Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Apr 1931, p. 7

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Interesting Pen Impres. sions of the Coming Attractions on ... Hook, Line And Sinker: Playing At Regent Theatre For. screamingly funny situations, Radio Pictures farce, "Hook, Line and Sinker," . co-featuring Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsley at the Regent theatre today and Monday is the season's masterpiece. "Tt is a "straight comedy even fun- nier than "The Cuckoos," and "Half Shot at Sunrise." : "It lifts these comedy kings tnto a class' by thémselves, specialists in comedy, both high and low. ; They are at their best at clowning and they are also at their best when genuine dramatic artistry is required. The story starts with a roar and gains in momentum, which never slacken speed nor volume. The boys start out as insurance salesmen , .. politely steal a whole railroad train . .. butt in on the affairs of a beauti- ful girl . . . take over the hotel she has inherited . , . fill it with society dowagers and their jewels evs and then, when publicity brings all the crooks in creation into the hotel, the plat begins in earnest, The gitl's mother detests Wheeler. Woolsey plots, to marry the mother so he can become the girl's father and give her to Wheeler, The crooks plot to slay the heroes and cop every- thing for themselves, Dorothy Lee, as the daughter, gives her usual vivacious = perform- ance. Jobyna Howland, the tall comediénne of "Dixiana," is a scream. Fine dramatic artists, Ralf Hardlde, George Marion, Natalie Moorhead, Stanley Fields and Bill Davidson, round out an all-star supporting cast for the comedians. "THE BACHELOR FATHER" If you can't laugh your head off with safety, leave it home before gO J to, see Matfion Davies' new talkie which) be a gala Easter weck attra the Regent next Tuesday nesday. ; This hilarious Metso A- Mayer feature is strictly a. laughing matter. It starts with a guffaw and ends with hysterics. The locale and characters being practically 100 per cent British, Miss Davies is a harem-scarem pro- duct of Hogan's Alley: who is trans- planted, as it were, upon an aristo- cratic' estate in England 'where a goumpy' baronet, who believes he is her her father by a distant marriage, tries" to' make' a lady-sand a nd one--of her. She rebels at almost everything that transpires except in the case of an incipient romance with the baronet's personable young at- torney... =... % C. Aubrey Smith, distinguished British stage veteran, who created the role on the stage, repeats his adroit performance on the sereen and adds much merriment and joy to his characterization, Ralph Forbes, as the young bar- rister, supplies the romance for the picture, which was capably directed by Robert Z. Leonard of "The Divor- cee" fame, Others in the sterling supporting cast are Guinn Williams, Nena Quartaro, Doris Lloyd, David Torrence, Ray Milland, Edgar Nor- members of the cast are Britishers. "INSPIRATION" From gorgeous creations, exquisite toilettes and lavish surroundings, Greta Garbo goes to threatbare cos- tumes, unkemptness and squalor in "Inspiration," her latest Metro-Gold- wyn-Mayer talking picture is coming to the Regent theatre next Thursday Thursday and Friday, The change is not a gradual one but comes with a dramatic sudden- ness as the central plot of the story reaches its crucial point, The story was written especially for the Swedish star by Gene Mw key and depicts a romantic episode in the life of a Paris model. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES' REPORT WAS PRESENTED (Continued from page 1) ents present) " pupils examined without i Defective Vision Detective Hearing ,.. Disease of the Eye qisees 2 Disease of the Ear ¢..... 1 Defective Nasal Breathing 6 Abnormal Tonsils vs... 26 Defects of 'Teeth "The Bachelor ore To ; defect found Kind of Defect Found Class of Defect J | Pulmonary Diseases iv... 2 {Cardiac 'Diseases ....v.v Diseases of the Nervous S. 0 Detective Digestion ,.... Speech Defect Exclusions From School (Found in class-room by Nurse and excluded from school) Chickenpox Defects Defects Found Correct. ween 1 Boxcoo~ - eT 1 0 Skin Infections (Found in closs-room: by Nurse and excluded from school) Scabies .. Impetigo Pediculosis Ringworm "Pink Eye" "On anajyeing the school wor! shea aad veensad above record of one notices that medical examinations, ¢arried out by our two medigal officers, are proceeding rap- idly. These examinations are being carried on in four schools, Simcoe North, Mary St, King St, and Cen- tre St. The invaluable character of this work can be appreciated from the number of defects found and ul- timately reportc! corrected. Invari- ably, were these examinations not done as now being performed, a child might go for years, with defects uncorrected, and it8 parents be quite unaware -of disease conditions pres- ent in their child until too late for ton, Halliwell Hobbes, Elizabeth Murray and James Gordon. As you may notice, practically all of the the condition to be remedied. The future health of the school child, in many cases, depends on findings GRETA GARBO, who with Robert Montgomery, Lewis Stone and Marjory Rambeau, will be featured at the Regent theatre next Thurs. day and Friday in "Inspiration." Who ts coming to the New Martin JOHN BOLES Who plays a leading role in "Res. urrection" coming to the New Martin Theatre. RONALD OOLMAN DOROTHY MACKAILL Who will be seen in "Once a Sin. ner" at the New Martin Theatre. made of these medical examinations and action taken on the report made thereon." Immunizations "In these four schools mentioned elsewhere, immunizations have been carried forward and are being com- Reted against Diphtheria, Scarlet ever and Smallpox, School Treatments Simcoe St. North 157 doses Mary Sti iiicennvess +.218 doses King'st....., 202 doses Centre St. ...... reve, 373 doses 950 protective Total "The real value and readily be noted when it is realized that, at the present time, not a single school child is under quarantine for - one of these three diseases." ome Visits Re: Public Health Interests Visite To adults To, Pre-natal To Post-natal To Infants ....eeesisrecsnees 90 To Pre-schools A) Re: School Alscntees .uooveeessi272 Physical Defect (school-age) 82 Acute Communicable Disease 234 Acute Skin Disease (Comm.) 26 Tuberculosis 28 Venereal Disease Social Welfare vuvus.. Not Found Total Homes Visite! Total individuals visited .... Child Welfare Bedside Care, Children ..,..16 Infants ...... 7 Total 51 in "The Devil to Pay" ml ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS. FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCREEN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES quality in these immunizations can, Among the many outstanding productions booked for the Regent theatre during the next few weeks are, "East Lynne" featuring Ann Harding, «Conrad Nagel and Clive Brook: "Viennese Nights" the Sig- mund Romberg Fazenda, and Ruth Chatterton in her new production, "Unfaithful. » * * » Keeping up to the high standard of photoplays for h the New Martin theatre is noted, they usher in this month, undisputedly a group of the finest talking pictures procurable. You may keep in intimate touch with their offerings by referring to this newspaper or phoning the Box office. " "i. Easter visitors in town next weck will find enticing entertainment at the Regent theatre, where Marion Davies is featured Tuesday and Wednesday in "The Bachelor Father" and Greta Garbo, Robert Mont- gomery and Lewis Stone Thursday and Friday in "Inspiration." agin Ben ig of the New Martin theatre announces that securing Charlie Chaplin's latest film sensa- will have its Oshawa premier early in May. * * » LJ The management of the Regent theatre announces today that commencing Tuesday, April 28th, and each Tuesday evening thereafter, every lady attending the theatre will be presented with a beautiful picce of dresserware, a different piece each 'Tuesday until a complete set of twenty-six pieces has been received, The entire set is now on display in Adam# Furniture Store window. * » * » New Martin theatre wishes to annoynce that on April the 18th , will start, Jack Marks, manager he has been successful in tion, "City Lights," which Th "The Spell of the Cireus," Universal's mighty circus seria Aon a» On Friday, April 17, the Regent theatre is reverting back to Mon- day openings, On and after that date programmes will be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, each playing the usual two days, "TODAY AND MONDAY 'pee! HOOK. LINE Turning 4 Broadway Ho» . tel into » Nut Hotsée Running Wild from Fivst, , Floor to Fortieth in a" Riot of Blam-bang Fun and Whirlwind Whoo DIZZIEST ARRAY OF NUTS AND NIT-WITS OUTSIDE OF ASYLUM WALLS A RIOT OF FUN! SINCLAIR PLEASED TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY WITH WORK DONE BY COLLEAGUES PANIC OF MIRTH! (Continued from page 1) cost-plus basis. The amendments to the Power Commission Act were closely scrutinized, with the result that valuable changes were made. The members now return to their respective homes with no formulated plan to carry to the people of their ridings other than their own, the message of the session. With full participation in all activities through- out the session and with full know- ledge of all that the session involved, I, with the other members, go back to. my riding to pursue my own ac- tivitigs, limited politically by the boundaries oF my riding. "I am glad the Liberal members have received full, publicity in. the press for all their sessional activities #0 that the party in general has had the inspiration which has come from their efforts, The dissemination of Liberal thought and the results of the concentrated efforts of the Liberal members of the House during the last session now fall to the lot of the Leader who has not the personal ad- vantage of contact with them or with the sessional work: 'Ag Leader of the Opposition I want pblicly to thank the Liberal members for their united efforts on behalf of the party during the session, handicapped as they were by lack of the advantages of a recognized party Leader as their director in the Legislature, and to pay tribute to them as the recognized elected representatives of the party in. Ontario, 1 hope one and all have a successful recess at their own oc- cupations," APPEAL MADE FOR In. the most talked of 'plc tare of the yon! As Tony, the bachelor fath- er's favorite child Marion gives her er o wning comedy per formance. It's VIVACIOUS SAUCY THRILLING HILARIOUS COMING ' THURSDAY GRETA GARBO Lewis. Stome== Robert Montgomery "INSPIRATION" n What a Cast! What a Picture! CLEANUP OF CTY (Continued from page 1) en permission to move out immediat- ely, the buildings being declared un- fit for habitation, and not to be re- let until placed in sanitary and hab- itable condition, "It i# a great pleasure to note the recent action of the City Council in deciding to run a water-main to the Oshawa Harbour. ' This Main will be a great benefit to Oshawa-at-the- Lake and will meet a long-felt want of the inhabitants at Oshawa Beach, for a satisfactory supply of water for domestic purposes, as well as fire protection. This Main will also be of considerable value in allowing Indus- trial development in the Harbour area, Nuisances Complained of "Now that we are anproaching the "clean-up" season of the year, num- erous complaints of dirty yards, ob- jectionable hen-houses, manure piles, etc, are appearing. All of the pre- mises complained of have been vis- ited by your Inspector, the conditions investigated, and necessary instruc- tions issued to have objectionable conditions cleaned + at once and premises placed in a sanitary condi- tion, Complaint Re: Civic Water Supply "Several complaints have been re- ceived at the Board of Iealth office, {rom householders and tenants in the Park Rd. district, concerning the City Water supply and dealing with dirty water coming from the house taps. This complaint has arisen through a new connection made in i ---- «The Avenger 3 At New Martin steln's producing ability, Schenck, sald! d " LL new medium of soun : a to motion pictures more and more distingulshed jigures : the theatre, and I am I : Based on the WaWhappy and professionally proud to Murietta, a Spanish bandit ® pg ing to the screen the demon: early California gold rush wy, prated talents of Arthur Hammers the story presents a skillful by in. who Will find greater £cope ing of colorful background, stu, rah opportunity In a tield ak as on aap renaiy to [Okt oflen oundiess ARES I) personate* a dashing, romany, i Solok; sound ho experience hero of the daredevil, Swaghbus, hake heen made available to this ling type and to say that he ca. hose desire ries off the honor gracefully i" hae Ba, 2as to put it mildly. Dorothy Revie! wh, PRE to associate bimes appears as a pretty fichool teacher| oo m ization " Q and gives an usually sym our org i \ Buck Jone Showy "The Avenger." | the feature which opnes at \, J Martin theatre tonight, wl Buck Jones with the best feature he has had in Nyy moon, life of J pathetic performance. Splendid bits of character act- ing were contributde by Sidney Bracy, Edward Pell, sr., Otto Hoff man and Edward Hearn. Roy Wil- llam Neill has shown a fine sense of dramatic values In his direc- tion, LOTTERY BRIDE" ! Three of the biggest film cor- porations in the industry tried to tempt Arthur Hammerstein, New York stage impresario, with offers before he finally agreed to pro- duce for Joseph M, Schenck, president and chairman of the board of directors of United Artists, Hammerstein's first of a series of lavish screen musical features is 'Lottery Bride," directed by Paul L, Sein, which comes to the Martin theatre next Thursday, Friday. Among his stage successes are the current hit, "Sweet Adeline", and previously 'Rose Marie", "Firefly", "Katinka and 'High Jinks". The music for the latter four and for "Lottery Bride" was composed by Rudolf Frimil, light opera genius. In commenting on United Ar- tists' acquisition of Hammer- "ONCE A SINNER" When Dorothy Mackaill. Was \ first informed that she had been thosen to portray the leading Character in the Fox movietone,: 'Once A Sinner which opens Tuesday 'wt the Martin Theatre. & frown crept over the brow of this = charming \netress, who is extremes = ly particular as to the roles she = enacts. Buk ag Guthrie McClintle, Who directed the pleture, outlined the story aq the drama of a girl Who relates the truth of her past to the man ghe loves, only to re= gret it after they are married, the frown disappegred and the sparkle came buck int her large and ex« pressive eyes, "lg. 1 the enjoy playing, afll, "i lesson, | man's past belongs to woman J man knows about life, the hefter are, for it is thi which causes mo troubles and many orces, My advice to af or sweetheart is if § hold your man, hold type of role I the water main and that then not completely blown off and house- holders who would be affected by the sunnly, not having been notified to allow the water to run from their house supply until clear. It is ex- pected that conditions are cleared up now and no further complaint will occur. It is possible that there will be complaint of taint in the water, on acconnt of the new Water-Main piping installed, still for a short time, This, however, will rapidly pass away, No harmful condition can arise therefrom." Lord Sanderson, in Wi raphy, tells a good Shas A young man of his lof quaintance desired to be to the noted Irishman, wish and as they shook said in a rather patronis ner, "I 'have been wanting you for a long time, Mr, S G. B, S. gave him a keen said with a not of satirical J ment, "And I, my dear Blan been living for this day eve" saw the announcement of in the newspapers." TONIGHT AND MONDAY BUCK JONES . ith DOROTHY REVIER mn THE AVENGER A Thrilling, Breath-Taking All-Talkir ng Western ADDED CAMPUS CHAMPS--SERIAL NO. 11 --SINGING SAPS ER with MACKAILLS JOHN HOLLIDAY €. HENRY GORDON Can a woman share: her 'husband's future without making him a sharer in iher past? Today's story 'of love and the marriage gome.. An answer tothe eternal question. ADDED PATHE NEWSREEL TOBY THE PUP UARTOON / LEATHER PUSHERS (fii New Martin eatre | Soon, Charlie Chaplin, in City Lights

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