Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1931, p. 7

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a_i -. & Discounts, R. F. - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JuLy 7, 1931 PAGE SEVEN if it is to be bought or sold- Times Classified Ads will do it -- Legal Dental For Rent HAMPTON NEWS | -------- i -- rtp 4 1 ssex Coupe, y CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS | DR. 8. J. PHILL! PS, OVER BAS- | VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT (Kis Hors, Gurraspontiont) 'T : pe. Solicitors, Notaries Public, Et. | sett's. Special attention to X-ray | new dow rentals, electric refrig- Hampton ver ponden and Ome 1928 Old's. Sedan. { Conveyancing and general Prac- | work. Gas extraction. Nurse in | eration, electric stove, washing Mrs.' Jerome Barrie, accompanied ROSS, AMES AND GART.._! tice in Law. Office 7% Simcoe |aftendance. Phone 959. House | machine and dryer, Apply super- by Mrs, Cherry and _ daughter, SHORE : st. Soiith, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. | 1312, intendent. Phone 2533F. Jane, Rochester, N.Y., were among | WHITBY, OSHAWA. BOWMANVILLE || King St. West: Phone 160% Conant, B.A.,, LL.B.;; A. F. An- nis, B.A. LL.B. W. EB. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., , BANK of Commerce Building. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, BA, A, BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notaty Public, Conveyancer. Money "to loan. Of- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 83 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barrister, etc., Bank of Commerce Bldg. STEN. OUIS 8. § 5. HYMAN, BARRI ss Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Residence 3473W, GREER & HUMPHREYS, 5, "BAR- visters, Solicitors. etc. 24% Sim- con St. N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Moye to loan. ALEX. C. HALL, B.A. CT BAPRIS ter, etc. "Conveyancing and gen- eral practice. 22% «King St. East. Phone 3237. (tn) FRANK S. EEBS, S_ BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- apcer, mony to loan. Third (loor new Alger Building. opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. Medical DR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, specfal atten- tion given to X-Ray work ana Electrotheopy Office. Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east. Phone 2416. DR, GRANT BERRY, . PHYSIC- jan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, dis eases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence 97 Bond East Phone 1155. DR. DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office ang resi- dence King St. East, corner Vie- <oria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS. OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lov- eli's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consulta- tion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Ap- pointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects C. C. STENHQUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Secord floor Royal: Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909J. Auctioneer PHONE NE 716d. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household (furniture sales and farm stock and imple- meats. Your patronage solicited. DR. J. i. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe S:. N, over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 292W. Even- ings by appo' ntment. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING St. £ast. Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street north, Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M, F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. ["uneral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (4Lr) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest I'ire Agency ip Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johng, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected. HOLDEN SAVES YOU MONEY on your car or fire jnsurance. 92 Simcoe N. Phone 371W. (8 jly ¢) Spirella HAVE MRS. BLATTER, REP- resenting Spirells, north east dis- trict, demonstrating the new Spirella Fitting Garment, Phone 2189M. 3 Aly ° Transportation OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furnitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long: distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Park Rd. S. Phone 215 (7 may 1 mo) CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Beauty Parlors BETTY Lou PERMAN Wave Shoppe, for a limited t special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.50; $7.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing and all other "lines of beauty culture. For service and reliability call on the oldest established permanent wave shop, 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone | 2968 for appointments, (8 jly ¢) LA PARISIENNE BEAUTY PAR- lours. 3 Simcoe St. South. Phone 71. Marcel 60. Finger wave 76¢. . (656L1) SIMCOE MANOR---FOUR AND [ive room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conveni- ences, App.r superintendent. Phone 2671. (65tf) OFFICES, BRIGHT, CLEAN, good approach. $15 up. APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 3 TO 4 .rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. Bradley Bros. Over Ward's Store, (87tn) FOR RENT -- GLADSTONE Apartments, 12° Gladstone. Mod- ern 3 roomed, $30 monthly, fur- nished or unfurnished. Phone 2604W, (9 jly c) FOR RENT--112 LOUISA ST. 7 room bungalow, electric fire- plac, hardwood floors, newly decorated. Immediate possession. Also garage. $40 rent. Phone 2604W. (13 jiy ¢) FOR RENT--ELECTRIC CLEAN. er, electric wazer. tents, exten: sion ladders, folding chairs, camp cots, lawn rollers, dishes, 'etc. Fox Hardware. (24 july ¢) FOR RENT -- APARTMENTS uow available 3 ang 4 room, fully modern suites, refrigeration, electric laundry an dryers, jani- tor service. - Wili consider fur- nishing to suit. Reasonable ren- tals, Phone 1550 or 2347W. (14911) THREE-ROOMED APARTMENT, Apply .Bowra Electric Shop. . (1521) NEW SIX-ROOMED HOUSE TO rent, all modern conveniences, garage, paved street. 84 Cadillac Ave. Phone 162 r,2804-j. (155¢) SIX-ROOMED, BRICK HOUSE, open fire place, 3 pieced bath, furnace, oak floors, French doors, garage. Immediate possession. Phone 2780. (156b) SIX - ROOMED HOUSE FOR rent," oak floors down, all newly decorated, good garage. Immedi- ate possession. Phone 2780. (156b) TO RENT, BRICK. SIX rooms, bathroom, large pantry, and attic. 610 Simcoe St. South, Phone 1143-m. 156¢) HOUSE, 203 STREET, Phone 1824w, (156h) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Apply 75 Westmorland Ave (156b) FOR RENT -- HAIRDRESSING Parlor at 121 Mary Street, rent reasonable, P hone 104. (156¢c) TOR RENT --- FURNISHED cottage, Kawartha lakes. Apply Box 502, Oshawa Times. (157¢) HOUSE ; MARY Bidnh ==]. (20 ily ¢) | FoR RENT -- FOUR ROOMED Hemstitching "THE MODERNISTIC PERMAN- | house with conveniences, immie- ent Wave Shoppe". Specialiss | diate possession. Apply 321 Di- FENSIICHING, EATING. in permanent waving for $5 to | vision street. " (157¢) repairs an alterations, ress- | $15. Special price on finger | TF TF Fo making, buttons and buttonholes. waving and shampoo 75¢ from 9 Fe alan 50 ih The Dell' Shop, 26% Simcoe S. jag. to 12 a.m. In afternoon | Ave. every convenience, electric Phone 1656. $1.00. Phone 635 for appoint- | range and drapes, vacant Aug. a (Jan 5-1 mo) | ments. 17 Ontario Street. 15. Apply 270° Division Street. --- (3 ily ¢) (157¢) Money to Loan GENOSHA HATRDRESSING | = od / ON APPROVED RESIDENTIAL | Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace Furnished 1 Apartment property. BRADLEY BRO=., 20% | Marshall, experts in all | LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH Simcoe St. S. kinds of Beauty Culture. Our | electric fireplace, kitchen fully 26 jly ¢) [permanent wave a specialty. |equipped with electric range, re- AUTOMOBILE LOAN--A CON- | $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger | frigeration, hot water, cupboards, fidential service at the lowest | Waving, marcelling. facials, ecalp |large bedroom and clothes closets. price. Whether your car is tully treatments and manicures. Cof- | Nice locality. This apartment fea Shoppe entrance. Phone ap- | beautifully furnished, $55 month. paid or not. We can reduce your present payments. Motor Loans White, Mgr., 143% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 2700. Open evenings till 9 p.m. (16 jly ¢) Lawn Mowers Sharpened LAWN MOWERS S PENED and repaired. Called and de- livered. Phone G. Slater 3193W. (23 jly ¢) Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT 'Swiss watchmaker, repafr shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist on matters of importance. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Busi- nesg private, (1 aug ¢) Cleaning and Dyeing LADIES" AND GEET'S FRENCH dry cleaning, repairing and re- modelling. Goods called for and delivered. IM. Crozier. 138 Sim- coe sovth, Phone 2338. (1 jly ¢) a and Pressing COATS AND SUITE CLEANED §1. Repair work a specialty 'Goods called for: Phone 523. Norman Lambert, 66 Bagot St. (9 ily ¢) For Sale or Exchange : GRAND 95-ACRE FARM FOR sale or exchange on Oshawa cen- tral property, brick house, good barns, silo, orchard, bush creek, rich clay loom soil, near church, school, 10 miles Oshawa. Phone Holden, 371w. (156h) For Exchange MASSEY HARRIS. 71t "BINDER IN good running condition would exchange for 6ft binder 133.r22, Bowmanville. Hi (156¢) Work Wanted LIGHT TRUCKING IN ANY | part of city for 50c. B. F. Moss. Phone 1736J. (12 jly e) CATPENTER WORK DONE, RE- pairing, altering. Phone 1778w, or call at 216 Alice St, (155¢c) pointments 1973 (15 may 1 moy ly. Apply to box 65, Oshawa Post Office, (1561) Veterinary Surgeon H. VANZANT, V.5., OFFICE 63 Colborne St. East. Accommoda- tion for farmers' horses and cars. Phone 913. (16 ily ¢) 'Shoe Repairing BRING YOUR SHOES HERE for repairs. First class work done. Charges very reasonable. Jack Read, corner Mary and Col- borne, (8 jly ¢) Radio Service OSHAWA ~ RADIO SERVICE-- Repairs on radios, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for sale. Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 3350J. Charles Wales, 146 Chartered Accountant E who rings doors bals louke ing for a job, a room or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route indeed. Our Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but also assure an immediate Interview with an Interested at the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND wood slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (1 Rates for SOFT aug c¢) WE HAVE for your approval. derwood," 135 Victoria St., ronte, FOR SALE-- GOOD | wood 3; cord $3. W. Phone 7#2J. FOR SALE-- SAND, cinders, stone, black loam. $1,650 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros. 557J. a i (18 jiy ¢) Professional or Business FOR SALE -- 100 GALS. Cards, $2.50 per month Moore's service pafat at $1.75 for 20 words or less, 10 gal. Fox Hardware. cents a word per month i aa (9 ly ¢) for each additional word. HARDWOOD SLABS $3.50, SUM- mer wood 3% cord $3. Mostly P 35 hardwood. Phone 2423-w. ERY hone COAT OIL STOVE AND REFRI- gerator. Apply 18} King Street Ask for Classified Ad Eas (156¢) Department ONE BABY CRIB AND CARRI- age, 150 Olive ave, Oshawa | (1550) | mmr FOR SALE---MOFFAT ELEC- Battery Service tric range, good condition, 31 El. ce -- gin St, E. (156b) | BATTERIES CHARGED ) be ABOUT 30 Tone ~OF OF SWERT | with rental $1.00. Repaired ana Clover half. . Beecroft, Whit- | rebuilt. Called for and delivered. by. (156¢) | Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 y Lae my a AUTO TRAIGER, STRONGLy | Mill St- Phone 1836W, built. Apply to: Phone 921, Osh- od emale awa, (156¢) "Help Want --F | FOR SALE GURNEY ELEC. | WAITRESS WANTED." PHONE tric stove in good condition, springs and mattress, mons' Bed, Wilton parlor Thone 2847. ARTICLES FOR SA rug Thought Range in excellent con- dition, also other ar Phone "1296F. WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new -- at less than hall the cost. Sent Address "Un- (Oct. 19, 31) (9 , GRAVEL, ticles, 22 Elm gtreet, WANTED --AN EXPERIENCED , hallstand. | housemaid. Thirty years of age, _____(157¢) | or over. Other help kept. Phone LE--HAPPY | 425¢. (166¢c) WANTED -- COOK GENERAL, cheap. | 4. rists' home. Mrs. W, S. Hav- (1576) ery, Fenelon Falls. (17a) MIXED All hardwood $3.60. W. H. Thompson, King St. per word, sertion 80c. Each tive word. Three To- insertion 1¢ consecutive first insertions cents a word). Minimum charge for th insertions 60c. ily ¢) Classified Ads First Inscrtion-- 134 cents Minimum charge for one in- subsequent consecu- per inser tions for the price of two (th ree ree Box number 10c¢ additional. Sim. | 2214. ( 156b) "Real Estate For Sale SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, SOLID | ; . Brick, hardwood floors, very foath Bt Sedan. Wort se) modern, on good paved street. strate. dad Ain Lyle Cheap for quick sale Phone 1893m. ase] 5 oY ~ Wanted to Rent : $3500 BUYS 7 ACRES, EXCEL- | WANTED -- TWO FURNISHED lent garden soil, large frame Itooms for light housekeeping. house, barn, henhouses, Situated | State terms. Box 385. _(147b) very close to railway station. Sold Phone 420, to close estate. awa. GRANT, GODFREY & CO. Chartered Accountants, Trustees in Bankruptcy. Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, Oshawa, (1 aug ¢) Help Wanted--Male TWO SINGLE MEN, OVER 25, Must have good appearance busi- ness ability and own car, good money, Prominent position to the right men. Apply this afternoon or 7 to 8 tonight. Room 24 Alger Bldg. (166¢) WANTED--ONE OR TWO EX- tra men with cars, must be smart workers, willing to travel. Good money. Age over 25, Apply Full- er Brush Co., Oshawa. Afternoons 50 ACRE FARM, CHEAP, WELL watered, good fruit farm, also a will sell with crop, sugar bush, Anyone interested Yarrow, Smithfield, write Ont, p-- Motor Cars CASH FOR GOOD USED CC Osh- JUPE, "Building Supplies (156c) | CALL W. BORROWDALE 609 Carnegie Ave. FOR cement blocks, sand and gravel Phone 1618 rank (156¢c) family; also garage. Phone FOR SALE-- SEVEN ROOMED ; y cottage, veniences, owner 84 Centre St., all con- leaving towa, "Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE © Wanted to Buy 1052). 157a) Reasonable terms. Apply ahove address, (157¢) FOR SALE -- GENUINE BAR- gain, almost new 10 roomed Louse on highway, close in, large lot; also choice corner lot with it if desired. Phone 1532J. (157¢) WANTED---PRESENT ADDRESS of J. W, Schell, formerly of 18 WANTED TO BUY--A SMALL brick house or bungalow, in good location, preferably with garage Possession by September 1st, Ap- ply Box 508 Times. (157b) Furniture "Repairing FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, etc. Charges reasonable. F. A. Morris, 170 Al- bert St, Phone 731W, Formerly those who éame across the border to celebrate the glorious fourth of July in Canada. They visited at the home of Mrs. W. Smale. The girls' softball game be- tween Tyrone and Hampton, on Friday night, which was played in the park, resulted in a score of 19-7, in favor of the home team. Sunday school session was held in the morning, on Sunday, owing to the decoration day, at Bowman- ville cemetery at which a unmber | * from the village were in attend- ance, Rev. Tom McReynolds, Hurst, who is visiting his sister, Mrs. W, H. Gay, assisted the pastor, Rev, J]. R. Bick, by bringing us the East message for the evening service. Leave ve Leave Arrive Mr. McReynolds has heen en- |tospital Wiiby Osawa Bowmanville gaged in missionary work in the Sam Xam. (Haw North Bay district, and his serv- Off 0 ay were greatly - 9.55 a.m ice on une id 5 Gig % 100 am. 1150 a.m : . 2, . 1240 We were favored with a fine LW pm Ly ol Dm shower again on Sunday night, |2.25 p.m. 2.45 p.m. Ar. 3.00 p.m. Of Thunder clouds hung about all ay Lily Li day and a balmy breeze fanned 5.45 AE Bg the air, which otherwise would 7.45, p.m, 8.15 p.m. have been very warm. However, 815 p.m or 32 p.m. of 'ec . i v > p.m, 35 p.m not until about nine o'clock did {0.30 p.m. 1045 pon. ALO0 pone 10.30 om rain come which cooled the air, considerably, rendering it possi- ble to have more comfort for sleeping, the excessive heat, the Week Day Schedule (Effective on and after April 13th, 1931) (Dagight Savies Time) West Leave fig Arrive Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby Hospital 6.20 am. 7.05am., 7.20am, 7.20 am. 805am. 820 am. 815 am. 85am. 9.05 am, 10.00 am, 10.30 a.m. 10.45 a.m, 1.35 am. 12.10 pm, 12.25 p.m, *LiSpm. 1.45pm, 2.W pm 215 pm 245 pm. 3.15pm, 3.30 pan. 440 pm. £15 pm. 530 p. 540 pm. C15 pm. 63 > m. 6.45 p.m. 7.15 pm, 7.45 pm. 8.00 p.n ?9.35 p.m. 10.00 p.m. 10.15 p. " 10.30 p.m. 11.30 pm, 12.00 a.mn. 12.15 a.m. Times marked * are through busses tc Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE est Leave Leave Arrive last week, affecting many, who | Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby were forced to the ground flat,| YWam. 930 am. 9.45am, and even then finding sleep a diffi- 1 a LD am 14 % am cult problem. Some of our vil-| 00 pm. 4.30 pm. 4.45 p.m lagers, who were fortunate in hav- 2% om £3 p.m, £45 p.m ing a suitable verandah, found it 5 aig ta Pf more comfortable there, than in- 10.00 p.m. 10.0. pu. 1045 pam. doors, to get their night's rest. We are sorry to lost our Junior Leave Ling Em teacher, Margaret Miller, Toron- Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville to, who fo the last year, has been | 10.w a.m. 10.15 am. 10.45 am engaged on the teaching staff | 1200 pm. i215 p.m. 12.45 p.m. here. Miss Miller was of a retir- 34 bum, i% Do 3% Po ing disposition, but always will-| 645 pn. 700 pm. 7.30 p.m. ing tor help in the Young People's | 815 pm, 830 pm. 9.0 p.m, 10.45 pom. 11.29 p.m. 11.30 p.m. work. Her removal leaves a va- cancy to be filled in the Young People's Society, she having held the office of first vice-president. Miss Allie Wood, Orono, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Armour. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horn and Misses Aloha and Naomi Horn and Mr. W. G. Ham, Peterborough, Ls o i visited his mother and other rela- ave Oihawa PM. ANTS Toronts tives on Sunday. a 5.45 2.30 a 6.3 2.30 Mrs. Fowler, Toronto, spent a 8 630 3.30 7.3% 3.3% few days with Wer parents, Mr IE 2 ip 2 and Mrs. W. H. Gay. 930 b63 10.30 b 630 Mrs. Ida Smale visited her mo 10.30 7.30 11.30 7.30 ther, Mrs. Hartford, Baltimore, Fr bi¥ PN b3.x who 1s ill, recently. DX 410m 1% 10% Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryderman 1.30 visited Bowmanville friends, Sunday. FUTURE LEADERS LABOR IN BRIAN | Facts About | Who May! Succeed Present Hold- ers of Office If Mosley has a respect for facts, Graham has an equally great re- spect for figures, and an appar- ently inexhaustible store of them on which to draw for purposes of debate, But he is not a great platform figure like Mosley or Meaxton---he does not appeal to |} x the imagination as they do. Foreign Office "Possibles."" In the realm of foreign affairs on Oshawa Waiting, Special Bans for all Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 346 Room, 10 Prince Street 283 GRAY COACH LINES Effective April 26th (Esstern Standard Tims) hone a=Daily except Sunday. b=Saturday, d=Sunday only. undays and Holidays only, | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS flective June 28, 1931 (Standard Time) Eastbound 912 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. 9.29 a.m Daily, 2.07 p.m, Dai ap oy Daily, except "Sunda ~ 23 p.m. Daily, except po 11.08 P. - Daily. 11.41 p.m. Daily. Westbound am. Daily, except Suridap. a.m. Daily, am. Daily, 6.02 a.m. Daily, ° 4.2 5.18 530 2.10 p.m. Daily except 4.05 p.m Daily ' 6. 35 p.m. Daily, 7.35 p.m. Daily except Sunday CANADIAN PACIFIL RALLWAYS Effective April 26! (Standard | Time) Eastbou 9.29 am. Daily, 2.28 p.m. Trenton Local Daily, ex. Sun x4.19 p.m, Daily, Sunday For Ottawa. Montreal and East only. Westbound 5.28 a.m. Daily. 6.29 a.m, Daily, 2.59 p.m. Daily. 7.32 p.m, Daily, except Sunday. mf24 p.m. Daily. m Toronto and West Only, the Labor Party has two young men, both in the forties, who are "possibles" for the post of For- eign Minister. They" are Sir Nor- man Angell, author of 'The ('reat Illusion," and Dr. Hugh Dalton, who is now understudy- i ing Mr. Henderson, One more member of the pres- ent Government may be mention- with a number of other M.P.s, has probablyiaroused more any other cent years. Labor nterest in the Trade Unions than political event or re- ed---Tom Johnson. His present post is a small one--much small- er than his abilities warrant. But before many years have passed we may see him as Secretary of Stete-for the Dominions. And it is not impossible that before his political life is over he may have held the highest office of all. Among the back-benchers in the present - Parliament, E. F, Wise is one of the few who may be said to be marked out for COLEMANg CARTAGE (Wolo VIVANT 0} LONG DISTANCE office. But the course of Labor in the future may be influenced as greatly by men outside Parlia- ment as by those who are in it. The Trade Unions dominate the Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. ° awa Railroads ] 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 aa------------ COAL COAL P'hone 193 W .J. SARGANT Yard---89 Bloor St. E. Orders Promptly Delivered 2 PHONE 22 For Your Drug N THO MPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8S. We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jewel Established 1886 E! 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - GET YOUR PHILCO RADIO | NOW {| We allow $25.00 to $75. | on your Battery Set || ONTARIO MOTOR SALES | LIMITED 99 Simcoe S.t South | ROYAL YOR me Te alf oun. 28 t he Super] Stores EATON CREME JF It Pays . Here Als - 7.ROOMED HOUSE + FOR RENT ; $10.00 a month. Apply Dominion Clothing Co., . 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 Elgin East, (16 ded 1 mo) | only. (156¢) | Prince street, Oshawa. Box 503 | with Luke Furniture Co. « Labor Party Conference, and the ALL MODELS REPAIRED, | WANTED -- EXPERIENCED | Times. (157hH) (12§ly ¢) | influence of men like Ernest Bev- % 3 eliminators, power packs, prices | salesmen with cars. Smith Pot- War UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- | in may be decisive in the shaping ho " reasonable, tubes gtested free: | tories, 353 King West. (157a) Help Wanted ture repaired. Drapes made to or- | ©f Lebor Party policies. JURY & LOVELL'S HE BA 8 battery recharges Phone For Sale or Rent Male and Female der. Rebuilding chesterflelds a | I! Is perhaps not the least im. OPTICAL RE IS A BARGAIN 2806W. George Bu hs, cer- HELP WANTED --= MEN"ZKD | specialty. Geo. A. Constable, 27 portant Jiwal » osley ¢ 3 CAL PARLORS ix roomed brick Veneer dv titied radiotrician, FIVE-ROOMED COTTAGE IN | worst nn i nd outside A | Bond BE. Phone 33224. A at a a eal. J W. Worl, Ops. D. Hu» acto be (28 jly c¢) | Westmount; 7-roomed brick J UPHOLSTERING. D. W. DAL: | p dling : pecia Vertis Part. OF City. aah AUTHORIZED --VioT house, a bargain. Small payment household specialty, paying lib- . W. pioblems of unemployment is on Kyesight 8 List North part of City, only k Al CTOR AND Louse, mall y ont, eral commissions. Every home | ton. phone 1045. See our samples | very much the same lines as that hone 8218 Small payment down. Apply water Kent Service. Also re- b nce arranged. Apply 260 At- |, prospect, Phone 2189M. Mohair and Tapestry. 377 Simcoe | of the T.U.C. And his recent H. R. Luke. Phone 871, pairs to all other makes of radio. | hol St. Hast. (155¢) (157a) | South, (8 jly ¢) | manifesto, issued in association Free testing of tubes in your GE home. Aerials Recteg. Joho Meagher, 92 Simcoe St. Phone BRINGING UP FATHER BY i 1019J. & ily e) i Lt 2 Awnings "a q | HOPE SHE ; : WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH Lan nee -- : ees BAC! awnings, verandah curtains, 4 Ke ~ canoples, installed. T. Tavlor, URE Lorie: I J Torontb. Oshawa phone 1053. a TY ; b. (15 ily e) re Li Bookkeeper Wanted 7 14 & - * 4 G MARRIED MAN, WHO HAS HAD - nm 4 X experience in ledger work, having NN i a thorough knowledge of general oT .sounting. Applications must state age, experience, salary ex- g 3 pected and at. least two Jocal re- 5 | ferences. Box 483 Times. (156c) Su Pets aud Livestock [ < FOR SALE, -- COLLIE PUP, 4 : b eight weeks old. 1067M. (157a) FOR SALE -- PORE BRED AN- / : gora Rabbits from imported 1] : = stock. 201 Hillside Ave, Phone Ls . Brith rights 1047W, (1570) : -- er Pop ! 3 : yas 3 g

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