, and Perey and Mrs. Wideman and (wo daughters, Markham, visited Jith the Misses Forgle on Sun- ay. Miss Margaret Pugh spent a lew days during the past week with relatives in Athens, Rev. A, McLellan will have charge of the services for the fittieth anniversary of his old Gould, Lewis. and Mrs, Thompson last former's brother, Thomas Bacon | of To- | were recent visitors with Tolmle, of To- | spot a few days with | FILTRATION PLANT AND SEWAGE PLANT PLANS ADOPTED -- (Continued trom page 1) that sort from the Mayor or from some other authorized person." Mayor Marks. --"Quite right, but the reporter said ie was going ahead anyway. Ald. MacDonald, -- "Ald. Kirby asked a question the other night that got a lot of publicity. A ques- tion regarding the choice of site for the sewage disposal plant. There is a serious side to that question, The Industrial C ioner - has been brought into 'it. 1 venture to say that outside influence has heen brought to bear on Col. McCormick regarding this matter, and I would move that wé hear Ald, Boddy, chairman of the General Purpose Committee, he may be able to throw some light on the whole subject." New Industry Coming? Ald. Boddy, =~ "There has been something transpire during the past week. A substantial concern, float- ing a company, which has made its first flotation of bonds and may employ about 200 men and women, wants twenty acres: of land. The Industrial Commissioner showed them a location immediately north of the Harbour Road, the easterly limit being practically by the creek. The commissioner, 1 understand, has quoted a figure for this industrial site and this site takes in the sew- age disposal plant, This might have some bearing on our problem. It is hard to tell, of course, we often have firms opening negotiations for locations and nothing comes of it. Just how far this concern is pre- pared to go | cannot say, there are two or three 'ifs' about the pro- position. They already have plants in the United States and the idea is to establish a branch factory in Oshawa. | understand a price has been named for this twenty acres but no option has been offered or accepted." Ald. Morris.--I think this is of sufficient importance to make us go slowly. We certainly should not put a sewage disposal plant where factories may want to locate." Ald. Boddy.--'l believe the Mayor at least should have been called in | and consulted on any such matter as this, I am sure Col, McCormick acted with an eye to the chance of a sewage disposal plant in the Jo- cality, but on the other hand it is not every day we have somebody who wants twenty acres as a loca- | have {understand it." consulted. There may not be much behind these negotiations, the In- Justrial Commissioner may know. .. Criticise Al; T. Hawkes. --"l understand this council pays the largest part of the Industrial Cc was "not getting anywhere." In discussing the Situation, Ald. Hyman stated his opinion that pres- ire should be brought to bear on he Départment to permit of the Aon being constructed and the re der of the plant left in abey- salary, He is, 1 suppose, an a ploye of this council. Instead of publishing his ideas in the paper he should have reported the facts to this council or else to the General Purpose Commitiee." Ald, Boddy.--"Absolutely correct. ! think we should be considered rst." Ald. E. Jackson--~"He was noti- fied at the very first that he was required to attend the meetings of the General Purpose Committee." Ald, MacDonald, --"It is curious that the Industrial Commissioner appears to take individual citizens into his confidence before he in- forms this council of what he is doing, 1 have heard talk of this firm wanting to locate from out- siders, 1 think the advice given by Mr. Storrie (the consulting engin- cer) should be acted upon, there is no other site available." Ald. Waterous, -- "It looks as though other interests have brought pressure to bear on the Industrial Conunissioner," Ald. MacDonald,--"The Industrial Commissioner should be asked to come to this meeting and explain matters." Ald. MacDonald and Ald, Water- ous moved a resolution to the effect that Col. McCormick be asked to attend the meeting, but the City Clerk, after considerable effort, re- ported that he found it impossible to get into communication with. him, An "Unfair Question" Boddy.--~"That was a very unfair question asked of me on Monday night. A leading question which I was not in a position at that time to answer." Ald, Kirby.--"l asked that ques- tion and 1 will repeat it now." Ald, Hawkes,--"1 do not consider myself competent to choose a site for the sewage disposal plant, would not place my knowledge of such matters in opposition to Mr, Storrie or any other engineer, but for any man to say the site has not been considered is unfair, unjust and untrue (hammering his desk with each word), We have met here, we have paid for advice on the matter, and then to be told we not considered it.--I cannot Ald, Ald. Kirby.~"T never said that. I said it had not been decided on. When I asked that question on Monday 1 was asking it in all in- nocense, There was nothing be- hind it." The discussion on this matter closed with a remark from Ald. S. tion. This council should have been Jackson to the effect that Council ance, "At the present time the De- uty Minister tells us 'No', and Dr, erry, bead of the sanitary engin- eers' Division, tells us 'Yes! How can we go ahead?" said Ald, Hy- man, Ald. Caunt.--"The Engineer tells us we can get the sewers in, and the screens, and a sedimentation tank by March 31, 1 can not see any reason why we cannot get on. It is essential that we find work and we have got to bear the cost event- ually", Financial Situation At the request of the meeting the City Treasurer, P. E, Blackburn, went into the city's financial posi- tion at some length, stating "if we are going to judge the city's posi- tion by the taxes outstanding it is very bad. As to whether it is koing to be better for myself 1 can see no indication of any improve- ment, Judged in terms of tax col- lections. the city is in bad shape and 1 hesitate to say how we will stand by October 31." The Treasurer stated that $74. 000 had been collected this month with $560,000 outstanding, pointing out that about $200,000 would have to be collected hetore the end of the year to place the city in the same position as it was on December 31, 1930. "From another angle, comparing the city with other municipalities of a similar size, Oshawa is not so highly taxed" said Mr, Blackburn who computed, that taking the ap- proximate cost of the sewage dis- posal plant at $400,000, with $20,000 a year for operating expenses, "I think threc mills would take care of it.' After hearing the City Treasurer Ald. MacDonald stated "from that explanation 1 cannot see that our financial position is as bad as some people think." "Passing the Buck" Ald. Hyman sponsored a motion moved as an amendment to Ald, Caunt's motion, to the effect that a committee be appointed to again in- terview the Department of Health with a view to obtaining approv al of the original plan te construct the inlet and outlet sewers only, this suggestion being met with outspok- en criticism from Mayor Marks "That is just passing the buck" said the Mayor. "We have been ac- cused of passing the buck by the newspaper but it can't go on much longer. Qur job. must be to find work for the unemployed. Many of them are just existing. They have no money, cannot even pay their rent. We are even paying their water rates. Even if it does raisc the tax rate three mills we are the people who can pay it and we must yey it in order to give employment. 0 give our unempolyed something (better than an existence, "I consider that with General Motors giving every indication of starting a little work, and 1 have an assurance that the plant looks for- ward to a pretty good winter, that some men who cannot pay just now will be able to pay their taxes. "We should go ahead with this plant they cannot make us finish it next summer if we are not in a position to do so, and in the mean- time we have got to do something other thag hand out direct relies. It was in July I spoke to the un- emploved in the vark and told them we pete trying to get the sewage disposal plant plan approved and here it#is the end of October and we have not done a thing yet but put them off. H "It behooves us to take a chance on this thing and go into the dis- posal plant proposition, If we pu: the unemployed ott very much long- | er the men will not be held in' check, Everybody has been hit by | this depression but I am sure the ratepayers are all willing to help bear the burden of three mills in order to help the other fellow" said | ni Mavor, Ald, LE, Jackson agreed with the | Mayor, stating "Why not start it and finish it when we have the | money, It has got to be built any- | way. Ald, Hyman stated "there are hundreds in this city who cannot pay their taxes at the present rate, how will they get on if we add an- | other three mills? I for one will | not vote for the disposal plant to be built at the present time." "The Case in a Nutshell" Mayor Marks--~"Any opposition to the disposal plant should have been voiced months ago. 1 thought this council was in favour of the proposal. I went backwards and forwards to Toronto to get approval for the proposal and everybody here knew perfectly well that we | were going ahead with the plans. "Now if we commit ourselves to the sewage disposal plant we can go ahead with the sewers. If we don't get the whole plant done this summer that will not be our fault, | it will eventually be completed. That is the case in a nutshell. You can- not get approval for any one por- | tion unless we commit ourselves to completion of the whole plant", said the Mayor. Ald, Caunt"s motion was eventu- ally adopted as previously stated, Ald. Hyman then opening the ques- tion of approval of plans and defin- ite engagement of an engineer, Ald Hyman suggested that before council is committed to the approv- Life Insurance at a LOW RATE You can restore your depleted estate toits former value immediately by means of a Mutual Life of Canada Low Rate Life" Policy For example, & $10,000 policy requires & yearly outlay of only $182.10 et age 30, and this mount becomes less each year as dividends are allotted. Life Insurance is the Unique Investment e » « » there ate No Shrinking Values Life insurance is the. only rod thet will ym You end Yours to guer couse the elven of Be ineurence polio do mt with ch in conditions. J Recognizing the outstanding merits of life insurance as an es Business and Professional men and women, Laborers, Farmers, etc., are inves their funds in Mutual Life of Canada Low Rate Life, Endow- ment, Pension, Family Income and other types of policies. We shall be pleased to tell you the cost of a Low Rate Life or other policy for any definite amount for yourself. Clip the coupon now and mail it to our Head Office for information or call our local office. Let the Strength of the Mutual be your Protection THE Please give me particulars olicy. a further Mutual Life yon Lr Towse Life Assurance Company _ Tam also interested in the follow: of Canada ing 17pe of policy: Head Office: Waterloo, Ont. Established 1869 Representatives: FRANK V, EVANS ROY G. BIRD DONALD ! HOLDEN 37 King St. E,, Oshawa, Ont, ., Oshawa, Ont. Name. - Address... gestion was approved by Council the City Engineer being instructed to map out such a tour and report back. (Continued on page 5) al of any one set of plans that ar- rangements be made for the whole body of aldermen to make a day's tour of convenient modern plants for their information. This sug- Motor cars, capable of start- ing easily and developing cars. dreds of oped. can do. N home church at Dresden on Sunday. Mr. West, of Ashburn, will" occupy the pulpit in the United Chureh here. Mrs. Frank Soden spent a few days recently with relatives in the oity. Mr, Frank Alloway and daugh- ter, of Whitby, visited J. H. Beal and Mrs. Chandler on Monday. Miss Lucy Jones, a Missionary on (urlough from India, will ad- 'dress a meeting in the Baptist 2ith at 8 o'clock, A cordial 4n- «tation js extended to all .to me and hear Miss Jones, Mr, Newton is busy re-decor- iting the hasement of the United "hurch. The Anchor Society is {duaneing the work, As thers has been a difference ol "opinion about permitting the tire engine to go out of the vil- lage the question was discussed at a recent meeting, of the Fire Company, The decision was to allow it out in certain cases, Our Police Trustees have pyb- lished a aotice to the effect that Pri of dintroying a erty while celebrating Hallowe'en will 'be prosecuted. ie part of Je Jolie Trenton receive oa of citizens in Neneral uf i a ny Dosis Ca misters, preter bl Fg is ter 4 City 'on Sunday and Mote Miss N Kersl: -- a Kelake visited Tor: tremendous power, have been held back by gasoline designed for old-fashioned After months and months of intensive research and hun- thousands spent in new equipment, the perfect motor fuel has been devel- It will prove to you, for the first time, what your motor EW * Pickup URE LET THIS GASOLINE PROVE what your motor can do ¢® 4 i INSTANT STARTING KNOCKLESS ....... 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