Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Sep 1931, p. 6

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~~ \ | : | "Mother's Cry" | TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Canadiens Win Over Maroons, Will Play Leafs in Toronto, Bill Wanless is Out of MLA.A.A. Line-up Due to Injuries. World Series Gets Under Way Tomorrow in St.:Louis i ' WORLD SERIES P TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Mike's Place Will Play in Branftord on Saturday. Misses Furber an¢ Goheen Win Open Doubles Fnial Round, Miss Williams Wins Consolation Series of Ladies Singles. T BOILS IN PREPARATION FOR TOMORROW Battery Strength May Give Athletics Margin "Lefty" Grove Will Be Able to Participate In! "Three Games if Series Goes Limit New York, Sept, 30.--For two very good reasons a sensible comparison of pitching and catching strength of the Philadel- phia Athletics and the St. Louis Cardinals'is one of the toughest tasks ever wished on anybody. The first reason is Robert Moses "Grove; the second Is "Mickey" % Cochrane. As long as those two are hale and hearty and playing for the Athletics there is little to be 'gained in trying to compare the . Mackmen's battery strength with any club they mizht encounter fn the World's Series. The Car- dinals undoubtedly have the finest pitching corps in the Na- tional League and perhaps the second best in either league, hut they do not have a hurler in the same class with "Lefty" Grove. They have a capable catcher in "Jimmie" Wilson, but he i= not & 'Mickey' Cochrane. In other words, it. is a top- heavy arrangement. Grove, who won 31 games this season and lost only four, {s the greatest southpaw of nfodern ('mes DPer- haps he is the greatest of all time. Cochrane is the greatest catcher in the game today, Take those two away from the Ath- letics and they still would be a tolerably good ball club. With them they are favorites to win their third straight world cham- pionship, something never hefore accomplished. g Schedule Favors Grove Thanks fo the schedule, Grove Playing Today "Their Mad | 'Moment" With Dorothy MacKail and Warner Baxter Thursday and Friday | likely [1920 classic | will | heen on [yn be able to start three games in the forthcoming World Ser- jes, providing it goes the limit. He might in addition be able to get in a little relief work. It takes only four victories to win the title. 'So you get an idea. To make the case of Grove versus Cardinals even more com- plete, the records show that the National League champions have heen particularly weak against left-handers this year. Manager Gabby Street has heen drilling them for several dave against smart left-handed pitching, bor- rowing Bill Walker of the Giants for the purpose. It is not to be inferred Grove will not have plenty of help. There is big George Earnshaw, the right-hander, who beat the Cards twice last year and was the individual pitching hero of the series, allowing only 13 hits in 25 innings. There also is George Walberg, another south- paw, winner of twenty games this vear: Leroy Mahaffey, crfick young right-hander, who deliver- ed fifteen victories toward the Athletics' victorious march, and Waite Hoyt, the veteran of six World Series while with the Yankees, who has pitched super- lative ball since Mack obtained him from Detroit in midseason. Derringer Is Cardinals' Hope Azaingt this great a of mound talent, "Gabby" will pit practically the same that failed to make the grade a vear ago. The only important ad- dition - to the Cardinals staff is Paul Derringer, the rookie from Rochester, who comes near being the outfit Winner of eighteen out t wor ty-six Derringer looks like the logical nominee to face the A's in the opening tilt, des- pite his lack of World ox- perience. Burleigh Y han and Je ines, all whom saw plent on in tl last series, the C dinals' rray Street staff big ace of the of games, Series round four." Jim will an odd relief pitching, Haines beat the Athletics in his only start in the while Hallahan, the outhpaw, hroke "hig do jobs club's even | two tries There Haines regular doubt that for series, a list who was twice fall, he available service in the he the ailing for Grimes the 'A's time by last five hits in each heen off his feet up to his best game, and not quite "|! ADDED ATTRACTIONS | as the vow at the aitar DRAMATIC a of the Strangest Marriage Ever Known! TODAY & THURSDAY HOME RUNS? JIMMY FOXX Whose hatting featured the World Series for the last two years. He usually comes through in a pinch. Long dis- tance hits are his specialty. no mean repute, George Earnshaw, Lefty Grove and Rube Walberg on whom Connie Mack, will depend for much of the winning punch in the World Series with St. Louis Cardinals. Cochrane the fourth member of the group is the first string catcher and in addition is a batter of Injuries May Seriously Handicap Cardinals Earl Adams Doubts Ability | dinalg, the home club pricticed : . | diligently today against left- to Play in First Two! |unieq offerings in anticipation Games of Series--Jesse | of facing Robert Moses Grove in . { the opener, ! Haines Also on Shelf : { Club officials placed the cap- Through Shoulder Injury | acity of Sportsman's Park at | 29,500 for the series, and pre- St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 30.--The | dicted a sellout for the first two jinx pursuing Cardinal prospects | 2ames here, The record of in the World Series struck an-|29,960 was get in the 1926 ser- other blow yesterday with the |ies with the Yankees, indication that Earl ("Sparky") Adams, veteran third baseman, will not be able to play in the opening game on Thursday bhe- cause of an injured ankle, Adams participated in workout in the afternoon Sportsman's Park, after the Na- tional League champions had been acclaimed in a brilliant "victory parade' through the | HEAVY HITTER the at Sport Snapshots | The Oshawa Blue ilton Tiger Cubs, It is not pponents for the B evil Queen's play wl diys at Blue Devil Queer form this season, ! very | Ye Oshawa | dou les ar 1 1 "nf ingles. 'In Halla- | ¢.2 o! of | In Brantford on ments ior t Leen announced and re | Saturday has | some |. beaten | des- |! pite the fact that he allowed only | known as played here or in Hamilton on Saturday. of the western section of the O.R.F.U. last year Trying to Get a Game for Saturday Devils are dickering Ham- yet whether the game will be The the for a game with the Cubs were ners and would | thy I'he Saturday csties with | also has | City Schools List of Officers Preparations for the Third An- nua! Public Schiol Field Day which will be held in Alexandra Park on Friday afternoon under the auspices of the Board of Edu- cation and the Home and School Council are weil under way and prospects are bright that witn good weather the day wil be one of the best ever held here. The meet will get under way at 1.30 p.m, sharp and will continue throughout the afternoon. E. G, Nichol, director of Physical Edu- cation in the Public Schools of the city, will be in charge of the events, Besides the city schools these in Westmount and Harm- ony will also take part, The executive 'committee in cherge will he Mrs. R. 8. Mc- Laughlin, Miss Loar, Miss Lang- maid, Ross MacKinnon, J. C. An- Listen to Generel Electric Vagebonds |B handicap your eyes with inadequate lighting. Where- ever you work or read -- light up with plenty of Edison Mazda Lamps. They give the soft well-diffused light that keeps vision keen. \ n MADE IN CANADA \\ CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO: LIMITED * . | derson and H. W, Will Hold Field Day on Friday Meet Will Start at 1.30 p- . Hal m.--Special Pennant Do- | | nated by C. F. Cannon-- Schools in the city, who will pre Knight, A necial prize is being donated by F. Cannon, inspector of Public seit a penant for the best march ing displayed by any schools In the meet. The officials for the field day wiil be:-- Hon, Referees--Mrs. R. 8. Mc J.aughlin, Mayor Ernie Marks, Dr, F. J. Donevan, C. F, Cannon, B.A, A. E. O'Neill, B.A. Referee--F, I. Bartlett, Toron Inspectors -- Ross MacKinnon, A. W. Bell, E. A, Lovell, H.L W, Nicol. Announcer -- H. W, Knight. Chief Judge -- McIntyre Hood. Finish Judges--R. A. Hutchi- fon, A. L. W, Smith, A. V. Swall. Field Judges--A. F. Annis, J. C. Anderson, Dr. B. A, Brown, C. H. R. Fuller, Wm, Luke, E. Maundrell, Marching Judges--R., A. Hut- caison,, Ross MacKinnon. Score Keepers -- A.W. Jack- lin, J. C. Fetterly. Chief Time Keeper--Dr, 8. J. Phillips, ° Starters -- Ed. Donald, F. Ly- cett. Starting Marshals -- J. Patter- son, J. 8. Wells, Wm, F, Wendt, Clerk of the Course -- A. M, Robinson. Assistant -- Preston Timmins, Finish Marshals Harold Pascoe, Lawrence Ashton. Prize Committee -- Mrs, R. 8. McLaughlin, Mrs, B. C. Colpus, Miss Lear, Miss Langmaid. Field Doctor -- Dr. T. W, G. McKay. Field Nurse -- Miss Harrie. Director -- E. G. Nichol, Preston Girls Indignant Over Treatment Received Preston, Sept. 30.--Officials of the Rivulette intermediate soft- ball club are indignant, at the hands of the Windsor Morris Flowers in the second game of the third round of the Provincial Ladies' Softball Union played in Windsor on Saturday when the locals were. defeated in a game played in darkness and a heavy rain, Arrangements for the third game to decide which team will enter the fourth round of the play-downs have not been com- pleted, although it is anticipated that the game will be played in London on Saturday. Fach team has won one game to date, Alr travel is to be cheaper. Cost of going up is coming down. | | | | | | | | | | | | heart of the city, but the dim- inutive third sacker told "Gabby" Street after the practice that tdonbted his ability to play | first two games here, The J | dinal pilot said he 1 star Montreal, Sept. 30. -- When | Any High at 8 Nou an |] | | | Pa 4 lontreal's lig Four football team reir , 4 Da not sufficiently improved to take | | 'BILL WANLESS IS INJURED Records of Pitchers On World Series Teams ATHLETICS G. H BB.SO.W.L. Grove 40241 6016931 3 Mahaffey he in the Car- PC. ig 91° 912 | swings into its first nocturnal ex- | he fiel hibition of the season 1e field on Thursday, | Coming on top or the shoulder Canadian National : O.R.F.U., champions to-night at | injury that has put Jesce Haines the of McGill Stadium, it will be {On condition services of Bill Wan- | Adams was another jolt to secondary defensive | hopes of the Cardinals that the) tc who came here this year | will overthrow the world-cham va ls, | pion Athletics. y night, Wan » back muscles he is quite in- against | 2 r TRY PA " B i 30162 81 5 f 89 | intermediate 'arnshaw 42 249 Walberg 43 70 147 21 7 'he the shelf. th 2951081022012 \S Adams to the close to sparkplug | hitting playing a fine High has a rep- tation as a money player, how- ed hig ahility | role in t} has been team all .300 and defengive game a season, AL. SIMMONS Centre ficlder of the champion A's who lead Major Leagues in batting for second succes sive year, His batting may s prove a deciding factor in this year's series, 1 ever, a proy | | tion | I ak t her fo ee X-ra t nizhi 'ardinal eld hd Pep ) ably will start the | despite a damaged knee he only | Manager Street has two alterna- . besides: Wanless, [tive ouftield combinations in re- who did not participate in the | gerve, if Martin cannot play or is | drill last night. Ralph St. Ger-| forced to withdraw after start- main kept up his training and is | jo Azainst righthanded pitch fast learning the team's plays. : y : ¢ 3 pin J ing, Watkins will play centre | London Observer. { Coach Foran has ecided : ° ' | »ach Fo has not decided and Orsatti right. Roetiger { er: "Do you believe in [| on a definite starting line-np for | et t} 1 i t BI i) en-- #| ov Abort » + . . 1 R ce 18 Ca ntre, f ' ' 0 | 10 y ol | he contest under the arc lights, |= right a . n te tre, aug aces "Dad, what is bankruptey"? The I Certain. | hut will likely have about the |! right against southpaws, "Bankruptcy, my" boy, is when Ido, sir" ame twelve in action that start- | With Paul Derringer, the | yoy put your money in your hip- "Well, ain't it Balmy Beach a week [rookie righthander, slated to | pocket and let your creditors take Interrupter out time te stop?" | twirl the first game for the Car- your coat." ca i nal f x afl-{ May Even in the crisis of our fate the country is not downhearted. "Mrs. N. West has just won a | competition for eating jelly with knitting kneedles at Woking."-- } T7710 9 691110 m Orat ed against ago Saturday, Toll-Gate .. . On July 14th, 1931, this great pacing horse catablier od o record for the fastest four-heat race ever contested in the history of ° harness racing. The average time for the four heats being a trifle under 2 min; 114 sec. he C SPEAKS or ITSELF The World's Record Pacing Horse commands the homage of all horsemen for his speed, his stamina and his courage--while quality,' raildness and fragrance are the outstanding qualities which have established the record for popularity held by Turret cigarettes in the race for public favour. After all, nothing can replace good, honest tobaccos grown and ripened right out in the field under nature's own sunlight--nothing artificial about that--and the high quality is "inbred". 12 for 15¢. 20 for 25¢. and in flat tins of fifty and one hundred Quality and Mildness urret CIGARETTES Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limived

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