Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Mar 1931, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1931 PAGE ELEN 1£1¢ Is To Be Bought Or Sold - Times Classified Ads Will Do I Dental , GUNANT & ANNIS sins Solicitory, Notaries public. Ete Conveyancing and. general prac tice in Law, Office 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Fhone 4. G. nN. Conant, B.A, LLLB.; A. F, An. nis, B.A, LL.B, W. E. N, SINCLAIR K.C., BANK of Comuierce Building. JOSEPH P. MANGAN B.A., L, BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of 'fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & 'rdser, Barristers, etc.,, Bank of Commerce Bldg. LOUIS" 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solfeftor Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Money-to loan. 16 Simece treet hg Phonas , 67. Resi F Bence 3473 i GREER AND HUMPHREYS BAR- risters, Solititors, ete, 2414 Simcoe St. N. Phone. 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work, :xtraction. Nurse in at- Hg Phone 959, House 1312 DR. H.'M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mi'chell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. ' DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 292W, Evenings by ap- pointment. DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES Dentists, 37 King St. E., Special at: tention to gas extraction and X-ray work. Nurse in attendance. Phone 1243 and 864. For Rent VICTORIA APARTMENTS = - AT new low rentals, electric refrigeration electric stove, washing machine and dryer. Apply superintendent. Phone 2533F. (55¢f) SIMCOE MANOR «= FO AND five room Buites, electric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conveniences. Apply superintendent, phone 2671. (55tf) THREE AND 4 ROOM APART- ments. Modern .u» the minute Phone 1550 or 2347W. (132tf) FOR RENT--MODERN ¢ ROOMS, bath, electric stove and other con- veniences in business section, New. Apply Box 106 Times, (26 jan tf) * Veterinary DR. W. D. FORSYTHE, - V.8., treats diseases of all domesticated animals, Thornton's Corners. Phone Oshawa 202 ring 2... ' (3 may ¢) Optometrist {ALEX C. HALL, BA, BARRIS- ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 223% King St. East. {Phone 3237. (tn A PARKHILL, , "BARRISTER. ete. Money to loan. Alger Bldg wopposite Post Office. Phone 1614. FRANK 8. EBBS, BARRISTER, Svlicitor, Notary Public, Convey- "ancer, money to loan. Third floor 'new Alger Building, opposite Post 1 Office Phone 296 ;DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Blotk. Phone 2050, Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B. J. Hezlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Dr. B. Harpe» snecial attention to child- 'ren"s Diseases and ubstetrics. Sun- day and night calls 2416 or 122. 'DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR: 'geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence' King St. East, corner Vice ltoria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. | DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Qbstetrician, diseases of {infants and children. Office and 'residents 97 Bond East. Phone +1155. - » { DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C. M {L.R.C.P. and 8, sEdinburgh Phy- #giclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician , Office "142° Simgoe St. N. Phone 18020, residence .14 Cadillac Ave, i Nerth, Phone 3166. | DI. HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET- | flelan, Physician and Surgeon | 8pecial reference to maternity work iand diseases peculiar to Women Office and residemce 167 Simcoe ( Btreet North. Phone 308. Il. W. GRAHAM, M.D., B.Sc, L.N. £C.C., physician surgeon, obstetrician "8 years post graduate. Special at- tention to maternity work, Office | 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and Tesi: dence Phone 3020. (Dec. 24-1 mo \ Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY VETERINARIAN | Specialist, Diseases Domestic Anime #hls, Cat' attd Dog Hospital. 203 King West., Telephone 629. (5 aug. tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist +DR. F, B. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR , Btreet West, Toftonto, will be at hie !pfice ovér Jury & Lovell's Drug ' Store each Saturday fiom 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treat- nent of diseases of car, noge and ¢throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. C.H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST SPE- cialist in musclé anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care und Eye Strain, The Child and Its De- velorment. Disney Block, opposite Post Office. Phene 1516. (18 jan ¢) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST., East, Ambulance. Residehce 542 Sint coe stredt, north, Phone 210) and 20. Mua GCSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F.| Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day .and night. Phone 1082W. 87} Celina. (4tf) Spirella VE 735% aor © = : s-- WITH THE NEW LINESN OF fashions Spirella solves your prob- lem, Cull Mrs. Blatter, Manager. Phone 2189M, (13 apr c) Insurance DAVIS AND. SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consul N. johns, 8? Simcoe worth. Your insurance wants attend éd 'to and vonr interests protected. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists in furniture moving. Storage ware: house and moving van equipment Rhone 82. BORROWDALE'S CARTAGUE - General cartage and household furni- ture moving. Special ' attention to Commercial work. Local and long distance: 609 Carnegie Ave. Oshawa. 1618. (dec 10 10 tf) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Specialists in perman ent, finger and marcel waving.® Per- manent wave Prices $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul: ture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Simcoe street north. EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET. ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo $1. Phone 2968 MARCELLING 35, FINGER Waving 50c, hair cutting 25¢ at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors Ask for Miss Robbins. Phone 71. (20 Apr. c) Second Hand Dealer NEW AND © SECOND HAND FUR- , hiture rob and sold 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M. (25 dec tr Architects PERMANENT WAVE SPECIALS $15 for $7.60, Permanent wave with real curly ends a special for $4.75. Other 'waves from $3.50 to $12, Finger wave and shampoo 75e. Phone 1818W. Ask for Ar- J thur Huyck at 220 Clark St. eran SADT 0). cn GENERAL Second flpor Phone 1496 C. C. STENHOUSE , Architectural work. " Royal Bank Building. + Res. phone 909J. THOMS AND JOHNSON, AS. . mociate architects. Simcoe St. S Over Felt Bros. : Auctioneer | PHONE 716). W. J). 'SULLBY, * Auctioieer, 246 Simcoe St. S., Osh- f awa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm "stock and implements. Your patron- , zge solicited, ELMER WILBUR, TAUNTON, Ont., [arm and house sale specialty. Terms, low. Phone Oshawa 1648 r «2-4. (28 mar ¢) Hemstitching Music HERBERT oC. 'RENEER, AT.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church' will accept pupils in piano, pire organ and vocal music 50 William Stieet, East Phone (Sept. 2 tf) RICHER, LR. A.M. 652 Carnegic LEONARD Supervisor, of Music, Avenue, 2578] __KAug 25 tf) HAWAITAN GUITAR LESSON special, 5 lessons free to first 15 pupils, Phone 1490. Harris Music Store. (72¢) ~~ Nursing , $7.50, $10 and | RENT, BAC apartment, furnished, newly dec- orated, heated, electric light, .water, in business section, Apply 194 Times. (7 mar tf) FOR RENT--6 ROQMED ) HOUSE, hardw~od floors throughout, fire- FOR road north. Phone 2850. (11 apr c) FOR RENT -- HOUSES : FROM $15.00 up. Murdoch, 27 Ware Ave. SN, FOR RENT--APRIL 1ST, seven roomed house, fire plage, garage. eral Moters. 118 Oshawa Blvd. (71¢) RENT -- APARTMENT business girls, FOR (house) central, men or couple, Phone 48 morn- Ings. (71c) FOR RENT--128 RITSON pr south, vacant April 1st. Apply Box 252, Times. _ (11d), ished rooms, on ground floor, on highway, private entrance and garage. $20.00 per month, Ap- ply Box 266, Oshawa Daily Times, (71b) FOR RENT = UNFURNISHED bathroom flat, 3 large rooms, pantry, wired for electric stove, ajo gas, every convenience. 29 Breck street east, (71¢) TO RENT -- CHOICE BRIGHT apartment, heated, new modern home, hardwood floors. All con- venlences, wired for electric stove, 612 Simcoe street. north, (71c) FOR RENT--5 ROOMBD ~ ONI floor brick bungalo, Gladstone Ave. Hardwood floor , and trim, tiled kitchen and bathroom, French door 'and mantle, furnace and laundry tubs, paved street, 3152W. (72¢) FOR RENT--NICE BRIGHT rooms for light housekeeping on bath flat, hardwood floors, Good locality. Phone 2475W, A720) COSY © A ROOMED BUNGALO. all modern conveniences, Garage. Central, $25. Phone Holden 371W. (72h) TO TRENT--FOUIt Private entrance, $0 Rowe St. a il Tul ' APARTMENT 1 rooms and bath, Vacant April 6, Lhone 2 2548W. place on paved street. 91 Ritson | Naw oak floors, | Close to Gen: | { { | | B who rings doors bel.s louie ing for a job, a room or any desired objective follows a slow, 'elrcuitons route indeed. Our Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but also assure an {immediate interview with an interested pect at the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 First inscrtion---11§ per word. Minimum insertion 30c. Each tive word. Three consecutive tions for the two first insertions cents a word), insertion insertions @0c. Professional or Cards, $2.50 per cents a word per Ask for Classified Department Sombeap H Rates for | Classified Ads charge for one subsequent consecu- [1 price of Minimum charge for three Box number 10c¢ additional. Business for 20 words or less, 10 for each additional word. Phone 35 Articles For Sale = Pera) | Phone 1288 ues in rebuilt Underwoods. than half the cost. proval. Address Victoria St., Toronto. FOR SALE = PAINTS, ishes. ment of paints, v cents West. = FOR SALE - $15 per cord. cord. Norman Sanders, llast, Phone 1774M, per inser- (three MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. : (apr 26tf) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- They are as serviceable as when new---at less Sent tor your ap: "Underwood," (oct 19, 31) 135 VARN- We have the largest assort- nishes, ete, in the city, The Paint Store, 8) King St. Lo (Apr 25 tf) - DRY HARDWOOD Dry tamarack $12 a King St (9 jan th Furniture Repairing REMNANT AND REUPHOLSTER- ing Co., The Upholsterers. Mohairs, furniture upholstered, portiere curtains, 1556 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3318. (10 apr ¢) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, ete. Charges reas- onable. J, A, Morris, 170 Albert St. Phone 731W. Formerly with Luke Furniture Co, (12 apr 0) UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- ture repaired. Drapes made to or- der. Rebuilding chesterfields 2 specialty. Geo. A, Constable, 27 Bond E. Phone 3322J, (12 mar 1 mo) Real Estate for Sale plushes by piece or yard. Autos, Livestock FOR SALE--4 HOLSTEIN COWS, excellent milkers. Two milking and two coming fresh. Apply Osh- awa Missionary College. Phone 2035W. (71¢c) Male, gentle and good sized, Price reasonable, 12 Burke St. (72b) Wanted to Buy AY GHEST A price for raw furs, Write or phone for quotation. Stein, Whitby, Phone 81, (11 apr ¢) WANTED--A BABY'S STROLLER in good condition, Phone 2632J. (71h) POLICE PUP § MONTHS OLD. Yoe CAREW LumsLR (> ATHOL i PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Delived | Motor Cars EXCELLENT GARDEN LOT, 529 feet deep, near highway, at $3.60 per foot frontage. Apply owner, . L. Beecroft, Whitby. (708) on SALE -- ON KING'S HIGH- way, east of Oshawa, nine acres of land, with house, barn, hen- house and garage, apple and fruit trees. Phone 2856W. (71a) SIX ROOMED SUMMER COT- tage, Heyden Shore Park, Whitby. Electric light, town water, fire place, $2,300. Box 249 Times, 2 We (71e) For Sale or Rent FOR RENT OR FOR SALE---FIVE room bungalow, suitable lor small family, 3 plece bath, all conven fences, near Motors Apply at house 282 Haig street. (702) FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSE with 2 acres of garden in North Oshawa. Apply Box 248 Tim. i i T2¢ ) = Room Wanted "WANTED -- CLEAN, Two dollars. Box (72a) ROOMS single, central, 259. "Help Wanted--Male single cord, $12 a cord. Cartage. (27 FOR SALE 14, cord $3.00, W, King St. W. Phone month i. ~49 month 7424. [] FOR SALE -- HARDWOOD $3.25 Phone 2423W, day or, evening, McQuaid mar ¢! GOOD MIXED WOOD Thompson, (9 apr ¢) QUANTITY OF WHITE ply A. D, Langmaid. r 1-3. FOR BAT.E-= SAND, Ad livered. Phone Essery ring 11, som sweet cover seed for sale, Phone 1648 (17 apr ¢) "GRAVEL, cinders $1.60 per truck load de- Bros., (18 apr ¢) Shoes Repaired soft wood slabs, 1582, LADIES' SHOE ed. Shoes dyed any color. and goloshes repaired. Shoe Shop, SHINE RE-OPEN- 17 Bond St. East, (27 Shoes Champloy of hees at a bargain. I. R.R. No. 3 Bowmanville, FOR SALE -- 1 mar ¢) leomplete outfit, "Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--G6 ROOM house with garage, by April 16. Reasonable rent. Phone 31921, (70¢) WANTED TO RENT -- 4 ROOMS unfurnished, by young couple. No children. April lst. Good condi- tion, , with all conveniences, gar- age. Box 246, Times. (71c) WANTED TO RENT -- 4 OR b roomed brick bungalow, April 1st, by young couple, careful tenants, good condition, garage. Box 245 Times, (71c¢) FOR RENT--3 OR 4 UNFURN- ished rooms for light housekeep- ing, also garage. Apply 113 Chureh street, (71e) WANTED TO RENT--THREE room apartment or rooms in com- fortable home. Unfurnished or small house. Reasonable, Box 265 Times, * OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE=~RE- pairs on radios, power packs and e| iminators, Tubes tested and supplied radio pol s for sale. Datteries charg- ed 'and. repaired. Phone 3350) Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East (16 dec 1 mo) I'HE TROUBLE WITH YOUR radio may be tubes. Get your tubes tested free. John Meagher, 92 Sim- coe North, Phone 371W, (16 apr ¢) PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERN- ity work. Excellent references. Mrs. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (30 mar eo) HEMSTITGHING, PLEATING, RE ! pairs snd alterations, dressmak- » fing, buttons and buttonholes.. The Dell Shop, 261; Simcoe 8. Phone 1 1656. (Jan, 6-1 mc) PRACTICAL NURSE, MATE: nity, general nursing, doctors' ref: erence, assists with housework, Reasonable rates. Mrs. Noble. Phone 3083J. | 31 mare) Elocution 5 IX ELOCUTTON AND J'public speaking. Private or in class: #4 es. For tery phone Lois Mundy. 'No. 35 4 - (Dee. 17-1 mo.) Palmist WN. PALMIST 93 Louisa Street. * (22 mar ¢) 'MADAME . Business Lvate. § CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVEL for sale--To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery d:'e. Wi Borrc vdale, Phone 1618, Battery Service BALES AND SERVICE PLATE Lock Batteries, car or radio bat- terios charged, 75c. Called for and delivered, W. H, Platt, 217 Celina. Phone 3sasl. ALL MODELS REPAIRED, ELIM- inators, power packs, nrices rea- sonable, tubes tested free; battery recharges 60c. Phone 280uW. George Burroughs, certiticd tad. triclan. {2 Mar ©) FINE CHICKEN FARM, 20 acres. Modern home. Good build- Ings. Hydro. Will exchange for Oshawa property, Pnone Holden 3711W, (72b) Watch Repairing F VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Se watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited, ERNIE BOUCKLEY, NOW DOING boot and shoe repair work, at the "Old Reliable Shop", a. Repairs while you walt. 27 mar e) high class 15 Prince Street. W. proprietor, ~ Help Wanted--Female FOR Must speak English. WOMAN WANTED chen work. Apply Commercial Hotel, 912J PIE dition. Phone 9 FOR SALE--3 suite, electric William St. west. FOR SALE--ELECTRIC electric washing machine, cabinet and Rowe street. FOR SALE -- tric range, Jarvis, TT OKIT- (71h) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS FOR also one to help with tex room; kitchen work, Times. AN EXPERIENCED Apply 7 and 9 Thursday and evenings to D, M. Tod, coe street north, CAPABLE COOK Family of three. ; IN A LADY to share her house Apply 257 Times, HOUSEKEEPER DESIRILS Plone 24 tion in good home. Vocal ! MARION EB. ROBS. A. TG.M., WILL accept pupils in volce production and singing. Phone No. TELS 412 mar ¢) Work Wanted REPAIRED HAVE YOUR CAR now, and prices now in Frise, plione "1111, effect, 168 W. Night phones 2545] and 3395 MAID general housework. Apply between 'TO SLEEP IN, House maid kept Apnly 5 Bond street west, COLUMBUS quires an elderly woman as com- panion oy a young married couple and garden, stating particulars to Box before the spring rush, fender repair work. FOR SALE--ONE LOT § ing cedar and one lot 94q | birch Toickly wooded. (11¢) B2TTW. sir . FOR SALE-- FOR Good condition, Box GLISH Saturday 136 Sim- i ca-- (71b) | FOR SALE- McClary make, plates, Can be seen in operation, 312, four top A71e¢) RE- All dry and under cover, (19 apr c) FOR SALE -- FIFTY COLONIES J. Cole, VIOLIN in splendid ecn- rangetts, cheap, other articles. ELECTRIC BLOS- Ap- 382 FOR SALE--MIXED HARD AND also bodywood. Phone (T0e) "AND (70c) TARLOUR 87 | (70e¢) "STOVE, kitchen 17 (70¢) - MOFFATT ELEC- Good condition. gain for quick sale. Phone 1734W, | Tubular separator; Bar- (72¢) STAND- standing Phone (72¢) PRAM. Also baby's bas- sinette. Apply 154 Burke St. (72h) RANGE. heating oven and warming oven. | Phone (72¢) 1 satin faced crepe walst, ply 16 Brock St. W. (72¢) POsl- OW. (ile) scratch feed, J. H. ton, Ont, Pbone 163 r 0. FOIL BALE -- BROWN Baby Carriage, good Apply 35 Prince street. size 38. Two hurner gas stove, FOR SALE----- 2 LADIES" COATS, eggshell, A) (72¢ FOR SALE--COLORADO WHEA r Banner Oats, quantity of hay, Pascoe, hen Taun- (72¢) "LLOYD condition. (71c) FOR SALE CHEAT, Knitter, new, Phons 6. AUTO 27794. (72) (OLD MEDAL Bond St. E. Phone 863. afficlent service. Mrs, manageress, Body Special Fry and King St. E. (2 apr ¢) Cleaning and Dyeing L~ CLEANERS, Prompt, 4 8 Evaus, (6 8pr ") | and Gent's French PRUNING AND also orders taken stock. Phone 2178M. Phone 45033). housework 2779F. man for children. Phone CAREFUL AT- tention to trees and slr cavities attended to and treatea. for (31 mar ¢) TRUSTWORTHY Y, CAPABLE WO- or and repairing. ube, large | Phone 525. 66 Bagot St. NORMAN LAMBERT -- LADIES dry cleaning Goodlg called for. (19 apr ¢) nursery (62¢) erhanger, painting Prices right, Pine Avenue. care of (72¢) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- and graining. work guaranteed. Phone 3065W, (72tf) TWO NEAT APPEARING MEN with good. education and business ability. Apply this afternoon, 3-5 or 7-9 tonight. Room 24 Alger Bldg. (71c¢) Poultry . , BABY CHICKS, = HATCHING eggs. Barred Rocks, White Leg- horns. Write or phone for cata- logue 1337J. Oshawa Xatchery & Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North, Oshawa. (21Apre) POULTRY WANTED -- PAYING highest prices for poultry of all Kinds, Special price for fat hens, T. Stien, Whitby. Phone 81, Re- ho charges, (25Apre) Auction Sale THE 5 FARM BEING SOLD, THE Ean has received instruc tions from Messrs, Northcott and Gelssberger at Taunton to sell by public auction on Saturday, March 28, at one o'clock the following: |} pair Percheron geldings, ising five and seven years; Deering hay | loader, nearly new; team toboggan sleighs, nearly new; draining plow land digger; demoerat; buggy; | pole; several new buggy wheels; stiff tooth cultivator: waggon; bhol- 4 ster springs; Deering grain binder; Deering corn binder; Deering mow- er; clover table; section grinder; log sawing outfit; circular outfit; Blizzard en- Bell's no, fifty; Iu- | ternational tractor, nearly new; tractor disc; tractor plow, lawn | mowers; bicycle; electric washing | machine; wringer; vacuum. clean- er; cook stoves; churn; radio (table: lamp and household son | too numerous to mention. ers, twenty dollars and under, cash, over that amount six months' c¢erdit on bankable paper at seven per cent, Elmer Wilbur, ..netlon- (60- 70- 72) |sllage cutter; ~ Auction Saic FARM STOCK AND IMPLE ments, the property of Deglpert Flintoff, R. R. No. 2, Bowmanville, Lot 24, Con., 3, Monday, March 30---Pigs, 3 shoats; set team har ness, set gingle harness, Horse {1 bay mare, 11 years; 1 mare, 12 years, Cows--1 Holstein bred Dec. 19; 1 Holstein, not bred; 1 Holstein heifer, ealf, ¥eed ~quantity corn fodder; quantity sweet clover hay, Implements-- waggon and box, hay rack, gravel box, horse rake, cultivator, mow- er, set plow, Massey seed drill, slelghe. 160 cedar posts, Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: --All sums $15 and under cash; over that amount, Harris separator, cent. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. "AUCTION SALE THE CONTENTS OF THE SIX roomed house at 163 Colborne St, east, being furniture, stove, kit- chen utensils, rugs and other ar- ticles. to be sold by public auction on Friday, March 27, ut «me o'clock sharp. Terms, cash. Wm, Maw, auctioneer: {70c) FOR SALE -- ESSEX COACH, cheap for cash. Murdoch, 27 War- ren Ave. (70¢) FOR SALE -- 1927 CHRYSLER Sedan in A-<1 condition, small mileage, private owner, cheap. Ap- ply at Lantern Inn, Maple Grove, Bowmanville. (121) "Room and Board YOUNG GIRL DESIRES ROOM and board in private home, Home privileges. Near General Motors office. State weekly rate. Apply Box 258 Times. (72h) BOARD AND ROOM FOR ONE gentleman, home privilegen 165 Albert street. I'hone 3132F. (71¢) - "Hospital--Rest Home "SUNNYNOOK"" WHITBY, MA- ternity, invalids, elderly people, convalescents, nervous, all patients requiring nursing care. Rates very reasonable. Call, write, phone Superintendent, (4 apr ¢) EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ™ Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies eyesight and glasses. 1516--Phone=-1518 Disney Block - Opposite Post Office REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY if your wateh is vot giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. ,D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, 8S. Phone 189 Personal Notices WANTED FOR ADOPTION, about two weeks' old baby hoy. Write to Box 257 Times. (71e) 7 Building Supplies PRICES SMASHED WRITE FOR FREE SALE CATA- log. Hardwood flooring 7%c; Fir flooring 5:26 hundred feet; Cedar siding 4.90 hundred feet; 3-piece bath outfit $63; Septic tank 31.65; Nalls 3.90 keg; Metal ceiling 4.95; Combination doors 4.96; 28 ft. ladders 7.456; Electric washer $70; Garage doors 11.75 pair with glass; Ready glazed sash 1.05; Kavetrough 78c; Asphalt sidewall shingles 3.98 square; Slate roof- ing 2.75. Write Halliday Company, Ltd. Box 21, Hamilton, 'Ont, olack | of harrows, roller, single | 6 months' | credit on approved notes at 6 per | (70-72-73) | (54-60-66-72) Time Table | COAL COAL "hone 193 W.J. SARGANT Yard--80 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered PASTRY FLOUR { Church St. 24 1b. Bag, 60c Hogg & Litle, Limited: Phone 203 WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES | (Effective oo and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) a-Sundays bedi Lea ave Arrive Arrive Oshawa =~ Whitby Hospital ing W. 7.05 a.m, ve Bowmanville 6.20 a.m, 7.20 a.m, *8.20 a.m. 10.00 a.m 11.35 p.m, *1.45 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 4.40 p.m, 5.40 p.m, 7.00 p.m. $.00 p.m. 10.45 p.m. n. 12.40 p.m. 1m. 4.00 p.m ny, om. 6.45 p.m, Going East Leave Arrive . Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 7.20 a.m, 8.20 a.m, = 10.00 a.m, 10.30 a.m, Leave Hospital a Lm, 10.45 a.m, iv. 1.40 p.m, 30 pm. a } 1.25 pm. 4.40 p.m. 5.40 p.m, 7.30 pu. 8. 10 pi a) 9.87 ¢ 11.3% p. og 4.25 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 10, 1 0 p.m. 11.45 p.m. 12.15 D. me SUNDAY AND HOLLIDAY SCHEDULE ! Going Wes Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa a rive Whitby 1 buggy, 1 cutter, bob | Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 a.m. 10.45 a.m, 12,15 p.m. 3.00 pom. 3.3 p.m, £.00 pom £30 p.m, 7.% p.m. 7.00 p.m. 8.30 pa, 3.00 9.10. i 4 00 11.30 p. pa imes marked an at Whit with Lindsay Busses. ad Special Busses lo ral) Rates ee GARTON. PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, N PHONE. 412 or 6 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Frons 2263 Felt Bros. "Special! Boys' Suits with | | 2 Pair of Knickers... 93499 ' Dominion Clothing Co. 08. King St. Wa: Phone: 2141 LH k The Leading Jeweler | Established . 1856 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 85 Dona Street, West Diamonds! Bassett"s On Oshawa's Main Corner J. H. R. LUKE For 'automobile, & contents amin Bhp ns sound companies, Apply 52 Ring - Street. East Phone 871, Kesidence ow rr BRINGING UP FATHER ' "BY GEO. Mal URDAY , only, Madame Melva, Canada's ' || foremost psychologist, reliable ad- f 'vice business, work, changes, health, fuvestments, loss, ete. She i {guides to success and attainment. i 102 Albert street. Phone 8 99° Tic) Money to Loan THE KLEGG MEWVING PICTURE com PANY 19 GOING. TO PUT "FIFI IN THE (10 apr ¢!' BATTERIES CHARGED 75: with rental $1.00. Repaired and rebuflt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (Dee. 30-1 mo) -- SAY' WHATS ALL THE WONDERFUL TALK ABOUT? \ 4 CAN HARDLY BELIEVE +7. 1 TS JUST TOO "WONDERFUL FOR WORDS- YES 1ON'T IT 19N'T WT WONDERFUL? WONDERFUL? I'L TELL YOU hi MORE ABOUT IT WHEN i x yy liars ON GOOD A 11Y PROPER: and Apply A. J. Parkhill King St Zon, a 1614. fia] "T0 LOAN-- ALWAYS {available, {itst mortgage money on {good residential property. Apply : 'Bradley Bros. '17 mar ¢) 2 ammm---------- Teacher Wanted REQUIRED ) IMMEDIATELY TAP- % ter Raster, teacher for Harmony "geiool, 2nd elass, © Oge that oii lay plano preferred, . Apply F qa Sec, £70¢), Box 391, Tels. Vins. | confidential service at the lowest price. Whether your car is fully paid or mot. We can reduce your present payments. Motor Loans & Digeounts. R. ¥. White, Mgr., 14% King St. E., Oshawa. Phone 2790. Open evenings till. § p.m. (28 mar ec} Mattresses Repaired E WE _ REMAKE KAPOC HAIR 'elt 'and Péather Mattrosses; eom- forters recovered. Sanitary Fea- ther Co., Toronto; wriie Dox 244 a £70¢),

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