. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1931 - Y'S SPORTING FEATURES | Kaye Don Makes First Try for Harmsworth Trophy {i * 'Daily Times Win First Game From Trenton Team, 11-7 Brampton Defeated Calgary and Go to Coast for Finals POE DA TODAY 'S SPORTING FEATURES Falcons Play Owen Sound Gréys in Second Game Today Nationals and Oshawa City Play at Home This Afternoon Falcon Men's Team Play Aluminum Co, in Toronto Tonite gir Pop gee THRILLING GAME RESULTS IN WIN FOR TIMES OVER TRENTON Opportune Hits With "Runners on the Bases Won Game For Newsies The Game Was a Tough Struggle With The Times Having a Slight Edge-- Guiltinan Pitched Shut- out Ball For Three In- nings And Then Crack- "ed, But Finished the Game With Only Two Bad Innings -- Kitchen Featured With Two Doubles and Little With a Home Run With the | Bases Full The Daily Times defeated Trenton Continental Life at the stadium last night by a score of 11 to 7 and what a ball game 'jt turned out to be before the fewtivities were all over. The fans were treated to the best ball 'game. of the year and the way they whooped it up was a pleas- ure for themselves if not for the players. Tt must be said that the fans had something to cheer about and they made the best of the opportunity, some of the more rabid variety being on the verge of speechlessness when it was all over. In any event The Times won and will take a one game advantage with them to Trenton next week. By the looks wof things last night they will sure meed it as the aggregation of ¥rrenton fans who attended the ame gave evidence of being the Horerunners of a great ball town Which is solidly behind their deam. ¥ The Times outhit their oppon- Yed'ts 16 to 11 and played a fine fielding game not having an er- ror against them all evening. Trenton were almost as good and committed only four .miss plavs and were kept well in hand by Guiltinan who held them to scat- tered hits with the exception of the fourth and eighth innings, when he weakened and the game looked bad for his team, In the first three inning only nine men faced Guiltinan, while during the game he struck out six and walk- ted two. Langdon on the mound 'for the visitors only struck out one and walked two but he ap- NOTICE 'We are now located at our | new store 7 KING ST. EAST otland Woolen Tailors Co. peared much more erratic than that. One of the little things that arcused the ire of the fans was the umpiring of Ward, the Tren- ton umpire behind the plate. Some of his decisions were dis- tinctly weird. Amsbury being cailed out on a ball that appeared to be over his head! At another stage he called a Trenton runner safe at the plate when Kitchen apparently had the ball on him for a putout. One of the fans was so enraged that he went out to Wceod and offered him a pair of colored glasses. Of course he was ordered off the diamond but the fans enjoyed it. The first inning started off with Chambers being thrown out by Hhelenkoff from deep short, while Bowden and Cook were vic- tims of Guiltinans slants. In taeir half of the inning Trott was safe on an error by McCue while Cornish followed with a hit and Kitchen sacrificed. them along. Kellar and Shelenkoff were try- ing hard but could not connect goiidly and were retired. The second inning saw three Trenton players retired in order agan and while four Times players went to the plate all they could inuster was one hit. With the teams into the third inning Cornish made two fine pegs; to Morris to retire Kidd and Cols. while Langdon got a hit but while Chambers was at bat he tried to steal second and was out on a peach of a throw by Kitchen to Kellar. By this time the fans were beging for runs and they were not to be denied the chance of cheering for long. Trott open- ed the fireworks with a hit, Corn- ish's bid for a hit was taken hy Cook on a splendid running In deep centre field, but Kiichen hit for two bases and Trot scor- ed. Kellar and' Shelenkof each had a hit, but Guiltinan was try- ing too hard and popped to sport, ond the bases were still loaded Little then came to bat and cov ered himself with glory by hitting a home run over the centra field- ers head. That hit had the fans by the ears. It looked like a merry-go-round but Awmsbury was called out on a high ball that would have put him on first. That five runs looked like a mi'lion with Guiltinan breezing along, but Trenton instilled a lot of mis- cry in to the Oshawa camp in their next bat, getting five hits ard four runs with the team bat- ting around, Chambers was out, Kellar to Morris; Bowden walk- ¢d and Cook and Jordon bunted with Bowden coming in on the last one. McCue who had been | playing a wonderful game in the field showed that he could also | hit by slamming a home run to the fence in right field and three runs came in, It looked bad for The Times as they were only one run up and to make matters all tbe worse Johnston got a hit and Kidd was safe on a bunt with only one out. But with runners on | third and second Guiltinan set- | ted down to get the next two batters. Just to make it all the | Sport Snapshots more emphatic he struck out Langdon for the final out. That one run margin looked slim with the way the game was going so Orono May Play in Brantford on Monday It is on the books that thc Orono Ramblers may play Brantford in Kaye Don Is Ready For Test Detroit, Sept. 5.--Kaye Don, who has travelled faster on the water than any other man-in the world, will make Britain's bid connected for three hits in four official trips yesterday against Boston. Davis gaining five points and going back to the head of the class with a mark of .350. Klein took undisputed possession of third place with an average of .345, only four points back of Bill Terry of the Giants. G. A.B. R. H. P.C. Simmons, Ath. the boys went in with fire in their eyes and pounded out three hite for two runs. Morris and Trott were out to start the in- ring but Cornish came through with his second hit of the game and Kitchen got his second double to score him, while Kel- lar smacked the old apple for a the Telephone City on Monday. Having defeated Dundas right on their own lot, the return game is being played in Brantford to-day and should Brantford take the game they wiil entertain the Orono team in the first game at Brantford starting at 3 p.n. Standard Time on Monday afternoon. The return game being played here on Saturday, September 12, In the event of Dundas winning today's game and necessitating a third game, the series between Orono and the winner will be played on September 12 and 16 with the winner having the triple to score Kitchen. Both teams went scoreless in the filth ment. Jordon was out to open the sixth and McCue hit a single ard worked his way round first and scored on a ball that got away from Kitchen. Kitchen recovered the ball and had it on the runner as he came in but Wood called him safe. Kidd struck out to end the inning. 'I'renton were creeping up again so that it was a matter of neces- the home team runs. Trott wa or an error after Morris been retired, while Cornish safe "when Jordon juggled ha'l at first. Kitchen hit to and was safe as McCue tried to get the runner at the plate and faiied, Kellar was safe also on a got sity that some more sail had wus the ho ana Cornish scored. Trenten went down in order in the sev enth and although The Times got iwo men on through a walk and an error thers was no scdre. In the eighth Trenton show®d they stiil had a kick left Bowden lead- ing off with a blazing hit through the box, while Cook hit a double to move him to third from wuici station he scored while Jordon was being thrown out at first hy Kellar. The second run oi ti inning came in on McCu2's hit that was too hot to be gotten to it looked very much a geome was in the fire as ( was getting the ball in the 2 and was being smashed lo ccrners of the lot Mince Branch evidently thought | end was in sight for his mound as -he sent Magill out to warm up in the bull pen. It looked © had a minute later as Johns on drew a walk and there were run- ners at second and first with onl one out, down and struck out Kidd Colis sent a long fly to Little in right to retire the side. The morale of the 'Newsies' did not seem to be shaken in the least by the fact that the score was now 9 to 7 and collected thre hite for two runs in their half of the inning to take a four run lead again. To open the ninth J.ang- den got his second hit of the game and advanced to third ae Chambers was thrown out at first Jowden tried hard for a hit to bring the runner in but the bal he hit struck him as he ran and he was out. With Cook at ba: Langdon whether on his own in i*iative or by order tried to steal home and was thrown out by and but that onfy added the excite- | to | third as Johnston was retired at | fielders choice that got np where | but Guiltinan settled | first home game. * * * * Mike's Place Play on Tuesday Mike's Place Juniors covered themselves with glory for the time at least by defeating the highly touted North Broadview team in Toronto un Thursday by a score of 4 to 2, Whitcly holding the home team [to two hits. In all probability the return game will be played here on | Tuesday evening at 6.15 pm. and what a game it will be. The first game was close enough but the second should be more than a repeti- | tion and packed with thrills at that, i * * * * Nationals and Oshawa City Both Play At Home It is rather a pity that the soccer fans of the city will have to divide their interests this afternoon with both Nationals and City playing at th watching and but for the fact ould be 1c. Both games will be well wor that they start at the well worth while to botl : Avondale, at Perk, w at the stadium. Ld Ld - Times-Trenton Game a Thriller at the 1 From the ugele with Guiltinan 1 only nine men fa oo much as he cracked in the Ve | another test | being two runuer , The Times ome .rur Irenton did not use their star s have Garrard in the hole in case of necd. One featuic of the game was the large to witness the game, aggregation of I'renton fans who journcyed u By their vociferousness they should make it hot )sha wie ev play in the railway town, It was a real game to win and other eis bt Brampton Moves return game should be a To West Coast R.H. & . 020-- 7 11 4 For the Finals i'renton 000 401 7:11 I. Times 005 202 02x--11 16 | h Score by Innings: Two base Hits --- Kitc Cook. Triples, -- Kellar, ans, -- Little and McCue. Umpires: -- Ward, 'Trenton, plate; Garrow, Oshawa, bases. 'I'he Teams: -- Trenton:--Chambers 2b, Bow- den 3b, Cook cf., Jordon 1bh., Me Cue ss., Johnston If, Kidd :, Col- yis rf., Langdon p. Daily Times.--Trott rf., Cor- Lith 3b., Kitchen e., Kellar 2h, "helenkoff ss., Guiltinan »n., Lit- 1 en 0 2, Hom #4 (C.P.)-- blasted | | Calgary, Sept. 5. | Brampton Excelsiors !away the last obstacle in their | path to the Canadian Amateur | Lacrosse finals last night by defeating Calgary All Stars, 8 to 5, in a sudden-death semi-final. luxcelsiors, Dominion 'champions last year, will meet New West- minster Salmon Bellies for the 1951 crown at Vancouver next | in | meant no person dropping | Alexandra | Both games for the Harmsworth trophy, em- blem of the motorboat speed championship of the world. Last night Detroit was a city of speed; all thoughts are turn- ed to the "Harmsworth" and the Briton who, with his single craft, will seek to defeat Gar Wood, dour, gruff Detroit mil- lionaire speedboat racer. And for the first time in eleven years, Detroit was considering the pos- sibility that on Monday, or at the latest, Tuesday, the trophy will be going to England. From all parts of the United States, from all parts of the world, motorboat enthusiasts were pouring into Detroit, Stal- wart police guards did sentry service outside the old Edsel Ford residence in the boathouse of which Miss England 1I, sleek, quat and power-packed, swung her cradle. No one, and this except Kaye Don, his manager, Bill Sturm, or anyone they personally con- ducted into the boathouse, could raze upon the broad, flat craft. Up and down the length of the Detroit River on the west side of Belle Isle, yachts, motorboats, sailing craft and sea fleas dotted the broad expanse of water, On every hand in the city and along the lines of sp : pad) | Reading at Baltimore. gather Kaye Jersey City at Newark. Jon heard time In - drite Games To-morrow, Toronto at Buffalo; same as Saturday. 112 452 Ruth, Yankees 123 460 128 174 Gehrig, Yankees 131 524 Morgan, Indians 115 409 Davis, Phillies 102 Terry, Giants 132 Klein, Phillies 128 516 112 177 95 174 .385 .879 140 187 .357 77 146 .357 334 25 117 . 528 105 183 .347 .343 BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. 5 61 .585 63 577 h 573 507 507 .459 .403 .389 Newark oe Rochester ...... Baltimore Toronto ......,. Montreal Reading Jersey City . Buffalo Yesterday's Results. Rochester. .12-2 Buffalo Jersey City... 5 Newark Baltimore... 4 Reading . Only games played. .2-0 . 4 ve 2 Games To-day. Duffalo at Toronto (2). Rochester at Montreal. ctatoy ing, decade i threatening edboat their other supren : zames effec centred on wtem------ t Miss | more | nation beamed pitted defender; rr three ! road- Cngland i one AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost { Philadelphia .., 92 37 | Washington tomorrow | New York ) nust defeat al | Cleveland three of Gar Wood's small- | St. Louis - compact boats in addition to | Detroit Miss Syndicate lI. entry of | Chicago Dodge, youthful Detroit | Boston )risman. Britain could enter more than Miss England but British hopes rest in the lone, speedy ship. Miss England II is 36 feet long and 12 feet wide. Tapering down at the nose, she slopes to the water at the stern. Her driver and two mechanics sit ahead of their motors, unlike Gar Wood New York at Washington (2). whose seat is behind them, In- Philadelphia at Boston (2). cidentally, Kaye handles the |* -- throttle himself, a foot throttle Games To-morrow. while Gar steers only, while his Same as to-day. Single games mechanic throttle at his direction, | In all cities. . . The Big Six The Phillies' twp lustry hit- ters, Virgil Davis and "Chuck" {lein, do not intend to surren- der the National League batting Horace Yesterday's Results. Detroit....... 4 Chicago ,. Philadelphia2-6 Boston xWashington.. 5 New York x Only games scheduled. Games To-day. Detroit at Checago. Cleveland at St. Louis. PC. .641 588 .526 523 .466 .450 434 NATIONAL LEAGUE Jrooklyn Pittsburg Boston ....w.. Philadelphia sssan Guiltinan to end the game. tie 1f., Amsbury cf.,, Morris 1b, Warmth and Comfort in Every Ton Listen In Sunday Over Station CF RB, 5.30 to 6.30 p.m., For Blue Coal Programme G. S. WHITE Phone Oshawa 1903 'Sold by Maple Leafs Now Have 4 Point Lead | Brockville, Sept. 5.--Introduc- ing professional box lacrosse to a Brockville audience of about 1,000, Toronto Maple Leafs easily defeated Cornwall Colts, 16 to 4, here last night in a Cornwall home game transferred to the arena here. Toronto had the best of the play at all times and Cornwall's attempts were mostly futile against the sterling defence work of the Queen City team which was featured by stellar playing on the part of Large. The latter was forced out of the game in the second period with a broken nose, sustained when he was checked by Boucher near the Cornwall goal after the Leaf goalie had made an end-to-end rush. Boucher drew a 10-minute penalty, and in the last period A. Contant was sent off for five minutes for a slashing attack on Spencer. Toronto led the first period 6 to 1 and at the end of the second period had 12 goals to Cornwall's 3. King Brady, Montreal, was referee with J P. St. Thomas, Cornwall, as judge of play. {the lead throughout. week. Breaking away to a 5-to-0 lead the end of the first quarter, the Brampton boys maintained The score was 5 to 1 at the end of the gec- ond, and each team counted once in the third quarter, Calgary bid strongly in the final quarter, but the Excelsiors' defence was too good and the local stars were unable to" overtake the lead. Brampton counted twice and Cal- gary three times in the final quarter, . Mike Rodden, of Toronto, and Pete Matheson, of High River, Alta., handled the game, There were no penalties. Tigers Make It Two From Chicago Sox Chicago, Sept. 5.--The Detroit Tigers made it two in a row, when they downed the Chicage White Sox yesterday, 4 to 3. Ger- a:0. Walker's homer with two mates on base in the sixth proved to be the blow which beat Ted Lyons, who made his first start since July 27. The Sox gained a two-run lead in the first on two singles, a sac- rifice, Reynold's theft of third and Ruel's error. Three singles gave the Tigers one in the second, but two singles and an infield out save that run back to the Sox in the fourth. Two successive singles and Walker's homer gave the Tigers St. Louis Lost 3-1; Hallahan Was Wild Pittsburg, Sept. 5. -- Three walks by "Wild Bill". Hallahan | and two singles enabled the Pit'«- burg Pirates to score two runs in . the eighth inning yesterday and | defeat the St. Louis Cardinals | for the second straight time, 3 to The score was tied, 1 to 1, when Pittshurg came to bat in the eighth. Meine walked and was forced by L. Waner. Jensen bunt- ed safely. Traynor scored. L. Wener with a single. Hallahan walked P. Waner and Piet to] force in the other run. | Meine and Hallahan only six hits each. allowed | "Firemen detest false alarms? Yes, why go to blazes for no rea- son? ' * "Brerything reduced during the Lsale," Including hubby, .. we j tee lead in the sixth and the same. SOFTBALL SCORES Softball games played ¥ridey resulted as follows: T.A.8.A. Senior Herzls . 5 Willowdale ...9 0.A.8.A. Intermediate Cshawa ....11 Trenton .....7 Galt ,.......31 Paris ......10 Sarnia ......18 Strathroy ..12 Pt. Colborne 11 Merritton ...6 C. N. E. Ladies' Tourney Parksides ...9 Humber Bay..3 Jewish Interclub Pog .....10 GOI. ......8 Simcoe Park 9 Maroons .....5 | ! McCormick House Athletics ....3 Maple Leafs ..2 Twin City Playoffs Koehlers ....5 Granites 0.A'S.A. Senior Lon. Hussars 7 Windezor C-J. ..6 .1 Exhibition .Arpold's 'Ra'itts 6 King BE. Ter..2 lead without 4 struggle, Both Cincinnati ,.... Yesterday's Results. New York... 3 Brooklyn ... 0 Pittsburg..... 3 St. Louis ..m 1 Philadelphia.11 Boston ...q 1 Cincinnati....12 Chicago .... & Gameg To-day. Boston at Philadelphia. Brooklyn at New York (2), Chicago at Cincinnati. St. Louis at Pittsburg. Games To-morrow. St. Louis at Cincinnati (2), Philadelphia at Brooklyn (2)e Boston at New York. Pittsburg at Chicago, 4 o Rochester Gain With Double From Buffalo Buffalo Sept. 5.--The Roches- ter Red Wings picked up some ground on the leading Newark Bears here yesterday afternoon by registering a double triumph over the Bisons, 12 to 2 and 2 to 0 for three out of four on the series, Moss and Bell hurled superb ball for the Wings, allowing only seven hits in the sixteen innings of play. Moss was deprived of a shutout only after two Bisons were out in the ninth inning of the first game. The Bisons gathered only two safeties in eight frames but Mueller singled in the ninth and with two out, Crouse hit his six- teenth home run of the year for the only Bison scores. Herman Bell limited the Bis- ons to three hits in the second encounter only one Bison runner reaching third. The veteran Jack Bentley drove in Rochester's only tallies off Johnny Wilson with a warm single in the first in- ning. Jersey City Down Leading Newark Crew Newark, Sept. 5.--The home- coming of the Newark Bears was marred by Jersey City yesterday, when the Skeeters took the first of the four-game series, 5 to 4. The Skeeters piled up five runs in the first two innings, scoring four in the first and one in the second on seven hits off Leo Mangum, George Miner limited the Bears to four hits until the ninth, In that frame with none down he filled the bases by walking two men and hitting another by a pitched ball. Miner was replaced by Jimmie Deshong after he retired the first two men to face him. George Quellich hit a home run to clean the bases, Werber walked, but Coben fanned. Pickpocket Sentenced. Trenton. = Simon W., Levine Carnival this week, was found guil- ty by Magistrate O'Rourke and sentenced to three months determ- inate and three months indetermi- nate at the reformatory. Levine had a previous record dating from 1925, Id AN J / \ \ Turret pipe tobacco, --an aroma without contemplation in its Turret pipe tobacco, PIPE TESTED by an ARCHITECT "Old Man Raleigh made a fitting contribution when he gave us tobacco, and he left plenty of work for the blenders to do, to suit the palate of such as I; but, when I had carefully filled that first pipe with I found that here was something different; a rose without the thorn It broods The the sting. lasting qualities. packet opens up sweet and fresh and if it be possible for smoke dreams to help you materialize those 'castles in the air' then the with its Churchwarden coolness and Old World fragrancy, will do it." TURRET A good, cool smoke | \ Pipe tested OBACCO Turret fine cut for those who roll their own