lions Beat M3 Won Lrom S. & A. in S. Ontario League Lacrosse Players Involved in . ---- FIE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1931 PAGE TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Babe Ruth Creeps Closer to Gebrig in Home Runs Tannery Defeat Whitby in County Town, 13-3 Cornwall Badly Beaten by Toronto in Box Lacrosse FFS - NATIVE SONS SUSPENDED LCONS WIN FIRST OF PLAYO or's Fine Pitching » s Falcons Victory in prin) ---- QPORT Tm 7 Na mn i st SNAPSHOTQ Baseball | Results INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. Montreal .. .. 64 B53 .547 Baltimore .. . 66 63 .5566 Newark .. 64 80 .561 Rochest Opener of Playoff Series x Webster was just a little good for the Mike's Place in the tirst of the playoff fhes in the Big Four League, yed at the Motor City Sta- um last night, and the Faldons' fomped away with a 9 to 3 de- $iston. Two bad innings for' s team, the fourth and the gave the"Faleons the runs heeded for victery. In the garth, they sent five runners 'and two more in the fifth jo ant. e game. They needed a runs, however, for they held both hitless and Tun- for the rest of the game. 'eakness in the end of the bat- order had a great deal to » with the Mike's Place defeat, all of the eight strikeouts ered by Webster were at expense of the last three on the list. The hits were evenly divided between the 3 teams, Falcons getting nine 2 Mike's Place eight, but the : ¥aicons bunched theirs when they | counted and that won the old ball e for them. " Towns and Whiteley shared the pitehing for Mike's Place team, Towns lasting only four innings, up to whitch time the Falcons had secured six hits and seven runs. Whiteley allowed three - hits, which counted for two rums, in the fifth put after that he was in- vincible, snk did not allow a single hit.' Falcons took the lead in 'the first inning with a couple of runs, and Mike's Place evened it up with two in the fourth. In that same inning, however, the losers went to pieces temporarily, and the Falcons got their five rum lead which Jurasd. the tige of ae me. They ga n 0 yr in the fifth to end their scoring record, while Mike's Place coasted along without get- ting another run until the eighth when they scored once. It was a good game to walch, and the second meeting between these twq teams, at the Motor City Stadfum on Monday evening next, should be productive of an- other nine innings of snappy soft- ball. The score by innings: RH Falcons ... 200520 00x--9 9 Mike's .. .. 000200010--3 8 Batteries: --Webster and Row- den; Towns, Whiteley and Gay. For airplane passengers detach- able parachutes have beén In- vented to be quickly hooked to vests donned before a person be- gins a flight to save wearing one during an aerial journey. Invented in Czechoslavakia, an automobile is being tested at De- troit that has four driving wheels, so mounted that all are in con- taét wih the ground irrespective of its roughness. While Europe leads in the dis- tances covered by passenger air- plane lines the United States ex- ceeds all other countries in aeri- al transportation of mail, express and freight matter, France mow has 30,000 kilo- meters of national highways and 40,000. kilometres of secondary roads on which the government plans to spend 800,000,000 francs | annually for the next five years. | ing of Hincks, who went 7 innings, | = A The blow-up which net given a square deal. Now the in the investigation. Be order. * * In one of the most interesting ing the Tuxis team, leaders of the teams played a good brand of ball, church league tonight, when the * * The Oshawa Cricket Club meets ronto in a league game at Lakeview Jenkins, * * The Oshawa Nationals meet the league football game at the Motor with the kick-off at 3.30 pm. The before the final inning was reached. has occurred in the O.A.L.A,, by which the Native Sons team has been suspended and Coulter, Silk and Smithson summoned before the O.A.L.A. executive to give an account of themselves, was not altogether unexpected. After all, the O.A.L.A. officers have only them- selves 'to blame for the situation. Had they showed, any backbone in the matter, and refused to give certificates to players who were plainly not eligible to play for a Toronto team, there would have been no trouble, Back here in Oshawa the facts are known, and those who made an honest effort to keep this city in senior lacrosse, dep regulations of the O.A.L A. cannot be blamed Yor feeling that they were and ding on the pr whole thing has back-fired, and la- crosse will be given a real shaking-up if all the facts are brought to light * * ; Falcons Get the Jump A weak batting tail-end, and failure to hit in the pinches kept Mike's Place from coming out on top of the first game in the Big Four Play-off scries at the Motor City Stadium last night. was in good form, and held the losers to ten scattered hits. out eight batters, and the significant thing was that 2ll of these strikes were registered against the last three men on the Mike's Place batting Webster, of the Falcons, He struck * LJ Benedicts Win in Church League games played this season in the church league series, King Street Benedicts succeeded last night in hand- league, an 11 to 6 trouncing. Both and the game was witnessed by a good-sized crowd. As.a result of their defeat, the Tuxis team is now tied with the Holy Trinity team. Another game will be played in the Benedicts meet the Ukrainians. Tomorrow's Cricket the Consumers' Gas team of To- Park tomorrow afternoon. The fol- lowing players are requested to be on hand for the game: --F, Larmouth, L. Phillips, F. Hodgkinson, F. Prosser, W, Sargant, W. Moore, G. Mann, F. Whitfield, R. Drummond, J. Chappell and E. Chappell. Reserve, D. Soccer Game at Stadium Earlscourt Corinthians in a major City Stadium tomogrow afternoon, following players are asked to re- port at 3 p.m.: Herdman, Rosser, Boyd, McLean, Banks, Lyons, Murphy, Howie, Fairley, Anderson, Grant and Douglas. that the radio set draw will be made at half-time. . Supporters are reminded * i Newsies in Batting Mood The Times tearh had its batting eye in last night, when it handed the S.'and A, team an 18 to 7 beating in the South Ontario League. The Newsies gathered 25 hits off the pitching of Hincks and Cardinal, while tke S. and A. boys were held to eight bingles. five innings, and then the Newsies raised their sights and started after the pitchers to such good effect that the game was placed on ice Jong It was a close game for Times Team Won, 18-7 From S. & A. The Times' softball team went on a batting rampage last night in a South Ontario Leagpe game with the S. and A. Billiards boys, and won easily by a score of 18 to 7. The "newsjes'"' gathered no less than 25 hits from the piteh- and Cardinal, who finished the game for him, while Garrard, pitching for The Times, held the losers to 8 hits and struck out seven. For five innings jt was any- body's game, and at the end of the fifth the teams were tied at 6 runs each. Then the 'new: gles" opened up their heavy artil- lery, and with four runs in the fifth, one in the h and six in the seventh put the game on ice and coasted home easy winners. George Campbell, with five hits in five times at bat, and Cornish, py hits in a Te head- e parade for 'Times, Mor-" ris only player on tha ots, " line-up, who failed to secure a safe hit, i 5 hop oJ TR h # e by innings: n ow Times.. ...410 004 161--18" 25 8 & A....211 200 001-- 7. 'Batteries: Garrard Kel. far; Hinks, Cardinal and Daniels, ps af | ective "interest in SOCIAL WELFARE OF RUMANIA CONSIDERED (By The Canadian Press) Toronto, August 7. -- Mater- nal and child welfare work fis being developed in the picture- sque old kingdom of Rumania and the movement is receiving the syfpathetic support of a na- tion which "is generous of heart, it not of pocket," since its alien occupation during war days. Mrs. Pogoneau-Radelescu, of Rumania who, with her husband and son came to Toronto for the Y.M.C.A. Conference, told the Globe. Mrs. Radelescu is Directress of the "Becoala Centrals," a girls' high school or "lyceum" of Bucharest. In her capacity of school teacher, the had the privilege of instruct- ing Queen Helen, beloved ur all Rumanians, the ex-wife of King Carol; in the Rumanian language. "Being a Greek, Queen 'Elena' knew only Greek, French and English when she eame to Ru- mania, about the age of 15," ex- plained Mrs. Radelescu. "Her first task was to learn our lan- guage--and she Xan apt pupil, Most interested a usiastic on all things concerning Rumania and she has remained so ever since. s8he has always taken an social reform 's much the poor of and nursing, a of the done Rumania. All professions aFe open to wo- men, with special emphasis on a aang. durting dud | visitor, "We eek women doctors foor about our country. aut at on hn work, i such is the est , among care of the m vs +s 84 49 56S Toronto .. ... 60 59 504 Reading .. ... 53 63 - .457 Buffalo .. .... 49 66 .426 Jersey City .. . 46 72 387 Thursday's Scores Rochester ... 4 Newark .. Toronto .... 7 : Jersey City . 1 Reading .... 4 Buffalo .... 3 Baltimore ... 6 Montreal .. 2 NATIONAL LEAGUE Ww Lost P.C. St. Louis .. .. 39 .829 Chicago .. .. . 45 .533 New York .. 45 554 Brooklyn... .. 59 .533 Roston .. .. . 4 52 485 Pittsburg .. . 563 470 Fhiladelphia .. 62 404 Cincinnati .. .. 67 .362 Thursday's Scores Brooklyn .... 7 Boston .... 3 Philadelphia 6 New York .. 4 Cincinnat! ... 83 Pittsburg .. 2 Only three games scheduled. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Philadelphia .. 76 Washington .. . 64 New York .. .. 61 Cleveland .. .. 50 St. Louis ., .. 43 Boston .. .. . 41 Chicago «+ «+ . 39 Detroit .. . 39 Thursday's Scores New York ... 6 Philadelpnia 2 Washington 15 Boston Chicago .. .. 7 St, Louis .. Cleveland ... 4 Detroit ... 592 481 .430 .394 .386 .368 National Orchestra To Be Dissolved (By The Press) Cardiff, Wales, August. 7--The National Orchestra of Wales will be wound up on Oct. 7 next, The Council of the National Orches- tra has decided to disolve the or- chestra because of lack of funds. The British Broadcasting Cor- poration, which has hitherto fi- nanced the orchestra, offered to continue to support it to the ex- tent of $35,000 for two years on condition that a like sum. was raised in Wales, the control of the orchestra to be vested ulti- mately in a Welsh committee. An appeal for funds signed by Lord Plymouth and others was jssued some months ago, and a sum of $14,000 was collected, including contributions of $2,600 and $1,250 from the Cardiff and Swansea Corporations respective- ly. The Welsh quota was to have been raised by the end of June, and a deputation from the Or- chestra Appeal Committee, which waited upon the Council recently, urged that the time-limit should be extended. After reviewing all the circumstances the Council were unable to agree to this course. The Council resolved that donations due to be refund- ed under the conditions of the appeal should be returned to the donors and the other donations should be given to hospitals where that was undertaken, the remaining donations to ha deve- ted to the Musicians' Union Be- nevolent Fund in Wales, An attachment has been in- vented for dial telephones that records the number of a person calling when the person called is absent to enable the latter to call back on his return, A tank motor truck has been built in England that can carry a load of 100 tons and thats so long that an assistant rides at the rear communicating with the driver by telephone. a Ruth is Creeping Close to Gehrig New York, Aug. 7.--Young Henry Johnson bore down when the bearing was good yesterday, striking out two batters and fcreing another to pop weakly to the infield with the bases crammed in the ninth inning and the New York Yankees ger- ed through to a 6 to 3 victory over the champion Philadelphia Athletics in their series opener, Gomez, until he weakened in the ninth, had held the cham- pions to three scattered hits and would have blanked them for eight innings had it not been for "Bube" Ruth's two base muff of Cramer's fly in the fourth in- ring. Ruth apologized for this error in the fifth by hitting his 30th home run of the season. Leaders In The Majors Chuck Klein moved up another notch in the Big Six standing yes- terday as his two National Lea- gue batting rivals were out of action. Klein hit safely twice in four attempts, adding two points to his average and gaining a tie with Charley Grimm for second place onthe National League list and sixth in the Big Six. Babe Ruth and Al. Simmons also made two hits apiece in four times up, adding one point each to thelr marks. One of the Babe's clouts was his thirtieth homer of the season. Earl Webb failed three times and dropped three points. The standing: -- G AB Ruth, Yks. 96 359 Simmons A 106 427 Webb RS 102 396 West Sntrs 90 364 Duvis Phil 84 270 Klein, Phil 103 420 91 144 .343 Grimm, Cbs 97 344 44 118 .343 Home runs yesterday -- Ruth, Yankees, 1; Averill, Indians, 1; McManus, Tigers, 1; Reynolds, White Sox, 1. 4 The leaders--Gehrig, Yankees, 31; Ruth, Yankees, 30; Kloin, Phillies, 24; Foxx, Athletics, 21; Averill, Indians, 21; Ott, Giants, 17; Goslin, Browns, 17; Simmons Athletics, 17. R H PC. 97 138 .384 90 163 .382 72 145 .366 63 181 .360 19 95 .352 Cornwall Loses To Toronto, 16-3 Toronto, Aug. 7.--An exten sive fall of Maple Leafs around the Cornwall Colts' goal last right at the Arena Gardens ra- ther burdened the imported de- fence of the visitors and the lo- cal brigade of professiona: la- crosse stick wielders popped in enough goals to score_a swam- heated 16-3 victory. Despite the heat, a large crowd of fans sweltered and hollered to the finish as the Toronto team scored more and more goals as the periods progressed. By the end of the initial period the Leafs led-by 6 to 2 but, as goals are small matters in the box lacrosse game, Cornwall Colts still had a chance. After five more Leaf tal- lies in the second session the Colts' chagces had Ween reduced to hopes. As the final period wore on the Zimmer, White Ken- dall front rank frollicked along with assistance from Pim to ram in eight more counters the Hast- erners' hopes even vanished aud their ship went down with all hands at their posts. Native Sons Suspended by ~~ 4 i O.A.L.A.; Former Players * Of Oshawa Team Involved . ---- Smithson, Silk and Coulter Called to Appear Before O.A.L.A. Executive at * * Meeting Tonight--Sev- eral Charges of Profes- sonalism Suggested \ j Toronto, Aug. 7. -- Following formal presentation of certain charges by a rooming housekeeper of Highland Creek, by two refer- ees and the Hamilton Lacrosse Club, the Native Sons of Canada Lacrosse Club of Toronto was suspended last night at a special meeting of the executive of the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Asso- ciation. Alderman John Winnett amd Joseph W, Miller, two officials of the Native Bong Club, together with three players, have been di- rected to appear before the exe- cutive to-night to answer sugges- tions of professionalism and other charges, The club stands suspended by last night's order until the situa- tion is cleared up. The three Na. tive Sons players, whose testi- mony will be sought to-night are W. Coulter, Bert Smithson and Ty Silk. At the meeting of the O.A.L.A. executive last night, the follow- ing motion was passed: "That the Native Sons' Lacrosse team of Toronto be suspended un- til such time as specific charges are disposed of, and that the of- ficers of the club along with play- ers, Smithson, Coulter and Silk, appear before the executive on Aug. 7 at 8.16 at the Prince George Hotel." Native Sons last week initiated court action against the O.A.L.A. to force the latter body to grant a playing certificate to Charles Barron but the case was thrown out. Later the O.A.L.A. suspend- ed Native Sons until their entry fee of $30 was paid. Settlement was made thus automatically re- instating the team. The suggestion of professional- ism arises out of the allegations of Mrs A. Swinton of Highland Creek, who claims that Mr. Mil- ler and Alderman Winnett ar- ranged with her for the accom- modation of six players and two officials of the Native Sons' Club for a period of nine weeks, the club to stand responsible for all obligations incurred. The league executive, in sus- pending the club, did so with the possibility in mind that the resi- dence at Highland Creek, eight miles east of Toronto, was estab- lished merely for the purpose of circumventing the league's re- quirement that players for Toron- to clubs must live in the eity or closer to the city than to another municipality that has a lacrosse club. Some of the men for whom residence was established at High- land Creek are employes of the General Motors at Oshawa and have permanent homes there, It has been charged that the men must have been aware of the bas- is upon which such arrangements were made in their behalf, and that the alleged payment of their board bills by the club wag tanta- mount to cash remuneration for their services to the club. This point will be threshed out tonight it is expected. i Toronto Leafs Defeat Skeeters Jersey City, Aug. 7. -- Yoang Glenn Liebhardt, who couldn't win a game for the Skeeters when hie was with them last summer, surprised the local players this afternoon. He allowed but six well-scattered hits and pitched the Leafs to a 7 to 1 victory in their final 1931 game here. The vin gave O'Neill's team a record of seven out of twelve in Jersey City during the year. Nolen Richardson, making four Lits, drove in the same number of runs and scored two more, be- ing of much assistance to the iron man's son in gaining revenge over the team that gave him a chance to view the scenery in the New York-Pennsylvania League last season. Wilmington, Aug. 7. -- Primo Carnera, giant Italian, added an- other knockout to his string to- night by disposing of Armado de Carlos, of South America, in the second of a schednled eight round battle. . Carnera weighed in at 272 1-2, while de Carlos tip- ped the scales at 187. ets --------ta NEW MARTIN Playing Today SHE WAS A MADONNA ~~ ote STREETS / , UNTIL SHE MET HIM onc Sh Silverware Night TONIGHT ! Shown Daily at 2.30, 7,9 - ° Regular Prices BANISH RHEUMATISM To those who suffer from the torture of rheumatism there is available a harmless, inexpensive remedy that has proven effective in the most difficult cases. Dr. Banta's Kidney Pills attack the poisons that cause such torment and by driving these poisons out of the system they bring back health and joyous relief from the torturing pains. Ask your druggist for Dr. Banta's Kidney Pills the most Price a box. reliable remedy for kidney trouble and rheumatism. B50c Get a box from your druggist today. Sold only by Thompson's Drug Store, Oshawa, ready to smoke ; : ASK for Assbeta::iand get more cigar for five cents than you ever got before. :: the extra quality is put in 53 5.then sealed in so that you get the full flavour and » freshness 'when you are the pocket pack of five. CIGARS