6 5 : 7 0 ; ; 1 ; he LE Na Li 3 EMPIRE DAY AT THORNTON'S CRS. Fine Program | Was Given in Boy os S h by E AA Dean Recovers (Mrs. G. H. Robinson, Corres: pondent) ' Thornton's Corners, May 27.--- Empire Day was observed by the school. on Friday. Donald All- man occupied the chair and the following is the programme: Chairman's address; recitaiion by Margaret Pierson and Ethel Lewington; a story, by Dobby Pierson; recitation by Bernice Le Roy; Memorial Day, by the cenior girls; recitation, by Dorothy Ker- man; Salute the Flag: recitation, by Bernice Jackson; musical sei- ection by Gladys Luke; "O Can- ada" by the school; reading. by Frank McClure; story, by Don- ald Allman; 'Maple Leaf," chorus go v and curious £5214" 2134"): Or twenty cents will bring a po Aa iV "Send in ten cents in stamps and musical selection Ly the school: The National by Gladys Luke; Anthem. The boys' softball team piay- ed their first league game. of the season on Wednesday last. They made: a - good -beginning . by des |' feating Whitby at Whithy, 6-3. "The 'Pickering team plays here tonight. Following is the =ched- ulé of the South Ontario Sunday School League for Group "A", in witich our team plays: First Half: i _ Thornton's €orners at "'Whiiby, Wed., May 20th. Plekerisg af Thornton's Cor» nets, Wed,, May 27th. Whitby af Pickering, Fri., June Ath. YOU KNOW by LrEanaE LUNOERSEN SH CUCUMBER WAS A MPERATURE ONE DEGRE F' ®ELOW THAT OF THE SURROUNDING ATMOSPHE col (ze [ETC we will printed or of of m the sixty cards ied by an as J aermanent collection. A pt. Y, nckett Tobacco Co., Ltd, Hamilton. Buckingham Figsrettoria smooth sey Asie ye dgen ha e 1 mys. i# no more ing influence than pleasure never in hy be for freshness aid lox ntario and | Wed., July 22nd. Whitby at Thornton's Ccrners, Wed., June 10th. Thornton's Corners at Picker- ing, Fri, June 19th. AA Pickering at Whitby, Wed., June 24th, . Second Half Thornton's Corners at Whitby, Fri., July 3rd. Pickering at Thornton's Cor- ners, Wed., July 8th, Whitby at Pickering, Fri., July 17th. i Whitby at Thornton's Corners, Thornton's Corners at licker- ing, Friday July 31st, Pickering at Whitby, Fri, Aug. 7th, The girls' softball team went out to Raglan on Thursday even- ing and met an overwhelming de- feat. A number from here attended the Brooklin Fair on Monday and report it a great success. Mrs. John Elliott is a guest of her gister in Bobcaygeon. Mise Norma Scott, of Mourt Al- bert, visited on Monday a: her uncle's, W. A. Scott and Mrs, Scott. 7 The Misses Gladys and Fran- cis Reynolds, of Courtice, spent the week-end and holiday with Miss Frances Robinson, A number from here mofored to Port Perry on Monday 'or a picnic. Little Miss June Pierson. is recovering nicely from. her re- cent accident when she gotsher collar bone fractured. : Mr. Eric Dean is steadily im- proving in the Oshawa Hospital from his serious aceident. All hope to see him home soon, Holiday visitors at the home of G. H. Robinson were Mrs. H, S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, the Misses Muriel Smith and Betty Walton, Masters Ted Kelly, Buster Clark, Stanley and Alan Smith and Mr. Leonard Brash. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Gilbert and Murray spent the week-end and holiday in Picton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Perryman and Billy spent the week-end and holiday at Heely Falls, Mr. and Mrs, McClure and fam- ily, of Brampton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mc iure, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1937 ° County News | Mr. and Mrs, Fred McKee and family, of Oshawa, were week- end visitors at the home of H, W. Gerow. Mr..and Mrs. Frank Mason and son, Malcolm, attended the fun- eral of Mr. Mason's uncle, Charles Stonehouse, on Tuesday. Mrs. Grace Clatworthy is un- der doctor's care. Mr, Cedrie, Parsons, Ehenezer, will address the Young Pecple's League on Fridav night. The funeral of Charles Stone- house was largely attended by relatives and many friends from the surrounding communities, he being widely known and respect- ed. Service was held at his home on Tuesday afternoon at two 0'- clock, interment heing made at Bowmanville Cemetery. Rev. J. R. Bick was the minister in charge of the service 21 the house and at the graveside. Those who bore his body from the house and to his last resting place were Messrs. Hilton Peters, Frank Rogers, Harry Wilcox. John Cowling, Harold Al'in and Howard Cole. The florol tributes wera car- ried by some of his nearest asso- ciates in the persons of Richara Avery, F.J.G roat, Geo. Baircn, Alfred Hogarth, Will Chapmen. His two sisters, Mrs. Lyons, Nee- pawa, Manitoba, who is visiting Mrs. Edna Ruse, another sister, who has recently been under the doctor's care, having had an op- eraticn jon her eye, were unable to be present at the funeral. A brick furnace is beinz phuilt by Mr. Arvay in the park for the purpose of heating water for the picnics held in our popular park during' the summer. The en- trance has also been beautified by a number of newly-plavted shrubs. and flowers, the work of which, Frank Hastings, one al our Hampton students, who has been taking a horticultural course at the O.A.C., at Guelph, has been overseeing, and is employed at the Brookdale Nursery, Bowman- ville, for the vacation months of the year. QUIET HOLIDA Mr. Arthur Lewington is im: hand. Mr. and Mrs. Lewington Sr, sailed from England on May 27 and are expected home this week, They have been in England for several months with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Goodwood. Mrs. Alice Robinson is in the Oshawa Hospital having her ankle treated. She is much im- proved, we are glad to say. 11. 6. BURNS DIES IN HAMPTON HOME Death Occurred Tuesday Night--Funeral of C. Stonhouse Held (L. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, May 27.+The sym- pathy of their many friends i= @x- tended to the family of Mr, J. G. Burns, whosé death occurred at his home here on 'Tuesaday night. The funeral will be hbld from his home on Friday after- noon at two o'clock, interment to be at Hampton. proving from an infection in his | IN GLAREMONT Many Citizens Went Out of | Town--Bowling and Quoits Were Popular | | | om Claremont, May 27.-- places of business were closed [and several of the citizens spent the day elsewhere. A few enjoy- ed bowling on the new green and {some of the men sought recrea- {tion by pitching quoits. A number from Claremont and | vicinity attended Uxbridge Fair | {on Monday. Some of the farmers from here bad stock on exhibit, |and Walter Norton, of the vil- !lage., secured first prize for his y of our local sports {apentsthe week-end on a fishing trip to Bobcaygeon,s returning Monday evening. The number and size of fish caught would makd a good fish story, A meeting of the C.G.I.T, was held at the home of Miss Mun- dell on Friday evening, May 22nd. An interesting program was given by members of the class after which a social hour sun paten ~The Census of Canada 1931 In the opening weeks of June every family and every home in Canada will be visited by a repre- sentative of the Government for the great national purpose of taking the seventh census of Canada. The census is really a stocktaking. That is, it provides the information to enable the Govern. ment and others interested in the development of the country to formulate progressive policies for the happiness, comfort an people. d prosperity of our All the information supplied is strictly confidential, and the officers of the Government are subject to severe penalty if they disclose any of the information which is given to them by residents in the country, to any other than the Government. Furthermore, it has nothing whatever to do with taxation, or military service, or compulsory school attendance, or immigration, or any such * matter; and theGovernment itself cannot use it except for statistical totals. The Government representative will put the same questions to all, and it is your duty as a resident of this country to answer promptly and : truthfully. The Governmentyis very anxious to avoid forcing anyone to "answer these questions, but it is empowered to do so in the few cases where individuals may refuse. a BH, CWS oh gn oP : Le He (GRCE OTTAWA The vil- | lage was quiet on. Monday as our | was spent and: refreshments served. . Religious Workers from Park- dale Tabernacle, . Toronto, have rented the Community Hall for Sunday evening and purpose hold. ing services there during the summer months, One of our local citizens is among the . leading workers. So far the attendance at these services has not) been large as they are at the same hour that evening worship is held in our local churches, The recent frequent rains have promoted rapid growth, and blossom season is a little earlier than usual in this district, Na- ture has commenced to look its best during the past week. My. Swanton who is a member of the Mendelhesson Choir, To- ronto, favored the congregation of the United Church with a beautiful baritone solo, "The City Four Square" at its Sunday even- ing service, Mr. Swanton, with his wife and two children were guests of James and Mrs. Wil. ton of the 8th Concession, Pick- ering. Rev. R. B. Ferris and family, of London, visited with Dr, and Mrs. Tomlinson and 'family on Monday. Mr. Ferris occupied the pulpit in Rhodes Ave. United Church on Sunday. Rev. H. and Mrs. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs, Lewis attended the Baptist Young People's Conven- tion in Toronto, on Monday, Mrs. E. Palmer and Ira Boyer. of Claremont, and George ®nd Mrs. Lee, of Stouffville, motor- ed to Harrow on Saturday where they spent the holiday with their relatives, Henry and 'Albert Ma- dill. Robert Beelby is ill with the flu and tonsilitis, We are sorry for Mr. Beelby as there has nat been the usual demand for car- penter work this season and he had recently secured a position in Toronto. Miss Nellie Michell, of Toronto, has been visiting with. Miss M, G. Mundell and other relatives here. Miss Mabel McLellan, of St. Catharines Collegiate Institute spent the wéek-end with her par- ents at the manse. Misses O., and G. Forsyth, of the Oshawa Public School staff, spent the holiday with their par- ents, G. M. and Mrs. Forsyth. Mrs. Pennel and family, of To- ronto, visited the former's par- ents, James and Mrs, McCullough during the week-end, T. and Mrs. Paterson spent Monday with their daughter, Clarence and Mrs. Pengelly, of Brooklin, 0. and Mrs. Mowbray, of Whit. by, visited the latter's mother, Mrs, T." Neal on. Sunday. Misses Blakeston and Donnell of our teaching staff, spent the holiday at their respective homes, Stratford and Keswick, Fred and Mrs, 'Cowie and Mrs. Cowie, sr., Claremont, and Rus- sell and Mrs. Davidson, Picker- ing, motored to Cornwall on Saturday, where they spent the holiday with relatives, © R. and Mrs. Mann mofored to | Port Credit the end of the week [to attend the wedding of the lat. 'ter's granddaughter, W. and Mrs. Brown, of Toron- to, spent a few days with the latter's parents, Wm. and Mrs. Thompson, Mrs, Thompson bas oot enjoyed good health for some time but we trust the summer months will bring greater im. provement, 4 Mrs. S. Bennett is with her aunt, Mrs, John Patterson, of the 7th Concession, Pickering, who Is critically {IL y . John and Mrs. McLeMan and wee son Robert, of Toronto, visited the former's parents, Rev. A .and Mrs. McLellan on Mon. day. , We are sorry Miss Hamilton is bed at present and under the doctor's care. Miss Mundell is nursing her. B. and Mrs. Kilpatrick' and family spent Monday with C. and Mrs. Elliot, of Brooklin. J. A. Mitchell and family mot- ored to Muskoka and spent the week-end at their summer cot- tage, returning Monday evening. Mrs. T. Gibbons has had the old stable on her property taken down and carpenters are now busy erecting.a new garage which will improve the appearance of her home. Mrs, J. Wilton, 'of the 8th Con- cession, visited with friends in to report that confined to her Toronto last week, YOUNG MEN TAKE GHARGE OF SERVICE PT. PERRY CHURCH Rev. C. O. Daniel, of Sun. derland Was Special Speaker (M. Cockburn, Correspondent) Port. Perry, May 26--A large con- gregation attended the special even- ing service held last Sunday in the United Church under the auspices' of the Young Men's Bible Class, The special preacher for the even- ing was Rev. C, D. Daniel, of Sun- derland, a men's choir led the sing- |ing and the Sunday School Orches- ie Sopytibuted a number of selec- ions. . The service. was very muc enjoyed. y r. James Read, has returned home after being in Toronto for several weeks, where he was a pa- tient in Christie St. Hospital, Mr. Douglas Fairweather, of Tor- onto, were in Port: Perry over the nd. : Miss Doris Nind and Mr. Phili Nind, of Toronto, were home i ' 4 n| . "Mr! "Cornish, of Orono, has been' to teach the third book in ort. Perry Public. School and 4 W. B. MacDonald, of Thorn- the Tr ¢ onos to booths, | nd prevent in promis 0 Hi er In 6 jor ike she finest face creams. Price 50¢ - hill, has 'been engaged to teach ma- thematics in the Port Perry High School. Mr, Gemmell has been. ap- pointed principal of the High School. in place of Mr, Gale who is resign- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Hensler, Mrs, Whitewood and Marjory were in Port Perry. over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Clayton and family and Mr. Arthur Clayton, Sr. of 'l'oromto, visited Port Perry friends on the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. George Mark, of Toronto were guests of relatives in the vicinity last week, Quite a number from Port Perry attended the fair at Uxbridge yes- terday. Mr, and Mrs. Mansell © Gerrow and family spent the holiday with relatives in Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs, D."Cherrie and two daughters, Marie and Viola, of Osh- awa, were in town one-day last week, Mr. Wm. Carnegié, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cockburn, Miss Dorothy Cock- burn 'and Miss Frances Gillespie, of Toronto, wére week-end guests at the home of Mr. J. C. Cockburn, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Collacutt were in Toronto one day this week. Miss Virginia + Nasmith was the guest of Seagrave triends last week, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Mclutosh spent the week-end 'with friends near Peterboro. We are sorry to report that Mrs, Thos. Smith is at present suffering from an attack. of pneumonia. We hope she will soon be restored to health. Mr. John Croft, Jr, of Toronto, visited Port Perry friends on Sun- day. SCUGOG PEOPLE ATTENDED TEA Many Spent Holiday in Blackstock Monday (Mrs. D. Hope, Correspondent) Scugog, 'May 26.--Quiie a number attended the baseball tea and play at Blackstock on Mon? day afternoon, which was very much enjoyed. . Mr. and Mrs, A. Brunt and baby Mona, of Enniskillen, were | guests of her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. W, Mark, on Sunday. | Congratulations to Mg. Glen | Elford in winning honours in his | examinations in Toronto recently, | Miss Reta Milner, of Toronto, | and Miss Hilda Milner of Oshawa, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milner over the holiday. Miss Blanche Sweetman, of | Toronto, visited her parents, Mr, ! and Mrs. A. Sweetman over the | holiday The friends of Mr, J. Jackeon | are sorry to hear he ls saffering | with a stroke but we all hope he | is recovering. | Miss Elva Elford, of Torento, | is spending her holidays here with her parents at the SAieniind age. Mr. and Mrs. F. Jones and daughters Lorna and Evelyn, of Brooklin and Mrs. Bushhy, of Claremont, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. E. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. W. Baecock and son Bobbie, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. J. Demara. Mr, and Mrs. ¥. Ingram, of To- ronto, were holiday guesis of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman and Mr, and Mrs, C. Graham and son, Vernon, vigited Mr. and Mrs, Ash. ton at Rnpiskilleh and attended thelr anniversary services on Sum- ay. Mr. and Mrs. A, McDermont and children, of Port Perry, vigit- ed his sister, Mrs. A, Sweetman, recently. Mr, and Mrs, Baxter and" gaugpter Bernice, - of Toronto, were wek-end guests. of Mr. hs, R. Jackson, bh Mrcand r. and Mrs. A, J. Swe: 3 Miss Jorowny Orage tmay e r. and Mrs. H. Willis 1 Sunday. I. Williams ee F. Is There Sickness In Your Family? "Nt "there is, you naturally" want the best physician, and you also want his pre scriptions filled from the 'purest and freshest stocks: . ' of drugs. Bring them here, where every care is taken to fill prescriptions just as the physician expects them to be tilled, TRE We Want Your Trade We don't sell goods for less than cost, but we do sell them at a very small profit --=prices that are right and ble--always. Let us 500 N==--and of« reasopal SEIVE YOU ten. Thane 78 , Kara's D | Next PO. STANDARD TEACHERS' TRAINING COURSE HELD AT BROUGHAM Mrs 1. C. Brown, Correspondent) Brougham, May 25.--~The stan- dard teachers' training. cpursc which was held here during the week from May 18 to 22 wad a decided success, A good attend- ance each evening, the pastors of the neighboring church all giving support to the movement by their presence. Mrs, Norman White of Brocklin, was appointed Dean of the school. She also had charge of the training of teachers for be- ginners and primary work. Miss Craw, of Toronto, was teacher for 'teen age group, while Rey, Mr. Mellow of Manilla, held a class for adults in Temperance Hall, All of these teachers came well prepared for their work and made good use Of the time allotted as study per- fod, while young and old joined heartily in the timé alloted for re creation. Miss Craw being a won- dertel leader in this particular ine. On Friday evening the W.M.S. of the church provided a banquet, over 70 sitting down to the dainty supper provided. Mrs. Bert Harvey at the piano led in community singing. Mrs. Norman White gave a few inspiring words in the form of a parable, showing how our 5.8. session could he made more effective. Miss Craw gave a short but earnest address while Rev, Mr Fletcher, of Oshawa, in impassion. ed words tried to fix in our minds the need of teaching Christ and his drawing power to save. Other speakers spoke breifly. The classes adjourned to church and hall te wind up the business in conneo- tion with the school, Those writ- ing on the course received their credit slips. The coming together of 8.8. workers for study and so- cial intereourse is most hepeficial as those who are disinterested have interest aroused jn this way. The meeting of the W.M.8., held last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Geo. Philip, was.a splendid meeting, the president, Mrs. John Phillips assited by Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. T. C. Brown, led in the devotional exercises, after the business of the day was finished the program was given over to the members of group A. Mrs. Howard Malcolm, converer. Mrs, Thomas Perryman and Miss Cassels contributed papers of ex- ceptional merit on Japan, Mrs. Gannon and Mrs. Malcolm SANg a couple of favorite hymns. At the close of the meeting the ladies were invited to the dining room Representative of the Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada OSHAWA AND DISTRICT A. S. ROSS and S. F. EVERSON DOMINION: BANK CHAMBERS Telephone 1834 "SALAD TEA A The Tea that comes to you, "Fresh from the Gardens" where Mrs. Phillip served a delic- ious tea and the member had the pleasure of an hour of social in- tercourse. Miss Muriel Shepherd guest at the Gerow home week. Mrs. Haywood and children spent the holiday with the Bar- clay family. Mrs. Barclay and Mrs, John Mit. ler spent Thursday in Toronto. Miss Maggie Miller visited her sister, Mrs. W. Renfrew on Thurs. day. Mrs. Renfrew has been seri- ously ill for some time. Mr, and Mrs. E. Perryman and children motored to Acton to was a this spent the week-end at Mrs. Perry- man's old home. Mr. and Mrs. McWhirter spent the holiday with his people. Mr. Elmer Wilson and family and the Donald Wilson family were with their people over the week-end. a The new gas station and garage has had electricity installed and the hotel also. Miss Cassels is spending the week-end in Toronto with Mrs. Gamble and family, Mr..and Mrs. Will Bate, of Tor- onto visited Miss Ba e on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mohun and son wera with their aunt here on Saturday. Have you enough Life Insurance? No matter how large or how small your estate, it will suffer heavy deductions before it reaches your wife or family. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, undertakers, lawyers, etc., not to mention succession duties, if the estate be consider- able, will reduce the net amount payable to your heirs by anything from 10%, to 25%. Take your pencil and try a simple sum in arithmetic, using an actual case as an example: securities and other assets Total estate (net) Total face value of all my life insurance Estimated value of my real estate, pi Less 15% as indicated above ........... Typical Case My Case. yome of... Invested in good securities at 5% this should yield my family an annual in- $297.50 IS IT ENOUGH? Fill in and mail the attached coupon: HEAD OFFICE Name (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Please send me your pamphlet, "Is It Enough ?"', advertised (Name of Paper) § MONTREAL Date of Birth....coco...... ....\ Month) ay) R. NEILL LTD. SHOE STORE "The Store Of Better Values" MONTH END BARGAIN SALE Boys' Dress Up Oxfords = Black Leather. Size 13% Calf soles. Men's Fine Black Calf Boots apd Oxfords with heavy gage leather $2.79 pair Extra special Size 11-13. Pair ....... Outing. Boots .69¢ Size 1-5. in Boys' and Youths' re inforced Pair sess es TOE Ladies' Smart Footwear : {| Your choice of straps, tie or pumps with dress cuban heels $2.79 pair. Ladies' Sport Shoes in Elk or Black and White Leathers, $2.69 Pair 9.4 Sizes 8-10%, : on 3 Patent the well dressed : Seer 11.2 aL te Boys' or Youths' heavy reinforced Outing Boots with extra heavy soles, Size 11-18 - 89c pair Size 1-5 98¢ pair > ~All the family, needs ' Thursday, S in Footwear are included. in this sale. If thrifty an , Friday and Saturdsy, May 28th, 29th and 30th. ; | Re NEILL LTD. SHOE STORE 12 SIMCOE STREET NORTH A