Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Mar 1931, p. 5

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Ti IE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 193! PAGE EN 'omen's Interests in the Home and The Communit WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Worthington 1llustrated D ing Lesson Furnished With Every Pattern Enhance your charm by wearing flattering. jacket costumes. 1t is a season of jackets! . The one sketched is in the soft green printed crepe in combination with plain green silk crepe that matches the ground. oil The skirt shows slenderizing line gery hip yoke treatment. The 0 Social & Personal | Miss Mary Cullum, Past Su. . preme Grand Mistress, of Toronto; was the guest of nirs. J. DeMarse, Past' Supreme Grand turer, whild tu the city attending the sevehth anniversary of Victory IL. O.B.A. No, 5838 and the unfurling of their new Danner, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Martin, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, A. UL Smith, Oshe awa Bodlevard. . fi On the Rampage Again, But Saturday Night Will See the End of Our wi | --3 BIG DAYS Thursday, Friday and Saturday With overwhelming values that cannot be over-looked on any consideration. An example of what encours agement we offer to thrifty buyers. wi comm cmb . enn THE SECRET 1S KEPT Who fain would not a secret tell Must Surg his tongue and acts as well, ~=Mrs. Whitetail When Whitetail the Marsh Hawk and his big mate arrived there was considerable interest in them and their doings, All the little people of the Green Meadows and the Old Pag. ture were very much interested. So were a few of the people in the Green Forest though not as much so, for the Whitetdils are people of the open. country and have little to Jo with the Green Forest, Peter Rabbit saw them the day they arrived. He sighed. "They have come back. 1 hoped they wouldn't," said he, "Who?" asked timid Peter, i "The Whitetails," replied Peter. Perhaps they won't stay," he added hopefully. Mrs. "They will," "They will, and that means no one took special notice. Whitetail helped her, and because they didn't build much of a nest it didn't take them long. It was made mostly ot dry grass and weedstalks, with Just a few sticks at the bottom. You sce, the ground was dry in that particular place in the Old Pasture, as Mrs, Whitetail had pointed out, So they simply made a pileof grass and weeds with a little moss and just a slight hollow in the top. You see, that nest didn't need to be deep because, being on the ground, there was no danger of the babies' getting a fall, The nest was built a little at a time with no hurry, and no one notices ed their occasional visits to that part of the Old Pasture. It wasn't until it was noticed that only one of th bie birds was to be seen, tirelcsely rjacket is in popular hip length, } Style No, 3430 comes in sizey 14, Mis. Jack Wilson and daughter 5 » Jeuts, 36, 38 and 40 inches bust . e 16-year size requires 4 yards o Sat: Bh lovard. lost, Sunday." | 39-inch figured with 13§ yards of ®- LJ L L " ineh plain material, § Miss Marion Burns, Rowe street, avy blue flat crepe silk with has returned after spending several | white eyelet embroidered Dbatiste is days in Toronto as the guest of exceedingly youthful. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Martin. Beige flat crepe silk is also fashe » J Ll ional 8 Choice. dando : Qol jersey, tweed and shantung Mr. and Mrs. Newton Johns ate | also suitable for this: interesting tended the annual reunion of the Canadian Chautauqua at the Carls sports adel ol 'ou will see one attractive style Rite Hotel, last week. d " LJ LJ after another as you turn over the ages of our new Spring Fashion Mr, and Mre. C. W. Leston, 66 Gladstone Avenue, will be at home to their friends on Saturday, March 28th, from three to flve o'clock, this being the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. The many friends of Miss Helen F. Johnston A.T.C.M., will be inter. ested to how that she is appearing in a joint plano recital with Mr. Wilfred Powell AT.C.M.,, at the Toronto Conservatory of Music on Saturday evening, March 28th, Miss Johnston {s the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. D. F. Johnston and is on the staff of the Ontario Ladies College at Whithy, 54 x 52 Irish Damask Breakfast Cloths With pleasing border of blue, rose, mauve and other combinations. Reg. 69 ¢ $1.00 value. 3 Days at, each .... \ English Bath Towels Extra large, extra hesvy, yet softly nape ped, and very absorbent. All new coms bination colors on cream ground. 69 Cc Reg. price $1 pr. 3 Days at, pair LINEN GLASS TOWELS 22 x 32 in. Made from pure round thread Irish Linen, Regular price 30c. (Note 27 c 40 in. and 42 in. English . Pillow Cases Made from pure, fine cotton. Either hemstitched or hemmed. 89¢ 49 c value. 3 days at, pair ....... Double Bed Cotton Sheets In a medium weight, no filling, perfect- ly bleached. No other sheet we know of can touch this for value and service. Weuld sell at $2.95 pair. 95 3 Days at, each ..............c000 4 Cc COTTON TEA TOWELS 24 x 35 in. All ready hemmed for immediate Bl wens IBC Ladies' Rayon Bloomers Fine Knit in colors of pink, peach, green, white, me A spacial mill purchase in one size only, medium. 3 Days at, ir EIEN 25¢ 1 POUND PACKAGE OF PURE PRIME JAPARA Kapok Specially Prepared for Cushions, etc. 19¢ Ib. Ouly delivered with othee Goods English Bath Towels Made from soft pure cotton, in two sizes--=medium and large. A splendid towel for everyday use. Good 49 . 29C value at ¢oc. 3 Days at, pair FULL-FASHIONED PURE THREAD SILK » Hosiery Firsts. Size 8'% only. Regular price, $1.95, $2. 3 days at, pair, 65c¢ pair No Phone Orders Please Te) ook. Styles for children or the miss, the matron, the stout=and a series of dressmaking articles. It is a book that will save you money. Be sure to fill in the size of the puttern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of book 10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. little Mrs. === asserted little Peter, : that we shall have to keep the child ren in the dear Old Briar«patch until | they are big enough to take care of themselves, I wonder if they will | nest Jn the same place they did last year "We can find out easy enough by keeping watch of them," declared Peter, . So Peter spent a great deal of time Just inside the dear OI Driar<paten, watching Whitetail and Mrs. White- tail. He saw them visit the old nest- ing place many times and that settled the matter for him and he lost inter- est. Of course, they "were going to use the old nest, . Reddy Fox was another whe was interested. He knew that those big Hawks nested on the ground, He even, knew where their old rest was, He also knew that it is the habit of most Hawks to use the same nest year after year, "I see the Whitetails are back," said he to Mrs, Reddy. "We must | keep an eye on thew so as to know when they have a family. Young Marshhawks may not he as tender as chicken, "ot when they are big enough they ought to make a very good meal easily obtained. 'They are hanging around that old nest a good deal so I guess there is no doubt that , they will use it again." Ihe Next story: "I've seen them up here in the OR] vests: ve ow ons GREENWOOD OH, LADIES AR ACTIVE "Hunting," replied Reddy briefly "Just hunting. "They always do 5 little hunting up here." The days grew warmer and soon with their own household affairs that | Missionary From Formosa the Whitetails were more or less for. | . | gotten, People were too busy to sit Spoke at Services Last around watching, So it was that Shawty Su the size). 3 Days at, cach .. 36-in. Pure Factory Cotton Your choice of either English or Can adian. Sold regularly at 25¢. 1 1 ¢ All one price for 3 days at, yd. Eiderdown Crib Blankets 30 x 38 in. novelty designs on blue or rose grounds. value at 89¢c. 59 3 Days at, each ....ccoceviiiiininiiine C Corselettes 95¢ Specially priced at Social & Personal Any soci) notes which read. ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them €o the "tag Office before 10 10 a.m, the day they are to be pub. lished. [tems of news concern. ing drnces, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received, ; [a hunting over the Green Meadows, that any one suspected that they had begun housekeeping, and then no one was sure where. Most folks suspect- ted that it was at the old nesting place and that that was a good place for little people to keep away Only once in a while were the two seen together, and then they soon separated and one disappeared. Not even clever Reddy Fox suspected that the home of the Whitetails was in the Old Pasture, So the secret was kept. (Copyright 1931, T, WV. Burgess) "Reddy Fox Sus- Hand Printed Bedspreads Sand grounds with blue or rose designs. Now is the time to get prepared for Sum- mes beddos. "61,00 29c Velvo Ready wrapped, pkg. WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves, Phone 2033. 0 Celina St. The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. 8, . (opp. Bruce St.) has no connection with any shop in Oshawa. every one on the Green Meadows, in the Old Pasture, the Green Forest and the Old Orchard became so buigy tion, died at his home here last, prefer to buy tomato juice' alreadyll night at the age of 67, after a long | separated, there is canned tom a {Uness. juice of excellent quality: obtainable were very pleased with his infor | mation, Dr, McClure is home on | turlough and is at homo with his | tamily in Whitby, ! | We are glad that Mrs. Middle- Juice Strained From SMART STYLES IN Reefers for Boys and Girls, Sizes 13 to © From $3.95 to $7.50 LAMBLE'S when Mrs, Whitetail began building Street Address Province 20 aegyMORNING I is baby's hour, This is a sweet, et time with mother, pri that fn der There is a nder murmure EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always JURY & LOVELL'S : OIFTICAL PARLONKS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D Eyesight Mpecialise Phone 8210 Sunday -- | Greenwood, March 24.~~The La- | dies' Ald met at the chureh on Thursday afternoon, with a good | attendance The women are plane ning to have a supper during lias- {ter week and are asking the Men's Bible Class to provide a program, Mrs, Ormerod and Mrs, Wally corve ied 0 most enjoyable lunch, Greenwood people enjoyed play, 'Mother Mine" presented Kinsale Hall by Oshawa talent | under the auspices of the Ladics' A the On Sunday Dr. McClure, 0 mis- | slonary in Formosa, gave interest. | Ing addresses at Greenwood, Kin« | sale and Mt. Zion. The Women's | Mfssionary Society were fortunate to secure Dr. McLure for Easter Thank-Offering service, and ROYAL YORK Orange Pekoe alf Pound Tea Atall Superior Stores If vot checked it hecho Feompur e, bronchitis, pneumonia, infect - ed sinus, mastoid, At the firs 'sign of a cold or cough take 28ch at their | {ton is recovering from her recent ilnees. A number of our ladies [planning to attend the W.M.8, | Preshyterinl held at King St. {Chureh, Oshawa on Thursday, | Miss May of Oshawa, who Las heen visiting at the parsonage, is |e in a few days with Irs, | Chas, Grass, Drooklin, The Mission clrele will meet at the home of Miss Mabel Die ou Saturday afternoon, The Canadian Girls in Training, | Wide Awake Group, will meet iu | S, room on Sunday girls are asked to | the church 8. afternoon, T respond to the roll call with a quo- | tation from Tennyson. NORTHMINSTER LEAGUE Mre, Ray Smith was in charge of the very instructive program of the Northminster League. Miss Murg- arot Haines read the cripture les. son, Solos by Misys Sophie HEd- {wards and Mrs, Hinton were very much appreciated. | The Missionary prograta was in [the form of stories from the book "From Jerusalem to Jerusalem," dealing with the life and werk of various missionaries, The meet. Ing was closed with the Mizpah | benediction, | Post Office Burned Lindsay. = Malcolm MacDougal, [postmaster at Blairhampton, fin | Haliburton county, was burned out | of his home, He only escaped with one mall bag while the contents ot the house are a total loss, 'Trappers Propating Lindsay. --- With the opening of tho muskrat season a few days ago and the breaking up of the ice on the Scugog stretches, local 'rape pers are losing no time in makicg preparation for the season's trap. are | | Genuine Gratitude Compels Tribute. Mr. Vietor Hills, of Thornton Heath, writes:--' For many years { have suffered with that distressing complaint--constipation, and its at-, tendant effects of sick-headache and Canned Tomatoes Is Notably Inexpensive Tomato Juice has taken its place in the forefront among natural health foods--and not the least of the rea- sons for the preference now so wide ly given to tomato juice is its remarks ably low cost. "For your health's sake, eat more tomatoes and drink more tomatoes," advise medical authorities and food experts. And they point the way to a strikingly economical method of obeying that advice, Canned tomatoes indigestion. 1t was a red-letter day for me when a friend recommended Liver Pills, and 1 can honestly say that results have been truly mar- velous. I now enjoy good health and feel that life is worth living. The relief 1 have experienced com- 1s me to add my sincere tribute." ake Carter's Little Liver Pills, All druggists 20¢ and 70¢ ved pkgs, "An Itch 1 A Siemished vain Moro of! wash out completely and restore a th Hiehitot the Irritation, are soothed; . are instantly, F. W. Thompson Drug Store FORMER EDITOR DIES , Brockville, Marclhy 26.~Arthur 0. Franklin, .for many years con- nected with the Recorder and Times and a former editor of that publica. me a treatment of Carter's Little | supply that method, The ideal source of pure juice for | infant feeding is a can of good-qual« ity tomatoes. It is the easiest kind of atl operation to separate the juice | from the tomate solids. Nothing is | wasted, as both juice and the solids are highly recommended for their rich Vitamin<Content. On thig point the Hon, Dr. Robb, Ontario Minister of Health, recently made the following declaration: "We {know now that Tomato Juice is | equally as good as orange juice for { infant feeding, and it has the advan- | tage that the required amount of juice may be taken for the infant and Will DDD heal overnight? Sometimes. | the balance of the can's ocntents, ten | longer to when we serve canned tomatoes, may be used as an excellent food for | the family." Medical endorsation of tomato juice for babies is now general and whole-hearted--and the health value of tomato juice served as the appetize ing first course of a meal or as a re- freshing drink between meals is just as strongly commended. For whatever purpose it is desired, the economical way to obtain it is to strain the pure juice from canned tomatoes. However, for those who | PAIN IN SIDES, BACKACHE, NERVOU Peterboro, Ont. -- "Iollowit motherhood 1 developed weakness that pulled me comp own in health, My nerves ets pa ; was weak, had severe pain sides, my back gched and nervous and physica taking five bottles of wreck, r, Pierce's vorite Prescription my tierves good condition and I Had f gained my health and stre: i. ov ¥ ommend the 'Favorite Prescripti all women who suffer as 1 d Mrs, Maurice Tobin, 184 Lake St. | al degen, Hl Ont, for a ria Dr. Pleves', or tablets, ven 56° Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptic ings and baby chucklings, It is a n ho same, (20. For lt is baby's bath, ¢ @ 8 warm . ness nd 4 fash fragrance. Tore ould ni any wony over soop- has to tender skins, There shoul Rot be any danger of sfterchale, If this ris to be happy, not dreaded, only the purest so: p should be usede= ants Delight, Experi doc and nurses will you thet your baby's skin is complet ly tected by its use, It is pure ticularly mild with an abu) In addition, its boracie content makes it antiseptic and so soothing; A rr' TILLIE THE TOILER ; , . \ . . -------------- - 4 > --- cP ero Gor' a y ans 5 CHBC ONLY LENT $ 20. (LL MAIL TILLIE « { HAVE "THE By Russ W ¢ § VY. MA ; CABHED THAT CHECIC Saw FOR $5 rR 9 MR. CRANE ? : WHAOD'YA THINK OF Tuarlf i | Infants Delight hase long beenacelaime Wit My CHECK FOR $ 20 RIGHT FIETY BUCKS the tenderest sbnp png vil AWAY Jor babies king. DON'T "88 SiLLy ls "hilly i Just ar great fo H senvitive adult | i shine, as many a | woman has dis coverdd, 4 F iti { yt i 1 INI 1S GOorY AND OUGHT "To OF LOCKED uP i / AC, THATS" ' way om BHOW ING HID Af rncIATION

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