THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1931 wl : Injuries in Fall ingston.--Falling off a scaffold at fanson apartments, in course of ction at the corner of William fd Sydenham Streets, late this af- pon, William Roland Gaunt, a ng contractor of 29 Rogers oronto, suffered a broken "and died while he was being d to hospital. Gaunt fell a His- of only five feet. He was 45 "of age, and had only been em- on the job for five weeks. Dr. Huyck was called, It is not if the scaffold collapsed, and ly an inquest will be held. 'From Train ngston~Paul Mafoj, a Crecho- slovakian, who came here from Montreal 'to seek work, fell from a ain near Kingston station early this _and suffered a compound of the forearm. Doctors e may lose his arm. He vw'. 0 er des his injuries. his condition was discovered local branch of the Canadian , he was sent to a hospital. Near Lindsay ndsay.--While v picking up some school children road to bring them to school car was struck from behind by a tetboro' machine, Considerable eo was done to the Peterboro' \ r. Murphy's auto shot ahead d struck a road signpost at the tery Corners. ot Engineer Dies Brockville --~Richard Potter, aged 85, who began to work for the form- "er Grand Trunk Railway as early as ] and who was a locomotive en- heer in' main line service up to 12 ars ago, when he retired died here ion Tuesday. Potter came to Canada ¥ om Englund, where he began his 1% nothy railway career, Record is Broken Peterboro.--~Peterborough's length- 'ening record of no arrests, no police | gourt and no fines, which has extend- } Rheumatic ripples ow Medicine Guaranteed to Free Your Muscles and Joints in Less Than a Week or Money-Back. I No matter how crippled and, help- you are with rheumatisi; no r how great your suffering; 3 can now ease that pain in a day ; break rheumatism's terrible grip lon your system in less than a week "or nothing to pay. : A $1 Bottle of Ru-Ma is guaran- | feed to free your muscles and joints rom all crippling stiffness and swell- g, lameness and torturing pain or i money refunded. , I No long, discouraging wait while you wonder if that awful pain will | ever stop; for it starts stopping right "from the first days use of Ru-Ma. . Magically your muscles and joints iber up, swelling vanishes, aches und twitges disappear, away go limp- / and hobbling, crutches and canes, 9 many once helpless rheumatic fferers in this vicinity have been from rheumatic agony by Ru- a that Jury & Lovell and other druggists invite you to try Ru- * Ma under an ironclad guarantee of money back if it does not completely * end your rheumatism, Patrick Murphy | ¢ ed during the past four weeks, \.as broken yesterds when John Fletch- er, a Cavan farmer, was arrested on George street. Fletcher pleaded ilty to being drunk and was fined §io in police court today. Jjoneer of Rawdon Passes Campbellford.--A pioneer of Raw- don township and + known in the Campbellfi district, Edward James Scarlett passed away at his home here in Monday in his 80th year, ""¢ funeral was held from the family residence, Campbellford, on Wadnes- day afternoon, with interment being made in Barton Cemetery, Rawdon, Good Price for Debentures Port Hope, -- Warden Hooton of the united counties of Northumber- land and Durham, has been elated to Gairdner and Company of Toron- to at the premium price of $101.50. 4 Carloads of Spey Material Picton.--On Friday of last week, Mr. H. D. Wattam, of Waupoos, re- ceived one of the largest shipments of spray material which has ever been shi Bed into Picton, ro mthe Niagara Brand Soray Co, Burlington, Ontario. This shipments consists of 3 carloads of lime sul- hur, 1 carload of Arsenate of Lead. blue stone and hydrated lime. This will be used by the farmers in the Spring orchard snraying. Fish Catches Poor ' Simcoe Island. --Belyea Bros, fish- ermen of this island, reported that the lifts of fish at present are the lightest they have seen, . One day last week they lifted 14 boxes of net with a catch of only 50 pounds of herring. Fishermen of the Main Duck Islands also report very light catches of fish this spring. Grants Increase 50 Per Cent, Peterboro, = The northern town- ships of Peterboro County will ben- fit from an amendment to the Colon- ization Roads Act which increases the Ontario Government's grant from 25 per cent of the amount spent by a municipality in the purchase of road machinery to 50 per cent. of that amount, Store Takes Fire Queensboro~The citizens of Ban- nockburn were given a bad scare on Monday about noon when it was no- ticed from the garage that the roof of the general store, belonging to Hunter and Donly was in flames, The alarm was given and several men who were in the store making use of the cistern full of water- un- der the dwelling house and the pails that were readily available soon ex- tinguished the blaze, but not until a hole some three or four feet square had been burned in the roof, Industry has busy Period Port Hope.~The local plant of the American Agricultural Chemical Com pany is working to capacity, with night shifts necessary at different times to keep up production. Since about the first of February when manufacture was started, sixty-five car loads of fertilizer have been ship- ped to different points throughout the Dominion. Large quantities of raw material have been received, ap- proximately one hundred carloads. Muskrat Catches Good Muskrat trappers in Ilillier vicin- ity are having great success since the A CHILD KNOWS! There is no other person so sharp at reading character, individual as nor any shrewd in shopping as a child. Just watch----you may put it over once, but no -Sir==not the second time. S| Store; They know they will be served before grown. ups, treated with courtesy and given individual atten tion, Besides, children know they will get Just what mother sent them for and not something else. Have your children run © your errands to the Rexall Drug Store. WEEK END SPECIALS 100 A. 8. A. Tablets ,.40¢c 60c Velvo Napkins ....80¢ 80c¢ French Balm .....80¢ #1 Rogews Frugt Salie Ye 2Bc Seldlits Powders .. 2c A.B.S, & C. Tablets 10¢ 80c Pepsodent Tooth 50c Ponds Creams ....80c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 80c Save With Safety at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King E. Simcoe 8. Phone 28 Phone 08 marsh is clear of ice, One trapper reported a catch of sixteen one day. Hides at $1.25 each made a profitable return for his labor. Milk Producers Had Banquet Kingston.--The first annual get-to- gether dinner of the Milk Producers' Association of this district was held on Tuesday night in LaSalle Hotel and was attended by a large number of the producers, The dinner, pre- ded over by Edward Bradden, pres- ident of the organization, was a de- cided success in every way and all who attended derived a great deal of pleasure from it. There was no set program and the whole affair was in- formal and delightful, TO AID IN CENSUS (By The Canadian Press) London, April 17.--A machine has been specially designed and built by a British firm in conjune- tion with the Registrar General's Department for use in the work of the coming ceusus, April 26. By means of this machine the census, after collection of the schedules by the enumerators, will be entirely mechanized. The task of preparing the hundreds of intricate tables re- quired will then be performed mere. ly by running punched cards repre- senting every individual in the country through the machine, which sorts at the rate of 20,000 an hour into different combinations the in formation given on the census forms, counts, and finally prints the results in columns on specially prepared forms. Selentists in England are experi- menting with a device to clear fog from skies over London. 38 PRIZES feature the DOMINIONLINOLEUM Pattern Selection CONTEST WIN ONE OF THEM Enter today. ly call ac any store displa 'Dominion Taisid Liscionan ic) windows Playing for a free Contest Book. No will find eight rooms re produced in with the floor left blank. On the back First Prize $ 500 cash Second Prize $9 50 cash Third Prize $100 cash 10 Prizes each of $50 cash 25 Prizes each of $10 credit on the purchase of Dominion Oilcloth & Linoleum AVIATORS COUNT BUFFALO IN PARK Use Cameras To Take Cen- sus of Big Herd Winnipeg, Man, April 17. Taking a census of animals in the big open spaces by aerial photo- graphy is a new thing and, accord- ing to an interview with Flight- Lieut. J. C. Uhlman by The Win- nipeg Evening Tribune, was suc- cessfully demonstrated recently at Woods' national buffalo park by an expedition of :which Flight- Lieut. Uhlman was in charge. Two areoplanes carried the party, one being piloted by Lieut, Uhl- man and the other by Sergt. W. I, Tourgis. The Tribune says: "The party spent a month in the park, which is situated at the junction of the boundaries of Alberta, Saskatche- wan and North-West Territories. Slightly less than 1,600, buffalo were photographed. No attempt was made to cover the' whole area, as the expedition was simply an experiment to determine if the method was satisfactory, It was quite impossible, he sald, to take a census in any other way. Pre- viously, in determining the num- ber of animals in this and other parks, the number were arrived at by estimating the percentage of increase in the herds since they were originally placed in the parks, "Describing the methods used, Flight-Lieut. Uhlman said that In each plane a park ranger accom- panied the pilot and the photo- grapher. In addition to the plioto- graphs. the ranger counted as many animals as was possible with the naked eye. In this way, a sort of double check was made, and the two results could be com- pared, 'Before any photography was done at all, a reconnaisance was made by air to determine the areas in which the buffalo were most numerous. Park rangers were greatly impressed with the speed with which these recon- noitres were made. One such trip was done in four hours, which formerly took the rangers three weeks hard travelling by dog team. Frequently, the animals were seen in clumps of trees, where it was Impossible either to photograph or count them accur- ately, In such cases, the plint would swoop down upon them in such a direction as to drive them out Into the open where they could be photographed. It Is ex- pected that a complete survey may be made of the park next winter." OPERA ARE HEAVY Three Prima Donnas Needed For Rendition of "Don Giovanni" London, April 17.---'The Carl Rosa season of opera goes from height to height," sayy a writer in The News-Chronicle who fre- quently contributes to that paper on local events in music, He re- fers to the Carl Rosa Opera Com- pany's recent production of 'The Twilight of the Gods" as a re- markable success, and says "a quite extraordinary peak of per- WHEN IN TORONTO Moke Your Home Horer WaveRLey SPADINA AVE. end COLLEGE ST, 8. R Powell. Prop. CONVENIENT-ECONOMICAL Er Club Breokfasts 40c up Luncheon 500 Dinner $1.00 RATES 81 50 UP Weise for Folder TARR GRAPH Lig nom DEPRESSION "I'm a different woman" "Two years ago I began to get depressed, and everything was too much trouble for me, 1 was a mis- ery to myself and evéryone around me. I was advised to take Glauber Salts by my friends who said it was the same as Kruschen but it did me no good, so at last my bus band got me a bottle of Kruschen and no one would realise the dif- ferent woman I am, I have been taking Kruschen now constantly for two years. My daughter also would not be without it, I have got my neighbor r to take Krus- chen as well and she has found {ts worth as she feels a different woman." ==(Mrs. G, A, K.¥ The commonest cause of d pression is partial constipation an insidious complaint because t sufferer is seldom aware of it. 1 means the gradual accummulatio of body poisons which dull th mind, damp the spirits, sap th nervous strength and Jower th whole vitality, Kruschen Salts make constipa- tion impossible. Therefore, if you keep to Kruschen you need never know the meaning of melancholy; ugver feel "nervy" or depressed. YOUR CHANCE AT LAST TO PROCURE HIGH-CLASS WEARING APPAREL AT THE MOST ASTONISHING LOW PRICES EVER ATTEMPTED ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS IF THEY WERE AT THE ARCADE THURSDAY--AND THEY WILL TELL'YOU MOST LIKELY, OF THE HEAPS OF BARGAINS THEY BOUGHT. WE ARE NOT GOING TO TRY AND DESCRIBE OUR SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY IN THIS ISSUE, BECAUSE IT WILL PROBABLY SOUND EXAGGERATED, SO WE LEAVE IT TO YOUR GOOD JUDGMENT TO SHOP IN THE FORE- NOON AND AVOID THE CROWDS THE ARCADE SPRING OPENING SALE which was given subsequently, lina With reference to "Don Glovan- ni" the writer says: "This opera is awkward to cast, for it requires three prima don- White made frankly. it was difficult to wsay of the three--Miss Nellie as Donna Elvira, Miss foction was attained in the per-| Mabel Baker 'Don Glovanni,' Miss Audrey dallelously difficulties were overcome, and, Stear a8 Donna Anna, or| and once again impressed great- Mildmay, --~way the hest, are all delightfull fresh, they all act well, and Miss Mildmay was flirtsome, un gallant figure of the Don, and sang as well as he made love, and Leporello--Ronald |that has been slightly . was cleverly comle with-|for violin bows. Great sensitiveness |Red and orange out overdoing the part, "Arthur Hammond A compact projecting machine the Zer-| ly. He obtains his effects without |for showing still pictures has been designed that is so small it fits in the pocket like a small camera, Thelr volces| impressing his own personality." Leyland} 4 niysiclan In Germany has been experimenting with fine silver wire| Tests made by scientists prove roughened | that color effects are as follows: stimrilate, deep and brilljance of tone are achleved, [Yellow cheers, green hus a slowing conducted, | it js sald, with the new strings. effect and white induces irritation. "| WANT MY MAMA' Evening rales on "Anyone" (station-lo- station) calls begin at 7 pm. Night rates begin at 8.30 pm. Just give "Lon, Distance" the number you want -- it speeds up the service, lf you don't mow the distant number, "Informa tion" will look it up for you. It was really the first time Dorothy had ever been away from home alone. She was happy as could be at Aunty's, and romped and played the whole day long -- till bed- time came -- then a terrible fit of homesickness came over her. 'Aunty was at her wits' end . . . till she thought of Long Distance. In just a few seconds Dorothy's mother was talking to her little girl , . . quietly, firmly, cheerily . . » then she told her to let Aunty tuck her away in bed. Everything was all right after that. Dorothy felt that her mother really wasn't far away after all. And the tele- phone had saved Aunty from an awkward predicament -- at a cost of just 35 cents, wr IIRL) ¥