Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Oct 1931, p. 6

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~ - Ont, Le PAGE SIX Women's Interests in the Home and the Community Mrs. Elizabeth Sales is Ninety-nine Years Old o and Mrs, C, * ald, SRT = a fo Ja 2 (4 Lo ¥ mit social apd personal THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1931 Misses Marjory and Nettie Wan- namaker, Louisa Street spent the holiday with relatives in Toronto, w » » f Social and Personal Headers are ve invited to sub- 1) Mr. Kelly DeGray, of Montreal, has returned home after visiting with friends and relatives in Osh- items for publication in this awn for a few days, column, Kindly send or phone them to The Times oftice, Phone B35 wor after office hours to Miss Lois Mundy, Phone 312, McTavish spent with and i Mr. and Mrs, C, FE. | and family, Simcoe St, N,, the holiday and week-end Mr. MeTavish's parents Br, 'Mrs, D, McTavish, | Ont, Mr, and Mrs, N, Baird and| daughter, Jean, Drew St, spent the holiday with friends in Green- hank. W, L, Wannamaker over the holi- day * » » Mr, Arthur Smith, Royal Bank ye. . rb Staff, spent the holiday and wee i ; i or ; i Mr. and Mrs, IP. A. Mc laggar gna with his Jarantz im Orillia, and Mr. Barton McTaggart, of To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs, J, I, Me- hag returned home after spe nding | Clintock, Port Perry, were holi- a few days with relatives in day guests of Mr, and Mrs, D. pr » 8 Blackwater, ar Morris, Bruce st. . . 4 ec Miners, Brantford Miss Gladys Timms, Simcoe St, § Mr. Walle aly ors, Brant Mr 8., has returned to Oshawa after 1a 2p Kas Albert St spending the holiday with friends Aud Spd { in Searboro Junction Mr. W, L. Wannamaker, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Barnes and family, Cordova, Ont., visited with Mrs, Migs Angahells Baird, Drew St, Trenton, with his | Baker, Clifford Baker, the holiday and Mrs, A, Mr, Ont., spent parents, Mr, Bruce St. McTavish were with Ontario and Mrs, 8, E, and son, Kenneth Ave, relatives in Flesherton, for Thanksgiving. y Mr Mr, and Mrs, Wolfe Miller Park Rd. N., were the week-end guests of relatives in Dundonald, Mrs, J. Elder Ruth, Kenneth holiday Klder's parents in Mr, and i daughter, pent the 4 with Mr John Stephenson, | 400, Ont of Hamilton, have returned homrs Wiss Mary ad} . after spending the holiday with |!0 Has Yatiurneq on Mr. and Mrs, W. Howard, Bruce with her parents, 8) ' horburn, Kenneth St. v . | Thanksgiving week-end, . Lon- Mr, and Mrs, Thorburn of Toron and Mrg, J Ave, for Miss Margaret Anderson, of To. ronto, was in town with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, CC, M, Ander gon, Division Street, for the holi- day, { of Dundon- | and for Miss Eileen Dudle) Ont,, is the gnest of Mr, Mrs, W. Miller, Park Rd. N., a few days. * Ld Ld Aura Brooks of the Loek- wood linie, Toronto, was the | guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs 8. Brooks, of Courtice, sun | day and Thanksgiving { * At the weekly Whist Drive held in the Sons of England Hall on Friday evening last, Mrs, Morgan, Mrs. Madder, Mrs, Peck and Mr, York | Macdonald were the prize-winners, Messrs, Roy Wittington, John Watson and Wm, Marshall, all of Oshawa, have returned home after a week-end hunting (trip near Pickerel ang Tea Lalk« Bou Miss over Day, Messrs. Prank Boye and George Jones of Hamilton, spent the holiday with the former's par. ents, Mr, and Mrs, H, Boyce, Osh- awa Blvd, Mr, C, A, Brown, City, hag returned to town after spending a few days with his par Mr, and ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown, | Mise Helen Batty, Bond Bt, E, spent the week-end in Ne Ww Mrs, E. Batty and of Elgin Street, Brantford, | Flesherton, | and Ave,, | and week-end | after heing | Messrs, Paul and Byran Gif- ford und James Kinnear spent the week-end and holiday at the Greenroads Cabins, on the shores of Lake Nippissing, Ld LJ Ll Mrs, Frank Robson, Cedar- dale, was hostess on Thursday evening last at a bridge given in her home under the auspices of the Welfare Committee of the Catholig Women's Welfare League, Twenty-one tables of cards were played and at the conclusion of the games refresh- ments were served, The proceeds of the evening amounted to over $40.00, hh Mrs. EE, M, Cherrington, of Brooklyn, New York, is the guest of Mrs. H, # Cooper-8Smith of Louisa Street, Miss Kathleen Herron, of To- vonto, was the week-end guest of Miss Constance Colpus, Bagot Street, ' LJ L] * Major and Mrs. J, H, Franklin, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, B, C, Colpus of (his city, on Thanksgiving Day, MISSION CIRCLE HOLDS SUPPER annual be an supper of the | Hunt Mission Circle of United Church proved a The Harvey Simcoe St real success Ihe tables ed with autumn presided over hy | circle prettily decory flowers and ably members of the were I'he October meeting of the Cir J will he he Id at the home of Mrs \le Fiehe 105 Roxhorough Ay very interesting evening 18 a planned and all the mem are urged to remember the | Thursday, Oct | | as date, 15th Mark 60th Anniversary Prescott Plans are heing made to celebrate the 60th an- {niversary of Amity I.odge No, 80, 1.0,0.¥,, Prescott, with a banquet to he held in St, John's parish | hall on Wednesday, October 14, The speakers will include Joseph Rowley, Grand Sire; W, W Brooks, Grand RBecretary of On- tario, and A, W. Gray, C(irand Warden of Ontario KAYser nose for ever +++ there's a Kayser there is 110-X , weight, picot edge, for the Opera edge. All the smartest for the gay Evening Sandal . . Kayser 140.X, of extra sheerness to satisfy the most exacting fase. Double picot edge, The special Sansheen* thread-twist insures long wear in hosiery of such fra- Tramping . . . shopping . . . dining . . , dancing the occasion and the shoe . . , hosiery which costs surprisingly little yet wears surprisingly long. for the Smart Oxford . .. $1.00 , with its comfort , , elegance . . its. long wear and modest price. Medium for the Street Shoe . +. « $1.00 Nothing could be better than 200.X wearing member of the Kayser family. Smarlly dull, chiffon weight, picot edge. 150-X .. a 45 gauge chiffon hose. Sheer and mistlike in the delicacy of its Sansheen* thread-twist, Picot gile beauty. y shoe Hose to fit perfectly . . . its fine-fashioned a long- Pump .. . $1.30 An unusual value. shades. | | | | | | | Tolk l eifioient | h | | Bro, generous cing to many a = rr -- Enjoys Good Health and is to be Guest of Honor at Party Today Ninety-nine years of age to-day and the oldest lady in Oshawa is Mrs, Elizaheth Sales, who lives with her daughter, Mrs, ¥, Van zi! on MRS. ELIZABETH SALES Luven, at 77 Ontario Street Thi remarkable old lady of ninety-nine summers is still en joying very good health, She likes to sit at the window and sew and steal an oceasional glance at the people walking past or whizzing by in their motor-cars, hut ghe i not particularly interested in he ing among them, The extent of her little excursions away from the house are the short walks she takes around the yard in the » ny weather, Mrs. Bales en reading, and she is very proud of the fact that ghe has never jel had to don glasses to aid her eye sight, Her many house plants ars a source of great delight to he she does a great deal to care for them and has gome very fine speci mens, Since 1912 when her husghand William Bales died, Mrs, Sale has made her home in Oshiown with her daughter, Mrs, Vanluy- Her other daughters are B. Ashley, Bancroft My M Kemp, Bydenham, and Mi | Baheoek, of Kepler he has ong son, William of LaCombe, Alber | La This afternoon, Mrs | entertaining a friends in honor of Mi her ninety-ninth hirthday Vanluven number ol There | ection of literature that never loses its appeal 10 hoy and girls, i.e, the old-folk tales of countries near and far, It Is the hero-romaneces from these that. are particularly in Thomas Bulfinch ones apart, then, from the they tell, the romances of ehivalry deserve the attention of all those who are con cerned to know how we came to ive our hest conceptions of cons duet in. the world nohlest ideals of behaviour In the strife d tumult of life, our highest nhitions in practical affairs, Tt in these tales that we get oup t glimpses of the modern entleman the modern soldier the modern patriot," tale ting "Quite mere tories Tere nid oll Watch for these title i] and girls' libra S10) of Roland "Legends Charlemagne "The Island of the Might I'he Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights the FRIENDS HONORED AT ALBERT STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL Friday evening the mem the Official Board and friend of Albert Street United Chureh, Oshawa, gather ( ut the Church to say farewell d at the same time honour Mr d Mrs, Geo, KE, Kelly with a entation I'he following ad f was read by My A. Hamp n and presentation made by wr, I, Valentine, Dear Friend On the eve of from our midst we Albert treet United el that we would be oth to ourselves and you, if iid not glve to you. holth some light token of our affectionate gard, aur incere regret at your removal genuine appreciation ol vour personal worth and work for the Mastel among us, As an Llder, a Ree, Nee, of the as well as in other spheres of nseful service for many years, Kelly, you have rendered a jorge measure of faithful and service for the cause ol this commnity, Your genial smile, your glad hand and heart all inspired by kindly Christian spirit have done much to minister to th soelal and spivitual life of the congregation in general, as well fis to give a happy homelike feel- stranger in par- On er Of ither departure Iriend Church Vour we and ouy Trustee and as Official Doard, Christ in Your ticular, As an officlal, in the admin. istration of the affairs of the church, we have evér found in you a patient cheerful worker, a wise and thoughtful counsellor Junior Library untrue | | | {l Notes From | WEDDINGS HOLLAM KEK On Fat mariage at the ban Ch Munro Wore with carried i and bride WOrs and cay and cp pliended Lean ol after the and Mi Oshawa, elude on and Mrs, | "love Ad Mr Mi Millan W 1) | | | | Excise A | | Lind I" Hende The "Ie Morte venfures of "Story of the d'Arthur, Robin Cid," " Merry Ad. Hood". a Da you hoys and girls like In dian stories? Don't forget t} PWeadnesday afternoon gtory-hour for older boys and girl I'her will he an Indian story told every Wednesday at 8.30 p.m hooks to Medelon,'. hy watch for Phil Fhree new ure "Gay A Boy Bcout w "Burning lips; * Riple; Buek, "hy up the Sk NEIGHBORS TALK "I am employed in a theatre and it is a problem to end meet, as | help support mp mother and sisters, 1 like to die well hut haven't much to spend an clothes the appearance of Variety tom) slender wardrohe 1 change of a dress or stockings as soon as the things faded I always use Diamand Dyes fo tha work---using them as d for dresses and as tints fm ing I have always gotten suc) perfect results that our neis talk ahout the her of new things 1 have "I learned about Diamond Dy« from our wardrohe mistre he says she has tried all the dyes on the market hut mone do such splendid work and ave so easy to use as Diamond Dye I unde stand they ave the world's popular dye and they des to he" mike very I'o glve color hecome erve Lr Montreal | ook Young With Mello-glo| admired for use MEL wonderful Beautiful youthful complexions, LO-GLO, the new French process face powder, Murs est and smoothest powder known, Stays on longer, No flaky or pasty look, No grime or grit MELLO-GLO prevents large pore and never smarts or féels dry Nlends naturally with any vom- plexion, Demand Mello-Glo women iat Toilet Goods Counters, ys Colds Best treated without - "ALL FOR COLDS OF ALL THE FAMILY Sold through all druggists and dosing = Just rub on g ith Byrd," hy | the | most | Heotland of Cis mane of frock of mutehing hishy' mild, Mis i fr natis sister of the hridi al h h October 10th, the Kerr, of Gla Holland took place Preshytey- urday, of Jean Lo Jaume 1) cot land, Kno Itey, Dunen hie hrids brown and heige ieepgsories, phe of roses, lilies | Hey only Jefferies pink crepe ug rose PoWith the orticiating hougiet wenth Nance kof dant led po houguet Ready for a Full Day's Business on Wednesday STORE OPEN ALL DAY The groom wis Ir, Thompsz Mer Mr D. Kemlo, room entertained and a few guest ane, 469 Centre Street, | cdding ceremony, Mi Hollund will reside in | Ihe wedding guests ins | and Mrs, J, BLeven | Wallerson, Mi M and My 1 and Mi ( J pnd Mi Murra Reeves, M and I and Mrs, Mi d Mp, and Mi Kemlo, MOORY, nited BBE R= nior tt Charges Tha is their : Lovely Blanket in this ity--every pair labelled and grey with blue or pink. 150 pairs Best Ibex Blankets 72x84 inches $ 1 98 This is a new low price on the finest Flannelette large double bed size, First qual White with blue or pink Phone orders filled, I'eterbors charge, The inder the Excise ith illicit Viquor are I, Buller, Kxcige Of (uitted at mila et borough, Hands" Secret? Her lovely Wands play the plano at parties, yet this wife of a young salesman does all her own work, This wife of a clever mechanic keeps house, vet her smooth, wells cared for hands never show its Proud of her hands when she ens tertains, yet, as the wife of a bank clerk, she cannot afford maids, As she reads her club paper, her hands give no hint of housework, yet this doctor's wife has no maid, and a loyal and sympathetic supporter, You will be much missed from { our church circles and your place | will he hard to fill, but we con sole ourvgelves with the thought, that our loss will be another's gain, In Mrs, Kelly VERYWHERE = clever wives E doing all their own work i «3 yet having hands as lovely as women with maids! How do they do it? Again and again they tell us=--"Our secret is Lux in the dishpan 3 ; « Lux for other soap and water tasks, too" 1: Do try this "lovely hands" secret yourself! So many soa dry and harshen the skin==but the deli. cate Lux suds soothe and caress busy hands--keeping them velvety smooth, and so Sulvtilf prettily white, Costs dess than 1¢ @ day! Take It Now Keep st W SCOTT'S EMULSION| of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Millions of wives keep hands smooth, white and young with LUX for Dishes. . Lover Brothers Limited, Toronto. _ 8719 MADE IN CANADA #Triade Mark Reg, ong the Id through we have always found a true and loyal friend and helper, ever ready ta da what she could to help the cause, To you hoth and little Merilyn there goes oul from our hearts the warmest goodwill and wishes for your future welfare and happiness hoth matevial and spivitual. May a kind Providence ever guide and bless you and atill give you a fruitful field for gorvice, Signed #. ¢. MOORE, Pastor, HARRY LYNCH, 8.8, Supt, ARTHUR SAMPSON, (Elder), | KAYSER Hosiery Sold in Oshawa by Burns Company Stmeoe Gn pe fi Sold in Oshawa by F. T. LAMBLE Ladies' Wear 9 Simcoe St. S. Phone 528 Builds Easy R \esistance {es lake The Big Package . does 6 weeks' dishes

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