| THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1931 PAGE FIVE Social & Personal | Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin returned Justerday from a trip to Havana, u L -» . About 70 attended the dance held by the employees of Alger Press Ltd, at the Snooker dance hall last night. Music for both -round and square dancing was provided by the Blue Boys orchestra, under the di- rection of Bennie Collis, Mr. R. 8. McLaughlin, president + of General Motors c2 Canada, left this city today and is sailing tomor- row evening for England, where he will spend the next fav weeks, -. LJ The Prime Minister has fssued fnvitations for a dinenr to be given in the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, on the evening of Wednesday, March 18th, in honor of the meémbers of parliament and the senators, and their wives. Guests will be received in the drawing room, which will be attractively decorated with spring flowers, and dinner will be served in the ballroom, with dancing atter- wards in the Jasper room. » [ Congralulations are being extend- ed to Miss Madeline Joynt, Clark St., who passed her elementary ex- amination at the Toronto Conserva. tory of Music, recently. LJ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seriver and family, of Huntsville, Ont.,, have returned home after spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Seriver, 148 Athol St. East, "In the old days," says a writer, "capital punishment usually alter nated between beheading and burn- ing" A chop or a stake~Montreal Star. Social & Personal Any social notes which read. ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the Times Office before 10.30 a.m. the day they are to be pub. lished. [tems of news concern. ing dances, parties, guests to and from town will bo gladly received. WATSON 'S | BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 0B Celina St. The Fashion Shop 84 Simcoe St. 8. (opp. Bruce St.) has no connection with any shop in Oshawa. EEE ROYAL YORK re Tea P ap i 28¢ Atall Superior + Stores Independent Order of Foresters Hold Weekly Euchre Party The weekly euchre party of the Independent Order of Foresters was held on March 17 at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Woodward, 92 Elgin Street Kast, last night, There were nine tables and the evoning was much enjoyed. Mrs, W. J, Binning was awarded the ladies' first prize, while Mrs, J. J. Nesbitt received the second prize for ladies, Charles Sturgess rank- od first among the gentlemen while Elmer Nesbitt was awarded the men's second prize, Consolation prizes were won by Mrs, Green and Mr, Pratt, Tha serv. ing of a tasty luncheon concluded a pleasant evening, GABBY GERTIE =: ea [f= AN "Cosmetics will come and pred. udices will go 'cause wemen go wan forever." . "You told the fellows at the club that I was an idiot," "I meant your brother," "He will beat you to a pulp if he hears that" "Tell him I meant you"--Pages Gaies, Yverdon, W. G. Voliva, after a trip round the globe, says it's just as thought, the world is flat. He thus confirms the statements of eminent financiers.--Hamilton Spectator. The town of St. Marys is provid« ing'a shower bath for the hobos that visit it. One more instance of man's inhumanity to man--Toronto Star. "It's a caution when women ory, but men seldom heed It." poe? BRAIDS, ALL STRAW-- Watteau Type Hats for Easter HATS OF BAKO, BRAID, SPIDERWEB, PANAMA. LAC BRAID, TOYOS, PAPER PANAMAS, NOVELTY Developing in hundreds 8 different ways--the Watteau trond in Spring Millinery--ali fascinatingly feminine--all framing the face like hats haven't 0 ing to the fi for y them on ls fatal! Priced very conservatively at ...... $2.98 and $3.98 heart that to sea thum--to try eesti anee Special Nw Bakuette Braid Hats, Crochets Visce Straw Cloth $198 special group--copies of higher priced styles~values to $3.08 priced specially this selling Watteau types--close fitting hats--brims--large head sizes and ory fashionable color ........ooonesviviinn, / PT PET Pry PPP Pr PIPPI 3 King Dorothea Hats Limited Street East, Oshawa he | ADANAG SOCIAL CLUB HAS DANGE Enjoyable Event Takes Place in Genosha Hotel Ball Room The Adanac Social Clyb of Osh- awa, held a St. Patrick's dance in the ballroom of the Genosha Hotel last night. A large number of guests were present and greatly enjoyed the latest dance hits of 1930 and 1981, also some well-known Irish tunes which were rendered by the excellent Adanac Dance Orchestra, under the personal and capable di- rection of George Norris, There were two "Spot" prizes last night, one being donated by J. C. McGill, men's wear merchant, and the other by Rugsell Storke, of the Oshawa Wholesale Co. They were won by Miss Connie Kelly and Mr. Arthur Walker. Novelty hats were worn by 211 the guests and an amusing event oc- curred when A, Durie presented an Irish hat to W. Colborne and a sma!l derby to George Norris, It is hoped by many that the Ad- anac Club will hold another enjoy- able dance in the near future. The party terminated at one o'clock this morning. "Angler's Romance," reads a headline. Yes, most of them do. By Thornton W. Burgess When all seems safest have a care. 'Tis then ot danger to beware, ==Redshoulder the Hawk. The greatest danger often comes when least expected. So, when danger is not even thought of it may be very near indeed. The wise never fdrget to he watchful, It doesn't pay. Redshoulder the Hawk found this out." It cost him a few feathers and a severe fright, It happened this way: Redshoulder had gone to look for his breakfast, leaving Mrs, Redshoulder sitting on their pre- clous oggs, Now the day before Redghoulder had made a discovery. He had been sailing over a farm beyond Farmer Brown's Farm. As he passed high over the henyard, he had seen a rat run out from under the henhouse, kill a fluffy little chicken, and take it back un- der the henhouse. It had all hap- pened so quickly that if was all over before Redshoulder had fully realized what was happening. Just then a man came out of the farm- Your D ghway f Health [1 Have Faith in ruggist Try this recipe CocoNuT MACAROUNS "nat a hredded form, separately. asking. ate oven. A new book of 180 recipes by the world's finest cooks is just off entitled "New Magic for Your Kitchen." We will gladly mail a copy--free for the Ve Dorion Oo Grud For better results in cooking --use EAGLE BRAND | ip EASY to make beautiful light cakes of fine texture with Borden's Eagle Borden's Eagle Brand contains more than twice the cream of good country milk in its concentrated rand Milk, for To make cooking easier, cane sugar is smoothly blended into Borden's Eagle Brand Milk, You will obtain definitely better results from this swectened milk than are possible by mixing sugar and milk the press. It's Tus Bososn Co., Limited, 115 George 51., Toronto. Gentlemen: Please send me » FREE copy of "New Magle for Your Kitchen." Name. yiieiseeiassessnnnine hy house and Redshoulder kept on his way. "If there is one Rat living under that henhouse there are more Rats there," thought Redshoulder. "A Rat is more filling than a Mouse. There should be good hunting there. Yes, sir, there should be good hunting there. I'll keep an eye on that place." So this morning Redshoulder had flown straight over to that farm, There was a telephone pole just 'outside the henyard. It was just the place from which to watch, He flew straight to it and settled himself comfortably. Watchful patience would, he felt sure, give him the chance he wanted, : The heng had seen him alight on that pole and had made a fright- ened rush for the henhouse, "Silly things," thought Redshoulder. "What are they afraid of me for? I'm after a Rat, not a hen, or a chicken." He sat motionless so that he looked like a part of the pole, It wasn't long before the hens had forgotten thelr fright and were out in the yard again. One old hen had a brood of downy chicks and a very fussy old hen she wns, 1t amused Redshoulder to watch her. "Thank goodness Mrs, Redshoul- der doesn't make so much fuss over our bables as that old hen does over hers," thought he. *'I wonder if that Rat will try for an- other of those babies this morn- ing, I hope he does. I hope he comes out soon, now, poking his nose out of that hole." Redshoulder became so intent watching that Rat that he paid no attention to anything else, All was quiet and peaceful. There was no hint of possible "danger, Yet all the time, danger was s'ow- ly but surely drawing near. The farmer had heard the frightened cackling of those hens when Red- shoulder had arrived, Looking out the window he had seen the hig Hawk alight on the telephone pole, Seizing his gun, he had slipped out the front door where he could not be seen by Redshoulder and had hurriedly made his way ton point where he could creep around the back of the harn unseen to a point within ghooting distance of Red- shoulder, "That's the Hawk who has been getting my chickens," he muttered. "Well, if IT have luck he has caught his last chicken." S80 Redshoulder watched the gray old Rat peeping out of his hole under the henhouse, the far mer with his terrible gun crept along the back of the harn, the fussy old hen fussed more than ever over her chickeng, the other hens ran about rather aimlessly as hens do, and the beautiful spring morning wae as peaceful ay if nothing dreadful had aver hap- pened or ever could happen, Then all in the wink of an eye everything changed. "The grav old Rat darted out as a fluffy little chick came near. He didn't cateh | 1t for big claws seized him. The hens made a great racket as they rushed for the henhrouse. The farmer rushed around the corner of the barn just as Redshoulder flew over the henhouse, threw up his gun and fired hoth harrels. Bang! Bang! went the terrible gun. Redshoulder felt some gharp stings and some of his feathers floated down. He wasn't hurt much but he was terribly fright- ened. He had had a narrow es- cape and he knew ft, (Copyright, 1931, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Redshoulder Is Indignant."" ORIENT GOLDFISH BUSINESS BOOMING Victoria, B. C.--The goldfish business is booming these days and the Orient is sending bigger ship- ments than ever before to this country as a result of the rising demand. When the Japanese lindr Hikka- wa Maru arrived here recently she carried a goldfish cargo valued at more than $60,000. There were more than a quarter million fish aboard the vessel, In about 200 tubs, which covered 'the entire upper dock, Two goldfish experts were re- quired to care for the huge ship- ment, which is probably a record for all time, The goldfish were in all sizes, shapes and colors, and some of them were valued at $100 aplece, Ha! There he is | while the cheapest were worth a| | Women's Interests in the Home and The Community LH | Special Window and Store Displays OF ew Curtains, Curtain Nets, Draperies colorings. 48-in. ENGLISH REVERSIBLE SHADOW CLOTHS In a variety of attractive designs and Per Yard laa 00 ings. 50-in. IMPORTED CRETONNE, 59¢ In sand, blue, grounds in bright, attractive color- and black green 36-in. FILET NETS, 29¢ They come in white, ecru, finished with lace edging in new figured and neat conventional designs, 38-in. FILET NETS In the finer qualities, with the new tailored edge. Can be had in white or ecru, and in a wide range of new- est patterns. Yard ....59¢c, 75¢, 85¢ copen, blue, brown, tan Ladies' Genuine Glove Leather Sport Coats With yoke back, belted and 2 sport pockets. In shades of black, navy, Reg. $13.95 and $17.50. On sale at the extraordinary low price of $10.85 and green. NEW COATS A complete stock of Tweeds, Tric- otines and Broadcloths now on dis- play in our.. ready-to-wear Best selection of the season. $12.95 to $29.50 A deposit will hold any coat until dept. required, TEMPERANCE WAS THEME OF ADDRESS! (Continued from page 1) Is no reason for us to be as back- ward and continue to say that alcohol is a stimulant when sclence has definitely placed it in the class of a narcotic drug," the speaker observed, Its seemingly stimulating effect was due to the fact that delicate nerves, which controlled the action of the heart and other organs, werd lulled by the drug's action and the organs, no longer under control, operated at an artificially high rate, "Alcohol is the great kidder, In the winter a man who drinks ets the impression he fs warm- er, when the blood is simply sent rushing to the skin and he Is actually getting colder, In the summer he says that alcohol make him cooler--the water in the drink quenches his thirst, but the alcohol makes him thirsty again quicker than ever. The belief that alcohol helped digestion {is another. un- true one, for alcohol simply numbs the nerves from the stomach and the messages of discomfort or pain cannot get through to the brain." Government's Responsibility Mr. Bayley said that, during and alter the controversies on prohibi- tion, the teachers had become timid about teaching temperance in the schools. The government of | might easily Manitoba, however, had definitely accepted this responsibility through its education department, and regular scientific training. along temperance lines was being given in the schools. "I would tell the people of Ontario that they should drive home to their government the fact that the child mind is the oyly open mind, and that the hope of a temperate nation les in the proper education of the school children," Mr, Bayley said, The fact that, in his Manitoba work, he was an official of the depart- ment of education opened doors that a private lecturer would have no chance of passing through, "Modern science is attacking moderate drinking because of the dangers that come from even one drink, The higher sensibilities, such as conscience, are dimmed first by alcohol, while the animal instincts are as strong as eves. That is why even one drink is dangerous, im a moral it in no other respect." way 'even | Alcohol was the useful thing in the world and be the first if ft gould be used more freely with no danger of anyone stealing it to drink. It was useful in the manu facture of many products, and was a better fuel than gasoline. "Are we going to allow the foolish fun of a few to rob the citizens as a _ whole of their economic advamts ages?" he asked. Rev. A. M. Irwin, president of the Oshawa Prohibition Union, act= ed as chairman, The speaker was introduced by Dr. F, J. Donevan, chairman of the Board of Educa- tion of the city. Dr. Donevan re ferred to the fact that, while Ontario bad made provision for teaching temperance, it was not used in many of the schools, and it was rather glossed over by the teachers of the province as a whole, ' third most -- "There is no question at all that alcohol is injurious to health," said Dr. Donevan, who declared that the medical profession today perscribed it very little, NO NARCOTICS The Tea in_ TILLIE THE TOILER To Comms [1778 Too BAD wou COULDN'T PERSUADE [I HAVING A YOUR PRIBND MAC IN ON THIG PROPOSITION OF MINE « HED DANCE iH) EE WHAT | Your PROP. osSIMon 187 { Footores Syndienté, 16c. Gress Britain gs reserved. MILEAGE FIVE TIMES THE Mar A MAGIC LIQUID CALLED GO-GAL®: ONE DROP IN A TAL! aE WOM INCREASES Zl - (T VEL OF THE IN SOUR GABOL INE? QH My, NO = \T IBNT ON "THE MARKET YET Wel. FPlooD THE WORLD +