, has Ly home front Hos where yo 10. weeks. 1 E. Colvin, of Oshawa, is uest of friends bh Toronto. 0. Or. Annu Street, is in Ancaster, Ontario. hs. P, hes Sti Dita, been the guest of Robeon, Cedardale, has on to spend a few weeks in 0 Bo a * ® ® Flora Patterson, of Valley , Long Island, is the guest ' rs. Frank Robso Ladies Sention of the Osh- -Bowling Club entertained the (b guests who were in town t evening to take part in the mixed tournament. Mrs, rman Legge was convener of entertainment committee. 'Mr. ahd Mrs. W. Evans and Mrs. A. Evans and daughter, _ Oshawa, visited friends in ph 'and Kitchener, over the -end. - * R | SMrs. E. Sweeney travelled to ironto, on Saturday, with the City Football Club. Lenore Reynolds, of Toron- the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. . Crowle, Division Street. Miss was the soloist in Sim- | Street United Church, at the ice yesterday morning. Oshawa General Hospital will e its twenty-first birthday . Thursday, August 13. There will 'a reception at the Nurses' Resid- ince in the afternoon when there be. a musical programme and addresses. Guests will be to make a contribution of -one cents on this occasion. of the Hospital Auxiliar A 'be hostesses on Thursday al Au L * * , Cord. Taylor, and two chil- «of Montclair, N.J., arrived in 1 this morning to be the guests 3 Taylors parents, Mr. and S. McLaughlin, at "Park- * * LJ] James Robertson, Mrs. M. and Mr. J. Thompson, "of New York City, who are on 'motor rip through ebec and io, were week-end guests at "home of Mr. and Mrs. R, A. den, 253 Athol street east. 1 Gladys Stacey, of Little Bri- been visiting friends H ilin inthe, city has returned . to her Mr. Stanrey. Wetherup, of Osh : awa is. the guest of Mr. R.. Thorn= ton, of Late Britain, : Mis | TA Lemon. of Olava. Sending a few days with i in 'sister, Harry Davidson, of Atherton, Ontario. *® Ld Mr. and Mrs V. Booth.and ehil- dren of Oshawa, are guests of the former's brothers, Frank and Gor: don Booth, of Addison, Ontario, Miss Jean Keddie, Colborne 'St. who has been spending a hoilday at Muskoka Assembly has returned to her home. : ry » Ll Miss Isabel Pawley has returned home after spending a two weeks' Jacation in Muskoka with her aunt, Mrs, E. Grant, The Daily Recipe What New York Wearing By Annabelle Worthington | ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN Cottons! Cottons! And more cottons! . Isn't it snappy? It's yellow of course--and eyelet batiste to be certain. A brown patent leather belt and matching brown plain batiste ruffling on the edge of the cape collar offers smart contrast. Diagonal seaming gives lovely slimness to the hips of the fitted gored skirt. Inset circular godets at each seam provide graceful flare to the hem. It's mighty smart and so indiv- idual, and very easily fashioned. Style No. 3182 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches bust. Size 16 re. quires 4 yards 35-inch, Should you desi something more sportive, eyelet cotton mesh is quite the mewest idea. You'll like it especially in white. Omit the narrow ruffling from collar and bind edge in blas binding in ipper blue. : Repeat binding in fagonal hip seaming. A plain matching blue crepe silk tie and blue patent leather belt this, jaunty outfit. CP eted and plain crepe silk wre also very chic. Our Large Summer Fashion Book offers a wide choice for Joud summer wardrobe in darling styles for the children as well as the adults. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or Jeotn (coin preferred). Price of book 15 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. Address orders to: Pattern Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, Osh- awa, No, 3182, - Size... a Ly Tr Street A { [A GREAT BRITAIN : SPECIAL CIAL REDUCED third clase class Saspfeors Liverpool, lm ath o or oa and back Aug. 1at to Oct. 15th villd for 2 years, tely. Two sailings a week. ET Thornton W. Burgess A HAPPY DISPOSITION The truly happy find each day Expression in a little play. ---=0ld Mother Natuve. Spots, the Littla Spotted Skunk, small cousin of Jimmy Skunk, has a happy disposition. Yes, sir, he has so. Perhaps this is because he has fewér worries than some of his neighbors. Wor- ries and happiness somehow do n.t go together. Anyway. Spots fs happy most of the time. "Why shouldn't I he" he de- manded of Flip the Terrier, who was paying him a visit. "I am independent, I can always find plenty to eat because there is always somethink I like to be found, and excepting when that big robber, the Horned . Owl. fis ahout, I have no special worries.' "Just what do you eat?" gsxed ip. "That depends on what I can find," replied Spots, turning over a stone and pouncing on nu fat beetle. "Now this beetle is very good eating." He smacked his lifs. "There are always grubs to be found if you know where to look for them," continued Bpots. "Then, there are crick- ets and grasshoppers. I get. fat.) on grasshoppers." "So does your cousin Jimmy," interrupted Flip. A Mouse darted out from be. k'nd a log and Spots had him in a twinkling. "A little meat is good now and then," said he as he finished the Mouse. "Mice are oxcellent, excellent, a11 young often go over to the sta'les where yuu are staying and 1 Hardly ever fai! to get Mice or a Rat there, Then there are eggs in ssason. [ do like eggs. And young birds ---did you ever try young birds just ready to leave the nest?" Flip shook his head. "No," eald he. "I never did." "Of course," sald Spo's, "1 dor't have those often, only when { am lucky enough to find a nest on the ground. Lizards are good too, but one has to be quick to catch them. Then, in season, there are mushrooms. I lige mushrooms. Then, too, there are fruits of various kinds. One vgeds a little fruit now and then, don't you think?" "I don't," replied Flip. "Sometimes Speedfoot the Coy- cte or Howler the Wolf, or Yow- ler the Bobcat, is good enough to leave a little meat where I can find it," continued Spots, 'and over where you are staying they throw out a lot of scraps. 1 have had many feasts over there. On, there isn't any trouble in getting enough to eat if you are satisfied with what you can find, und usually I am." He began to turn over some |. small. stones.and. rattle . them abcut. Flip watched him for a few minutes and then asked: "What do you expect to find there?" "Nothing," replied the litte Skunk. "I like to play with little stones like these. I like to hear them rattle. It is a good thing to play with. It helps digestion. Wood Rats are just as good. I I always play around a little These Smart Garments of. Printed Crepes, and new Prints, are just the right outfit for vacation days. Special, $1.89, EW, A Dewland Ladies' Beach Pajamas s1. LIMITED Oshawa % upsetting the load, badly damaging Truck In Napanee. ~Oné of the large trucks of the Metropolitan Transport Co. Toronto, heavily loaded with mer- chandise, overran the soft shoulder bordering the highway, about six east of Napanee and it resulted in the vehicle and seriously injuring the driver, Mr. Bowen, he suffering from a crushed foot and other in- juries. Returning From Camp Kingston.--The Royal Canadian Horse Artillery comprised of "A" and "B" Batteries and the 3rd Me- dium Battery, will feturn to King- ston on August 15" after their two weeks' training which is being car- ried out at Petawawa Camp at the present time." The training period of the troops was greatly reduced this year and a rumor which was §rine around the city that the R.C, A. would be called back to King- ston and held in readiftess to deal with communistic riots, which were thought to be threatening in various parts-of Canada, is unfounded. Local Train Ceases Tweed. ~The Board of Railway Commissiioners after giving uae consideration to the application the Canadian Pacific Railway for an order authorizing 'the dis- continuance of train Nos. 601 and 602, between Tweed and Havelock, otherwise known as the local, have seen fit to grant the application and notice to that effect was received = Saturday by Reeve W. S. Gor- on. Grandmothers Entertained Havelock.--Eleven grandmothers were present as guests of Havelock Women's Institute on Monday af- ternoon, Aug. 3, when all the grand- mothers in the community were asked to come and help make Grandmothers' Day one long to be remembered by those present. All who accepted the invitation expres- sed themselves as delighted with the entertainment afforded and it is predicted that when those who were there, tell those who were not what a lovely time they had, the others will make a resolution to be on hand when Grandmothers' Day comes again. Exciting Fire Picton.--On Saturday afternoun South Bay had an exciting time with fifty men fighting a grass fire which burned over several acres on the John Thompson farm. Wet bran sacks and pieces of brush were requisitioned to beat out the fire which consumed a crop of hay lying well-cured on the ground--some of it raked up into windrows. Pastor Inducted Rentrew.--~Rev. H, R. Pickup, B. A. of Toronto was on Wednesday inducted into the pastorate of Ren- frew Presbyterian Church, in suc- cession to Rev. Dr, J. K. Fraser whé has gone to Prince Edward Island. Rev. Dr. Davies, of Smith's Falls, presided at the induction ser- vice and addressed the congregation. Rev. Dr. Scott, of Perth, addressed the minister, A, sermon was deliv- ered by Rev. Mr. Rutherdale, of Pembroke. Rev, Mr. McOdrum, of Cobden, put the usual questions to the minister, Brownies Have Outing Carleton Place.--The junior Girl Guides, the Brownies, had an en- joyable outing at Lake Park, recent- ly, when they were taken on an observation tour, afterwards enjoy- ing swimming and other recreation games. Thirty-one young girls be- tween the ages of eight and twelve years took part in the outing. Mrs. Dr. J. A. Johnston, Brown Owl No. 1, of Carleton Place Brownie pack and Mrs. Roy Munshaw, Tawny Owl, were 'in charge of the enter- tainntent. In the evening luncheon was served at the Summer home of Mrs. Roy Mushaw, Lake Park. every night. If he is happy, one needs to play. Don't you find it' so?" "I suppose so," replied Flip. "I hadn't thought of it before, but now you speak of it, I do like to race and play when I am feeling especially good. " 'Of course you do," said Spots gravely. "I don't believe peo- Ie who never play are ever truly happy. The. older I grow the more sure I am that play is just 4s important as food." "That reminds me," said Flip, 'are you fully grown? You see veu are so small that it is hard for me to believe. that you have reached your full size." "Am I fully grown?" exclaim- ed Spots. 'I'm a grandfather." 'Oh!"" said Flip, and could think of nothing else to say. When at last he left Spots, the latter was still playing with his litle stones, because he liked to hear them rattle. His was a hap- ry disposition. There was no doubt about it. (Copyright, 19381, by T. W, Burgess) / ---- The next story: "Farmer Brown's Boy Goes Camping." Is "Third Degree" Smiths Falls.--Strong opposition to some of the questions contained on the registration card, furnished for unemployed men in Smiths Falls | 7 was voiced at Wednesday's regular meeting of town council when dele- gates .declarcd the card a "third degree" and claimed the proper an- fi swer © to some of the queries was "none of your business," rasshopper Menace Kingston.--Frontenac County has a grasshopper menace, A. W. Sirett, agricultural representative for this county, stated, when interviewed to- day, but he said that conditions were not as serioiis as reported in many other sections. The grass- hoppers attack the head of the grain and destroy it. In Middlesex Coun- ty it is reported that grasshoppers have destroyed the seed on several fields of alfalfa and apprehension is felt by some farmers that other growing things may be attacked. C.P.R. Veteran Honored Smiths Falls--After 40 years of employment with the Canadian Pa- cific Railways here E. E| Stewart was honored at the conclusion of his last day of work when employees and members of the C.P.R. office staff drove to his home and present- ed him with a gold-headed cane as a mark of apgreciation for his many kindnesses extended to them, A Baffling Mystery Cornwall, -- City police face a baffling mystery in connection with a bold robbery perpetrated at Corn- wall General Hospital on Sunday. At some time Sunday afternoon, probably during the noon hour, a theif or thieves entered the hospital office, opened the locked safe and stole $91 in cash and six cheques for sums aggregating almost $200. Hospital authorities are at a loss to understand how the thief reached the office without encountering some member of the hospital staff in the corridors. Police have few Morrisburg, going' there from Tor- onto to spend his week-ends, Mr, Challies will also continue his as- sociation with the factory in Mor- risburg of the Dominion Toilet Brush Co. = Has Ancient Coin Kingston.~Lloyd Swain, son of r. and Mrs. John Swain, 355 Divi- sion 'Street, hay S coin of the reigh of Nicodemes III, who died in 74 B.C. The coin is quite large, a little larger than a half-doilar piece, and though it was perhaps intended to be [o, the shaping of 'it is not perf It is really .a tetradrachm of ie. IL. Phlceatar. King of Bithynia. On the obverse side is the head of the King, and on the reverse side a replica of Zeus dis- charging a-thunderbolt from his right hand and holding Vasta in his from a sailor. ENNISKILLEN NEWS Enniskillen, Aug.--Miss Clara Page is visiting friends in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilson, Miss Jean and Master Leon Gilson, Woodville, Mr. Clark Smitih Jan- etville, Mr. and Mrs.'J. J..Orm- iston, Oshawa, visited at Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Smith over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Bob- cageon visited his brother, Mr. pHogkin Smith, Sunday. Miss Elsie Moore, Toronto, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Moore, returned to her home on Monday. Miss Ruby Dewell, Solina, visi- ted at Mrs, W. Oke, Sunday. , Mr. Clarence Ferguson, Toron- to, visited his brother, Dr. H. Ferguson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Veima. visited Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Staples have returned from a visit with clues upon which to base their in- friends at Stratford. left. - Lloyd Swain secured the piece |i db pb da dd i i ro a {i 0 CE hs ua ui TV ¥ Wado d THE OSHAWA DALY Ties, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1931 " To Live In Morrisburg ) aster if Trewin {5 EAS ONTARIO NEW | rc Ry ce | mT appointed Provincial Secretary of | leto . Ontario, the Hon. Gefrge H. Chal-| M . and Mrs, Stuart Rodman -------------- lies, member of the Legislature for | spen Sunday t her parents, Mr. Dundas, will continue to reside in |and 3 rs. E. C. Ashton. "Ry ES -------------- - R. S$. MCLAUGHLIN TAINS AT MMUNITY BRIDGE The fife st of a series of "Commune ity brid games" to be played this summer in which, players from Port Hope Loe Bowmanville. and | will compete is this afternoon pg iy of ed R. S. cLaughlin, "Parkwood" Ost awa Several years ago," this sun mer bridge tournament was ted and it has become an annual t with few changes in the grou p of six players from each tow! . There are four meetings and the holders of the four highest scor s at the bnd of the four meet- ings will the winners, © Those taki g part in these % Siendly bridge gam s this season wil : Mrs, kK. S. M {cLaughlin, Mrs. Wh R. Geikie, Mrs. Arthur Williams, Mrs, R. S. Morph v, Mrs. R. G, Mills, and Mrs, Gilbert i Wainwright of Oshawa ; Mrs. D. . Simpson, Mrs, M. G. Ve Gould, Md iss Margaret Allen, Mrs, E. 5. Seni?d fer, Ms, Allen Campbell, an e . aid Mis | Fy! eler, of Bowmanville ; Burns, Miss S, Mrs. Irvingpdiy Mss. Douglas, LSPs, Allen and Mrs. John Hagden, of Cobourg, M Hyrs. R F. Forrest. Miss Wopherspodtari, ay, Mew Orchard, Mrs, Snider, ot ' he em ml sion Al PERSONALS Mrs. Ged Loree McGahey a; Donald, Ke. nneth Averuy, iki turned hom e from an enjoyable visit with M Offr, and Mrs, T. Roger. son, Streets fVille. Miss Edith Rog. erson accor® panied them home to Oshawa, Nof Mr. and dai Mrs. R. Belt Billie, of Li da Xs Britain, Ay loi for two wepks' vacation. M. McIntyre Hood and - gus, spent) 10 2ohthe week-end i we. EARLY WEEK SPECIALS Nestle's, St. Charles' or Carnation MILK Evaporated Australian PEACHES .*5.. 25.243 Aylmer Brand Pork & Beans Cut from Loin and Rib Spring Lamb Chops » 28- SIRLOIN ST BRISKET Fresh nes BOILED HAM= 39. the Piece Ib. 18¢ Chicken Halibygt sca: n. 22. GC 10. Soft Meated Fresh rresh SEA Native CUCU Native Shiro PLU Native Duchess AP 3% 19 . 23 a Beit J Fo fo bukt 45 Qt. Basket: 3%e wm Atlanti/& Pacific: TILLIE THE TOILER IS HS A RACE oR A 'CRoss- LCOUNTRY RULUNT rs § # HAD Mac \ NIKE way |. WHAT {Ss WIEAN To. . _JIDIFFERENCE Do THAT WHEN (\poes oF |R.5 RS go) KE ? MAC w oA go ) Mo Qe ve " ANY -- WAY J HELP! HEM - HEN MAS WILL THINK ) ITS NIGHT Ty \ 7 0 To 8 auD TL IN T™E ™ ~A au J