Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Apr 1931, p. 5

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.JOSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1931 PAGE FIVE Women's Interes in the Home and The Community Social & Personal Any social notes which reads ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the Times Office before 10.70 a.m, the day they are to be pub- lished. [Items of news concern. ing dances, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. M. McIntyre Hood was in Toronto last night speaking over radio sta- tion CFCA in the interests of the Canadian Legion membership 'cam- aign, He was accompanied by E. B amieson. | Mr. A. E, O'Neill will be the spe- tal speaker at the Monday after- noon session of the Ontario School Libraries Association, Toronto, of which the Librarian of the Colleg- fate and Vocational Institute is presi- dent. Other speakers will include Miss Wilder ot" the College of Edu- 'cation. » LJ] . Mrs. W. H. Harold, are spendin holiday in Campbell - Greenley and son their Easter ord. Miss Alice Harston wad Ernest Scho- field, of Oshawa, are spending Easter week with relatives in Marmora, On- tario. ow . Rev. and Mrs. J. S. I. Wilson, of this city were in Toronto yesterday visiting their daughter, rt On Saturday, March 28th, Mrs. Edward .A. Collins of 247 Bruce St., entertained at a bridge in hon- our of Miss Marie Cairns, a bride- to-be of this month. After the bridge a dainty tea was served by the hostess. »* » » Miss Evelyn Andison, Fairbank St., is spending the week end with friends in Peterborough. . Ll LJ LJ Misses Florence Cox, Beryl! Rob inson, Louise Lowe, Mrs." A. Cox and Mr. F. Cox are spending the Easter holiday and week end in Detroit. LJ " » Rev: W. Norman Greenway, woll known evangelist throughout the MATCHLESS BEAUTY onourr "sen machine ethods finest obtainable, Let ds athe you the on ng Po waves achieved oe ery al process <- sof, natural waves nal \J Saat iy e's own in lus. What would be more appro- priate? Than a permanent wave for Easter. Phone now for an appointment or call to talk it over with us. Regular $15 for $10 Regular $10 for $7.50 WATSON'S Beauty Parlors 8 Celina St. Phone 2653 LADIES' SPRING COATS $12.95 and up The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. S. United States and Canada, will preach Easter Sermons at the First Baptist Church on Sunday, Mr. Greenway is a violinist and lead: of song as well as a preacher, " o, ® ow Mr. Blake of the Royal Bank Staff is spending the week-end with his parents in Kingston. . wo» Mr. and Mrs, A. Davey and daughter of St. Catharines nre spending the Easter holiday and week end with. the former's pars ents, Mr. and Mr, J. Larocque, 112 Barrie Ave. " " w Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and daughter, Toronto, is spending the holiday and week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. VanLuven, North Oshawa. . LJ AJ Miss Winogene Pipher, Toronto, spent the holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pipher, Bruce St. » » J] Miss Mamie Wigg and nephew, Kenneth Wigg, are spending East- er in Rochester, New York. : *» J] LJ Mr. Ray O'Hara of Oshawa, is visiting friends in Stratford for the week-efid. » ® Mr. Stewart Ball has gone to his home in Clinton, Ontario for the Easter week-end. * Mr, Fred Fowke, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fowke, King Street E., is spending Easter in Montreal. . LJ * 3 Mr. Allan Williams of Montreal, is visiting his mother Mrs. A. Wil- lames, of. this city tor the week- end. LJ Ld LJ Mrs. L. Cordick and Miss Laidlaw, on the public sch teaching staff of the city, ieft iast evening to -spend 'Easter in New York City. . LJ -. Miss Josephine Bellew of this city is spending the Easter holi- day in Ottawa, . w . 'Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross, and daughters Misses Elsie and Alice, are spending Easter Sunday with Mrs. Ross' father, Mr. W. A. 'locd- win of Lindsay, Ontario. . - LJ Mr. Willlam Van Wagner of Windermere Road, Walkerville, is visiting Mr. Harry Dick, John St., Oshawa, for a few days. LJ LJ » Miss Hester Vokes of Hamilton, is in town for the Easter vacation, visiting her father, Mr. A. Vokes, Albert Street. © - A Mrs. Payne of Montreal is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Beaumont, 526 Rogers Road, for the Easter holiday, L - LJ Miss Marion Gowdy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N, M. Gowdy, of 'Walkerville, formerly of WJshawa, is spending the Easter vacation in town, 'the guest of "Miss * Jeuu Alloway, Simcoe Street North. . w * Mrs. Thomas Malcolm of Mont- real, is' the guest of her daughe ter, Mrs. Roland Moffatt, Kings ton Road, East. Ld Mes. L. Palmer and daughters, Leone and ye King street east, are the Easter Rests of Mr. and Mrs. Palme: SIMCOE STREET | W. JM. 8. MEE The Easter meeting of Simcoe Street United Church Jowmer's Missionary Soclety, was held n Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Adair, the present, was In the chalr. ¥Fol- lowing a general business discus- sion a delightful programme was rendered. Mrs. Stewart Alger sang a solo; Mrs. James read a charming Easter Message. iss Marion Henderson of Ontario Ladies' College rendered a vocal solo, and a number waa sung by the quartette compored of Mre. 8. Alger, Mrs. Nicolts, Mrz. W. Hare, and Miss Jean Keddie, Mrs. Hallett presiding at tue plano The address of the afternoon was de- livered by Mrs. Harry Thompscn of Whitby. After the closin: of the meeting with prayer by Mrs. Harston, afternoon tea was served. A skeleton recently found at Brighton, England, is declared to be 4,000 years old. Rev. 8. F. L. Bernays, of Finch- ley, England, church, has banned Sunday weddings. TEETHING troubles ome so suddenly then. But there's ne sure wa to comfert a restless, * Castoria ~ made ny for babies and children! harmless, as the rmula on the wra tells you, /s mild in taste and action. Yet : Hghte little upsets with a never aili ng ¢ That's the beauty of this special sider s remedy! It may be given infants--as often as there 5 In cases of colic and similar Surbaaces it is in every day uses all mothers should vin di A coated tongue by, /, WEDD;S GRANT--§ On Thursday cvegril 2nd, a very pretty weddingolemnized by Rev. Jull, at tigd Church manse, Brooklin, wl§$ Beatrice Magee, daughter offlagee, and the late Mrs. Mag united in marriage to Mr. J Grant of Brooklin. The br attended by Miss Caroline | while the room was ably sl by Mr, os Butler, The bride was p gown of monet b shoes to match an ful bouquet of cary heart roses. The frock of royal blug and hat to match After the cerem was held at the h cousins Mr. and 58 Queen street tables were prett flowers, while th bride's sable was a wedding cake. TH assisted by Mrs. After the supper evening was spent cing. The beautif tested in large me in which the pop held, After the even the bride and gf shower of confety ttired in a h hat and 1 a beauti- and swect- hid wore a lack shoes reception the bride's ohn Groat, hwa. The rated with e of the bvith a large ss was ably an Magee, served the sand dan- ing gifts at- the esteem puple were tertainment eft amid a ood wishes, for tlieir new home if Brooklin where Mr. Grant is a farmer, work- ing for Mr, W, Dryden. GIRL GUIDES' MOTHERS' COUNCIL HOLDS MEETING A meeting of the 2nd Oshawa Company Girl Guides Mothers' Council was held on Wodnesday afternoon, April ist at tho home of Mrs. Copeland, Mary Street, It was largely attended. Mrs, O. S. Hobbs was in charge. Mrs. Gore don Ratcliffe who has started a mothers' training class in this council gave an interesting talk on Nature Study and informed the mothers present of the approach- ing visit of Mrs. William Ruttle, Canadian Brownie Trainer who ex- pects to visit Oshawa Wednesday, April 8th, and will speak at the regular meeting of Brownies in Christ Church Parish Hall, It was announced that the next coun- cil meeting will be held on Friday, May 12th. At the conclusion of the meeting, Mrs. Copeland served tea. The men gathered in front of the station were eye-witnesses of a most peculiar procedure, They saw one voungster fasten a muzzle on his lit- tle brother. One finally asked: "What's the idea of 'that ?" "'Cause I'm sending him for some candy." Groans Can 1 cleanse, stimulate, end proteet your sk in as cll: ou do your body, it will respond by glowing vith heabich is the only true basis for loveliness, A roEN's PP reparations are definite! y red to Eh or a health. No cream can work miracles, but for Elizalrder' 8 booklet " containiite instructions. Elgrdm's Venatian Toilet Preparations are on sale a! ) The Rexal JRY & LOVELL LTD. King Sfhone 28 QOL Dliracles. L] Ask The Quest of the Beautiful," I Stores Simcoe St. 8, Phone 68 | ter another as your turn over the | pages of Steele, Briggs' selected for purity iy od erm nation and most suitab Canadian Gardens. To = best--sow the best. For bigger, better crops sow REATESY SECO HOUSE" TO . sot hliniion A "REGINA - EDMONTON ---- WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Worthington ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN A smart interpretation of peplum styling that will be found so gen- erally becoming. A panel front and panel back from waistline to hem, creates a lengthened line and cone; ceals hip breadth. | The softly draped cowl effect ale> has a narrowing effect on the bodice. It's perfectly adorable in printed crepe silk in new purplish blue e,l- ouring. It will meet any daytime occasion graciously and at the same time it may be worn tor shopping or for street wear. Style No, 3017 js extremely simple to make. It may be had in sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bus ;t. In plain navy blue, grey or beige flat crepe silk, it is equally charm- ing and Paris favourite shades for spring. . Lightweight woolens may also be used for this model. Size 36 requires 4 yards 39-inch. You will sec one attractive style af- our new Spring Fashion Book. Styles 'for children or the miss, the matron, the stout----and a series of dressmaking articles. It is a book that will save you money. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or com (coin | preferred.) Price of book 10 cents. 20 cents. Price of pattern No. 3017. Size «einai Nearly 200,000 men, women and children in Java will be engaged this year in making pandan and bamboo hats. DRAPERIES MADE NEW "When we resumed housékeep- ing a month ago I found my drap- erfes had become creased from packing. I hung them out on the line, hoping to remove the creases. Then I forgot them. The result was they became badly faded and sun-spotted. "I was heartsick until the hap- py thought struck me to dye them. I just dyed them a deeper green, and as I used Diamond Dyes, they look gorgeous and new, I have never seen easier dyes to use than Diamond Dyes. They give the most beautiful colors--when used either for tinting or dyeing--and never take the life out of cloth as other dyes do." Mrs. J. F.T., Montreal. { the Earl made EASTER MEETING STALTER "Y" The Easter mecting of the Stalter "¥" was held at the home of Mrs Herancourt, 66 Drew strect on Wed- nesday evening last. The wors ship service was in charge of Miss Lillian Phillips, during which, Miss Violet Clark rendered a very pleasing vo- cal solo and Miss Vela Harris told an Easter story. Miss Doris Ba). ter contributed a fine piano solo, ter which the remainder of the evens ing was turned over to the president. The evening closed with an enjoyable sing song and the serving of lunch by the hostess. There is nothing like a good sponge cafle tor the afternoon tea table or to accompany a frozen din ner dessert. recipes for you to try. rue Sponge Cake 6 egg volks 1 cup fine sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice Rind of » lemon, grated 0 egg whites V4 teaspoon Salt 1 cup pastry flour If you are using a bread flour or all-purpose hard wheat flour, remove 2 level tablespoonfuls from your mea- sured cupful--this is done because a hard wheat flour has more thicken- ing power than a pastry flour which is milled from oft wheat. Sift any flour once before measuring and four times after measuring--to make it very light and airy, Begin by separating the eggs and beating the yolks in one bowl until they are thick and lemon coloured. Divide the sugar in half and add one portion, a little at a time, beating vigorously into the egg yolks. Beat until the sugar i$ dissolved (remem- bering my hint tor the sugar will dis- solve more easily. EARL BESSBOROUGH GIVEN WELCOME T0 CANADIAN SOIL (Continued from page 1) | Nova Scotia, judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, Deputy Administra tor of the Dominion Gov't, the pro- vincial premier and his cabinet. We offer the following | | tical affairs. He gave his assurarge | | Th B ta C the * Canadian people would be quick e es oo 2 to recognize and proclaim the juters o est and co-operation of Your Excel RING is lency in all those matters which | made for the welfare of Canada and | the Empire as a whole." The governor-general expressed | thanks for the welcome estended to | him and his family, and thanked the | premier for his expression the loyalty of the Canadian people. Hef would take an early opportunity or | od | LLS _ conveying this expression to the | po King, he said. | ly He said he looked forward with in- | Jers ud pleasure to his term in Canada of Is LANA WILLINGON ON ROUTE FOR INDIA New Viceroy to India and Countess Willingdon Given Enthusiastic Sendoff London, April 4--The Earl and Countess of Willingdon received an enthusiastic send-off when they lett London on Thursday on their way to India. The crowd at Victoria Sta- tion was an immense one, and the boat train was delayed for five minutes, ESSEX FINEST PIRFORMING SIX HUDSON EVER BUNT Competes with the LOWEST in Price . . . Challenges the FINEST in Quality the new Viceroy of [1 wife were Right lio Ww Benn, Secretary for Tide: Righ Hon, J. H. Thomas, Secretary for thd Dominions; Right Hon. = Stanley Baldwin, Conservative Lcader; Lord Reading, former Viceroy of India; Sir John Simon, who headed the In- dian Statutory Reform Commissior and representatives of t Prime Minister and the India Offi Ie bers of the Council of India: Sir. C. Chatterjee, Indian High. (os sioner to Great Britain; Luci caud, . representing the High Commissioner's office, ar dreds of others, I'he address of welcome from the | Prinme Minister and the provincial «Jcials were rcad to their excellen- cies and Miss Mildred Bennett pre sented a bouquet of flowers to the countess. The assembly arose anc their o xcellencies held a reception at the terminals, They were to leave tor Ottawa by special train at four o'clock. Previous to the ceremony, Preni- ier Bennett, with the Deputy-Admin- istrator and Hon, C. MH, Cahan, sec- retary of state, went aboard the liner |] and paid their respects. The streets were draped with flag and colored bunting and cheering school children filled all spaces, Loyalty to the Crown and minion, strength jrom the past and faith in the future, were expressiy by Prime Minister Bennctt's infor- mal address to the new Governor- General. In a fitting reply to the welcome, a gracetul reference to the French blood of Her Excellency. "We believe it is given to her to es pecially understand the that bond between the British peo- ple and her own, which makes them forever co-workers in the great cause the Do i of Canadian progress." It was Premicr Bennett's "privilege to humbly request your Excellency to convey to His Majesty, the King, an assurance of profound and affection- ate devotion and loyalty of the Can- adian people to His throne and per- son," He rejoiced that His Excel- lency "combines with those qualities which have so distinguished the ser- vice of your family to the state in| the past two centuries, a wide knowl- edge of the business of world prac- available | strength of | Essex is the only low-priced car that follows the motor design of the highest -priced cars in using light-weight moving parts and in engine speed Essex introduces fine-car style and Super-Six smoothness to the low-priced field. It is strongly built to assure lasting satisfaction and enduring dependability. It, challenges the performance of! any six and matches the econe omy of cars most noted for low operating cost. It gives you, Rare Riding Comfort for the first time at its low price. This design enables Essex to de- velop more power at the same motor speed and the same power at a Jower motor speed than the "Low-Speed" cars. It permits greater power '7. nroportion to weight, better b. ancing of crank- shaft loads, improved bearing lubrication, more efficient cooling and enables Essex motors to out- last low-speed engines. 70 Miles an Hour ¢ 60 Horsepower ¢ Big and Roomy RARE RIDING COMFORT The Value Sensation in a Year of Sensational Values ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. LTD. 1135 KING ST. W. OSHAWA | fa dd it a well, dou Tul ve any little u liberal 4 of this pure paration is usually pt Genuine Castoria has a Te ere en su SOLES, ' OPPING = BOUGHT A NEW PARTY HY Tor TOM\GH T IMPORTED PACE PONDS Jats VE SUSY IX) T AND A BON Re HO JSYou ) A SOOO TRIP, MAC (BOOMING wiTH MI ILL\E bo 7 A ) i © ¢/ LD 5) TO Go THAT "TRIP THIS AFTERNOON, BOSS - ! FEEL SiCk yi RS JL. COTTON "CONTINUED

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