THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1937 ET Cpr i 1S CONG SOON Sk Hes Line Up For Fray, But Voting Date Not Yet 11 ntreal, April 23.--Although Pder to fige has not been is- in Quebec, the battle array coming Provincial elections prepared. Organization are the order of the day hout the Province and word comers who intend fighting rious seats is frequent. yor Camillien Houde, Leader Conservative Opposition, had a conference 'with Fautex, K.C,, chief orga- for the party. In a brief flow later he sald, "I am Liberal Government held a meeting at Quebec yes- day, but no announcement of olution of the Legislature and 'the date of the elections was forth- coming at its close. $1.00 size of Ambrosia Tightner of a of Ambro- and New with I! $1.00 bottle | sia Cleanser YOU PAY ONLY $g.50 FOR ALL FOUR 'KARN'S - Drug Store - Nest P.O. Phones 78-79 SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday: at the Store ramen Cookies Yan doz. 1 Oc - Date Turnovers, doz. .,.18¢ . Chocolate Cake, each ,..18¢C Blueberry and Peach Pies ACR ccc cvcsienncilBe Monney's Bakery 34 King Street West iron-- or pay nothing Thousands are amazed at quick benefits of new Ironized Yeast. They gained pounds of good firm | flesh in few weeks. Tired, weak, | nervous people became peppy and strong. .Blemished complexions changed to clear rosy smoothness. Constipation, indigestion disap- peared. Why does Ironized Yeast work so quick? Ironized Yeast is two tonics in one--special welght-bullding dried brewer's Yeast and blood-enrich- ing, strengthening Iron. The yeast is 'the same used in making malt and which makes malt #0 beneficial. it is specially cultured and concentrated to give the utmost in flesh-pro- ducing value. Double-testcd for strength, purity and potency. Used by doctors and big hospitals, To this concentrated dried brew- er's Yeast is added 3 kinds of easily assimilated Iron to quickly make rich, red blood and tone up nerves and muscles. By this special process Ironized Yeast is made more effective than yeast or iron taken separately. Contains no starches, flours or gas-forming: fillers. If you are underweight, nervous, tired--it you suffer with constipa- tion, indigestion, and your com- plexion is muddy or = blemished, start Ironized Yeast today, Pleasant little tablets--no nasty taste, never upset stomach or cause gas or bloating. Never spoil, safe for all. Go to any drug store today, get a full size treatment of Ironized Yeast, and take the little tablets as directed. If not delighted with quick results, your money prompt. ly refunded by manufacturer. If inconvenient to buy from druggist, send $1.25 direct to Can- adian Ironized Yeast Co. Ltd., Box 1323, Montreal, Que., Desk 1901. HOUSE FORESEES FIGHT WITH LORDS British Upper Chamber Re- jectslmportant Clauses in Land Bill London, April 23.--A clash be- tween the Lords and Commons was foreshadowed last might, after re- | Jection by the House of Lords of two of the most important clauses in the Government's Agricultural Land Utilization Bill, which has already passed the Commons, The bill was designed to help solve unemployment, among other things, by putting unemployed persons on the Jind, It proposed to establish an agricultural land corporation, capitalized at $5,- 000,000 from the public treasury for experimental farming. The cor- poration was to have the power to acquire land by condemnation under prescribed conditions and for certain purposes, Conservative Peers, and several Liberals, combined to throw out the clauses establishing the cor- poration and empowering it to buy land for demonstration farming. The Lords passed some other clauses in the bill, however, and adjourned. Wilkie's "Glove-Phit" Shoe Thousands of Tired Feet EE -------------- SR Gr a_i TE - which results. in * Women Carried by stock in black and brown _ kide--in or 3 to 8--AAA to Priced at $7.00 pr. | Smart! Yes---and OH---SO COMFORTABLE Admittedly, many smart shoes are lacking in comfort qualities. But this shoe is different. duces an entirely new sense of foot comfort. To women who have search. 24 years for such a shot, t.3s 50, Yess pre fA new foature of Glove THT Shoe ave dui sor W. ° ' Shoe are de It introe It incorporates an construction a "All sizes from widths, Ee ey ', i ' Chases Gang DOUGLAS W. WILSON, of Port Hope Provincial Motoreycle Con- stable, who was forced to shoot the tire off a stolen car near Port Hope on Friday night to bring the fleeing, ge armed gang of five to a stop. r: 'Wilson captured one mau and took after tho others in company with Provincial Constables Bill Car- ey and Alex. Kidd of Cobourg. Montreal detectives were in Cobourg, and Port Hope on Tuesday seeking more information of the other four, ofl of whom were captured in Mon treal toge her with the Port Hope car stolen. SHOTS FIRED BY CONSTABLE Motorcycle Policeman Shoots a Tire Off Stolen Car to Halt Fleeing Gang ALL ARE ARRESTED After a thrilling chase, during which he had shot away the right rear tire of the speeding auto late Fri day afternoon of last week, Provin- cia! Motoreycle Constable Douglas W. Wilson eaptured one of the five young Montreal men who had been driving a stolen ear and who were trying to escape from custody. The car was ebandoned in the ditch, and the five tried to make their es- cepe over fields. Constable Wilson captured one, Yvon Belanger, 21, and secured the names the youth thought Lis companions were called, The other four wero captured in Montreal on Monday at a roadbouse, and a sedan stolen from l'ort Hope was seized. The car stolen was own- ed by Howard Hutchings, with Li cense EO-75, Constable Wilson found a homeo made sheath knife alongside the car on Monday, and on. Tuesday in com- pany with Detective-Bergeants Boldue and Longpre of the Montreal Police Department, he found a revolver where tho alleged leader of the gang ad- mitted in Montreal to have thrown it. In the car was an empty cartridge container, The four othors captured were Mar. cel Havellna, alias George Leroux, tha driver of the ear and the alleged leader; Ernest Decheneanx, Raymond Maurice, and Ernest Daigneaulit, Yvon Belanger is now in the Co- bourg gaol and will appear Saturday before Police Magistrate Col. W. H Floyd to answer to a charge of steal: ing gas, Fo may also be charged with escaping or trying to escape from cus- "pod. - When Douglas Wilson captured Be: lauger as the latter was trying to flee from the abandoned car, he handeuf- fed him to the ear and took after the other four, in the meantime noti- fying Provincial Constables Bill Carey land Alex. Kidd of Cobourg. The three, in company with Town Motorcycle Constable Ewart Grant, searched all evening and late into the morning trying to discover the quartet, Constable Grant received a message from Wicklow that a car with License No. EO.75, the car stolen from Port Hope, had left a Wicklow gas station after stealing a quantity of gas. He left alone for Wicklow while the oth- er constables were following other leads, and when ne discovery of the cur was made, notified 'police in eas tern distriets, The alleged gang leader was a taxi driver for three years in Montreal, and Constable Wilson has a respect for the man's ability to drive, as the accused drove at top speed with a,0at rear tire for threc-tenths of & mile along a gravel road, Constable Wilson's forethought made it possible for him to effeet tho capture, He had chased the stol en car, when ho first saw it, having to attain a speed of 75 miles before catching it along the highway three 'miles west of Welcome, and had or- dered the offenders to drive to the [Pert dope police station, Ho be car did mot appear to be very up- right, although they acted amiably, and he aceordingly took kis revolver out from his holster under his leather jacket, and placed it in his right-hand jacket pocket while the quintet were Iproceeding quietly ahead of him along the highway. As soon as the gang turned down 'he sideroad in an effort to elude him, lie took his gun out ready for action, and made two effective shots, one shooting away the right rear tire and the other hitting the body of the car just opposite Lhe license vlates, " KINSALE The team scraper has been dis- Placed on Highway No. 7 by a much arger scraper and drawn by a trace tor, and much more work is - ac- complished in the same time and we fancy at a little more expense. Construction work has begun on "the highway, and the good road for s summer will be pretty bad] Spojleq as it Saifot 2 opr" a out interfering v the rath : "i $ "Some of our farmer D. | signed and C, J. Stevenson at- Pickering last Sab- bath, and took dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Chapman, Mrs. Maitland Sormiens who Has been in the Hospital in Toronto and underwent & 'serious operation, is improving, nicely, and will soon be able to return to her home. At one time her case was thought serious, but her friends are pleased to learn of her improvement, Miss Munro, our teacher, has re- will ve up the school at the end of this week. She is ing home to Ottawa, Our trustees Br engaged Mrs, Gordon Farndale to fill the vacancy, and she will take charge next week. A man employed by the govern. ment has been through purchasing land for the purpese of road con struction, It seems this matter of securing property for road' purposes is, 1.uch' a one-sided affair, and some think it very small. Sure- ly when taxes are so high the farm- er should be allowed a good offer for disfiguration of his property.' Mrs. John Brignall was in Toron- to recently and called on the sick from our midst in the hospital, Everybody agrees that it is the warmest and dryest April in a great many years. If rain does not come soon vegetation will be backward. A Sood many are through seeding and ready to begin work on their root land, but all are looking very anxiously for rain, Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood from England, who have been spending a Jose in Canada, are returning home n a few weeks. Mrs. Greenwood is a sister of Samuel Farandale. They have made many warm friends since they came to this country. We wish them "a safe voyage when they re- turn, iE. » { ALMONDS Mr. and 'Mrs. Hay, of Toronto, Spent the «week-end . with Mr. and rs. W. Hall...» Mrs. Norman Wood and children nt Thursday: last with Mr. an . Slade, of Toronto. - Miss Marjorie Annis, of Dunbar- ton, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Kemp. Miss May, of Harmony, has been a recent visitor with Miss Edith Kempthorne for several weeks. Mrs, Lee and daughter Hilda, of Base Line, have moved to Oshawa. Miss Edith Widdup, of Hamilton, was a recent visitor for a week with Miss Elizabeth Fothergill. Sorry to report, Mr. Jack Guy was taken to Oshawa Hospital last Fri- day suffering from a bad case o blood poison in his hand, but glad to know he is much improed and is doing nicely. Mrs. Guy and fam- ily have joined him at their new home here an we welcome them to our community, ' Myr. Jimmy Mackey, of the West, is visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr. Fran Macker. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Brown and daughter, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown. : The Drama "Too Many Parents" was presented in the Church on Wednesday evening last under the auspices of the Jounz Peoples, was greatly enjoyed by all who were out to hear it, Owing to the busy sea- son being brought on early, the crowd was rather small. Fach char- acter was well taken and it made real amusement for the evening. A short Jicstarime was put on by lo- cal talent between the acts: Read: ing, Mr. Kenneth Lee, "The Cattle Thief"; solos, Mr. Milton Balsdon, "When the organ played at twilight" and "My little prairie sweetheart"; duett, Mr. Eddie Bentley and Mr. Milton Balsdon, "Old New England Moon." ~~ ASHBURN Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leask and daughter, of Uxbridge; Miss M. Fisher, of Port Perry, and Miss Em- ma Fisher, of Toronto, spent Sun- day at the home of Mrs. M, Fisher. aster Teddy Cassady, of Brook- lin, spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs. M. Cassady. Mrs. Wm, Brash spent last week with her sisters in Guelph, Miss Barbara Miller, off Toronto General Hospital staff, is spending her vacation at her home here, Mrs. H. Tarves returned home from the hospital on Monday and is progressing favorably. At the progressive euchre party held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Ross on Thursday evening last, Miss Hazel Bryant, of Toron- to, was successful in winning first Pize for ladies, and Mr. Wm, Hop- cins for gentlemen. Mrs. Walter Trull spent the early part of the week in Toronto. Miss Ethel Stuttaford, of Toronto, pan; the weck-end at her home ere, Mr, and Mrs, Starr, daughter Jean and son Wilfred, of the New York Rangers Hockey Team, and Mrs, Gordon Starr, of Winnipeg, made a flying visit on Monday evening to call on Mrs. E, Harris, formerly of Winnipeg, and her mother, Mrs. J. Routley, before leaving for home the next morning. Mr. Bert Clay and Miss Violet Harris, of Toronto, spent the week- end with their grandmother, Mrs. J. Routley. Service in Burns' Church on Sun- day, April 26th, at 11 am. and 7 .m.; Sabbath School at 10 am, tev. D. Munroe, of the Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, will have charge of the evening service. A hearty invitation is extended to everyone to attend, This community was terribly shocked on Tuesday last by the sud- den death of Charles, three year old |. son of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Lynde, who reside on the town line between Reach and Whitby. The little chap was riding on the wagon, loaded with grain, when he slipped off, and before the team could be stopped the wheels had passed over him. Dr. Rennie, of Port Perry, was called, but nothing could be done, Funeral services were held from his father's residence on Thursday to Groveside Cemetery, conducted by Rev. A. McD, Haig, of Agincourt, a former minister of this congregation. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the parents, brothers and sisters in £ their sad bereavement. Horseshoe pitching and tennis are in full.swing, so Spring must be here. : BALSAM Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jones visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Morgan Evans, Clare- mont. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sadler, of Kinsale, visited Sunday with Mrs: A. E. Jones and sons, Mr. Wm. Harris, of Greenwood, lin. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Baris and family to our neighbors ood. ~~ Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Wilson ant daughters visited Sunday with rel- atives in Port Perry. Mr. 'and Mrs. Floyd Jones and fanvly, of Brooklin, visited Sunday at Cecil Jones', I'Le drama entitled "The Rebellion of Youth" given here by the Brook- lin Women's Institute on Friday evening last, was much enjoyed by GREENWOOD Last Friday evening the Cherry- wood Young People presented their drama, "Beads on a String" in the Greenwood Church. The Young Peo- ple are to be congratulated on their efforts. Those present enjoyed the evenings' entertainment throughout, Miss Risebrow, of Toronto, spent the ig olend with F. Walls and amily. Mrs. Wm. 8. Pest visited last week with Toronto relatives. F. and Mrs, Hopper and daughter, Gy yaneits of Toronto, spent Sunday with John Brown and family. A few more fine days and the spring seeding will be over. Mrs. J. Boyer spent the week-end with her nephews in Toronto. The Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Jessie Beelby last Sat- urday afternoon. W. W. Gee and family visited To ronto relatives on Sunday. Alfred Wilson, of Brooklin, spent the week-end with A, Trimble and has lately moved into the stone house F. Disney, Brook- family, Come to the Oshawa Celebration of 50th Birthday Party of the Adams Organization 4th ANNUAL SPRING OPENING Of Adams' Oshawa Store Will Be a Real Occasion This is a special every Oshawa home lover to at- tend our 4th Annual Spring invitation for Jubilee Special Bargains! 50 years ago were laid for mendous Adams Home Furnish. ing Organization. Our constant the foundations the present tre. Opening. This year marks the 50th Jubilee of the Adams stores,--a half century of service to the public in home furnishing. Special features, therefore, have been arranged for our Oshawa jeved the passengers in the' birthday party. Band Concert by the 34th Ont. Reg. Band By kind permission of Major R. B. Smith and the officers of the 34th Regiment this popular musical or- ganization will play splendid pro- gress for you at the Adams store Saturday Afternoon and Evening A Fashion Parade of Home Furnishings Our store will present a wonderful showing of all that's new and beautiful in this season's designs in Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Home Utilities, and other interesting items gathered to- gether by Adams great 6-store buying power, and now on view in your own community. Come and see what's in style for the home in 1931. Oshawa's Greatest Home Store Sparton Screen-Grid Console Radios Manufacturer's List Price $159.75 A perfect performing receiver with exquisitely dee signed cabinets in walnut. Astounding value! Place your order early and avoid disappointment, % & . (1) 0 Sends One Home Balance in Small Sums After Golden Jubllee No Interest Special Price $66 00 ONIY. oesinssus Ld (Complete With Tubes) Special Jubilee Value in Bed Outfits Consisting of a genuine Simmons seamless tubing bed with three panels in the head and foot ends, complete with a coil spring and a comfortable all cotton mattress. $21 95 Golden Jubilee price .......cceveveensenne BREAKFAST ROOM SUITE Dainty six-piece suites, in fancy enamels, including buffet, drop leaf table and four Windsor $37 50 chairs, Monday Special at ...e0vveee . "Hot Point" Electric Range The "Hot Point" electric range special, free this week, an electric kitchen clock with every purchase a ns wept $35.00 BEDROOM SUITES At $99 00 Walnut 4-plece suite, including 46-inch [) dresser, large vanity, panel-end bed and chiffonier to match. oh At Walnut bedroom suite, with veneered $119.00 tops, fronts and ends, dresser, bed, vanity and chiffonfer to match, * $179.00 Turco Gromer, panct bed, Hotiywood vanity and chiffonier to match, Walnut Cedar Chests Solid walnut chests, 42 inches long, cedar lined with built in tray, mounted on metal $17 95 glides, Monday at .......c.cconnvisininsrinss oe ODD DRESSERS In rich walnut finish, with turned standards and legs, three roomy drawers and shaped mirror. $1 5 50 Monday Special, fOr .....ovvesseeas growth and expansion is proof that the Adams way is the pop- ular and proper method of bring- ing comfort and convenience to your home. FREE MOVIES Arrangements have been made with Oshawa's finest movie theatre to ene tertain our juvenile friends on Sature day morning with a special show of comedies, news reels, and a special vote triloquist act. Boys and girls are in- vited to come to the Regent Theatre Saturday morning, Doors open at 10.15 a.m, Show starts at 10.30, Ree member ; REGENT THEATRE Chesterfield Suites At $94.00 apes Jusive vive ion erings are mohair with cushions in friezes. $124.00 Three-piece suite with car- ved show-wood frame, of sweet singing Harts Mountain Canaries, trimmed with cord, coverings are mohair and jacquard, Saturday Morning Souvenirs for Everybody Come and see our beautiful decorations listen to the music poured forth by our band ~--gouvenir blotters for every visitor, flow- ers for our lady guests,--demonstrations of labor saving devices,~tea and refresh. ments, -- everything to make your visit pleasurably and profitable. 13 Simcoe Street South