Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Mar 1931, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1931 NOTE THESE SPECIAL ALUES 972 -- REXALL DRUG STORES soc JAR Jonteel Combination Cream 50c Tube Mi-31 i Dental Paste Zr 51C $1.00 Rexall : "93" HAIR 'TONIC 2t0r $1.01 38¢c Tube Rexall | Shaving Cream | 2 sor 36¢ 50¢c Box Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powder 2, tor 51c Tooth Brush 15c Tin Puretest | EPSOM SALTS | tor 16C THIS WEEK AT THE g Fesall THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY]{ iN DRUG STORES CANADA--972_ APROFIT-SHARING METHOD OF ADVERTISING TIS i pal AL the United Dru an advertising -- Rather than spend large sums of money In other ways to con- vince you of the merit of thess goods, they are spending It on this sale in permitting us to sell you two full size packages of high quality merchandise for the price of one, plus one cent. It costs money to get new customers, but the sacrifice In profit ls Justified, because we know the goods will please you, Household Drugs and Medicines 85c Bot. PURETEST MINERAL OIL 16 oz. (formerly $1.00) 27.8 $1.20 bot. Russian Mineral Oil, 32 oz. (Formerly . 49) tor Analgesic 2/0 20 Hod Puriner. &/o $1.01 erxide, Lon... &107+20 350 bot. Hydro wd bo ii 20,36 ot yar en Proud 16 ig 2/0, 51 80c bo t. VAPURE Inhale it and kill Cold and Flu germs 2 sor 51 500 tube Rexall Catarrh Jelly 2/r.51 500 box Res Dys- Grr 51 50c bot. is 250.51 25¢ box Boots' MELOIDS for Throat and Volce 2 for 26 hoi it 2,26 00 pk. Rewil Kf. 9, 51 od Ointment i 21or, 51 oe te veal 21 or 8 $1.00 bottle Puretest Norwegian CodLiverOil Tested for purity 21 $1.01 500 bot. Rexillana Cough Syrup Liver Pills bot. Riker's Syrup of Tar Boe Cod Li For t ye 21, 51 27,51 ANTISEPTIS 2 ir $1.01 50¢ bot. Mi 31 Antiseptis 2 sor 51 $125 bot, Rexall Agarex, Plain or Compound. 2for $1.26 0g bot. Eyelo Eye 9 7, 51 ny 3 Rosai} Chest Rub for Shion, an t 2/07, 51 210,51 Bronchial Cough Syrup for Chest Colds 2. for S51 26¢ tin Boots' Licori Tart Menthol p of H: 77 $1.01 $1.00 bot. Rexall bh of Cod Liver Oil. Rt 28¢ box 72 hot. 10 ABA. ,, 76 "ess ian $1.00 bottle IRON TONIC 2 so $1.01 cl] Boo box Rexall Kid- ney Pills 2,/0r51 250 box Laxative Bromide of Quinino Tablets... for 26 50c bet. Guaiasote : 4 Intestinal Antiseptic 2 for 31 20 Bxinche Powders £707 +20 10c pk. Senna Leaves 2 for, 11 $1.00 bot. BOOTS' REGESAN FRUIT SALINE Mild, pleasant laxative 2 Jor $1.01 25¢ box Rexall Laxa- five Cold Tablets, Jr +20 Eh ei Tonio 270 $1.01 250 bot. Skin Fix for 2 for, 26 Wounds 50¢ bot. Pinusote for Coughs and Colds. 2 Jor Sl 15¢ tin PURETEST EPSOM SALTS 2 for 16 23¢ tin PURETEST EPSOM SALTS 2 jor ,26 50¢ bot. Aromatic 2 for, 51 Cascara B60c bot. Cascara Tablets, 3 grs.. * 2 or, 51 25¢ Cascara Tablete. 2for 26 15¢ pk. Puretest Horacio Acid. 870716 80c bot. Rexall Milk of Magnesia 16 oz. 2 Jor Sl 86¢ bot. Rexall Milk of Magnesia 32 oz. 2 Jor 86 pS 3 rr Hopton Tonia 270r $1.01 8 iid Antieptic. & 707 D1 Resall Orderlies The natural laxative that doesn't gripe 28 box 2 for, 26 50¢ bea 2 for , 51 Honiton. 210r $1.01 a 40 Tablets 277.26 ie Oman 20, 26 anicts s 27 or 26 $1.00 bottle Rexall COD LIVER COMPOUND WITH CREOSOTE 2 for $1. 01 be" ® Ik. Red Cedar 2 for 26 spy Ki 1, 51 Tho bt, bot, Fly Kil. . 2/76 oy Dif 2 for 26 WIR 5% Riso. 4 5 or .36 260 bot, Triodine.. 2 for 126 2s $1.01 THE ORIGINAL Stationery _ Albion WRITING PADS 65 Sheets Linen Finish 15¢ Note Size 270.16 25¢ Salisbury Size... 2 for 26 350 Letter Size. .... 2for.36 15¢ Note Pad, 80 Sheets, Ruled. 2 for, 16 750 box Correspondence Cards, Deckle Edge 2/00, 76 35¢ box Kingsdale Paper and Envelopes Kid Fintsh Soe Tabor Popes and Envelopes, te hid te, ray an 2 for S51 50¢ Albion Portfolio 2/for, 51 76¢ box Paper and Envelopes, White and Mauve. 2 for ,76 %0¢, bos Malvern Paper and nye) s Finish cveerns B70 oD] hl Avalon Paper Linen Finish 2 for 61 60¢ box Avalon En- velopes 2 Jor 6 1 50c pound Castlewood Paper, 100 Sheets, Vellum 2 for 51 » Finish 50g box Castlewood 2 for 51 1] A nviope TaClai 15¢ pkg ir Linen Envelopes. . 2 or, 16 Jog Pi. Jive ling lined 12 sor, 11 Candy 60c Pound | ad Homemade Assorted Chocolates 2 sr 61 750, box Maraschino 2 for 76 rise 218 NUT MILK : Assorted 2 for ,31 be Chowite 1 Bars 2 for, 06 25 ] Ib. ao orfoud 2 for 36 35¢ Peppesmiint Hum. 2 for 36 os Kaiabow 2,61 Reid 210 26 Rubber Goods $1.75 Major 3 WATER BOTTLE Red, Jade or Blues and Guarant 2 for $1.76 $1.50 Major Fountain Syringe 2 for $1.51 35¢ Bab Pants, C hampagme Color: 20.36 10c Blac an ome Feedi 2s 11 [4] AD cedin % Mc) 52/11 50c Fancy Rubber Aprons, pink, blue or green 2/or 60 Firstaid 2.0. I Adhesive NACCRASEWE Plaster TT ie an in new handy, dust-proof package 150 Size, 1in. x 1 yd, 2for , 16 35¢ Size, 14 in. x 5 yds. 2 for 36 25¢ Firstaid Bella- donha Pl: Bates. i 2 for 26 60¢ Firstaic Que Acting Plaster, . £2 or 21 26¢ pk. Gauze 15¢ roll Gauze Band- 2 for, 16 age 25¢ pk. Absorbent Cotton 2 Jor 26 75¢ pound roll Rox- bury Absorbent Cotton Sundry Items VELVO SANITARY NAPKINS 121in a package 2 for ,61 250 Comb in Case.. 2for.26 25¢ Men's Comb.. . 2for,26 360 Jaden Dressing 2 for, 36 Comb . 2f0r, 16 15¢ Bobby Comb... nL ,ather 2/81. 26 75¢ Briar Pipes 2/0r. 76 35¢ Whisk. . ve Bor 36 52 Boyle Pencil § in 2 for, 16 15¢ Menthol Inhaler 2 for,16 25¢ Klenzo Tooth Brush 2 sor 26 350 Klenag, Tooth 2 jor 36 50c Klenzo Tooth Brush with Holder 2s real 250 Hand Brush. ... 2for.26 15¢ Wash Cloth 2/16 250 Wash Cloth..... 2for 26 10¢ Card Safety Pins 2 for,11 15¢ Powder Puffs 5] 270,16 io Sort I 2r,11 15¢ boby Fountain 2 for, 16 Pen In 156 bot. Yaa . 2f0r,16 PANTRY SPECIALS OPEKO TEA 14 b.pkg. 28¢ 1 Ib. pkg. 56¢ Jipmagind M apy ll im OPEKO COFFEE Pound 35¢c | 2 for 66¢ I grey {. pad ] [EL hot i Fos; HI Jury & Lovell 8 King St. E. Phone 28 528 Simcoe St. S. Toilet Articles and Sundries 35c tin Langlois Lavender Talcum Powder EEA} 2 sor 36 35¢ Orange Blossom 2 for 36 . Taleum 250 Juny Tot Baby 210,26 'aleum 50c Paradis Taleum. 2for 51 50c Jontecl Taleuni.. 2 for, 51 360 Gentlemen's After Shave Talcum. 2fors 36 $1,00Cue Nome 2/+$1.01 A $1.00 bottle LORIE QUININE yp TONIC 2 for $1.01 1.00 Rexall vg3'* HAIR TONIC 2 rr $1.01 bo bot. Riker's Emulsified Cocoa- nut Oil Shampoo.. 2 for 36 50c Janglois lavender Bril- Jisgiine Solidi- 2 for, 51 Tooth ce 2 jor 51 a TT Cy 21 or 36 i ye 2 Jor Sl Booth Panter: Afr 26 51 50c Milk :) Magnesia 2 for 25¢ A Path Powder. ..vsev:.. 2 for, 26 $1.00 Shari Face Lotion and Skin Freshener 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Duska Face Lotion and Skin Freshener 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Jasmine Face Lotion and Skin Freshener 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Cara Nome Face Lotion and Skin Freshener 2 for $ 1.01 $1.00 Lan ois Lavender Face Lotion an 50c Janis Brilliantine 2 for, 51 Sha Liquid 50¢ lorie Hair-Fix Solidified. . * 2for, 51 36¢ Lorie Hair Fi ix Liquid. . x 2 for, 36 50c box | JONTEEL Cold Cream . ED Face Powder 2 ror 51 $1.00 box Narcisse Cold Cream Face Powder.. 2for $1.01 $1.00 box Duska Face Powder., 2 for $1.01 750 box Cherisetto a voles 2 for 46 $2.00 box Cara Nome Complexion Powder 2 for $2.0 1 $2.50 box Shari 2/$2.51 Face Powder.. $1.00 JASMINE OF SOUTHERN lr FRANCE "8 COMPACTS 2s $1.01 50c Jasmine of Southern France 20r.51 25 Jonteel Lipstick. 2/0". 26 B0c Jasmine of South- ern France Rouge. 21 or 51 $1.50 LAVENDER RAINBOW BATH CRYSTALS in Fancy Jar 2 for $1.51 mL Lorias ole English 2 for, 76 mg ii oe 2 or. 76 25¢ cake JONTEEL TOILET SOAP 2 for 26 15¢ Narcissus Toilet Soap 2 for 16 160 Oval Cake P. £5. 9 1,1 16 160 Radio Soap. .... 2for,16 $1.00 box (4 cakes) Tour Sesser' 9 1 81 0] HELE 2481.01 x Fee 2/0 $1. 01 0) Longin] Tavendery for 36 2 for 51 $1.00 Lavender [FSW Shaving Bowl 2 Jor $1.01 E satel 21r 36 20 Ros, Saint or, 26 75¢ bot. Langlois Lavender After Shave Lotion 2 Jor 16 reba, Klaas 21r.76 Hone: Bar 210 $1.01 50¢c jar JONTEEL COMBINATION CREAM 2 for i 750} Jar ania Bleach 2 for, 76 TDA 3 76 WS oundation Cream 8707+ 10 sp Sot. Ki Almond 42 sor, 51 3g bot, Luxio Lotion 8 2 for. 36 50 bot. French Balm 2 for 51 $1.25 box Langlois 800 French Cologne 2for 51 750 Florids Water... 2/or.76 $1.00 1.01 Water... ns $1.25 5 Fund fotion or Toilet Water, . «24 $1. 26 OSHAWA CENT NOTE THESE SPECIAL VALUES 85c¢ Bot. Puretest MINERAL 16 oz. (formerly $1.00) 2 or §6¢ 50c Bottle VAPURE $1 Bot. Puretest Norwegian COD LIVE OIL 2 or $1.01 I. 50c Bottle I Mi-31 ih ] ANTISEPTIS $1.00 Bottle Boots' REGESAN FRUIT SALINE 25or$I1.0L A.S. A. Tablets 2 tor 26€ 25¢ BOX BOOTS' MELOIDS For Throat and Voice

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