Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Oct 1931, p. 2

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GE TWC THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1931 Ontario and Durham ~ THORNTON'S NEWS dent) Thornton's Corners, Oct. 21.-- al music will be provided for next y, October 28. Miss Louise Mr, Clarence Tooze will sing and Mr. Tooze 1 also lead the singing for all Sunday school service Bennett will sing. the hymns. Last Sunday Mr. Frank Hoag recited in his usual pleasing man- ner. The attendance is steadily improving, we are glad to say. The young people are planning a Hallowe'en party for Friday, October 30th. Full particulars will be given later.. Mr. Harold Pascoe is busy with his Westmount Scouts and Cubs. The Scouts are planning to have Clearance Sale of DRESSES Friday--Saturday 1 reg. $12.95 for And reg. $16.50 Reg. $25.00 OF oies ssas wae orre aren Reg. $29.00 for All a sample, so come early, miss this wonderful opportunity. Evening \ Only ' a 1 $12.95 $15.00 $24.50 colors and sizes, every dress Don't base sess a competition. The final details will be announced later. The Cubs had to postpone their hike last Saturday due to threatening weather. Miss Leuta Plerson was in To- ronto on Friday with the teach- ers on a tour of Inspection of the schools. Miss Irene Luke is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Callins in To- ronto. Mr. Thos. Shepherd is working in Orillia at present. Mr. and Mrs, George Walters, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr., Walters' sister, Mrs. Nor- man Buss and Mr. Buss. Mr, Cecil Dean was in Peter- boro', on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Le Roy sang at the anniversary services held at Dun- barton chureh on Sunday. Mrs. J, Luke is improving nice- ly at the Toronto General Hospi- tal. The Ladies' Aid Society from here sent her a beautiful plant, Masters Jack and, Gordon Pier- 'on spent the week-end with their arandparents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Pascoe. Mrs. G. H. Robinson and Ted Robinson spent Tuesday in Tor- onto. Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Plersoa and 'he Misses Leuta Plerson and "ouise Like spent the week-end in Peterboro', the guests of Mrs. Andrew Brotherstone, formerly Miss Doris Palmer. Messrs, Edgar Pascoe, Hiram Drew, George Reeson, Lewis Luke and Charlie Elliott attend- ed the plowing match at Peter- boro' on Friday. Little Miss Laura Pascoe is im- proving slowly from her recent serious illness. Her little friends hope to see her out again goon. N. OSHAWA NEWS (Mrs. T. Solomon, dent) North Oshawa Oct. 20.--A purge containing a small amount of money and other objects, was found by Mr, T. Solomon, Sunday morning on 8Simeoe St. North north of Ross' Corners. Mr. Sol- omon is waiting to hear from the owner, Messrs, Sam Burgoyne and Stan Prevost held a very success- ful gale of cattle at the Burgoyne barns at Five Points. Mr. Elmer Correspon- YOU OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED, You BiG BABY, FUNN KEEPING THE we & YOU'RE JUST DYING TO ARE GOING TO PUBLISH A SERIES KATHLEEN NORRIS POPULAR AUTHOR OF MODERN STORIES IS THE WRITER OF A FASCINATING NEW SERIAL STORY | "MY BEST GIRL" WHICH STARTS IN THE | OSHAWA DAILY TIMES -- ON -- The title alone suggests . to the last paragraph. the theme. The author's name is a guaran- ¢ tee of fascinating romance that will hold your interest x : Read The First Instalment OSHAWA DAILY TIMES pat INTHE. ee ON Wilbur made an excellent auc- tioneer while Mr. Edgar Glover was clerk. : Mr. and Mrs. Will Glover visit- ed Mr. and Mrg. Will Bromell at Columbus, Sunday. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES HELD AT ENNISKILLEN Interesting Meeting Held by Young People's Society of Church Enniskillen, Oct. 21.--Rev. H. Foley, Selby, and Mr. M. Gardiner, Garden Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. J.'A. Werry, Also Miss Grace Wer- ry spent Sunday with her parents, Rev. J. M. Whyte preached an- niversary sermons on Selby eir- cuit and Rev. H. Foley preached at Burketon, Enfield and Ennis- killen, taking for his text in the evening from Ezekiel 44-4 verse. The prophet's vision and pros. pects for the future, the things which count most. A song service for fifteen minutes was conducted 'by our organist, Miss M. Orchard, The choir also favored with sev- eral selections. Our league met on Wednesday, Oct. 6, with Miss Grace Werry in charge. Mr. Orchard led in pray- er; Bible reading by Norman Carrington; devotional by Miss Elva Orchard; a short reading by Mrs, Pye. The minutes were read and adopted. It was decided to hold a Hallowe'en party on Oct 28th. Reading by Miss Annie Oke. Miss Elva and Velma Or- chard favored with a piano duet: a reading by Miss Lillian Price, Mrs. Knox and her two daughters, Helen and Jessie, of Hampton, were present and Miss Helen Knox favored with a solo which was much enjoyed. The topic was given by Rev. Mr. Whyte. Mr. W. Lamb and Mr, L. Lamb visited friends at Fenelon Falls, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rodman, Scugog: Miss Maud Ashton, Tor- onto; Mr. Ira Travail, Oshawa, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens, Mr, James Stainton, Sr. visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Orthawa, Sunday. Miss Greta Oke, Bowmanville, visited Mrs, W, Oke and Mrs. W. Jarderson, Sunday. Mrs. Richard Ashton, Toronto, Miss Ida Ashton, Columbus, visit- ed Mr. Llovd Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Slemon and con John, Mrs. J. Sanders visited friends at Lemonville, Sunday. Sorry tn say Mrs. David Brunt is oriticallv {ll Mr, Harry Ferguson, Adam Sharne, Gordon Henry, F. H. El- 11s, Walter and John and Howard Oke, Mp, Stevenson attended the nlowing match at Peterboro last Thersdry, Mr, ard Mrs. Jos. Tee, Mise Morion Tes, Mr. Melville Lee, Mrs. Jolin Lee, Fenelon Falls, Mr. and Mrs, J. W, McKendry, of Cobovrg visited Mr. and Mrs, F. H. Elli¢," Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Stone, Seagrave, Mr. Harry Pye, Bowmanville, Mrs. J. Curtis, Hampton, visited Mrs. J. Pre. Mr. and Mrs, R. Ormiston vis- ited Mr. Fdwin Ormiston, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beech and familv visited Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Sunday, at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stainton, Miss Bernice and Mr. Milton Stain. ton, Mrs. Lorne Lamh, Donald and Raloh visited friends at Orono, Sunday. . A surcessful quilting bee of the W.M.8, and Ladies' Ald was held in the basement of the church when four nice quilts were qnilted for the needy. Mrs, Jeffrey, Scueog, is viiting at her son's, Mr. Orr Jeffrey. Mrs. G. Preston has returned from a pleasant visit with friends at Peterboro. On Tvesday evening our base. ment of the ehurch was filled to its capacity to hear Mr. Thomp- son and daughter Margaret, Evangelists, of Buffalo, who de- lighted all present with the ferv. ent singing and message of the evening of "Where Art Thou". will long be remembered. They were the guests of Miss Marion Orchard. The first snowfall of the sea- son came Saturday morning to warn us of approaching weather to store in frults and vegetables for winter, . Mrs. J, Ashton, of Columbus, is tisicing Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Mec- Mr. and Mrs. S. Jones, Bow. manville; Mr, and Mrs. Dewell. Whitby, visited at the home of Mr. D. Brunt, Sunday. ' | Acids in Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, Gas snd Pain. How to Treat. | Medical authorities' state that nearly ninc-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble, indigestion, sour. ness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an excess of hydro- chloric acid in the stomach. The delicate stomach lining is irritated, digestion is delayed and food sours, causing the disagreeable symptoms which every stomach sufferer knows so well. Artificial digestants are not need- ed in such cases' and may do real harm. Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any drug- gist some Bisurated Magnesia and take a fables nful of der or four tablets water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain.' Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form--never liquid inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stom- 'ach purposes. It is used by thous- 'ands of 'people who enjoy their with no more fear of indiges- tion, or milk) is harmless to the stomach, |- GREENWOOD NEWS Greenwood, Oct. 21. -- Much sympathy is felt for Mr, Brandon, whose mother died last week at Cannington. Mr, Brandon {is {ll in bed and was unable to attend his mother's funeral. Mrs. Bran- don and Marian went to the fu- neral on Saturday. Many were pleased to hear Rev. Mr. Leigh preach on Snuday. The pastor, Rev. W. 8. Smart, took the anniversary services at Hil- ton and spoke to large congrega- tions morning and evening. Anniversary services will be held at Kinsale church next Sun- day at 2.30 p.m. and 7 p.m., tak- en by Rev. J. O. Johnson, of Tor- onto, The auction sale at the home of Mr. Ernest Trimble on Wed- nesday afternoon drew a large ctowd as the weather was de- lightful and the household goods and farm stock and implements were in such excellent condition. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gee Porter, Toronto, spent the week-end at Greenwood parsonage. NOTED CITIZEN OF MYRTLE DIES -- Community Feels Deep Loss in the Passing Away of Frank Brown Myrtle, Oct. 20.--In the death of Mr, Frank Brown the com- munity has lost one of its most highly respected citizens, De- ceased who was in his seven- tieth year had been ailing for some months and two weeks prior to his death he gradually became weaker until the final summons came on Wednesday morning, He was a faithful mem- ber of the United Church and some years ago & member of the township council and served on the school board here for years. It is said that the highest tribute tha' one can pay to man {is that he was a - good neighbor and this can be truthfully said of Frank as he was familiarly known as such, Besides his sor- rowing widow he leaves to mour his removal from the home, three daughters, Mrs, Oscar Downey, of Myrtle, Mrs. Dan Black, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Olive Bright, of Raglan. Two sons predeceased him a few years ago. The funeral which was held on Friday after- noon was probably the largest ever held here. Rev. Totten of- ficiating basing his topic on the 22rd Psalm, he spoke very com- forting to the bereaved. The pall bearers were his six grandchild- ree, Frank, Arthur and Donald Black, Allin and Ray Downey and Grant Bright. Interment took place at Groveside Cemetery, The floral tributes spoke in a silent manner of the respect in which be was held, He was an active Mason and Forrester, both fraternities taking part at the funeral. Mr. Harold Totten, of the Uni- versity of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duff and family visited the former's brothér at Brougham on Sunday. Miss Marjorie Ross and Mrs. Osborne, of Whitby, visited friends here on Sunday. The Annual Thankoffering services were held here Sunday morning and evening, Rev. Mec- Quade, of Oshawa, giving two helpful sermons, The choir was assisted by Mrs, George David- son in the morning and she and Mrs. Levi Tordiff rendered a very pleasing duet. In the even- ing they were assisted by Mrs. R. E. Heron, of Ashburn, and Mr. Walter Kerr and the organ- ist, Mrs. T. R. Price had been the recipients of many compliments on the number they rendered. The special offering was very generous and was to defray the expenses of buying coal and light- ing the church for the winter. Mr, and Mrs. Gustav Hahn and daughters, of Toronto, spent the week-end at their summer home here, Mr. and Mrs. David Broome, of Mt. Zion and Mrs. H. Fisher, of Whitby, attended service here Sunday morping and spent the day with former friends. The W.M.8. will hold their October meeting at the home of Mrs. T. R. Price on Thursday afternoon of this week. ZION NEWS (Mrs. J. W. Balson, dent) Zion, Oct. 21.---Mr. and Mrs. McGlashan and children, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Frank Pas- coe, Mr. Anson Balson and Mr. Ger- ry Glaspell attended a junior far- mers' judging contest at Black- stock, on Tuesday, Anson Balson was successful in winning 1st on sheep and Gerry Glaspell 3rd on a trip to Guelph Agricultural Col- lege. J. W. Balson attended an outing and supper for the Peterboro div- Correspon- - fsfon of the Sun Life Assurance agents at Cobourg on Saturday, They have been running a con- test for two months and Mr. Bal- son was successful in bringing home a silver loving cup with name engraved for writing the highest percentage of his allot- ment of insursnce. Naturally be is very proud of it as men were there from all over central Ontar- fo. Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, is visiting her brother, Frank Pas- coe. DREADNOUGHT A big value Eddy line. Seven ounces of Sterilized creped tissue in Eeety » roll, HULL, THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED Manufacturers of a wide range' of Quality Papers for Commerclal, Professional and Domestic purposes. " WHITE SWAN A snowy white Sterilized Tissue. In wrapped, dustproof Rolls of 750 sheets. Also mede in "RECESS" size to fit modem built-in fixtures. . "A - e of these soft - YDy r, ; A fill weight Roll of Sterilized quality Tissue-- 700 sheets of soft, sefe, sanitary paper. CANADA Txam ie fhe Double Shielding of this Greatest V C T O R : his Outstanding Radlo has: 1 Automatic Volume-Control 2 10 Tubes ( 3 and 2 Penfodes) 3 Doubly-Shielded Chassis (Exclusive) $197 30 Complete with Tubes The extra shielding eliminates interference and background noise . . . emphasizing further the beauty of the famous Victor tone. 4 Vi {7 . wr 7 OVER-ALL SHIELDING VY Completely Enclosing the Chassis Double shielding is a real advance in radio design. You see it J" each part separately shielded, with the entire chassis dowbly protected by an over-all shield. You bear the vast improvement that it brings to per formance . . a continuous flow of music, undisturbed by noise con- flicting with che broadcast. : Combined with the perfected automatic volume-control and advanced Supet-Heterodyne circui of Victor Radios R-20 and R-21, double shielding ensures a quality of radio enjoyment hitherto unknown. It 'increases the power to separate stations sharply . . . it brings many new "stations within easy receiving range , , . and it reproduces all broadcasts with the perfect musical quality of Victor tone, unimpaired by back- "ground noise.' Victor Radio R-20 is a 10-tube Super-Heterodyne, using two pentodes and three super-control tubes « . . an outstanding value at $197 50 Your Victor dealer also has a complere tange of Victor Super- MODEL R-21 Grestest Super-Heterodyne dussis --doubly-shielded | 219% Complete wah 10 isha. sole Hererodynes from $89.50 to $219.50--all prices complete with rubes' VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED-MONTREAL ----- MASTER BUILDERS OF RADIO ¥

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