Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Apr 1931, p. 6

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see aernte, acer car ------ ES ; oe Ean TT . 0 rT RS ENN " ' ' RE ha hc au (NAY . " THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 193} telovigion pletures of sullicleut Qi- mensions to till a ten-toot screen." He added that while a pleture four or five feet square would he suitable for the average assembly room, it was felt that two-feet would be sufficiently large tor the home, with the receiver, ot the midget type, boing hidden behind the screen, it desired, It was also possible, he said, to build a coms bined sound and sight vecelving outfit tn a small highboy type ot cabinet, NEW WAGE SYSTEM ADOPTED INSOVIET ' Capitalistic Idea of Reward. ing Individual Effort Decreed LEVISION FOR OME DEVELOPED : Two Feet Square Can Now Be Picked Out the Ether ew York, Arpil 23==Two-loot n pictures for home repro- Pay now considered practi | Apparatus for pleture coming | her waves can he aperated | | i as much ease as home talking ines, engineers sald, Pletures be projected oither on & wall fn or & pedestal screen in front eo radio movie reproducer, nouncoment hug been made this development is ready to | the laboratory ou behall of m I°. Wade, president ot the festern 'Telovision Corporation, p. It was due largely to a d more powerful receiving amp, the work ot Dr. Lioyd Garner, and the use of a scans & disk with lenses in tho spiral 1 pertures in place of open holo, e Previous apparatus designed for experimentation hus buen reproduce pletures only ow hes square, an oightsinch picture g considered large, In addls , the picture could be viewad by looking through a lens kh the receiver, appearing to actu- 0 ast far back in tho set, Now with) the screen and with the ald Sof suitable lenses pletures can ho : pjected." Dr, Garner safd that tthe fmproved method was no more Sgontly than that used heretofore, Mr. Wade explained that "the me. principles of opties and u ewly discovered glow lamp which produce the two-foot pletures ure used by Dr. Garner in producing oJ Moscow, April 28==(C. )=New wage system, known as the "khozra- schiot," which apparently changes the Soviet Government's policy and ame plifies the inauguration of piece work, will be introduced May 1, 'The wags the Communistie theory of equal dis vision, but on the capitalistic idea of rewarding individual efforts on skill and ability, : The word Kkhozraschiot literally means "economic accounting." It iy jnterpreted in the Government deerce to mean that cach 1actory, plant collective farm, mine, railroad and such heneetorth must take the re- sponsibility of fulfilling contracts and adjusting wages without interferences from trade unions Although certain clements view the innovation regretfully as a compron= ise with capitalism, the Government hopes the system will speed up pro duction, Leaders sce the khozraschiot responsibility ror munagers and workers It is explained, as an example, that the Stalingrad tractor plant, which iy in a most chaotic condition as to pros Aylmer Eh luction, st contrac ith the state Products LdStion, iss sontsact With fhe wate i many tractors at an agreed prices i e Sold by The Government bank advances money to the farms for these purse chases, and in return receives a pros w' : Nep:t farms portion of the crops tions will 'be between the and the plant without Government interven tion and each will be expected to carry out its contract. Thus, if the factory production con- tinugs to slump, wages will be re- SUCCESSFUL YEAR cs of workers will not be based on | as tending to eliminate waste and fix | F. M. KIMBARK Of Toronto, retiring President, In. dustrial Accident Pravention Asso: clations, who will preside at both sessions on the opening day of the Safety Convention at Toronto, on Thursday, April 23, duced accordingly, but if the output increases wages and bonuses will be raised proportionally. 'NORGE T0 OCCUPY OLD DODGE PLANT Refrigerator Firm Moves In- to Larger Quarters Due to Growth of Sales Toronto, April 28,="To meet the demands of our rapidly ox- panding business, we will remove our factory and offices to the Dodge plant on Dufferin street on or hefore May first,' stuted D. IL Pollitt, President and General manager of Norge Corporation of Canada Limited, in un interview today. 'In the first three weeks of fleld operation wo havo achiev. ed a distribution of three thous and Norge Refrigbrators. This in itself bears ample testimony to our pressing need for larger qunr- ters." It fs estimated that the new British Empire devoted exclusively to the manufacture of Electric Re frigerators, "The plant, which was formerly occupied by Dodge Brothers Ltd, was chosen because it offered the advantages of mod ern muss production. Norge Cor- poration will introduce the straight line method of manutacture, tur which the factory is so admirably udaptoed, effecting thereby those material economies which it is gur policy to pass on to the consumer," continued My, Pollitt. We tecl that the project undertaken at the present time represents an fmport- ant step towurd the alleviation of the unemployment problem in Gaus ada It is further estimated that Canadian Industry will be enrichs od to the extent of a million dols ata in 1931 by Norge Corperas tion, QUEEN OF SIAM'S JEWELRY DAZZLES VANCOUVER FOLK Vancouver, 8B, C, April 28 == The simplicity of taste which marks the personal appearance of Queen Ram bai. Barni of Siam is not shared by the Royal lady's mother, Princess Abha Syasti, who is the companion of her daughter, The Princess dazzled those she met hero with the most gorgeous array of jewellery most of them had ever seem Jude, her favorite wost prominently in Abha Svasti's ensemble of jewel ry, Large oval jade sections of her wide, diamonc hound bracelets, are so perfect in cols or as to be easily mistaken for en re alds, Three large ropes of the same gen are made doubly attractive by seintilating chains of diamonds that get, stood out cascade down the smooth black sure face of her dinner gown, She also wears many rings of jade and diamonds, The Queen has de- signed many rings and personally se- lected wu number of stones for her mother's pieces, Princess Abha Svasti is a modern in uppearance. Her clothes are as smart as her regal dauchter's, and she dresses her hair in soft mareelled wives, Her tea rose complexion is marred by no wrin"ss, and her sprightly conversation is carried on in perfect English, Thinks are apt to mildew qulekly If your collar Is Inclined to be damp uo place un bowl of Hime on one of tho shelves where tho preserves are stored. This will keep the alr dry and thus prevent mold, A healthful food Am Tomatoes ate as economical as they are healthful. All Food and Drink --mno waste . « Easily separated pure Tomato [wice for every member of the family from babyhood to old age . . . Finer- flavored, healthful Tomato Solids for serving in scores of ways . . » Rich in Vitamins . . . full of appetizing mutrition , » . endorsed for health by the highest authorities in the land, Only sun-ripened Canadian-grown Tomatoes have that finer natural Flavor and that true "garden fresh- ness" that distinguish AYLMER all-Canadian Tomatoes + . the pick of the crop . . , the Tomatoes of guaranteed quality. For your health's sake cat and drimk mote AYLMER Tomatoes . . . But be sure you get AYLMER Brand . . . It will pay you to insist, if necessary. Canadian Canners, Limited With over 80 Factories packing Fruits and Vegetables from the Gardens of Omtario, Quebec and British Columbia, FREE This handy Tomato Juice Strainer for 12 AYLMER Tomato Labels Ot, if you prefer, for 3 Labels and 10 cents. re he e, finer-Aavored ie" for infant ng or for table use . . . Leaves the solids intact for as fancy dictates for many co ove | and Norge plant is the largest in the | GIVES SAFETY FACTS LEWIS DeBLOIS | Consulting Safety Engineer of New York City and a Past Prosident of the National Safety Council of ths United States. Mr. DeBlois will tions, Toronto, taking as his sub. ject "Safoty==The Facts and the Future." GOVERNMENT MAY BLOCK IMPORTS OF JAPANESE SILKS Deputations From Silk and Rayon Industries Pressed Case 01! 2 April parese f fed to bi FRC lit co ueally well in remedy the the forth gving the Gow cert, and in quarters formed, me action to situation 1s n oming hid The crix of the problem 1s the virtual i whity of al | aganeee } t! antied t | t iit fact that tl export, The antidumping ed are expected 1 ( velia He to i 1 on lect ( y to css ol forth rece ch show that have incr las increased it rect ratio to the { from the United Recently severa nutations the Canadian and rayon indus tries have been to Ottawa to inter view the Governnient on the matter Since the effect of the situation to practically negative in certain fields the f protection which the Govert 10 expected will be | in t the nt trad Japan sin tariff 1 deeren act et in wh ports | wimo in nports states and Europe, to 1 de silk poli ( endeavoring tly wedial action ment it sotiie ref administer is confides that taken, NAME PERSONNEL OF MARKET BOARD | W. B. Somerset Heads Body | Formed to Aid Ontario Farmers | Toronto, April 23.==Hon, T. L | Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture. yostarday announced the persone 1 of the Provinetnl Marketing Board, | formed for the purpose of aiding farmers WwW. BD. Somerset, compiled a report the frait vegotnble situation in the province, is chalrman of the new board. The other members are: H, B, Clomes, manager of the United Farmers' Co-Operative, and J, I. Fairbairn, depity minister of agriculture. John A. Carroll, direc- tor of the crops, markets and ¢o- oporative branch, 1s secretary to the hoard. No salaries are members, hut the rocolve an honorarium, Colonel Kennedy statod, 'Tho minister stated that the bourd was a well palaneed one and would uudotbte edly bo of considerable assistance in helping farmers to solve mar« keting. and other allied problems, The board will put agents in Winnipeg, Montreal and the Mari- times for the purpose of working with shippers, Thess agents will not be Government appointees, but the Government will eontribiite to the cost of thelr work, who recently on to be pald the secretary will GENERAL MANAGER R., B. MORLEY GConeral Manager of the Industrial t Prevention Associations, who has the general direction of the annual Safety Convention at Have! speak on Thursday evening, April | 23, at the Convention of the Indus: | trial Accident Prevention Associa: | ty fo from | CHINA MAY ADOPT GOLD STANDARD There are many problems to be tackled by the new board, The cheese industry, hop-raising and | many other phases of agriculture! stand in need ot study, Cold stor age plants at strategic points in | Ontario is another matter that | will receive consideration from tie | 28.- Nanking, China, April <The Chinese Government took action yesterday widely Interpreted ag u move toward establishing a cure rency systemh based on gold, The Ministry of IMinance announced | the Government's central bank would issue bank notes secured by Pt. Traverse, == With the opens | jneoming customs $3 Sovyred in board. Many Boats Pass ing of navigation; once more radio | gold; operators on the lake freighters | The Minfstry sald the notes will meet again, exchanging mes would be worth 40 cents in gold, sages of greetings back and forth | redeemable on demand with gold to each other as thoy pus up and ! drafts on foreign financial cen down the lake, Many freighters tres, of different lines have been pas ing the light here this week on thele fivet trip of the seacon to their destined porte to brine buck thelr first cargoes of the yaer, The I'alee Dueck lghthouse<keoper yee ported that twelve sw enmboats AUTO EXPORTS SHOW INCREASE IN MARCH Ottawa, April 23.-<An fmprove- ] mobitos fs shown in a report by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics for March, Cars shipped from Cane ada were valued at $594,000, as against $305,000 in February, The figure for March, 1030, was $2,« 044,000, | CANADA IS AGAIN BUTTER EXPORTER Ottawa, April 23. <Enormous fnereases fn butter production have placed Canada on the éxport market, and there is ne immediate expectation of higher rrices, Hon. Robert Weir, Minister of Agricule ture, was told yesterda, by repres sentatives of the Mo: treal Dros duce Dealers' Association, Sal volatile or hartshort will res store colors taken out hy acid, and may be dropped on any garment passed the fxland on Saturday. ment in export business in auto without doing any harm, Manager's Sale! MANAGER'S. SALE CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY, APRIL 25th Thousands of economical housewives have already taken advantage of this big money saving event. Be sure to visit your Stop & Shop Store this week and your Stop & Shop manager will gladly tell you all about this big food sale, Silver loving cups will be presented to the managers showing the best results during this sale. Tell your friends and help your Stop & Shop manager to win one of these loving cups, And Prices Arve Still Going Down! CHOICE CREAMERY Butter- 26 "MAXWELL HOUSE" 1 Lb Tin 43 "COUNTRY CLUB" PRIME YOUNG TEA Red Label Lb. Pkge. Top Side . 1c Silver Side BEEF Round Steak Roast Lo. 1 ©e Rump Roast OUR BEST ib. 16e Coffee Blade Rib Roast hn. de Freshly Ground Lb. Legs Loins Flank on " "CORONA" MIXED Biscuits TENDER YOUNG ONTARIO LAM ih. 2B ib. 20€ Racks v. 18¢ Shoulders bh. 14¢ Milk Fed Legs Loins Flank on Fillets 26 LARGE MEATY VEAL Boneless, Cut From Shoulder Government Inspected b. 17¢ bh. 15¢ 17 2 ibs. 19¢ Abe COOKED HAM, Sliced ib. 35¢ PURE ORANGE Marmalade HEINZ TOMATO Matches | Ketchup 40-02. Jar 25¢ 37. Large Bottles Fruits and Full 400's Vegetables New Potatoes 3™ 19¢ Jone 2c Large Oranges Pineapples 23 c each LN doz. Ripe Tomatoes, 1b. 1 2 CLEELTTS S .. Te

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