Ey: told of the need for Christ in | #ifer Christian living. |" choir from Brougham led the con- " %-gregational singing, and also gave ces. © +. Mrs. D. A, Scott, Misses Margar- . © et Graham and Margaret Macnab, | Stouffville, on Civic Holiday, and 2 . sieonducted in a most orderly man- - £'&Boir of Young People led in the evening service in a very accept- . | o Isat, resulted in a tie with neither * "the Indies each receiving a beauti- ' "Hassock. The Ford Tudor car : Stoke ' ronto, Ml Hailes | ic 31st for a ny maw, Mich,, : 0 Intiar's sister and other friends 'here, during the past week. pited Church, on Sunday it being the annual holiday ptist Ch Sunday, - 9th, will be the United ureh's holiday when sonsrseates is inyitea to at- hs 'Baptist Ch 3 : at the United : i, People, on Sunday . gous Poop service was taken by 'Young People of the congre- with Miss Margaret Spen- or lite of every individual and of Be the indwelling of the Holy beautified all life. A large service of song. The Brougham Young People took charge of the able manner. :Miss Doris Johns- i "ton presided, and Miss Muriel : Bn gave the address which con. ""taingd somé fine, helpful thoughts A splendid %.twe anthems which were highly »appreciated. Large congrega- . tions were present at both ser- vi 'also the latter's guests, Mrs. C. = Brodie and daughter, Miss Emma, "of Chasey, N.Y., attended a kit- "chen shower, on Saturday after- *ineon last, given by Mrs. Robert # Miller. of Stouffville, in honor of #'Miss Mary Dryden, of Brooklin, whose marriage is announced to / take place in September. ~The league football game, 7) : River vs. Claremont, played at River on Saturday evening ¢ side scofing a goal. Goodwood "has the lead so far with only two . mere games to play: . "A number from Claremont at- ""tended the large celebration at a most enjoyable outing. # The day's program including a street dance in the evening, was ner and reflected much credit on those who were responsible for 5 the program, Several rinks of our cy curlers took part in the bowling __tourmament and one of these suc- ceeded in capturing third prize, "ful kitchen clock and the men a "went to Mr. Liddy, of Orangeville, "whe held the lucky number. 4 Sam Fingold, son of Mr. L. Fin- has purchased a general business at Aurora and took possession on August 1st. His many Claremont friends wish him a suecess in his new venture. E iss Josephine Bemrose, of To- ronto. was the guest of Miss Ma- bel McLellan, over the week-end. "Miss Jessie McGlashan, of To- , spent Civic Holiday - with left on July trip to Eng- and Mrs. Bagshaw, of Sagi- have been visiting the 'Mr. and Mrs. Clements visited 's parents, Mr, and Mrs. over the holiday. . and Mrs. Frank Beelby, of y with Robt, i > va < » 2 brville, called on Claremont ¢ last week. a EH Frank Underhill and little son, Bruce, of Aurora, are visit- ing: G. M. Forsyth family, : | Mrs; Duncan, "of Rich- mond and Miss Galbraith, of I ville, were guests at the ! Tuesday last: 'spent Sunda Yo th nday with Ester Palmer. : rold Swift, of Toron- : } a Soule of weeks me of his unele, Mr, , Mrs, W. Thompson and. Mrs. W. Brown visited at Barrie and Midland, % tyo-weeks' holiday with rela- of: companied by their [hail stones falling at two differ- school class of young girls camp- ed for a few days last week in the Miss Margaret and Master Gor- don Overland left on Sunday for in Detroit. They were ac n parents as far as London where they were, met 4 their uncle who took charge of them during the remainder of the urney, | . Our dentist, Dr. Neil Smith, is ing his annual vacation at Thurston's Park, Sturgeon Lake. He' will be in his office again on August 18th. Mrs. (Dr,) Brodie and family, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Claremont friends. "Mr. and Mrs, L, Glenn and chil- dren, of Toronto, and Mrs, Glenn, Sr., of Markham, called on friends here, on Wedn Ye Misg Mary B m, of Toren- to, has returned home after a two. weeks' holiday spent with Mr. and Mrs. George Ri€hardson. Mrs. W. Bennett, of Markhe». and Mrs, Tripp, of Toronto, w guests of their gister, Mrs. S. Ben. nett, during the past week. Born, on Saturday, August 1st, to George and Mrs, Beverly, a daughter. Born, on Sunday, August 2nd, to Raymond and Mrs. Pilkey, a daughter. We. are sorry to report that Mrs. Judson Ward, of Glen Major, met with an accident on Friday last, when she slipped on the floor at her home, fracturing her wrist when she fell. Drs. Tomlmson and Ball set the fracture and it is doing as well ag possible. Mr. W. Birkett met with a pain. ful accident, one day recently, when a large iron pipe fell on his foot, fracturing three of his toes. Mr. Birkett was at work on a' township bridge when the accident Our village was very quiet on Civic Holiday. Places of business were closed during most of the day, several of our residents go- ing to Stouffville and other places, The bowling green was the only Race which showed rauch aectiv- y. poe Several Claremont friends of Frank and Mrs. Chidlow, of Vie- toria Corners, attended thelr sil- ver wedding anniversary, on Mon- day evening, Aug. 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Chidlow were the recipients of a number of beautiful gifts. The Gibbons family held a re- union, 'on August 3rd, at the home of Adam Spears, Whitevale, when a large number of relatives were present. Mrs. James Hortép and daugh- ter, of Port Perry, spent last week with T, and Mrs. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs, George Madill, of Detroit, are guests of the form- er's sister, Mrs. Ester Palmer. Miss Grace and Master Alan Tomlinson, accompanied 'by their cousins, Misses Betty and Peggy Ferris, of London, spent last week with the former's gramdparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson, of New- market, HAMPTON NEWS (Miss L. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, Aug, 8.--Many were caught unprepared for such a sudden and heavy shower that came Thursday afternoon about half past two.o'clock and was a half hour's duration, while thse who lived in adjoining vic- inities apparently = experienced what appeared to be a severe elec- tric' storm, judging from the darkness of the clouds that seem- ed to break in this section, caus- ing a steady downpour, large ent intervals. Friday and Satur- day were also cloudy with ocea- sional showers. Some of the men working on the. road are putting in long hours making up for lost time during breakdowns at the mixing plant and rainy weather. Several Hungarians arrived this week 'to assist in the work of applying the road suriace. 3 The work of the Warner Bitu- minous Company, which extends south from -the work that been already done by the Ra; Company, north of Enniskillen, 3 je) euisvm| uo 6 a steady progress. "0 living on one of the busy streets in one of our larger towns or ast week. cities, as Scugog St. is the busy Mr, and Mrs. T. Sanderson and street these days. Some however : Henderson, of Toronto, have' gre'not enjoying very much belbg on Jussts yp + James | awakened ut such an early hour | alll and dave + a | 88 Balf past four, when the busi- KR en an Bh ness of the day starts, The noise and nnd Tomlinson this [Of the teams and trucks, some ; ; » "| ot: which are steel, being enough 4 W. Wilson and her Sunday to waken the soundest sleeper. ho "| A number of the men who have BRA A "== arrived latterly, pitched their 2 ten. in the commons south of the di "» village near the late Cha: a 8 8 residence, wi _ oo [Col Earchman, who is one of th for 39¢ chief men on the job, is mak 3 : | is place of abode until the w YR " i the pleted. A gasoline tank : Pel { omm on of the 10c*iH arivers, has been placed n signed | on oe the. . Hiase, 3 . RJ more of a purchase io Ni AE ARE hy Eg A0¢. ui ; 5 fu = Cana bay "| Mrs. Strutt, Rochester, is vi Bas | this To Clear at $1.25 and $265. * All Silk Crepes To Clear 'at $3.95 and $7.95 Cage early while you stil have a choice. Courtesy Our Motte BUCHANAN'S 15 King Street East + 'holiday 'with 'ler * sister, paving the road. Mrs. Davidson visited Sutton on Friday. Master Glen Metcalfe and sis- ter, Madeline, Base Line, enjoyed holidaying with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenouth, recently. Percy Cowling, Toronto, fis holidaying at home. He accom- panied Misses M. Pascoe and B. Sargent and A. Blanchard, on a motor trip to Gananoque last week. Eva Johns, visited at the home of G. Edger, Harmony, holiday- ing with Miss Rosena Edger. Mr. Mervyn Scott, spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke, Mr, and Mrs, E. Horn were in the Queen City on Thursday on business. EBENEZER NEWS (Mrs. B. Oke, Correspondent) Ebenezer, Aug. 10.--Mr. and Mrs. Lumb and Mr, and Mrs. Close, Napanee, Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Stainton, Ronald and Keith were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Worden, Misses Velma and Louise Pearce, are spending holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Cecll Worden, Mrs, Edwin Worden and Misses Allie and Louise Worden had a pleasant motor trip to Peterboro. © Mr, and Mrs, Bslle Oke and Elsie and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke and Douglas attended the hard ball tournament held at Newcastle on Civic Holiday, Several from here attended a picnic at Lakeview Park on Sat- urday held in honor of Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Felton and Mr. Alan Arnott, Norfolk, Va., who are visiting relatives here, x Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery and Mrs, Jeffery, Sr., Maple Grove, visited at Mr. Bert Wil- kin's. Miss Mary Found enjoyed a pleasant holiday at Muskoka. Mrs. Osborne, Misses Hattie, Lila and Aura, visited at Mr. Jesse Arnott's Taunton. Master Jack Arnott visited with his cousin, Master 'Harold Os- borne. PICKERING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson and daughter, of Toronto, have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Baker, and other relatives in the village, this week, .. Mrs. Robert Fitzsimons, of Ham- ilton, and Miss Mabel Clark, of Clinton, have been the guests of W. J. and Mrs. Clark, this week, Messrs. James and John Murray, of Toronto, have been holidaying week at their home here, Miss 'Mildred Douglas, of Toron- to, has been visiting her grandmoth- er, Mrs, A, Burrell, bk ih the past week. Mrs. W. C. Murkar and children have returned after spending a month at Wasaga Beach, A number from the village, took advantage of the annual excusion of the Bay of Quinte Young People to Port Dalhousie on Wednesday, and all report a splendid outing. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Flett, of King- ston, have been visiting at the home of the latter's brother, Norman Gor- don, of Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mechin and young daughter, of Montreal, have been holidaying at the home of the former's' parents, Hugh and Mrs. Mechin. W. V. Redditt, manager of the Bank of Commerce here, is having two week's vacation, and with Mrs, Redditt and children, is visiting friends in Cannington, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Heron, of Broklin, spent Sunday with relatives in the village. Upon their return home they were accompanied by their children, who have been visit- ing relatives here. WMS. PICNIC AT MAPLE GROVE Women and Children of the Community Enjoyed Annual Outing (Miss Marion Snowden, Corres- " t 2) - Maple Grove, August §.--Mr. 8. Jacks and Miss P., Jacks, Hampton, Mrs. Lang and two daughters, Marion and Margaret, und son Sydney, of Toronto, Miss E. Jollow and Mrs. and Mra, J. Reid and son, Alfred, Sundayed at Mr. R. H. Armstrong's. The annual W.M.S. pienic was Leld in the scheol yard on Wed- nesday, August 5, when nearly all the ladies and children of the community were present. The programme put on hy the ladies of the W.M.S. assisted by the Mission Band, was held in the hall and consisted of:--Bible reading, Mrs. Evans; Devotional Tople, Greta Munday: the subject for study, "Our Medical Work in Canada" was taken hy Mesdames Freeman. Stevens, Snowden and Laird. Two duets were nicely sung by Misses Helen Metcalf and Jean Stevens, After the meeting closed everyone went to the school grounds where a game of ball was enjoyed and a splendid lunch served by the W.M.S, ladies. Misses Thelma and Lyra Free- man are holidaying with | their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Er- nje Freeman, St. Catharines. Miss Ruth Stevens, Bowman. ville, recently visited her grand. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Stey- 'ens "Mr.. Ray Snowden, virited relatives here. Many of the farmers In this community have finished cutting their grain and threshing has be- gun, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and daughter, Bowmanville, spent the Toronto, Mrs, Harry Wright, ~. Mr, and Mrs. Eber . Snowden | aad daughter Magaret, of Oshawa virited at Mr. 'W. J. Snowden's. .. Reports on -resources and.manu- facturing facilities in Manitoba may be seeured from the Industrial De- velopment Board of Manitoba; Con- 'ederation Life Building, Winnipeg. ey id ; Gold production in Matitoba this ir is exceeding last 's output substantial amount. Z em "The first 'shipment ofiwheat over the Hudson. Bay route, from Manitoba to Europe, will be made this Fall. tr. 5 4 egw * British: Columbia has approxi- mately. 16,900,000 acres of timber, Sodiug: sulphate production in Saskatchewan was 32,711 tons in 19- 30 as compared with 5018 tons in the previous year. House vacancies in Winnipeg are less than 2 per cent. This is one of the lowest averages in America. No Need to Worry Mrs. Lombard was not enjoy- Ing her vacation as she should have, "I keep worrying about Aunt Sue. Letters are so irregu- lar!" Her best friend offered good advice, "If you telephoned every evening you'd hear the lat- set reports. Long Distance is my favorite way of hearing about things!" Mrs. Lombard called at once and learned good news from her aunt, Simcoe St. N. ¥ + ¥ J ES WERE EQU. H Thursday, Friday and Saturday "Colossus" VP BP i TIC w Aiur: Re MISS NOB FROM NOWHERE Ey Elizabeth Jordan cme WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE 'or where she came from. said, and all he sald?" she everything,' * she confirmed, there was nothing to help me, &x- cept some money. It's not much, but I hope it will se me through. Anyway, it's probably all I have in the world, for my clothes show face darkened and she went on. "The money won't carry me very far in a New Fork hole 8) I have sl slege--with a nurse at night and a psychiartrist coming every morning," she pointed out. "Suppose this attack lasts longer than my money does?" "It won't." He spoke with such conviction that she brightened again, "The Garland's summer rates are still In effect, and they're very reasonable," he went on. "Carrick Is too good a chap to send you & big bill." He was talking against time, to keep her panic at bay till the nurse came. "Oh, what a devilish situation this is!" She turned back to the win- dow, br her hands toguuber with an effect of desperation that alarmed him. "Come now," he urged, "keep steady! A whole lot depends on that. The more quietly you take this, the sooner you will get over it. He agrees that the thing to do is to sit tight, just as you're doing, and let inguiries come from the other end. If your family and friends don't know where you 'are, they'll have started an Investigation by this time, but they're probably doing it very carefully." She stood still and stared into the flarkness, Suddenly she turned back to the room with a little laugh that broke through their seriousness like 2 gush of fountain, "We may discover that I have run away from a husband and six chil. dren," she sald lightly, but giving him a definite effect of breathless- ness and on. "My innocent babes may be crying for me this minutes." a Ad stopped abruDLly: 'As if she had and sto] abruptly. rg thought she looked at him with sudden intentness; but he was on his guard again and his dis- any - lon she might have had. However, the little episode seemed to harden some half-formed purpose, for she went toward the inmer door wiin an air of resolution he recalled later. "If you will excuse me," she said, "I'll make some rations for the nurse. I suppose since she is com- were comes, There's some light literature on the table that may interest you. She made a hospitable gesture to- ward the light literature, and disap- peared through the door leading in- g : i HI fers = i py Ft = Hi _ | added without rancor: man friend who was to visit hf, and after I'd stirred up a cham! and a porter and got ¢ fix- . | ed she changed her mind and cleared out. She Jeft a for the chambermaid and tl porter, though," he added forgiykly, and ended, on another a ht, OobY BER E MH : 5 : 8g g 2 5 y thought, might have drop in at club on his way home, have a rubber of bridge with e friends. As agit Who-ais many - e something of his Babits She knew the name of his club, and tioned it. . » (To be continued Monday) SREIEIERE FH jt i g § its professional courtesy an intima- tion that he would be wasting his time, but he pushed past her even before she could move to one side. The room had the look of hav- ing been unoccuvied for days. The words of the nurse made him swing around toward her. "Here's the way she left," she said. h,| He had noticed another door with a bolt on the inside. It led from the bedroom and he had taken for granted that it was part of the ad- Joining suite and was locked. Now he saw that the bolt had not been shot. The nurse held the door ajar, revealing a ghimpse of a side cor ridor past its threshold. "Easiest thing in the world," he conceded. "She packed, stole out through that door and along that back corridor to a rear staircase, and probably got away without bee seen by any one, But how about her hotel bill? Do you think she'd forget that?" Miss Adams looked thoughtful. "She might. They do all sorts of queer things when they're not nor- mal." He had been staring down unsee- ingly at a little writing stand, but onw he caught a faint suggestion of penciling on the top envelope of the pile of hotel paper. "Heres' something," he orled, and picked up the envelope. Then his k. "Where did you find that?" the standing on the threshold, look! down the hall, but turned back in heap of stationery. It looked like all the other envelopes, for tie name is written on it very faintly, with & hard pencil, . I didn't notice it till now." He felt the enve'~~~ "Lord! I wish 1 cared to open it," he muttered. Hamilton hurried from the room. At the hotel office desk he asked for a match and lit his cigaretée with careful casualness. "Has Miss Parsons gone?" he ask- ed as he drew in the first mouthful of smoke. "Yep; she checked out 'most an hour ago," the clerk told him, and make me fired." desk. "Why?" "Oh, because they're aw changing their mindsfi That said when she came that she only staying one night. She s three days, That was all rightFthe longer the better, but tonighf she had a cot put in her room forj wo- 1 "Nice girl" : Hamilton put on thet he had 4 the gave n she left?" the dollar and no cab here, sir" too, for E: | il or be mansaed 10 verative 3 type of nurse from every who eilbseh of nurse demanded. She had been the room at the sound of his voice. On the table, on top of this little "Wome» Hamilton rested an elbow on the VWHEAT AN IDEAL ty ct ticles a/of diet which are known to pomgisess high food values, Whole as' Wheat foods, for instance, are remarkably economical that, viwhile inexpensive, they con- tain m any important ' elements necessajiry to build up and sustain bodily, health, . "Shyyredded Wheat" is a strik- ing ey¢xample of a whole wheat produ' ct which can be served in many piappetizing forms.' It is made gentirely of Canadian 'whole wheat | with 'nothing added and nothing taken away, It is per- fectly ypalatable .yet inexpensive and HE, 4 biscuits of it served with whole Salk makes a perfectly balancegd meal for either children or aduglits, The fmanufacturers of this pop- ular co {mmodity, have for years been #difucating the publie through adveslsiling to appreciate the food vaglue of the whole wheat berry apnd, realizing the need- for populargfzing the purity of stand- ard artiycles, are arranging a com- plete 'Shredded Wheat" pro- cessing § unit for demonstration at the. forjth-coming Canadian Na- Exhibition in the Pure uilding. 'The public will able to see whole grains un into" fliimy shreds 'be- baked into the well- "Shredded Wheat" Bis. Iren i i 6 and 'Gladys Oke spent t weekend and holiday © Au | friends at Blackstock, ae Winter spent. the Orong, y J .Greeetnercmff Mrsl J. Greentree ton Vedk- d and holiday with her es wi rs. G. Gordon, at Fenelon My. and Mrs. J. Bates Hers Bates and Mrs, Clara t} ree spent th } Feels Falls. ® Aotldar'at r. and Mrs. W, Ferguson and '| family spent the r Fi ois holiday at Lake Messrs Ray Greentree and Luks Spent She Soliday visiting J] a e Tren TL ne anal and Lake Misses Doris, Zella, Helen and Catharine Lander spent the Loi end and holiday at Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hollman and family spent the holiday at Ux- bridge and Port Bolster. Mr. Sam Jackson is getting along well with his new hovuse, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweet and family spent the week-end at Ar- en, Mr. and Mrs. W .C. Kelu and family are spending a lanky holidays at Bancroft, with Mr. Beluaky father, T. and Mrs. Maruice Hart family are spending thig a. at the cottage at Stephen's Point. " aligs Doratny Hogarth {8 yisit- er aunt, Mrs, M New Toronto. Sather Pf. and Mrs. Arthur Peeling are visiting relativ a ling es in Picton Seventy-six were pres Sunday School on Pid ing a ing, Miss Mae Winter's * class winning the banner, Mr, G. Ww. McKay of King St. East, spoke at the opening sesmon of the meeting and everyone thorough- ly enjoyed his address, Stanley Hollman spent Wed. nesday with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Campbell, neaf Thornton's Corners. The majority of the farmers huve their grain all cut and the yield is medium. It will not be long 'before we see the threshing outfits running. agam, Fane The community extend their eympathy to Mr. and Mrs, M. At. kins in the loss of their home and contents through fire 'on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Choppin aby son, Russel], of 'Colborne, recent visitors with Mr. Mrs, Chas, Mackie. Mr. and r, and Mrs, B. 8. Ingham Sherbrooke aré visiting Ser. us J. Teuton, . T. and" Mrs, N. Wagar Mrs. Gordon Greentree Spent the Jickend and 'holiday at Puzzle yi d8h =-- Misses ,. at Little Joan Glover has 'the splints off her leg.and is able to walk around again. Jtijs lame now but we hope it soon will be completely well: . * Prospective Mother-indaw -- "My daughter can sing, play the plano, act, paint, skate, dance, pilot an aeroplane and drive . a car. . What can youn do?" Prospective Bridegroom "Well, I can darn, cook, and pose sibly do a Titfle spring cleaning, tL shall have to." Moose Jaw, 'Sask, anfourices. a th a capacity of 'I new oil refinery w per-day, Rs Ye gta pe. "DEPRESSION" DIET | 7 $n these days when family in- conVies are often insufficient to affor, 3 expensive * foods many | medica, | men urge housewives to concentairate on those cheaper ar- = in §