Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Apr 1931, p. 4

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\ Yo Kevolutionize Hal rdressing ndsay, -- After experimenting tor the 'vention that was ent hairdressin Cla at last perfected a machine at bids fair to revolutionize per- ent waving in the very near future, ww Paliceman Chosen . Fenelon Falls,--Mr. Maurlce Ir- p of Buckhorn has been chosen pom sv ral applicants for the of- 0 elon Falls' policema renton, to § past three years on au in- thought to be lly impossible by many pro authorities in n. P , B. Wilson, reaident r in charge of construction nton airport, said that he had received no intimation to the 1 that the Dominion Govern- tions at the airport. Abandoned Car Found Picton--A Ford Roadster was found on Thursday 'which had been abandoned in W. T. Stanley's orchard. The constable was nroti- fled and had it placed in aafe keep- ing. The license plate showed that it was from Tweed district so word was sent by phone to the mo- tor license issuer at Tweed. He Bot in touch with the owner who e came to W claim his property, Sisson | Opicken Thieves Active ndsay, = From ated districts of a George Street in the South Ward and from Oliver's' Lane in the North Ward---two chickea thefts were reported to the police yester- day morning, and their investiga- tions yestérday and today revealed TRUSS £00D SENSE t you were making the | fjpurch p of a mew car you would make up your mind to buy the car that would be most economical to run, and give the best service and, comfort. | 1¢ 1 18 your mistoreune ¢ ar fo 8 hy ete. Bb 4 wa S00 T, $0, 10.80 ¢11.00 amedafly Sloe St COACHES STOP AT ANY P 4 PASSENGERS--SIGNAL HAND TO THE DRIVER Coach connect Hamilton Hrantford, 1 jor sie Halo Midland, Jackson's Point y oh. Connections at Buffalo and Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES | Genosha Hote) USHAWA Pho =" Al ad » Ea a that in both cases the same proce- dure had been resorted to, of wringing the hens' necks and leav- ing the heads on the premises, Quinte League Unlikely Picton--A meeting of the Bay of Quinte Baseball League was held in Trenton Wednesday night but unless there is renewed inter- ment intended abandoning opera- est there is likely to be no inter mediate series this year. Trento announced that the town; wil oe unable to fleld a team od to lack of material. Maracle stated that t ing to enter provided opposition, You oy there is some Cheese Brog teres ville,--Due through the milk to Ne arp decline past couple tertown Produ nized in 1874 theese, has bee the heyday i Watertown Trade had as y ul40 ftacto- ries as members and le sales for everal hundred British boys e London, when they took. The most envied in the exhi Engineer of the Majestic possession in the worl wards, "and I coul Ship telephone service namely, "¥7niversal Service." xperienced paris ition was twelve year 0 . While dozens of bo; d chatted over the telep d hear Daddy v' to shore, airplane to are all comparatively recent steps in the the thrill or their | n a telephone conversation wi 8 gazed in one to her {: y. Hesaid he was very well. ery clear! land, moving train to telephone lives at the 8 th the world's ld Margot Ferguson, wide-eyed wonde ather. 'It was in home or ultimate aim of Bel £7 al 1 # jestic choolboy's Exhi largest liner in mid ter of the Assistant Ch daug ot, with all the se rment, Marg wonderful," she confessed after- APRIL 7, 193 bit Olympia, Atlantic. office and trans-Atlantic 11 Telephone engineers-- i p c f ief I= t c a year totalled d as 2,000,- 000, we Died at Age é Brocky, Reddick Catherine oldest woman ty, New York, of her grand- . Buskey. Mas- 103. She was Lae, Que, in Morrishurg [86 years ago to Geo Who dled In 1912, SE lor ven children, she is survived by oh fjahdebiidren, 35 great grand- | ereneangind four great great | SS -- May Suspend Milk Producers Belleville--T'or the fig time in local history, the Sanitary Inspec- tor H. McGinnis has beem given "aping powers hy the Beard of IH] At a meeting of that body yr last it was decided re . Lary Inspector st.ould 2 i%% [) AR A i HY ( ( r have full powers to sus ations of milk produce premises are found to sanitary condition. Heavy Los trous fire ty in some t day last when th and Mrs. Bruce Lake was completely The loss is expected to reach over ten thousan ance of not quite four Practically all the lost and this forms & big the loss as the the best furnishe stable headquarters No b at assumed his new dutie according to Insp of No. Constab his school went holmn who has Picton for the pas been moved to Toron sumed his new duties. pend oper- ra if their be in an un- s Sustained Picton,--One of the most disas- ¢ in Prince Edward Coun- ime was that on Tues- he fine home Hf Mr. MacDonald at Eas! destroyed. d dollars with insur- thousand. contents were pert of home was one of 1 in the county New Constable Here Provincial Con- from district Toronto has g¢ at Picton ector Lougheed 8 headquarters in this city. le Durnford after receiving {nstructional course in the into district L.ad- his first move He comes well Constable Chls- begn stationed in t two years has to and has as- Belleville, -- Durnford (uaters and this is putside the city. recommended. Esteemed Lady passes Sudden RETURN--$1.55 Eastern sStandarq Time LEAVE TORONTO AM. PM. a 780 8.30 9.80 10.80 11.80 P.M. 12.30 180 23 3.30 4.30 5.80 6.80 b 7.30 8.30 b 9.830 10.80 11.30 y. Sunda; only. y and OINT TO Pi PLAINLY 8% OF lagara Fails, Barrie, 0 . and intermediate ua, Detroit tor all U.8.A. points, | ne 2825 || Trenton,-- With shocking sud- deness, death called Mrs. Lewis A. Wilson, on Monday at noon, while at the dinner table in her bome. She spoke to her husband and then became unconscious. Dr. W. J. Johnston was immediately called and was soon in attendance hut found she was beyond medical ald, No Blame Tound jelleville,--A verdict of acci- dental death was rendered by the | Jury empanelled to inquire into the death of Mrs. Alice Rushlow who died instantly on March 24th when struck by a C.N.R. locomo- tive near the lower depot. The probe was conducted by Crown At- torney B. C. Donnan before Coro- ner Dr. Tennent at the police court rooms on Thursday nizht. The inquest was concluded iter five witnesses were heard. 452 Scholars Compete wae Belleville,~On Thursday from 9 a.m. until 5.30 p.m. with an in- termigsion at mbon, the competi- tions fn music in the four public *¢hoots, were held in the assembly all of Quebn Mary School before many {interested citizens. Bh seventy competitions and childr Jame four hundred and fifty bove ep taking part. Girls and funior ° singing. Duet singing, cholry at otuiadiate and senior medals A competing fof shields, rection m prizes underithe di- of Mr, V. P, Hunt} super- aking part by him in visor of music and all t receiving direct training the city schools. Not to be Operated Brockville--TFhere is little prospect of the pulpwood terminal west of Ogdensburg being operated this year, it is stated. The plant is owned by the International Paper Company: Operators were suspended a ycar or two .azo. Before the Pyrites papcf mill was closed large quantities of pulpwood were shipped to the ter- minal and transferred by rail. Cobourg Enters League Port Hope.~1he Cobourg Baseball Club has decided to prepare a team for competition this season in the Lakeshore Intermediate Baseball League against teams trom Oshawa, Peterboro and possibly Port Hope. Three plans were presented. at the club meeting this week: one that the club enter the Lakeshore Lealand League; two that the club arrange to play in the Lakeshore League only in the finals; and three, that the club enter the Lakeshore League. The latter plan was adopted. To Rebuild Kingston Hall Kingston.--At the meeting of the executive of the Board of Trustees of Queen's University, which was held on Thursday evening, it was de- cided to rebuild Kingston Hall, the New Arts Building. Fireproof con- structiop will be used throughout in the rebuilding, but the main floor plan of the interior of the hall will not be materially changed. The work will be started as soon as the examin- ations for this session are over and it is hoped to have it completed before the re-opening of the University for the winter term In Temporary Charge of Parish Lansdowne. -- Rev. J. Cantrell, formerly rector of Oxford Mills (and latterly of Kingston) is taking charge of the parish of Lansdowne for a few weeks, pending the appointment of a new rector, Esteemed Resident Passes Brockville.~John Grant McLennan well known esteemed resident of Brockville for fany. years, passed away on Friday morning at 11.30 o'clock at his residence, 67 Park st. following an illness which extended over a period of three weeks, MEMORIAL THEATRE OPENS NEXT YEAR Fine Building Will Be Ready for Shakespeare Birth- day in 1932 Stratford-on-Avon, England, Ap- rfl 7.--Shokespeare lives in Strat- ford-on-Avon today as he lives no- where else in the world. Here on his birthday, April 23, when the flags of all nations are unfurled in the High Street and a notable cele- bration takes place, the Shakes- peare Festival Company opens a season of the great plays. Right | through the summer, with a brief nterval during which the company Merforms in Oxford, Cheltenham, falvern and other nearby cities, jis remarkable body of players pre. its annually and week by week ht of the plays. 1s hoped that the Sh Morial Theatre under © ore will be completed 1 ormally opened on gh A LCXE year. " akespeare onstruc- n time ake- The of a he special d is to be 1 of any stage 21 feet wide front and 66 feet at the rear, and will be 45 feet deep. The Council Memorial Theatre at tates that after meeting all ing costs there is a sum of 570 available for endowmel poses. With accumulated 1 the bx expected to reach $500,000 the theatre is opened next ye as more subscriptions are the fund is being kept open. The British Fund, ine¢ludin D. Rockefeller's reached $749,096, of which 000 has been invested and securities, the Counc The amount in the American Committee at the last year was $629,975, total sum available of $1.8 The estimated cost of the t including building contrac tects' a roads and ap il proaches, is $9 Stratford-upon-Avon is as setting for Shakespeare and ly improving i quity year by year. spitit aboard today There in Bt Every brick and stone, served, ed by the st utilitarian 1 are being rest beauty of timber and Fields, threatened by th are purchased an their natural beauty. buildings erected within hundred years are pulled d reveal vistas of beauty whic have filled the he poet with joy. of the p for visitors to sign. the names inscribed s is not a corner of the worl does not pay the homage of ored to their old Obst At the bir born. All races there. demonstrates a living and | ing interest, rapidly that of the West. wv ' Quickest and Best Spring is a time of moving, of travelling, There are so many times wh wants to talk to persons out © Nothing is so quick, so €asy, isfactory, as Long Distance. voice is always the best. potdiu ArERSEAERREEL Trips Champion Makes steamer Ch Kingston. ~The Kingston dnd Ca) urday morning W the season was made. which in the summe a ferry service betwee and Clayton, will be in ser en the first The Ch Vv the Waubic is fitted out. ate is avoided. of the Shakespeare Stratford lance towards endowment is 260,000, in property hands. of making a ts, nd consultants' fee, terraces, n its veritable anti- which all the world must a each axe- hewn timber, which preserves any- thing of the days when Shakespeare lived, is jealously guarded and pre- Houses which were defac- ueco and plaster of the 8th and 19th centuries e builder, d preserved the art and eye of the oet a register stands open Year by year how that there d which to the house where Shakespear are repres The East and the Far East approaching activity--of of weddings. established communication between e Vincent on Sat- r time operates n Gananoque tween Kingston and 'the Cape until The at the build- $461,- it pur- nterest before ar, but needed g John has $150,- rtates, the end of 79,070. heatre, archi- 17,600. worthy actual- is ratford dmire. ancient brick. in ructing last own to h must thplace t 1 t a visit e Was ented | nereas- i en one f town. so sate The i . ampion trip of ampion ice be- Relieve that sore and achin rubbing the out UME BENGU Ben-Gay) The penetratin "BenGay" b de foly 3 agd cover wil funnel, Re : 8. qua ity o prings lief Bom of 'oe blood throat with the Animal Experime partment © the teeding val d to other feeds and for the vari- ous classes of live stock 1s sSUMMAT: | roupth day of the Londo {zed as follows:-- it is excelled on vantageously ducing anima and fattening stag base for dairy ci where the additional quired to balance the ration is oth- erwise supplied, falfa or high pro hay crops. Barley may be economically fed to work horses As a part of the grain ration. best rolled or br C oats in the fatt 1217, covering pou N.S.) may be 0 to the Publications Branch, ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, Has Narrow Esca boro resident, had from drowning recently. ting traps O broke thro" waters below. speeches the Prov sald: of other tries having given vote. m men and even ad fair sex, he bell of votes He went on all manner of © elections, and some special mechan a they would not be the next elections, pone the d tions the wome portunity of would give the! wanted. of the pi wanted t might be status, b! vi moved the six months Martin B. Fisher, M.L.A. for Huntingdon, election law of the prov women with p mind, persons able offences, persons subjects, persons 21, and was this Confederation tha denied the franeuse BARLEY INLIVE STOCK FEEDING Experimental Farms Branch Finds It Almost Equal of Corn (Experimental Farms Note) recen bandry Division, Farms Branch, In a pamphlet Hus ntal hi "Barley should as practically the with all classes of the feeding of wh grain has played part. admirably su production un conditions, al. It is equa fied for a place in the and finishing ratl dian live stock." Much other usef ue of 1. Barley is a roduet relatively ported corn. 2. ompa 3. It is now orn. 4. tability as compared is best fed in conjunction with oth- er grains. 6. Being of attening nature it 6. 11 he most useful It is genera 7. It is almost the feeding and fin attle, 8. for tel 9. 10. soarsely grou Barley, ro enin This very timely Port Hope. ~G-. n A 1 the ic at h from prat was near Mr. Eagleson i -------- QUEBEC MEMBER OF PARLT. DOUBTS IF WOMEN WANT VOTE Feminist Leaders, However, Insist on Franchise a------ (By The Canadian Press) I April 7.--~From Que., the bill Montreal, on incial It was al provinces That was th he members ature had to ality of this atters be better had the vote? pr hink so, eved dicate a m for women ng to in dd women to the 8 ecision? During the on, and if so, the able to im History tells manner. 1867 upon t pservient to Mm ndent and ab { "According tof tf Agriculture, The Greater Use of Barley in Live Stock Feeding," W siderable detail with tood 'for beef horses, sheep the following cattle, and swine, there is foreword :-- ich the latter It is a Cana ited to W der Canadian climatic and cultur- lly well quali- ul information re Canadian Rrown | gray) Westminster, cheaper than im-| oe 5 choir of girl readily available at | wyom are atively low prices. In total digestible ly by wheat and Barley lacks slightly in pala- a carbonaceous O\ may be most ad- used wit 1s in both the growing es. Canadian grain for swine feeding. With oats, it forms a good attle grain mixtures uised. led, cracked or nd, com N.S.) and also a 8 Itry feeding ( btained by wrl pe of Eagleson, a Bailie a narrow ndersons' Cr Fortunately I vote, 1 very we. and other coun- of the Queb first consider th in Quebec if WoO- for despite all miration he ovement in favor, to say that umors as to unless there course of the elec- n would have the op- arousing m the measure they Mr. Caron said that one rincipal reasons the women he vote was t ut only this had gone through and become law, which had satisfied the principal ground on which ote was wanted disappeared. ersons of uns convicted of in under the fair? Why women be so classified? a to allow the ince to remaf sition? Or w and place women on 2 their sisters in all the © inces in this Dominion ing women the franchis not create a precedent ince. had the righ from 1791 until has been produce their franchise was intelligent fair sex of th n in this degr {11 we extric t to vote 1867, he com ifg lite. matel males we are ority Ww ductive atest ava are appro: literate mal females. ate males to govern, and right from Women have de the improvemenh tions and the hed ous communities. great work along nal and child welfd "The education always been entrust the home and in th father being incling duty toward his ¢ respect. Women ability to act sug issues. They aig p, pelled to remain idle nger com. bread of depende ahd eat the Iu} eondusting ofS axe success. alent and WwW requires used. Women o Dtelligently accomplish this. il ones who this House to label Noe behooves quated being as SE. as tion, neither is it women of this pr quate beings, incap sound judgment, infer in the other provinces phimbi RAE BLIND GUIDES 5, London.--The feature: p) 25,000 more females than Province, the; : overned by are ed considered con 20 government, The ima Hsties state thete i Ately 2,500 more fx this province than (ducated wo elad much ti social condi. Ith of their ondj- ey have done line of mater. the ed n? me to tly issued by he e- re. entitled, young has to women in KF school, the tii neglect his haren. in this Ave shown the essfully in Fit ch deals in con= barley as @& dairy cattle, be regarded equal of corn live stock in South Carolina 4 At the Board ATLANTIC ¢ Newest Centrally an important dian product {despread growing ons of Cana- barley compar- Write. Phone of RB LUDY, 3 Festival at was the} guides--to Competition Cottage blind--who Wom, Princess Mary Challenge Stan against seven other choirs. \ REMOVING TAR STAINS 1k stockings can By Tar stains in si | removed by covering the marks with pure butter and leaving this until the tar becomes loose. Afterwards wash in the usual way. me TRAVELLING CLOTHES HANGERS Swiss nutrients with corn and h meat pro- women are making use of folding clothes hangers for and uscful little now be obtained Many the new travelling purposes, leather cases may _ obtain for containing these uccessities. The cases, square In shape, will hold six folding hangers of enamelled wood, and a small clothes brush is packed at each side. FEMININE TIES Wotnen are apparently to wear ties again with their blouses this Spring, and some of the newest ties are made in very attractive styles. The pifi dot appears on many of the designs, eith- er in blue on a darker blue back- ground, or in black on a white ground. Some of the strined ties are designed with short scarves to match. Jp.S DEATH AT THE WHEEL ADE London.~H. G. M. Conybeare, ag- Depart- ed 72, of Ingatestone, Essex, chair- Ont. | man of the Chelmsford magistrates, + | collapsed at the wheel of his car : - when driving in Chelmsford and died almost immediately. ELECTROCUTED IN BATH London.--Jjohn Mansfield Hands, aged 14, of Warley, Worcestershire, was electrocuted through apparently touching the wire of a radiator while having a bath, y recognized as grown qually useful in ishing of beet protein Tre- "A Stro HEAD OF enews MAIL Excelsior Life 36 Toronto Sty Please send "Endowm esample, by al- n cereal-legume safely and It is Name. Address. bines well with g of lambs. pamphlet (No. imilar one No. 128, escape While set- eek he hitled Mug- and and rescubd the cold waters. e¢ into the ¢ TR ---- Alpaca dresses and coats should be washed in a solution of warm water and soap flakes, If the garments are hung out to dry without wringing they will become as crisp and glossy as when new. Aspirin al does it witho to the heart; it always b AS NEW MOTOR CUSHIONS Leather motor cushions have been decorated in a variety of ways, and some of the newest are simple, but extremely smart. The leather is in the Air Force blueigolor, with large gold wings worked ifiggne corner, ni f to give women Mr, Caron 11 to talk eo women the flair, but ec Legls- e men. Would th eir a ovince. He did not the respect had for the there was noth- the province. there were coming was {sm created to electoral lists able to vote at 0 why not post- in public opin- new deputies hat they prove their civil session a bill [YSU stiaWtiaiers | A the most that chewing gum offers--try a package today and see how good good gum can be. 1t keeps the teeth white, breath sweet andiiii\ The day's work much easier wi WRIGLEY"S to $00tE= and refresh. 80 He Hi the women, \\ Y | holst. Conservatl sald ince cla us used in an /It wae only in of the Act of 'women were remaining leading a de-| latest avail areglenproxi-

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