Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1931, p. 6

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8 | "Inning With Seven Runs Series With Lindsay Last Night. Play in Peterberough This Aafternoon. old Lead With Win Over Canadiens. f fl il i 4 Plas Oshawa Intermediate Tennis Team Play Kingston Today. Malleables, and Chosen Friends Play in Whitby Tonight. Robson Leather vs. Long Branch at Stadium at 6.30 p.m. ME :By Daily Times in Clever ~ Display of Softball Art Guiltinan Gave Clever Dis: | "play and Restricted Visi- * tors to' Five Hits -- {Winners Score in Every The Times in particular were good, pulling off some nice heady plays to cut off rallies. The Times opened the scoring in the last of the first inning on a combination of two hits and a walk. However in the first of the second Lindsay came back after one was out to even the count with a hit and two walks to fill the bases, with one run coming in on a field- or's choice, That was the only oc- casion on which the visitors looked dangerous with Guiltinan keeping the. hits scattered and the fielders covering all kinds of territory to tdke scemingly difficult chances with ease. From the second inning it was just a parade for the "new- sies" who added one or more runs in every inning. Indeed the local team seemed to be better with two as in the seventh and and eigth innings they scored three and four runs respectively when in that position. For the winners "Rocky" Guilti- nan pitched masterly ball after the second inning to let Lindsay down with three hits, His slow deliber- ate delivery and change of pace had the batters guessing all the way. In the field the players gave their pitcher the best of support and on- ly committed three errors. Guilti- ~= Crossing Plate in Seventh and Eighth Timely hitting with men on base smart all round ball playing we the Daily Times team an even reak on the series with Bryson's § Lindsay, in their game at the ium last night. The score was 4 to 3 and is a good indication of the trend of play. In fact there were people present last night who began to wonder as the game pro- gressed how the Lindsay team were able to defeat the locals in Lindsay won Wednesday night. The crowd were only in doubt as' to the out- come in the second inning when Guiltinan became erratic and walk- ed two men in succession to fill the bags, but Lindsay were not able to "cash in on the opportunity and only scored one run to tie up the score. From that time until the ninth they were held to two hits, men out ' . Business For Sale Queen Mary Chocolate Shop At No. 20, King Street East, Oshawa Confectionery, Ice Cream and Tobacco Business, $ centrally located. Established for several years. | Ample and good fixtures. Immediate possession. For price, terms and full particulars, apply to, CONANT & ANNIS, Barristers &c., 7Y; Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontar io. nan let the opposition down with five hits all of which were scatter- ed. He struck out two batters and walked two. Gamble in the box for Lindsay had a world of speed in the early inning but seemed to lose it as the innings passed and was nicked for hits at imopportune moments. In all he allowed nineteen hits prac- tically all of which figured in the scoring, when he allowed hits they were driven hard which allowed his fielders little chance of getting in front of the ball. He struck out three and allowed four free passes, however four errors were credited to his supporters, Trott, Shelenkoff and Little fea- tured with three hits each. Little got the longest hit of the game a three base drive. Balfour and J. Campbell were the leaders for their team with two hits each, Rich got the other, Every player on The Times ted got at least one hit, Box Score R E Lindsay--010 000 002-3 5 4 Daily Times 111 211 MHx--14 19 3 The teams: Lindsay-- Balfour, c.f., Goodland c., Fever s.5., Rich 2b, Brown r.f,, J. Campbell Lf, Cuthbert 3b., C, Camp- bell 1b., Gamble p., Langdon hit for Cuthbert in the ninth, Daily Times--Troot r.f. Cornish 3 ).,, Kitchen c., Kellar 2b., Shelenkoff s., Guiltinan, p., Little Lf., Amsbury c.f., Morris 1b. Umpires -- Wills, Tohrndyke, Lindsay, Oshawa and ( Sensational Support Wins Game For Braves) | Boston, Aug. 22.--The Braves gained an edge in the series with | the Pirates by taking the third | game, 2 to 1, yesterday, Cant- well and Brame indulged in a | pitcher's battle, with Wally Ber- | ger contributing his 17th home run of the season as a potent factor in the victogy. Despite three errors by his teammates, Cantwell was given sensational support with Maran- | ville contributing severa] fielding features. The Pirates' lone run was un- earned, coming after an error by Freddie Magure. Mother: "Did you walk away when the strange boy came up and | spoke to you?" | Daughter: "Yes, mother; | both did." we i to GET RID OF THOSE HARD JOBS FOR A FEW ODD CENTS Turn all those extra cleaning jobs that take so much of your time each day over to a Premier Spic-Span. For only. 50 cents cash! And terms so light youll never notice the cost! Think of all the time you spend cleaning upholstery, odd corners, shelvings and similar places. down this time to the vanishing point--and keep your home far cleaner than any other method. The Spic-Span plugs into any electric light socket. It cleans practically everything everywhere in the house, and keeps your car upholstery speckless, as well. It has made ts old-fashioned because bs than these hard-to-use tools ever could do. The Spic:Span even deodorizes. THE PREMIER SPIC-SPAN REPELS MOTHS. clumsy vacuum cleaner att it does many more cleaning Get, yours now--and you can have easy' terms of only 50 cents cash and $1 a month added to your light bill.' But you must order now. -- SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER A Spic-Span will cut it on the remarkably QPORT IS Uncovering a sparkling attack after being forced to face a three goal deficit, in the first period, Maplé Leafs swept up to even terms before the end of the period and went on to roll up a four goal lead in the second stanza, and win the game 13 to 7 , It is rather interesting to look over some clippings from Montreal papers of several days ago, who could see nothing but a Canadien victory and a march to the cham- pionship of the league. There is no doubt about it that Canadiens have a far better goalic in "Suds" Sutherland than was the case with Jacques but the Leafs matched this advantage with burning speed in the field and a bewildering passing attack, headed by the dynamic Zimmer. - * » Ld Orono Ramblers in Peterboro To-day Orme Gamsby's Orono Ramblers, champions of the Lakeshore Base- Lall League play in Peterborough at 3.15 this afternoon against C.G.E., winners of the Peterborough district in the first round of the Ontario Playoff series, The return game will be played here on Wednesday evening of next week at the Motor City Stadium, The game will be called at 5.30 pm. Local fans should take a real live interest in the progress of the Orono team as there are a number of former Oshawa Aarab players on the roster. * * . \ Great Race In International As the International League season rapidly draws to a close, Newark, Baltimore and Rochester continue their. spectacular race for pennant honors, The Red Wings, seeking their fourth straight championship, are virtually locked in a tie with the Orioles for second place with the Bears leading their closest rivals by less than two games as the result of the games yesterday, when the Bears fell before Montreal, while the Orioles were forced to take a beating from the Red Wings, The Royals' victory raised them into a fourth place tie with the Leafs who open a series with Reading at the Stadium today, when a double-header will be played. Glen Leibhardt, clever young right-hand- er, and Guy Cantrell in all probability will do the Leafs' pitching. The Leafs' flag chances are practically nil but they are likely to have considerable say as to where the honors will eventually land as they have games scheduled with all three leaders.--Mail and Empire. Ld i * LJ Daily Times Evened Series With Lindsay If the Daily Times team played the brand of ball in Lindsay that they displayed last night it is hard to realize just how the Lindsay team walked away with the decision in the first game of the series. However, the fact remains that the local team were playing fine ball lust night and shaded their opponents in almost every department. The game was featured by the clever mound work of Guiltinan who puzzled his opponents with a change of pace and kept the five hits well scattered. The team as a whole fielded well and hit when hits meant runs, Lindsay seemed to lose heart after the sixth inning due to the regularity with which the local team added to their total, and became a little loose. Final arrangements for the third and deciding game of the series have not been made as yet. ¥ » * LJ Oshawa Tennis Team in Belleville Today The Intermediate team of the Oshawa Tennis Club are playing off with the Regis Club of Kingston in the courts of the Belleville Country Club this afternoon. The winner will take the championship of the Eastern Ontario Tennis League which was held last year by Kingston. The players who are representing the Oshawa Club are Misses London, Martin and File, and Messrs, Conant, Jamieson, McCallum, Robinson, Willis and Granik (Capt.). * * * Ld Robson Leather Play Here To-night The Robson Leather team winners of the South Ontario League are playing the first game in the playoff series here to-night with a team The game will take place at the stadium and is The return game will be played in Long Branch from Long Branch. called for 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday night, "HOW «SWIM " Martha Noreliusr Wright eS TT rrr mmm ee aaa A AAA DO'S AND DON'T'S OF DIVING The subject of diving could be made an entire separate series. Here I mention in passing some dew do's and don't"s for those who are starting to learn--as what swimmer isn't, + One of the commonest faults of the would-be diver is the feeling that he will "get the hang: of it" by jumping in feet first. Never do this. In jumping in feet first the water is forced violently up the nostrils, often with serious injury to 'the sinus tubes. Rather, start your diving from a platform only slightly raised from the water. Stand facing the water with the arms raised and the hands touching, legs together. Bend forward gracefully' allowing gravity to pull you from the platform into thc water, A few bumps won't hurt from this height, and soon you will find yourself slipping into the water easily and naturally. The height of the plunge may be increased gra- dually. . Be sure always to have at least eight feet of water beneath you. Shallow diving is not only dangerous, but the thought that you must rise to the surface abruptly to avoid the bottom, unconsciously throws you out of form. Every movement of the dive must be executed with the fundamental idea of grace in mind, Diving is a most useful practice for. girls, as this striving after graceful, supple anotion teaches poise and is an excellent aid to correct carriage, Be sure to keep the' head in line with the upraised arms, Keep the arms and legs together during the entire passage through the air, and never bend the knees or ankles while in the air, Later the "Swan" or open-arm dive may be mastered, and of course the back dive may be taken from the start. If you have practised underwater swimming as described earlier in the series, you will find this an aid in starting the dive. While plenty of water is necessaty when diving from the water level and from heights, it is always possible to start the dive when in waist- high water, taking off trom the bottom, even before the swimming strokes arc properly mastered, i "THE RIGHT AND WRONG WAY TO HIT THE WA Be sues AND HAVE Site OF WATER -- == TO-MORROW--WATCH YOUR CONDITION This year, as usual, to some, The styles will mean a lot; But as for me, they'd better be What I've already got! _ "Mrs. Allblow wag just telling me her daughter has married a man of means." '""And she's quite correct, for if there was ever a man who means to do this, that, and the other,| The man who wishes he had land never does anything, the one," bop he's | never been born is not the onl ons who regrets ty Maple Leafs Scored Win On Canucks Toronto, Aug. 22.--Maple Leafs strenghtened their grip on top place in the International Professional Box Lacrosse League last night at the Arena Gardens with a 13 to 7 victory over Cana- diens, coming from under , an early deficit to sweep the Flying Frenchmen aside in a spectacular passing assault. The Leafs gained their margin in the second per- jod when they set a whirlwind Pace to race in four goals, break- ing a four-all tie and establishing a lead that Newsy Lalonde's col- lection could not reach. The game was an even struggle between two speed machines most of the game with the excep- tion of the second period when the Leafs ran wild and Jerry Kendal set the pace. The blond- haired little Brampton sniper rushed in two goals to give the locols a lead in the mid-session while he also added a goal in the first and final periods and ac- counted for two assists. Canadiens put special checks on Norm Zimmer, the Leafs scor- ing ace and while he was under control most of the time Jerry Kendal did the damage. Kendal was here, there and everywhere but always in a position to take a pass or make a drive on the Canadiens' citadel. It seems that the Leafs uncover a new star with every game. First it was Burry, then Large in goal, next Martin the Indian and last night Jerry Kendal and the latter on his all-round racing play was as good as any of his star team- mates at their best, BASEBALL RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won. Lost. P.C. 76 56.576 Baltimore 76 59 .563 Play Golf During the Day Downsview Golf Link. A public course, full length nine holes, During day ...... 25¢ Rental fee for Clubs dun ani 3 25¢ until 5 p.m. Rte tt NOTICE We are now located at our new store 7 KING ST. EAST Scotland Woolen Tailors. Co. Rochester ... Toronto ... Montreal ... Reading Jersey City ..... Buffalo ..... 562 611 511 .481 .406 Yesterday's Results, Montreal... 6 Newark Rochester... 8 Baltimore Only games played. Games To-day. Reading at Toronto (2), Jersey City at Buffalo. Newark at Rochester. Baltimore at Montreal, Games To-morrow, Newark at Rochester, Jersey City at Buffalo, Baltimore at Montreal, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won. Lost, Philadelphia ... &3 22 Washington 71 46 New York 67 19 Cleveland 56 60 St. Louis . 49 67 Chicago ......., 47 70 Boston 47 70 Detroit 72 Yesterday's Results, Washington, 6 Cleveland Detroit. ...11 Boston New York..11 St. Louis Philadelphia.15 Chicago Games To-day. Washington at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Chicago. New York at St. Louis Boston at Detroit, Games To-morrow Washington at Detroit. Philadelphia at St, Louis (2). 2 | champion | but New York at Chicago (2). Boston at Cleveland. a ------------------ NATIONAL LEAGUE Won. Lost. P.C. .636 .565 555 512 .487 475 412 .361 Brooklyn Boston .,,. Pittsburg Philadelphia Cincinnati sees mss BB ees 49 43 Yesterday's Results Boston..... 2 Pittsburg ... 1 Other games postponed--Rain Games To-day. Pittsburg at Boston. Chicago at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at New York. St. Louis at Philadelphia Games To-morrow Louis at Boston (2), Pittsburg at Brooklyn (2). Chicago at New York (2). St. | PHILADELPHIA WON HARD HITTING GAME Chicago, Aug. 22.-- The world Philadelphia Athletics outhit 14 to 10 yesterday, 10 walks and three errors helped them to a 15 to 12 victory over the White Sox, Rube Walberg started for the A's, and although belted out of the box in the sixth, when the scored five times, was credit- ed with his eighteenth victory of the season. The victory gave Philadelphia an edge of two to one in the ser- were Sox Premium By-Product Coke D&H Cone-cleaned Anthracite Welsh Blower Coal Fill Your Bin Now Body Wood, Hard and Soft Slabs Cut Stove Length and Dry DIXON COAL Co. TELEPHONE 22 Five Direct Lines bya FOREST RANGER 15¢. and 20c. packages --algo in }4-pound screw-top tins. TURRET « A good; cool smoke Y= Pipe tested PIPE TESTED --_-- ji I \i "Pitching camp one night after a hard trip, I found I had left my tobacco behind. A Forest Ranger offered me a pipeful of Turret pipe *tobacco, and right away I noticed a difference. What a cool, satisfying smoke--I was impressed. Next day I bought a half-pound tin. Turret pipe tobacco has become as necessary to my pipe as gas is to the family car. One pipeful is enough to make a friend of any smoker--you need only. ask the woodsmen and the trappers. They know good tobacco and use lots of it--why shouldn't they when it's Turret pipe tobacco!" PIPE OBACCO Turret fine cut for those who roll their own

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