Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Aug 1931, p. 5

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y THE CSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 10,1931 a PA \ DR, 8 J. PHILL!PS, O sett's. Special attention to X: work. Gas extraction. Nurse attendance. Phone 959. 1312. LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING St. Bast. Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street north, Phone 210J and 210W, | '| good : APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 3 TO | private cellar. Rent $30, Phone For Rent approach. $15 up. 4 rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. Bradley Bros Over Ward's Store. (870) apartments, furnished or unfur- nished, Modern three roomed, 2604W. (15 aug ¢) now available 3 ana 4 room, fully Rates For Classified Ads First insertion 13§ cents per word. Minimum charge for one in. sertion 80c. Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c per Lower School »= Results -: (Continued from page 4) Clarke, Sylvia--Hist,, Geog., Art, Zool. Clemence, Mildred -- Hist, Geog., Art. Cobon, Gladys -- Physiog., Arith.,, Bot, < Coedy, Helen--Gram. Gram., a A Henderson, Helen --- Gram. Physlog., Arith., Bot. Herring, Jean-- Hist, Geog., Art, Zool. Hess, Thomas Physiog., Arith.,, Bot. Hewitt, Dorothy--Hist., Geog., Zool, 2 Art, Higgins, John -- Gram, Physiog., Arith.,, Bot. Hin, Margaret «~~ Gram, Physlog., Arith.,, Bot. Hinton, Douglas--Hist.,, Geos., Art, Zool. Hobbs, Jean--Hist,, Geog., Art, Gram., Art, Zool, Morisor, Gordon «~ Gram, Physiog., Arith, Morrison, Clara--Hist.,, Geog., Art, Zool, Morrison, Isabel--Hist., Geos., Art, Zool. Morrison, Thelma---Botany, Mountenay, Jack---Hist., Geog., t. Murphy, Patricla--Hist., Geos., Naylor, Jack--Gram., Arith, Nesbitt, Willlam-=History, Normoyle, Robert--Arith., Bot. One 1927 Esséx Coupe. One 1928 Old's. Sedan. to be bought or sold --Times Classifi ed Ads will do, i 1 0. Fr. . a . J] y OSHAWA BURIAL $9 J. Bs modern suites, refrigeration, word. Colvin, Harold -- Gram, 2 vb AeIviNle la" HAUML Oatway, Hargare, Hist., Armstrong n, priet i geon, + | Geog., Art, Zool. Funeral and Ambulance Service [electric laundry and dryers, jani- Three consecutive imser- Physlog., Arith, Geo ' lin Gram ol 87 | tor service. Wilt consider fur- two Colwill, Dorothea -- Hist. 8. Ollgisser, Irving -- i vs day and night. Phone 1083W. tions for the price of 1 Hollk, John--Gram., Physiog., | physiog., Arith., Bot. - Celina. : (4tf) | nishing to suit. Reassaable ren- first insertions (three Geog., Ant, Sau aslo = Gram. | arith, Eri Gram. Physio. fA i Jala: PAGRY 2550 'or 3347 We ott) cents a word). Physiof, ATith, Bot. Hopkins, Hilda--Gram., Hist. | Arith., Bot. 2.2 : WATER Minimam charge for three Conant, Genevieve--- Hist, | Horton, Lucy---Physiog. Peel, Lloyd--Zoology. " . om, | 7 ROOMED, H insertions 60c. rt. Zool Howard, Arthur ----- Gram, Perkin, Clarence -- Gram, 8: DAVIS ANZ SON, INSURAN heated house, with garage, avail- GeoR., Art, Zool. Physiog., Arith., Zool ith - oe 19 King St. West. Ostiawa. The | ,} lq Sept. 1. Good locality. Ap- |} Bor number 10c additional. J Cook, Fation es Guta, PONCE, Ah. BOS rn, TENCE AT ees Di amonds - Sldest Fife Aamer in Oshawa. ply Murdoch, 2380, (31c) Professional or Pasties dean Physiog., Arith., Bot, Art, Zool, " © ed es, HOUSE FOR RENT ON FRENCH Cards, $2.50 per mon 0g 08 rith. Bok Hughes, Carman -- Gram. | Perkins, George--Geog. Bassett's ; WHEN PLACING INSURANCE | street, close to Motors. $20 for 20 words a | lens... 30 PS: Stanley--Hist, Geog., | Physiog., Arith., Bot. Perry, Nelsoh--Art ! bd month. Pp! ren word if Jean-- Hist, vs ~Art, 2 % pisters, Soleitors. ete. Sansuls BR. J, Jouat, so Simcoe or (31¢) for each additional word. [| Art, Zool. Art. Zoo oun Hist, Geos. | Phillips, Albert--ast. || On Oshawa's Main Commer 4 N. Paone 3160. north. Your insurance wants ED Cooper, Charles -- Gram, » . erson, " id con St. %o loeb. tended to and your interests pro- FU Physiog., Arith., Bot. Jackson, ~ Loys ~-- Gram, | Art, Zool. © 3514, Movay tected, good location, Coulson, Rybert -- Gram. | Pbysiog., Arith. Pipher, Willlam--Hist., Geog., nt BARES: ; Phone 1434w- one Bg PT James, Dorothy--Hist., Geos. |Art. : . ALEX. ¢ a i ransportation c) ° nda--Hist., Geog. | Art, Zool. Powell, Howard--Hist.,, Geog., : a ioe. 31% ined Js St. Bast X : FOR RENT THREE FURNISH- Lane, Waria--Hill.y "| James, Genevieve -- Hust. | zoo). COAL COAL | £ rd 3237. i (tf) ICARTAGE AND STORAGE, ed rooms, all conveniences, near Ask for Classified Ad Conrtice Donald--Hist., Geos., | G€o8., Art, Zool, Preston, 'Isabel--Gram., Bot. Phone 108 4 Y ARRISTER. | Coleman's, 85 Bond West, Spec- | Motors, two dollars per Week Department : + James, Warner--Hist.,, Geos., Ramshaw, Helen--Hist., Geog., . Art, Zool, FRANK s. EBBS, Bet [050 oo: lalists in furniture moving. Stor- | single, three doflars double. Ap- Cran" Byauk '== Gram. [Art Zool. Art, Zool. .J. SARG Solicitor, Nota joan. | '| Third floor age, warshause and, mpring van [ply 756 Bond Street. 32¢ Physiog.. Arith., Bot. a Seftor, Morley----Hist,, Geog., Reddiey, Harold -- Gram, Yard--89 Bloor St. B. - =. apcer, mony opposite | Sduipmen one 34. COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO Cramb, Violet--Hist.,, Geos. , Zool, Physiog., Arith. Orders Promptly " w Alger Building. . t $16 . ' Jennings, Frank--Hist.,, Geog., Reynolds, Elsie --- Gram. Delivered a Post Office. Phone 2958 S. OSHAWA: OLOESY NSTABLISH. re be Badin He Articles for Sale A oid, Monty=Hist., GeoR., | Atty Zool. Physiog., Arith., Bot. i ~~ Medical Cartage, local and long distance. |TO RENT. THREE UNFUR- | MINED HARD AND SOFT | Art, Zool. nt Ap AReen, Aage--Hist., Geog. Rise. Fallston. Axl, Zook Fel een SHY Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Fark Rd. { nished rooms, Central. Apply | wooed slabs $3.50 per load. Also Crooke, Dorothy--Geog., . Johns Clittora -- Gram, | Pnysiog ' Arith Bot ' "DR. B. J. BAZLE OD, PHY" | gPhone 215, Richmond St. E. 32c | bone dry body wood. Waterous | Zool. Gt pn Cllterd ow | Pivslog, Arith, Bot. oor. art . gictan and Surgeon, si a (7 mar 1 mo) | FOR RENT.--3 ROOMS AND | Meek Limited. Phone 1388. Curtin, Olive --Hist,, i Johnson, Alam -- Gram, Zool, 5% Pa tion gi-en to x tiie Disney | FUR ALS, LO- |bath, heat, light and water $20, (1 sept c) ar, Boul. iki Geog., Art, | Physiog., Arith., Bot. Robertson, Elaine -- Hist, || MEN'S SILK i / 'Blectrotheopy. Qu fice 'open | Cal 8nd long * distance Phone | 15 Gladstone; 325, 84 Cadillac; | Gor TE WONDERFUL VAL | gor i "7°"| Johnson, Donald--Gram. Geog., Zool, SHIRTS A Block. Phone 2 Ret $idence 421 Bradley's, 271 or 1928J. $30, 6505 Rogers; $25, 106 Rose- ues. in rebuilt Underwoods. They Dalton, Lorne--Gram., Arith., Johnston, Gordon -- Hist., Robinson, Evelyn -- Gram. yin 95 § ¥ 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (16 aug ¢) | dale; $20, Greta St; $40, Mur Geog., Art, Zool, Physiog., Arith., Bot. Special ............... \ {King street east. Phogie 2416. TRY CHAS. F. FLEMING FOR |dock. 27 Warren, 32a Sie 2a sutvicesile 4h When poy Bel Nie Marpbret" i Risto Kagan, Morton--Physios., Bot. | Rodesky, Gladys-- Hist. Geos. 87 sormvaesns A % DR GRANT BERRY,J. PHYSIC- |your cartage. Anything, Anytime. | FIVE ROOM AND BATH, RE- | go vous aoveove: Address "Une Gon an. Zoo Keetch, Willlam--Geog., Art. | Art, Zool, Dominion Clothing Cos, 5 Surgeon, Obstetf Fician, dis- | Anywhere." Reasonable rates and | frigeration, continuous hot water, | gerwood," 135 Victoria St. To- Davis, Margaret -- Gram. | Jelly, Agnes -- Hist, Geog,| Rolson, Olga--Gram., Physiog., || 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 4 lan, geon. a fldren. Of- | dependable service, Phone 797. | electric stove and garage. Sept. : Art, Zool. Arith., Bot. %i eases of infants ng Bond Bast. | 116 Summer St. Ist. Casa'Loma Apartments, 161)1o0t0: (Oct. 19, 31) | Physiog., Arith., Bot. G Kemp, Kenneth Physiog Rooney, Gordon Gram 4 . : -- ram., 4 -- " ' tn " fies ang Fesizence (24 aug ¢) | King Street East. (3c) | FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, | , Dav: Pao Arith. Physiog., Arith., Bot. 5 one . A RC FOR RENT-- SMALL "| cinders, stone, black loam, $1.50 Denny, Gladys--Hist.,, Geog. Kennedy, Maurice--Art, Rutherford, Murray---Physiog. . f . DR. McEAY, PHYSI IAN, SUR. Beauty Parlors all conveniences, near G.M.C. and | per truck load delivered. Phone | , "7 0% Kennedy, Paul--Botany. Salter, Earl --Hist., Geog. " geon, Accoucher. Off 414 Vie. | BETTY ™ FER 7 | Fittings, Phone before 5 oclock. Essery Bros. 3142]. Dewberry Violet--Hist., Geog., py alta, Elleen -- Gram. | Art, Zool. k elt Bros . dence King St. East, Fawli a aD ho ERWAN ik 1317]. = (33¢) (18 aug ¢) | 404 "7001, a 0g., Arith., Bot. Saunders, Nellie--Hist.,, Geosg., PY i torla St. Oshawn. . special prices: $10.00 wave for | FURNISHED COTTAGE TO | ALL HARDWOOD % GORD| Dime, Samuel--Hist., Geos. pitanuear, Beuy -- ::Qiemi Ari, Boul... dei Gam / Specialist $7.60: $7.60 wave for $4.00. rent at Williams' Point, Lake | $3.60, Summer wood- $3.35. Mc-| Dionne, Agatha -- Physiog., | PZ 0K» Orth, Art. | Saywell - "| The Leading Jewe Marce) Scugog for the last two weeks of 1d Cert Ph 2423 W. Arith, ' 4 am. Physios., ys'og. Bot. ng ! x arcelling, [finger waving, hair 4 hy Quaid Certage. one A Pi Ten ram., Physiog. Arith., Bot. Scott, Florence--Hist.,, Geog., 3 i TF. dyeing and all other lines of | August. Phone 282. (33b) (2 aug ¢) n ig t o--G 4 " Lander, Glen--- Hist, Geog. | Art, Zool. Established 1886 3 Wi Bloor Street West, ary & Lov- beauty 'culture. For service and | FOR RENT-- BRICK HOUSE, | ffx 0 . HA i ie OS Robert--ist Geog., | Art, Zool, Sharpe, Joseph --- Gram, * Boothe Store. ea n Saturday rrr ol tn est ie board oo ctriioore 4 Siabs $3.50. W. H. Thompson, | , "7001 i "|, law, James--Hist., Geog., Art, | Physiog., Arith., Bot. 12 SIMCOE ST. ; Hi bed re t pi. foley consulta | gg gimeqe st. North, or Phone tures, all Sonantonces, private BES. YN Tao os aug ¢) Durliam, Bihel --- Gram, Josh writin, Harry -- Gram AT an Helen jist, Guns, & tion"and treatment of eczase of 2968 for appointments. drive and garage, Possession Sept. | corr rmmEre wre Physiog, ATithy Bot. ot. Geog., | Physiog., Arith., Bot, "|" Sheperd, Linian--Botany. 14 "ear, nose and thioy LS ati (8aug c) hut. Red sonable voi to careful | Gopper tub, in good working or- Art aur " "| Lasar, Nick--Geog., Art, Sheriff, Jack--Gram., Arith, 4: pointments way e GENOSHA HATRDRESSING | fenant. Apply 31 Elgin St. A dy | der. $49, terms it desired, 72|" Eamondson, Gerald -- Hist. | Leckie, Jean-- Hist, Geog, | Sherwood, Jask--Gram, BOAT FOR SALE 3 (Store. Phone 3%. { yay a - wi A BEAUTIFUL HOME TO p [Simcoe North. 30 | Geok., Art, Zool. A oo: willis Phys Ot em ~-- Gram, 18 foot B.C. coda, be i Archi kinds of Beauty Culture. Our |to reliable pariy wh d take | BEATTY WASHER STORE. 72 | Eilsuk, Goorso--Biat,. Geog. |p, SE Willan -- 'Gram. Fuysiof, Atithy Bot. BP. fous <yunder.3 4] pL. Reauty (uliure. ur | to re able party who would take | gi. North, have one rebuilt Art, Zool, ysiog., Arith., Bot. Short, Edna--Gram., Physiog., Motor. 'Very safe and fast. wil E STANHOUSE, permanent wave a specialty. | care of it. Rent very reasonable. White C asher,. with '3. pre- Ellicott Allan -- Gram Lesnick, Casimer--Hist., Geog., | Arith., Bot. Price $295, Terms. Ph. 900. 4 C. k. Se $5.00. $7.50 and $10.00. Finger | Phone 1960W for particulars, 8. LAD Wi » P i * | Zool. Sisson, Vera-- Hist, Geog. N: OR SALES \ Architectural work. : waving, marcelling, facials, scalp (33b) miums, $50, terms if Aesired, Physiog., Arh, Bot. A Local, Sarab--Gram., Physiog., | Art on, ' ' 0. TARO Rg fr "Royal Bank u : treatments 'and manicures, Got Oc Ellis, Jean---Hist.,, Geog., Art, Arith Bot SH id " pid e 4 i n . ER malay . 3 11, Ross--History, | 7496. Res. phione 909 1 dm THREE ROOMED APARTMENT, . ro BAL Zool. . Ea mall, I \ | ee -- : 0 SILT Sfilradien: %._ Phone ap: | nicely. fucaished, ali-conveniences, | IY | JIGYCLE Fo RE | Ewing, Donald--Mist, Geog, | Love, Tiorence = Gram.| Smith, Evelyh -- Gram. |= bi Pin . heat, light and water. Ground [ga } Co" CHI CORTUIAR, rasbet oe | Art, Zool. Physlog., Arith., Bot, Physiog., Arith., Bot. § (15 may 1 mo' | rio0r, Near Motors. Apply 97 Col. | Shed. > sme Fair, 'Earline---Gram., Arith. Love, Leland-- Hist, Geog., Smith, Muriel--Gram., Bot. my = orne St. East, (33¢) | = old-- : . olmes, Gerald--Gram., Hist. Cl iond" Aer |b FOR SATE--QUFEG HEATER. | Farrow, Harold--Hist, Geof. |AT: | Solmes, Gerald--G Hi REPAIRING attention A T APART: ! | Art, Zool. ovell, Everett--Hist, Geog., | Arith., Bot. WATCHES a gi. Osby to householdf furniture farm stockj and imple- © solicited. _ 'given sales and ments. Your patrona L Cam re! additional ( cash tial, you drive. Motor Loans & Discounts, ONEY 1 tomobile, ¢ ents reduced, given, dealings confid 'terms reasonable. Pay King St. 14% "Oren (16 aug ¢& . F. White, Mgr., ol wa... Phone 2790, evenings til 9 p.m. GRANT, ] oy Chartered Accountants, Trustees in Bankruptcy. Canadian Bank of Comuferce Building, Oshawa. (1 sept ¢) so ------ a: Furniture Repairing FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, etc. Charges reasonable. F. A. Morris, 170 Al- bert St. Phone 731W. Formerly with Luke Furniture Co. (12 aug ¢) ture repaired. Drapes made to or y Watch Repairing \ AL ON GUNTEN, EXPERT \E 'Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 441% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. A Si ALL W. BORROWD, FOR cement blocks, sand anc gravel, 809 Carnegie. Ave. Phone 1618. Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED Rd] wit! ital $1.00. Repaissa id ie Caen. toF and delivered. 'Prompt service. Stan 'Bligdon, 20 111 St. Phone 1886W "5 HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, repairs and alterati making, buttons and 3 onhoies. e dar. Rebuilding chesterfields a specialty. Geo. A. Constable, 27 E. Phone 3322J., eterinary Surgeon . VANZANT, V.S,, OFFICE 63 iborne St. East. Accommoda~ Priced right. Lycett, 25 King E. ment, 3 rooms, electric refriger- ator, stove, hot water, laundry, steam heat, janitor service. Phone 1400. (33¢c) . Wanted to Buy WANTED 0 BUY--A SIX OR seven roomed dwelling, ¢ontral- iy located in Oshawa, Modern conveniences. Give particulars Box 507 Times. (31c) "For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Store and house corner King and Nassau Sts., wonderful opportun- ity for druggist or grocery. All end traffic must pass store, Phone 295. (33¢) de 913. farmers' horses and cars. ; Motor Cars (18 avg 'e) Bl VIEW INN, GULL LAKE, age, Jy and 'grounds. Bass trout fishing, Clarence c) R SALE--1926 FORD COUPE, ! condition, What offers. Phone 3151W, FOR SALE -- STAR TOURING A-1 condition. $75. App'y 48 King street west, Apt. 2, over Pel y (31¢) 32¢ 8. . ACH, ANI- cally good, paint, tires, top, all O0.K. $180, terms arranged to re- sponsible party, phone 279%4w. 32b The Dell Shop, 26% 8. Phone 1656, dB 31) ATS of lo $4,300, less at de 6J. 6 - gardén land. kitchen. Out . town, For sale with crop. W. McCorhen, ZA 5 ri bh offer. . No agents. Puone EE 4 ; 00! x buildings. In good or 'without Brighton, P. ah 34a OACH, JUST ccoker, Good condition. 146 Verdun Road. (31¢) FOR SALE--HARDWOOD $11 A cord, $3 3% cord. All orders promptly delivered. Phone 2628F, (33¢) Farm For Sale FOR SALE---EXCELLENT B50 acre farm, mile west of Oakwood on Whitby-Lindsay highway, good buildings, land all cleared, $600 down balance 5% .per cent inter- est. Lorne W, Ferguson, 21 West- morland Ave, Oshawa, Phone 3430W, (324) Lost and Found LOST--DARK Y dog with collar and chain. Any- one having same will be perse- cuted, Phone 1562W. (330) AGENTS WANTED AGENTS SIMPLY COIN MONEY AG 8 SIMPLY COI selling our exclusive low priced beautiful private greeting Christ- mas Cards. Friends, neighbors, strangers order on sight, 35 per cent commission. Experience un- bum Free, Don't wait. Write Manager, Dept E, 8 Winchester Ave., Westmount, Montreal "DON'T WORRY"? necessary, Handsome sample Al- | Ferguson, Ralph-Hist., Geog., Art, Zool. Fisher, John--Gram,, Physlog., Arith., Bot, Fleming, Robert --- Gram. Physiog., Arith.,, Bot. Fleming, Roy---Hist.,, Geog., Zool. Forster, Ray--Hist., Art. Fowke, Fred--Gram., Physiog., Arith., Bot. Fuller, Bernice--Hist., Geog., Art, Zool. Garbutt, Beryl--Hist.,, Geog. Art, Gazley, Vincent--Hist., Geog. Gay, John--Gram., Physiog., Arith., Bot. Germond, Willlam ---- Hist. Geog., Art, Zool, Gibbs, Sybil--Hist., Geog., Art, Zool, Gifford, Mary---Hist., Geos., Art, Zool, Gillette, Rene--Hist.,, Geog., Art, Zool. Gillles, Murray ' + Gram. Physiog., Arith., Bot. Glaspell, Beryl ~~ Gram, Physiog., Arith., Bet. Glecoff, Keith--Hist., Geog., Art, Zool. Goodman, Keith--Geog., Art. Goyne, Llewella--Art, Zool, Goyne, Willlam--Hist., Geog, Art, Zool. Grainger, Ruby -- 'Gram., Physiog., Arith., Bot, " Gray, Alice--Hist,, Geog., Art, ool. § Art, Zool. Lynd, Jean--Gram., Physiog., Arith., Bot, Mackie, Stewart--Hist., Geog., Art. Art, McGee, Alice--Gram., Physiog., Arith., Bot. McGibbon, Jack--Hist., Geog. Art, Zool, MeGill, Mary-- Hist. Art, Zool, Mcintyre, Flora--Hist., Geog., Art, Zool. Mcintyre, Keith--Hist., Geog., Art, Zool, McLaughlin, Geog., Art, Zool. McLean, Ross--Hist., Art, Zool. McQuaid, Edith--Hist., Geog., Art, Zool, McQuaid, Madeline-- Hist. McRae, Mary--- Hist., Geog., Art, Zool, Malachowski, Peter -- Hist., Geog., Art, Zool. Marks, Dougles -- Gram. Physiog., Arith., Bot. Mason, Willlam---Hist., Geog. 2 Mathews, John---Geog., Art, ool, Mathison, Jean--Gram. & Maison, Robert--Hist,, Geog., rt. Mazurk, Geog., Nellie -- Hist., Geog., Helen - Gram, Zool. and Hort. IL McDonald, Marion -- Gram., Storie, Edward-- Hist, Art, Physiog., Arith., Bot, Zool, McDowell, William -- Geog., Stroud, Betty -- 'Gram, Art, Zool, Arith., Bot. Art, Zool, Physiog., Arith., Bot. Physiog., Arith., Bot. Art, Zool. Physiog., Arith., Bot, Physiog., Arlth,, Bot. Physlog., Arith., Bot. Physiog., Arith., Bot. Physlog., Arith, Physiog., Arith,, Bot. Art, Zool, Spires, Lorraine--Hist., Geog., Sproule, Cecil--Hist.,, Geog. Stewart, Isobel Agriculture Suddard, Beatrice--Arith., Bot: Swartz, Mary--Hist., Geog., Sweet, Dora--Gram., Physiog., Geog., Marguerite -- Gram., Tamblyn, Jean--Hist., Terry, Thompson, Donald -- Gram., Geog., ev, Hazel--Hist,, Geog., Art, Tubb, Tresise, Percy--Hist., Garnet --- . Gram. Vice, Howard -- Gram. Walton, Betty--Hist, Geos. ram., Ward, Brenda Ward, Velma Gram., Warner, Orville -- Gram. Watson, Evelyn Gram., Watts, Margaret--Hist,, Geog, Watts, Verna--Physiog., Arith. OUR SPECIALTY . J. BROWN It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct . time. . THE JEWELER Fast Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads b 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone. 180 t St. 32¢ : : Gray, Marjo VE, oy hy om t., Geog, " » 4ool "FOR GOOD USED TARE | , Kingoion--Nature has provided | ot Zeon [A ary iim, Laura---Hie., Geog. » Dito re = body, and it has also provided a hog Ziiotie lh Art, Zool. Tevis--Hist, Geog, Willson Gladys--Hist.,, Geog ! 0, : i ) . ' ay a fa : nm. _ these, germ Ss Guy, Clarence--Hist., Geo Merringer, Fred--Hist., Geog, | 200. : ER = or Sale Pam niversity Medical School told | ATE: Zool. £ Hr iN Willson, Glen -- Geog., Art, Payor, Arith,, Bot. % : members of Kingston Rotary Club| Hancock, Robert -- Gram, pitt, Dorothy -- Gram. | 200. ng, Maleolm--Hist., Gf at the Thursday luncheon. The | Physiog., Arith.. Bot.. ., Wilson, George--Hist., Geog., | Art, Zool. < speaker urged the members not to| Here, Helen--Gram., Physiog, | Michael, Jack--Hist, Zool. Young, Vernon--Hist., worry unduly abeut their health, If | Arith., Bot. Moffatt, Arthur--Hist, Geog, |, Wilson, Jean-- Hist, Geog., | Art, Zool. 2 they obeyed the simple, common | Hayes, Frank--Hist., Geog. | ATt, Zool. ool. : : Yule, Torrence--Gram, sense rules of health, and paid some | Art, Zool. Moore, Kathleen--Art, Wilson, Reta-- Hist, Geog.,| Zak, Joe--History, attention fo their diet and exercise, | Heard, Carson-- Hist, Art, | Moore, Margaret--Hist., Geog., | Art, Zool. Zochodne, Frapk -- G (33a) | they were doing about all that was | Zool. Art, Zool. "i York, Eldred' -- Gram. | Physiog., Arith,, Bot. ry possible. y " 5 % BY GEO. M 4 A ----y - Tr i i A MY LAwWVER WHAT | WANT TO KNOW 18, ™a L id RD You crass me. 616 : me @35 $s mo: LOOKING LP : ° YOUR J] hs MY FAMILY TRER ¥ 1 WILL FLRNIGH YO THIS |

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