SERRA fat eM LIRR HER I Li Tare 1 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY; MAY 27, 1931 Vor he Social &Personal a ) Kindl . W. R, Taggart and Miss Jean Taggart of Midland, Ontario, spent the holiday with the former's sister, Mrs, A Roy of Oshawa. Master Sanford Bowman who at- tends school in Oshawa spent the week-end and holiday at the home of his mother , Mrs. Bowman of Manor Road, Toronto. Mrs. W. A. Cox, and little daugh- ter, Gladys, of the The Pas, Man- itoba, are visiting Mr. Cox's mother, * Mrs. F. W, Cox, 213 Albert Street, Oshawa, " 4 'y Miss H. Betty Wilson who is at- tending the Toronto Normal School spent the week-end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James A. Wilson, 22 Brock Street East, Clearing of Ladies' Coats and Dresses $8.95 = THF mons cunppg, 84 Simcoe St. §. Smart Styles 5 in Girls' Panty Dresses 1 to @ years | $1.00 $1.49 $1.95 $2.75 LAMBLE'S WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2658. 5 Onlina St. Mr. and Mrs: T. Huggett and son, Tommie, Mrs, R.#uggett and Mrs. F. Wonnacott, of Guelph, Mr. Sid- ney Wonnacott, Miss Jean Annam of Audley and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wonnacott, of Columbus, were holi- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Noble, Ritson Road South. Mr. and Mps. Cyril Deyo, of London, Ontario, were guests of | the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barrowclough, Brock street for the holiday and week-end. »* LJ . Mr, and Mrs, A. F. Cox and Miss Florence Cox, of Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs. Sam Glanville, of Bowmanville, returned to town this morning after a motor trip to Windsor and Detroit. - LJ . Messrs. Clarence Cox, Fverett Cody, Art Smith and Boh Bell spent the holiday in Detroit, Michigan. - Ld LJ Mrs. Evelyn Bateman left on Sunday evening on a business trip to Victoria, B.C. LJ » *® Oshawa left on Sunday for Sber- brooke, Quebec, where she will make her home with her brotner, Mr. Gordon Bambridge, " . * Mr. and Mrs, Harold Best and daughter Irene of Philadelphia, are guests of Mrs, Best's sister, Mrs. J. Preston, Thornton's Core ners. . so» Mr. 8. Lovell, secretary of t London Life Insurance ae of London, Ontario, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Loy ell, Simcoe street south for last week-end. . » * Mr. and Mrs. W, Morrison, Mrs, Garrow and Miss Leah Garrow, Athol street, east, visited friends in Niagara Falls, over the holl- day. ". On Monday evening John Bow- en gave a euchre and dance at the home of William MacDonald 258 Nassau St. to mark Mr, Mac. Dougall's departure for an axten- ded trip to Scotland. A very en- joyable evening was spent by those present who were gathered to do honor to an old friend who was shortly leaving, Mr. John Bowen was master of ceremonies and every minute was crowgled with interest. Scotland Baffled For 12 Months Yard { Bits of Finger Prints 2 months b ies went on in ! dy Li tish Town and without a clue to the ly the merest ion of/ i together by experts until they had built up a complete finger print. Then one night a large hotel in Holborn was broken into; the safe and ne ked_ quickly and police worl quickly an rrested t. On taki bis 8 ints they were os to correspond to ts left at the other robberies. _ To man confessed and answered fo the law for his misdeeds. | Even small parts of his finger prints were dangerous to him. ' hb } Danger in Your Prints i . on the i so one of finger prints atal to hii Ay because d left disease Your finger would pick up Kop, Then, if it touched a chocolate or a biscuit that you were about to eat, the germs would find their way to your few german multiply to i ickly. If a health } mi dangerous you were run alth you might contract a These are not far fotélid support tions. Life re- search evel ht ae An Effective Germicide way. Yi A Luxury Health Soap. Soap Food You Eat ood soap--byt with Lifebuoy -- for ebuoy con! an effective o ci show it or makes dormant germs of the most {ahgerous character, when other soaps A Beauty Soap Too Noris this all. Lifebuoy is known as a besuty | too--none more luxur~ ious. It is a skilful blend of two fine pam oils which are wonderfully cial to the skin and complexion. Millions enjoy a beauty bath daily with Lifebuoy and are sure, too, of not offending through body 'odour for many hours thereafter. The scent of the germicide in Life- buat isbeiter hang beca it of protection from germs. This not have s double in your ? Te cl to use it to heal up little cuts and seratches--to kill the germs they pick up at play and at school. Get a supply of Lifebuoy from your dealer today. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Miss Louise Bambridge, of The eurche prizes were won by Mrs. Scott and Mr, George respec tively. Among those present were: Mr, and Mrs. Seton, Mr. and Mrs, D, George, Mr, and Mrs. L. Gray, MA. and Mrs, J. Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dick, Mr, and Mrs. G. Phelps, Mr. and Mrs, M. Covert, Mr, and Mrs. OC. Scott, Mrs. M. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Mae- Donald, J. Bowen and M, Rutter. Several gifts were made to Mr. MacDonald who was tha recip- ient also of the good wishes und safe journey. Mr. MacDonald spoke feelingly of his apprecia- tion of those who had done him the honor to gather to express their esteem and particularly to Mr. J. Bowen who was respon- sible for the very excellent pro- gram provided. An interesting engagement has recently been announced in Tor- onto. It is that of Miss Barbara Wilcox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Hume Wilcox of Highgate, London, England, to Mr. Scott Malcolm, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Malcolm, of Rosedale Heights, Toronto. Miss Wilcox has appeared before Toronto au- diences on several occasions with Maurice Colbourne Players.: In the "Perfect Alibi" she played the leading role and was "Prin- cess Royal" in "The Apple Cart." Mr. Scott Malcolm is a talented young musician, The marriage is to take place in New York the latter part of June. LJ LJ LJ Mrs, Nissett and Mrs. W. Cowle were winners of the prizes given yesterday afternoon at the week- ly euchre party of the Daughters of England. # * Mr, Percy Newton has return- ed to his home in Detroit, Mich- igan, after spending the holiday at the home of Miss Mireil Cul- ley, Simcoe street south. » * LJ The annual birthday tea of St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid Society wi'] be held on Thursday afternoon in the church parlours; LJ * LJ Mr. and Mrs. W. Pipher and little daughter June and Miss Pat Barrett, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mrs. Pipher's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Barrett, Rossland Road, . * - On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barrett, of Oshawa, Mrs. W. Pi- pher and daughter June and Miss Pat Barrett and Master John Manning visited Mrs. Barrett's aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. C. Bates, of Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. South and son Claude were week-end guests of Mrs. H, S. South, Peterbor- ough, Ont, FOR MOTHERS WHO V LACK STRENGTH il MRS. HARRIET THACKRAY Hamilton, ' Ont,--'After my last baby came my health was poor for several weeks after 1 came from the hospital, I would be completely exhausted after washing the baby and had no strength left for any of my bouse- hold duties, One of my good neighbors started me on Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription and I was amazed at the quick hold it took on my weakened condition. It seemed to be ex- actly what I needed. The sezond bottle put me on fy feet and re- stored me to perfect health, which I still enjoy. I-can't say too much in praise of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for women who are ailing; it has my high- est endorsement."'--Mrs, Harriet Thackray, 176 Straham St. East. Druggists. Fluids or tablets. Send 10c¢ to Dr, Pierce's Labor. atory, Bridgeburg, Ont., for a trial package. By Thomion W. Burgess Some. disappointments are great. They seem the mockery of fate. ~=0ld Mother Nature. Poor Flip, The heat grew worse and worse. The sand became so hot it almost burned his feet. His tongue was swollen from thirst. He panted with every breath, The hig cactus plants seemed to dance before his eyes. In his longing for water he almost forgot that he was also hungry. Somehow he kept going and, as it happened, he was going in the right direction at last, He didn't know it. It was What New York Is Wearing And Always Feel Happy In By ANNETTE Slim lines and practicality, as Paris would have it. 80 You'll love it! It's just one of those lovely frocks that meet every- day needs so charmingly, The way the front panel of the skirt buttons at either side at the hipline is exceedingly modish, Of course you've noticed the slim- ming quality in the deep V-front of the bodice. And isn't it attractive caught and tab and button? You can make it even if you are an amateur sewer, for it as easy as falling off a log. A printed and plain crepe silk made the original. Style No. 286 may be had in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Patterned wool crepe with plain, two shades of the same colour and plain crepe with embroidered batiste are smart combinations. For resort, pastel flat washable crepe is the last wood in chic, : Size 36 requires 274 vards 39-inch with 4 yard 27-Inch contrasting, Qur large Fashion Magazine shows the latest Paris styles for Spring and Summer for adults and children, Also instructive lessons in sewing. Price of BOOK 15 cents, fr ' Price of PATTERN 20 cents in amps or coin (coin is preferred) rap coin carefully, Pattern Edi- imes, Oshawa Address orders tor, Oshawa Daily NEVE more chance, hut a most fortunate chance. Lizards scuttled out of his way, but he didn't even see them. His eyes were blurred and in that blur the big cactus plants seemed to dance. He wouldn't give up, however. You see there was real oourage in Flip's little heart. He would keep going until he could- n't go any longer, Then he saw something in the distance that renewed his strength and gave him new hope and con- fidence. "Water!" he muttered. "Water!" His tongue was swollen for him to hark the joy that filled him.. In the distance he could see a sparkling lake. He could see the green of growing things along its shores. If he could get to that he would be saved. He thought he was running. He wasn't. He wasn't much more than crawling, for he was very weak. But he kept on. "I'll get there, I'll get there," he kept saying over and over to himself. "I'll keep on going until I get there. I'll jump right into that water, It niust be the Smiling Pool, only somehow, it | has grown big. 1 cafi see the Green Meadows. Yes, sir, it is the Smils ing Pool." Now, of course, poor little Flip didn't see the Smiling Pool and the Green Meadows, for you know there were far, far away, and he was lost out on the Dry Desert, on | the edge of which he had been vis- iting at a ranch with his master, Farmer Brown's Boy, and Cousin Tom, who had brought them ta Arizona in an aeroplane. It was his imagination which made that distant scene seem like the Smils ing Poo! and the Green Meadows of home, \ On and on Flip struggled, yeb hoe seemed to get no nearer that water. For a long time he didn't realize this at all. He could see it all so clearly that he didn't have a single teeny weeny doubt that and Community J a 'Buy One or Two of These Attractive Leatherette Cushions For the Summer Cottage, the Verandah or for the boat. They are made in diamond patterns in two or three color Special for, combinations. Size 18 x 18 inches. each, 49 In conjunction with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind we are holding 2 great sale of Wickerware, 3 WASTE PAPER BASKETS, 39¢ In attractive two tome colorings. | FERN STANDS. $1 00 FERNERIES at, Feb. $2.49... $2 95 STRONG WOVEN STRIPED AWNING DUCK 39¢ Green, brown and blue colorings. 30 inches. Special, yard MAGAZINE HOLDERS, $1.49 \ GOOD FACTORY COTTON MATTRESS COVERS Two sizes. 4 x 6-6 and 4-6 x $1 49 6-6. Special ... GIRLS' ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS TIA, iin I2Y F had been missed by Farmer De Boy. He had whistled and I called in vain. "He must have] wandered off somewhere," said he | anxiously. "I do hope he hasu'l] lost himself owt on the desert. 1 must go look for him." He saddled his horse and filled a canteen with water to take with him. Then he started out to 100k for Flip. He hadn't the least idea where to 80. All he could do was to ride out and circle about hop- ing to get a glimpse of the little white-and-black dog he had grown to love so dearly. Every few min- | utes he stopped to look carefully in every direction and whistle and OPENING SPECIAL! PERMANENT OIL WAVE LA MONA PRODUCTS CO. Who has 60,000 Permanent Waves to his credit and not a dissatisfied cus- tomer. First 25 Waves ........$3.00 All waves after 100 regular price of $7.50 No Finger Waves Required Come Sham 10 CENTRE ST. Note change of address . all. ¥ At last Flip could hardly drag himself over the hot sand. And then the gleaming water vanished. Yes, sir, look as he would he could no longer see it. He could | see nothing but hot sand and the | strange shapes of cactus and stunted bushes. You see, there had been no water and green shore. He had seen what is called mirage, a reflection of something a great way off, It is an effect often seen on the desert and sometimes on the ocean. Poor Flip. It was the An economical; 'wall finish | | | "Toor fellow! He won't last long," | muttered the Woodpecker | | soon he would reach it and then | all hig dreadful trouble would be | at an end. Never before had he | realized what .a wonderful thing water is, No one can realize it un- | til they are where they cannot get | it. It is one of those things that are a part of our daily lives and, 80, accepted as a matter of fact. On and on plodded Flip and still in the distance gleamed that cool refreshing water. He no long- er saw anything else. Now and then he passed a big cactus plant without even seeing it. He could see nothing but the longed-for water. From a hole high up in a cactus a Woodpecker looked down on him, and shook his head, "Poor fellow; he won't last long," muttered the Woodpecker. 'He must be a stranger on the desert. Yes sir, he must be a stranger, and he surely will die of thirst. I wonder where he came from, It is too bad. It is so." Meanwhile back on the ranch | Richer's group © most terrible of disappointments, | (Copyright, 1931, by T. W, But-| gess), The next story: "Ol Buzzard Saves Flip." ee ---- Mrs, 1. day afternoon AT On Tugeeay t the Northmin- y tute met at the ster Women's Instity ; ine home of Mrs. H. N. South, Car- negie Avenue. Several items ol business were Buse : 3 lang were made for po to be held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Carr, Simcoe street north, on Thursday evening: Mistah | used and 9nai | "chair | 'WALPAMUR the famous flat finish for walls and ceilings is economical, be- cause it is so easy to apply that a little goes a long way. You have a choice of the most delightful shades, that d with an S3gahell bloom. It has a soft light-diffusing ef- fect, and makes a lovely back- ground for your household treasures. It is permanent, washable and fire-resisting, and looks equally well on a wide variety of surfaces. LJ . LJ The graduating class of 1931, | Consult your decorator or dealer. Ask him for a o p i) al » » of the Oshawa General Hospital shade card, or write to us direct . are to be guests of the Alumnae Association of the Hospital at a | dinner in the Genosha Hotel on | Friday evening. Mrs, R, 8. Mc- | Laughlin is to be the speaker. ANNOUNCEMENT Schofield--Cutler On May 21st, by Rev, "James Little, of Toronto, Dorothy Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Walpamur © product of The Crown Diamond Paint Co. Limited TORONTO {+} MONTREAL ¥°% HavLirax Walpamur products are sold by 2, Sutler, to Mr, Cyril Schofield, W./'W. Park, 82 Simcoe St. §., both of Oshawa, Oshawa, Phone 3082 4 and PAINS ) pe ' i No matter whether it a a" - litte ache or & big pain, ne matter whether it comes the monthly periods of wo- oem Jr from a cold, ZUTOO economy ons' Tea to be- is the bland of Indian and Ceylon leaf at just ordinary prices. TILLIE THE TOILER To ---- FLLO, STILLIE, - ASROUEHT over THER LAN OF My NEW Ay STERY NAT Seine an) URELY, = OM,\ UM GUESS BO LATE oid) LAST, NIGHT 1 ge { THE SOUND OF Your» HORNY CERTAINLY ( WAS NO-ACCOUNT , AND \F way Bi DO WORK HARD YOURE, AR NEGLECTING THEM < |