Oshawa Daily Times, 20 May 1931, p. 5

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f THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, " WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1931 PACE FIVE | Women's Interests in the Home and The Community Social & Personal Any social notes which readers care to submit will be printed. Xindly phone or send them to The Times Office before 10.30 am. the day they are to be pub- lished. Items of mews con. cerning dances, parties, guests to-and from town will be gladly received, On Saturday evening a very hap- y party gathered at the home of Ir. and Mrs. J. Bloomer, 476 King Street West. The party was he'd in honor of Mr. R. Wood, of 271 Park Road South, who is leaving this week for Scotland, During the evening progressive euchre was played and after the prizes were given Mr. Wood was presented with a beautiful white gold watch. His many friends, ekpressed their sincere regrets at his departure and wished him a safe journey. For the rest of the evening the guests en- joyed dancing and music. A dainty supper was served by the hostess Mrs. Bloomer, *® *- » The porch of the clubhouse at the Oshawa Golf Club yesterday afternoon was a perfect setting for the tea that was held at the conclusion of the day's play, in Clearing of Ladies' Coats and Dresses $8.9 5 and up THE FASHION SHOPPE, 84 Simcoe St. S. Smart Styles ] Jin Girls' Panty Dresses 1 to 6 years $1.00 $1.49 $1.95 $2.75 | LAMBLE'S rr ne WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Celina St. which lady members of the club were competing in the eveats of the annual field day. Miss Ruth Jones, as hostess for the after- noon, poured tea and club mem- bers sat around at little tables on the poreh, overlooking the leau- tiful view that is to be had from that position. Ideal weather con- ditions prevailed throughout the day and the annual field day this year, was one of the most suc- cessful for some seasons. A large number of the players remained at the club during the noon hour and enjoyed a delightful luncheon party that had been arranged Ly the house committee. Mrs, C. M. Mundy, Simcoe street north, lent her home yes- terday afternoon for a meeting and tea for the members of the the group of Simcoe Street Lad- jes' Aid Society, of which Mus. Lorne James is convenor. Mrs. E. Bradley, president of the So- ciety, led in the business discus- sions, = Mrs. Alex' Fisher and Miss Marion Ross rendered de- lightful piano solos, and instru- mental music was played by the trio consisting of Miss Latimer, pianist; Miss Minaker, violinist; and Mrs. Hoag, cellist. Mrs. E, Bateman gave one piano number, When tea was served, Mrs. D. M, Tod, poured and was assisted by Mrs. Leo Gray, Mrs. A, E. Lovell, Mrs. E. Bradley and Mrs, H. Bradley. Ld * RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus Jacobi, 79 Lloyd street, Oshawa, will be at home to their friends, Satur- day afternoon, May 23 from 2.30 occasion of their sixtieth wedding anniversary, KING STREET YOUNG PEOPLES The weekly meeting of Kin | Young People's Leagt | Monday evening, Group "D" in charge. Young presided. The Scripture Lesson was read by Aileen Cuddy. One of the outstand- ing features of the evening was the General Motors Quartette which rendered several selections The business was conducted the President. The attendance was 84 1 by The topic "Our Community and How We can Improve It", was tak- en by Velma Harris, Louisa Echlin, Sybill Gillard and Meredith Mof- tatt After singing a hymn Bert Wood closed the meeting with Prayer, Poses as Stranger When His Victim is Found Dead Finger Print A man was seen running towards a | a into a | motor car which had cras| tres in a park in London. He told the police he was hurrying to give assist- ance to a man in the car who later was found to be dead. ' The police arrested him on suspicion. They took his finger prints. He was a well' known automobile thief. Then |socie the police searched the car for finger | viction to ¢ Your Danger Prints on Foods You may be surprised to learn that finger print are just§as dangerous To you-- in another way. Not through rime hes use you sre not a criminal --but throug germs--many kinds of them. Your fingers pick up germs all da; long from i 5.0, other hands have \ched. hese other hands may have checked a cough or a sneeze and po become covered with germs. Then when you touch some article of food your rs leave on it these germs which enter your mouth and so attack . 'Life Extension Institute a that germs of 27 diseases-- some very deadly--may be passed around in this way--among them, "flu" and colds. The Pleasant Way to Safety Thess germs must be removed from your hands many times a day--and always before meals. Germs are stub! things--they resist heat and cold--but one thing they cannot re- | ist -- and that is the germicide in) 'ebuoy Soap. | Body Odour zLifebuo Betrays Him prints and found one on the drivi o'clock to 5 o'clock, it being the | At the annual meeting of the Home and School Council of the city of Oshawa held last evening in the Board Room of the Osh- awa Collegiate Institute, Mrs. RR. S. McLaughlin was returned to the presidency of the Council. The whole report brought in by the nominating committee was adopted. Mrs. C. A. Kinnear was named as honorary president and is the first to hold an honorary position in the Council. Mrs. B. C. Colpus, only lady member of the city Board of Education is the first vice-president, Mrs. J. C. Young second vice-president and Miss H. Keddie, for many vears principal of Mary Street School, was elected third vice- president. This is Miss Keddie's first appearance on the executive of the Home and School Council, Miss A. Lear is the corresponding secretary, Miss V. Kaiser, record- ing secretary, Miss V. Langmaid treasurer; and the press repre- sentatives are Mrs. H, K. Knight and Mrs. E. Howard. The con- venors of the standing commit- tees are as follows: social, Mrs, A. Hartman, Mrs. O. S. Hobbs; visiting, Mrs. C. A. Kinnear, Miss F, E. Baker; membership, Mrs. G. A. Wesson, Mrs. Pugh; and representatives to the Board cf What New York Is Wearing By ANNETTE Smartly new and chic is today's model for all-day occas.ons. It's wearalbe too in a printed flat crepe silk. A leather belt marks the normal waistline of this snappy two piece dress. The all-around box-pliliits con- tribute a youthful animation to the 1 skirt, An added feature is the be¢oming capelet collar that covers ie upper part of the arms. For laier warm weather wear or for resort, it may be made sleeveless. Style No, 225 is designed for sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust, 514 Size 16 requires 54 yards of 39-nch material. Crepy woolens, rayon rnoveliies wool challis prints, shantu:g, linen, tweed-like cottons and nasie! flat washable crepe silk are ex:ceptional- ly lovely materials to select, Our large Fashion Magazine | shows the latest Paris styles for | Spring and Summer for | and children. Also instructive les- adults | sons in sewing. Price of Book 15 cents. Price | of Pattern 20 cents in stamps or ving! | wheel. It corresponded with the thief's. The dead man been a victim of careless driving on the part of the crook, who wag held without bail by a coroner's jury on a charge of man slaughter. Thus are finger prints used to protect society and Laboratory tests proved it killed even virulent germs when 'other soaps had no effect on them. Think what a service this is to find in a soap--ee- y how important children who are even more thoughtless about what they touch than adults. Yet Lifebuoy is a pleasant--a delightful soap to use. Brings Beauty Aid With two fine palm oils as ite base, Lifebuoy is also a beauty soap, its creamy, luxurious lather brings th and beauty to the complexion as well as safety from germs. y not take advantage of both these important factors? Millions all over the world do, every day. You will note a refreshing Sout safety--not a perfume--in/ Lifébuoy, which vanishes soon after use. For freedom from body odour to the refreshing Lifebuoy bath. For protection from Logi, great service --keep a cake of Lifebuoy always on the wash basin. Teach the children to wash regularly with Lifebuoy. It is the Health Soap for all the family. Get to bring arrest and cone | | | | { coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Adress orders to Pattern Editor, Oshawa Daily Times Mrs: R. S. McLaughlin Is Re-Elected President of Home and School Council Education, Mrs. J, C, Young and Mrs. G. B. Norris. There was an excellent attend- ance at the meeting, over fifty being present, Dr. Donevan, chairman of the Board of Educa- tion was present for the [first time at a meeting of the Council and spoke briefly on the great necessity for health in children of school age. 'Health, said the doctor, "comes before education' His address was of particular in- terest to the mothers present. Mrs, B. C. Colpus in address- ing the meeting on the subject of pre-school children and their care, stressed the necessity of physical and mental examinations and tests hefore the children are started to school. Yearly reports were read hy the representatives from each school and also of the goeial, wel- fare, visiting, membership, educational committees, President's Report a consciousness of many things done, The work of the Council widening, but until all schools have clubs, T realize that Wwe are not one hundred per cepr, organized. When this is achiev- ed then we have co-ordinated our efforts. T am glad to sav that I have had the pleasure of or- ganizing one new club--in Vick- ering, It is beginning now. The development «f Physical Hygiene is one that we can study still more. The value 2% exereise judiciously carried out, is timable. - Exercise as a tive of disease, trained has a decided theraputis vay - Our Field Day brings out a competitive spirit that stimulate mind, body and heart. Sight ing is being considered also, to Pe saves needless Pa pain for thousands of "= peopie by 'relieving head 47 aches and the monthly pains of "women and breaking up a cold overmghy' / correcs exercise MELIEVE THE CONDITION BROUGHT ON BY TWE PRE. PENCE OF WORMS AND HELP T0 RESTORE THE CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH, M7 S IT YOUR STOMACH ? Take This Advice! to WARD ALLIN and { "In presenting this report for | the year 1930-1931, T do so with | done, but also of many things un- is | our | to work | ines- | | regular n HOLIDAY ATTIRE THAT IS SUPERIOR PURE WOOL FLANNEL SUITS | In plain, tailored effects with flare skirt and yoke. pockets, neatly trimmed with buttons and belt, featuring the new roll collar. In the newest pastel shades only, including white. Special, CELANESE CREPE MERVELO DRESSES A new Washable Crepe in great demand at present, All styles are up to the miun- Beautiful Powder, eseda, Orchid, Sandee, also Ivory White, ute in every 'detail, shades of Maize, Pink, Sizes 14 to 20 Misses, Holiday Special cecesvconnns IN QUALITY STYLE AND APPEARANCE A PRICES UNEQUALLEpD CE 41 Coat with patch or set-in Sizes 16, 18, 20. Holiday MARTIANESSE PRINT, KNIT- 'TED RAYONS AND CELANESE CREPE DRESSES In one great variety of mew and attrac- tive designs, on grounds that represent all colors from the lightest to the darkest, which make this an exceptional holiday attraction, Sizes 14 Misses to 42 $5 95 (] Women's, Holiday Special ... pastel Teach, $7.95 CREPE MOONLIGHT PRINTS AND PLAIN GENUINE CELANESE CREPE DRESSES Both absolutely washable colors. Prints are in very pleasing combinations, all are just as beautiful as summer stself, Crepes are in all leading summer colors in- cluding white, All in most exclusive styles and appearance. Sizes 14 Misses' to 41 Women's, Holiday Special servo sssssssssnncacsne $3.95 NEW BATHING SUITS ARRIVING DAILY NEW HATS ARRIVE DAILY | tag day on June 6th, shows we sponsoring, this effort | Study our children in their e¢are that are . In | are Nature encouraged flowers and vegetables, | work is encouraged. rewarded: are baking. | and more thought given to dict. etic value of foods. In Mus nd a system of iano and instruments gratifying, indeed. We are now interested in the formation of an Art Movement in Oshawa, that will be a means of devzloping a new life. The reports of the clubs have | shown the amount of work done by individual clubs, and are most | gratifying. The standing committees. are of value. 1 hope to see them of { more and more importance, espe- cially the Club Extension Com- mittee," The above report was submit- ted by Mrs, R. 8. McLaughlin. Scceretary"s Report "I have much pleasure in pre- Sewing is prizes given teaching both of senting for your approval, the an- | nual report of the Home and School Council for the past vear. We have nine affiliated Home and School Associations and 20 | individual members, During the year we held ten business meetings and our special executive meeting, Our Council has six special ommittees: Social, Board of Ed- teation, Membership, Topic, Clab Vigiting and Welfare. The former annual activities of the council have been continued | and others added. In September in co-operation with the affiliated associations, the Public School Fair was held. At Christmas each pupil of the { auxiliary classes was given a treat. In January we held a bridge, to raise money to defray impending expenses, Fifteen "English for New Canadians" were purchased for the members of fhe South Oshawa night school class. On March 13th, the annual public school Oralorical Contest was held. Books were presented as prizes to those taking part. The following week the first Osh- awa Public School Vocal Con- test was held. Medals and pins were awarded the contestants, In April the Council arranged for and defrayed the expenses of the Puplic School Orchestra to Toronto. During the year the following readers, Goderich, Ont. -- "Dr. Pierce's| Golden Medical Discovery relieved me of stomach trouble. T came near, dying. 1 hope this catches the eye of some poor suficrer who may get the! same relief that I did. 1 have used| six vials of the 'Pleasant Pellets' and| two bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and now 1 feel like a new| man. 1 have nothing but 'words of! praise for Dr. Pierce and his medi- tines."--Ward Allin, R. R. 4, 'Users of Dr. Pierce's medicines are entitled to free medical advice. Write, describing all] your symptoms, to Dr. Pierce's Clinic in| Buffalo, N. Y¥. Ask your drugsist for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, topics of interest have heen pre- sented: --"The Promotion of Peace," by Mrs, R. 8. McLaugh- lin; "The Importance of Lmo- tions," by Judge Mott, contribut- ed by Mrs. Rogers; 'New Cana- dians in South Oshawa,", by Miss Mayovna; "Educational Preven- tion Work," illusrated, Miss Mec- Clellen. Our finances have been main- tained through affiliation fees, in- dividual member's fees, &pecial donations, proceeds from the re- freshment booth at the. school fair, catering for a rugby team hanquet and proceeds from fhe bridge party. of | Hand- | for | I would like to gee more | : there is now establigh- that js | In concluding I wish to men- tion the splendid attendance we | have had at our meetings during the past year, This demonstral | en in ths work of our council. Respectfully submitted, | Velma G. Kaiser,' Treasurer's Report Receipts 3 Exxpenditures . Balance .. | eo HOMECOMING | One stepped into his house and, | lo, | The very walls began to glow! The baby heard his [ shook | The pages of his picture hook, | And tried to clamber from his | chair Delightedly to greet him there. Downstairs the older ran voice The mother smiled bis see, The dog got glee, face to up and barked in Another o'er, The children heard door stopped their laughter and their play. The dog got up and moved away. | The mother saw his frown and sighed, The very walls seemed terrified, And everything about the place Mirrored the harshness in his face. house within As he at eve came frowning in. crossed his threshold the closing That grew | tira let it be my way at night Never their laughter to affright, When I come home at last from town May I put all my burdens down And never fling on them who wait | The care I bear, however great What if the day has used me 111? I would not have these walls grow still Nor carry so much gloom about That when 1 enter. joy goes out, Edgar 'A, Guest. --Tit Bits, Ne BES "YAND BLADL -- | man was cot the increased interest being tak- | and | children | | To welcome him as children can. | | strangely cold | 1 she was knowl- ty and small under wonder why Maude claimed) It is better to have littl only 25 wi hat rich old | edge with h her?' standing than greater treasures of "Oh. 1 she made --~-- learning with a vain sclf-conceit Thomas A. Kemnj suppose a La cral discount for cash," OPENING SPECIAL Permanent Oil Waves Given by the manager of LA MONA PRODUCTS CO. Who has 60,000 Pe rmanent Waves to his credit and not a dissatisfied Cus- tomer, First 25 Waves ......,.$3.00 Second 25 Waves ......$3.50 Third 25 Waves .......$3.75 Fourth 25 Waves ......$4.00 All waves after 100 regular price of $7.50 NO FINGER WAVES REQUIRED FIRST COME FIRST SERVED KELLY'S VANITY PARLOUR 31 King St. East, upstairs, Disney Bldg, Phone 1917 3 Gi clove CANADA BREAD Try our Dinner Rolls a supply from your dealer today. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto y TILLIE THE TOILER HELLO, TILLIE "WHERE'S THAT HAaLP i \F You br! FIRED ( <0 REE You , * WHIPPLE OH, THE BOSS: WELL, I\T JeERVES HIM RIGHT » FOR | SoCkinG {ME dN LTHE » r - MAC 'Don'T HAVE T™ WORR HE HAS 10,004 Yano Has MORE f THAN You [HAVE | Him v4 YOU kl HAVE © CHEC\< OVEr. THESE STATEMENTS BEFORE ; YOU &O =» wd WE'RE | SHORT HANDED WITH MACH NOT HERE, ANYMORE By Russ Westoves CISTEN . FOr PETE'S SAKE: TRY CONTINVE 5]

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