THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1931 ADIAN TRADE ISSION LAUDED NBUENDS ARES Declares It Splendid- Performed Task of ging Message of Good enos Aires, April 16.--De- the Canadian goodwill and p mission had splendidly per- ed its ambassadorial task of ling a message of woodwill to entine, and that much' good result from their visit, The Alres Herald published the ing leading editorial on the if the Canadians departure: he presence of H.R.H. the pince of Wales has been the out- ng feature of a fortnight of endented. publicity for the Fin apie, it would scarcely be an € jgeration to say that the visit "the Canadian delegates has been nd in importance. "When Canada decided to par- pate in the Trade Exhibition, also determined that that par- tion should not be on any rd scale, Her pavilion in the bition grounds is a model of t such a building should be. ral days before the opening mony, the Canadian pavilion in readiness, and the dele- were able to view, with degree of pride, the compar- ly splendid showing that the inion was about to make in ian Exhibition such af Argentina nad never previously seen in her tory. "Nor did the Canadian 'effort d with participation in the dis- ay at the Rural Soclety's FE. A strong delegation, headed by Sir George Perley, was {gent down to Buenos Aires. Not © only did that delegation contain representative men; but it was go accompanied by gentlemen ho knew and understood the im-{ | Dbortance of publicity. The conse- quence is that the Canadian visit . has been extensively advertised in # letter-press and photograph in every newspaper in the city, . AY ; wird rE 2 BENGUE (pronounced | ) will quickly remove conges= tion Ben-Gay make the stiffness disappear. ; 'Beh Ask for -Gay Accept n: Substitutes iH 185 King St. W. Phone 1160 "Realizingtoo, that Canada's purpose in exhibiting at Palermo is to strengthen ' Argentine-Cana- dian trade ties, the members of the delegation have = sought contact with the Argentines. Their visit has meant a crowded programme; but that would seem to have been worth while, for opportunities have been afforded for meeting the Argentine authorities, for seeing something of Argentine industry, and for. learning more of this na- tion and its people. Rarely, in- deed, have representative visitors been able to cover so wide a field in so short a space of time, "Of the probable after results of the visit, it is difficult to speak. 'The similarity of the staple pro- ducts of the two countries makes the development of trade on what may be termed the major scale a matter of some difficulty, But the Canadian pavilion shows clearly that Canada 'is something more than a land of wheat. She is de- veloping her industries, anda like other industrial lands is seeking to develop an export trade, Ar- gentina, on the other hand, is mainly an exporter of raw mater- fal; but much of that material Is required in Canada. It would seem, therefore, that 'the commercial interchange between the two coun- tries could be materially increased, with benefit to both. That this is the opinion of the Canadian dele- gation and of the Government of the Dominion goes without saying; and it would appear obvious that the delegation has been engaged in a task of greater magnitude than that of representing Canada at the Trade Exhibition, Rather has it enjoyed the status of an ambassadorial mission, engaged In the task of bringing a message of goodwill to Argentina and in spy- ing out the land from the angle of a people desiring increased trade. The Canadian visitors have per- formed their task splendidly." SECOND ARREST IN FORGERY CASE London, Ont., April 16.--Con- "tinuing their investigations dnto the alleged forgery of old age pen- sions cheques, county police today made their second arrest, extend- ing their operations into Oxford County, Benjamin Kellegtine, thirty. married, of West Missiouri Township was taken to Oxford jail today charged with uttering a forged document. Kellestine is al- legeft to have forged the name of an aged pensioner to a cheque af- ter the old man had died. | 1926 CHEVROLET COACH Perfect condition $145.00 Ross, Ames & Gartshore | | mis {ski could not ,londen. The picture was sold to | I'riek, i 'zhonld never be disclosed. MISSING WORKS OF GREAT REMBRANDT Cape Town Said to Have Genuine Old Master But 70 Are Still Missing Cape Town, South Africa, April 17.--Cape Town has a genuine work of Rembrandt, 'The Taxi- dermist," according to a writer in The Cape Argus, Eric Rosenthal, who quotes the late Dr. C. Hof- stede de Groot, whose name had been a household word for a gen- eration among experts on:Nether- lands art, as his authority. Dr. de Groot was the managing editor of the monumental "Catalogue Rai- gsonee of Works of the Most Emin- ent Dutch Painters of the 17th cen- tury," a learned index of thousands of pictures at which an interna- tional group of specialists worked for a number of years. Rosenthal says: 'There are sev- eral dozen missing Rembrandts waiting to be accounted for; 650 oil paintings, according to the most exhaustive compilations, came from Rembrandt's brush. No fewer than 70 are missing. How many have been rediscovered even in modern times is seen from the fact that in the eighties of last century the total list only amount- ed to about 500, so that the South African find would 'be by no means unprecedented. 'The most dramatic revelation of a missing Rembrandt was pro. bably that of the 'Young Polish Rider.' : From documents which had once belonged to the artist's family it was known that che paint. ing existed; yet for more than 200 years it could not be traced, About 40 years ago the report somehow got around that a certain Augiri- an nobleman was reputedly in pos- session of the masterpiece. Like a set of detectives the European ex- perts got to work to find who that retiring grandee might be. In tke end they were successful, Count Tarnowski, of Dzikow, in Galicia, admitted that he owned the 'Yourg Polish Rider." At first he felt very loath to let anybody see it, in his obscure ancestrial gallery in a cas- tle-amid the Carpathians, "A great deal of correspondence resulted in the Count sending an invitation to Dr. Bredius, the most notable Rembrandt authority of lls day. This Dutch expert visited the almost inaccessible priviete gallery and at once pronounced the 'Young Polish Rider' to be the sing portrait. Notwithstanding : immense wealth Count Tarnow- resist the offer made of hi to him by Messrs. Knoedler American millionaire, H. C. of New York, and it was u condition that the prince It is, believed to be the biggest an made however, EU PPED TIRES JFIRESTONE, pioneers 'of balloon tires announces strength, in qualities, any tire a new tire which surpasses in and in wear-resisting t has ever been built. In addition to the famous Firestone Gum-Dipped cord construction which increases tire life by designed Firestone : a a ih _iimigates Twlding sites ou the oud at ides speeds. hd y no road shocks ab Tho i re and cause a blows s speed or the usage,' off --The tire is eas amor ae ily Pree can Hy you. See your nearest Firestone Dealer today-- he serves you betigr ang saves you money, 4 endpressat iafection In 6 far Uke the finest face creams. Price S0¢ sum ever paid for any picture-- $1,250.000." AUTOGYROS ARE EASILY HANDLED May Revolutionize Air Tra- vel in Large Cities, 'Lon- don Promoters Claim london, Apri 1 16h auto: use in Central London, has been devised because the ordinary aero- 't planes are useless in the heart of the Metropolis. The autogyroes can land on a roof or in a small field or garden, and within a few years it is possible that they may be com- monly seen alighting in the roofs of railway stations or big buildings or taking off from these. Schemes in connection with this proposed new means of transpor- tation in London are now belng consideréd. This may be the sequel to the queer sights in the air which have mystified people living in the London suburbs and Home Coun- ties recently, says a London uews- paper, unwieldy-looking machines hovering, swooping or flying ahead at 100 miles an hour. An official of the autogyro company promot- ing the mobile aircraft says the company is giving demonstration flights from Heston in order to show what the autogyros are cap- able of. KING HAS ACCEPTED ADDITION TO HIS STAMP COLLECTION London, April 16--King George has accepted a valuable addition to his wonderful collection of postage stamps, an album which contains a complete set of die proofs of the new pictorial postage stamps for the teritory of South-West Africa, together with a series of the.issu- ed stamps in unusued, marginal, blocks of four, for the Royal Col- lection. The presentation was made recently on behalf of the Union Government by the High Commfis- sioner for South Africa, C. T. te Water. These are the first stamps of de- finite design to be circulated in the mandated teritory, where up Salada Orange Pekoe has. a most fascinating flavens!: ry from the A to now overprinted types of the Union itself have been employed. The subjects were obtained in open competition from South African artists, and from photographs, sketches, and paintings selected by Colonel J. A. Venning, Director of Posts and Telegraphs at Windhook, while the actual engraving and printifig has been carried out by Bradbury, Wilkinson, and Co., Limited, at New Malden, Surrey. basis. Goop VALUES IN USED CARS See the Ford dealer when you want a USED CAR. He has many good values taken in trade. Wide selection in makes, types and prices. THE Ford dealer will give you good value in a Used Car just as he gives you good value in a new car. The Ford policy is one of fair dealing in every transaction. The Used Cars offered for sale by Ford dealers have been taken in trade for new Fords. Because there was no over-allowance at that time, there is no overcharge in the price you pay. The Ford dealer bases his allow- ance on the true worth of the Used Car. It is resold to you on the same The Used Cars sold by Ford dealers include many makes and many types--open and closed. Some are relatively new--some have seen FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, "TNE CANADIAN CAR" HOW THE FORD POLICY PROTECTS YOU a great deal of service. There is a wide range of prices, depending on the make and condition of the car. Before the Ford dealer offers a Used Car for sale it is gone over carefully by experienced mechanics and put in good serviceable condition. The Ford dealer's business grows in accordance with the service he renders motorists in his territory. He knows that giving good honest value in Used Cars will lead to more sales of new Fords. He wants your business, your friendship and your respect. See him, therefore, when you want a good Used Car. You can be confident of receiving good value for your money. LIMITED 10 BOND, ST. W. 'COX MOTOR SALES Local Ford Dealers