Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1931, p. 1

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ceseding = OSHAWA. a A The ¢ Oshawa Rifooman. "All the News While It Is "News " AY, AUGUST .13, 1931 YR AA YT TWELVE PAGES | 100L EX AM. RES j Joan ENCOURAGED BY © FIRST EVENT HELD HERE While Nab of Eno Exhibits © in All Classes * 'WWere Much Admired by Visitors to Show MRS. F.L . MASON WON 5 HIGHEST POINTS Saciety Complimented On * Success by 'Government - Departmental Judge -- Prize Winning Exhibi- tors Are Announced Visitors to the Oshawa Horti- cultural Society Flower and Veg- etable Show, held through the kindness of the management of the fenosha Hotel, in the main ahet hall yesterday, were From two in the after- Hom aoa untll ten o'clock in the ev- there was a-steady stream hg tors. All © left vin, Jean favorably impress wit @ first attempt at such an ai- by ie sosists. creditable show, Be] Eo by , of To "who acted as judge. Mr. "was, however, 'rather as- hed: by the small number of entries and said that for a so. of as many as four hun. 'members there should have e C that was in the hotel during the hours. of the show, Gordon Bunker, president of the Society, express- ne th he fks to the patrons, both who entered their products who visited the display fing the day. He was assist- ng nting the prizes by R. phy, treasurer of 'the So- "Horticultural" Society.' vs. Helen Howlett was award- for holding the sec- 'number of points; a. tor or weil sein wis CALLS COUNCIL: TO CONFERENCE Acting Mayor Holding Special Meeting To Con- fer With Chamber of Commerce A special meeting of "City Council, in committee of the whole, has been called by the acting Mayor, Ald. P, A. Macdon- ald, at eight o'clock tomorrow evening, for the purpose of con- ferring with the utive Com- mittee of the Cham of Com- merce on the matter of unemploy ment and public works. While Ald. Macdonald would not make any official comment on this matter, it is understood that tomorrow night's conference between the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce has been called as a direct result of the conversation between the acting Mayor and W. H. Moore, M.P., reported in yesterday's issue of this paper, and during which the possibility was mentioned that the n Government may undertake public works In the immediate future, as a measure of unemployment relief. PARTY LEADERS IN CONFERENCE Politieat" Opponents in Great Britain Discuss| Plans to Deal WithEco- nomic Crisis Londo, Aug. 2b Party. lead- ers are gathering for an Bpstpect -ed conference on steps to balance budget. the Unexpectedly ud dramatically, Rt, Hon, Stantey servative eager, ge is un urgent: request from Prime we Siner r Ramsay Me- boriain' travetiog. lled overnight ap Pig 'e. | Scotland. Sir Herbert BY representing Rt, A. Lloyd George, also cut short is holidays and returned to It is believed assurances have been deal- vo" of the' d the my committe Ark Lsuntinue us ts deli- ae BIND CONCERT IN COWAN PARK ah Cy --. -- o Program For This Even ing -. ) "F overture, * Wis FINED $100 FOR MEAN OFFENSE| Howard Street Woman Planted Liquor in Neigh- bor's Garden --- Reaped Consequences This Morning. Convicted of what was describ- ed in court as a 'mean, contempt- ible offense,"" Mrs. Mary Ostafi- chuk, 618 Howard Street, was this morning fined $100 costs or three months in jail for having liquor f{llegally. The liquor was found in the garden of Wasel Dmi. ttaw, 588 Howard Street, where, Magistrate Creighton was convinc- ed, accused had "planted" it in an effort to get Dmytraw into trou- ble. Most of the evidence of the pro- secution was heard several days ago when Les Samelak, a boarder at the Ostafichuk home, testified that accused had told him she was going to hide a bottle of lig- uor in Dmytraw' s garden and then inform :the police. Samelak's story was confirmed by Mrs, Wil- liam Igel, wife of Court Interpret- er Igel who told of Mrs, Ostafl- chuk and Samelak coming to her home. « Mrs. Ostafichuk telephon- ed from there to the Dmytraw home to tell about the liquor in the garden. But after she had left, Mrs. Igel had testified Same- lak, whose conscience seemed to be troubling him, returned and explained that his landlady had "planted" a bottle of liquor on the. Dmytraw premises. The police, informed by Mrs. Ostafichuk that there was liquor hidden in her neighbor's yard, visited the place, Interpreter Igel finding the bottle in a bean patch. The analysis showed that it was ligour which had not been pur. chased from a government vendor. In the witness box this morn~ ing, accusell blamed the episode Samelak: He had told her, pr sald. + dt he had been drink- ISR Boia oF Hor Th the kar | © gar- the accused, submitted that the crown 'tailed to prove that Mrs. Dmytraw had liquor illegally. ers are gathering for an unexpect guilty, especially as. there was evidence that Mrs. Ostafichuk had Beeri quarreling with the Dmy- 'traw a oh cl ARE INVITED 10 VISIT HOSPITAL Program "Marking 21st Birthday Arranged for . Today--Benefactors Be- ing Honored on: Anni- versary. Among the names of those who are being honored today in celebrat- ing the twenty-first birthday of the Oshawa eral Hospital are sever- benefactors, prominent public-spir- od Bin of tv ho, throu eir efforts donations have been instrumental in bringing the hospital to its present high standard of efficiency, The present surgical wing of the hospital was only possible through the most generous financial support of thetlate George H. Pedlar, this 3 wing being erected in 1914, For many ears, J. D. Storie man- aged the affairs of the Hospital Board, | in addition to which his gen- 3 gifts made several important build 3 exictoions possible, e ! X a | Further, there is no doubt that oi the rowth and oii dhe i in. . 1 od ing Pct bi Fiy He i Sh (ED ni EVVilliamny A short program '.has been ar- ranged at the Hospital this iter: Of i Ll Luria ahi in onl Hyman, who appeared for | Will Take New Contus Of Local Unemployed Registration Will Commence on Saturday, According To Plans Made By Finance Committee of City Coun- cil Last Night At the s; 1 meeting of'the Finance Committea of City Coun- cil held yesterday evening, fol- lowing the announcement made by Premier George 8. Heary to the effect that the Ontario Gov- ernment requires definite figures regarding the extent of unem- ployment in every municipality, it was decided to garry out a complete new registration of all imén and women who are with- out work in this city. Ald. P, A. Macdonald, chair- man of the committee and acting Mayor sthted to The Times this morning that the City Clerk, F. E. Hare, had been instructed to get jn touch with the proper de- partment of the Ontario Govern- ment this morning with the view to ascertaining just what infor- mation of a special fature is called for in these new lists. The system of registration used for the census 'of unemployed taken in Oshawa during June will be the basis upon which the new lists will be compiled, and pres- ent plans are for registration to commence on Saturday morning of this week, continuing on Mon- day and Tuesday or until com- pleted. Major Hamilton, superinten- dent of the Government Employ- ment Bureau, and his staff, are again co-operating in this work as they did in June, and the new registration for the informa- tion of the Ontario Government will be carried out in Major Hamilton's office. BURNED T0 DEATH IN GARAGE FIRE| Explosion Follows Gasoline or Alcohol Being Poured Into Radiator of Car Battle Creek, Mich, Aug. 13 -- Five persons were burned to death today in a fire and explosion in a garage on the eastern city limits. The fire started from an explosion which occurred as an employe in the rear of the bui ured gas- oline or alcohol into the radiator of a motor car, believing it to be wa- ter. There were fifteen persons in the garage and all could not escape the roof , Firemen recovered five bodies but it was not determined how many others were urned. Identification of the vic- tims has riot yet been made, mfr ---- Chased By Bull Milton. -- Chased by a fero- clous' bull, George Leslie, trea surer of Esquesing township, had 4 narrow escape from being killed or seriously gored when the animal charged him as he was crossing a field on a farm near here. GANDHI REFUSES 10 G0 TO LONDON Indian Delegation Will Not Attend Second Round Table Conference Bombay, India, Aug. 13--The In- dian National Congress today decid- ed definitely mot to participate ip the second round table .conferénce o. Indian affairs at London this a Mahatma Gandhi's son, Devidas Gandhi, said as he left the meet- ing of the congress working com. hittes, ay here po valitely no chance that' my fag will go 'to Londen: committee's decision te nave 2d art in the conference upon charges of "re- serious breaches of the i pact by the Provincial Gov- ment." Gandhi sald he had not any present intention o remewing his "civil disobedience campaign." We will strive to fulfifiifil our part of the Delhi pact, which need not necessarily be considered rescind. ed by to-day's decision, Of course if the Government makes our po- sition. utterly intolerable we must act in self defense." HEADS DEPARTMENT R. N. GRAINGER Named to succeed C. E. McTavish as Parts and Service Manager for all products of General Motors of Canada Ltd. Mr. Grainger has been with General Motors for the st ten years, For the past year e was assistant manager in the department which he now heads prior to which he was Western Parts and Service Manager with hesdquarters in Winnipeg and later in Regina. - BOYS. WERE GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE Sentence Suspended By Po- lice Magistrate In Case of Five Local Youths. With the firm belief that aoae of the Loys would ever Lreal the law caged. It given another chune,n the police court was mir- citnl tcday in dealing with fie 15¢ca' lads, all of reipiet.l fame es, whe pleaded guilty tu = ear cf breaking ind envi.rg tas bomae of Mrs. =. lL. *ickery 193 King street east, betwee the June 30 and Aug. 7 and stealing 4 quantity of cigars, cigarettes rnd other articles. The youthful quintet appeared quite penitent in police court this morning and seemed "isibly im- pressed with the straightforward advice which was handed to them by Magistrate Creighton ard Crown Attorney Mec(iibben, who impressed upon them the al of this institutions most generous | 'splendid store form ars wie i] Bowra's Electric and Hardware Shop Opening Friday in New Premises Former Store of Arcade, Limited, Has Been Transformed Into a Mod: Well Known = Oshawa Firm -- Hardware t-- Branchi it ints Noes of im and § Boing i th Ardids Limi 25.5) Street Fogo - oo tric Shop tomorrow starts Daw 2 of a L progressive of merchandise to be the public of Oshawa. ! of acquiring larger n rl | require. 10 | lishment. ment, featuring radio recelving sete, electric stoves, electric wash- ers, and all kinds of electrical equipment for the home and of- fice. Anything which the howgse- wife or the business' man may the way of electrical gcods will be found there, aud with that there goes the kind of service for which the BoWra Electric has been noted as élec- trical contractors capable of hand lin even the biggest of contracts, the: centre of the us 'store is an sland with 100° feet of counter and display shace for the showing of the sma! Hor r inge of hardware. On vhe left ® store are further hardware sup- plies and display space, while at the rear on the left is a sp! didly stocked paint department, Rvenything has been d for the convenierye of th siiop- Ant Det who will be sure to. flock to fe new store, with ample space for the inspection of the many | lines of products to be taere. The store will be a rave- lation' to those who visit it, since it is 1aid out along *he most 1 modern lines, with attractive fix- | tures and display" cases, aud To- presents the last word, so far as 5 hava is concerned, in an elec. trical goods and hardware estab- The extension of the. business | to includa the hardware depart- : detract seri of their offence. The Crown Attorney and magistrate were united in deciding that the lads should be given a second chance. The five boys, Morris Proctor, Jack Fleming, Ross Rumbough, Arnold MacLean, and James Webster were each placed on sus- rended sentense for a period of two years. All were placed on bend of $500, with the exception of Webster, whose mother is a ywidow. The fathers of the boys also go on bond while under con- dition of the suspended sentence each boy must be responsible to his father. The seriousness of their offanca was impressed upon the youths by Magistrate Creighton and Crown Attorney McGibhon who pointed out that under the law they were fiable to'« maximum grison term of 14 yeyrs The court, however, was convinced that none.of the boys Intended to Iced a life of crime and that if given the opportunity each would become a law abiding * citiezm. Three of the lads, Proctor, Flam- ing and Rombough had never | Ai been in trouble of any kind be. fcre, Crown Attorney McGibbon sald, while the other two, Mac. Lean and Webster had each ap- reared in Juvenile court for a minor offence. "This offence I. bel'eve was committed on the spur of the moment," Mr. McGibhon said. 'These boys should be. leaders among their fellows, sett'ug a .good example, (But they hati too, mech latitude, too' muen money "to spend and too many plaainures. They had a car and had to buy pan for it , . . All the boys have | A been frank with me in cleaning | thie thing up. Complete resiitu- tion will be made." DELAYED BY WEATHER Nome, Alaska, Aug. M-Lowering clotids and rain toda ay 4 Jelayed ihe the | departure of 'Col. and Mrs. Chatles Lindbergh, flying vacationists, for e 'Orient but | 0 ers said it. was "very OF | doubtful" if' the take off for the 34 F | berian coast could": be made this | morning as planned. WEATHER Lower Lakes Region--Moder- dp unsettled 1 2nd ' rate nors theenst dg and 1 athe cael night and LTS SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS + IN DEPARTMENTAL TEST" | "ARE NOW ANNOUNCED Results pt the recent middle school examinations have now been rel d for publication with about, 200 students of the Oshawa Collegiate Institute hav- ing been successful in passing the departmental tests. Principal A. E, "O'Neill is at present out of the city on his annual vacation, so that any au- thoritive comment on the general result of the examination is at present impossible, The result of the candidate's ex- amination is indicated by papers as follows: First grade proficiency (75-100)-1st, Second grade profi- ciency (66-74)-2nd, Third Grade proficiency (60-65)-. 3rd, Credit with- out proficiency (50-59 Anderson, Annie -- "Eng, Comyp., Ist; Eng, Lit, 3rd; Can, Hist, C; Algebra, 2nd. Andison, Frank--Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit, 1st; Can. Hist, 2nd; Alg. 1st; Chem, 1st. Andison, Jack -- Physics, 3rd; Chem., 2nd; Lat. Comp, C Andrews, Lewis--Eng. Comp., C; En. Lit, C; Can, Hist, 2nd; Alg,|3 2nd; Chem, C, Annis, Doris--Geom., C; Fr. Au, 3rd; Fr. Comp, 2nd. Ardiel, Robert--Eng. Comp, 3rd; Eng. Lit, C; Can, Hist, C, Arkless, Delbert--Chemistry, C. Armstrong, Jean--Can, Hist, Chem, C, C; Eng. Lit, C; Can, Hist, C; Alg, C3 Chem., 3rd. 2a Edwards, Sophie -- 2nd.; Eng. Lit, pot us | 3nd; Alg, 1st; cat Lc Everson, Maude -- Eng. Comp, 34d; Eng, Lit, C; Chem, C; Lat, Comp., . Fisher, Mary -- Anc. Hist, C; Geom., 2nd; Phys, C; Lat. Au, C; Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Au, C; FR Comp., 3r Fishleigh, Ruth--Anc, Hist, 2nd; Geom., 2nd; Lat. Au, 2nd; Lat Comp., C; Fr. Au., 3rd; Fr. Comg,, Ci Greek "Au. C; Accid., 3rd. Fletcher, Mary--Eng, Comp, Cs Eng, Lit, C; Alg, C; Chem, C Garbutt, Lloyd--Eng. Comp., C; Alg, C; Chem, C. Gay, Harry--Can. Hist., C; Geom. C; Chem., 3rd. Germond, Jack--Eng. Comp, Ci. Alg., lst; Chem. 3rd, Gibbs, Raymond--Anc. Hist, Jad; Geom., 2nd; Phys, 2nd; Lat, Au, 2nd; Lat. Comp, C; Fr. Au, 2nd; Fr. "Comp. C. Gifford, Owen--Eng. Comp., 2nd; Eng, Lit., C; Can, Hist., 3rd; Chem, 3rd. Gilbert, Marion--Geom., C. Gillette, lock Eng Comp, ards i Eng. Lit, C; Can st, C; Alg., 1st; Chem., 3rd. Ist; Glass, Mary -- Eng. Com a ig Eng. Lit, 1st; Can, Hist. 2n Alg, 2nd; Chem. c Gorman, Kathleen -- Eng, Comp, Ashton, Helen--Eng. Comp. C;|C, Eng. Lit, C; Can, Hist., C; Chem, 3rd. 'Bale, Margaret--Eng. Comp., C; En. Lit, 3rd; Can, Hist, 2nd; Alg., C; Chem, C 'Baron, Aanie Eng. Comp., 3rd; Can. Hist. 2nd. Bell, i 2 Komp, 3rd; Eng. Lit, <i 3p Hist, C ; Alg. 3rd; Chem. : Bell, Lanne. Hist, 3rd; Alg., C; Lat. Au, 3rd; Lat, Comp. 2nd; Fr. Au, Ist; Fr. Comp., 2nd; Ger- man Ad, C. Boddy, Norman--Chem., 2n; Bond, Irene--Eng. Comp. ya dn Lit, C; Can, Hist, C; Alg, ; Chem., C. Bradley, Bruce -- Eng, Lit, C; Can, Hist, C; Alg, C Britton, ' James -- Can. Hist, C;|F Geom, ; Chem, 1st; Fr. Au, C; Be Ct C Fe Coity P reie--Chisin,. 2nd; Lat. Au, C; Fr. Au, 1st; Fr. Comp, 2nd. Brown, Sheola--Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, C; Alg., 2nd; Chem., 3rd. Brownlee, Thelma -- Eng. Pp. 3rd; Eng. Lit, 2nd; Can. Hist, C; C3 Chem, 3r ruce, Robert -- Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit, 3rd; Can. Hist., 3rd; rh Ist; Chen, Ist c: n, arion-oEng, Lit, Can, Hist, C; Alg, C. 2nd; Alg, ne 3d; Fr. ~--Anc, His hys., 1st; Hist, Its 1st; Eng. Lit, 3rd; Can..Hist., 1st; 3rd; Geom, 1st; Phys, 1st; Lat Canning, Mabel--Eng, arson, Lawrence--Anc, Hist, C; 3rd; Geom. 2nd; Phys. 3rd; Lat, Chang, Sng F bf) Lat. Av. Chapman, Helen--An. Hist, 3rd; Germ. Au, C; Germ. nC Cha, ell, John '-- Eng, Lit., C; Clarke, John--Eng. Lit., C; Can. Alf 3 ooper, Edith -- An, Hist, 2nd; Fi Comp., Ist. Ga, -- An. Hist, C; Coulthurst, Marguerite -- Ale, Au, 2n Cons, Geont, 1st; Cameron, Margaret--Eng. Comp., Alg, 1st; Chem. 1st. meron, William -- Anc. Hist, Au, 2nd; Lat, Comp, 2nd} Fr. Au, 2nd; Fr. Comp., 2nd. Comp., 5 . Lit, 3rd; Arith, Ea Ye Chem, 3rd. Cawker, Harry A. -- Anc. Hist, Au, Gi Ea. mp, C; Fr. Au, 3rd; Fo Tr. Au, a; 14 Com Geom, C ; Lat. Au, 2nd; Lat. Comp. 3rd; Sr Au, Ist; Fr. Comp, 2nd; Chappell, James--En, Can. Hist, C; Alg,, 1st; Chem. A Fan, ist, 3rd; Alg, lst; Chem., Citi, Leta--An, Hist, C; Lat, Hist,,C; Alg., 1st;* , Ist, Consul Douglas' -- Can, Hist, C;|a Geom 2nd; Phys, 3rd; Lat. A 4 Slat GC Comp., 3rd; Fr. "Au, It; George Geom Tati" . Phys, 2nd; Fr, Au, |over aud--~Greek Au, C. Hist., lst; Seon, 3rd; Lat. a 1 hi da € Ist; bi Comp, t, 3rd; Geom, \ Sr Er Cr t. Comp., Gp Fr. Au, 3rd; Fr, oon 2nd, i ¢ ca He ¢ Lilfan--Eng. Lit, C; Hist. C3 Ig, 1st. FORE Lit, C: on Gi Std hei C; or 2 ri ecom., C; Fr, Dell' Evelyn--Eng. Eng. Lit, 2nd; Al AV ov Drake, 5 i William ~-- E; Lit 2 San, Hist, C; Alg, ae jo Au, | Goyne, Blanche--Geom., C; Chem 3rd; Fr. Comp, C. Greenley, Harold -- Eng. 3rd; Eng. Lit, 2nd; Chem, C, Gunter, Mary--Eng. Lit, C Haines, Muriel--Eng. Comp, Cs Eng. Lit, 2nd; Can. Hist, 3rd; Algs, 2nd; Chen, 3rd. GALLEY--2-- Halleran, Bruce--Chem., 3rd. Harris, John--Eng, Comp., Eng. Lit., nds Can. Hist., 1st; = C; Chem, Hart, inet ag: Lit 4. 2 2niz. Hist., ' Ry Lat. Comp., C, . Henley, Jack -- Anc. Hist, Ist; Geom, 2nd; Phys, 2nd; Lat. Au, id Lat. Comp. Ist; Fr. Au, 18t; Comp., 1st; Au," 1st; iy Comp, 2nd. Henley, Marjorie--Fr. Au, 3d; Fr. Comp, } Hennick, Anne--Lat. Au, C; Fr. Au, C; Fr, Comp, C; Germ. Au, C3 Germ. Comp. 3rd. Pitan Jack--An, Hist, C; Geom, | gts Doraine--Eng. Comp., cc R. Hicks 'Doraine--Eng. Comp., ci Eee. Li ey icks, Wesley--Phys.,, C. Hockins, Frances--Eng.-Comp., Eng. Lit, 3rd s i, Chem. € li we Houlihan, Sylvester -- An, Hist: 1st; Geom., 3rd; Phys, Ist; Lats: Au, lst; Lat. Com 2nd; Fr. dust at Fr. 'Comp wd Cc: ames, Justine -- Au, C; Fr. Au, 1st; Fr. Comp, Johnson, Edward--Eng, Comp, (Continued on page fri CASE ADJOURNED men, who are arcaied of % conduct, were remanded ug, 2 The ht between McDonald Farkas. was held on Simcoe St. o weeks ago, and for a the com combat iatened to ONLY FACES LE SERIOUS CH Lloyd Cook Not " Fubicing Evidence Toronto, tan Jack--An Hist. Ist; 'Geom | Re 2nd; Lat. Au, 2nd; Fr. iowa ied Ea Con. CF Eduiondson, Louise Es accident C; Ane. hie 3 Lai. -- Lod Cd Ac ; "éwardy Bonald--Eag, Comp, co the error,

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