Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Apr 1931, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1931 PAGE NINE | } "New Cars Stress Power, Durability, Beauty And Popularity Mono-Piece Body Construction Famous Since Introduction By Dodge Brothers Three YearsAgo| Has Resulted in Gains in Strength and Rigidity -- i . Gives Complete Contin- uity of Body Structure Mono-plece body construction, made famous since its introduction by Dodge Brothers three years 2g0, results in almost unbelievable gains in strength and rigidity. These bodies have been made pos- sibly by new processes of rolling steel and the advances made in metal stamping and welding arts. Mono-piece bodies go a step be- yond anything that has yet been done in the establishment 'of com- plete continuity of body structure. The continuous rolling mill, as developed recently by steel com- panies, has made possible steel sheets large enough to meet Mono- piece requirements. Develop- ments ip the art of die work have considerably reduced the number of component parts necessary for the complete body assembly, while the new methods of flash welding make it possible to join the parts together so perfectly that there is no line of weakness at any joint. In fact, the joint is generally the strongest part of the structure., "Because of the greater capacity of the present-day presses used for stamping out body panels, shrouds, cowls, tops, etc, thére are many parts that are now made as one stamping which formerly took sev- eral pieces of metal. Just about the time the development of these giant presses reached a point where the number of parts was not only greatly reduced, but the parts themselves were of superior form because of the ability to se- cure deeper draws, a wonderful development took place in the welding industry. New methods of electric welding of which we will hear more, make it possible to fuse two pieces of steel together so they are actually one. Steel buildings are being erected today in which the entire framework of the building is weld- ed together as one piece. Some are going to far as to predict that riveting, except for special pur- poses, will soon be obsolete. Certain it is that in the new Dodge Mono-piece body it is im- possible to find a line of weakness. It stands to reason that in riveting there is always a loss of strength because of the metal that has to be cut away to form the hole for the rivet. No matter how well the rivet fits the hole, it cannot re- vlace the metal that has been re- noved. With welding there is no '®moval of metal--there are no loints or seams. Complete unity of the entire structure is secured This means safety, longer life of the car, and quietness for the car owner. Noise in a car is produced by the relative movement of one part to another. When the hodv is a one-piece construction, as it is in the Dodge Mono-piece bray, there cannot be any relative mo- tion. Consequently the body is silent. This same relative motion re- sulting from stresses and strains causes a body to be known aa old. It is one of the chief reasons for cars being traded in for new ones. In the Dodge Mono-plece body there is no relative motion, so the car remains young. As for safety, who wouldn't ra- ther ride in an all steel Pullman than in one of the old-fashioned wood and metal railway coaches? The Mono-piece steel body is just as far ahead of the composite type of riveted body as the Pullman car is ahead of the composite coach, in the opinion of Dodge en- gineers. Today, with existing high speeds and crowded roads, safety is extremely desirable. Chrysler Notes All Chrysler engines have crank- case ventilation, air cleaners, fuel filters, oil filters, manifold heat con- trol and rubber mountings. Adjustable Front Seats Front seats in the Chrysler Eight and Imperial. Eight Chrysler cars are adjustable for leg room and pitch over a four-inch range, insur. ing the comfort of any driver. Rust-Proof Parts Fenders and other sheet metal parts of Chrysler cars are rust- proofed, and they give ample assur. ance of maintaining their finish for the life of the car. All exterior hard- ware is chromium-plated. Approxi- mately 200 parts in Chrysler cars are rust-proofed. Cold Weather Performance Chrysler engines are periodically tested in the cold test room of the Chrysler Engineering Building. Mechanics dressed like Arctic ex- plorers check the performance of these enginer at temperatures as low at 20 degrees below zero. Two fans in this refrigeration plant are capable of producing a wind velo- city of 40 miles an hour. Gauges Checked Daily * To insure the accuracy of scores of minute measurements in the as- sembly of the Chrysler car, all gauges are returned to the tool rooms every night and checked with master gauges. Many limits of tol- erance are held to five ten-thou- sanths of an inch (.005). Hydraulic Brakes Every Chrysler car is equipped with four-wheel internal expanding hydraulic brakes. They are com- Entirely New Chrysler Siz Roadster This new Chrysler Six Roadster with its long, low hood, its slanting V-type radiator is mounted on the new frame which provides extremely low center of gravity and great roadability without Chrysler double-drop sacrifice of road clearance. [Entirely New Chrysler Six Convertible Coupe _F| Beautiful, long, low and graceful Chrysler Six Convertible Coupe on new double-drop frame. Slanting V type radiator, more powerful engine, 116' wheelbase, low center of gravity, minimum overall height with ant ascrifice of road clearance or hedd room. Dodge Bros. Show Complete New Line The new line of motor trucks announced in September and de- signed to meet present-day de- mands for power, speed and flex- ibility in motor transportation, are being displayed by Dodge deal- ers, The new models, known as the standard and heavy duty lines, range in capacities from 1,200 to | 11,175 pounds, with normal body allowance. Prices extend from $800 for the - half-ton panel to $1095 for the 1%-ton panel in the standard line, with chassis prices ranging from $1795 to $3425 in the heavy duty line. Standard wheel-base lengths run from 109 to 195 inches and eleven standard pletely enclosed and protected from dirt, dust and water, Their safety and positive operation is insured by severe tests in the Engineering Building. MONO-PIECE STEEL BODIES ACCEPT NO LESS IN THE CAR YOU BUY You prefer STEEL bridges, STEEL railroad cars and STEEL beans in skyscrapers. Then why ac- cept less than the safety of steel in your motor car? NEW DODGE SIX ........$1060 TO $1130 NEW DODGE EIGHT .....$1400 TO $1455 STANDARDSIX ....:..... $935 TO $1065 STANDARD EIGHT ......$1275 TO $1400 Siz Wire Wheels at Slight Extra Cost. All prices [. 0. b. Windsor, Ontario, including standard * factory equipment (freight and tares extra), 'DODGE 6 a» 8 Dodge Trucks. ..Every Type--Standard of Heavy Duty (13-Ton Standard Chassis Only $745) F. J. McDONNELL ; Cor. Park Road and King St. W., . Phone 1568 BUY CANADIAN-BUILT CARS AND SUPPORT CANADIAN LABOR of Motor Trucks body types are offered. Full-floating rear axles, and four-speed transmissions on all but the half-ton modles, straight or double-drop frames, five-stage progressive rear springs and brake boosters on the three-ton models; internal-expanding hydraulic four wheel brakes; rication, fuel alloy ventilated bridge-type pis- tons, unusually heavy frames, short turning radius and extremely powerful motors for all models are outstanding features of the new truck line. Five basic models comprise the new standard line, furnishing load capacities from 1,200 to 4,350 pounds. The seven basic models of the heavy duty line cover the cap- acity range between 2,950 and 11,175 pounds. When combined with various body types, - tire sizes, gear ratios and varying equipment they extend into more than 2,200 different truck types, meeting practically every known hauling need, and individual re- quirements, "Important improvements in de sign and construction, combined with even further gains in tradi- tional Dodge dependability, enable the operators of these new trucks to accomplish practically every iellvery or haulage job with great- 'r economy and efficiency," said A. E. Creeger, Dodge Sales Man- ger, Dodge Brothers entrance Into he popular-priced truck field vith the new one and one-half ton 'our-cylinder truck, designated as model UF-30, brings to this price nd load-capacity field for the first 'ime a combination of costly truck construction features. The chassis orice of this model is $745, The me and one-half ton model is also wvallable with six-cylinder engine. The two and three-ton models "ave extremely powerful truck.en- ines built especially for these un- usually rugged chassis. The Dodge internal-expanding four-wheel hydraulic brakes on the three-ton models are made aven more effective and easily op- arated by the use of a vacuum 'ype brake hooster, which auto- matically multiplies at the wheel many times the amount of pres- sure exerted by the driver on the hrake pedal. Both straight and double-drop 'rame chassis are available, The double drop frame, an inngvation 'n motor truck design adopted in 'hese new models after exhaustive 'ests and experimentation, is par- feularly well adapted, it is said, to' wheel-house type hodies, It per- mits 'a lower body floor, reducing the overall height and the result- ing lower center of gravity of both thassis and load and gives in- 'reased lateral stability, according to Dodge truck officials. The sturdy frames, 10 inches in depth, increase pay-load carrying ability. Another outstanding feature of the three-ton range is the five- stage progressive rear springs, which multiply the cushioning be- tween body and chassis as the weight of the load increases, re- ducing road shock and side sway. The three-ton models are offer- ed in three standard wheelbase lengths--146, 170 and 195 inches respectively, and the tow-ton mod- els in two standard wheelbase lengths, 150 and 165 inches. A six-cylinder Dodge truck engine built exclusively for this chassis is also used in the two one and one- half ton heavy duty models, Models UF-10 and F-10 of one- half ton capacity are powered by four and six-cylinder Dodge truck L-head engines respectively. The wheelbase length of all half-ton trucks 1s 109 inches. The one-ton and one and one-half ton. models of the Standard Line are offered on- 136-inch wheelbase -chassis. Standard driver's cabs are roomy and comfortable with -full pumps, vision windshield, A definite touch a ---------------- of style is imparted to the attrac- tive outward appearance of all military-type cab, the crown sheet metal front fenders, the large de- pressed beam-type headlamps, the impressive design of the radiator and hood and the trim, sturdy bumper equipment. Durable up- holstery over thickly padded cush- ons, '6-11' ANNOUNGED BY THE DURANT CO. Exceptional Value Offered in Low-Priced Car Another model, the Durant 6-11, has just been announced by the Durant Motors of Canada Limited and makes its first appearance to- day in the showrooms of Durant dealers. The Durant 6-11 is low price six-cylinder automobile offering exceptional value in performance, riding comfort and appearance. it brings to its fleld many qual- ity features which have been con- sidered exclusive to higher priced cars and establishes a new scale of low ownership cost and long life dependability. The big motor is powerful and economical, fast in pick-up and ac- celeration, with satisfying speed and full range smoothness. The body is large, and roomy, with am- ple leg room, hody room and head room.. The seats and back are well upholstered and very comfort- able. The 6-11 presents an attractive appearance which is accentuated by the full sweep of the fenders, distinctive Durant radiator, fen- der lamps and a harmonized beou- ty in colours, appointments and fittings. Other features of the Durant 6- models by the graceful lines of the 11 include light pressure steel- F. J. McDONNELL Proprietor of McDonnell's garage and service station, King street west. Mr. McDonnell is dealer for Dodge Bros. cars and trucks. : draulic brakes, two-way shock ab- sobers, velvet smooth clutch and scientific spring suspension. In referring to this latest addi- tion to the Durant line, Mr. Phil J. Duggan, Sales Manager, Durant Motors of Canada Limited, states: 'We are indeed proud to be able to present the Durant 6-11 with so many quality features at such a low price. In this year of values, when au- tomobile buyers are scrutinizing their car Investments more close- ly, the Durant 6-11 stands out as a supreme achievement in value giving. It simply meants that mo- torists are now able to enjoy the advantages of more powerful and satisfactory performance and to step up the quality of their auto- | mobite without leaving the lows price six-cylinder field." : Please Women Drivers Women drivers are the actuate ag reason for more refinements n the automobile than most people 'ealize, according , to the experi. mce of Chrysler engineers. In the new De Soto Straight Eight and he new De Soto Six refinements »f body construction, increasingly fine interior appointments and ipholstery have been made to nlease women motorists for some time past. Refinements of a mechs anical nature, however, have been much more far-reaching. Easy handling, light steering, increased safety, more comfort, greater economy, and more striking style and beauty all reflect the demands of women motorists----and men drivers like them, too. Rigid Crankshafts Crankshafts for the new McLaughlin-Buick Eight-in-line engines represent the most ade vanced engineering practice, All shafts have five large main bear ings which are stepped up in eize from front to rear making an ex- tremely rigid and well proportions ed crankshaft. The shafts are ful« ly counterweighted and a new ring type torsional balancer is used, Recover Body Trenton.--Seventeen days after being reported missing in the Bay of Quinte while on a duck hunting expedition, the body of Arthur LaMorre was found early Wednese day evening by his brother, Couns cillor Alex. LaMorre, his brothers in-law James Lemoire and Chief of Police Bain. The remains were found floating among the logs two hundred feet from shore near the Trenton Cooperage.Mills, The body" was badly bloated, full force-feed lub- | aluminum | '"Fen minutes faster to the office this morning--and I didn't speed..." "TMFTY minutes from home? That's [Add going some *Yes--but you can always depend on Pontiac to come through on schedule. It isn't only speed--it is easy control and snappy acceleration." . Ld * And that's the truth Pontiac Six. Driving restful--and you clip minutes from journeys with safety and comfort. + You may never look under the hood, but it's a joy to experience the quiet, smooth powerflow of Pontiac's 60- horsepower engine. Steering and gear-shifting are effortless. And PONTIAC modern car, if you care for that sort of thing, you can "stop on-a dime" -- with Pontiac's Lovejoy indicator LJ big brakes. Such unusual items as 5 wire wheels, shock absorbers, fender lamps, radiator screen, and new-style bumpers, demonstrate the high standard of its General Motors about the new and riding are bf Hy COEST.N. 19 value, Over 40 points of rubber insula- * tion in the chassis insure quiet and riding ease, We invite you to see the Pontiac Six and to test it. fied with the low, time-purchase terms of G.M.A.C. and the generous provisions of the General Motors Owner Service Policy. You will be satis PRICED FROM '87s af factory, Oshawa, Taxes Exira a General Motors Value loffatt Motor Sales, Ltd. | PHONE 915

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