Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Sep 1931, p. 2

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1 PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1931 "News of Nearby Places I ZION NEWS (Mrs. J. W. Balson, Correspon- . dent) Zion, Sept. 13.--Mr, Arthur Stainton has been attending the United Church conference at Bel- leville Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bert. G 11 has gone to London, also Mr. Morgan to Lon- don with their sheep flocks. for the exhibition, Miss Annie McMaster and mo- ther were hostesses to a musical afternoon when Miss Annie's pu- pils and their mothers were en- tertained on Saturday afternoon at their home. The program was as follows: Two duets by Miss MeMaster and Miss Ferne Led- gett, of Oshawa; piano solos by Miss Eileen Stainton and Gerald Balson of Zion, and Miss. Elda Mountjoy of Kedron; also a nice talk on music by their teacher. As the weather was extremely warm all were invited to the lawn where the younger ones played croquet and the older ones visited after which delicious refresh- ments were served outside also. Those attending were Mrs. Led pEett . and Miss Fern, Mrs. Percy 'Tangmaid and Miss Bernice, of Oshawa, Mrs. Everett Mountjoy and Miss Elda of Kedron, Mrs. Bert, Glaspell and Miss 'Beryl, Mre, Arthur Stainton and Miss Ei- Jeen and Miss Helen Lewis, Mrs, John Balson and Mr. Gerald. Some of the pupils failed to come .and missed a pleasant afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson and family, Mr, James Cameron were Sunday visitors at the home of "Mr. Herb. Cameron, at Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. McMaster and Miss Annie have gone on a motor trip to Muskoka over the week- end. Our football boys won out against Solina on Saturday even- ing by the score of 1 to 0. They . won the round of 2-1, and will < play Cherrywood Tuesday night. The return game will be played here at Zion on Saturday, the 19th inst., at 5 o'clock sharp (Stand. ard Time). Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin an family, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fisher "and family spent Sunday after. noon at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. Miss Ruth Fice of Whitby Hos- pital, is spending a three weeks' < vacation at her home here. Gerald and Anson Balson and Alfred Ayre are at Peterboro fair with sheep this week. , Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gourley, Mrs. Chas. Ferguson and Bobby, , of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomson and Miss Janet, of St. Mary's, have been recent visitors at the home of J. W. Balson. Mr. Norman Leach had the mis- fortune to lose one of his valu- able cows on Saturday evening, when the little girls were putting them to pasture in Mr, Pierce's field. The cow decided to cross + the road in a hurry and as it was ; Just dusk, a construction truck hit her and hroka twn legs and . after the chief of police, Sidney Venton of Bowmanville had in- vestigated the case the cow was , destroyed. : Mrs. Town of Oshawa is stay- ing with her daughter, Mrs, Fred Robbins for a time. Rev, Mr, Bick read a communi. * cation from the dried-out areas in * the western provinces asking for = clothing for men, women or chil- - dren and wishes that any one, having any to spare, will have it ready by the end of the month, when it will all be packed togeth- er to send out before winter sets in, Mr. Elmer Wilbur has secured a position with Mr, A. B. Hull of Toronto to go to Smiths Falls on a paper campaign. Elmer can do it alright after having had good: . experience with The Times cam- paign last fall. Good luck tn El- mer, Miss Glassford, of England, is returning this week after visiting her sister, Miss Glassford, the nurse at Mr, Mumford"s and is taking back Migs Betty and Mas- ter Cyril Mumford to attend aj boarding school in England. Bet- ty has been holidaying at home for some weeks. \ Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Trick and Miss Fwalyn, of Oshawa, were re- -cent vigitors at the home of J. W. Balson and also at the home of Mr. James Cameron. Miss Mary Powers, of Toronto, "~has been visiting her schoolmate, Miss Annie McMaster, for a few days. The young people of the neigh- wi. horhood had a real good time in " the woods on Mr. H. G. Pascoe's farm one night last week with a * honfire fop light. They toaste marshmallows, had buns a ' 'weiners, and played "games an Sang songs. Our girls went to Raglan on urday and came home with the ost runs to their credit playing h .. KEDRON NEWS nim Teatrice Mouwtior, Corres "pon "Kedron, Sept, 0) wr, Ever- ett Mountjoy and Miss Elda 'Mountjoy attended a musicale at the home . Miss Annie McMas- "ter, Zion, on Saturday." Mr. and Mrs. Luke Buttery and 'Miss Apnie Buttery, Salem, at- , tended our church service on Sun- y and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Crossman. "Mrs, Powell and children, of Toronto, who have been spending the sumnier with their uncle, Mr. J. Smith, returned to their home, on Saturd + Miss or Williamson, Toron- 'to, spent the week-end with Miss Kathleen Conlin. «Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee visited recently with her parents, Mr. "and Mrs. A, T. Stainton, Zion. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgomery, (nee Dor- othy M gor) of Oshawa, on 'the birth of a son in Bowmanville Hospital, on Friday. Mrs. McAdie and Miss Hislop, 'Oshawa, were guests of un Wm, Hepburn, on Miss Florence Wheeler, Miss Stella Corcoran and Mrs, McCar- ty, Toronto, visited with Mr. and goftball,' 4 a Miss Kathleen Conlin at the home of her parents, on Sunday. Mrs. Ross Lee recently visited at the home of her grandfather, Mr. Thos. Stainton, Oshawa. Mr. J. Smith is quite ill and has gone to Toronto to the home of his sister, Mrs, Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs, John Hislop and Jean, Columbus, and Mrs. Man- ning, Ridgetown, visited their cousin, Mrs. Wm. Hepburn, Miss Kathleen Conlin is spend- ing a week's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 8. Conlin. Mr. and Mrs. Peel and family, Sunderland, Mr, and Mrs. J. Nay- lor, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and Gordon, Solina, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry, Mr. Harold and Miss Wilma Werry visited Mr. and Mre. Leslie Keith, Toronto, on Sunday. Mr. Frank C. Lee returned to Ottawa, on Monday, after holi- daying for the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F', W. Lee. Mr, Gordon Davis has gone to Peterboro to attend Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Walter and Mrs. Nesbitt motored down with Gordon, The Bible Class had charge of the Temperance program at the 8.8. session on Sunday. Two splendid readings were given by Dr. Cooper on Temperance and Miss Nora Werry, Pledge with Wine. The S.8. singing of the hymn, "Hear the Temperance Call," followed. Mrs, Bert, Harmon, Bridge- port, New York, Mrs. Bishop and Mrs, J. Mitchell, Oshawa, were re. cent guests of their sister, Mrs. A. D. Van Dyke.@ Miss Nora Werry and Mrs, Har- vey Crossman attended the Wo- men's Institute at Solina, on Thursday. PRESENTATION AT NORTH OSHAWA Mr. and Mrs. Giles. Cun- ningham Honored by Friends and Neighbors T. H. Solomon, Correson- dent) North Oshawa, Set. 14.--Mr. and Mrs. Giles Cunningham are moving to Belleville this week. Prior to their departure their friends and neighbors gathered by surprise on Saturday evening and made them a presentation and address. Mr. and Mrs. Cun- ningham will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends and they have our best wishes for every success in their new home. Miss Myra Cunningham, their daughter, is a teacher at 8.8. No. 11 and will remain yet and live with Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs, Doug. Stuart and Rone Yinited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Solomon, Sunday. Messrs. Bucham, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Westover. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, on Tuesday, Sept. son, Very sorry to learn of the sud- den illness of Mrs. Joe Gullivor, who is in the hospital and her many friends here hope she is im- proving. Mr. and Mrs, Robert attended a shower at Toronto, Friday, in honor of their niece, whose marriage takes place next Saturday. Messrs. John Cox, Clifford Sol- omon and Elgin Bromell and friends motored to Kingston Sun- day and visited Mr. George Glo- ver at Belleville en route. Mrs. W. W, Pipher and baby, June, of Toronto, were visitors with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, Barrett, recently. (Mrs. Edward 8, a SALHON RUNNING FREE IN RIVER Indian Women Have Little Difficulty in Catching Fish With Hands Smithers, B, C, Sept. 12--Sock- [S18 salmon are rgnning in such vast numbers on the Bulkley River /this summer that Indian women are nding no difficulty in scooping hem out of the water in buckets or with their hands, Tourists have heen disappointed, owever, for the salmon: have ig- nored their attempts at capturing them with expensive tackle. An unusual occurrence is reported by fishermen, that, contrary to the assumption that salmon never cat after leaving salt water, the fish show a readiness to take bait float- ed on the surface. A fisherman is considered lucky it" he lands his fish as "they make a mighty battle when eis A with the hook in the raging waters." Visitgrs report hundreds of fish were scen simultaneously making flying leaps to mount the falls in a single lunge, then "breaking" des- perately with their tails. Tossed and bruised against rocky walls of the gorge, the salmon arc into quiet pools in side eddies, rest, then resume their up-stream nrec- ca. Ja a space of four square feet, scores of large salmon were sighted in side pools. The, movement of the fish to spawning grounds, is declared a re- cord bv local pioneers. Most of the salmon have been of Moricetown Falls, near here, UNHAPPY MAN! : (The Hugnorist) ra liand: Do you remember ears ago in your father's parlor when | I asked you to say one little that would make me happy -- life ? Mg "rank Corcoran. r. Morris Iiunroe and Mr. Theo. Le Fontaine were guests of Wife: Husband: wrong one, Yes. I remember. Well, you said the Heaslip, obsérved in the churning maelstrom DEWLAND'S You NR to Ha Piece > Goods js at a F raction of their AS A SPECIAL FEATURE DURING THIS SALE Ladies' COATS and DRESSES (N THE NEWEST STYLES AND FABRICS ARE REDUCED 10° AYRE'S PURE WOOL BLANKETS In fancy check designs, whipped sing. | ly, size 64 x 84, reg. $4.95 clearing $3.49 cach | COATS CROCHET COTTON, 2 balls | PEARL COTTON, | CORTICELLI, PULL SKIEN, 2c | ENTIRE STOCK OF BRASS- WARE 25% DISCOUNT. Flannelette | White or Stripe, 36 in. wide. Clearing 15¢ yard The Children's Dept. | in the basement are offering [|F Children's Coats and Dresses at | 109, reduction for this sale. Owie to the vapid oh of our ladies and children's s Roadydo: Wear Depts., we find it necessary to devote more space and attention to these sections. After thorough investigations we are convinced that we can render a more efficient service to our customers by carrying larger assortments and fewer lines of merchandise. The buying public to-day demand greater assortments to choose from and it is impossible for a store Bf our type to stock so many lines of mer- chandise and have assortments in each line demanded to-day.. In making this decision it is therefore necessary to clear our complete stock of piece goods and household goods as quickly as possible in order to make necessary alterations in time for the Fall Ready-to-Wear season. The change in this method of our business will cut down overhead expenses greatly and enable us to give still keener prices than that which has built this store's lasge turnover in the short space of 3 years. Dewland's prices have always been lower for quality considered, but during this sale it will pay you to visit this store daily as our only object now is to clear our fixtures as quickly as possible regardless of price. Exceptional Values In Dewland's Sale Of PIECE GOODS FUJA SILKE * Ali shades 29 in. to 30 in. wide. Clearing 34¢c yd. SILK FLAT CREPES 36 in. wide. 69¢c yd. JAP SILKS Plain and Brocaded Rayon. to 59c¢. 24c¢c yd. SILK CREPES 38 in. wide. Clearing Clearing Clearing Values Our } Entire Stock of I Piece Goods Must Be Cleared ~~ ENGLISH Mercerized Broadcloth Fine quality cloth 36 in. wide. - Res 29c. Clearing, yard, .... Sp 19¢ secs PLAIN AND PRINTED LINGERIE CREPES Reg. 29 and 35c. Clearing 19¢ yd. ££ RAYONS 36 in. wide. Clearing 19¢ yd. BATH TOWELS Sand, ground with colored stripe Clearing, each ... .... SATEENS A complete assortment of shades. 25c. Clearing, yard, ... LINGERIE DIMITY 36 in. Wide, 8 pretty lingerie shades. 1 5 Reg. 25¢c. Clearing, yard, .......000. c PURE LINEN DAMASK $1.25 19¢ PEER EI I ET NT Reg. 15¢ Pretty floral design, fine quality. 70 ins. wide. Reg. $1.95. Clearing, yard All Items In This Department Not Advertised Reduced 25 p.c. RIBBONS CLEARING AT HALF | ~ | NOTIONS, SMALLWARES AND | PRICE. ~~ CHINTZ AND CRETONNES ight and dark patterns. 36 ins. wide. Clearing, yard ..... FRILLED CURTAINS With colored borders, valance and tie backs. Clearing, complete, ........... FLANNELETTE BLANKETS $1.79 \ 15¢ PATE Sh ie EE Re a A 15¢ Novelty colored check designs, large double bed size. Reg. $2.50. Clearing, CRETONNES Fine guality, new w designs, 36 ins. wide. Clearing ~ 25¢ LJ Pairs Only Gigantic Brand, 1st. Quality, soft and nappy, white with pink or blue border. 80. Clearing, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Size 64 x dl | .65 + DRAPERY CLOTH Sunfast Repp, Casement cloth, colored silk Madras, all 48 in. to 50 in. wide, Values *.59 to $1.50. Clearing, yard, .............. Cc ENGLISH HAND BLOCKED CRE- 39 c TONNES. Reg. 69¢c. Clearing, yard, .... « STAMPED PILLOW CASES, Hemstitch- 69¢ ed, 42 in. wide. Clearing, pair, ........ PRIME JAVA KAPOK, e Ib. bag ...eo cic insane... 22c KNITTING YARNS, in balls. 11 c Clearing, ball, Cernnnbie STAMPED APRONS Of fine factory cotton finished ready to work. Clearing, each, I5¢ W. A. DEWLAND LIMITED | Vd AL STARTS THURSDAY 9 a.m.

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