Oshawa Daily Times, 22 May 1931, p. 9

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2 LL PAGE NINE stern Ontario News | - inspected. Ex-Rééve Homes and Rey. M. IL Robihsoh, gave short speeches, after which a cadet, a County Masons Met Kingston.--Masons from all lod- ges in Frontenac Masonic District auended a lodge of instruction held on on Tuesday evening un- rt "auspices of the Past Mas- ters' Association and Ar fied oyer bw R. W, Bro. J. A. McRae of Kingston, the D.D.G.M, The chairs were hiled with officers chosen from the 5 city lodges. M.W. 'Bro. R. B. Dargavel of Toronto, Grand Master Dares Ontario was present at the lodge and with him were W.M. Logan, Grand v Seercta of the Grand Lodge, W. , of To- rofito," chairman J] De Committee on Masonic mucation; and Rt. Wor. Bro. McBride. Rt. Wor. Bro. P. G. C. Campbell and Bro. F. P. Smith lectured on subjects of Masonic in- terest, Fire Pr -- A tacul fire which cast a reflection for many miles around, totally destroyed the stock, and barn on the farm of George Riddell at Pittston, Monday night. The fire is believed to have been caused by a lantern which ex- ploded. All of the stock were saved with the exception of two calves and none of the adjoining build- ings were damaged. Had Severe Storm Picton.--Picton district was visit- ed by an unusually severe electrical storm on Monday night and Tues- day morning. Most of the fuses in the town's transformers were blown out and the town was in darkness most of the night. Fire Threatens Village Chrysler.--Fanned by a strong wind, fire, which broke out in a residence here on Wednesday threatened for a time to grow into serious proportions but assistance was sent from the nearby town of Cornwall and Finch and the flames were extinguished after two homes had been destroyed. The homes of Thomas Boisclair, in which the fire originated from an undetermined cause, and that of E. Cardinal, his next door neighbor, were destroyed causing loss of $4, Build New Church Peterboro.--Werk will commence at once on the erection of a new church for the congregation of Gos pel Hall on the site of the old Dun- can home on the south side of Mc- Donnel street just east of Water street. The contract is in the hands of McIntyre Brothers. The build- ing which will have a frontage of 48 feet on McDonnel street will consist of an auditorium and full sized basement. The Gospel Hall congregation worshipped for many years in quarters at the corner of George and Brock streets and the decision to build a church was made some time ago. Are Still Mysteries Ottawa.--Ottawa's two mysteries continue to perplex the authorities who have been working since Fri- day and Saturday to clear them up. Constant dragging of the Oftawa river yesterday brought no trace of Magistrate Charles Hopewell, miss- ing since Friday. Nor hts there M. been any sign of the body of the woman who is believed to have jumped into the Chaudiere on Sat- urday. Led a Dog's Life Barrie.--For three years "Tubby," a small trick dog, owned by W. Keenan, merchant, has chased the fire truck as it passed the store. But his nimble feet failed him and he went under the wheels at dawn on Tuesday. The dog that had per- formed tricks to the amusement of tourists and citizens alike, was bur- ied in a marked grave, without cere- mony. To Play Lacrosse Smiths Falls.--Sports enthusiasts of Smiths Falls will probably see la- crosse played on local athletic fields this summer for the first time in many years. It was announced yes- terday by officials of the Canadian Pacific Recreation Club, that ar- rangements had already been made to secure sticks and equipment, and that the clug intended organizing a junior team to represent Smiths Falls this summer. Captured Muskrat Port Hope--A full grown muskrat ambled down Walton Street and was evidently making its way to the Ganaraska, but his pi ess was retarded when James Giffen, local hardware - merchant successfully made a capture. Now that "Jimmy has the animal, he does not il what to do with it. Plunged into Dock Cornwall--Plunging over a wali of a dry canal basin in: Cornwall dry dock early on Tuesday an auto- mobile fel] 25 feet to the bottom and landed on all four wheels. The machine was little damaged and the driver, Rev, D. A. McPhee, of St. Columban Church, escaped injury. Re-stocking Lakes Craig's Camp.--A number of lakes in Frontenac County have been re- stocked with pickerel. There were 250,000 put in Long Lake at Craig's Camp. There were also 250,000 put in Elbo Lake, and 50,000 in Crow Lake. In Sharbot Lake there were 600,000 and in Long Lake Olden Township there were put "20,000 pickerel. Tamworth Ball Club Tamwortl., -- Much enthusiasm was exhibited at the organization meeting of the Tamworth Baseball Club, recently held in the town hall for the year 1931. The officers for 1930 reported a surplus in funds of $65 which is considered remarkable because of the amounts that had Re-Organive 1 Lindsay.--~The spring meeting "offi held in the Council Chambers with a good crowd present. Skips were| elected and considerable amount of | business transacted. Paramofnt | among the business done was the decision to officially open the séa- son on Friday, May 22nd. The greens committee reported every- thing in first class condition for the premiere and it was decided to st things off with a mixed tournament on Friday. To Hold Ordination au Kingston. -- Three young riests will be ordained in St. Mary's Cathedral by His Grace Archbishop J. O'Brien on Saturday, May 30. The candidates are Jeverends Samuel Plunkett, Kingston; J. Hanley, Read; and W, Aa Brewer's Mills. Rev. Father Calla- | ghan, Regiopolis College, will 'be preacher at the sefvice. The can- didates were trained in theology' at the Toronto and Montreal seminar- ies. Had Mare Struck Brockville~On Tuesday morning a mare owned by Benson Towriss, Css of Algonquin, was found dead in the barnyard of the farm. It is sunnosed the animal was struck by lightning during the storm of Mon- day night. Fortieth Anniversary Peterboro--An unusually interest- ing and enjoyable evening 'was spent in the Green Room of the Y. W.C.A. on the occasion of their annual meeting which also marked the fortieth anniversary of the or- ganization. An Unusual Problem Gananoque. -- Gananoque town council had an unusual matter be- fore it. It discussed the question of people fitting up boat-houses for residence purposes. It was decided that the council was owneér of the land and that the council rented the land for boathouse purposes only, ---- Old Native Passes Carleton Place.--William Pattie died on Tuesday at his home in rfatt stree owing a stroke Jusiaibed , Just jour weeks ago. He was his 89th Nan the oldest native in is son. News of his death spread quickly to all parts of the sions of sorrow at the passing of so distinguished a citizen. SOUTH ONTARIO FOOTBALL ASS'N ANNUAL MEETING Officers Eloctod-- Schedule Arranged for the West- One of the largest and most enthusiastic meetings ever held in tion with the South On- been expended in Power For Village Napanee.--Contracts for 'the ex~ tension of Hydro Electric power to the village of worth have been signed and it is anticipated that the work will be 3 during the early part of July, At the present time there is only a partial service in the village and power is being served by a private line. The con- tracts call for a 24-hour service which service will be greatly appre- ciated by the residents of that vil- lage. The exact location of. the Toute for the extension has not been determined as yet. The contracts are at the local office, Napaneé, and there have been a sufficient nunt- ber of signers to warrant the work to be undertaken, Forming Lions Club Port Hope. --Negotiations are at present under way for the forma- tion of a branch of the Internation- al Association of Lions Club in Port Hope. James' D. Walker, secretary- treasurer of the Toronto Lions Club is here making ArTanRemgnis oi To address R ¥ Rotary Trenton.--Col. W, H Craw, ex<| Dr mayor of Kingston, is to address the Rotary Club. at. Trenton 'on Friday on the opportunities for de- | veloping tourist business in Eastern Ontario and the need for co-opera- tion between cities drawing the business. Cadet Inspection Athens, -- The annual Calet In- spection took place on Tucsday of als ternoon, May 12. The corps wa inspected by Capt. Isbester'and nd cluded marching, dril] and extended order. Douglas Frye was chosen by Captain Isabester as the neatest and best dressed cadet and in his re- marks to the cadets he ranked the grotip among the best of those he 'theld in the Council Chamber at .| ent; Oshawa City, Solina. Orono, 'tario Football Association was 'Brooklin on Monday evening, May 11th, with -James Palmer, president, in the chair. The fol- lowing officers. were also pres- ent: 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice. ent, ry Treasurer, After the busitiess of the past season . was transacted, R. B. Muir, Secretary Treasurer of the 0O.F.A., was introduced. He was well pleased with the magnifi- cent way the Council of 8.0.F.A, and hoped that 1931 would be still more encouraging with the number of new teams entering the. Association. There were representatives from the following teams pres- Courtice, Zion, Enniskillen, Bow. manville, Goodwood, Claremont, Green River and Cherrywood. The following officers were then elected for the ensuing year: o Presidents--Mansrs. W, E. N. Sinclair, K.C., R. 8. "| McLaui Dr. James Moore and A _ President--]. E. Legett, Locust 1st Vice-President--Mr. Robb, Bowmanville. . . 2nd Vice-President-- Thomas King, Oshawa City. Sec.-Treas.-- J. F. Booth, hitevale. H t Secretary ~-- Elmer rono, tative to D.F.A.--Past ,; James Palmer, Pickering. epresentatives to OFA, F. Booth, Whitevale. After the officers were elect- ed it was -declded to place the teams in two- divisions, namely, east and west. 210, Bond Street West £4 § (4 La Rp AA SIA - Phone 924 ' SPADINA AYE, end COLLEGE ST. B. R. Powell, Prop. CONVENIENT-ECONOMICAL Ln oF x 3 " Ye 2 Re who resides two or three miles east | town and many were the expres-| had 'beén doing in the past year, |- treat of ice cream was given each | ... the Community Bowling Club was | 7) Schedule for Western Division follows: *May 30--Green River at Clare- mont; Goodwood at Cherrywood. June 6--Claremont at Good- wood; Cherrywood at Green River, June 13---Claremont at Cherry- wood; Green River at Goodwood, June' 20-~Claremont at Green River; Cherrywood at- Goodwood. + June 27+«~Goodwood at Clare- mont; Green River at Cherry- wood. ; July 4--Cherrywood at Clare- mont; Goodwood at Green River, July 11---Green River at Clare- ---- mont; Goodwood at Cherrywood. July 18--Claremont at Good- vood; Cherrywood at Green h liver, July 26---Claremont at Cherry- vood; Green River at Goodwood, Aug. 1--Claremont at Green ver; Cherrywaod at Goodwood, Aug. 8--Gaodwood. at Clare- BALSAM The concert by the choral class in Mt. Zion church on Wednesday evening of last week, under the direction of Mrs. Ada Sadler, A. T.C.M., was a decided success. Mrs. Raymond Jones, of Whitby, ren- dered two beautiful solos. Miss Baker, elocutionist, of Glen Major, and Miss Ella Elson, pianist, were enjoyed by all. Mothers' day service was held on Sunday morning last, the church being. very tastefully decorated with spring flowers. Mr. Geo. West, of Ashburn, gave a very fine ad- dress to the mothers. Mr. Lloyd Wilson visited over the week end with Toronto friends. Several from here attended the teacher training class held at Brougham this week. Ladies' 'Aid met at the home of Mrs. Jag, Wilson on Thursday of last week. The choral class will give their concert jn Greenwood church on Friday evening, June 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Corrin, of Toron- to, visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs, J. Prest. Several from here attended the minstrel show and pie social at Ashburn last week, and all report a good time, COLUMBUS Miss Mair attended the funeral oR a friend in Toronto on Satur- ay. The W.M.S. held a quilting in the church basement on Wednes- day afternoon. Two quilts were quilted. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ashton, and family spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ash- n. Miss Ruth Goodman spent the week end with Her grandmother, Mrs. Booth, Toronto. The young people of Solina pre: sented their drama "The To Tavern" here on Friday night. play was well given and was -~ Joyed by all. Mr. Ross Murison spent the week end at Mado¢ visiting friends. Miss Mildred Knight and Miss Florence Knight, of Kingston, spent the week end at the manse with Miss Maud Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Purves are spending a few. days with Mrs. A. Gregory, who has returned to her home in Chatham. The new Hymnary was used at Salada Orange Pekoe Blend "OA: services of the United Church on Sunday last. The pastor, Dr. Coop- er, spoke on the subject of music as an important part of worship, e | using as his text Ep. 5, 19, where we are commended to make 'melody in our heart unto the Lord by hymns and psalms and spiritual songs. At a PRecia] meeting on Monday evening the stewards of the United Church made arrangements for the anniversary of the church on July 12 and 14th. Particulars will be given later. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and children, Solina, spent Sunday with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rateliffe, Oshawa, visited relatives on Sum- da, Yiiss Fanny Smales, Solina, spent the week end with friends. Mrs. John James spent last week with relatives in Oshawa. Mr. and Miss Morrow, Ebeneser, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Down, Pick- ering, and Mrs. Down, Sr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayes. Toronto, Canada.--in Canada 233 lives were taken by fire last year, and property loss from the same cause was more than $46,000,000. A Beautiful New Ford Body richness of interior finish, de luxe appointments, and the many provisions for your riding comfort Bodies are longer. Carefully tailored seats are newly designed, wider lower, more deeply cushioned and upholstered in luxurious will be especially pleased with the added roomineses of the rear compartment, FroM all over the Dominion come enthusiastic comments about the new Ford Town Sedan with the slanting windshield, introduced but a few weeks . Motorists everywhere have been quick to note a new degree of style and luxury in a low-priced automobile. The striking outward grace of line and contour is just one feature. Of even greater importance are the and convenience. mohair. You . MEN speak knowingly of ball and roller .. hearings, of valves and pistons, of the .~ many points of mechanical excellence that make the Ford such a good car to "drive. But to a woman's appraising: eye, "trained to line and color, there are no fea- ' tures of greater importance than its dis-: tinctive beauty of appearance and the richness of its appointments. +. Thenew Ford Town Sedan, illustrated 'above, is a striking example of this high quality, The comfortable, roomy seats are deeply cushioned and upholstered in 'Juxurions: mohair, This is. an unusual combination of beauty and 'utility. It has thé deep pile and softness that are, characteristic of fine mo- is long-wearing, because it is faced with genuine Angora mohair and fine wool worsted. Hardware reflects the quiet good taste and dignity that you expect in a Ford car. The adjustable front seat can be , moved forward or back to meet your driv. ing convenience. No car is so easy for a woman to drive as a Ford. In addition to deep, rich black, you may choose from a variety of body colors. Most exposed bright metal parts are made of Rustless Steel that will maintain its gleaming luster undimmed throughout the life of the car. With all its distin- guished beauty of line and alert perform. * ance, the Ford sells at a low price because of large production and ' wmusual Ford policies and manu. hair, yet it will not crush easily and «ax caxavia _ facturing facilities. Hn Ea analy ' Plime pins l wha a TRL ¥ ' * HIGH QUALITY--LOW PRICES Among the thirteen Ford body types, there is & car exactly suited to your particular needs. The first cost is lowo and you save every mile you drive because of the low cost of operation and up-keep. Standard Bodies : $515 Tudor Sedan. $585 520 Sport Coupe . 600 585 Fordor Sedan 708 De Luxe Bodies . : i ; De Luxe Tudet De Luxe Phaeton 695 'Town wa Sedan » De Luxe Coupe 630 Town * e All prices f. o. b. East Windsor, Ontario, plus saves: Bumpers and spare tire extra at small cost. Roadster . . Phaeton . . Coupe « eo De Luxe 785 695 "FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Ee EEX

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