af em mmr i "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1931 ) 1] STERN ONTARIO NEWS *» ' { was holding a shotgun when th: Pos i | Vork and tHe others in Massachus cut, ie of afly profibition law" © Ive i er pe Fo .CT.U, as "ges- in ew NEE iy Five of these were couple who "prove to 'the satis- faction of a judge and' jury they have spent the fits. year of mar- ried life in harmony &nd never at any moment wished they had delayed marrying. Thi. year, how , there were yoming. oh Tu "Memorials to, Congress for a constitutional convention failed in California, - Illinois, . Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, but were successful in Mas- fener: adopted in Connecticutiand Ww P 4 seed tures: cross-ezamined, the whole trai | closely foll Chose although It was Inevitably humorous fi. character. The jury consisted/Tollowing the tradition of six waidens and six bachelors moderyu court TANT GOUNTRY 10 wil x - -- The propused engagement of 3 financial expert from the. Bril I'feasury, announced by Sir} Richdrd Sqisires, was endorsed and it was recommended that. he be given ample authority to investi- CONSULT EXPERT Pity cut Rhode Island, AR Le girls, who were visiting prohibition fight ts as 1! the Quackedbrush home, Were ee Bil, oatifornin. 1, with him at the time and had. defea : being] orado, Conf Delaware, sen fotiona. Tow, icici, Migr Nebraska, New Je io, Okla- homa, e Island Col TT. Gibbons, the judge in Chae the jury exhorted tke me 8 to give care to their du- ' he was sure they would e eligible for any future oc- jons, three flitches of bacon offered, so that three claiming couples were satisfied. The first claim- arts were a couple from Notting Hist, London, who keep a board- irg house. 'Their testimony was corroborated by thei servant, who had heen in the ey ploy. of the wife before the. e. ' er understand that Mr. Jax 13 not master' in his own' ' said counsel. ystic ser. gate and advise un all matters hav- ing to do with the Dominion fiscal position, - The Board held that it would be inadvisable, in that connection, to divide the finances into two parts, finances préper and undertakings of a commercial nature. It was felt that any such arrangement would limit the scope and authority of the expert's work, Provision of a sinking fund for outstanding Government bonds and reorganization of the auditing sys- tem were also recommended. es ------ sachussetts, New York and Wyom- ing. . HAPPILY MARRIED = | COUPLES HONORED is | Centuries + Old Custom .. of Dunmow Flitch Revived le-In-One ' Renfrew.--Dr. K. L. McDowell, : a friendly game of gol the course with Frank Dunn, @ the first hole-in-one in the of the Renfrew Club. The as made on'the eighth green h is 130 yards from the tee a ravine 45 feet in depth. was anviron shot direct ibe hag hting on the green ou to. carry fit t to the : pin. : wo REA weapon. sceidently. discharged. niowiag of his left hand, The two 'ON FINANCING British Treasury Expert Is Suggested by Newfound: land Trade Board More than eight centuriss ago: the prior of Dunmow Abbey awarded a flitch of bacon t- a married couple who had lived happily together for a year. hut the award is believed to have had its origin in even more remote times. References to this strange watrimonial prize appear in the poems of many bards from Chaucer onwards. In recent cen- trries the award has been .re- newed only occasionally, Hung Himsefl =~ NE alieviller -- Gordon Franklin Davis, 12, son of Mr. and' 'Mrs. john Davis, Canal Bridge, near Trenton, and the fourth, of Sight children, 'took his own life by "Tur Quebec hanging late Friday afternoon 0 Turger, V.C., it £ ve n- | 8 barn, which stands at Be rear and former head of (ho CE. | of the Davis home. . Dr.. Dux hile p pen coroner at: Brighton, wan, eal led ey one of the tires GeV {and with Chief Bain of Wreatel bors of Ale Pe legislation | Went. 10 the scant to investigate > nd after a ring the list i RR et a iod considered 'an inquest un- to be English and one necessary. nch-speaking. It is under- that nearly 200 applications ve been received for the three positions. p A Visitor 'Euterprise.--On Sunday even- ag the members of St. John's An- Bikar St. John's N'fld., Aug. 6A thor- ough , examination of expenditures cessation of expenditures on non- productive 'work, and an examina- tion into the different sources of revenue, including revision of duties, and the application of more effec- tive measures to check smuggling were recommended in resolution passed by the Board of Trade at a meeting called to discuss steps for reorganization of the country's finances. it, and a f wet strength coll an att to men which failed to pass. "Wets introduced measures. pro- viding Jer. - ie « seferends, in lif indiana, Mic n, Mis- Calan. Jersey. Ohio, Washing- ton, New Mexico, and Minnesota. All failed. | | ds 4 "Bills to stage ref on the 18th amendmént failed in California, Delaware, Indiana, Missouri, New "No--T'am," the vant emphatically Shy domestic "So if there &%m your shotil- squabbles they founsel, / ders," persistf any' the dom- *"There -aféplied. : estic quicks any vacancies for "Are it your home," asked admiring despair. heard conncouple were examined and An Irish priest was add bis flock on the dangers of nr temperance, and consluded his herangue with thess words:-- "Drink, my children, makes you beat your wives, starve y+ur tam- ilies and shoot, your landlords ay, and miss them, too!" MOST ed until 2.30 Friday morn. > They are the Only Dealers Who Sell the PYRITE | Tires Selected by 49.29% of Motorists Was Wel Kein Participating in a Nation:Wide Vote Den Sa aatiomtiy pa. B. More people go to Goodyear dealers for tires than to dealers in any other brand. thority on tfopical mediciie, who died recently jn New York City, was a native of Willfomsbury township and an uncle of Mrs. H. Why? Because Goodyear dealers sell the tires the kind of service most people want. Goodyear dealers have a Goodyear. Dunmow, Essex, Aug. 6.--(C. P.)--Hundreds of * holiday-mak- ers thronged the. meadows out- side this ancient town yesterday for the revival of the centuries- old custom of the Dunmow fitch, traditionally awarded to the To reach the top »f the tree one needs an incentive, says a business man. A bull for in- stunce. ment. "are Fight In Cafe : Peterborough. -- Tom Moon Wee, an employee in the Louis Cafe on Charlotte Street, lies in '| st. Joseph's hospital with a leg fractured in two places and wil- liam Hope and Simon J. Mahon- ey are faced with charges of do- ing grievous bodily harm as the result of a fight in the Louis Cafe shortly before midnight last night. Church were favored with vigit from Bishop Seager. ¥ha jelivered a very f{mpress - fe from Matthew, 7th chapter, '91st verse. Not every one tha! aith unto me 'Lord, Lord shall 'enter into the Kingdom of Heav- "en; but he that doeth the will ot my Father which is in Heaven. Near Bowmanville Belleville. -- While motoring from Toronto to Belleville to at- tend the funeral of the late John -~ Dolan, Mrs. Nugent, Miss New Hospital Wing Burke were seriously injured in © Kingston. -- Progress towards | an automobile accident near Bow- "ihe completion of the interior of | manville. They were jaken 0 "the new wing of the Hotel Dieu | the Bowmanville General Hosp! Hospital is being continued and | tal where they received med cal while no definite information can attention. All three members of be obtained, it is understood that | the party are from Toronto. the wing will likely open early in September. Several donations of | Fire Destroyed Barn furnishings for rooms have been Lindsay. -- Thursday evening, _ yeceived and more are anticipated | gq. destroyed the barn of Fred before the addition is formally | yackett, of Fenelon Falls. ~The opened. structure was built two years ago z : and was only partially covered 'by A Serious Calamity Averted insurance. A team of horses was = Peterborough. -- The 13-year-| rescued in the nick of time, but wold son of Marcus Quackenbrush, the contents of the barn were to- of South Lake, near Peterboro,', | {ally destroyed. Caused Trouble Was ---- When a hired man on the farm of A. Gamble on the March Road at South March, near school house, endeavored to burn out a wasp's nest situated in old log fence he started a which has been smoul@erin the past week and pro stant menace to the bay. being grown ou the lar The Nepean fire bri ' i il 07 Hospital collarbone and suf- pi Wasp stings received tpg trip on Thursday of . Mr. Day, with Pr. W. #s, left the city on Thurs itternoon and proceeded us s Sharbot Lake, where they 1H | | iH Hit lit i B. Wright, Jr., and Mrs. B. Tucker, this town. 5 years received, when thousands of Canadian motorists were asked "If you were buying a tire today, what make would you buy™ When one make of tires is as popular as 21 others makes combined, wouldn't it be s good tire for you to know all about? And the best placeto find out about Tires is Goodyear Selected Dealers--who have far custo. mers than dealers in any other brand. 8 -Fly-Tox Bi. | Fly-Tox Sprays TIRE delectec Dealer ES ---- {| Washington, Aug6--A survey by hn | the: Women's Christian Toman y & Lovell Ltd iif | Union of the 41 State Legislatures i : * [ff] which met this year was summariz: Bt. E. -- Simcoe 8t, 8, [ll] ed in the announcement yesterday 28 Phone 68 that 7,000 legislators considered 115 "wet measures" and rned without moditying or repealing one Goodyears are Priced as Low as 7 Any Tires You Would Consider as MORE PEOPLE RIDE OM GOODYRAR TIRES THAN ON ANY