gh er Sr pee mo F pads PAR ATi oh Wo BARN Zs <@ - Seriously Injured. .Andsay.--A serious motor 'acei- oceprred here Wednesday af on when Gordon Bate, seven- ir-old son of Mr. Gordon Bate, Ra ¥ gre crogeiug from Prescott, Ont., by ferry vessel. The boys and girls are not #0 allowed to leave the ferry unless accompanied. 'carrier was seriously injured. Prisoners Try Examinations. e Site fellow was hanging on| - Kingston.--It was learned today -of the Royal Mail van near) that when the matriculation eyam- e and in jumping og was | fifationg@re hel in June, the s¢hool. ck th; A a auto, Hig leg hs the i nestor, Penitentiary i | laces, © of | provi candidates, Of this Token : Ol er 38 will write on the middle his eyes badly fijured, his tongue & ¢-.and- requiring several 0, sustaine 18 Jace. The boy is at in hospital. No-blame hed to the driver of the car. ------ Clerk. - A Riepdeau has received i FLA, 1 Rie 'of Clerk of the El, peith Division Court of the United ties of rthumberland ; and |. arham, succeeding the late Dr. G. . Hay. Since the death of Dr.-Hay, , J.J. Lewis Hay has been acting rk. May be Game Fish. Boe. --+The Rideau = Lakes Protective and Aquatic Association adopted a resolution té be: for- ed to the Provincial Depart- ~ ment of Game and Fisheries asking that pike he regarded as game fish and that netting and spearing be prohibited. This year the associa- = tion has placed the following fry in Rideau Lake: 400,000 pickerely] 400, 000 salmon 20,000 black bass Not Allowed to Land. . Brockville--Under an immigra- " tion ruling that boys and girls un- _ der 16 cannot enter the United Sta. tes unaccompanied, officers at the "port of Ogdensburg are refusing en- try to individuls under that age who severe' school examinations, {The glass will be represented by men of alt nationalities, while the ages of» + the candidates will range 1840 46. This is one of the isn, classes in the history of the institution, It is stated that Spanish will be one of the subjects to be written on, but that no inmate will try Latin.or Greek. It is expected that there will be a class for entrance to the high school, but at present it. is not known how many will try this ex- amination. Celebrates 82 Birthday. vw Newburgh: -- On Sunday last Charles Wellbanks, Newburgh's highly esteemed resident, observed his 82nd birthday and he was the recipient of congratulations by his family and his many friends. ' Mr. Wellbanks is enjoying remarkably good health and, as is his usual custom, takes his daily walk. Mr. Wellbanks has been a resident of this village for many years, dnd is a member of the United Church. Canning Factory Will Run. Picton.--Welcome news for the farmers of Cherry Valley and dis trict i sthat the Boulter and Colli ver canning factory in that village will operate this season. Contracts comfort: New 5814-ihch \__upholstery -- lights and horn. WITH AMAZING- PRICE SAVINGS The heanty of line, color, finish and fittings of the new Willys cars will appeal to the most exacting tastes. They contbine in a richly distinctive ensemble that makes : the low prices of these cars-a record achievement. J Notable too, are the many extra features of safety and Safety Glass-- all around, in all models at slight extra cost in the Six, and no extra cost in the Willys Eight De Luxe and Willys-Knight. Tread--wider front and rear seat, more head, arm and leg room. Adjustable Front Seat--to fit the angle your back finds most.comfortable. Also back or forward. Richer longer wearing -- finer quality. Finger-tip Control--one button operates starter, Double Prop Frame-- lower center of gravity--rugged strength -- longer life. Duo-Servo Brakes cable and conduit control, elimi. nates rattle--immediate response to light foot pressure. Four Shock Eliminators-- Double acting, hydraulic F< --longer, more flexible springs. » Compression Engines--65, 80 and 87 horse- A power (in the Willys Six, Willys Eight and Willys. Knight respectively) 70 to 80 miles per hour. By 44) The 3 new Willys Cars -- a big Six priced like a Four -- : a powerful Eight -- a brilliant Willys-Kpight, offer you E 5 price savings ranging from $170 to $800 over last year's : similar models. They are now on display. See them, ; iF and arrange for a demonstration. J SAFETY GLASS AVAILABLE IN ALL WINDOWS--ALL MODELS 3 AND UPWARDS lion 1 Kni F.0.B. Fe actor, Teronte, Gn. Taxes Extra. v NEW LOW PRICES Six -- $650 to $1,070. fi 31 170 to $1,520. Cf Ur -- $870. Willys- t-- $1,625. All prices Cars are Manufactured in Canada : 1LLYS EIGHTS KNIGHTS nod EE THE NEW WILLYS SIX TRUCKS A ~R. Nicholls i COURTICE 1 are now being taken and tho h the acreage reduced consider the fact that the factory will at all is very welcome news. ' Knocked Down by Car Plcton.--Over the week-end Mrs. Morris, R.R. 3, Demorestville; was knocked down by 'a car in Belleville but not seriously injured. She was walking across Bridge Street when Raymond Rodsworth of Stirling, driving south on Front Street turn- ing west on Bridge, struck her. Mrs. Morris received a slitht bruise on 'the arm and was badly shaken up but 'did not require the attendance of a physician. Constable Issary in- =| vestisated and found that Rods- "| worth was not in possession of his driver's perinit. The accident hap- pened late on Saturday afternoon, Admits Theft. Belleville.--Ronald Holdsworth, 17, of England but giving his ad- dress at Montreal, came to the po- lice station last night for lodging, but after certain information was elicited from him, he was taken in- to custody and will be turned over to Provincial Police from the Corn- wall headquarters, to be taken to Morrisburg to stand trial on a chafge of breaking, entering and theft. Will Celebrate Diamond Jubilee, Bellville--On May 8th next, it was announced recently by H. B. Fetterly,, superintendent of the On- tario School for the Deaf, the school will celebrate its Diamond Jubilee. The O.S.D. has had 60 years of suc- cessful work with the deaf and is proud of its record. Special exer- cises will be held, and the Premier of Ontario. the Hon. George S. Hen- ry, will be the guest of honor at a banquet in the evening. Out of Business. Brockville. -- The Spencerville Farmers' Co-operative Company has decided to go out of business, and has appointed C. M. Simon of Spen- cerviile, banker, and W, K. Whitey of Edwardsburg, farmer, as liguida- tors for ti'e purpose of such wind- ing-up. ACCIDV.NTS RARELY CAUSED BY FAULTY CAR The human factor, driver and ped- estriun, is the main cause, is the main cavse of automobile accidents, ac- cording to a recent survey of reliable statistics. This shows that of the 33,- 000 fatal accidents and more than 1,000,000 accidents in which no lives were lost in the United States and Canada, not 10 per cent. of them were due to the condition of the vehicle. Over 90 per cent of them were due to the fault of the operator or the pedestrian. NEW MACHINE MAKES SMOOTH OPERATION POSSIBLE A new method of machining pis- tons is responsible for part of the smooth operation of the 1931 Olds- mobile, according to factory engin- eers, The machine finishes all pis- tons the same weight which brings a better balance and elimination of a tendency toward vibration, The ma- chine; devised by Oldsmobile engin- cers, consists of a sensitive balance scale which weighs accurately to one sixty-fourth of an ounce, and which is attached to a cutting machine, The finished piston is placed on the scale arm, which depresses to correspond with the amount the piston is over- weight. * The piston is then clamped in a ehuck and the electrically-driven cutter removes the required quantity of excess metal from the inside bot- tom of the piston skirt. The amount removed is automatically measured by the amount the piston depresses the scale arm. When the cutting op- eration is completed, the chuck is removed and the scale then records the correeted weight of the piston. Variations in weight are less thn one-sixteenth of an ounce over or under the stipulated weight of onc pound nine ounces. COACHCRAFT IS IMPORTANT BUYING FACTOR Coachcraft is one of the most im- portant factors to be considered in the buying of a new car, and. not all attention should be attracted by en- gine performance or other mechanical features. This is proven by the pub- Fisher a priceless sales asset. So em- phatic is the public esteem accorded Fisher coachcraft that it invariably influences every individual who buys a car, and consciously or subcon- sciously, there is in his mind an in- chination toward the car with the body that will stand up under the severest tests, ACCIDENT HAZARD REDUCED IN LARGE MOTOR PLANT ed the rematkable strides towards prevention of accidents in the plants of General Motors of Canada, Limit- ed, was a feature of the recent con- vention of the Industrial Accident Prevention Associations held at' Tor- onto. Accident hazard in this large to a minimum, it was shown, and the Canadian industry, where thousands of men are employed, had been cut efficient and nroner treatment of ac- cident cases had been ~reatly im~=~v- ed. This had been accomplished through a concerted educational ~ro- gram and organization of first aid facilities which offered prompt aid whenever a mishap occurred. "ONE-LUNGER" WA WAS CHEAPER THAN HORSE AND RIG "Can. I Afford An Automobile?" was the title of an interesting ma- gazine article written 28 years ago, which has recently come to light, and the. author, taking the single-cylin- der Oldsmobile on which to base his argument, figured it out this way, "Costyot horse and vehicle, $450; cost | of keeping, $434. Cost of motof car, $650; cost of maintaining, $341. This gives an excess of $200 in the first cost of an automobile and a saving of $93 in the cost of maintenance. 'Both estimates have been made ex- clusive of interest on the investment, depreciation, or the outlay for the | extraordinary repairs or doctoring. On the whole, this seems to favor a decision on the side of the motor car." That first Oldsmobile was rat- ed at five horsepower and had a sus- tained speed of 25 miles an hour, weighing 750 pounds and costing less than a dollat a pound." The writer adds: "Generally this includes needed accessories. No whip is needed but a towline may be. All extras can be 'had for $25, making $675 the total cost ofthe outfit." 3 lic preference that has made Body by | A display which graphically reveal- | TIME =e) WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILIE BUS LINES Week Day (Effective on and after rey . 1031) (Daylight Saving T! L Lens Wels i Arriv. eaye ave rrive e Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby Hospital 6.20 gam. /.05 am, 7.20 am, 7.20 am. 8.05 a.m. 8.20 am 845 am. 850 am. 9.05 a.m 10.00 a.m. 10 30 a.m {58 aan 11.35 amy, 12.10 p.m, 25 p.m * 115 pam. 1.45 po 2,00 p.m 2.15 pm, 2.45 pm. 3.15 pam, 3.30 pan 4.40 p.m. 5.15 pm. 5.30 p.m x * 540 p.m. 6.15 p.m, 6.30.p.m 6.45 p.m. an, 745 p.m, 8.00 p.m, 2 10.00 p.m. 10.35 p.m, 10.30 p.m. . 3 12.00 a.m. 12,15 a.m, Times marked * ate through busses to Whitby Hospital, Going East Leave Leave Leave Arrives Hospital Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 6.30 a.m 6.50 a.m, 7.20 a.m. 7.30 ann 7.50 a.m, 8.15 a.m. 8.30 a.m. Ar. 8.50, ft 9.10 a.m. 9.25 a.m, 9.55 a.m. 10.45 a.m. 11.00 am, 1130 am, Lv. 12.05 p.m. 12,40 p.m. 1.36 p.m. 1.45 p.m, 2.15 p.m. 2.25 pm. 2.45 p.m, AF 3.00 p.m, Off Lv. 4.10 p.m, 4.40 p.m, 4.45 pm. 5.05 p.m, 5.40 p.m. 5.45 p.m. 6.40 p.m. 7.15 pom. 7.30 p.m . 8.15 p.m. 8.13 pom Ar, 8. 30 be m, Off v. 9.05 p.m, 9.35 p.m 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m. "a, 00 pm. 11,30 p.m. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West ave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 9.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 9.45 a.m, 11,00 a.m. 11.30 a.m, 10145 am - 200 pm. 2.30 pm. 245 p.m 4.00 pn. 4.30 p.m, 4.45 p.m 6.00 pm. 6.30 p.m. 6.45 pm 7.30 p.m, 8.00 p.m. 8.15 p.m 10.00 p.m, 10,30 pan. 10.45 p.m Going East Leave Leave Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 10.00 a.m, 10.15 am. 10.45 am, 12.00 p.m 12.15 p.m. 12.45 p.m, 2.45 p.m. 3.00 p.m, 3.30 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 5.30 p.m, 6.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m, 8.15 p.m. 8.30 p.m. 9.00 p.m, 10.45 p.m 11.00 p.m. 11.30 p.m. Busses for all casions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 348 Oshaws Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Phone 2253 GRAY COACH LINES Effective April 26th, . (Eastern Standard Time) Leave Oshawa Leave Toronto AM. P.M. P.M. AM, a 545 2.30 a 6.30 2.30 ab 3.30 7.30 3.30 7.30 4.30 8.30 4.30 8.30 5.30 9.30 5.30 9.30 b 6.30 10.30 b 6.30 10.30 7.30 11.30 7.30 11,30 8.30 PM. b 8.30 P.M 9.30 12.30 9.30 1230 d 102 1.30 10.30 1.30 a--Daily except Sunday. b--Saturday, Sundays and Holidays only. d--Sunday only, - CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 26th (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.12 a.m, Daily, except Sunday. 9.39 a.m. Daily, 2.08 p.m. Daily. 5.41 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 9.23 p.m, Daily, except Saturday. 11.08 p.m. Daily, 11.46 p.m. Daily. Westbound 4.26 a.m, Daily, except Sunday. 5.18 a.m. Daily, 5.30 a.m. Daily, 6.12 a.m, Daily, » 9.07 a.m, Daily, except Sunday, 4.05 p.m. Daily, 6.28 p.m. Daily. 7.39 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective April 26th (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.29 a.m. Daily. 2.28 p.m. Trenton Local Daily, ex. Sun. x4.19 p.m, Daily, 11.10 p.m, Daily, 12.05 a.m. Daily, x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only, 'Westbound 5.28 a.m. Daily, 6.29 a.m, Daily, 2.59 p.m, Daily, 7.32 p.m. Daily, m8.24 p.m, Paily. m Toronto anid West Only, except Sunday, For Mother on ; Mother's Day .|in" full usnlight and the soil should THE GLADIOLUS (Experimental Farms Note) The gladiolus is one of the most ton, ed in a great range of colours, with flowers of various shapes and sizes. Some of the flowers are very bril- liant in colour and some are of soft Anna Eberius. Aplle Blos Golden Measure, Dr. F, T, Majestic, Sultan, Pur~1~ Glory, Apri- land, Charles Dickens, Two Boxes Relieved His Backach Onfario Man Used Dodd's Kidney Pills "I suffered with my back and kidneys for quite a long time," writes Mr. Jos. Brideau, 32 Columbus Ave. Timmins, Ont. "A friend advised me to take Dodd's Kidney Pills and I found after using two boxes that I got relief. I would not be without them now. Thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills I never suffer with my back now like I used to." Dodd's Kidn Pills stimulate and strengthen Year Kidneys, Y. vd Golden Dream, Bennett nm, popular. flowers, and rightly so. It|cot Glow, Giant Nym+" Pfitzer's . You will be surprised how soon they begin i ain- . > it oe or to cleanse and purify, a the isda 9, is of casy culture and can be obtain Triumph, W. H. Phi~-- Evelyn Kirt- at the same ry Hy Rheumatism, Hi codaches and ailments due to faplty Kidneys are mn, Fenda 346 Veilchenblau, and subdued hues, suiting all tastes. The effect of a number of these flowers in bloom on a single stem at one: time is very striking. Any good garden soil is suitable. The corms or boulbs may be planted as soon as the frost is out of the ground in the spring but where the season is long a time is chosen that will bring them into bloom when re- quired. They are planted three to four inches deep in groups, with the corms about four inches apart or in rows two or three feet apart, Do nnt use diseased corms. They should be be Rept well cultivated to keep down the weeds. For cut flowers the stems may be cut when the first bud opens, leav- ing two sets of leaves to help build up the new corms. There are hundreds of varieties of aladioli and man varieties have been tested at the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario. A few of the best ones are the following: Al- batross, Joerg's White, Mrs. Dr. Nor South Carolina Avenue At the Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY'S Newest Centrally Located Fireproof Hotel $500 DAY AND UP AMERICAN PLAN Write, Phone or Wire. R. B. LUDY, M.D. -- NOTIGE! SOLVAY COKE 0.95 ixon Coal Co. Sunday, May 10th Once again has arrived that one day above all others dur- ing the year when custom demands that you express your love for your truest friend--that friend to whose devoted sacrifices and tender care yon owe the happiest years of your life--Your Mother. Once again you "will pre- sent to your Mother on her day the universal symbol of love--a package of the best chocolates money can buy. How pleased your Mother will be if yon choose for her this year the beautiful and useful BISCUIT JAR Filled With Chocolates $1.75 . .Her heart will be fouched by this eloquent tribute to Mother. And as she enjoys the wholesome goodness and de- licious flavors of the choc. olate variety contained in this handsome package. you may be sure that she will be con. vinced of your heart-felt love Only a limited number of these delightful packages are available. Shall we reserve one for you? Please let us lgnow at once. Sold only at THE REXALL. STORES Jury & Lovell Simcoe B. Phone 68 King E. Phone 28 Ontario Shore Gas Company ICIAL OPENING OF THE OFFICE OF THE ® WILL TAKE PLACE ON Monday, May 4 THE OFFICE WILL BE LOCATED AT 67 Simcoe Street (CORNER RICHMOND ST. EAST) TELEPHONE 3300 'All future business with reference to the Oshawa gas system will be trans- acted at this office. Call here with complaints and troubles, and to make application for gas service. Our aim i pendable gas service, and to satisfy o give the people of Oshawa a de- ery gas consumer, Come In and Get Acquainted NOTE: --All bills rendered before April 1, 1931, are still payable at the Public Utilities office, 26 King Street West. Ontario Shore Gas Company Ltd. J. T. MILNER, GENERAL MANAGER ls SL dpa si he ol a Cl Ls Ld