THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1931 - PAGE SEVEN If it. is to be bought or sold -- Times Classified Ads will do it Legal ANT CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Conveyancing and general prae- tice in Law. Office 7% Simcoe | 8¢. South, Oshawa, Phone 4. G. D. Conant, BA, LL.B.; A, F. An- ale, B.A, LL.B. 4 W. E. N. SINCLAIR, RK.C; BANK of Commerce Building. SEPH P, MANGAN, B.A, hii Soliejtur, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Money to loan. of- fice 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa. Phops 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser. Barrister, etc, Bank of ,Commerce Bldg. fouls s. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Muney to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 8473W. ' GRELR & HUMPHREYS, BAR- _riasters, Selicitors. etc. 24% Sim- -econ St. N, Poone 3160. Residence . 8614. Mopey te loen. ALEX. O. AALL, B.d , BAPRIS ter, stc. Comveyanciny and gen: 'eral practice. 38% King St. East. . Phone 3237. ~() FRANK S. EEES, BARRISTER, . Solicitor, Votary Public, Convey- ancer. monoy to loan. Third floor pew Alger Buildins. opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. : Medical PRB. J BAZLEWOOD, PHY- , sleian and Surgeon, special atten- tion gi-en to X-Ray work and Flectrotheopy. Oftice, Disney |. Block. Phone. 2050, Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east. Phone 2416. PR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSIOC- "fan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, dis "eases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence 97 Bond East. Phone 1155, Summer residence 90 r 2-1. PR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- . geon, Accoucher. Office ana resi- dence King St. East, corner Vie- soria St.. Oshawa. Phone 94. aaa ed Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist 'PR, F. T. BRYANS OF 160 ' Bloor Street West. Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lov- t ol's Drug Store each Saturday «from 1 till 4 p.m., for consulta- : tion and treatment of diseases of ¢ @ar, nose and throat only. Ap- " pointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects ~ G0. 6 STENHOUNE, GENERAL ; Architectural work. Secord floor s Royal Bank Building. Phone 2 1496. Res. phone 909J. Dental DiS J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAB sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 18313, U TURE BURTAL CO. ¢1 KING St. £ast. Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street sorth, Phone 210) and 210W. 0 A I . MP. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. uneral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (4tr) Insurance DAVIS ANE SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 80 Renutable Fire Companies. IN consult R. N. Johne, 80 Simeoe north. Your insurance wants at- tended to ané your interests pro- tected. a Transportation OARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 86 Bond West, Spec. falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. FOR MOVING AND CARTAGH of all kinds try Chas. F. Flem- ing. Reasonable rates and de- pandable service, Phone 797. (28 sept c) FOR RBLIABLE CARTAGE AND furniture removals phone Brad- ley"s 271 or 1928J. (14 oct ¢) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PARLOR Permanent wave special $4.00, $7.50, $10.00. "Naturelle Meth- od". Miss Elsie Dyer, Montreal, operator, No. 3 marcel specialist. Marcel 50c. Finger Wave 75c¢. Expert operators in all lines of hairdressing, §6 Simcoe St. North, Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GENOSHA AATRDRESSING Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture, Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger wave and shampoo $1. Marcel 500. Facials, scalp treatments and manicures. Coffee Shoppe entrance, Phone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) FINGER WAVE b0c, MARCEL 35¢. Trim 256¢, Willow Robbins, residence, 81 Ontario St.,, near Armories. Phone 1115W, (15 oct ¢) Auctioneer PHONE 716d. W. J, SULLEY, ® Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8. ¥ Oshawa, Ont. Special attention 2 given to household furniture ® gales and farm slock and imple- ments, Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing " . . . " 4 " : Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at ® 44% King Street West. Your pat- |: ronage is solicited. Building Supplies CALL W. BORROWDALE FOR cement blocks, sand anc gravel, 609 Carnegie Ave. Phone 161 Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED be with rental $1.00. Repaired ana rebuilt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. Money to Loan ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE, CARS refinanced, payment: reduced, additional cash given, dealings confidential. Terms reasonable. Pay while you drive. Motor Loans and Discounts, R, F.® White, f Mgr. 14% King St. E,, Oshawa. % Phone 2790. Open evenings till #9 pm, . (27 sept c) Rs Furniture Repairing UPHOLSTERING AT REDUCED prices. Geo. A. Constable, 272 Ritson Rd. S. Phone 2458J. (30 sept c) Hemstitching HEMSTITOHING, 7 CENTS ON embroidery work, . alterations, dressmaking, ete. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe S. Phone 1656, (5 jly 81) Female Help Wanted WANTED--A GOOD GENERAL # girl, Apply 149 Elgin St. E, i (66c) I I 'Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY-- B _ BAT- tery Eliminator, 135 volts. Must be in good condition, State make. : F. A. Hoar, 475 Simcoe St. N. (66b) Radios Repaired RADIO SERVICE --REPAIRS done on all models. Work guar- anteed, prices reasonable, tubes tested free in your home, batter- jes recharged. Phone 2806W. Certified radiotrician, TRF FSIRS RFI VS FRNTRAF Is ARERR AT (19 oct ¢) Lost and Found LOST---ABOUT JULY 15TH IN neighbourhood of Braokin a long- haired black and whith part collie with brown markings on head, stiff rear leg, valued as pet, Any information regarding him will be welcomed by B. W. Sharpe, 277 Mossom Road, iii oF a 7a) sie 136, 3 Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT wood slabs $3.50 per load. ""&iso bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (1. oct ¢) For Rent N central, 3 to 4 rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. $20. Bradley Bros. * OFFICES BRIGHT, CLEAN, good approach, $15 up. Bradley Bros, over Ward's Btore. (54tL) A ' modern, 8 roomed, private, cel- lar, unfurnished. $27.60. Or will furnish. Phone 2604W. (19 sept ¢) torla apartments now complete ly removated and decorated. Harilwood throughout, large closets, electric stoves and kel vinator. Tiled bathroom with showers. Spacious laundry with electric drier. Reduced rentals. Apply Bradley Bros, or phone Janitor 2671. (64tf) A apartment, electrically equipped. Garage. Phone 269, (621) 0 v centrally located, up to date in every way. Reasonably priced. Phone 1550 or 2347W. Oshawa Buildings Ltd, (62tf) 0 3 A FUL M running water. All conveniences and service. $4.50 per week. Phone 2215. (621) C RTAB FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping or bed sitting room. $1.50 per week. Apply Box 668 Times. : (65¢) FOR RENT--- SMALL HOUSE. Centrally located. Reasonable. Apply 13 Elgin St. E, (65¢c) FOR RENT -- FURNISHE apartment on ground floor, Sep- arate entrance. All conveniences. Near Motors. 105 Colborne East. (66D) TO RENT-- SEVEN ROOMED house, corner of Mary and Col- borne St. Apply 16 Bond St. W. (66c) FOUR ROOMED HOUSE, ALL conveniences, very central. Apply at 143 Centre St. (66¢) SEVEN ROOMED BRICK house, newly decorated, hard- wood floors, fire place, Apply 91 Ritson Road N. (18 oct ¢) ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOMED house, $25. Also seven roomed house on Alice St, with garage, $25. Phone Holden 371W. (66b) FOR RENT-- 4 ROOMS AND bath, electric stove, hardwood floors, built in cupboard, separ- ate entrance. 80 Rowe St. (67¢c) FOR RENT--5 ROOMED HOUSE near Collegiate. $20 per month, Apply 1564 Alma St, Phone 139. (67¢) T0 LBET--4 ROOM FRONT apartment on King E. All con- veniences, also cellar space with apartment, Phone 1215W. (67b) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL ues in rebuilt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost, Sent tor your approval. Address "Un- derwood," 135 Vletoria St.,, To- ronto. (Oct. 19, 31) FOR BALE-- SAND, URAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Esse:y Bros. 3142). (18 sept ¢) DRY HARD BODY WOOD, $16. Hardwood slabs $13. Mixed wood $12 per cord. McQuaid Cartage. Phone 2423W, 2 sépt c) WOOD FOR SALE, Ww. H. Thompson, 6507 King St. W. Phone 742, (3 oct ¢) HOUSEHQLD FUR RE F sale, Very reasonable. Apply 322 Colborne St. E., or phone 1230W. (66b) FOR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD. Beech and Maple. $13 cord, $3.50 single cord. Also cartage, Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert St. Phone 1079J. (19 oct ¢) FOR SALE--3 LADIES' COATS, 4 Canton Dresses, like new. Sizes . Cheap. Phone 3184M. (67c) Bicycles For Sale FOR SALE--BSLIGHTLY USED Bicycles $10 up. Fitted with new tires. Bicycle tires $1, tubes 75¢. 12 Richmond E, ~ (16 oct ¢) : Palmist 'CONSULT MADAME BROWN, ' Palmist, on matters of import- ance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Business private. (8 oct ¢) Wanted To Rent WANTED T0 RENT--SMALL furnished house or apartment for elderly couple, without children. Phone 27. (66b) Situations Vacant CHRISTMAS MONEY EASILY earned taking orders now for our beautiful line of Personal Christ- mas Greeting Cards, Sell on sight. Regal Art Co, 91 Gould St., Toronto. (62-67-72-768) EARN UPWARDS OF $20 weekly growing mushreoms for us in cellars, al] fall and winter, 'Commence now, Illustrated book- let free. Canadian Mushroom Company, Dept. 49, Toronto. " (86h) ! mE . For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE -- GOOD house and 2 acres of land. Close in, will exchange for good six or seven roomed housey Box or Times, © (66h) 'Murdoch, 27 Warren. BRINGING UP FATHER - He hal TH 1 \V15H | COULD : FORGIT ABOUT SMOKIN. IF 1 LOOK OUT OF ME OFFICE WINDOW ALL | SEE 15 SMOKE STACKS I'LL GO FOR RENT -- STORE AND three rooms, newly decorated, splendid business location for cleaning and pressing business. Apply telephone 580, Whitby. (87a) BARBER SHOP SPACE FOR rent, with light, heat and water. Phone 1625W. (87a) FOR RENT--7 ROOMED HOUSE and garage, conveniences, Low rent. Immediate possession, Ap- ply 260 Athol St. E. (67D) SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE FOR rent. All conveniences, garage, 92 Alice Street. Immediate pos- session. Twenty-eight dollars per month. Louis Hyman, Barrister c) "Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE--HOUSE 406 MAS- son St, Hardwood floors. All modern conveniences. Apply 26 McGregor St, or Box 28 P.O. (17 oct ¢) FOR SALE--7 ROOM BRICK house, 4 bed rooms, Hardwood throughout, Double garage. Ce- ment drive. Best buy in town. Cheap. Hurry. Walking distance to Motors. Mrs. A. J. Moore, P.O. Windsor, Ont, (66¢c) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Baby Grand Plane, mahogany, small size, beautiful ~ondition. Bargain or accept 'late model car, Mr. Fitch, phone 1096. . (66¢c) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- 3 clear lots on house, 50 acre farm on Oshawa residence. 4 roomed bungalow, $2200, 7 roomed select home, $4000, 14 roomed brick home, $3000. 6 roomed modern complete home $3500. Also houses for rent. (66¢c) Minimam charge for one in- sertion 80c. | Each subsequent consecu- | tive {insertion ic per | word, | Three consecutive imser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three li cents a word). Minimum charge for three | insertions 60c. i Box mumber 10c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $3.50 per month | i for 20 words or less, 10 || i cents a word per month | for each additional word. | Phone 35 | Ask for Classified Ald Department Music Lessons IANOFORTE L E § 8S O N §, Yvonne Hazlewood, A.H.CM. Studio opening Sept. 8th. Phone 24186. (1 oct ¢) CALL MRS. AUDREY MOF- fatt, A.T.C.M., 90 Roxborough Avenue for plano instruction. Phone 3511W, (1 oct ¢) ANNIE McMASTER, A.T.CM,, Teacher of Piano. Studio, 17 Con- naught St. Phone 116F. 2 pct ¢) ARTHUR W. LYNDE, L.H.CM., M.S., Teacher of Singing, Studio 214 Dearbourn Ave. Phone 2783F. (671) MRS. JACK LEE, AT.CM., teather of pianoforte. 613 Car- negie Ave, Phone 2361J. (15 Agents Wanted EMPLOYMENT FULL AND SPARE TIME workers making good incomes selling "Imperial Art" 'Made in Canada" Persona) Christmas Cards. Write now for particulars while agencies still available. Sample book free to responsible people. British Canadian Pub- lishing Co., 51 West Wellington, Toronto. (51tf) oct ¢) Rest Home ® OSHAWA REST HOME FOR women and children, Comfortable rooms, nurse in attendance. Terms reasonable. Phone $293W. 3 J (21 sept ¢) Cars Repaired AUTO TOPS AND TRIMMING repairs, also furniture at moder- ate prices, Phone 2470W. (66¢c) Agents Wanted IMAGINE! EMBOSSED PER- sonal Christmas Greeting Cards in handsome lined envelopes, one-fifty pet dozen----no more-- no less. Sample book to respon- sible agents. Sell like ¥ * cakes. One-fifty Greeting Cf "om- pany, 331 Bay, Toronto. (67a) EARN MONEY IN SPARE time, selling dollar line Personal Christmas Cards, Liberal com- mission and bonus. Write for sample book. Excelsior Greeting Card Co.,, 656 Greenwood Ave, Toronto, Ont, (67-69) Notice Mrs, W. E, Trew, profession- ally known as 'Joan Evelyn" and who is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark, of this city, wishes it to be made known that she fs not and never has been the legal wife of George Walsh, of Bond Street East (now employed at the Genosha Hotel), and that she has no intention whatever of returning to Oshawa. (Signed) FREDA TREW, (nee Clark) (67a) Magistrate: "Where were you born?" Prisoner: 'Leeds." "Were you brought up there?" "Often." Mother (teaching Mabel alphabet): 'Now, Mabel, comes after 'g'?" Mabel (after deep thinking): the what "Whizz!"" No other tea reaches you so fresh from the tea-plant "SALADA m a By Thornton W. Burgess Pity one who cannot change, And all his ideas rearrange. ~Btubtail, "I have changed my mind" was Stubtail's prompt response Stubtail the Mountain Beaver, who was not a Beaver at all, was telling Mrs. Stubtail all about it. She was sitting snuggled close to him, as if this to make sure that he wag really there, It was al- most too good to be true, this having him back, for she hadn't expected to ever see him again. "It is hard to believe that that terrible two-legged creature really bought you back and let you go," said she, snuggling a little closer. "Who said that two-legged creature was terrible. He wasn't terrible at all," replied Stub- tail, "You must have changed your mind," retorted Mrs. Stubtail. "You called him terrible the first time you saw him, and he hadn't done anything to you then." "I have changed my mind," was Stubtail"s prompt response. "It is a narrow mind that never changes. I thought he was ter- rible the first time I saw him, but I was 'mistaken and I am willing to admit it and don't care who knows jt." "Just the same, I think he is terrible," retorted Mrs. Stubtail with a little shiver. All those two-legged creatures. are ter- xible." "He isn't," retorted Stubtail obstinately. "If he were he would have killed me when he found me in that thing I got caught in." (He meant the wire trap Farmer Brown's Boy had set for him.) "Instead of that, 'he gave me the nicest thing to eat and brought me back to you, Do you call that terrible?" "No-0,"" confessed tail' reluctantly, "All the time he tool the greatest care to see that I was not hurt in any way," continued Stubtail, "and tried to see that [ wasn't frightened." "But you were You know you were!" Stubtail triumphantly. "At first I was," admitted Stubtail, "Any one would have been. 1 gudss some folks would have died of fright." "I'm sure [I would have," in- terrupted Mrs. Stubtail and shiv- ered again, "But it didnt take me long to find out that he intended no harm," continued Stubtail, "and then I wasn't afraid of him at all." "How brave you are," mur- mured Mrs, Stubtail admiringly. Stubtail swelled a little at this. You know, most people like to be thought brave. "Of course," said he, "I showed him that I wasn't afraid of him. When he brought me food I took it right from his Mrs. Stub- frightened. cried Mrs, then | hand, and that showed him." "I don't see how you dared do that. That was the bravest thing I ever heard of," sald Mrs, Stub- tall in such a tone of admiration that Stubtafl puffed himself out a little more. "Yes," he continued, "TI took it right from his hand and ate it, just as if he wasn't anywhere about. That showed him that I wasn't afraid of him." "Was it good food?" Mrs. Stubtail. Stubtall smacked his lips. "The best I ever ate,' he confessed. "What was it?" demanded Mrs. Stubtail enviously. "I don't know," asked confessed what some of it was. There were some of the things we have here, but there were other things 1 never saw before. My, but they were good!" He smacked his lips again at the memory of the vegetables that Farmer Brown's Boy had given him. Of course he never had tasted fresh vegetables of any kind before, That moun- tain was far from any gardens. "lI wish he would bring some here to us," sighed Mrs. Stubtail, little suspecting that her wish was to be gratified the very next day, "Just the same, I shall al- ways think those two-legged creatures are terrible," she add- ed a bit defiantly. So, though Stubtail out of his experience had learned that ad- mitting error in judgment ie one way of gaining in wisdom, Mrs. Stubtail obstinately stuck to her opinion, Copyriht, 1931, T W. Burgess, The next story: "The Stubtalls Work Hard." : N ASHBURN NEWS Ashburn, Sept. 18.--~Robert Duff and son were successful in winning the red ribbons pn their agricultural team at Osh@wa Fair on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Hanns, of Toronto, have heen holidaying at Mr. Will Hopkins. Mr. Robert Parrott of Mt. Zion has leased Heron Brothers' farm as they are giving up farm- ing and are having a sale in October and it is reported 'they have bought the Balfour property and purpose moving to the vil- lage this fall. When word came here Wed- nesday night that there was a fire near Brooklin, a number rushed down but were unable to give much assistance. as the fire made such rapid headway, Mr. Routley's loss was a very heavy one as his season's crop along with some calves and hogs were burnt, .and it is reported that there was no insurance. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. Allie Ross were at Northridge on Sunday attending gown, Will clean and press lady's dress, | suit or long coat or gents suit or overcoat. SHERRIN'S Whitby DYE WORKS Phone 468. Oshawa Phone 760 We make a small extra charge for pleating Stubtail; *""That is, I don't know" the funeral tf Merriam, Mr. Joe Simpkins had the mis- fortune to loose three fine milk cows from his dairy herd recent- ly. the late Henry 'So you're a salesman now, eh, Sambo? Do you stand behind the products you sell?" J "No, sah, I sho' don't." "Why, 8am, I'm surprised at you. You should always stand behind your product. What are you selling?" "Mules." The street musicians pu's the harm in harmony. Mother: "My dear, all men are cast pretty well much in the same mould." Daughter: 'Yes, but some are mouldier than others." V Quick Relief for Women Women need mot' endure pertodic pains and headaches. They can spare themselves this suffering by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. 4% Mrs. Allen Wright, of Fulford, who was relieved in 30 minutes of pain and + wrote", saying: * "Every FOR FALL | PEP UP | ~ LF Nr | Summer's sun will soon be | disappearing. Summer's Health will soon be slip- ping. The demand on one's Health and Constitution || caused by the requirements | of our Daily Business Life | are very trying. | Now is tho time to start and build wp that reserve | strength and energy which will carry you through the rigors of late fall and win. ter. PEPTONA | The ideal Tonic and Body COAL COAL Phone 1V8 «J. SAT.GENT Yard--89 Bloor St. E. Orders Promptly Delivered gana BOAT FOR SALE 18 foot B.C. cedar, with 32 H.P. four cylinder Johnson Motor. Very safe and fast. Price $295. Terms. Ph. 900. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Special! Boys' Suits. 2 pairs knickers. Sui $3.95 Dominion Clothing Co., 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweller Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 1928 Chevrolet Sedan. Free wheeling. 1929 ton stake body Truck. ROSS, AMES AND GART- SHORE King St. West. Phone 1160 REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY D. J. BROWN 1f your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. - 3 THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 180) Builder is simply full of Vim, Vigor and Vitality, For loss of appetite, sleep. lessness, nervous debility, | seek the aid of Peptona. Start today and feel fit ull winter. | Try a $1.00 bottle now When in need of Drugs "QUICKLY" "Phone | Jury & Lovell I King E. Phone 28 Simcoe S. Phone 68 EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always We are now located at our new store 7 KING ST. EAST Scotland Woolen Tailors Co. RAR tl tte Opportunity to buy nine roomed frame house. Metal garage. On corner in Cedardale, Simcoe St. S. Ideal place for store or sere vice station. Lot 110 x 98 ft. or would sell 50 ft. off lot if de- sired. Apply J, H. R, Luke for particulars. DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVER. 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornlll, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 o WELL WHAT DO You KNewW ABOUT THAT? AH! WHAT LOVELY CIGARS: MISS NGGS- MAY | HAVE ONE-~ AH © 1931, Int Feature OHIARTE- TAKE A LOT OF THEM: DADDY 19 NOT PERMITTED BY WS DOCTOR To SMOKE- SO WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THEM- .