Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Mar 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1931 WA PATS MEET GUELPH MAPLE LEAFS AT ARENA TONIGHT ricias Determined To Jin. Another Victory And Lead League Playoff Race hts Game With the Maple Leafs ald Be One of the Best "of the Season, and Large Crowd of Fans Is Expected ght the Oshawa Patricius figure in an Ontario League pif game at the Oshawa Arena, th the Guelph Maple Leafs thirst. ig for revenge for Monday night's t at Galt, providing the oppos- . So far, the Pats are unde- sd in the titular series, being only one of the four teams iu happy position, and another story tonight will leave the Pats a splendid position to grab off hamplonship. Even if they lose bt's game, they still be well in running, but the Oshawa boys determined to go through! the series without a defeat, so they will be out on the ice tonight fighting pory minute to repeat the dose y administered to thé Maple Leafs on Monday night. With home in their favor, and a home crowd heer them on the Pats should i be good enough to come out on the side of the score sheet. @ fans have not yet realized fact that the Pats are right In running for a championship, the crowds have not been as ctory as the boys would like. win on Monday night how- r, has set the fans talking, and "there should be a big crowd at the frena 'tonight... After tonight's { game, the Pats have only one moie i game at home, the final game of the series, with Niagara Ialls, on 31 or April 1, so the hockey siasts will have to take. full ntage of these two games to their last hockey for this season. "Trom Freddie Faught out, the team is ready for a hard , tonight." The Maple Leafs are pt to be under-estimated, but the fact that a win tonight will put the not in front, ahead of the her three teams, is a big incentive, the boys are ready to give of DI thol Bi § il 1926 Ford Coupe, Chiovrolet pouring ........., al Cheyrolet ' 26 Nlar Touring, 1024 Dodge Touring. rico 1925 5 | Es ie 0) Gooriec $400 1927 Ford Coupe, $200 f $160 $95 duis $125) SHOTS Sate F an, Price... $115) iE S268 ¥F i a. Price ..... $365 im cried S465 8 rest ) $375 es sini S105 on $175) ut $173 7 Chevrolet Dar Ci © 8995) hi 5 Poutiac Suen, $285! Chevrolet iii $4pgl sch, . Price ..... ee ouiand Coch. $750 pices Tnclude New License. ) $150 $125, i $95, mg ca J i gms i $300 iii ~ 3128 oasy paras their best in the effort. It should be a great game to see, and" one worthy of a full house at the Arena. Cedardale Girls - Win Basketball Schools Title Cedardale girls again asserted their superiority in basketball when they defeated South Simcoe last night at the Collegiate and for tho second year ran off with the city championship. The teams were well matched and it was only after a hard game that Cedardale was victorious. In the first period it looked like a sure game for Codardale and the score stood at 18 to 6. The second period South Simcoe began to get under way and the game became exceedingly exciting when Neska Sheplac went on a scoring rampage and dropped in basket after basket securing 12 points for her team, The period ended 22-18 and for a time it look- as if South Simcoe was headed for a basketball championship. Unfortunately for South Simcoe but fortunately for Cedardale the extreme southerners made a brilli- ant comeback, The play was fast and furious and Ceddrdale's score mountod and in a short time they drew away from and for the rest of the game led their opponents. The greatest factor in Cedardale's clever playing was their splendid combination play which. puzzled their opponents, drew thelr guards and allowed Katle Siblock to 'cinch' the game for Cedardale by 32 te 2 Cedardale is perhaps the speeedi- est team which has played in the Public School Basketball, They possess four players of last year's championship team and to these four players Cedardale owes their Championship. In addition thelr play shows a splendid coached ma- chine, A great deal of credit Is due to Miss M. Hancock who for two vears has coached thls team and who in addition was convenor of the Basketball Committee this year. South Simcoe playing throughout the season with an entirely new team improved steadily under tho leadership of Miss A. Alger. They defeated Centre Street last Tuesday 82-21, thus putting them into the finals. ; The teams: South Simcoe Forwards: Neska Sheplac, Capt., (20);Queenie Sills (2); Centres Viola Keeltr, Irene Adams; Guards, Kathie Lawrence, Mary Hunt; Subs, Isabelle Sherifr, Lena Waslick, Olga Luzka. Cedardale-- Forwards: Katie Sib. lock, (12); Ruth MacDonald (6): Centres, Irene Holmes (14); Annle Morris Guards Olive Fraser Ruby Smith, Refereo--Miss Runnels Collegiate. The Basketball Committee wish- es to thank A, E. O'Niel, Principal of the Collegiate and also J. Comrle for their kind assistance during the season. Art Randle Leads Ontario Scorers Guelph, March 25--Final scoring statistics released yesterday show that Art Randle, clever right winger and captain of the Guelph Leafs led Ontario Hockey League marksmen in the regular playing season. With a total of 30 goals and 21 assists Randle was well out in front of the other sharp shooters with 51 points, his closest rival and team-mate, Don Goodwillie, finishing up with 40 points, Honors for third position were divided between Bill Joyce, of shawa, and Shorty Quesnel, of Stratford, with 38 each. Bruins Win From Canadiens, 5 to 4 Boston, March 25.--~The Moston Bruins overcame a three-goal lead with » furfoug third-period rally and then out-battled Les Cana- diens through almost 20 minutes of sudden death play here tonight to win the first game of the Na- tional Hockey League chimplon- ship play-off geries by a 54 score. Regret Passin of Lol. Solman Columbus, Ga, March 25-- News that President Lol Solman had pass- cd away cast a profound gloom over the camp of his Maple Leafs here yesterday afternoon, Although criti- cal nature of his illness was known here and late reports on Monday stated his death was hourly expected the news Cane Be 3 igtinet Jock to ur HH usiness Manager Bill O'Hara and the players in camp Who knew him and admired him for the fine sportsman he was, Word was not received until after the Players nad returned to the hotel following a practice' which included a six innings game between the Reg- ulars and Yannigans, the first that has been held. gt cap to due. Ex- pressions sympathy and regret were immediately wired 10 Mrs, Sol- man, of the FL ri | POR Snapshots BE THERE TONIGHT Tonight's pro. game between the Oshawa Pats. and the Gueiph Maple Leats is one no hockey fan should miss, It ever there was a grudge battle, this is it. 'The Maple Leas are all "het up" over losing to Osh- awa at Galt on Monday night, and they are coming down here with a chip on their shoulders, individually and collectively, determined to have their revenge, This game*means a lot to the Pats, for il they can pull it another victory they will be on hy of the race tor the league chams pionship. 'The Pats. have Leen play- ng great hockey in the last few weeks, and have set quite a record for themselves, so the fans should be out there gn thousands for to- night's game, to give their home team some real encouragement the battle for a championship. . "Te. REMAINING PLAYOI'I DATES A rearrangement ol the remaining playoff dates has becn announced by the league secretary. Under the re- vised schedule, the final game is set for April 1, when Niagar Falls comes to Oshawa, but if the teams arc anx- ious to finish the league before Apr, 1, this game can be played March 31. As both teams will he playing on March 30, however, and the final game may be the deciding one for the championship, it is probable that they will prefer the two day's rest and will 'let the schedule stand as it as, The dates of the remaining games are as follows: March 25--Guelph at Oshawa. March 27 -- Oshawa at Niagara Lalls, March 30 --« Guelulh ut Falls; Oshawa at Stratford. April 1--Niagara Falls at Oshawa. . LJ Ld CONGRATULATIONS We extend our congratulations to the Cedardale Girls Basketball team, champions of the public schools league, The Cedardule girls have played some wonderiul games in the league series, but last night's final game was the best of them all, and they were worthy of the title, 'I'he league has provided excellent sport, and much good sportsmanship, und, in spite of the difficulties encounter- ed in the lack of practising and plu, mz accommodation, it has 'been a great success. . . . IN 0J.C. NOMINATIONS Ri 8. McLaughlin's num HTC in the list of nominations for the breeders' Stakes and the Maple Lead Stakes of the Ontario Jockey Club Both of these events are for Cana dian bred amd owned animals, \ the Breeders' Stakes, Mr, McLaugh lin has nominated Cudgeldoe, 112 Gold and Willbeth, and in the Maple Leaf Stakes, the nominations tron tie Parkwood Stables are Skygazer, Cudgeldoe, Willbeth and Scherzan do. The Breeders' Stakes for which these nominations are made will be run at the 1932 spring meeting, and the Maple Leaf Stakes ut the au tumn meeting of next year; im Niagra RULES FOR PUCK CARRYING CONTEST One of the feature cvents of tl coming ce festival on Friday, wil be a puck-carrying contest, This i a novel attraction for Oshawa a for the benchit of those intercstcd the folowing are tho rules: (1) Puck must not leave the stic! ~if it does contestant ig disqualific (2) Contest will be run accord to stop watch time. (3) There will be a first and a sec oud prize, Winnipeg Elmwoods Enter- tained at Luncheon by Limited, and Made Tour of the Plant During the Afternoon aden A strong warning against being too ready to accept professional contracts was handed out to mem- bors or the Winnipeg Elmwoods, (inalists for the junior hockey championship of Canada, by RQss Mackinnon, the chief speaker at a luncheon tendered to the Winni- peg players and officials' by the (ioneral Motors of Canada, Limi- ted, at the Hotel Cenosha yester- day efternoen, Mr, Mackinnon exs tended a warm welcome to the visiting team, but concluded hy saying that professional hockey was not all it was cracked up to be, and warned them not to be at- tracted by the glamor of it. fhe visitors arrived in Oshawa just before one o'clock yesterday afternoon, the players belng ac- companied by thelr manager, Karl Adams, Paul Marples and Dert Marples, members of the execu- tive; Walter Robertson and Ed. Haverstock , trainers and Frank Jones, socratary of the Elmwood ¢iul,.. Thoy were niet 'by a party of Genoral Motors offleials, and were immediately taken to lunch oon at the Hotel Genosha, where C. E. McTavish, manager of the Parts and Service department, ac- ted as toastmaster for a brief and infermal program of speaking. Ross Mackinnon . Ross Mackinnon, in officially welcoming the guests, spoke of the great interest which the General Motors took in sporting activities, largely Dbecauge of the interest which the president and 'he gen- eral monager had in them. He was glad to welcome the Wiunipeg team to Oshawa and wanted every hoy to feel that he was among friends, because the General Mo- tars did not Lelong only to Oshawa but belonged to the wanoly of Cane ada, and had particular futerests in the wekt. . Words of Advice . "There is just one word of ud vlee 1 would give you," sald Mr. Mackinnon. "To thoue of you who are graduating from Junlor hockey I would say, Beware of pro. con- tract They are not sll they are cracked up to be, and it yan hould Lappen to break a leg, or AL you should not make good, then {you will be oiit of hockey for life. |Pon't bo led away by the g.amor {of the thing, for the urofessional {hockey player's life is short, and | when they are throu:h they find i are not fitted for anything e," Speeches welcoming the Winnl- peg team and commending then {on their sporismanship, were algo made by H. W, Nicoll, Willlam Marshall, and M. McIntyre Hood. . Thanks Expressed [ Earl Adams, manager of the im, expressed warm appreci- ition of the houpltalily of the Can- eral Motors of Canada, Limited, anid recalled the visit which thi Winnipeg team had made t, Osh awn two years ngo. The boys had louked forward to visiting Oshawa, (4) Entries close Friday, Marc) 27, at noon (5) Decision of the judges will Le final, eit HE GODINOS, World's only male Si hy Regent with ther Dancing Brides in iets. 3 wins, -- WN eat the to the re Stuart Erwin in morro, ; ular screen pro gramme featuring long Came Youth" for twa days ¥ tion in s and > | Genetal Motors of Canada Junior Hockey Finalists From Winnipeg Paid Visit to City Yesterday Afternoon * he sald, and all had been made to feel that they were with friends, and had been given a demonstra- tion of the true spirit of friend- ship. Captain Bill McKenzie also re- plied on hehal' ot tho team, ex: pressing sincere thanks for the cutertainment provided. Oshawa guests who were pros. ont at the luncheon in addition to those who spoke, were Geurge Hezzellwood, Harry Ireland, Ruse Wiginton, Willlam Marshall, '|Claude Watt, Fred Spry, Norman Granger and Matt. Gouldburn, Visited Factory . After 'the luncheon the party went for a tour through the plant of the Genoral Motors of Canada, and displayed great interest in the operation of the assembly line for McLaughlin Buick Cars, which was in operation at the time. I'reu Spry took charge of the party dur- ing the tour of the plant, and be: fore the visitors left to return to Toronto, they again expressed warm appreciation ol the hospit- allty shown to them, Maple Leafs and Hawks tie Toronto March 25.--With eacli team scorng a goal In cach of the first and second periods and neither being able to break the deadlock in the final 20-minute session the playoffs series between the Chicago Hawks und Maple Leafs, instead of being a home-and. home game with total goals to count, really became a sudden death affair in Chicago to-morrow night It was the fifth meeting between the two clubs this season and the locals, with four stralght wins over the Amerjcan group second-placers, were strong favorites to secure u fair-sized lead over tho Hawks, but to tell the truth the Leafs wero somewhat fortunate to leave the ice at the Arena Gardens last night with an even division of the four goals scored. Each team was forced to com from behind once to tle the score, the Hawks getting a counter late in the first period to offset Bailey's goal, and then Blair netting the rubber from close in on Gardner, after a scrimmage durng a bit of gang war to wipe off a Chicgo tally, scored 40 seconds previously, If ft had not beon for the fact that the game was n playoff with further participation in the Stanley Cup sories an the prize, the game would have been one of the most unin. teresting of the season. It started off at a fairly fast clip but at no ime did the visitors sacritice thelr defence for tho attack, At times, Jgvhen the locals were short-handed hrough petalties, tho Hawks sen! {our men up on the attack, but thoy did not have a partienlarly notice: able style of play when pushing the attack, and as the end of the strug gle approached they played to get a tie, and were successful, rrnd-------------- . FRENCHMEN BEAT YANKS New York,March 25<Jean Borot- tea und Christian Boussus, second and third ranking players of France, respectively, last © night defeated Johnny Van Ryn and George Lott, American Davis Cup Stars, in a dou- bles match of the international in- door tennis matches between the countries. Maroons Facing Difficult Task New York, March 25 -- Montreal Maroons face an almost impossible obstacle in the third place battle of the National Hockey League playoffs losing out to the New York Rangers last night by a 5-1 score, Total goals on the two-game round will decide the third place winner, who will then meet the win. ner of the Toronto-Chicago serice. The return Maroons: Rangers game will be played in Montiea! Thursday night, Hockey | Results The scores of hockey games play od last night were as follows: National League Playoffs Maple Leafs 2 Chicago ...s 2 *Boston .....« 0 Canadiens ++ 4 Rahgers ...... 6 Montreal ., 1 *---.18.66 minutes overtime. Allan Cup Playdowns "Winnipegs ... 2 N. Battleford .. 0 *--Winnipegs win round 3 to 1. International League League Game Detroit +..... 8 London eves 1 Playoff Game Cleveland 2 Pittsburgh .q 1 Pacific Coast Playoff *Vancouvor .. 1 Seattle ....v¢ 0 *~-Tlayed Monday. [ (OR TO BY YF 5 IN] Di Ss Special HEATRE Final Showing-=Tonight "THE MAN WHO CAME BACK" JANET GAYNOR--=CHARLES FARRELL Engagement ! DAYS ONLY STARTING 9 - 2 TOMORROW The GODINO WORLD'S ONLY MALE SIAMESE TWINS AND THEIR DANCING BRIDES ON THE BUREEN Charles "Buddy" Rogers In--"ALONG CAME YOUTH" WITH STUART ERWIN-FRANCES DEE NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! Ti CIGARETTES The "Europa" made the run from Southampton tp New York in 4 days, 18 hours 30 minutes-- the world's record Jor ocean travel. "Che RECORD | " SPEAKS or HETHER it be transe atlantic service or cigarette making, only the best attain records; which accounts for the Turret cigarettes' record and proves they are right in quality and flavour. After gll, nothing can replace good, honest tobacco; grown and ripened right out in the field under nature's own sunlight-- nothing artificial about that-- and the high quality is "inbred"', VATUABLE POKER ITSELF

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