Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1931, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1931 Railways in France are now ea ing a new self-propelled moto, | opus on rails to surplant passenger | trains, linking up cities and towns | To these searchers after truth, such instances as that related of Mrs. Dart, fit consistently With other incidents and the laws gov- [TCHING SKIN pik isiation now. Soot| EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Acted for Toronto Peterborough. -- The Bishop of Ontario, the Rt. Rev. Charles A. Seagar, D.D., administered the Apostolic Rite of Confirmus- tion in St. Luke's church, Rogers street, on Wednesday evening, June 24, at 8 p.m, Dr. Seagar was acting for the Bishop of Tor- onto, the Diocesan, Attending Convention Peterborough. -- J. B. Nelson, agricultural representative for Peterborough County, and Wil- Ham, livestock field man for the County are participating in the cenference of Ontario agricultur- al representatives and the. na- tional convention of the Canadian Society of Technical Agricultur- ists at Guelph this week. Both conferences are being held at the Ontario Agricultural Collega. Lightning Split Rocks Lindsay. -- The electrical and wind storm which struck the Vil- lage of Kinmount on Saturday was of such a nature as to cause considerable alarm. The veran- dah on the residence of B. Hop- kins was shattered, while up on the mountain the lightning actu- ally split rocks in twain and shat- tered a large pine tree, pieces falling in different directions. Other trees in the district were destroyed. Accepts Toronto Call Colborne. -- The release of the * Rev. William Allan, of St. Paul's Cburch, Peterborough, to accept a call from the Dovercourt Road Presbyterian Church, Toronto, was granted at a meeting of the Presbytery of Peterborough, held in the Presbyterian church hare this morning. The release was moved with deep regret by ths Rev, Dr. John Lennox of Have- leek, following representations on behalf of Toronto Presbytery made by the Rev. W. Hardy An- drews, minister of Queen St, Church, Toronto, and on behalf of St. Paul's Church, Peterbor- ough, by five members of that body. To Induct Pastor Brockville, -- The Rev. John Stark (late of Clarenceville, Que.), will be inducted into the rastoral charge of North Augus- ta by the Presbytery of Dundas- Grenville, on Friday evening, July 3. Rev. W. R. Johnston, B.D,. of Spencerville, and an ex- chairman of presbytery, is to preside and induct, and several other ministerial members of presbytery will be present and take part. Tour Visited Picton « Picton. -- The Ontario good- will motor tour paid a visit to Prince Edward County on Mon- day. The party was met at Belle- ville by local besiness men and escorted to Picton. A visit was made to the Lake-on-the-Moun- tain, the visitors marvelling at this phenomena of nature. The fish hatchery at the foot of the mountain, the largest in Can- ada, was also visited. There was a trip down the High Shore from which elevated road there is a wonderful view overlooking the harbor and the Bay of Quinte. Held Lawn Social Kingston. -- A highly success- ful lawn social and supper was held on Monday evening under the auspices of the Orphans' Guild of the House of the House of Providence at St. Mary's of the Lake Orphanage and as a result to add to the treasury of the or- ganization, Battalion Inspection Lindsay. -- On Wednesday, starting at 7.15 o'clock the event leng-waited for by militia men in town, took place when the men of the Victoria and Halibur- ton Regiment went through their annual inspection before an offi- cer of the permanent staff of Mili- tary District Number 3. Discuss Community Hall Fenelon * Falls, -- A special meeting of the Women's Institute was held in Dickson's Hall to dis- cuss the re-building of Dickson's Hall as a community Hall the same having been purchased in May by the organization with this in view. Fair and Horse Show Kemptville. -- The Kemptville summer fair and horse show opened today at Riverside Park under ideal conditions and it is anticipated that this show will ex- ceed previous fairs in attendance and exhibits. Well-Known Man Passes ' Kingston. Lieutenant-Col. Thomas R. Ritchie D.S.0., "Edge- hill" of this city, died in the General Hospital on Sunday from ailments contracted in the World War. Gets Hole-in-One Brockville. -- Playing on the links of the Brockville Golf and Country Club on Saturday after- noon, George H. Brooke, of Tor- onto and Brockville made a hole in"one on the sixth hole, known as "little Misery." In joining the charmed' circle of golfers, Mr, Brooke becomes associated with Harry Rosenthal, of Ottawa, and W. L. Russell, members of the club, who previously had holed cut in one on the same green, Consider Federation Ottawa.--Ottawa charities are considering the proposal of a financial federation with great interest. Many organizations are holding special meetings to dis- cuss the question before the puj- lic meeting to be held Friday at 8.00 p.m., in the Chateau Laurier hy the council of Social Agencies A D. Hardie, of the Toronto Fed- eration for Community service, wil! address the meeting, speak- ing briefly on the general prin ciples of federation and mor: particularly on the, problems which arise in this city. To Cover Rink Haliburton. -- At a special meeting of the Rink Committee held in the Community Hall on Wednesday afternoon, the secre- tary was instructed to write for prices for metal cover of the fine new structure which is being completed 'and which will be a credit to the town as well as a great joy to the younger genera- tion for many years. Held Confirmaton Carleton Place. -- An interest- ing ceremony was performed at St. James' Anglican Church on Sunday morning, when His Lord- ship, J. C. Roper, bishop of the seven eastern counties of Ontario, officiated at the confirmation ser- vice when 18 candidates received the holy sacrament, Curious Burglar Coniston. -- A man with a craving for scooping out the rhu- barb filling of pies with his fin- gers and eating angel cake and SHIP MODEL BREASTS MAN-MADE WIND AND WAVES i struction at s of an 18-foot model of the new giant Cunarder now under constr [ Clydebank, Scotland, in 8 vards of John Brown & Co. The model is shown floating in a ecially built experimental tank in which Atlantic Ocean conditions were reproduced in miniature. Wind and waves were | artificially produced by mechanical devices to subject the model to severe Jeske 1% 1015. toot lows w C ] rill be the largest ship afloat, and will gross 73,000 tone. She will be 1,0 eet long. Teme: ef git oy which it is said will embody principles entirely new to ship building, are being The above photograph jealously guarded. The picture above is the first to reach Canada of the model of the new Cunarder. ahlich a claim that there is no | ss) olute barrier between this ord of existence and the next, | pro This evidence, which is indispu- | 1cwn, table includes the handwriting, | This the spoken word, the choice or | a vocabulary, mannerisms and a | of other habit features to nothing of photographic rec- of semblances of persons jected through from an un an 'XN' state of existence. state of existence is repar- d from us hy a great gulf, but 1 gulf which is net impassable to Ml-zontrolled form of energy, inated and directed in accord | with mysterious laws by unseen | intelligences acutely alert to solve the preblem they have zet out to prove | Investigators have come {0 the | phenoman that back of to other clarivoyant had any | ¢ any heen present "The evidence is abundant," { state said Dr. Hamilton, "and to man. | Conservative, seientific minds. | who have had the opportunity | and experience to enable them to judge the case, it is sufficient io | score these phenomena there are unknown peychic laws of some kind opera- Premium By-product Coke such men as Flammarion, tha one-_ eéane reted French astronomer: Pro'. | FW. I. Myers, formerly f Cam- I'ridee: Prof. J. H. Hyslep, form- erly of Co'nmhia Unive sity, 47 "" gaid Dr, Hami'ton Natural Anthracite i Welsh Blower Coal Fill Your Bin Now | unsgelenti We can, In our work, Body Wood, Hard and Soft Slabs Cut Stove Length and Dry DIXON COAL Co. however, say which include | tion of cla well p= ph we have fo tances which 'orrephie experimen's nd a good many ins- emphatically indi- | ente that the clarivoyance was based on actual fact. Proof of this type, however, can only be cbtajined when one is working un- der scientifically constructed con- d'tions and with mediums posses- sing an unusual faculty for clari- voyance and where the compli- cated factors making photograph- fc records possible are all pres- ent." Many investigators are em- phatie in their claims that re- sults of research have lifted the edge of the curtain that hides from us another state or condit- ion of existence; that they have talked with those beyond. ant phenomena, as TELEPHONE 2@2) Five Direct Lines erning such phenomena. In such instances, however, Dr. Hamilton gn!', one should have contirma- tory evidence from several sourec- es before taking them too seri- ously. The population of England and Wales is rapidly increasing. In 1930 birth over deaths were in excess of 194,033. A total of 71,769 Belgians, in- cluding 18,620 women, living near the French border, cross the fron- tier daily to earn their living in French factories and building trades. on secondary lines. The cars con- | tain 34 seats each and average 50 miles an hour, Dance halls in Mexico City, must now be closed at midnight and cabarets at 3 a.m. Before the Federal district authorities acted, suzh places kepl going until day- light. Seventy new villages sprang up in East Prussia in 1930 as a re- sult of converting large erlates in to small farms. ™ Brazil, although engaged in dia. mond miuing for more than 400 Dodd's OINTMENT In a far like the finest face creams. Price 5¢ years, still employs the oldest and most primitive methods. Skansen, fanious out-door museum of Stockholm, Sweden, was visited by more than 1.000,« 000 people in 1930. Rumania and Turkey now for- bid entry of celebrated foreign musicians without special per-" mits. =a [Af If you are entertaining, why escape household and take lunch in our clean, lunchroom? In Jouhare going on a picnic over the holiday, take along your lunch with a cool drink and some cream from our Soda Fountain. responsibilities ice Bathing Caps Swimming Buoys .. not cool ICE CREAM 30c Pint (18 per cent. pure cream) Skeetofax Dixie Drinking Cups, ph. Canada Dry, pints, FACE POWDERS SPECIAL Brush ......: $1.00 Regesan Fruit Saline $1.25 Hawkeye Cameras ... . 30c Marshmallows, per pound .... 35¢ Klenzo Tooth 19¢ Coly"s Face Powder Helena Rubinstein Three Flowers Casti'e Cakes FOR THE PICNIC Bathing Shces all sizes . Cut-Rite Wax Paper ............... Welch's Grape Juice ... Gypsy Lotion, for Sunburn ............ Jasmine; with 50c bettle perfume Quelque Fleur .............. dedeissaeennritrd 39¢c and 69c¢ Harriet Hubbard Ayers .........ccc.cccviiennn $1.00 Elite Bath Cakes ....... cisvsisnssinssssmrrsiinas sD fOr 28¢ Woodbury's Facial ..........cceoeese00000000...3 for 69¢ Gibb's Lemon Soap ... 79¢ cerirenninnenses.30¢ and 65¢ ens inannnsnsliC $1.00 and $1.50 75¢ and $1.00 esesanssarinesensanes PHONE 28 JURY & SAVE WITH SAFETY AT LOVELL SIMCOE S. PHONE 68 "SMALL AND Iced or Hot . ... ENGLISH BREAKFAST wuz. TEAS POPULAR' « « MEAT SPECIALS » » ...FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY... CHOICE ROUND STEAK ROASTS SOLID : Ee STRAWBERRY MEAT Ib. C = A MN D WwW 1 C New Season's Spring Fronts BISCUIT bh 24. 5 JUNE | LAMB i 1 HOUR SPECIAL - -- FRIDAY 2 to 3 p.m. ECONOMIES rresu BUTT ROASTS OF LUX S52 iic =o PORK ~19c | 23. 1 CHOICE PEAMEALED Half or Whole i 1 Oc SHIRRIFF'S "RETURN BALL" Pack 3 JELLY lr Cottage Rolls ] and Return Ball SP Gh ERT Re, Bae" 0 the Kan With ean carton of 3 packing Saturday Night - 7 o'Clock / ; While Quantity Lasts EXTRA SPECIAL---&atonia CHOICE QUALITY : No. 2Y BLADE ROASTS.-...CHOICE QUALITY / wy Large * LD TOMATOES 331c BEEF - 12c SCAP FLAKES With the Purchase of CALAY SOAP a considerable sum was realized | throwing the plate on the crumb- ; covered floor is sought by Chief Constable J. J. Tooley here as the party responsible for 'entering five houses on First Avenue over the week-end, at night. while the occupants slept in the rooms above undisturbed. Very Severe Storm Carleton Place. Carleton Place was visited Saturday even- ing with one of the most severe storms experienced in recent years. Locally, there was not much damage done except to the lighting and telephone systems which were partly out of com- mission for a while, but reports are coming in from the outside districts of considerable damage to farm buildings. No Absolute Barrier Between This World and Next, Is Claim (By The Canadian Press) Winnipeg, Man., June 25.-- Following the strange case of Mrs. Frank Dart of this city, who saw the vision of a dead friend 24 hours before she herself was killed in an automobile accident, the Winnipeg TRIBUNE conduc- ted enquiries among investigators of psychic phenomena and found a general belief there was no ab- solute barrier between this state of existence and the next, > The investigators were not surprised by the case of Mrs. Dart, claiming - visitations from beyond are a usual occurrence, Mrs. Dart, as grand marshal of the grand chapter of the Eastern Star, was performing the last of- ficial act of her term of office. She was to place a wreath on the altar in memory of Sister Edna Backus, of Winnipeg. As Mrs. Dart moved toward the altar the vision of her friend appeared be- side her. "She was as 1 knew her in life," Mrs. Dart later told a friend. Almost exactly 24 hours later Mrs. Dart was killed. The TRIBUNE went to Dr, T. Glen Hamilton, whese reputation as an investigator of psychic pha- nomena extends far heyond this continent. He said such appari- tions as appeared to Mrs. Dart lave been frequently observed hy many reliable witnesses. "Clari- voyant visions." is perhaps the heiter term. The stage was set fcr the vision to come and Mrs. Dert had the faculty necessary to see it. It might have been visible SUMMER DRINKS McLaren's Invincible, 13-0z. jar, Lemon Punch... " Orange Punch. Cherry Punch.. Grape Punch .. TASTY? Selected for dines STAI tasty Fine Flavor sardines fro . adian waters for delicious 14l1b. Pkge. salads, sandwiches and be- tween meal 'snacks. EATON'S Fruit Saline, 8-oz. bottle........ " 5 HUNTS | A NEW 60c¢ BOX OF CHOCOLATES Jello, lime flavor... 2 for 1B¢ Ply Colla...........ociniis 3 for Be Flytox, 8-oz. bottle.............. 48¢ --the price is de- cidedly low--buy a quantity. TIN TICKETS BUDWEISER SYRUP MALT 7 Oc No. 214 Tin Thistle Brand CHICKEN HADDIE i 1c SPECIAL--WESTON'S Loins Legs 21c 28¢ 35¢ A delicious soft dough biscuit, small and dainty, with a true strawberry fruit flavor filling. THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY One Pound Boxes 75c¢ | QUEEN MARY CHOCOLATE SHOP 20 King St. E.. Oshawa WW

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