Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jun 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1931 PAGE SEVEN if it is to be bought or S014: Times Classified Ads will do it Legal Dental CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Conveyancing and gamers] prac. prac- tice in Law. Office 7% Sim St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. °D. Conant, B.A., LL.B.; A. F. An- nis, B.A., LL.B. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, | K.C., BANK of Commerce Building. JOSEPH P. MAN GAN, B.A,, BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Tuoi Conveyancer. Money " fice 143, King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barrister, etc, .Baok of Commerce Bldg. LOUIS MAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 §imcoe street north, Phone 67. Re [dence 3473W. HR YS, 8 GRE risters, Solicitors, etc. 249) a5 . Regidence coe St. N. Phone 3? 3514. Money to loan. i ALEX. C. HALL, B.A, BJPRIS- ter, etc. Conveyancing apd gen- eral practice. 23% King Si. East. Phone 3237. (tr) FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Yotary Public, Convey- ancer, monoy to loan, Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2996. Medical R. B. AZLEWOCD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten- tion en to X-Ray work and Eircoigon. Office, Disney Block. one 2050, Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east. Phone 2416. DPR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSIC jan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, dis- eases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. PR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence King St. East, corner Vic- toria St.,, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Fhone 959. House 1812, . ¥. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe Si. N, over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 292W, Even- ings by appo ntment, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING St. East. Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street north, Phone 210J and 210W. ' OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. ' (4t1) Insurance DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire fompanies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe porth. Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected. HOLDEN SAVES YOU MONEY on your car or fire insurance, 92 Simcoe N. Phone 371W. (8 jume c) For Rent VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT pew low rentals, electric refrig- eration, electric stove, washing machine and dryer. Apply super- intendent. Phone 2533F. (55t1) SIMCOE MANOR--FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conveni- ences. Apply superintendent. Phone 2671. (505LL) THREE AND 4 ROOM APART- ments, Modern to the minute. Phone 1550 or 2347W. (132t1) OFFICES, BRIGHT, CLEAN, good approach. $15 up. APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 3 TO 4 rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. Bradley Bros Over Ward's Store. (87uf | FOR RENT -- GLADSTONE | Apartments, 12 Gladstone. Mod ern 3 roomed, $30 monthly, fur- nisbed or unfurnished. FPhon 2604W, (9 may ¢) | FOR RENT--112 LOUISA ST. | 7 room bungalow, electric fire- place, hardwood floors, newly decorated. Immediate possession. | Also garage, $40 rent, Phone 2604W. (June 13-1 mo ¢) FOR RENT--ELECTRIC CLEAN: er, electric waxer. tents, exten- sion ladders, folding chairs, camp cots, lawn rollers, dishes, etc. Fox Hardware. (24 july ¢) Optometrist C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, specialist in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, The Child ang Its Development, Dis- ney Block. Oppesite Post Office. Phone 1516, (21 may c) Spirella HAVE MRS. BLATTER, REP- resenting Spirella, north east dis- trict, demonstrating the new Spirella Fitting Garment, Phone 2189M. (June 9-1 mo ¢) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PR. F. T. BRYANS OF 1&0 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury.& Lov- eli"s Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consulta- tion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Ap- pointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. Architects C. C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work; Second floor Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496, Res. phone 309J. Auctioneer Transportation CARTAGE, SAND, gravel, cinders. Local and long distance moving. Phone 1326F. Day or night service. (29 may c) OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furnitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Park Rd. 8S. Phone 215 GIBSON (7 mar 1 mo) CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West, Spec- ialists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehousp and moving van equipment. Phone 82. PAONE 716J. WwW. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and imple- ments. Your patronage solicited. WM, MAW, AUCTIONEER, 25 years' experience. To secure a date see Mr. Goodfellow at The Times Office. Wm. Maw, Whitby, Ont. (5 june ¢) Hemstitching: HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. repairs and alterations, dress- making, buttons and buttonholes. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe S. Phone 1656. (Jan 5-1 mo) ' Money to Loan AUTOMOBILE LOAN--A CON- fidential service at the lowest price, Whether your car is fully paid or not. We can reduce your present payments. Motor Loans & Discounts, R. I. White, Mgr., 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 2790. Open evenings till 9 p.m. (16 june ¢) Lawn Mowers Sharpened EAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Jud repaired. Called for and de vered. Phone G. Slater 3193W, (June 23 ¢) AQT! URSE, DOCTOR'S references, maternity, general nursing, assists with housework or plein sewing. Mrs., Noble 8033J. (June 28 ¢) Watch Repairing F., A, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat ronage is solicited. Palmist . Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time, special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.50; $7.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing and all other lines of beauty culture, For service and reliability call on the oldest 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone 2968 for appointments. (June 8-1 mo ¢) LA PARISIENNE BEAUTY PAR- lours. 3 Simcoe St. South, Phone 71. Marcel 50. Finger wave 75c. (20 may ¢! established permanent wave shop, TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, every convenience. Suitable for light housekeeping, Phone 3338W, (1391) E who rings doors bel.s lovks ing for a job, a rooin or anj desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route indeed. Our Want-Ad col these assure an with an interested the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 ans not only | prospects for you but also immediate interview at Work Wanted GARDENING AND' )' ROCKERYS built, shrubs and perennial beds laid out, estimates given, also orders taken for aursery stock. Phone 2178M. (25 apr ¢) MARRIED MAN WANTS WORK looking after lawns and flower beds. Experienced. Prices reason- able. Phone 1261F. TO RENT--ABOUT 60 ACRES of pasture with water. Phone 1553J. (140¢) FOR RENT -- 6 ROOMED house. All conveniences, hard- wood floors, French doors, kit- chen cabinets, newly decorated. Reasonable rent. 636 Sommer- ville North, (16 jly ¢) FOR | RENT-FIVE "ROOM PART- ly furnished cottage with garage, ! near Lake Kushog, in Haliburton County. For further particulars apply to Henry Northcott, Loch- lin, Ont. (140c) | FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Very reasonable. 6 rooms and den. All conveniences. Very cen- tral. Phone 638J. (1321) | §50 APARTMENT FOR RENT. | = $325. All conveniences. Phone | 2398W, (139¢) A BRIGHT THREE ROOM | apartment, electric stove, built in | cupboards, all conveniences, very | -- central, private entrance. Apply | 26 Church St. Phone 2323, (138¢) | Tels AR- 2021). | (138¢) | 5 AND 6 ROOM HOUSES FOR | rent. . Phone, A767 F. (138¢) FOR I RENT -- FOR | SUMMER months, furnished house in good location. Phone 1910J. (139b) FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE bed sitting room near Motors of- fice. Phone 1910J. (139b) TO RENT-- 6 ROOM BRICK house with all conveniences on Brock St. East. Immediate pos- session. Apply 119 Brock St, E. GARAGE TO RENT. thur Street. Phone FOR RENT--APARTMENT, 2115 King St. E. Reasonable rent, Tm- mediate possession. Apply New Martin Theatre Box Office. (140¢) Awnings NORMA'™S BEAUTY PARLOUR, formerly of 220 Clark St, Mar- celling a srecialty, Monday and Tuesday 35¢, rest of week boc. Over Mitchell's Drug Store. Phone 2525. (28 may ¢) DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE, experts in permanent, finger and marcel waving. Permanent waves, $5. $7.50, $10, $15. 26c trims and 35¢ marcels. Ask for Miss Duquette, Phone 38, over Ward's Store, (30 may c) "THE MODERNISTIC PERMAN- ent Wave Shoppe". Specialists in permanent waving for $5 to $15. Special price on finger waving and shampoo 765¢ from 9 am, to 12 am. In afternoon $1.00. Phone 635 for appoint- ments. 17 Ontario Street. (June 3-1 mo c¢) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beauty Culture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger waving, marcelling, facials, scalp treatments and manicures, Cof- fee Shoppe entrance. Phone ap- pointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist on matters of importance, 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Busi- ness private. (1 june ¢) Cleaning and Dyeing Lap. SAND G § FRENCH Alp. Teparing and re- ots a led, for and aeth we ozier, 138 Sim- sorth. one 2338. (1 ay e) GARAGE soos car for one doling Aid Bond St. Wert. Telephone' 3198. (21 Sune c) ; 1 P ins AND SUITS CLEANED ! Repair work a specialty 'called for, Phone' Norman Lambert, 66 B (June 9- i mo ¢) "Poultry 8 arial Rocks, Whi Write or phone fo ot, ps 1337J, Oshawa Hate Farm, 144 Park Rou North, i {21 may ¢) Hospital --Rest Home SUNNY NOOK REST HOME, Whitby, registerea nurse in charge. Confinement and all persons re- quiripg care. (17 apr ¢) Minimum rate $2 daily. AWNING AND TENTS, ETC. we are agents for J. J. Turner & Sons, Peterboro. Let us quote you on "everything in canvas'. Phone 25, Fox Hardware, Oshawa, (1 ly ¢) PORCH WINDOW AWNINGS, awnings, verandah curtains, canopies, installed. T. Tawlor, Toronto. Oshawa phone 1053. (15 apr ¢) OYEZ! OYEZ! OYEZ! KEEP | GIRL, baby cool and comfortable during hot weather, English canopies to fit and match any buggy. $6 up- wards. Phope 822J. (139¢) i Wanted WANTED TO BUY--SIX HORSE- power gas engine, State particu- lars, Box 430 Times. (139b) WANTED--TRURNK STEAMER preferred, in good condition. State price, Box 451 Times. (139¢) WANTED--ONE LIGHT HOUSE- keeping room, Must be reason- able. Central. Box 453 Times. (1402) WORK WANTED-- CLEANING windows, cutting lawns, garden work, odd jobs around the house. Prices reasonable. Phone 2657J (6 june ¢) AND FURNACE lawn attention, sodding and grading, whitewashing and painting Terms reasonable Phone 842F.. Warrenshine Jani- tor Service. WINDOW cleaning, (May 26-1 mo) LIGHT TRUCKING "IN ANY part of city for 50c. E. F. Moss Phone 1736J. (June 12-1 mo ¢) WANTS HOUSEWORK BY day or month at once, Apply Box 370 Times. Building Supplies CALL W. BORROWDALE" cement blocks, sand and gravel. 609 3 Carnegie . Phone 1618. "Summer Cottages URNISHED SUMMER tage to rent at Williams Point, Scugog lake. Apply A. W. Pick- ard, Bowmanville, Phone 185. (138g) "Motor Cars MODEL FOR condition, (138¢) 260 CASH Bucking- (138¢c) COT BU CK COACH, 2 27 sale in first class Commercial Hotel, OAKLAND COACH, $ or terms, Bargain, 94 ham Ave. 9 FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN. 22, In good running order, §50. 208 Park Rd. N. (138¢ ) ESSEX COACH. 27 WAR- ren Ave. (138¢c) I $35, FOR SALE--1930 FORD LIGHT | delivery truck. Apply Bradley fur- nishing store, - 56 King West. Phone 271. (139¢) Painting ond Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST paperhanger, ing. Prices right, teed. 340 Pine Avenue, work guaran. Phone Auto Tires AUTOMOBILE TIRES, sizes, A real ity. Also bicycle tires and tubes, 12 Richmond East, ALL (9 june c¢) Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO TSERVICE-- Repairs on radlos, power packs and eliminators, Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for sale. Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 3350J. Charles Wales, 146 Elgin Eart, (16 dec ) mo) ALL MODELS REPAIRED, eliminators, power packs, prices reasonable, tubes tested free: battery recharges 60c. Phone 2806W. George Burroughs, cer- titied radiotrician, (May 28-1 mo) Music HERBERT C. TRENEER, A.T.C, M., Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church will accept pupils in piano, pipe organ and vocal music. 50 Willlam Street East. Phone 2896. (Sept. 2 tf) HOUSE PAINTING AND CAULK- ing, Work guaranteed. Moderate prices. For estiruates phone 2431W, : (2 june ¢) PAINTING AND PAPERHANG: ing. Lowest prices in the city. Work guaranteed. Give us a try. Peeling and Chessebro. Phone 1269W. (7 may 1 mo) (7 June c) {140a) | § FOR | TCLASS | painting and grain. | = bargain opportun- | Summer Resorts SUMMER KESORT AT LAKE- side Beach, finest bathing and fishing on Lake Scugog. Some splendid building lots for sale. A. E, Rogerson, Port Perry. (22 may c) NORLAND, large garden, tennis, croquet, | close water boating, bathing, fishing, home cooking, fresh farm produce. Reasonable rates. Mrs, | Leslie Stephens. "REST HAVEN" (June 2-1 mo °c) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, ete. reasonable, F. A. Morris, | bert St. Phone 731W, with Luke Furniture Co. , (12 may ¢) UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- ture repaired. Drapes made to or- der Rebuilding chesterfields a snecialty, Geo. A. Constable, 27 Bond F¥. Phone 3322). ERING. D. W, DAL- . phone 1045. See our samples hatr and Tapestry, | f = "Furniture Repairing | 170 Al- (8 may er Real Estate For Sale JONES" REAL { Houses and farms for gale, rent or |exchange, 461 Simcoe St, North. Phone 1962). lesman R. M. Kelly. Phone 2866J. (Mav 30-1 "FOR CASH, Jest offer, 27 Warren Ave, | Estate operator, (158¢) FOR SALE--- FOUR ROOMED 186, water and lights, garage, all down payment, balance as Apply 161 Alma St, (1401) SALE----MODERN conveniences, Two the main corners, 84 Centre St., Osh- (1460) | FoR RENT 6 ROOMED | house. All Ponveniences. 186 Bruce St. Apply 26 Prince St. (140¢c) BARGAIN north, lot Murdoch, Licensed Real 5 FOR cottage, all from | Good garden, | awa. blocks Veterinary Surgeon H. VANZANT, V.S., OFFICE 63 Colborne St, East. Accommoda- tion for farmers' horses and cars, | Phone 913. (16 jly ¢) Help Wanted--Male | WANTED----BREAD Young married man with experi- ence preferred, Apply in own | hand writing to Box 452 Times, | (1390) "BREAD SALESMAN Apply Box No. $55 (140a) | WANTED-- | with truc Times Office, | EARN fw cekly in your growing mushrooms for us cellar or shed. Illustrated free. Canadian Mushroom onto, (140-1423) k NADA'S OLDEST washing machine manufacturers is opening an agency in Oshawa and presents the opportunity of a lifetime to a man who wants to be in business for himslef, No in- vestment required for merchand- ise, and we will finance retail sales. The man we select will be one who has proved a success in reiail selling in Oshawa whose character and integrity will bear the strictest investigation. The district manager will be in Osh- awa towards the end of this week when an interview will be arranged. In your reply please state present occupation, also home and business address and telephone number, Box 457 Times, (1402) Charges | Formerly ! oS | FOR SALE--ROGER'S trie radio with table type built-in [101973. | FOR SALE-- | Baby's cot. 377 Simcoe | | FOR SALE-- KITCHEN CABI- | Apply 204 Court St. ESTATE | | 0.K. | Box 454 {DRY HARD, | mo) | SIMCOE | girls at 130 Colborne St. E, SALESMAN, | UPWARDS OF $20.00 | Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND . SOFT wood slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited, Phone 1288, (apr 26 tf) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new-- at Jess than half the cost. Sent for your approval. Address "Un- derwood," 135 Victoria St., To- ronto, (Oct. 19, 31) FOR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD. $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Norman Sanders, King St. East. Phone 1774M. FOR SALE-- GOOD MIXED wood 3% cord $3. All hardwood $3.60. W. H. Thompson, King St. W. Phone 742). (June 9-1 mo ¢) FOR SALB--CRUSHED STONE chips for drive says. Waterous- Meek Ltd. Phone 1288. (6 june c) FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stone, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros, 557J. (18 may c) FOR SALE-- BARGAINS IN panos taken | exchange on radios sold on easy terms, John Meagher, Simcoe North. 371W. (24 may c) NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- piture bought and sold, '186 Bloor street east. Phone 1517M. (7 may 1 mo) ALL HARDWOOD $3.50, MIXED $3.25 per 3% cord. Mostly hard- wood. Phone 2423W, (June 2-1 mo-c) | FOR SALE -- 100 GALS, Moore's service paint at $1.75 gal. Fox Hardware, (June 9-1 mo ¢) FOR SALE--DRY PINE WOOD, stove length, $10 per cord. Phone 2628F. (139g) ELEC- $59, 92 John Phone €139¢) MAN'S TRENCH coat, all English plaid overcoat, baby's wicker carriage like new. Phone 2214. (139b) speaker, Meagher, Easy terms, Simcoe N. net, stove and chicken coop. (140c) FOR SALE---27 OLDSMOBILE condition. Don't miss this, Times. (139m) [ARD, WOOD CUT TO Ten dollars per full (139¢) stove length. cord. Phone 924. Auction Sale THH FOLLOWING ARTICLES will be sold by public auction at | 14 Bond St. W., on Friday, June 19, at 1.20 o'clock sharp, two new Chesterfield suites, 1 child's chesterfield suite, bedroom chairs, odd chesterfield chairs, couch, fireside benches, attoman, table runners tapestry wall pan- nels, deck chairs, baby buggy, one walnut divan bed, one hand carved sette, Rosewood cushions, footstools. Wm. Maw, Auction- eer, (140¢) Room and Board COSY LARGE FRONT BED sitting room. Breakfast by day or |a more active retail trade; | optimistic of any week. Separate beds. Conveni- ences. Central, Phone 1363W. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO (140c) Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, 7 YEARS' EX- perience. Apply 214 Ritson Rd. | South. (1401) CANADIAN GATTLE SELLING AT HIGH PRICE IN BRITAIN Ottawa, June 17---Cabled reports on the sale of 693 Canadian cattle on the Birkenhead cattle market have been received by the Depart- ment of Agriculture. The cattle ar- rived in England on June 8 ex. Manchester Citizen. Small weighs of. choice cattle realized up to the good price of 19- % cents per pound dressed weight, with affal included. This type and weight are very popular, and cattle coming within that category make ready sales. Good heavy western steers averaged approximately $121 per head on the 'same market. | (140¢) are reported unchanged and firm, | with offal included. more ilberal. Reports from Glasgow, Scotland, estimate prices on 1,200 pound Can- adian steers, if on offer, at 10% cents per pound live weight. Mar- kets in Scotland are again stronger, OPTIMISM GROWS IN UNITED STATES New York, June 17.--~Although lacking tangible evidence of any such positive improvement as might suggest a reversal in trend, business interests throughout the country are apparently taking a! hopeful view of conditions, main- ly because of the fact that slack- ening tendencies have to a large extent been checked. Reports from important cen- tres disclose varying conditions, but the tenor of most of them is cheerful, Taking a few of them at random it appears that the San" Francisco arca is more opti- mistic; signs of improvement are seen in St. Louis despite seasonal dullness; retail and wholesale lines are active in Philadelphia; a more favorable agricultural position iz indicated in Kansas City; the district upon which At- lanta reports is stimulated by fruit and vegetable shipments; Richmond finds encouragement in Cleve- land notes a more stubborn re- sistance to the declining trend, and Chicago is perhaps the least of the centres, by reason of its banking troubles. Retail Trade is Satisfactory Retail trade generally de- scribed satisfac- tory, having held its own where it has not actually progressed. Wholesalers and jobbers are not doing the volume of business that might be expected on the basis of retail activity, but they are encouraged by buyers' in- quiries and the fact that stocks in the hands of retailers are low. NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Township of East Whitby on the first day of May, A.D. 1931, providing for the issue of Deben- is as reasonably | tures to the amount of $1,202.88, paying for as Local for the purpose of sidewalks constructed Improvements, and that such By- | Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler law was registered in the Regis- try Office for the Registry Divi- sion of the County of Ontario on the 14th day of May, A.D. 1931, as No, 413 in Book "A" Jy-laws. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the [first publication of this notice, cannot be made thereafter, Dated the 5th day of June, D. 1931, P. G. PURVES, Clerk. for the | and' This type and | Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner SPECIAL! Suits made to ORDER YOUR SUIT NOW Dominion Clothing Co. 08 King St. W. Phone 2141 | OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 COAL COAL Phone 193 W .J. SARGANT Yard--S89 Bloor St, Orders Promptly Delivered E. A] (134a 140a 146a) | JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornill, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 Other markets in Great Britain SUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT On Tobin's Island, Muskoka, near Assembly Inn. Lovely lo- cation. $100 per month or $200 for season. J. H. R. LUKE, Phone 871 or 687W RTAGE CAL AND ONG DISTAN d PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs 10 Simcoe St. 8. 'THOMPSON'S We Deliver ome! EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalis eyesight and glasses 1516--Phone--1516 Disney Block - Opposite Post Offices Lstablished 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH GET YOUR PHILCO RADIO Ww We allow $25.00 to $75.00 on yoar Battery Sct ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED _ 99 Simcoe S.t South T One 1930 Ford Coupe One 1930 Essex Coach, New car guarantee, ROSS, AMES AND SHORE / Iging St. West. Phone 1160 ART- ROYAL YOR Poko Te a_i 28 t all Superi Stores EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always Shoe Repairing poor nk for you. We auar. antee you 100 per cent. pn all work done. Why accept less? Chanfpion Shoe Shop, 17 Bond East, (May 30-1 mo) BRING YOUR SHOES HERE for repairs. First class work done, Charges very reasonable. Jack Read, corner Mary and Col- borne. iow (June 6 -1 mo c) Battery. Service BATTERIES CHARGED. bc with rental $1.00. Repaired and rebuiit, Called for and dellvered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. and iNG AND EX- cavating. Caterptitar tractors lor rent. Top soil sand and gravel Phoue 2948, BRINGING UP FATHER \¢e \a. GO HOME AN TAKE A GOOD SNOOZE: ITS TOO NOISY OM HBG! I'M GONNA ! [ i AROUND HERE - \ y i ANY TH) Cogn A N Af x wperonay © 193) Int't bealure Servier ine, Grent Aeon atts ead | FOR YOU- DADDY ? A NG + CAN YED- LEAVE ME! ALONE - | WANT TO TAKE A NAP - ORESSED-1 SEE- JUMP UR AND GET DE LACEY COMING DOWN THE STREET: | I'M SURE THAT HE 19 GOING TO CALL ON US- MR- YES 1 WENT TO THE OPERA LAWST NIGHT IN FACT | dO BEVERY NIGHT: 'M VERY FOND OF OPERA. VTS TOO BAD THERE 19N'T A 7 MATINEE TO-DAY SO ou Couto

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