Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Mar 1931, p. 9

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i] | » There' somthing new under ("We saw it this morning » THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1937 PAGE NINE Just Imagine--Father's Son and New Moon All Book- + od-for Next Week "JOST IMAGINE" the su and herd 'it also and were given the treat of the season: It will be: offered to: public view for the first' time today at the 'Regent when:the new DeSylva, Brown and Hender- son 'miisical comedy. "Just Imagine" opens A' two day-engagement. "In ourhumble; critical opinion it is a worthy successor to their pre- vious great.-.success 'Sunny Side » H 3 A ; "Just. Imagine" is spectacularly original in theme and treatment dnd is superlative entertainment and we believe that you will class it the same as we do, so make it a point to sée this triumph as soon as possible. SF "It is laid ina:1980 setting, when the world has changed materially in virtually every element except romance.: The story of the love of the 'Lindbergh of 1980" in the person of John Garrick for Maureen O'Sullivan is beset with the tradi- tional difficulties of romance of all time, but, of 'eourse, this being a musical domedy, true love conquers in the end. + Song hits include 'I'm Only the Words You 'Are the Melody" 'Old Fashioned Girl' and "Never Swal a Fly". being particularly outstand- ing. The two instrumental numbers which supply the accompaniment for the big dance numbers are par- ticualrly excellent and. also will prove popular with - the - fox-trot fans. ' {UW PATHER'S BON "Herd is a saga of boyhood that stands 'as one of the finest things of it's. kind since the talking era began. It 1s:a real story of a real boy---so humanly told it: almost hurts. "Father's Son" taken from Booth Tarkington's original story "Old 'Father's and Young Sons" is com- ing to the Regent 'theatre next Tuesday for a special two day en- gagement. in conjunction with the Fashion Shoppe's Spring Style Show which will be presented on will introduce delightful dance ens L Interesting Pen Impres- . sions of the Coming Attractions on EL BRENDEL Who.is at the Regent. today and Monday with Maureen O'Sulli- van and Marjorie White in the tuneful comedy 'Just Imagine'. { THE LOCAL SCREEN Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse: ment World Jean Harlow, Who has been seem on Oshawa screens on previous cccasions and who plays an impor tant role in "Hell's Angels'. ACE MOORE Who will be co-starred with Law rence Tibbett in "New Moon" at the Regent starting next Thursday. the stage evening only, commencing at 8.40 pm. The Fashion Parade this year will have a deluxe pre- sentation at the hands of a pro- fessional master of cermonies who sembles during the showing of the season's newest frocks and spring apparel displayed on stunning man« nequins. . everyone who sees it who has not forgotten their own childhool. In addition to the feature the program includes an Andy Clyde comedy and a song and dance revue as well as the ever Interesting Paramount News. "NEW MOON" Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer's long awaited adaptation of the New York stage success, "New Moon," with Lawrence Tibbett and Grace Moore in the leading roles, will be the attraction at the Regent Thea. tre starting Thursday for two days. The original play, one of the big- gest Broadway hits in years, was II, Frank Mandel 'and Laurence Its Mighty It's Thrilling It's the first Multi-Million Dollar talking Picture Truly a thrilling Air Spectacle DARING! You've never seen or heard anything lke it on the stage or screen -- it's more than a picture -- it's an event --- an exe perience -- an unforgettable achievemient. | Asi olf evi It you want to / ' learn something of & what actually hap- pened when" alps plane and zepplin meet in g battle to the death thous- ands of féét in the alr don't fall to see and hear: this one of the greatest of war pictures, "Hell's Angels" a New Martin Theatre TODAY and Buck Jones in "DESERT VENGEANCE" TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY You may be shocked at "Hell's Angel's" "bit you'll never for- : got it MONDAY The; New Martin Anniversary Months We've Proud Of It! James Hall who plays an important part in "Hell's Angels". i E) from "Hell's Leon Janney, Angels", Above--A rene Rich and Lewis Stone in a scene from i"Father's Son" at the Regent next Tues dhy and Wednesday. Theatre Snapshots os RE I~ REGENT \ttractions Next Week Aay and Monday, El Bren. del and Marjorie White in "Just Imagine." ssday and Wednesday, lewis Stone, Irene Rich and Leon Janney in "Fa. ther's Son." Fashion Shoppe's Spring Style Show, nights only. Thursday and Friday, Law- rence Tihbett and Grace Moore in "New Moon." Schwab, with music by Sigmund Romberg, and made dramatic his- tory with Evelyn Herbert, Robert Halliday and Gus Shy in the fea- tured parts. Shy plays his game role} in the film version and the support- ing cast also includes Adolphe Men- jou, who returns to the screen; Ro- land Young, last seen in "Madam Satan;" Emily Fitzroy, remember- ed for her work in "The Bridge if San Luis Rey," and nearly a thou- sand extras. Jack Conway, whose last soreen work was the late Lon Chaney's "The Unholy Three," directed. The story tells of a young lieuten. ant who meets a princess while con- veying his troops on a steamer across the Caspian Sea to Turkes- tan. They fall in love. She is en- gaged to the governor Tibbett's superior officer, who, when he dis- covers the affair, transfers the lieu- tenant to a dangerous post hoping he will be killed. The princess fol- lows on the eve of a Turkoman at- tack. The governor delays reinforce. ments but the office and his men save the day and a wedding, of course, is the result. Dramatic highlights are the dis- covery by the governor of the love affair; the battle; the lieutenant's stirring appeal to his soldiers, and his quelling of a mutiny; the horse. whipping scene, apd the upbraiding of the flirting princess in the great ballroom sequence. The co-starring of Tibbett and Miss Moore marks the first appear- ance together of the most important American voices in grand opera. Maid (having accepted her noe tice): "Anyway, mum I've been in better-class 'ouses than this. Why, the last place I was in the ladies used to strip for dinner." | NEW MARTIN | Attractions Next Week | Today---Mondsy, Buck Jones | "in. "Desert Vengeance." f Tuesday -- Friday, "Hell's |i "Angels"? = a . Another improvement will soon be added to the New Martin theatre in the form of new French doors to replace the others now in use at the entrance to the theatre.. That along with the front heing repainted will add greatly to the appearance of the theatre. Rickard Barthelmess will be seen here shortly in his new production 'The Lash". This talented picture star has been re- ceiving most favorable comments wherever this sensational picture has been shown. * LJ » * The management of the New Martin theatre are announcing a wonderful line up of attractions for Oshawa during the balance of March and the month of April... Such pictures as 'One Hoavenly Night," with John Boles, Evelyn Laye, "The Lottery Bride" with Jeanette McDonald and Joe E. Brown, Ronald Colman in "The Devil to Pay," John Boles and Lupe Velez in '"Resurrec- tion, Richard Dix in "Shooting Straight', "Dracula' "Ex Flame' and others are slated to have thelr Oshawa premier soon, * * * LJ The ladies of Oshawa and vicinity will no doubt flock to the Regent theatre next Tuesday and Wednesday to witness what is new in Spring styles, when stunning mannequins will parade the new modes behind the footlights in conjunction with the showing of "Father's Son." * LJ Ld * Muele lovers will find excellent entertainment at the Regent next Thursday and Friday when Lawrence Tibbett and Grace 'foore will hold the screen in the highly interesting Broadway tage success 'New Moon." . *. * ww: Radio llsteners will have an opportunity during the course of the next few weeks to see in person George Wade and his Corn fuskers, who come over the air from CFRB on the Regent stage. Tanager Osjer announces today that he has booked this famous ther orchestra for a two day added attraction the latter part of March, COST $4,000,000 T0 MAKE PICTURE 87 Real Wartime Planes Are Used to Make Hell's Ange " "Hell's "Angels" is the stupen- dous drama of air-war which How- ard Hughes produced and pergon- ally directed at the staggering cost of $4,000,0000, and which required three years of continuous filming to complete. More than 100 daring pilots, in- cluding many of America's fore- most stunt flyers, took part in the thrilling air battles which are a spectacular feature of "Hell's Ane gels." A flying fleet of exactly 87 real wartime planes, including a glant German Gotha bomber and a Ger- man dirigible, was brought to- gether from all parts of the world and flown in this picture, More than $2,000,000 was ex- pended on aviation scenes alone, and another half million was in- vested in a dirigible sequence, which is a spectacular highlight of the film. This latter episode, in- cidentally, is the first authentic re- production of the famous wartime Zep raid on London. Howard Hughes, the 2b-year-old producer and "director of 'Hell's Angels," has shattered all records in time and money spent on a single picture. His prodigal out- lay is discussed wherever films are shown, and fans everywhere are eager to view the first multi-mil« lion dollar talkie. HELL'S ANGELS AT NEW MARTIN "Hell's Angels" And "Desert Vengeance" Fill or Bill --~ X Nearly three years in the make ing, and bearing an over-head cost of approximately $4,000,000 this lavish air-thriller is the screen sensation of the new era of talkies, It is more than three years since "Hell's Angels" was first launched ~--a8 & silent super. Subsequently the cast and story were revamped, and all the non-flying sequences re-fillmed, with sound and dialogue. Ben Lyon, James Hall and Jean Harlow are co-featured in the lead- ing roles and are supported by such well-known players as John Darrow, Lucien Prival, Jane Winton, Lena Malena, Douglas Gilmore, Stephen Carr, Tommy Carr, Pat Somerset, Granville Divis Lisa Gora, Wyndham Hall and others, . Approximately 187 aviators, and as many mechanics, including near ly every stunt flyer and ex-War ace available in America, partici- pated in the sky action of "Hell's Angels," which alone required 18 months to record. A Zepplin and a giant German Gotha bombing plane also figure prominently in mile-high action above the clouds: This is the larg- est air fleet ever assembled to per form in a private enterprise. DESERT VENGEANCE A few months ago two grande daughters of Jesse James, the fae mous outlaw of western pioneer days, were summoned to Holly~ wood, California, to enact roles in a picture based on the desperado's life. Of course they were charm ing and estimable ladies and did not approve of lawless deeds. As & matter of fact most "bad men" are a bit particular about the home atmosphere in which they rear their women and have a high regard for family life. It is upon just such a true-toe life theme as this that 'Desert Vengeance," Columbia's all-talke ing feature starring Buck Jones, showing at the Martin = Theatre, Saturday, is based. Jim Cardew, a desperate but picturesque king of the highway, is intrigued by an ine nocent-appearing and attractive young woman to whom he attribe utes all the virtues in the calen- dar. When the young lady of his cholece proves to be nothing mors' or less than a crook, no better than himself, he gives vent to what he considers righteous ing dignation. Eventually both young people are regenerated and decide thereafter to follow the straight and narrow path. Il REGENT TODAY and MONDAY Feature Shown at 2.50-7.20~ 0.20 A TUNEFUL COMEDY RIOT FOR EVERYBODY Only Thing New Under The Sun . . « In1980....... what's going to happen then? Find out in this brand new kind of talking pletury fun! No solid ot future! With a hero who comes to life in 1000! The Fox Futuristic Fotoplay 'JUST IMAGINE EL BRENDEL Marjorie White--Maureen + O'Sullivan Made "Sunny Bide Up' W hich Does A Woman Choose....? ADDED FEATURETTES "Teacher's Pest" TALKARTOON Graham New: Created By The Men Who McNamee scasting Happiness Starting TUESDAY For 2 Daye Her Own Happiness-- Her Husband's Hap- piness or Her Child's BOOTH TARKINGTON searches the sec- her heart and the child of her heart This Excellent Cast Portrays It For You LEWIS STONE LEON JANNEY IRENE RICH ADDED ON STAGE--TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS ONLY "FASHION SHOPPE" SPRING STYLE SHOW DELUXE PRESENTATION OF THE NEW MODE DANCE ENSEMBLES AND IN ARADED ON STUNNING MANN ED BY A MASTER OF CEREMONIES INS INTERSPERSED WITH

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