Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1931, p. 6

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that they will take the northerners - . For Rent FOR RENT--SMALL SIX ROOM- ed house on Division St. Newly decorated. Rent $22.50. Phone 2604W, (22 oct c* & yard. With that spirit uppermost in their back and if they play" up to form, it is 1? & Even if they do lose out wa &, turn in a win. a moment by the boys themselves, they will hat & % "count with the advantage of home grounds here * _enly detriment to series in Northern Ontario at thy. the cool weather that is creeping down from the Arctic cndf The Times is pleased to announce that a full story of North Bay will appear in Monday's issue, * * no * Clydebank Here on Saturday Oshawa City soccer team will play Clydebank of Toronto at / gandra Park on Saturday afternoon. with a good exhibition of soccer, The game should provide the fans Clydebank have defeated Oshawa every time they have met and the City Boys will be out to take a fall out of their opponents in an attempt to break the jinx. is the last home game of the season for the City So that they will be trying to wind up the season with a victory. : asked to report at 245 for the kick-off at 3.15 * * * * Both Collegiaté Teams Play Here is the best running ha ttf Both the senior and junior aggregations of the O.C.V.I. will play ior O.R.F.U. rugby. "Ne at Alexandra Park to-morrow afternoon, and taking everything into| here's a real compliment ¥®rd- consideration the games should be the season of the local interscholastic The seniors will be opposed by the strong Peterborough outfit Oshawa season, who have been riding roughshod over their opponents, team although handicapped somewhat by injuries are expected to turn in a win as they will be playing at home and were only defeated by a close margin right in the Liftlock City. proposition to face in the Bowmanville aggregation who adminstered rather a decisive defeat in Bowmanville several weeks ago. manville tedm are heavy and fast and incidentally are leading the group. We call the game to be at least close and concede both tcams a good chance for a win. * * Oshawa City The following local players will take part in the Oshawa City-Clyde- bank game Saturday: Bouckley, Howells, Rogers, Lappin, Lobban, Cun- cliffe, Singer, Dunstall, Brown, Bradin, Donaldson, Saxby, Radcliffe, Bra- din 'and Heads. The * LJ Soccer Team Incidentally this All Oshawa players are The junior team have a hard The Bow- GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, modern, 3 roomed, private cel- ar, laundry, conveniences. Rent $26, or will furnish, Phone 2604W. (19 Oct.-c) SIMCOE MANOR AND VIC- orla apartments now complete renovated and decorated. rdwood throughout, large 8, electric stoves and kel Tiled bathroom with vers. Spacious laundry with '¢ drier. Reduced rentals. Spradiey Bros, or phone (3 No.-¢) OMA APARTMENTS, ~East, five rooms, bath Continuous hot (89¢c) SINGLE in private Gentlemen St. E. (891) 14 SHED I as o 4 Llewellyn, 1 S$. °4 Edward known Doc. tes & Sy rentals. in fact every sinc 2X Oshawa Collegiate and in i.@ ~ Rates For | Classified Ads | first insertion-- 14 cents per word. Minimum charge for one in. sertion 80c. Each subsequent consecn- tive (Insertion 1¢ per word. Three consecutive {inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). DAY, OCTOBER 16, 1931 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDA- OBER 16.1 TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES O.C.I. Teams Play at Alexandra Park Tomorrow, Long Branch Wins First Game From Ambherstburg, New England Fishing Sci§ouss Races Tomorrow. - WILL BE agents se Personal Oapget #0) Play will have ft . complete lin popular wefense Again free to resp ish Canadia Wellington ork, Oct, 16.--The New agers of the Nationa) SAT SMEnLeague and the Spring- SAL Me as of the Canadian-Am- a petty agd-easue will commence swer this a .activities the middle of travel ove k at the Ravina rink in line will k* right at hénnouncing his plans last British Kfioach Lester Patrick of the Minimaom charge for three | insertions 60c. Box number 10c additional. | Professional or Business Cards, $32.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. Phone 35. Ask for Classified Ald Department For Rent and it comes from a ma} knows rugby. FOR RENT house, 111 Prince St. Rent reas- onable, Phone 967J. ROOMED - (87¢) 1 -- ce) The games on A promise to be the best of the » son. leading Bowmanville twelve. The Juniors are out to take them into camp and from the way they have been working out this week in prac- tices, they stand a real chance. Following the Junior battle the Seniors face the Peterborough Col- legiate team. Last Saturday the Petes swamped Lindsay by a 40-5 score nd they are out to take to- morrow's game, thereby cinching a place in the playdowns, if not the league title. On the other hand the Tricolor Two Boats Sail Racing Course Halifax, Oct. 16.-- Everything was quiet along the international racing front yesterday, Capt. An- gus Walters took his Bluenose, present champion of the fishing fleets, out over a part of the sourse in the morning, and was sailed by Gertrude L. Thebaud, saptained by Ben Pine also shak- ing out her canvas in preparation for Saturday's opening contest for the trophy, but anything in the nature of a brush between the : two vessels was carefully avoided. +. They came together once, off Chebucto Head, but Angus hove the Buenose to under Thebaud's + Jee as his men gave the Glouces- + terman a shouted cheer, answer- ed robustly by the invaders. A brisk north-east wind afforded both captains a chance to shake out their craft and give going-over before the first it was said. Thebaud went out aboard except with their crews a brush-up in sail-handling, Both schooners might be taken out on marine railways for a final race, few her regular crew, but Captain Walters had aboard a crowd of "civilians" which look- ed, to quote one observer, "like the first cabin of a liner and part | getting away early to avoid the of the second." He had planned on rush, but was unable to escape without a considerable list of deadhead passengers. The sailing committee held a protracted meeting in the after- noon at which regulations were | discussed by both skippers. The first 'race will get away at 9 a.m. | Saturday, wind permitting, the | vessels going around one of two triangles of the harbor, after sail- ing six miles to the apex. There will be a six-mile run home, One course measures 36.2 miles, the squad has designs on whipping the Liftlock City boys. They have been working faithfully every night this week and are ready for the game. The teams need your support, fin- ancial and moral, and if the weather is at all promising, a large crowd should be on 'hand. And remember the games are being played on the | ground inside the cinder track and i the crowd will be able to sit in the covered grand stand As tar as we arc able to learn, FOR RENT--2 : and The Juniors tackle the league- 112 HOUSES, large | S- 114 Gladstone, 6 terda. |; modern conveniences, Royal dma LCD the repre of the press were PexdED , "the following statement $lus issued to the press by Secretary M. M, Robinson: "Every effort will be made by the Canadian Olympic Committee to send representative teams to Lake Placid and Los Angeles in 1932. The money to send such teams will be raised by Govern- ment grants, private and general subscriptions and assessment of gate receipts of athletic meets, "Various governing bodies of sports concerned will be requested to raise a percentage of the cost of sending athletes to the Olym- pic Games, "British German, French, South African, New Zeaand and Australian teams will be invited to compete in Canada following the Olympic Games competition, "British Columbia will be asked by President Horkin of the A.A. U. of C. for a definite declaration of their intentions as to the Olym. pie track and field trials." While the meeting was sup- posedly called as a meeting of the Canadian Olympic Committee, it there will be a cheer-leader at the game to lead the rooters in organiz- ed yells. For the benefit of our sup- porters who do not know the | School yells, here they are:-- Pieces of eight, pieces of eight Pieces of nine and ten We cut the throats of every man And sew them up again, Dead men tell no tales. OSHAWA, Remember, Saturday at Alexan- other 38 dra Park, two games, the Juniors, commencing at 1.30 and the Seniors ---- -- BOYS' Boots and Oxfords $1.95 Sizes 11 to 13} and | 1 to 5} y Good weight, Kip leather, with leather "soles, sewn and nail- ed. Grain JleatNer TI. BOYS' HI-CUT | $2.95 Sizes 1 to 5 Made of pliable waterproof leather, with extra quality leather soles, This is a Genuine Bargain I | immediately following the junior game. Admission, students, 15 cts, adults 25 cts, Sock 'em! Sock 'em! Boot 'em high! Go and get 'em O, C. 1. Smash 'em! Slash 'em! Kill 'em dead! In to beat 'em! Green, gold and red, Detroit Teams Report Monday Detroit, Mich., Oct. 16.--Man- ager Jack Adams of the Detroit Falcons of the National Hockey League and General Manager for both the Falcons and Olympics, of the International League, has ordered his players to report here for training on Monday, Oct, 19. Ice will not be available at Detroit Olympia until Friday, Oct. 23, because of a heavy- weight boxing carnival there on Oct. 21. Many changes are in sight for both Detroit professional hockey clubs this winter. The Falcons have obtained Hector Kiirea, Dan Cox, Alex Smith and Alex Connell from Ottawa Senators under the loan agreement that followed Ottawa's withdrawal from the Major League. With their coming, four Detroit play- ers have been placed on the mar- ket, Clarence Dolson, goaltender; Bernard Brophy, Williams and Harold Tabor, forwards, Others may also be disposed of, The re- EAR AND ARE VERY SMART 4 port was that Dolson, Brophy and Williams will be taken by Syracuse Stars of the Interna- tional League, now managed by M. R. ("Mickey") Roach, George Hay makes his debut this winter, as a manager, suc- ceeding Bernard "Bernie" Morris as leader of the Olympics. Hay plans to take his turn on the ice with the Olympics, Kenny, a de- fense man' with the Olympics last winter, and McAdam a left wing- er, have been returned to New York Rangers. They were here under loan in 1930-31. Ronald Martin, right wing star of the Buffalo Bisons, is one of the new- comers to the Detroit roster, hav- ing been obtained via the draft. + Falcons and Olympics will en- gage in a three-game series at Olympia on Nov, 1, 5 and 8. Although no official announce- ment has been made by Detroit owners, it is learned that niost player salaries have been re- duced. Goodfellow, leading for- ceived an increase, Even Man- ager Jack Adams took a 'sala ward of the Falcons alone re- | in reality resolved itself into a | round-table conference of mem- | bers of the Canadian Olympic | Committee and outstanding exe- | cutive officers of the Amateur Ath- | letic Union of Canada. | Long Branch Won Game London, Ont., Oct. 16. -- Long Branch Aces defeated the fast Amherstburg softball team 13 to 10 in the deciding game of the Ontario intermediate semi-finals played here last evening and will meet Port Colborne for the title. The game was originally slated for Tecumseh Park, but about half an hour before game time a heavy rain soaked the diamond until it was in no condition to be played on. The managers of the two contesting teams and "Fritz" Fresell, 0.A.8.A. convener, looked over Thames Park, and with the help of several bags of sawdust, put that diamond in playing shape and the game started. Play was of the nip-and-tuck variety till the sixth, when Long Branch forged - ahead by three runs and kept their lead to the end of the game. Long Branch's big inning was the second when Kennelly walked six men, four of whom scored. Amherstburg trot- ted out a bunch of real sluggers, who connected solidly for 14 hits, Ball being the only man to not get a hit. Kennelly walked 10 men and Adams, who relieved him, two. Of this number six tal- ed. Wardell, although touched for 14 bingles, was given good sup- port by his team-mates. Narin, with three hits, two home runs and a single, in four times up, the big hitter. Rp. waa B.C. Rugby Team Will Tour Japan Vancouver, Oct, 16.--Composed largely of British Columbia play- ers, an all-star 'Canadian British rugby team will play a series of games in Japan early next year. Plans for the tour are complete last night, The team will sail from Vancouver for Yokohama on Jan. 16 and leave the Orient for 'home on Feb. 13. Of the 22 players who will be chosen to play, on the tourist team, 16 will-be from British Col- umbia. British rugby unions in other provinces will nominate out- standing players for the remain- ing berths on the squad. Soviet Russia has just ordered 200 auto trucks from Krupp in Germany, Nearly $430,000,000 will be spent in building homes in Ger- muny this year. ip ---- Silver mined in Mexico in a re- cent month weighed nearly 442,- 000 pounds. Both the céntral government and municipalities. of Spain are reduction, it is learmed, a 7 od > seeking measures to cope with tie unemployment situation, .. . Ont. MAN and appoigic Boucher, Ottawa cen- lished howtar, who was reported a ent. ($21 wee ses. REGIN. ist, servat singin 765Mbert, a newcomer, on the de- MUShse with violighnson. Seibert, a husky product ten Stogue and amateur ranks, has been stated that he anticipated ulties in the signing of his OR Yers. Yey} some weeks ago, is ex- arrive at Toronto with Winpr members of the team the first flight. EE SO ition to the regulars of pars, Coach patrick has an ve array of youngsters ARTHU Teacher @d and with these and sev- Ti Dearbou a berth on the blue-shirt- yers secured via the mar- e "Silver Fox" is confident viding keener opposition in ch 'nited States group during oming season. e of the major shifts on this on's team is expected to bring it the pairing of Earl (S.1.) the veteran, Ching the Kitchener, Ont., City Lea- the property of the Rangers since --Me made his professional debut with the Springfield team of the Canadian-American League. He starred with the Indians, and would have been moved up the "big time" sooner, but the wis- dom of Seibert's family, many of them hockey stars in the old days, prevailed .and the youngster has now had a thorough schooing. Patrick last year experimented largely with Frank Peters and Joe Jerwa, a Western League de- fenseman, on the back line with Johnson. Before that there had been the massive "Taffy" Abel and the much less gigantic Leo Bour- geault, Patrick has every confi- dence Seibert and Johnson will form one of the best defenses in the National League. "Seibert is the best defense prospect I've ever seen," was his comment. Recently the Ranger Mentor was discovered at a hurling match, and discreet inquiry revealed he had picked up a number of point- ers from the good old Irish game, which he plans to inject into the popular ice sport, probably much to the consternation of rival man- agers. Major Leaguers Start Training Montreal, Oct, 16.--In the midst of football sport fans are begin- ning to think of hockey. The pro- fessional hockey camps are stir- ring to life and National League officials' are busy making up the 48-game schedule for each team. According to a tentative sched- ule that has not yet received the final official seal of approval, the long grind will open on Nov. 12. On that date Chicago's Black Hawks play the world's champion Canadiens here. The Canadiens get the call to open the new hoc- key arena at Toronto, playing the Leafs on Nov, 14, Meanwhile the hockey talent is moving to training quarters. Chi- cago will train at Pittsburg this year, it is reported. Detroit at home, the New York Americans at Galt, and the New York Rangers at Toronto. Boston's training quarters have not heen announe- ed. The Leafs will train ai St. Catharines, and the Maroons and Canadiens will train here in Montreal. The Canadiens will begin gym- nasium conditioning this week- end at a local gym. They have al- ready arranged two exhibition games, They will play in Syracuse on Nov. 4 and on Nov. 8 they are scheduled to meet Frank Nigh- bor"s Bisons in Buffalo. It is reported that Mickey Ion, who was referee at many exciting games last season will not be an official this year, Cooper Smeaton. former chief referee and pilot of the Philadelphia Quakers last vear, is in Montreal, but has not decided whether he will return to a referee's job or not. Hig con- tract with the Philalelphia Club still has a year to run and the Quakers are out of the struggle. Fountain pens are on the move as players sign up. Jimmy Ward, clever Maroon wing, signed up for a year after reaching satisfactory terms with President Jimmy Stra- Smashing Entertainment With The Star of "DONOVAN'S KID" RICHARD DIX o the LV, i! Nation bie ok "THEATRE © he hilt dram? Mickey Mouse Torchy Comedy, "Vanishing Legion" OSHAWA CITY GAME The following Oshawa City meet at dressing rooms at 2.45, Saturday, 17th Oct, at Alexandra Park, for league game with Clydebank: Howells, Rogers, Munro, Donaldson, Lappin, Lob- ban, Cuncliffe, Singer, Dunstall, Brown, C. Bredin, H. Bredin, Radcliff, Laxby. A co-operative organization to direct and market lace and needle .work made by women and girls has just been formed in the Vir- gin Islands. Of 65,507 vehicles counted in 12 hours at Hyde Park Corner in a recent traffic census in London, | 1,908 were horse-drawn. A Swiss engineer is touring the | chan. Many of the Canadiens' stars have already signed, and few holdouts are expected in the local camps. Connie Smythe of the locals will open their home season and the Maple Leaf Gardens on Thursday, Nov. 12 despite the re- | port from Montreal and while he is not certain which club will pro- | vide the opposition he is still hope | Chicago | ful that it will be the Black Hawks, the last opponent of the Leafs in the Arena Gardens, world in a one-wheel motoreycle, the seat being mounted on the in- tide rim of the large wheel. Railways of Great Britain are advertising that only one pas- enger was killed in railway train accidents in Britain last year, Amsterdam, Holland, is subsi- dizing huilding repair work. Soviet Russia is buying heavy ciectridal equipment in Germany. i Maple Leafs stated last evening that the New i PLAYING TODAY ' The Repentent | Lover SATURDAY AND MONDAY "East of Borneo' With Hobart and Bickford tose Chas. Vighting the Flames Fly Guy, Audio Review A Tip Right From The Stables Coats & Men's and Boys' Leather Windbreakers = ARE -- All Bull and a Yard Wide | Selected cowhide, tailored to give maximum comfort and style, is used to give our customers an unsurpassed leath- er value, : Boys' Prices $4.95 and up Men's Prices $7.75 and up | . Boys' Khaki Corduroy Breeches, - $2.25 Men's Khaki Breeches - - - $4.50 JOHNSTON'S No one ever regretted buying quality iq Cellophane Wrapped ARABELA., :{ CIGARS O fully realize how rich and satisfying a good five cent cigar can be . . . smoke an Arabela! In size, quality and fragrance A. Arabela leads: Individually wrapped to preserve 'the flavour and freshness. Try the pocket pack of five. Th 4 1 ¥ by far the greatest vameg

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