Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jul 1931, p. 2

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ons esr THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1931 ) PAGE TWO | Ontario and Durham RAINHEAVY IN "HAMPTON AREA LER pe Leave Fields (Miss L. Horn, ent) Hampton, July 21.--Those whi liave prophesied rain, since the appearance of the new moon, have not been disappointed in the several showers we have had the dast few days. It is some time since we have had such a down- pour as came about noon on Mon- day. Thunder accompanied the shower that came at daybreak .and later about nine o'clock, All the rainy day apparel that 'one might don would not suffice to lkeep - one dry. in the driving storm that 'came dt midday and sted. a good half hour. Berry pickers had to give up the work st'work in the fields, and 'those for the day as well as the men smployed 'on the Scugog road, on which the operations of paving will. soon be off to a good start. Men have been seeking employ- ment from near and far, The con- tract has been let to fwo eo pais, Johnston's having e north halt: and 'Rayners, the souty. The work so far has been that necessary in, preparation to laying the tluid, that will con- § the new road. Machinery and necessary equipment for mix+ ing this is being placed midway between Hampton and Bowman, ville in the north east field, ad, joining the C.N.R, track, where the: switch has been laid. Many men have been successful in se- curing. board and room from our / willage 'residents, while a number "of them are using tents for their ! night's lodgings, : i t+ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens, { Enniskillen, visited his mother, * Mrs. Esther Stevens, on Sunday, , A. E. Billett visited Fenelon Falls recently, "". The softball game between Maple Grove and Hampton girls on Tuesday night, played in the park, resuited in a score of 19-13 in Hampton's favor, The weather conditions were not too favorable owing to quite a mist. However the game proved to be rather a lively one. Quite a number from our vil lage have enjoyed the Chautau- Qua at Bowmanville the last week. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Parker, Dayton, Ohio, Mr, Beecher Park- er and mother, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. M. Goodman, Miss L. Reeve spent.a few days with Port Hope relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ebersole, ~King- ston, were Sunday visitors at the home of W. W. Horn. His many friends wish Laverne Clemens, a speedy recovery, from the recent injuries sustained while haying, having had two ribs broken, and other bodily harm done, when operating the hay fork with Eric Jones, assist- ing him, Mr. and Mrs. Wood and son, Jimmie, Toronto, were 6 recent guests of Mr. 'and Mrs, Harry Holwell, Jimmie yemained for & short visit. i The corn suffered from the wind and rafh on Monday, caus- much of it to lie flat on the Mrs. G. Barron, has been un- "der the doctor's care. ~ Mr, W. R. Allin's rasidence has .¥acated and its new owner, iss Edna Reynolds, has taken possession, . Mrs. R. H. Warder, Bowman- visited at the home of A. 'eters on Tuesday, and was also 'present at the W.M.S. meeting at the home of Mrs. H. er r. and Mrs. Lorne Robbins nd Pauline, visited Mrs. W. J. Virtue on Tuesday. ? Mr. Kenneth Caverley, Wind- || | sor, visited his wife and children, ho are holidaying at the home fof Mrs. Caverley's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Much cooler weather on Wed- ? nésday, followed the rain and dull days of Monday and Tues- : » The Sunday School on Sunday morning was well attended. Our "pastor, Rev.. J R. Bick, occupied the pulpit at the evening ser- vice, when Elinor Sykes assisted dn the music with a vocal solo. . and Mys, Salem Groat, and lamily, Toronto, are visiting at the home of F. J. Groat. ~ B.'Horn lost & valuable cow 'recently. } i Mr. Herbert: Smale, Detroit, visited mother, Mrs. Ida Smale, hawa' § on Monday, where they Joris, Long Sault, visited at the 'home of H. W, Wilcox, for a few ys. / 'Words of a Husband "Modern life is too complex," mused Mrs. Watson, struggling a heap of correspondence. I am with a host of friends. n I think the world of, but' Ci they're living away from I can't keep them all up!" "her husband knew better, 2 it's so. They would Wouldu't:they? . And. so » accompanied her to" C PORT PERRY NEWS ---- -(Miss M, Cockburn, Correspon- dent) Port Perry, July 21. -- The Misses Helen, Joan, Sheila, Ruth and Lois Cameron, of Beaverton, were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. J, Cockburn, Mr, and Mrs. Newell, of War- saw, visited their daughter, Mrs. McIntosh, last week. 4 Married--At the parsonage, Port Perry, by Rev. R. T. Rich- ards , on Wednesday, July 15th, Marion Foster , of Toronto, to Charles Rowland, of Port Perry. Married--On Wednesday, July 16th, at the parsonage, by Rev. R. T. Richards, Luella Brent to Mr Joseph R. Baird, both . of Port Perry. Congratulations. A mumber of friends gathered at the home of Miss T.uella Brent and presented her with a kit- chen shower. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lucas visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lucas last week. Mrs. Mercer, who has been TE A visiting friends in Port Perry for the past two weeks, has returned to New York. Quite a number from Port Perry attended the Oshawa races cn Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Garrett, of Tor- onto, visited friends in Port Perry over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson, of British Columbia, are guests of the Misses Emmerson, Mr. James Harrison of Detroit, is spending a vacation in ruse Perry. Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Dutton and family, of Toronto, were guests at the home of Mr, J. Cockbuin on Saturday, Among the many visitors who spent the week-end in Port Perry were Mr. and Mrs, H. E, James. Middleport; Mr, and Mrs, Allan Walker and family, Buffalo; Mr and Mrs. Garbutt, Toronto; Mr end Mrs, E. H. Dukes, Cleveland; Mr and Miss 'Ireland, Toronto; Dr and Mrs. Harris and family, Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Temnle, Mr. Ernest Tane, Miss Alberta "Somebody has a secretary who knows her lunches" "When you see as much food as I do during the day you get to know the best and most healthful things to eat. Notice that girl's tray whose lunch I just checked -- a box of Shredded Wheat and a bottle of whole milk." "Tasty, light, easy to di- gest, yet very nourishing, that's my idea of a well- balanced meal. depends upon my keeping cool and wide awake all \ day long. That's why I, | | too, eat Shredded Wheat for lunch." My job Made in Canada with Canadidn Wheat SHREDDED ~ WHEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Downs, and Miss Ada Wilkinson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Campbell and family, Detroit: Mi. and Mrs, Pratt, and family, Mr. and Mrs. 'Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, Mr. and 'Mrs. Franklin and family, of Toronto; and Mr, and Mrs. I. H. Jones of Syracuse, . Mf. Clifford King and Mr. Chas. Hutcheson, of Toronto, are spending a few days in town. Among the successful candi- dates at the Normal School were Misses Grace and Isobel Cawker, Irva Nott, Inez Fralick, Dorothy Proutt, Ruby Lee and Mr. Alfred Higgs, NEWCASTLE NEWS Cora B. Butler, Corres- pondent) Neweastle, July 22.--Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Hoar and children have returned to their home after a week's holidays at Lake Scugog. Mrs. Stella_Anderson, Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, R. P. Butler, Mr, and Mrs, Rex Wegner and family of Brantford, have taken a cottage at the lake for three weeks, Mrs. D. B. Simpson is staying with Mrs, W. T, Lockhart and Miss Lockhart, Miss Gladys Matchet was home for the week-end from Toronto. Miss Blackburn spent the week in Bowmanville, taking in the Chautauqua Concerts there. Both "Elmhurst Inn" and "The Crest House" report a busy season, especially with American tourists. Mr, and Mrs. Bradford Kay, Dr, and Mrs. Le Roy Hoffner and Mrs. Richard Turner, all of New Jork, have motored over to spend their holidays with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. George El- beck, Westley Noden went to Toron- to last week and underwent an operation, The last reports were that he is doing nicely, Mr. Alf. Graham also spent a week in the Toronto General but (Miss has returned home and is getting { about on crutches, having had an | old knee trouble righted. The Newcastle girls' softhal! team played Tyrone girls at the Community Park on Tuesday evening. A large crowd of inter- | ested citizens attended the game and cheered for both teams though the home team came out victorious. BROOKLIN NEWS (Elinor Mackey, Correspondent) Brooklin, July 22.--Mr, G. Brown is visiting his brother in Michigan. Miss Mildred McDuff is spend- ing a few weeks with friends In Dundalk, Mr, and Mrs. Wilcoxan, of Ux- bridge, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, H. Spears, Mrs. Clayton White and child- ren, Betty and Jean, of Ottawa, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. White. Mr. R. Tateum, of Toronto, spent a few days with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Tateum, A very interesting game of ladles' softball was played in the Town Park, Whitby, on Wednes- day last, July 16th, between Brooklin and Whitby. Although our girls did their best to win the score was 5-6 in favour of Whitby. Mrs. W. Sonley, Mrs. B. De Hart and her Busy Bees Class wish to thank everyone who help- while | ed to make their fresh air camp such a success. Mr, gnd Mrs, E. Pascoe and the Mackey family spent Thurs- day at the Pascoe picnic held in the park at Hampton. About one hundred and twenty-five rela- tives were present and all report- ed a splendid time. Fine Pitching . Helps Leafs Win After Frank Barnes had given a superlative display of fork- hand flinging to blank the New- ark Bears and score his second successive shut-out in the open- ing game of yesterday's double header, at the Stadium, the Maple Leafs unloaded some ragged baseball and dropped the final performance, The Leafs triumph- ed by 1 to 0 in the opener, hut were tagged for an 8 to 4 defeat In the good-night end of the pas- timing, which went for 8 innings. The teams split even in the four.game series, each winning two. The even break didn't help the Bears' chances of overtaking Mcntreal and by the same token, tke Leafs have been temporarily balted from crowding the heels of the teams above them, Another good week-day crowd, shout 5.000, viewed the preceed- ings. The Leafs were right in LJ the second game up until the fin- al frame. The Bears got the winning margin after two were out in the eighth. Nick Harrison was charged with the defeat. Nick was pummelled right mer- rily for four successive hits when the Bears finally found his num- her. But a base on balls led to his downfall, just as wildness of that description had unseated his predecessor, Art Mills, who hal to depart in the sixth, when the Bears wiped out a two. run lead which looked good enough until then to let the Leafs walk off with the double encounter, An error by Billy Rogell in the sixth inning also played a prom- inent part in the Toronto team's defeat. Rogell let "urrett's grounder get through him after Jerdan had walked to start the frame. There was a double rlay in sight, but the shortstop's er- ror permitted Jordan to take third and Barrett to halt at sec- ond with nobody out, It was no fault of Art Mills that he ot in. tu enough trouble in thgt round to» promote his departure, Ro. gell had one of his rate had days but they are so rare that they are excusable, As a war to end war it wag a fizzle, but as a peace to end peace this one is doing very well, This year as never before, judg- ing by beach dresses, women have heen demonstrating that they have backbone. MACKENZIE KING TELLS HOUSE OF VACATION TRIP (Continued from page 1) arose on a 'question of privi- lege" shortly after the House commencement, The words the Liberal Leader uttered were measured words, He proceeded with apparent deter- mination at care and precision. The trend of his utterances was expected, in view of Senator Mec- Dougald"s committee testimony, and therefore not particularly sensational. But the situation, and the manner of the state- ment"s reception by the assembled Commnners, was something un- precedented, A former Prime Minister, honored Leader of one of Canada's great historic par- ties, against whom never a breath of suspicion previously had been cast, standing in his place to deny inferencse of dis- honor; the scene was such as to win for him the immediate sym- pathy even of political enemies-- many of them bitter enemlies--sitting behind the Gov- ernment, political |- The attitude of the House was quickly evidenced, Not half a dozen sentences had the Liberal Leader 'uttered in his denials of implication in Beauharnois mach- inations before Premier Richard B. Bennett nodded his head In apparent affirmation of belief In the declarations being made by the man with whom on so many occasions he had engaged in angry political conflict. The Ben- nett nods of apparent belief in the truth of the statements con- tinued htroughout; and--perhaps more impressive than any other single phase of the whole inci- dent -- Conservative members joined with the Liberals in the moderated and dignified applause which was tendered the Libera) Leader upon conclusion, Two motoring friends met af a wayside inn. "I say, Ford means business when he gets hig new factory finished at Dagen- ham," gaid one. "Yes," sald the other, 'heard about his latest idea?" "Noi" "Well, hes making his new cars six inches narrower so hs can get more on the road." "It's awfully hard to find what you want in the shops," sighed one woman to another, "Yes," agreed the other, "es. pecially when you really don't quite know what you do want." Your Dollar Will Never Buy WHAT YOU NEED ~AT A SAVING What a pleasure it is to shop where your in- dwidual likes and d. lay the contents of the market basket and where you know your dol more. Just see wha plete order at your Dominion Store this week. More T islikes determine without de- lar will go further and buy { you can save on your com= han Today EXTRAORDINARY VALUE! SOAP GHIPS Ww. Regular Price 10c 1b. ' pecial for eek-End Only Pound b: VICTORY PICKLES -- MATCHES CORN FLAKES Maple Leaf Large Boxes Sour Mixed 29: 35 Sweet Mixed for 25 Pkg. C FOR PRESERVING Certo ....... BULK MAYFIELD Side Bacon ...., NON-CHIP Tumblers .... (ADA'S LARGEST Spare Ribs NOSIS "where Quality Counts" RETAII GROCERS Ibs. for BEEF Lean Brisket Ib. c Roast Beef 12° TAME LEGS mw. Je FRESH MADE DAILY smal SAUSA \ SLICED MAYFIELD BACON WE, Ib. 1 ©. Ib. 27- Friday Only FRESH BUTT _ 15. TASTY ICING Sugar .. MCcLAREN'S Summer Drinks Bot. Soda Biscuits. ...2 m.23¢ Caron 39¢ Fruit Bread ... "iF 8c Cin en 3 Th 18 , Bot. 23¢ 29¢ nh. 25c Quick Dinner, tin HEDLUND'S READY COOKED DINNERS Roast Beef and Gravy, tin 35c Meat Balls and Gravy, tin 29¢ Just Warm and Serve PEACHES "TASTY" NEW CHEESE WESTON'S PARISIEN PACKAGE BISCUITS A varied assortment of #-<st quality biscuits 1-1b. Pkg. CLARK'S Veal Loaf ...... SHIRRIFF'S STRAWBERRY 12.0%. Marmalade .... 5% 24¢ NESTLE'S EVAP. Milk Floor 2 IN1 Shoe Polish. ...2 m= 25¢ CROSS PERFECTION Lemon Cup ..... NEW PACK Lobster ....... Tin 17¢ Wax ..... E & BLACKWELL'S Bottle 33¢ Ha 29¢ IT'S DELICIOUS ICED RICHMELLO TEA 1.68- Blended and Packed in Our Own Plant Mild Flavored A Healthful, Nourishing Food Australian No. 2 Tin Sticed or Halves REGULAR PRICE 23¢ Satisfies and Wrapped at the Ovens 19 19 Cc Ontario Large Size LEMONS New Potatoes 15 APPLESFor Pies 2 Ibs. 11¢ Doz. 33e¢ SLWRIBUN Specials in Fruits and Vegetables Loeal. 3 CUCUMBERS 3 for 10e Large Ripe BANANAS . Don't forget our free delivery service. Phone INION STORES |) Bly Quality Counts' AR( ES i KR] N Doz. 21e 2956 or 1572 LR SL RRA RE

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